nPAGE NINE MarfetElace r, Renting! Livestock Livestock Money to Loan Money to Loan For Sale Real Estate For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Car. . The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning:, August 29, 1939 Salem s for Beving, Sellim ATTENTION Stockmen and Fanners PHONE 6411 ' PHONE 1411 AU stock men, farmer and denier If you happen to have Dead or Worthless Horses. Cows, Hogs or Sheep, ete,Just call COLLECT $411 Salem and our truck will be at your place without delay and we will pay you accordingly Montgomery Rendering Works Salera , HORSES mn sale. Also 10 wka. ola weaner pigs Hayea Uhlih Farm Brooks firegon ' DEAD AND worthies horse, row picked up free Ph. collect (411 Saiem Mnntgnmerv Rend Wka EXTRA GOOD young Jersey cow. R .w. Bradley, Pratum, Ore. - Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 . Caaairted.AdTertlstag Single Insertion per Una 10e Three insertloni per line 2 Oe Six Insertions per line 30e One month per line 1 1 Minimum charge ,., - 28c Copy for this nag accepted unte $:S0 the evening before publica tion for classification Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the heeding "Too Late to Classify- The Statesman assumes ne flnan :lai responsibility for errors which may appear m advertisements puh tished In Its columns, and In eases where this naoer la at fault will re- ' print that part of an advertisement In which the typofTapnicni mins occurs. , Th. Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the t proper classification. A "Blind" Ad en ad containing a Statesman bos number for an ad dress Is for the protect Ion ef the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman la not at liberty to divulge Informa tion as to the Identity of an adver tiser using s "Blind" ad. Hop Pickers staRt PICKING early hops at Wll llama and Thacker Aog.16. 4 mile west of Salem. Tel. (14. HOP PICKING starts Fri. morning at -Hartley ft Craig farm on Mlnto's Island. Few more pickers wanted . reg ister 266 N., Capitol St Ph. 602$ or 4 If!. Help Wanted IIS WERKLT. GROW mushroom eellar. ahL We boy. tOe lb. World t largest company FREE BOOK.'Mnah rooma lOit Becona xeattie. w rean PICKERS, heavy picking. $!.: hundred plus lonua, begin to day. Chemawa jrara. j- START 1 HOP-PICKINa Monday, Sent. 4th. Cilbert Hon Co Eola. B. O Schucking. Phone (730. PRUNE PICKERS : bring tent. F. A. Muller, Rt. I. Box J, fn. hh.- Help Wanted Female" DEPENDABLE WOMAN for house work end help with motner ana dsdv. TeL 70FS, rm.r r i-nnr ...... GIRL FOR hsewrk, care or Z cniw ren. gd. wages. Call eves, at 457 N. 17 rnrirxj--ij-,-ii- mmm EXPERIENCED GIRL or woman for housework. Can go home some nights. Ph. 8552. Salesmen Want?d SALESMEN. EXCELLENT earning possibilities for men with ealea abil ity. Experience not eeaentlaL 520 State SL, a. m. , Situations Wanted DRESSMAK MRS Adsltt lh - ttti RAMSETER TRUCK service Gen eral hauling, renaonable rates. P. J ui i ir.n ""''" aa WANT WATCHMAN lob. 75S S. 11th. Fop Sale Misrellaneons HSEHOLD. FURN.. tl E. Lincoln. 25-55 CARBINE. DIAL CMS. nrtrtn KTTPPT.T of Crawforda for a few days. SOc ft up. 4 blocks north of viaduct on roruana nignway. TOUR CHOICE of 20 beautiful ca naries, deep -lolor, $2.4)0. Pure orange. $;.6: orange hens. 11.00: linnet hena. SOc. Rt. a. Box 116. Ph. a a 14 MONTHS OLD Irish Setter. Good home dog ft pet $15. Call G. H. Grab- entorsL Jr. none aiss. njxriJin rinni-i-i- - -- -- I noon CANNING pears. ao on C. B. Sargent. Ph. I1FJ. sxLuxnJtrrtrv'llr " s.aeaaeisssewwe GD. USED furnace, cheap. Ph. $920. N. H. fryers, alive, dressed. 108F11. Kru'trirLrLri.fxV'trinrM-i-M-i'-ir - -- -- -- -"-"" START PICKING Elbertas Frldav Towneends. Mission Bottom. jru-ijTrinru"iJriJi HCT. RADIO con $15. 80$ & 12th. GOOD ClilVER hav. $14 ton. 2510 Cherry Ave. Phone C5S1 or 3t0. IMPROVED ELBERTA t e e h e a. Crawfords and Charlottes now ready Gravenstetn apples (no worms JSe a bushel and np. Fresh apple hike dally. Bring container, puritan tiaer www West Salem. BUT A PIANO through Tarunan's ferred rental sales plan Investigate. e Tallman a and save. 48 State St deferred See savf ON mew 1918 Ttoo- Therm oil burning circulator. 8 te 8 room capacity, only $59.50. Easy terms. Good Housekeeping inc., i court at. OrefiduQJJtateman ADVERTISING Western Advertising RepresenUUyea George D. Close, lno. Sea Francisco. Loa Angeles. - Eastern Advertialns . Representatives Bryant Uflffttb ft Branson. Ine. - Chicago, New Tors. Detroit. . . Boston, Atlsnts Vatavetf et tAe Posforiee mt Oreeee. ee Ceoewet Cases Jfotler. Aee Iteked eeerv eteratae eseeet arentfe Butmut ertce 84 AoetA Cewaierctgi Sfrret. - ' eiTbscription rates: M . Mail Subscription Rates la Adranee. Within Oregon; Daily and Sunday Mo. 80 cents; 8 Mo. $k50 1 Mo. $$50 1 year $5.00. Elsewhere It cents pet Mo. jut $$-$ for J year in advance. Per copy 8 cents. Newsstands $ cants By City Carrier x 00 cents month: 17.28 a rear ta advance la Martoa nd adjacent eauaMao, For Sale -Misrellaneons CRAW FORDS. IMPROVED Elber- tas. Halea A CI inns. Townsend orch ards, HtMion Bottom. . FLAT TOP office' desk. Cast Iron stove, bed. 1X2 Water St. LUNCH TRAILER on wheels. Fur nished. Must selL Real bargains, ft Front PEACHES. PICK: I NO Crawford rim Hale now : beam Mntr Sent. th bring containers. 10 ml. JS. A many nenr Sanderson bridge. Ph. 1 1 F24, hi ban v. Rt. 1. H. E. Mullen ft Son. aaaaaaTraaesaaaawWe1',M BRTITT PKARR. S.o. dHivert-l Phone 4Sftft, rvfMsinim. ssasaaaapsWMMaarfaaMMaaVMaWMs1aassa ARMT WALL tent. 235 S. 14th. PEACHES. IMPROVED stands r1 Elbertas are ready. Hales won. at Pet tey's orchard on Wallace Rd. For Sale! DAVENPORT A 2 STUFFED CHAIRS. TERMS IF DESIRED. 1805 MARKET. OVER $30.00. CALL ELBERTAS AND Muir penches now at Imlah Fruit Farm. Wallace Koa.i TeL 52F1L : CUCUM. ft corn. R. Wltzel. Turner. ttlk P. Itamsrien 141 IJb REBUILT AMI eiiaranteed - jrssh ers All mnkrs from $10 up Spec Mav tag $S5 Hogg Bros CASH FOR utvA fnrn Ph HIS RAWLEKJH (inno health product K W Miller Rtavton Ore. TeL IXS BUR nnOKKPO 17 -el iimn. rontnr stnnd. IS9 4-rtmwer W gal steel file, roller suspension, aoto matlc lock. tlS Wert made dexk Mk new dnmlenm ton 2 nedeatala ree $7. value. Trlner postal wale. $7 !.!ne-n-ttme copy holder I. Elect rtr heck writer ne-ferl eond.. Izs. Dick 'ttnllrate. $15 Nat each register wV" S100 enrttrity. $15. Tatum postln? trav S7 Bur. " col adder. IJK Roe" 4RC Cmrt NEW 4-ELEMENT L, ft H. electrW- 'ange only M9.50, ensv terms. Good WoMiwtreentne Inc 453 Court St. USED WOOD, electric and gas ranges, honestlv priced See them at T EATER A RUSH CO. Westlnghonse Hdqtrs. Next Power Co GL. DRS, $5.50. win. 110 Cbemeketa Waiil4MMrsrplIan4Hnii - WANTED USED fiirn Ph 811 assaaeatsetaeasaasaaaaassa1 OI.P wool imittreaa Tel S110 WANTED TO buy for cash, lot ft 2nd mnrtjrflgM real estate contract ft merchandise discount proper. STATE FINANCE CO 844 SUte Street Salem Oregon Wantd Fnrnit ore WANTED. FURN. R. Forgey, Ph 7445. Mfsrellanrong DENTAL PLATES REPAIRED TWO HOUR SERVICE DR. HARRT SEMI.ER. DENTIST Comer State ft Commercial Ph. 8111 For RentRooms SLEEPING RMS, near schools and capital 492 N. Summer. Ph. 44D1, NICET-T FITRX. rm.. 660 N. Cot til Sfs. RM. water, heat. pri. ent. P. 6825. ROOM3 FOR girls. 89$ N. Cottage. aawVMWWMMMWMVMeeVA 8L RMS.. 161 N. 12th. Ph. 9497. ij-ij-ij-injnjnjTjnjjj'xrxrj' m m m LADY TO share my home. Ph. 8229. eawaarsawaesaWMkwMMeseeeaaessw FURN. R1L rear. $(. 448 S. Cottage, esasWWaMsseksekesess SLP. RM. Call eve. 712 Chemeketa. Room and Board TBL. BOARD, exe food. 580 Marlon EX RM. and bd.. 188 IZtn aaaasaaaMMasWssasaeieaes PRI. HOME, excel, food: Ph. S791. aaaaaaaMaaaWsassaa,Nsk RM.. BD. gar Z5. 104O is. iiin. ROOM AND bard. 1149 Union. R 4 B, 1090 N. Summer. Ph. 4814. For Rent Apartments -R B-T7RN APT. nMr statehoua suitable for women. 471 N. CalptoL 1 TO 4-RM. apta. cheap. $1 a up CMMren welcome, i i . i iw i.iri.n n i'i n i'i 'i 1 ii i KICELT FURNISHED, cloee In, 8J7 N Commercial St. 2-RM. FURN.. bath. 1440 Waller, isasaaaaaaaaasrfeaiaasMsasassaawaNssisaaasasaaseasaaw FURN, APT and onsekeeplDg rooma rmariruib e 2054 N. Capitol, apt ' I';1 " ' " f rT '2L Vsl te 848 Roval Court PH 8951 COOl 1ST floor 8-ire 48 rerry VAC HAW Ct. lOee Re. Catflol wMwwwwMwewwwMeeeeeweeee PATTON APTS. 822 State Fur nlshed. Adults only Ph. 8244. 8 RMa. H A C water. Us, car. 1111. iijli j'l.nri rini-ii-i- - - - - " Pdricksona. room. 815 S. Winter. 1 RM. pt. bus. wonx, 1858 Court irij-i r nj-i r,tr svaijr. s nil fnrn. not. Vrt. batn. ltshta. water, enrage. 245 State. -nriri-ri.nri.ri -ii -M.- i FURN. APT- prt bath. 848 Court St STRICTLT MOD. The Devereaux. . 2 ROOM FURNISHED apartments reasonable. 141 N. Liberty. 5L BanaeWsaaJs9ksSafsa1s FIRST - FLOOR ant. tSS State. a - FURN. SINGLE apt 831 water St ROOM AND apt. 88$ Ferry. 8 RM. FURN. apt. 1159 Center. APT. $10 MO. 245 8. Commercial St X R FIRST FLOOR; 412 Marion. " 2-RM. FURN. apt- 840 Marion. - A LARGE 1 RM. apt4-pullman kit chen, nicely - furnished, women ' and airis only. 1118 Oak St S ROOMS NICELY furn. Bath, gar. Cleee in. Adults, 815 K. Winter, We Lend You Money WITH REPATMBNT PLAN ARRANGED TO FIT TOUR INCOME No Endorsees No Comakers your Signature Only RE PAT ANT DAT TO REDUCE COST. BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLDEST AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE TOUR NEEDS RE CEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN IS MADE. . . . . . , .. .... . General Finance Corp. 12$ So. Commercial St." Lie. First Door South of Ladd ft Bush Bank OBTAIN TOUR CASH LOAN the first day yon call at PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. FOR RUST people who ran't afford time off from their lobe, da thta: Writ for application blank. Or. phone 4446, and give Just enough Information to establish your credit Well have the cash ready, waiting, when you come In 1. Reasonable credit requirements. S People with modest salaries are es pecially invited to apply. It's the accepted and approved way to borrow. PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. Rm. 201. First NatT Bank Bids. Salem. Oregon Phone 4441 S-2IS State License M-110 AUTO LOANS REFINANCING BORROW MONET ON TOUR CAR OR REFINANCE TOUR PRESENT BALANCE EAST TERMS - NO DELAY TRI-STATE ACCEPTANCE CORP. M-225 MERRILL D. OHLING INSURANCE Phone 44 175 State Street Salem. Oregon GET SPOT. CASH This PERSONAL" Way WHEN AT HOME: A "Personal" Loan $25 to $200 Easy Terms WHEN A WAT: USE A "PERSONAL" CREDIT CARD Good at 871 offices, Coast te Ceest SIMPLE TO QUALIFY t Come IB. GUARANTEED BT GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE (As advertised "therein.) PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor. New Bllgh Bldg. 511 Stste Street Salem. Oregon State License Numbers 8 122 M-lsr ssaaeseas LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONET TO buy new or used cars. Private money at new low rates. Immediate acttrm:J Nw re tape. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAT Roy H. Simmons ISC South Commerce!! Street Phone 91(1 Lie. No. M-152 FHA IjOANS 5 also private loan Abrams ft Ellis Inc. Masonic Bldg AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 5th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILD1N LICENSE NO M l 59 i MONET TO IAN . AT 44 PER CENT TO REFINANCE vour present tea or for new construction. Thta applies to homes In Salem only. P. H. BELL 429 Oregon Building Salem. Oregon Phone 8121 or 2808 Financial 4 rH$. HAVE never paid lest this rate en savings investment Insured 85000. Mutual Federal Savings Loan Asen Phone 4944 141 8. Utterly bl. Loans Wanted1 LOANS WANTED en farm and city property. ' Before borrowing inquire et Hawkins itonerts W ANXKT1 PHIVATB MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 8 Interest - W. H, GRABENHtlKaT a W RITAI.TORS 124 S. Llhertv Street Phone sas WAvnm 14000 ON real estate ft business. Ample security. Write Box 1975. statesman. For Rent- Apartments 1. 1 ft 8 RM. APTS. 250 & Cottage. esaspsaMWMMessesee FURN. 2 RM. ant.. 444 a High. BaeBtfsassssasessaBMrWaaVarSjBssr(egMBa SEE THE Fisher Apt a before you decide. Large A Airy. Roekwool In sulated against heat ft cold. Venetian Blinds througnout. s. Lomu m mm era. Uiruuu uin--j-,'iii.ri rn'i ii -- n"irii-ii - 1 . . NICE FURN. apt Prt. ent Garage Adults. 940 Leslie. ssrfNssassat 3 RM. FURNISHED apt. beat lights, water, bath A refrigerator, for adults. $25 a month. 690 N. Summer St Phone 4494. FURN. HEATED apt, 4(0 N. 11th. ee,swssaSsaaseeeseeeeeSi 2 R. FURN bath. 2005 N. CapttoL FURN. 1 ROOM apt, 18$ Division. srfasWsWaaesarsaasa9ss9ssgaissw CLEAN FRONT furn.- hskptt room. Everythlnc furn. hvlud, - gaa. esse wasber ft aar. reaa. 790 N. Commer cial. - . 2 R. FURN. sm. dress, r, pri. batn. ent, Rs, wat, 817.60. 19le center. 8 RM. NEWLT furn. Heat, water. refrla-, bath, adulta 891 w. cottage. an nnn.nn ririnrn--i-i-i--rv-"- - - - -. S R. APT- BATH, heat elec wash. Frig, 7T6 N. Coas'L 4 ROOM FURN. apt, adults only. $25. TeL 7529. For Rent Houses $ ROOM HOUSE, lno, 9J5 8. list ssgsgisi,TaJMsias t.ifrWX33 twM,. eaAeftea f a4a NWVBilU UVUBT. agveaa a-a. school $26. Inquire 1528 N. CapltoL - FURNISHED and nnrorn. H. P. GRANT. 629 Court. Ph. 6744 8-R. HSE ar acnooL J5.PB. 4441 - MODERN HOITSE. 4 miles 1H acres. Phone 9407 or 5828, south $ RM. NEWLT furn. Heat water. refrlgU bath, adults. $91 N. Cottage. BUNGALOW AND earage. Modern furn. or unfurn. Very reasonable. Call $252 or see 1153 s. Com L NEW 8 R. fnrn. Adults. 725 N. Com. e- RM. HSE. near senior nicH scboeL 'Call 88el or S$ after 8 No. 6-1SI Phone $18$ Convenient Ground Floor Location, For Rent Honsfl I RM.. E. CHEMEKETA. partly fur- nlshed. 116.50. 7 rm.. Falrmount Hill. Ivan 43. Mar tin. Masonic Temple. Phone 4419. 6 ROOM noUSE. modern ' except for basement, in the Grant school dlit Wanted per. tenants. F. H. WEIR It Ores. Building, Phone Mil FOR RENT "We hare homes fur nished and unfurnished from 4 te 7 rooms, priced from $20.00 to $10.00. See Larsen with HAWKINS Ot ROBERTS. INC S ROOM HOUSE, $15 mnoth, 1723 N. . Summer. TeL 5ZF11. 6 ROOM HOUSE modern execept for basement In the Grant school dist Wanted per. tenants. F. H. WEIR, Oreg. Bldg, Ph. 94 1L CABINS. WATER. Phone, lights. $9.- I MOD. HOME, 7 rooma, $45.00. 6 room furn. home. $35.00. 6 room house. $22.50. P. H. BELL, Phone $121. 5 R. FURNISHED house, close In. M. B. STEGNER, 219 Court St For Rent OFFICE ROOMS, 881 State Street nqotra room 200 Tel 1711. GARAGE FOR rent near Garfield school Sept 1. Call 5849. FOR LEAS E Room space on ground floor In best of Salem business districts for beauty shop, barber shop. tailor shop or shoe space, for men or ladies, or both. In answer state kind of business, statesman Box 1081. Wanted to Rent BUSINESS WOMAN wants, nice ""l1 ,apt-,or. nouKeeping aiKe- tnent in private home. Box 5, States- I man. WANTED. ROOM, board, laundry by working mother, and child schl. age. Refined. $45 mo. Box 1078, Statesman. BT SEPT. 5. small house in country with some acreage, for $15 mo. Ph. 6258. WANTED TO lease suburban house ft small acreage, H. T. White, States man. For Sale Real Estate 8 R. MOD. .HOUSE, basement, gar. If blk. from Safewav St. 147 Saginaw WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF TOU want to sell exchange lease, rent see Mr. Larsen or Mr. Col lins with Hawkins ft Roberts. TRADE CITi property for farm homes. Opportunities In exchangee HAWKINS ROHEItTS. INC SALEM PROP.. Box 1071 Statesman. FOR SALE TW$ ROOM HOUSE, needs some renal. is priced accordingly. 17 75 with izoo down, balance $Z0 per mo. cu Mrs. ,w rritn CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 344 State St Phone 9221 SPECIAL ILLNESS FORCES sale of Iargs corner to S. Salem -suitable for court Price reduced from $3500 to $2500 Ask us about It CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS $44 State St Phone 9261 MUST SELL 4KL aeres. small house and barn. 2 springs, year around creek and 1500 cords wood for $750.00 cash. Call 8S4 S. 21st St BEAUTIFUL MONERET ColonlaL faillv fin rn mt m iT nil nnai iHt I nn 4S a ntA. a was j v-a jfiu vuiiu i vivtivu, v w - matic heat See owner at 965 N. Cap itol anytime after Thursday noon. Aug. 31. 5 ROOM HOUSE, excellent condi tion, close in $100.00 down and $20.00 a mo. Owner. Phone 7654. NEW HOUSE suburban easy terms. Modern brick house close to capital. Redecoratedahouse in good condition well - worth the price asked easy terms. . Unfinished house. $50.06 down and ii.ov per montn. ABRAMS A ELUS. INC 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 6155 Insurance Money to Loan. TWO FINE HOMES NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL . ONE NEW modern 6 room house. $ bedrooms, double plumbing, garage, lot 50x200. Price $3500. Liberal terms. Also 5 room modern home, excellent condition, fireplace, hardwood floors, two large bedrooms, full basement double garage. Liberal terms or will I exchange lor larger home. O. E. RAJC, 1655 N. Cottage St F. 6761 'ejsssseessslsjetMkasssiaga I HAVE INCOME oioueitv that will I net over 10 on your Investment This apartment house with all new high class furniture I la very fine condi tion and In good location. Price $1$,- 000 Will take some trade. Let ua tell you about this bargain. J. F. ULRICH COMPANY, Realtor 161 State Street Phone 6672. 4 RMS, BATH, plastered., paved. 11400, izoo down, and $it a month, or $100 down and more a month. 171 South Liberty St Phone Tilt, WE HAVE S homes that can be bought for a email payment down. Im mediate possession, both are modern. excellent location. 11500. E rooms mod. $1600, 4 room boose, with an acre of I ground. P. H. BELL, REALTOR ' 42$ Oregon Bldg. Phone $121 A PERFECT 8NAP J?SJtF.taL'Z Fruit, shrubs, fine local, north. -Owner lu.l.. ttlAS tiDA BUDROW-KASMIR REAL' ESTATE IS Ladd Bush Bldg. : - Phone 5165, SALE. COMMUNITY store, bouse S acres across from Swegle- echooL E. Salem. J. Whitehead, 101 W. 10th. Van couver, wsia, . . NEW HOME 19 5 H. ltth Street OPEN 8 ROOMS, and Urge attic; ideal floor tlan best of materials and workmanship 3, extra, large bedrooms , and closets. Easy tfinis rlxms 6606.1 ;3 EAUTIFUL CREEK lets, excel-1 CXCAT ATINO 10$ iB ktoda. Pees lent location, east front basement dug meets dog, Dirt-haaled er moved. Dirt partially, landscaped. Net agents. Call owner, sin or stii. ManisaaaesaBseisaksesaksaassasssaBassSseaaasaakaaksSssaWBsei HOME SACRIFICED Tins STRIKING T rm. Cot; home on high ground near echla. aed bus; Is offered FAR BELOW VALUE. Never been occupied since completed, finish ing Inside and out, Venetian Minds, several nut trees, doub. gar., douh, plumbing. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. ONLY $4760. Call R. A. lohnaoB with. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 181 S. Liberty Et. Phone 8188. FINE MODERN 5 room home with large basement, newly renovated In side and out on paved street, 18 blocks from city center, in good residential district and close to schools. $150.00 down, balance like rent. A real bargain for quick sale. See Mr. Hardy with HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, INC. 3 FIVE ROOM homes Just finished. corner or 18 th sc Madison Streets. Terms very reasonable. Builder A owner. W. A. Cladek. Ph. 4277. - NEW. MODERN 6 R. house, rood location, located in nice district Has i hardwood floors, fireplace, basement i rurnace. price $4500, terms. - 87 acres on coast hichwav. E R house, bam. spring water, good camp lor station location. Will exchange for acreage or house in Salem, price $2000, acres, n. i mt. cirr limits, on ; raving. 7 R. house, barn, fruit Price szuo. easy terms. K. house, temodeled. navlng nald. priced at $1750. $100.00. $20.00 per I monto. VOSBURGH-GRANT - Masonic Bldg: T R, 4 BEDRM.. modern, J-car aar.. In Hollywood dist.. $3900. $500 cash. IZS mo. UrL2Dentrog. 2156 Mill St. CLOSE-IN HOME ON'LT 4 BLKS. from shonnlne and ou8iness eist attractive cor. lot In bus Liiess zone, rurnace. aar., Brtna, good root K1SAL. orTOKTUMTI. UN LIMITED FUTURE POSSIBILITIES. $2650. THIS WON'T LAST. Call R. A. JOHNSON with. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 124 S. Liberty St Phone 6468. Exchange Real Estate WANTED- SMALL HOUSE in N. Salem In ex change for 7 room home on 70x100 ft lot in S. Salem. Has beautiful view of valley nits. What have you? Call Mrs. Ellis with nrni.ns a mtt.t.t-r tjit tt rm-oa 244 State Streot Phono TRADE MT equity in new four room house and garage for small acre age, car or stocks. John Hubs, 20 Sa lem Heights Ave, Salem, Ore. 6 ROOM PLASTERED house, full basement ft furnace, close to State St, within walking distance of state high way cent, will acceDt lot as oart down payment Priced at $2650. William O. .-Noyes. iu ivorway. EXCHANGE FOR Salem SO acre farm 12 miles east 16 acres walnuts, 6 acres filberts. New S rm. home with water system and bath. Bam and poul try nouse. triced at 64.500, trade for iaiem home up to J3.&00. za acres S miles out. 9 acres straws berries. 2 H A. cherries, other fruit i Remodeled house. 4 rms. with electrl city and water system, Price $2,750? might assume some on Salem residen tial property. See Mr. Collins with HAWKINS ROBERTS, INC 6 ROOM HOUSE and 3 lota in Al bany. Trade for Salem home and pay casn auierence. z ackes with a modern 7 room modern home, large chicken house, in Prabtree. Trade for Salem home Crabtree. Trade for Salem home. Large house with 2-3-room aDts. blocks from Ladd ft Bush bank. Trade for small farm. ROSTEIN ft ADOLPH, INC 110H North Commercial Street For Sale Farms BUT THAT FARM NOW BE READY for higher prices, which are sure to come. See thia beautiful and productive place of 256 acres, "ew miles out on oaved road, fine build- lugs, running water, beautiful ground it s free of debt and offered at 8117, 50 per acre. Buildings cost $10,000 can Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 244 SUte St Phone 9261 saaaPeaesaaesasWasMMOMMsaMMMMis 10 ACRES 5 ROOM house, barn ft I outbuildings. Lots of fruit ft nuts, dec t'lcity. iiso.ea down, iis.oe per mo. zuusKS-aiiKjKis, 131 H state street Acreage S ACRES. MOD. 5 rm. hse.. bsmL. furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors. elec. water aystcm. Right price. K. A. r ORKNER-H. T. LEBER 1852 North Capitol LOTS A- ACREAGE LOT 2 BLKS. from Richmond school 60x155. Nice bldg. site. Pav. pd. 3325. $240 Lot 2 blks. north of Market St Just off 17th. 1 A. on Lansing Lane, Mini, east of city. Nice bida. site 25. llA A. 1 ml. from citr on saved road 7-rm. nouse, bath, lights, electric water system, close to school iz. z5. S A. !4 ml. from Reiser sohooL All cult, good soil $1000; $100 down, ilz.SO ner mo. on baL 19 A. mL from Keizer school. 4-rm. house, small barn, all yr. creek 2H A. 2 ml. north. Good 7rtn. house, bath, lights, basement, fireplace. aii in nuts fruit l4ono. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St Phone 3722 Wanted Real Estate WANTED TO hear from owner of farm or tin improved land for sale. WM. MAi.t:r. Baldwin, wis. WANTED TO buy a lot In northeast part ox city for cash. W hat hare you See my agent LOUIS BECHTEL, 841 State. Room Resort Prop4rty . OCEAN VIEW LOTS AS LOW as 815. Drive to Seal Rock post office. Ask for J. Seely. Business (fettle fa ctils directory OB a monthly baste truly. Rates 91 per line per saetith. Auctioneer I BAY HISEU 1$$$ Sixth St Ph. 7112. Auto Brakes Mike Paaek.-17t loath Bicycles BICTl NEW and recoedlt toned Harry W. t 147 ComT P. 611$ Ckrpenien I Carp.nt.ra U L Mickey toaa 1F6 Chimney Sweep TCLEPRONS 64$ ft & Norfheeea Chiropractor v DR. a L, SCOTT. P6C Chtrepreetee tit It High. TeL Ree, SS7S. ; . - EiiMTalixur for eale. Saiem. Saad a ad Gravel -Ce Florists Brettheopra, 641 t4 Jtm Lscn dries THH NEW 8ALKM LA DM DBS THJ6 WIODEA UDMDRI 888 8. Ugh Tat 918$ BIG SAVINGS TO YOU! NEW 1939 CARS! AT A BIG DISCOUNT Packard 6 Touring Sedan Brand New Never run a mile. Hudson 6-Cyl. Club Cpe. Never nun a mile. USED CARS 39 Packard 6 Sedan Heater, orerdrlve, hill- hold. Run less than 4000 miles. Big din- count 39 Hudson 6-Cyl. Touring Sedan Heater, used very little, BIG 39 Buick Tourins Sedan "Model 40." Only 10.000 miles. This Is Tour chance to save mon ey. Looks and runs like new 5975. 38 Packard Model 120 Touring Sedan Special extra equipment, very low mileage $975. Has 38 Pontiac DeLuxe 6-Cvl. Coupe New Goodrich tires A tubes. Ha all '39 Pontiac features $750. 37 Packard 6-Cvl. Touring Sedan - Has original finish, 'upholstery spoJess and guaranteed $725. 37 Dodge DeLuxe Coupe Lots of extras, such as radio A heater $625. 37 Packard DeLuxe Sed. "Model 120." This Is real value. Has radio A heater $725. 37 Plymouth 2-Dr. Sedan Overhauled completely. Only $195. 37 Ford DeLuxe Sedan Model 83. Has radio ft heater $475. 36 Oldsmobile 6-Cyl. DeL. Touring Sedan Very low mileage. $375. 36 Pontiac DeLuxe 6-Cyl. Coupe Radio, overhauled completely . $475. 86 Terranlane Sedan .1450 8425 .$395 16 Terraplane Brougham 15 Hudson Sedan 15 Terraplane Coupe ...$350 ss Dodge coach , -$245 STATE MOTORS, INC. HUDSON-PACKARD DEALERS High at Chemeketa Phone 8400.'-f Open Evenings 1922 PA PLYMOUTH Sedan, rood condition, for cash. Inquire Smith's iiar-B-j. Portland Road. SS FORD SEDAN delivery. 2177 S. Cottage. Call Business Opportunities RENT, STORE bldg. with living quarters, suitaote ror Darner or ux-u shon. Phone 8434. - - - - - -- -l-r--ii-rMvwwijxnnjLru'j IF INTERESTED In conducting- growing, worth-while private kinder garten, can bzbz or see 13(3 g. coral ------------ - -rr-n-ri'rvinnAAA rrnvifp a. rrrrvrvirv roof repair business, V, or whole int Includ. car A vacuum. Kennedy. 1935 Center. HERE IS a iob a home a future 31Z50. total price for a 2 story store b!dg., equipment and stock of grocer ies, gas. pkg. beer. Now netting 8160 per month., MOSES-MOORE. S3 IK State Street A CHANCE IN A LIFE TIME- TO HAVE chance like this, on ac count oz ill health, will lease my store and gas station, three Dumps, air com pressor, doing a good-paying business. Slock will invoice about C$1000), one thousand dollars; this is no bunk. It will pay you to investigate. See my agent LOUIS BECHTEL, 841 SUte, Room 4 For Sale Wood SUMMER PRICES, old fir ir II only $4.7$ per cord. Order for now er later del. Phone 4156. Oregon Fuel Co. 747. DRT 16-ln. old fit $4 60. INVESTIGATE BUDGET plan on wood. Ph. 5170. W. L Graen. 411 N. SI aaeaaeaaeaaaas.. - , lfTtnrTnj'J1 16-IN. OLD fir. 15: knota. 64.60: 4-ft 2nd, $1.75. Phone $456. Directory Mattressc SALEM FLUFF RUG and Matt factory. NEW MATTRESS sneda sa erder. eld remade: carpet eleairlne. slstng: Huff rug weaving, a ltth a Wilbur. TeL $441. 4TTTO F. SWICK ER Est till CAPITOI REDDING CO. Phone 1061 NaJuropathie Physician DR. W R. ROCKWELL, Naturopath to Physician. 17ft Fairgrounds Rd TeL 6101. Office Roars 11 a. m. taSrl p. m. FREE EXAM A CONSULT A TJON. ' , Painting PapCThanging NEAT "WORK. X Johnson. Ph. 8188, Printing FOR STATION ERT cards, pamphlets presrama, eoeka er any ktai e artm MS Mtt TtM SI.I..III. RriaNu rw oeriment-811 A. Commercials Tale sisi. - " - ----- Transfer t ., rpn LOCAt a shataat tranarar. at or4 ag smMr sfl. cat $t$L iermn Traaafer. fjgv Tracks te PertUaA Sally CJTT TRANSXR Ph. 6611 . Ke-taoe Vacnnm Cleaner Serriee MR. WALL, Ph. $2F1 Free eat lai. Kebuot msehlnee seal- reetat. Well Drilling R. A. WEST. itlsM 446. TK 11 0F Chester J. PuaK 8188 UrrtSe. Ph. $116. Wilson s ARE Cleaning Up! Used Cars are moving. But good- buys that must be clearea) up before the 194$ Buicks arrive. If you are in the market for a gooibi Used Car we'll make it well worth your tvhile to deal I NOW. 1936 Pontiac Eight Sport 1937 Buick Century Touring Sedan...:.....,.... 775' 1936 Buick Special Touring Sedan.. 565 '' 1936 Buick Special Coupel 545 1936 Pontiac Six Touring Sedan . . 465 1931 Studebaker Coupe 95 " 1933 Plymouth DeLuxe 2-Door 75 TRADES TERMS OTTO J. 3S8 N. Commercial Used Car AIR CRUISER RED 1939 DODGE 5-pass. coupe. dual deluxe equipment white sidewal! tires. The most beautiful coupe In town. Driven only 5000 miles. New car guar antee. Cost new. $1149.00. You can own this for $995.00. See Mr. Herrall Herrall-Owens Co. DODGE-PLYMOUTH 235 South Commercial SPECIAL 1938 Ford V-8 DeLuxe Touring Sedan new paint good rubber, excel lent motor very clean Inside an especially good Ford at a very special price of only $395.00 Otto J. Wilson USED CAR DEPARTMENT 348 N. Commercial Phone 5451. 36 V- FORD PICKUP, perfect con dition. Don Madison, dial 6663. Lost and Found LOST BURNT orange knit skirt near Hollywood. Phone 6763. FOUND CAR kevs. two General Motors, at 12th A Mill. Owner may ob tain at Statesman office, par for ad.. Personal loneltt -Worthwhile- sweet heart husband, wife for you. Bes 76 Loa Angelea. Schools COMPLETE TOUR high school at home. Diploma. Texts furn. Write for catalogue. Am. School, P. O. Bos 4500. Portland. Transportation .COLLEGE GIRL and boy want ride to Chicago about Sept 11th. Both good drivers. Share expenses. Ph. 5405, P. O. Box 1$$. Cross WordPuzzle IS ,1 20 27 25 29 &T T 3o OUZOHTAl. IS Us II Itsrlias 14 Caetraet far the laker et $0 Who was thalwegs aJs4tissIs"r tt Dfrtsioas ef aeniag : 14 Impress nSailia vessel . 10. Stales! : $1 Past - , i ; . 62 Bbsrt siege S4 Wrath " . 66 Plaaeef nets tat JialT tieeeirsdeaef e $ balaad 41 Cisaew a tfsresi 61 resdaiee I 61 Ecs . : -64 t'sesaal SSWrrtiaal $t i Isrjse -, TntSCAX, : : 4 Ttsea ; UaAtv whatgevereWef jfew Terk v 7WflsW$toBi4aa4lnastt V eTeke-til .. . . -1 Waa Isnsalsd the Idiiessit . a Etaaie eatt ef the Jasaaaee , . t-IUad ef eae v . - . 10 Nees 'a vet ' r-.'UZ. Is WW wvess 'TJIsslsTT $$ Pjawasj esed ky 4iai 6 lisseWek 14 U. a, aiaaer ef sciiet IT Wrltiac asaes Is Was aists a taaasaa assast 66 Ltlsraryeallstti II n flare - ST Mifalras JVitl - -- .- - .J Ml .. . Ut' ive still have a few crackih Sedan -"$445 WILSON Dept Phone 5451. EQUITY IN 19 Plymouth Sedan,. Will take older car. Call 94$ Norway. - EQUITY IN '37 Ford 85 Coupe, per- : fert shape. Will take older model, eaef payments. Box 1079, Statesman. ..- LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ' THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION. No. 10182. IX THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF ERNEST F. OSTRIN, deceased. ' Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, by an Order, ot the County Court of the State of Ore gon for County of Marion, duly made and entered on the 3rd day of August. 1939. was appointed executor of the Estate of Ernest -F. Ostrin, deceased, and has duly qualified as such. Alt" persona having . claim against said Estate are hereby notified to present the same dnly verified as required by law, and with the proper Touchers, to the undersigned executor at the office of Lawrence N. Brown, his attor ney, at 308 Masonic Building. Sa lem. Marion County, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. , Dated and first published this 8th day of August, 1139. GUST AVE A. OSTRIN, Executor - of the Estate of Ernest F. Ostrin, Deceased. Lawrence N. Brown, Attorney for Executor, 308 Masonic Building, ' Salem, Oregon. Date of first publication: Au gust 8. 113. Data of last publication: Sep tember S, 1939. ii 17 25 26 HO Vj S3 26 Waa4 k the Sort 17 gsresateesksa ts Castas fsr IS . Milaa Is tea ef KalrT Saasy she Sacf ef Herewith is the solution to terdaj's poslc ; , reg- I rts i is si 4ty si east sert 7 Native inaiiiasl It Prajedlce 40 CeaelosisB 44 Hit -with the epea head 40 IM 47 Level 40 Oiatsseat 40 EtrlsssstlBS 60 Pass . - . . 6S UaJt Al5 MOiDAlSq r (LKiTfy ;a jN Tw p JSpm mi Wfy i t. WlSssKaK4sgSBsSBSaaasss