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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1939)
PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morninff, August 29, 1939 Salem Marke t Quotations -ayls Men) Ta arte fcHw aappit fer a lacai frcwar a4 laSieatl f tta all; arkat iriM paia ta sro-ara fcy ataai aarars lat ar aa s-araata4 y Tha gtataa saaa.) Baaaaaa, Ik. aa atal .0H aa .0tt Grapaa, Calif, sscalcs X.2i OraMtrait. OaUi. , Lcaaaa. ertv .7S Oraataa. arata avaraC. arata CaataJnipaa, erata WaumalM. la. S.10 ta 4.0 . 1.60 ss At TEOSTAArLZS (Sayta Fricaa) Baal. 4oa. Cabbara. lb ,n Carrot a, local, 4 01. Caaliflew ar, local , - Calary. Utah. 1.23 1 lacal. vara. uoa. CaeaaiWri. aatdaor Oatael lb. Oraaa aaJoaa. aa. Ba-taaaa Cos. Paas. coasl rb. , Pep para, graaa raraitj Paiatoaa. local rwL. Ka. M la. ban alpiaaca, 8-aattl.. bax Taralpa, 4a. Bqaasa, os. Toaiatac. Dallas, rat .oa .011 1.25 LIS J , .7 100 1.0 A .80 40 U0 L10 S 1.00 .s .40 aura (Mn fat ay Ia4pa-aat racktn. aun to frawar) Walaata - rriaqaattaa. ftacr, 13 4laW 10at iinall 0a: areaar' ram, la lOe. Walaat ataata. H ta 00a Ik. . rilbarta Barcalaaaa, Urea It Hat taa 7 U .-, babiaa, lit; arebarj raa 11a (Cora rneaa U Orowtr) Walaata Prica ran fa. 'trading apaa ray aata raa la 14 diffcraat rradaa Ilia 13a. PaeUll- I aairt blgaa. -HOPS (Xaylac Prleaa) (Rasters, sc-iaaL lJT, .05 . Clattera, 1038. lb. S Faff lea, top ,,- .35 WOOL AJTD MOHAIS (Bart-g Prices) Wool, Bedlam, lb. - Jit Coarse, lb. . , .26 Lambs, lb. .23 Uatai. la. JO EGOS AJTD rOwXTXT (MajXng Frfeas ef . -adrcsea's) ' Grade A large, .51 Grade B large, 4oa ' Jt Grada A Madias " .10 Ora4a B attdiaxa , " - - .17 1 ; Palleti , - , .12 Colored fry r 44 White Leghorn, baary , 41 Waite Lachora trra Jt White LeghaniBf tight .... ... . .' 40 4 roottera , m ea beat, lb . . - 42 MAJUOM CXBAM-l. Banal Mu Botterfat, llrat aoalitr , ,., .24 H Batterfat, eceod qoality . .22H Botterfat. prej-iam , .25 Legbera aeaa. .02 Leg-era fryer. I H 40 Colored fry era. 2-SIba. 10 Colored fpringa, 4 lb, aad ap Colored haaa Btaca ' Old Rooatera Ifa. S grade par pea ad lesa. toai Bride A larg. do. , Srada A aaediaai 42 41 .00 A J2 40 Grada) B tw 4 per ceat milk, 8Jem Co-op bu-s pool price fl.70. Co-op Grado A batterfat price 9172. ' (Milk baaed o eail-BM.Uly aatterfat everaga.) UUtrlbntor price, 92JO. Batterfat. No. 1. 24 He; No. 2b 22Hc; premium, 25He. " A grade prist, 88 He; B crade 27 qaartera S9).e Grade B larg ... . ... Grade B ataainai .... .. Uadergradea aad chyt- ruu 49 4T 4 41 UVSSTOCX I Baylni ark In a a. I eeadlUena aad aalea fpartad ay to 4 pja. Laaba, ia, tope a.og m a. so Lmba yaarliag,. 4.00 - Ewe , , 1.50 to 2.00 - Boga, top i 7.00 180 160 lb. - 0.00 to 0J5 210 800 Iba. . . 1.7ft to 4.25 Sowa , 4.50 to 5.00 r Beet eowa 0.00 to .! - Bella ' 8.00 to 8.7ft Haifer 4.50 to S.00 Top aoal - 2.09 Dairy typo eowa -. , 8.00 to 4.00 Dreaaed Teal, lb. ', ; 42 - OBAXK. HAT AJTO ISSS Wheat, be. No. 1 recleened AO to .5 - Oata, toa Peed barley, ton Clover hay, toa . AMalfa, tea .30.00 .12.00 44.00 Kgg math. JTa. I grada. 80 Ik. bag 1 70 Dairy feed, 80 lb. bag 1.80 Has scratch feed l.5 Oraeked eora 1.75 Wheat 1.10 Wheat Fluctuates With War Scares CHICAGO, Air. , 28-CPy-A ware of bujln; Inspired by the Enropean war acare struck the wbeat- pit. at tae opeoinr today hoisting; prices t M to 1 , cents a. bushel bat demand quickly subsided jmi early gains were sharply reduced. The market fluctuated ner- Tonsly after the early spurt and at times prices settled back to a level only hi to 1 higher than S a t u r d a y's close. To the final bell, howerer, net rains amounted to to 1. Septem ber and December contracts closed at 68Vi- and 68. respectirely compared with highs of 69 and 70 and lows of 174 and 7. An unconfirmed rumor that Great Britain and France had War Tension Lowers Stock ". . Mid-Day RaUy in Steels Motors Fails to Hold ; -Telephone Down 4 NEW YORK, Aug. 28-(ff-De- spite a mid-day rally in - steels and motors, stocks generally finished on the downside In to day's market as renewed Euro pean war tension helped depress baying sentiment. The list . tumbled 1 to 4 points In early dealings, bat modest support arriTed later and ex treme losses were reduced or cancelled here and there. Host of the come-back failed to hold, howerer. The Associated Press arerare Of 60 issues was off ,t of a point at 46.4. Transfers of 669.- olO shares compared with S74 last JTlday. A pron came In for steal shares as this week's mill op erations were officially estimat ed up .8 of a point from the prerious week at 43 per cent of capacity, i best . production rate since October ill, 1937. Other business news was generally fa vorable. I Among stocks, American Tele phone was enable to wipe oat loss of 4 points and losers of fractions to 2 or so included U.S.-Rubber, Montgomery Ward, Sears Roebuck. Douglas Air craft, Consolidated Edison, Ana conda, Du Pont, Philip Morris, santa Fe and J. a Penney. . Bethlehem Steel and Chrrsler finished on the upside, but D.8. steel and General oMtprs slip ped at the last for moderate losses. t Orient Orders J Oregon Onions PORTLAND, itf. 18.W4V- Japan and other oriental custom- orders for Oregon onions, dealers era hare placed exceptionally large aaia today, aa onions began head ing for market. Quotations at Portlcind PORTLAND, Ore, r Aag. 28 (JLP aiaaaco az aa aagai Batur: Zztcaa 28; etoadard 25; priBM firata flrtU 22, Batterfat: 15-25 A. Kgga: Larg azUaa 24; largo ataadarda 20: medium oxtraa .21; aMdiaai ataad arda 18; amall eztraa 12; email itaad- ChooMt Triplet 12; loaf 14. Portland , Prodoce bought or were negotiating for an or tne Argentine surplus or 113,000,000 bushels attracted much attention. "Redheads Are .Laucky ' By Vera Brown . CHAPTER XV Hike waited most anxiously for Handsome, first letter after tha publicity. When It came, she was amazed at his nonchalance. It never occurred to him to be npset over any of it The letter added that he would tl- . ,4. CV,. .1 J.J .V. ffwu U UCJkfc J tw iviucu Wl note up and put it away. And again she made the promise to herself, - that no matter what happened, she would never fail him. . ' Hike listened to Handsome's first game at the radio in the hotel lobby. The crowd there was dense. She had a chair palled - close and : people packed in behind and around her. New York was playing Chicago, v Through the long, hot afternoon, Mike listened, the palms of her hands moist. Handsome seemed in excellent form. His victory was fair ly easy. Not like that day at the Stadium.. . . .; The announcer's voice broke in on her thoughts: "And that's the ball game; a brilliant shutout victory for Handsome Regan I So her Larry . . . Handsome him self . . . had one op on the two games he had to win to delight sports fans the country over. A cheer went up from the crowd around the radio. Mike was smiling as the crowd pressed around her, trying to shake her hand. As everybody milled about, photographers took pictures of the jubilation, the congratula tions. ; Wish finally rescued Mike and they went up to Mr. Downey's suite to avoid the crowds. "You better get a wire off to Handsome." Wish said. , Mike 'could not quite get ac customed to such free spending for wires,, telephone calls, etc' In a vane vat she knew tha cJnh wma paying for them.'- But even so, it was a constant surprise. - Mike had written her wire, and Wish had called for a how ta mmnA It when the telephone rang. It was tT a aa . m nuKuonw, caumg xrom vucago. Of course, that had all been' pre arranged. But Mflra AiA nnt Vnns it. When she heard his voice, she eouia naroiy speak, her throat was so choked with emotion. "Hovrtn I doin. Skipper?" , His .t J tX M. - T " , gaj aaiove. x vw, one more, : ena we're setr; v -; "tarry, it was splendid today. Wish was here with ma" . "Good girl! I liked your picture.1 as uuce started to talk, news paper people began arriving in the suite. When she realized that, she could think of no words. 14 j "Are you going to insist on two games, or Is one enouBrhl" "Make it two," Mike managed. sne neid out ner hand toward Wish. He took It and held it hard. "Do vou miss me. SkiDDer?" - Terribly I " There were so many things she wanted to say, but here before this room full of people she was tongue-ued. "Evervbodv in New York? listening In, Larry," she tried to ex plain. , --v "What do we care 7 Bandioma laughed. The room's full here, too, a a a i u oe nome just as soon as 1 win that second game. If X dont make ft, I wont come." ' Mike could think of nothing more w say oexore that Interested group of listeners. Finally, Handsome blurted. "Hey. Mike, call ma hack eollect at the hotel at 11 o'clock. V w - a ... WW AVlBi MUit A M m WtUUilf 09 Four days later; Handsome won ais second ban game with an eves more masterly shutout, and sports fans were served with their famous baseball romance, sizzling hot. They loved it. There were photographs of Mike wearing her famous diamond, of Handsome talking to her on the teler bone, d lunum as Kieraa of the Tir-s m!t have noted. . . v . 1 1 m (in nw awwu a tours , lasr,- there - were" waiting crowdj ia . Grand Central station, Ctxir to cheer for th retsrsing hero. His two brilliant victories had helped the New York club along to first place. Only by a' two-game margin. But it was not yet mid-season, and they were "sitting pretty" as VY ISO pur IE. Wish had promised Crisp to have Mike at tha atAtim aatian Uia bin came in. And he kept his word. They arrived early In the morning; but the two were waiting. Sowers some coupie ox thousand qsorts fans. When the team cazee hurrying down through the waiting crowds. tne police couia not hold them. They swarmed forward,' tigering and trviito ta rmt infaumn Tm K4a officers took Hndsoxse between them and they rushed the mob. "Gangway 1" called ' the officer who came first. "Give' the kid a chance. Look out for his arml" So Handsome came to meet Mike. He bent and kissed her. 4nat tha tin of her nose. The crowd pressed In ciose to see. Mike's hat slid off. Finally somebody found it and re tained it. BreAthlem- th nAA finally in a taxi. Then they had to wait zor nanasome s bags. By that time, tha ernwd ' had InrmA tliam surrounded them again. At last they got away. Handsome turned to look at Mike and Wish. - - "Whew! What a home-coming I" He was straiffhtenine- him tie. "Hom does the ring look, Mike?" He held nn her hand to admire It "Wish, cant Mike and I get away xor tooayr ue Downey to let you off. Wail sneak ent en Im Tlant and go for a swim. Wheel X forgot now not wew York can be I I'm just a small town boy at heart. You can have vmir" cities I"-; ... f - It sounded wonderful to Mike. To see green trees and the ocean. - "Jost a minnte. kida. Ranitannut'a on the radio at 6 o'clock. And he's SUDDOsed to asneav at a mn-rtm goods store on Broadway from 8 to 4V said .Wish regretfully. , -"The deuce with that!" Hand some moped his forehead "I was all set for a swim f However, ha took it wefts the things be must do. But Mike was sick witn oisappolntment. "There's something else," Wish added, "I promised the ol' Man Td see the- reporters : met yon at 10 o'clock. ! At my place. That seemed the- simplest thing to do." Hand some groaned. "It's got to be done,1 Wish aoelorixed. "I know. All right, well drop my ban Off at the hotl." Handamn- said, "and I need some more break- xast. just bad a snack oa the train." Finally thev decided tn nA then go to Wish's apartment. Later tneya swim at Wish's club, have lunch, and Handsome could go on to his SDDointmenta. "You fix It with Downey," Hand- . . 1 , . some coia nun. ,. ' - . So that Is the way It ended. Even at that breakfast there r-a m Htm- to eat. Tha gang at the hotel mobbed uanasome, insisted on congratulat inr him all ever anin. At TOI.V. apartment the reporters kept them unta after 11 o'clock. They 'did manage to get in an hour's swim, bat even that waa nnt mi. cess. It avas children's day and scores ox no nxmg around Hand some in and out ox the big tank. ; , ' Mike waa eturtatmAA Kv aTl V fanfare. Loscheoa was no better. They hardly had ten minutes ' to themselves before Handsati-i had ta go down town. - . TXou go home and rest and meet ma for dinner. TheVIl awt 1rA f this," Handsome told Mike. It was terribly hot aad :MEfce ozeaaea ranir ner a ta th nest. But at least it would be ciiet. She reckoned, however, without the new xounov xame ox tae Shannons. Children hung around the street door. She found tha flat fn'.l ef via-. tors.. Even Jimmie's roam waa erowded. : Finally, la self-defense. III-S locked herself In her hedraera and refused to come eat. rt waa h- flrst display al temper.- Her serves ware as ue snapping pouts, - As she law em her had dnrfo the long, hot afternoon she had one com- at . a-t m . e . a son. one cooia wear ner ring now, . and aha liked to see tha lie-ht eazeh is its blazing facets. ens nad a new white linen suit to , wear, and that tileaaad Ymr aa alia dressed with meticulous care, thai evening. . She could hear the radio squawk ing away in Jimmie's room. It was cornea en so no would not miss Handsome's broadcast at six. Mike waa determined not to listen. She was to meet Handsome at Besai- mers at 7 o'clock. But when Hand- aoma'a vaiea asntidj-1 thrnnvh th flat, oven Mike came out to listen a.a -tea. aiong wim a score ox visitors. The white anit raa a immm. Everybody agreed to that. It aa- a . a at a mm - ceniea ue reaness ox ner nsir, ana she felt fresh and eeeL When aha got Into the street, a group of waiting boys asked her whether Handsome would earn to eall that night ... She was glad of the sub way with its heat, just to shut off inquiring, curious voices and eyes. From Times Square, Mike walked slowly up to the chop house. She did noc wan. so ge. mere anead ox Handsome. Beaidea mh lib-ad ar-lV ing op Broadway this hot, summer . nignt. one ieit peaeeiul in the midst at tha Rrnadmraw din 4 n . body noticed. That is, sot until a t newsooy yeiieat rnere's Handsome's girl I" Peoole atosned to atara. Thaw recognized her from her photo graphs. In desperation, Mike got into a cab, her face crimson with embarrassment. But she remenv bered Wish's warnlna. fill- -mtl-A at the newsboy, nodded to the people we pas saeir xsces in ue cab win- , dow as she drove away. Y . "Oh! She sank back against tha hot leather. The top of the cab waa open to the deepening blue of tha sky. The lights were coming eat; Cashing pale la the late twilight.' m w rw U.) She waa on her way to Handsome, bu sue was nappy. v HeT was at their table when aha came. Several people were there talking to him. Ha waa Ud w. ously, to see her, proud of her pretty ucaiUKH, , Some Of the hall riim W V-' - dub stopped by with their girl a rm iT i n a MVm. . . . a Acieoas. mar attitude toward gfdspme had changed somewhat; Mike decided. ? It was after nine when the two made their escape. Out on the street in the warm night, they halted. i.- "What shall we do, go over to your house? Anything for a little peace," Handsome said. "Darling, tha house has been fuU of people since this happened." of that?1 1 hadn,k tnonn "Half , the kids in the block ar m front of our apartment waiting ..' for you to bring me home," she " added. ... . . mA1L2!& '' over and get on a Fifth Avenue bus." - "YouTl be recognied." - ' "Not ia the dark, honey." , -rive minutes later, they climbed D. took a vacant seat ia Xront. But the boa condoctor torned out to be a baseball fan, and shortly . thev were the . n r - --!; v au ejeaw .. . " 4 coma aos pass on noticed. Two girl fa the seat across asked for his autograph. That started the rush, itoally they gave f JThM.n airooled iinori-T fat&2J& WM -t in the back in the dark, and at least I can hold your hand." - They - eHmhed Um - .v. atzeet. The girl in the box office ' "cognized Handsome towering be- fora her. Bat aaca In tit- V : ater, they were safe. Handsome was chuckling as ha leaned ever and vrhlar-t-ad i- irtv ear: "Still wast to marry net" 7esi- aluco answered. ' To be coat-eued) "14 " oaajrltW a? Paw SMaaf ar , t POKTLAXD, Ore., Aag. 28 (AP) vaaatry aieaie seiuag arte to rataU- arai Cooatrp-killed boga. boat hatch ar aaaer loo Iba. S-Ha lb.; tmIwi 14 lb.; light aad thin 10-12 lb.; beavr 0-10 lb. priag lamb. 14 lb.; yearling Iambi 10 12 lb.; wa 5-o lb.; eatter cow T-8; can aer eowa 7-7 H lb.; ball 10 lb. Lt- Penltry Baring arieeaf Laghore broilers lSa lb.: roeetare. ove 4 Iba. 14e: S Iba. aad arer 14-15o lb.; Legbora beaa arar Iba. lie; Legbora hen aadar ia id. 10 ; colored hens te 4 Iba. 14e; over S Iba. 14a; Ke. 3 grade Be lb. leaa. Tarhaya New arop haaa 22-23o lb.; toaa. 82-2Se. . Petateee Deechatea Oea. 1.75 eeotaL Hew J etatoea Yakima eu 1.40-10 eel; local white 75-85 eraage bos; Beappooa Barbaaka, 1.25. , ' , Oaioaa Walla Walla, 50c aaeh; Taki ataSOe aaek: Oregon, SOe. - Wool Willaaietve valley 1280 Hp, aoatlaa) wediea 25 lb.; coarao aad braida 28-20 lb.; ais aaoathe fleee 22 24e la-t eaatera Oregoa 20-2Se la. Bay Soiling price te retailer: Alfal fa. He, 1. 18.00 tea: aat-vateb 12.00 taa: alerer, 11.00 toa: thaotby. eaatera Ore aa 10.00; . vallay tlatothp. 14.00 tea 'ertlaad. " HeaelSIS ClaaUra SSa nti f-nlaa tU Ih. Ifokalr Heatlaal 1932 cHa 89 lb. Caaeera aarh Bayiag frico 10S aeal 4 la. So gar Berry aad trait, 100a, S.00; bale 5.15; beat A95 ficweatl FJonr Bailiag price. lty do vary, 1 to 25 bbL Iota: Paaul aauat. 40a, 5.05-4.55; bakers' hard wheat, aat. 4.10-S.S5; akera bhaeatem. 4.00-5.20; h leaded wheat flour, 4.05-6.80; soft wbeat Stoclcs and Bonds Aagait 28 BOSS AVXJLAQB Compiled by The Aiaociatad Praia 30 10 10 10 Rail Iadus Util Tvrgn. Vt Clf. TJaeh A .2 D .5 J .7 Monday 64.8 08.8 95.S 65.4 Preriona day 64.8 98.S 05.8 6S.1 KoaU ago 68.0 100.5 07.0 61.1 Tear ago (8.7 09.1 91.8 62.8 1889 bigb 64.9 100.8 97.1 64.0 1989 low 53.4 97.0 91.9 65.4 STOCK AVEBAOES 80 15 15 15 Indoa Raila Util Stock Ket Cbg. D .8 D .8 D .8 D .8 Monday 66.0 16.9 87.8 46.4 Pre-iraa day 66.8 17.7 88.1 47.2 Moath Ago 70.4 10.4 89.7 49.8 Tear ago 69.4 19.0 S3.S 47.8 1989 high 77.0 S3.S 40.4 6S.4 1032 low 58.8 15.7 88.7 41.6 4.60-8,65; grabaaa. 49a, ' 4.50 f w h 1 wheat. 48a, 4-05 bbt - Portland Grain POBTLAJTD, Ore, Aag. 18 (AP) Wbeat: Opea High Lw: Cloe Beptember 69 09 e nJcamber 69)4 69 W . 69H 69 Cash Graia: Oata, No. 2-88 lb. white. 22.00; Ho. 2-88 lb. gray, sa.uo. jsariey, wr m a e iv dw fa tn rjf K. a n. , . rr . . w. v v. w., , XT ahipaMBta. 25.25. K: 1 flax. 1.52. Caah waaa mis eoit waito woatcra wait 70 Vi : weitera red 68. Bard red winter ordinary 67a; 11 per coat 68 1 12 per ooat 70; 13 pa ceat i per can '. cutra m Baart: ordinary 72; 12 per coat 73; IS per ceat 76; 14 per ceat anqaoted. Today 'a car receipt: Wbeat 107; bar ley 7; floor 24; core 12; oata 6; bay 2; aullfeed S. Portland LlTettock POETLAKD, Ore.. Aag. 28 (AJP) (U8DA ) Hog : Salable 1500, total, 2000. Market aetwa. .: gdeh. Barrow aad gUta, 120-140 lb De gd-cb, 140-160 4a ad-eh. 160-180 d sd-cb. 180-200 Ibi da sd-cb, 200-220 lb - so ga-ca, z.u-z4i id 4a ca-ch. 240-270 lb - do gd-Cb, 270-800 Ibi do gd-cb. 800-830 Ibi d gd-cb, 830-860 lba d atedia-t, 160-200 lb reoder piga, 70-120 lb ' CatU: Salabla 2500, total 2600. Calras alabla, and total 200. Market aaav-. Steer, good. 000-1100 lbaS 8.004 W.S5 - 4o BMdiaat. 750-1OO0 Iba 7.253 So mediBnt iio-iaoo lb S.76W do oomwoa, 750-1100 Iba 0.00 Heifera, ated, 500-900 Iba f 6.75 & d eomnon, 500-900 lba 6.50 Q Cow, good, all wta Iba 6.60 7.00 Iba 6.75 5 7.40 . 7.15 7.40 . 6.75 S T 40 I.DUD l.Wl 6.50 6.75 6.85 6.60 I i 6.256s 6.50 . 6.10 S.S5 . 6.50 7.15 . 6.00 7.00 8.00 T.76 7.25 7.50 S.76 6.26 5.35 4.60 2.00 ? 1.78 do wed. all wta 4 eat-cow, all wta d caaaar (low eatter) all wta s . Ball (ylgf. cxelad.) beef. good, all wta - do aaago, good, aU wta d aaasage, nod, all wite . do aaaage ct-ca, all wta Yealer. gd-cb, aU do coat-ated,. aU wta ' da call, all wta Calrea, coai-aMd 400 lb da aw call, 400 IDs. 4owa Sheep: Salable 2200, total 8000. Pat lamba 33 lower, ewea ateady. Spring Iambi, good-choice..! do Bd and good do 6.00 4.50 S.75 6.25 5.25 5.75 4.75 5.25 0.00 9.00 6.00 S.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 S 7.00 4.00 5.00 Yearling wether, ediaia Ewea, good-choice Oaamoa-mediaai , 6.50 S.75 5.75(3 6.26 6.00 6.60 4.00 4.60 2.50 8.00 1.00 2.60 Wool in Boston BOSTON, Aag. 88 (AP) (U8DA) The wool market la Boatoa waa -ary alow today. Bayers generally were showing a waiting attitade. Quotation oa domestic wol wer anebaaged compared with last week aad they wer fairly iirat, al tbeagb largely aomiaal because ef the lack ef trading. The opening sale ef the new wool selling season in Aastmlia, aehedaled for Aagatt 28, was postponed Bean Harvest Is Past Heavy Peak STAYTON The "peak" has been passed in the harvest of the beans, according- to cannery offic ials. The reception of beans at the Stayton cannery is falling orz and win dwindle down from now on. The day of the biggest ran the crew worked is hours. The season Is expected to last from 10 days to " two weeks yet, The warm night were held responsible for the sudden ripening of the beans Mart PORTLAND, Ora Aag. 28 (AP) I u sua j r roc ace pne eaangei: Apple Oregoa Gra-eaataia, combina tion pack, 1.25-1.85; crab apples, face and fil pack, flats, 60-60e; 2-3 e per lb.; Waahiagtoa era-eastein, larg. wrapped aad packed, 1.25-1.50; Taee and fill pack 1.00-1.15. Aaparagaa Oregon. Washington, SO lb. erst. He 1 Saacbad 8 JO-S.75; ctring 150. Ave ad Calif. Qaeea, Sharpies, Bench, 1.15-1.80 : other 1.05-1.15. Baaaaaa ear aaaea. Sa aar lb. i hang eat off or small aata, 6a. Beana Oregoa, Kaatacky, 4-4e; Gi ant. 8-de: Blna Uk, 3 -4c; Yount, 4-5e lb.; shell beans, 65-70e. Berries Raspberries, 2.00-2.80; black caps, 1.15-1.85; hackleberriea, ll-13e; boysenberries, 75-85 ; blackberries, 70 80e; carraata, 1.50-1.65. Cabbage Local 90-poand crata. 65 90e; poorer 75. uarrota 30-33 . CaatalonDea Waahinrtan. 8ft 14. 100. H.10; special braada high a 1.60: Spears .15-1.45; Oregoa. 1.10L25: Dillard. 1.85-L.40. Caaaba Calif. , 1 -2 per lb; arata, 1.25-1.40. ' Caaliflower LoeaL 9-lla. 90-1.00. Ho. 3. 40-150Oi . Cetery Oregoa, Utah, 85e-1.00; white, 90e-1.00i hearta. Utah. 75-80e: white. 75e-1.0O per dosea. Citru rml trrapefralt. Arlsaaa 2.00 2.25; choic. 1.75-1.85; ltttne erate. 2.00-2.25; riorid. 8.25-3.76; OaUt 2.00- Lemona Fancy, all aises, 8.50-6.00; choic, 6.00 6.50. , " L-aaa Calif flat. 150. 1.50 r Ala lay eartona. 90c, doses 30-25. Orangee Valeaeiaa. large A75-4.00: swaU to medinm. 9.15-8.00. Con Local 4 dos. boat. 83c-l.O0: poor 45.60c r Ch combers Oregoa, flat. S5-45c; pickle. Ho. 1, 45c; Ho. 2, 35e; Ho. 8, sue Egg Plant Calif. Inrs. 1.15-1.15 s 6-7s per lb.; local flats, 40-&Oc; few 65e. iga vauz. uata, best 49-60e: black, 1.00-1.25. Garlic Local saw S-8 lb; striof 810. for a week, according to cable advices re ceive y ssTsrai souse coaecrned in Boston. Closing Quotations NEW YORK, Aug Al Chem A Dre.163 Allied Stores .. IV, American Can . it Am For Power. 2 Am Power A Lt. 4 Am Rad Std San 10 Am Roll Mills.. 14 Am Smelt A Ret 41 Am Tel ft Tel..l0 Am Tobacco ... 79 Am Water Wks. 9 Anaconda 24 Armour 111 .... 34 Atchison 23 Barnsdan ......12 Bait ft Ohia ... 4 Bendlx Avla ... 22 Beth Steel .... 68 Boeing Air .... 27 Borge Warner . 22 Bndd hffg 4 Callahan Z-L .. Calumet Hec .. S Canadian Pacific 3 Caterpll Tractor 40 Celanese 22 Certain-Teed . . 6 Ches ft Ohio ... 32 Chrysler ...... 78 Coml Solvent .. 9 Com with & Sou. 1 l!8. -() Today's closing prices: XJonsol Edison .30 National Dist .. Consol OU 7 Natl Power ft Lt Corn .Products .57 Northern Pacific CUrtiss Wright . 4 Packard Blotors Douglas Aircraft J C Penney .... Du Pont de N..158 Phillips Petrol . Elec Power ft Lt 7 Press Steel Car. Erie RR ...... 1 Pub Service NJ. General Electric 35 Pullman General Foods.: 43 Safewty Stores . General Motors. 44 Sears Roebuck Goodyear Tire . 24 Shell Union ... Great Northern. 31 Sou Cal Edison. Hudson Motors. 4 Southern Pacific Illinois Central. 10 StandardBranda Imp Copper ... 10 Sand Oil Calif.. Int Harvester .. 49 Standard Oil NJ Int Nickel Can. 4C Studebaker .... Int Paper ft P Pf 29 Sup Oil Int Tel ft Tel. . . 6 Timk Roll Bear Johns Manvllle. C5 Trans America . Kennecott .... 34 Union Carbide . Libbey-O-Ford . 45 United Aircraft. Lig ft Myers B.103 United Airlines. Loew's 40 US Rubber .... Monty Ward ... 48 US Steel Nash Kelrlnator 6 Walworth ..... National Biscuit 25 Western Union . National Cash . 16 White Motors .. NaU Dairy Prod 15 Woolworth .... Honeydtws CaUf.. 9-lla. 1.85-1.50: loose, m-l4e per lb. Grape Calif seedless, 1.00-1.15 lag; Lady Finger. 1.40-1.60; Tokay,' 1.35 1.50; Ribiers. 1.35-1.60. Lettuce lcal. air oaek. 8 ar 4 4oa best 1.00-1.-5; Washington topped, 1.65- Ifoshroom Caltlrated 1 lb. carton. SO 85c; H-la. eartona, 17-18. Nectarines Calif., 75-B0c Onions Waahingtoo, 50 lb. aacka large 75-85e: Walla Wall Spanish medians. 60-70c; Takima yellows, 65-75c; 10 lb. sack 17-18c; Oregoa pickl onion, imaU, large lot, 6H-c. Peaches Oregon-Washington Elbertas. 5560c; small 45-50c; Hale, 65-7 6e; lags 85-90e; Crawford. 50-75e; Slappies( 65-60e. Peara W. kiria t i 1t.Itt. wriniwd. 1.TS.3 OO. R A.f ndilrJ mn 5-65c ; poor- 60. Epinscb Local, oraag box, 6575. Peaa Oreron laeaL 8a ner lb roast 15-lb. box, 1.15-1.25; Washington, bushel tab, fair, 70-75c PeDDers Oreron flat, green. 20-25c: red 1.15. Plums Calif- Bint lau. l.buV crates, 1.10-1.15; Waahiagtoa California Beaaties, flat, 60 05c; Oregoa Italian. 25-35c; Brdsbaw 75e; per 25 lb. log; Damisona S5-50e. Potatoes Oregon local White Rote, US Ko. 1, 1.25-1.35; US No. 2, 50 lb. sacks, 40-42 Ue- Rn.i.t. US Nn. 1. 100-lh sack. 1.85-1.45; No. 2. 45-47 at. Bhobarb Nominal. 20 25c; Scallop aad Crooknecks, 85-40e; Danish larg crate, 85e-1.00: flats, 45e 50c; Ifsrblehesd, l4-2e. Tomatoes Ureeon. field arown. flata. 50 60e; No. 2, 80-aOe. Watermelon Calif.. 1.00-1.28 cwt crate extra; Waskiagtoa, 1.00-1.25 cwv mm, We don't ask Tnn what you wast to use the cash you borrow for we don't ask tor cosigners! Ton get your loan the most convenient way so why do without immediate funds? STATE Finance Co. A HOME-OWXED INSTITUTION (Chllds ft Miller's Office) 344 State St., Salem. Ore. . Phone 0261 1 Lie. Xo, 8-218 M-2 4 POLLY AND HER PALS A Perfect Match By CLIFF STERRETT ig L I (Sa 1 MICKEY MOUSE Another East-Is-West Pilot By WALT DISNEY, 3V4 THa pouc. craa o--,ca , lOrTWl f SUNtM HlQKT H- BOMftHT N THKB 9Tr CORN BeeP KHO A Qni . CjtT "THB KNA-EY TRtlN' , - POUR ClftAJva; j vi "BARBER . J v Our over THE SEA "THE EUJOT FINDS HIS tlKNE TURK1NQ BACK TOV(Artt wand! CVXAXN! Kovm ITS FLNIN 1 . WJ . !- LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY Free and Clear By BRANDON WALSH 'COueSC'TMAT TRUCK Aavn-AS MICE ASUvafNA VI CCtfLAR MOU-BUTAaPlCAGCnMCHW AMlFVu'ierrrVvvrBstM. CI . - r mj . 1 1 ,!, cn AMWbTAS SOOD A A HOOSE TO TV ST N-WraM VtXTRC AGCEAT KIO. ANNIE--" THef?C15 AN OLD JAGOH COVTTR M THC SHOP fT WILL AT LEAST KEEP THE foajsj OUT I'LL HELP vcu fix itupa uttlc ok. Gee! SCOFTHP3INSS HONE5TITHJMK ITS ARE STIU-GOCO (TrfJ FIMC-AN 3U5T THE. CSNT AAUCH OF A fRlrr5lZEMRa5PRuC BED-I r5 UJCKV-TOBe KINDA UTTlE-iTShE wa.6 A 8N9, TALL. FAT WOMAN THAT BCO V43UIDBETOO UTTLt TOOTS AND CASPER KJaMBeo-; et-uCKv-roee kimDa r uvc But -this hou AjMTGOTMonWi hf'ril" s LT-U FAT WOMAN THAT" cra l mT. 'Age. Mai'-fif' IV WOMTaSPRUCe8E5PRiSeOWHEMaMe 5ET5 THrS-muCKHOOSeT tjOuRSe.lTAtMTAS NICE. A5 THC HOUSE WHERE SHE UQED LIVE - SOT THIS MOUSe. AJWTGOTNO m--te-5i oai rr Y lMA-rlNB VOU -tAIMINv ' N11NCTV Pounds nwhile feu worked at KIDDETTS 6R0C-Ry. COU. HOOFER B HUULO MAV5 KnOVVN' BETTER! W TO TRUST ASS sarUY WTO AN lt- I APPETrrE rK- u. T-'t TOURS. AMONCr. HIS FOODS. Colonel Hoofer. Lives to Eat By JIMMY MURPHY , i sa m.B af a iii a- w- a ww ar r- araf w ww s n j-ara a - v. , g-r. rri.vjx,ayili ' IT WAS UKE TORNlN-v A STARVED CAT. LOOSE IN A PISH MARKET ! YOU'RE POPPlN-r OUT OP YOUR CLOTHES. n YOU'LL. HAV6 TO HAVE THE DOORS AT tOW HOUSE MADE BlfrfaER v "SO YOU CAN jET 4NI -v- I Yob MOST POUNDS now: CASPER. THATS A COLOSSAL CXAERATIONi I ONLY WEtZrH 34-8 POUNDS AND 1 DO LIKE SMACK ETWEEN MEALS. SNACK? "YOU CALL A STEAK, OR A DUCK OP A WHOLE. BOAST A SNACK? DARN YOU FOR ' I MENTIONING- FOOD TO HE. CASPER. NOW rVE OTTA lET NE SUMPtl' TO EAT. I CANT BREAK A i LON-r HABIT in a; JAY. THIMBLE THEATRES SUrrtajr Popeyt Anybody Got a Deck of Cards? fOPEV. I NEED Akl A SSSTANT lHl S WILL t5t YOUK. OE: K DOUBT LESVAIP SHALL HAVE. WrlATHEA V4FXT i I etrg I 4 THIS LiOtsl&CAKAr-P. , - 1 WEATHER PREDICTIMG , ra MOST DIFFICULT r fr40VIIYAMA I I LWILL AST . DOCTOR PTl . II I ASJ S UAMT gVT I YAM Ij I , , V I . .. ." nmmmmnmmmm llp' aaia----- 22 ; i 88 33 7 38 24 42J 10 2 j 12 5: 25 39' 7! -14! 421 77' 32 341 10' 38 j 46 ! 21: 8 45