The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 27, 1939, Page 12, Image 12

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Satan, Oregon, Sunday Morning, August 27, 1939
Wheat Breaks
Sharply Again
Rising Hopes of Peace
Wipe out Most of
War Scare Rise
CHICAGO, Aug. z .--Prolonging
of Europe's "period of
grace" and rising hopes that war
will be -averted caused another
sharp break In world wheatprlees
Opening losses here of as much
as 2 cents a bushel which car
ried wheat futures down to 68
6 6 wiped away most of what
was left of the week's sharp war
scare advance. Later there was a
rally of as much as 1 cents from
these early lows after which the
market steadied and closed Ti-
1 lower than yesterday with
September at 67- and Decem
ber. 67-.
. At the low time last Monday,
before the affect of the war scare
was felt, December - wheat was
priced at 66. At the peak Thurs
day this contract touched 73.
Liverpool wheat closed 3 -4
lower, Rotterdam, l-2 down
and Buenos Aires 1 lower;
These markets continued to re
flect fluctuations in the British
pound sterling, support of which
was withdrawn yesterday.
The rally in which after the
weak opening was due largely to
e renin g up of accounts by traders
who did not wish to risk any un
usual weekend developments In
Europe. Some buying also was as
sociated with reports from eastern
export circles that 200,000 bush
els of US wheat were sold yester
day from the gulf at a subsidy of
36 cents per bushel. ' Demand for
cash wheat from Europe was quiet
however, with bids and offers on a
small scale. .
Rally as
Peace Hopes Rise
NEW YORK, Aug. 26-()-Fi-nancial
markets today finished a
tense "war scare week" with a
further revival of peace hopes suf
ficient to push up prices In all cat
egories. ' In stocks leaders extended Fri
day's brisk rally by 1 to more than
3 points, while US government se
curities, corporate loans and many
foreign bonds put on a recovery
show. ,
The share list moved higher at
the start, faltered a bit mid-way
as profit taking intervened, then
came back to close not far from
the day's best, levels. Industrials
were principally favored, although
utilities were given a last-minute
The Associated Press average of
60 stocks added .9 of a point to
Its 1-polnt Jump of the preceding
session and, at 47.2, was up .3 of
a point on the week, first advance
after 4 consecutive weeks' de
declines. Transfers of 3521,120
shares were the largest for Satur
day since July 22, and, for the six
days, topped the previous week by
about 1,600,000 shares.
ries, newly elected commander of
District No. 2 of the American Le
gion, has promised to serve as" in
stalling officer at the installation
of officers of the Silverton post.
The date has not yet been set but
It Is thought that too many mem
bers may be away from home at
the Sentember Bth meetinr to hold
installation there.
PORTLAND, Ore, Aof. J6. (AP)
Produce exchange:
Batter: Extras 26; itandards 25;
prime tints 23 H: firsts 22.
Batterfat: 15-25 ft.
Etta: Large extras 24; large standards
SO; medium extras 21; medium stand
ards IS; small extras 12; small stand
ard. 11.
Cheese: Triplets II; loaf li. .
Portland Produce
PORTLAND, Ore, Aug. 26. (AP)
Couatry Meats Belling trice te retail
ers: Ceaatrj-killed hogs, best batchers
nder 100 lbs. t-He lb.; Testers 14c lb.;
light and thia 10-12o lb.; hear? 10-1 le
lb.; si nag lambs, lV-14e lb.; yearling
earns 10-12e lb.: esres e Ib cvtter
owa TSe lbd;.eaucr eewa T-6e lb.;
tails lOe lb.
Lit Poultry Bering prices: Leghorn
rollers 13e lb.; roasters, ever lbs. 14e;
S lbs. ard ever 14-15c lb.; Legbona bene
ever tt lbe. lie; Leghorn hens vader
SK lbs. 10c; colored heas to A lb. 14c;
ever S lbs. lie; Me. 2 grade 6 lb. lets.
TarkoTa Selling price i Dressed heas,
If-lSe lb.t Tease lft-lSe lb. Barlag
I rices; heas lS-16e lb.; toms 14-15 lb.
rw ere ken 23-21 IK; toms 23-23.
Pots toes Dear h tes Seas. 1.15 entsL
New etatoes Takima 6em, 1.40-1.50
ewt.; local white 15-85e eraage box;
Besppoot Barbaaka, 1.25.
Onioae Walla Walla, 60e sack; Taki
ma 60 sstk; Oregon, 60-65.
Wool Willsmeue rallej 1S30 clip,
aomlnal mediam S3 lb.; coarse and
raids 25-26 lb. : six moaths flew S3
24c lb. astr Orga 20-2 See lb.
Hay Selling pries t retailers: Altar
fa. Na. 1. 16.00 toa; at-etck 12.00 to;
r, im.99 so ii mots 7, eastera ur
go 1S.00; Telle
UmoUy, 14.00 let
Hep 1S3S Clusters S3 lb; fagfie
SSe lb.
Mehslr Nemlasl 198 clip 19 lb. ,
Cases r bark Bayiag price 193S sl
4W lb. ' -
Bogar Berry sad trait, -100. x S.OOi
Wl S.13; beet 4.04
Domeetl rioor Selllag price, elty d
Vvery. 1 t SS bbL lot: family pateat,
49s, 5.95-6.55; bakers' Shard Wheat act,
4 10-5.35; bakers, blnestem, 4.90-6.20;
blended wheat floor, 4.05-5.80; soft wheat
r. T. Lam. E. D, '.. O. Cams, ST. D.
Herbal remedies for ailments
of stomach, liter, kidney, skin,
blood, glands, & . urinary sys
tem Tf men V women. 22 years
in serrlce. Naturopathic Physi
cians. Ask yonr neighbors
about CHAN LAM.
m cnin iim
SS3U Court St. corner Liber
ty. Office open Tuesday ft Sat
urday only, 10 a. m. to 1 p. nW
f to 7 p. m. Consultation, blood
pressure ft urine tests are free
of charge.
t ;.n.-?.,N
3 ZJ - """ '
1 I 1 1 A '
V X Y ! .":.,
The cat-pmteroBters had their Innings on the Hop fiesta program at
K. L. Williams (above) practiced up ahead of time to get in trim
Oregon Journal)
Closing Quotations
NEW YORK, Aug. 26 yP) Today's closing prices:
Al Chem ft Dye. 161 Comwlth & Sou. 1 National Dist ..23
Allied Stores... 8 Consol Edison . 31 Natl Power & Lt 3
American Can .18 Consol Oil .... 7 Northern Pacific 3
Am For Power. 2 Corn Prod .... 58 Packard Motors 3
Am Power ft Lt 4 Curtlss Wright . 4 j c Penney 89
Am Rad Std San 10 Douglas Aircraft 60 Phillips Petrol . 34
Am Roll Mills.. 13 Du Pont de N..160 Press Steel Car. IVx
Am Smelt ft Ref 43 Elec Power ft Lt 8 Pub Service NJ. 39
Am Tel ft Tel.. 161 General Electric 36 Pullman , 24
Afer Tobacco .. 80 General Foods . 44 Safeway Stores. 43
Am Water Wks. 10 General Motors. 44 Sears Roebuck. 77
Anaconda 25 Goodyear Tire . 26 Shell Union ... 10
Armour 111 .... 3 Great Northern. 23 Sou Cal Edison, 27
Atchison ...... 24 Hudson Motors. 5 Southern Pacific 12
Barnsdall 12 Illinois Central . 10 Standard Brands 6
Bait ft Ohio ... 4 Insp Copper
Bendix Aviation 23 Int Harvester ..50 Standard Oil NJ 29
Bethlehem Steel 58 Int Nickel Can . . 47 Studebaker .... 7
Boeing Air .... 18 Int Paper ft P Pf 30 Sup Oil 1
Borge. Warner . 22 Int Tel ft Tel. . . 5 Timk Roll Bear. 42
Budd Mfg 4 Johns Manville. 66 Trans-America . 5
Calif Pack .... 16 Kennecott 35 Union Carbide I 80
Calumet Hec... 5 Libbey-O-Ford . 47 United Aircraft. 34
Canadian Pacific 3 Lig ft Myers B. .105 United Airlines. 10
J I Case 70 Loew's 40 US Rubber .... 39
Caterpil Tractor 41 Monty Ward... 49 US Steel ...... 46
Celanese 23 Nash Kelvlnator 6 Walworth 4
ChesftOhio... 34 National Biscuit 25 Western Union. 22
Chrysler ...... 77 National Cash.. 17 White Motors .. 8
Coml Solvent .. 10 Natl Dairy Prod 16 Woolworth .... 45
Battling Hawks
Cut off Power
And Set Fires
conple of hawks broke even in
an aerial battle near Post Falls,
Idaho, hot before death settled
the argument they had disrupt
ed electric service and started
grass tire.
Washington Water Power
company officials said today the
fighting birds locked their
claws in mid-air and fell across
two wires of a power line. The
resulting short circuit cnt off
electricity in the district and
the combatants tumbled to
earth in- flames. (
The grass fire was controlled
before lt could spread to timber
in the nearby mountains.
at Portland
4.60-6.65 ; graham, 49s,
4.50; whl
wheat. 49s. 4.95 bbL
Portland Grain
Aog. 26. (AP)
High Low Close
Wheat: Open
September t9hk
69 69 69
69 69 69
December 69
Cash Grain: Oats,
No. 2 88 lb. white.
22.00. No. 2-88 lb. rrar. 22.00. Barley.
No. 2-45 lb. BW. 18.50. Cora, No. S, EY
Shipments, 25.00. No. 1 flax, 1.54.
Cash Wheat Bid: Bolt whit 69;
wester whit 69; wester red 66;
hard red winter: ordinary 66; 11 per
eeat 0: 13 per cent ea: is Per cent in:
14 per cent 72. Hard whita-Baart: ordi
nary 70; 12 per cent 71; IS per cent 74.
Today' Car Receipts: Wheat 16;
barley 3; floor 11; corn 6; esta S; mlli
feed 4.
Portland Livestock
POETLAXD. Or.. Ant. 26. (AP)
f ubda) Bogs: for week, salable 1750;
total S85Q. BteMy.
130 140 lb ,-, 9 6.109 S.60
d gd-eh, 140-160 lb 6.85 6.85
do gdeh, 160-180 lbs
do ad-ch, 180-200 lb
do gd-ch, 200-220 lb
do gd eh, 220-240 lb M
dt gd-ch, 240-270 lbe
d gd-eh. 270-800 lb
6.600 7.15
7.00 7.20
S.60 7.15
S.50W S.85
6.85 to 6.60
6.25 g S.60
d gd-eh, 800-830 lb 6.106 6.85
do cd-ch. S30-S6O lb 6.00 ft 4L95
Mediam. 160-200 lb 6.35 ti 7.00
reeder pic, sack, 70-120 -6.50&i 7.85
Cattle: For week, salable 2800; taiml
8015. CalTes, far week, aalabl 325, to
tal S90.
8 tears, good. 900-1100 Ibs-S 8.00 Q 1.25
- do mediam, 750-1000 lb 75 S.25
a meaiam, iiw-isuu id s.00
de common. 750-1100 lb 6.00 7J5
Heifer, mod, 800-900 lbsS 6.750 7.50
ae eommoa. SOO-000 lba S se6B 7&
uows, gooo, au wta.
md. au wta
eut-com, all
A eanLor (lew estter).
8.25 Q S.75
6.00 Q 6.50
6.75 S.25
S.3SS 1.75
4.75 8J5
8.00 t.oo
6.00 6.00
4.00 S.00
S.00O f.00
4.00 U (.00
(yics. exelod.)
good, u wta
d sense go, food, all wta
de ssaiags, med, all wits
d aaussg ct-cm, all wta
T eel era, gd-ch. all
de com-med, all
d call, all wta
CalTes, eom-med 400 lbs da
do nU, 400 lb. dowa
Sheep: rr week, aalabl S070; total
Bpring lambs, sood-chiea S.T56) T.OO
d med sad rntl S.00 6.60
Commo - 6.2 5 U S.75
learUag wethers, medioaa .O0
Kwe. good-choie S.60 a 8.25
Commo medium . 1.00 (a SAO
Wool in Boston
B0ST0X, Af. 26. (IP) (TJSDA)
AetiTity wa amsny aamw mm the
Bstoa wool market daria th . w
week.- . - . . ..
- r aad kalt alewt territory sal Tex-
a js-monios www reeeiTM a tew iis
lor iimite jnatiua, aad price were
meetly cheat steady compared with lea
but week. The -otam of Bales, kewerer.
wae smaller the last week, Pkeeee wools
were Tory quiet, bat aomiaal mtatioas
o ' frsded combing aright fleeces were
steady at 28 t SI cents, ia th grease,
for fin Delaine, at 29 t 81 emit lor
half blcod. at SS to SS eeata far three
eighth bWed at IS is Id Mata lev
tartw bleosU -r
Put Out at Hop Fiesta
- ' .
... 11 stand Oil Calif. 25
wSolomonw Fails
To Halt Temple
Factions' Strife
Perry C. Hopper, Presbyterian pas
tor, confessed failure tonight as
Salomon in the lonr-standlna- Gos
pel Light tabernacle dispute.
ur. Hopper, appointed by the
court, cajoled, threatened and ap
pealed to Christian principles but
neither faction 13 on one side
and 10 on the other could agree
upon property ownership. Con
tempt proceedings hare been
brought against Caretaker Charles
v Zimmerman, alleged to hare
ignored a court order to open
the church to all members.
"If you folks don't hare the
guts and that is no Presbrterian
language the Christian beharlor
and the Christian spirit to forgire,
then you have no right to claim the
blessing of the Lord." Dr. Honner
demonstrated. I
As a final resort the arbiter or
dered all partfes to appeaf In al
phabetical order Monday and
Tuesday nights in an effort to de
termine which faction held a ma
Columbia Fishermen
Racking Their
Fishing ceased on the lower Co
lumbia river today after the
state rejected a request to ex
tend the commercial salmon sea
son 16 days. About 1,100 glll
netters hung up their nets yes
terday to await tie fall! season
on September 10.
Ward Home Damaged
By Fire, Lebanon
LEBANON. The Lebanon fire
department was called out late
Thursday afternoon to extinguish
a fire at the home of TiUis Ward.
The house was badly damaged
Inside. Most of the : contents
were burned. Origin of the tiro Is
unknown. No on was home.
t , I ,
' ' I ? 'T ,
i r
i . i s y
U an age-old aad highly ceranonJoas ritual the Right Rev. Msgr. Thomas A. Connolly ef San Francisco,
. fcrnser altar boy, was consecrated a bl&hop at St. Afary's cathedral, San Francisco. He was the
fin San Francisco man to be ae honored by the Roman Catholic church, tfsgr. ConnoDy la shown
prosiraie oeiore ute altar daring
: " "N
Independence last night. Mayor
for the mirthful event. (Courtesy
Hop Market Quiet,
Continued Steady
Pacifie coast hop markets were
Quiet and inactive during the
week ending August 23, but re
mained steady and unchanged, ac
cording to the weekly hop mar
ket review of the agricultural
marketing service. Demand from
domestic dealers and Industries
for spot hops remained seasonal
ly slow and foreign inquiry was
generally lacking. Buyers were
awaiting new crop samples from
the Various producing sections on
the west coast with interest. Lack
of seling pressure from growers
generally in the three coast
states was an important steady
ing influence in the market situa
tion. Oregon hop markets were very
quiet during the past week. There
were no sales of spot hops and
no new contracts for 1939 hops
reported during the past seven
days. Prices on 1939 hops for
future delivery remained nomi
nal at around 22c-23e per pound
to growers. 1939 hops were be
ing quoted at 25c per pound by
the stabilization corporation on
supplies held by them. 1937
growth hops were quoted nomi
nally at around (e per pound,
to growers.
Picking of fugglies and early
clusters was progressing in Ore
gon yards under generally fa
vorable weather conditions. Yields
were irregular with some lighter
than expected and. some yields
fully up to expectations. Picking
of late varieties expected to be
gin around September first. The
crop is looking very - good - witaH
practically no red spider infesta
tion reported. Ample labor for
picking of the early varieties is
reported, with prospects of suf
ficient pickers available for pick
ing the main crop of late clus
FDR Gets Hulls Report
18811 Sntmwl
1 M LSy 1
President Roosevelt, who cnt a vacation short because of the Euro
pean crisis, is shown as he returned to Washington, DC, to receive
. first hand account of the situation as he rode from Union station
to the executive mansion with Secretary of State Cordell Hull
San Franciscan Is Consecrated
t - -
toe ceremony.
Izaak Waltons
Opposing Dam
Leaguers Plan to Assist
Sweet Home's Fight
Against Inundation
MARSHPIELD, Aug. 26-)-The
Oregon Izaak Walton league
opposed destruction of Sweet
Home by the Willamette valley
flood control project and re-elected
J. Stanley Emery, Marshfield,
president at the conclusion of the
annual convention today.
A resolution said a high dam
proposed for the south fork of
the Santlam would inundate the
little Willamette valley commun
ity, cause 2000 residents to move,
damage fish runs, foster ill-feeling
and harm a state fish hatchery.
Silvertonian Director
Ivan Clark of Portland, was
chosen vice-president; Lewis Mc
George, Marshfield; P. A. Loar,
Silverton; Dr. M. Arch Milligan,
Portland; 'Arthur L. Moulton,
Portland; William Foster, Tilla
mook; Chester E. McCarty, Port
land, and John B. Ebinger, Klam
ath Falls, were named directors.
The league reappointed Harold
Savage, Marshfield, secretary.
utner resolutions urged con
gress to pass legislation and ef
fect treaties to control all food
fish in the Pacific, and lend sup
port to curbing incendiarism in
the forests. The league will ask
the game commission to close
areas despoiled by fire to avoid
depletion of wild life. It also re
commended the fish commission
and the legislature ban commer
cial fishing on the Columbia river
above Bonneville dam.
Willamette Project Hit
james cellars, Astoria, repre
sentative of the Columbia River
Packers' association, opposed the
Willamette project because the
river was "the last natural spawn
ing breed for spring run salmon."
He reported the Columbia com
mercial fishing "much better than
commonly believed." The pack
averaged 356,494 cases for ten
years compared with the E 0-year,
370,360-case average. Last year's
production was 307,909 cases
against 416,830 In 1937.
He favored laws prohibiting the
taking of small salmon. The tuna
industry has been a conserving In
fluence, he said, because lt cut
down salmon operations.
Williams out of
Primary Fracases
PORTLAND. Ore. Aug. 2.
UP) Ralph E. Williams, repub
lican national committeeman for
Oregon, said today .he would' not
engage in any primary' fight in
the presidential campaign.
"As far back as the Will Hays
chairmanship, the republican na
tional committee has recognised
that its duty is to elect candi
dates, not select them," he said.
The statement was made when
he was asked what part he would
Play in entertaining Senators
Robert Taft of Ohio and Styles
Bridges of New York when they
visit here.
as Bishop
- I V s', wv ; , j
f " v ' A
I WW 1
ftp -f
Salem Market Quotations
CB arlng rzte)
fTftS orieo blow lapDlied by a local
(rower sad ladiestlv of the daily market
rriees paia te crwr br Be I em barrs
at ar aet sTursBteca by Th State
Baoanaa, la. stalk.
.06 Vt
S.60 U 4.00
Grapes, Calif., seedless
wrapetrvit. Call!.
Lemoxs, erste
Oranges, erst ,
Afocado. erst ,
Casta nipea, erat
Watermeloaa. lb.
(Baytag Ptlcs)
Been, rreea
.01 v
oeets. do. , - , ,
Cabbag. lb . .,
Carrots, local, dox.
Cauliflower, local , .
Celery. Utah, 1.35: local, crat.
Corn, Do.
Coenmber. tdoor
Union. 80 lbs.
Oreea onions, do.
Hsdisbes. do.
Teas, coast, lb.
Peppers, (reea
Potatoes, local cwl. No.
SO lb. bass
dpinacb, Seattle, bos.
Turnips, dos.
Sqossh, do.
Tomsto.ea, Dalles, lor
(Fries paid by Independent Packing plant
to frower)
Welnote rranqaattes. fancy. 13e me
dium. lOe; araall Se; orchard run. S te
lOe. Walnut meats. 35 to 80s lb.
Filberts Bsrcslonss, large I34e1aa
ey 11 Vie; babies, lie: orchard m 11
(O op Prices to Grower)
Wslnuts Price rang, depending opon
way ant ma la 14 different grades 11
13. Doehilly 1 cent higher.
(Bnying Prices)
Oloster. Bomisal, 1937. lb .05
Clusters. 1888, lb. 5
fnggles, top 5
(BUTtai Prim)
Wool, medium, lb.
- Coarse, lb.
Lambs, lb.
Mohair, lb
(Boylog Frlc at ndra's)
Grade A Urge, do
Grade B large, do
Grade A medium
Grade B medium .
Colored fry.
Whit Leghorns, heary
Eastern Oregon
Seeks Air Line
BEND, Aug. 26 (Jpy The
Oregon airways asked Bead busi
ness men today to support a re
quest to the civil aeronautics au
thority for authority to operate
between Klamath Falls, Bend and
The petition was presented by
J. H. Wlldman, airline presi
dent, and H. E. Stearns, general
manager. Direct air mail service
would be established between
here and Portland.
POBTIiAND. Or- Ang. 26. (AP)
(U8DA) Prodoc pnee efeangeat
Apple Washlagton Traasparenta,
staadard boxes, loos. 70-75e; Qravea
steins, Oregon, f . and f pack, 15c-1.00 ;
Washington GrsTensteins, large, wrapped
and packed, 1.25-1.50; f aad U 1.00-1.15;
erabepples, f sad U 40-50e; 3-3 e lb.
Artichokes Unquoted.
Asparagus Oregon, Washington SO
lb. crat. N. 1 boached 1,50-3.75; strings
A d s Calif. . Queen, Sharpies,
Bench, 1.15-1.70; others, 90e-1.15.
Bananae per banc. 6e per lb.( hand
eat oft or small iota. So.
Beans Oregoa, Kentucky, 8f-4c; 61
ants, 8-4e: Bin Ikes, 4c; Yount, 4-5e
lb.; shell besns, 70-75c
Perries Logsnberries, T5e-1.00 ; rssp
berries, 2.00-3.50; blsckcaps, 1.751.85;
huckleberries, ll-13e; boyseaberries, 75
85e; blackberries, 60-70e; currants, 1.50
1.65. - Cabbsge Local 80-pound crates, 85
90e; poorer 75.
Carrots 20-22 He.
CaBtaloupea Washington, 86 45s, 1.00
1.15; special brands high aa 1.60; Bpears,
15-1.25; Oregoa, 1.10-1.25; Dillard,
1.45-1.60; Central Point, 1.40-1.50.
Cassba CsUf, l-2o per lb; crat,
Cauliflower Local, 9-lls, 90-1.00,
No. 2, 40-150C.
Celery Oregon, Utah, 85-90e; white,
90-1.00; bearts, Utah, 75-85c; white,
Citrus rrult Grapefruit. Arlxona 2.00
2.25; choice, 1.75-1.85; lettuce cratea.
2.00-2.25; Elorida, 8.25-3.75; Calif. 3.00
225. Lemons Fsney, all sizes, 6.50-6.00;
choice, 6.00 5.50.
Limes Calif., fists, 150s, 8 50; die
olay carton. 90e, doisns 20-25c
Oranges Valencies, Urge 8.75-4.00;
email to medium. 3.15-8.00.
Corn Local $ dos. boxes, 76-90e;
poor 45-50c
Cncumberi Oregon, flats, 40-45el
pickles. Bo. 1. 45-50; No. 2. 40c; Ko.
3. 80c
Egg Plant Csllf, lugs. 1.15 1.25; 6-7c
per lb.; local flats, 40-60c; few 65c.
rigs Calif, flats, best 45-60c; black,
Garlic Locsl new 6-8e lb; string 8-10e.
Honeydews Calif., 9-lls, 1.35-1.50;
loose, ltt-IKe per lb.
Grsps Calif seedless, 1.00-1.15 lug;
Lady Fingers. 1.40 1.50; Tokays, L.85
1.50; Bibiere, 1.85 1.40.
. Lettuce iocal. axy pack, 8 or 4 dos..
best 1.00-1.25; Washington topped, 1.65
1.75. Mushrooms Cultivated 1 lb. cartona,
80-85 ; H-lb. cartona, 17-18.
KocUrlnea CUf- 75-90c
Onions Wsshington, 50-pound sacks
Walla Walla Spanish mediam, 6O-70e;
large, 75-85e; Takima yellows, medium
65-70S 101b. sacks, 1718c: Oregon,
pickle onions, smalL large Iota, 4-4 He;
email lota, 6 6c.
Peaches OregoB-Washlngton Elbert as.
55-60e; small 45-50e; Hale. 65-75e; lugs
85-B0e; Crawford, 60-75e; 81ppis( 65
60e. Pear Wathlngton ex. fancy Bsrtletts
wrapped, 1.75-2.00. Bose. erchsrd run,
5-85e; poor 60.
Spinach LocaL orange box, 65-75c.
Peal Oregoa local, 8e per lb.; coast,
15-lb. box, 1.15-1.25; Washington, bushel
tub, fair, 70-75e. .
Pepper Oregon flats, green. 80-35e;
ed 1.15.
Plams Calif, Baato Boa. 4-bssket
,-rstee, 1.10-1.16: Washlngtea California
rteaatie, flat 50-65; Oregon Iulisns.
25-85e; Bradshaw 75e; per 35 lb. lug;
Dsmison 85-50.
- Potatoes Oregon local White Rose, CS
Vo. 1, 1 J5-1.85; CS No 2, 60-lb. aacks,
10-43 He: Buesets, US No. , 100-lb.
aeka, 1.15-1.45; Mo. 3, 45-47 He
t Rhobarb Nominsl.
Bqoash Oregoa flet Zoccblal scallops,
20-S5e; Scallop end Crookaecks. S5-40e;
usaui targe crate. B&e-i.o; Hats, 45c
eoe; Jtaroiooeaa.
T oma toe- Oregon, f ild gre va, tUta
oo-ooe; mi. i, so-doe.
WaUrmeloss Celif- 1.00-1J15 ewt
crate extra; Washington, 1.00-1.25 ewt.
Stocks and
August t --
. Coat plld by Tito Aseociated Frets -
80 -.15 15 60
Xadast B-ila TJtil Stocks
Net Chg. AU A . A Jt A .9
Saturday 66,8 17.T 38.1 47.3
Prarioua day 65.6 17.1 37 J 46 J
Vmth ago VO.S V19.S. S9.T SO.O
Year g- 71.9 .30.1 - SS.4 49.1
1939 high 77.0 33.8 . 40.S 58.4
1889 low 68.8 15.7 83.7 4X6
20 - s 10
10 10.
4 Bail Indnat
Net Chg. A .8 . Daeh
Saturday 64.8 . . 98.6
Prerio day 64.5 98.S
Mom tk ago 68.S 100.5
Tear an 59.6 S9.S ,
TJtil Forg
Cnek A .6
95.8 66.1
9S.S 55.5
96.8 61.6
3.5 - 63.1
7.5 64.0
IU il.4
11939 aigh 84.9 100.S
1839 few . 51.4 , 174 .
Grade B raw 4 per eeat
mil-, Salem Co-op basic pool
price f 1.70.
Co-Op Grade A batterfat
price 8)1.72.
(Milk based s eeml-moataly
bn turf at average.)
Distributor price, 92L82.
Batterfat, No. .1, 24c;
No. 2, 22c; premium, 25 Hc
A grade Vint. 28 He; 11
grade 27 He; quarters 20 He
White Leghorn frys
Whit Leghorns, light
Old roobtera -.. ,
Hesey heas, lb
HAUOB CBBAM-Bl Banna frlel
Butterfst, first quality .34
Batterfat, second quality - - .23
Batterfat, "premium , .25
Leg bora bona .OS
Legbora fryer. I H n .10
colored tryera, 3-aiDa. lo
Colored springs, 4 lbs. and op
Colored ban
Old Roosters
No. 2 grades 5 per pound less.
Grade A large, dos.
Grade A medium ,
Grad B large
Grade B medium
Underrradea and chex-
(Baying prte for Ho. I stock, eased oa
conditions and sales reported ap to 4 p.m
Lamba, 1930. tope - - ,, , 6.00 te 6.50
Lamts.. yarliacs 4.00
' 1.50 to 2.00
Hogs, tops 7.00
130 150 iba.
S.00 to 6.25
210 800 lb.
Sows -
Beef eow
Bulls . .
S.75 to 6.25
4.50 te 6.00
S.00 t 6.2S
6.00 to 5.75
4.50 to 5.00
S.00 to 4.00
Top veal
Dairy typ cow
Dressed veal, lb.
Wheat, bn. Ko. 1 recleaned .60 to .65
0t, toa , , nil)
Feed barley, toa ?"
Clorer hay. toa ,, 12.00
Alfalfa, toa - , 14 00
Egg mssb. Fo. r grade. SO lb. bag 1 70
Dairy d, 80 lb. bag , 1.80
Hen scratch feed . 1.65
Oaeked eerm 1 78
Wheat 1.30
Forest Denizens
Suffer Painfully
In Recent Fires
WHEELER, Ang. 26.
Without defense against a flam
ing onslaught, hundreds of thou
sands of wild life grumbling
bears, nimble deer and elk, birds
and chipmunks died in the Wolf
Creek and Wilson River forest
Thousands of others took ref
uge in nnburned sectors of the
northwest Oregon blase.
Countless bodies were found In
a single canyon. Man- more
fortunate deer hobbled painfully
on burned hooves. Untold num
bers of fish died when ashes fell
into streams.
One Investigator said the basis
of wildlife in the region had been
almost wiped out.
Rosedale School
House Repainted
ROSEDALE The school house
has been repainted and will be put
in shape for the reopening of
T. D. Trick is having his house
repainted. Walter Cook is doing
the work.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cammack are
visiting relatives here for a few
weeks before going to Cove where
Cammack will resume teaching in
the high school.
Porkdale, Oregon, Man
Feared Idaho Suicide
POCATELLO, Idaho, Aug. 26.-1
(ffJ-Pocatello police officers are
Cross Word Puzzle
12 5pl3 N
20 77P 21 Iff 22
23" 25 26
37 HO 3
izii" 5o
52 53 54 55 " "
1 epoch
8 capable
12 encountered
15 action
16 masculine
17 clever
18 symbol for
19 hires
21 small island
22 moccasin
like shoe
23 symbol for
24 crave
26 stop
27 cover for
29 inquire
80 tree
1 distributes
S3 assembled -
86 bitter vetch
87 French coin
38 sooner than
89 small piece -
of ground '
41 river in
Franca ' -4S-type
44 jhpoU
48 wolframite
41 poplar
48 because
49 French city
61 entrance
52 dwelling
houses 65 devoured
66 Roman
57 perceives
68 color
1 patriotic
hymn of
2 military
Herewith is the solution to Satur
day's puzzle.
F IL Oi 23N
Chains Children
3 '-iM
Jess Cline , (above), 43, former
Chattanooga, Ten., WPA em
ploye, vras to face arraignment
on charges of "inhuman treat
ment, after officials found
and released four of his eight
children. Two of them were
chained to beds and two other
imprisoned in a closet.
San Diego Sun's
Writers Walk out
SAN DIEGO, Calif., Aug. 26-(ff)
-The management of the San Die
go Sun and members of the Am
erican newspaper guild conferred
tonight on contractual difficulties.
A. L. Houser, publisher of the
Scripps-Howard newspaper, said
that after several days of nego
tiations the guild late yesterday
called a strike.
He said strikers started pick
eting the plant early today, but
were called off half an hour la
ter when the strike order was re
pealed and negotiations were re
sumed. Another meeting between
guildsmen and the publisher waa
scheduled for late tonight.
conducting an Intensive search for
A. G. Buckland, 67. of Parkdale,
Ore., who disappeared in this vi
cinity Aug. 15.
P. S. Buckland, a member el
the local police force and a broth
er of the missing man, said a not
left by the Oregonlan indicated he
intended to commit suicide.
Any 1
srtu UTuta riii s ear
Chinese remedies. Amazing STJO
:ES3 for 5000 years in CHINA,
ffo matter with what ailment yea
are AFFLICTED disorders, at
aositis, hesrt. lung, lirer, kidney,
stomach, gss, constipation, alcers.
disbetis, rhenmstism, gall sad
bladder, ferer, skis, femal eas-
Charlie Chan
Chinese Herb Co,
S. B. Four, 8 yeara'
practice in China.
Office boars 9 to 6
p. m., except San
day and Wednes
day, 9 to 10 s. m. .
122 B. Com'l St. Salem. Or.
8 short jacket
4 behold
6 goddess of
6 comment
7 draw off
8 Siamese
9 twice
10 not general
11 perform
14 .kill
16 inflamed
swelling on
5B5P i wmbi
20 chairs
22 analyze
25 beast of
28 belonging
to him
28 beseech
30 animal life
of any
stated region
82 worthless
83 town in
84 hermit
35 signified
37 salty
89 babble
-40 defeated
, 41 horses
42 note in
'T . Gnido's seals
45 rotating
47 Hebrew
" month
49 foot-like
-- r organ
60 aainte -
63 negative
64 steamship
- (abbr.)
IQI R EflRlArSlei