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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1939)
PAGE FlTO Save on FrGdiulevGi Brands 1.00 MHes Nervine 83f4 1 JO Peruna Tonic 79$ tlJOKiikliin'i DO YOU KNOW r. . that aatual sliopptng tets provt Fred Meyer Brands save you as much as 5Qfo over rationally . ; v tdvertisttl fcrands ttlfiitdpit ' ' Compound 87ft 5ViiTge,2$1.9a (lUWRu-Ma for 891 (1.50 Cateft Com. TE OREGON STATESMAN, Saleri, Oregon, Friday Xlofnlnr, August 23, 1933 - V- ii) : II.' , ;.r I - s5fe o N lr . BHsV it iiiiir jir jiii 1111 1 1 iiiiiiiiii..ii s iiv m inn. it miia varrinn $7.50 .. - Self-Starting Electric Clock Moclernistically' designed clod to grace . ft ft O your radio,' mantel or table, beautifully H )l UU grained wood, accurate timekeepers. Un- Jr ' V conditionally guaranteed. Buy -several now for Christmas gifts. 25 First Aid Kit Complttt M with Mndages, t gauze, tap and BMtcurpchroine. 255 Bottle Citrate of Magnesia rpPM Mild, pleasant Qif and laxativ Wr 255-lb. Dathing .U SaHs baching. 10 Yoluf Skirt or Pants Hanger Keeps crease Pj in skins andV nousers. Our own Registered. Phar macists, men with years of experience and skilled In their profession, fill your ' prescriptions quickly and accurately, using finest , tested drugs and at a defl ' nite saving. Let us fill your prescriptions while you do your shopping. Thrifty prices. Full Pint Bathing Qp Alcohol Compound 15c V&-oz. Tinct. of Iodine 3V TJ-40 cc Lilly Insulin $1 Fever Thermometer 1.97 39c - -At .1 1 1 1 1 t i ?i . v''.:- . 1 Jail Quart . Conf ortna with official U. is. P. ' foanula. Extra heavy,' absorb able oil with tested viscosity of 100-350. Tasteless, odorless. ' Worthy Hiccrcl Oil S3: Quart & Frel RIeyer CERTIFIED MINERAL OIL, QUART 39c Fred Mever WORTHY BHNERAL OIL, QUART 33c Fred Meyer CERTIFIED ANTISEPTIC, QUART 33e Fred Meyer WORTHY ANTISEPTIC QUART 25c Fred Meyer CERTIFIED MILK of MAGNESIA, QUART 33c Fred Meyer WORTHY MILK of MAGNESIA, QUART 18e Fred Meyer CERTIFIED OLIVE OIL, QUART 83c Fred Mever WORTHY OLIVE OIL, QUART 79c Fred Mjyer HIGH POTENCY COD LIVER OIL, PINT 59c Fred Mever MINERAL OIL and AGAR, PINT 39c Fred Meyer TURPENTINE, PINT 19c Fred Meyer CERTIFIED WITCH HAZEL, QUART 35c Fred Mever WORTHY WITCH HAZEL, QUART 33c Electric Dry Shaver 69 Guaranteed. Electrically approved. 25 Outdoor Girl Fact Powder 9 Sck textured, SflMxwh powder, tk attnerivt popular I if I Rabbit Foot Key Chain 10c Bel Value Steriliwd feat made in U. S. A. ALE! HAIR BRUSH . - . , - 1 1. - f 0 .S3, - C2: , . t ;TV' nil" - ' ' rl ' - . ;f ' r Si ..c Open SiST t UfK 1. . asa . mt sti 1 .. .i-.Tirr . www B0 Jell'W v oiu , a b- rwgH .1- OC ...1 Waul-1 0rs ft at aff 1 a t 5 ' ' 7 -bk.,r- s:bi . 't. -,aMW" 1 I IB A and1"" . II li f - x ; x- , Hr - .... 'Vr-'V ! H 6ILiTG3S trc::3 apr- ami ftr liLEIISSMiafi! ,0 Offer Cccd Tfcni MCaiday, Aug. 3 11 r7Tgz Ilk Hil! Mild 1 1 GLOW BASE Cftl Useful b covering frecklts eiW sndother skin Uatniancs. Radiant ana CLEANSING CREAM Si ust the right eontistencjr to I saako eleansing easjr. Pdightful, ttnootli isflEtlttCe CREAM ROUGE ("A Blends mmly with CJUWU Base. Stays on for hours without re touching. 2 shades. FACE POWDER $1.00 Won't ceka or streak. Fine- I . featured, clinging powder with a re freshing fragrance. I MINUTE CREAM $X0 For use ia place of in. I Tends so aooease flow f Wood e face. NosMidr cream. V2 PRICE Cos ray Sale! Special HALF PRICE SALE to fetroduct Gosray products t frocoen everywhere. Lhsanninatnig women use VAJaKAX to Help keep and accent their natural beauty. Take advantage of this HALF PRICE SALE en every GOSRAY item except soap. every except soap.- 50 Cosray All-Purposa Cream Ocarwes pores, helps pre-. vent skin dryness and. roughness. Ideal powder C) - $2.00 Catray AU-ParpoM Cream, $1 $1. 00 Catrey AR-Parasa Cream, 50e n IQCflilY OVIEDOPcRATED pound $1.35 flfS S.S.S. RemeiJy 99J FACE P017DZQ Jfl.00 Cosray now SOft 1.00 May Flower 19 55c April Showers 39fi 55c Lady Esther 39 55c Pond's Powder 43ft FREE Bateek Perfume with "purchase 50c Wood bury 39 ' jflio Ambre Royale 98 1.00 Azurea for 79 deeds f4.00 Lawn Chair $2.39 J f4 Camp Jug, 6-qt., $1.98 50c Bathing Caps, 29 25c Sun Glasses, each 9 10 ft. Garden Hose $1.59 5cLawn Sprinkler 19 , lOc Lawn Sprinkler 29 LAXATIUES 100s Hinkle Pills 5c 5c 6-oz. Castor Oil 19c 80c Hope Choc. Lax. 26c 6c Feenamint for 21c iOcCastoria now 31c KOc Syrup of Figs 43c pOcJaynes Vermifuge 43c 26c N. R. Tablets 23c 7C3TQEr.1ED!E8 10c Corn Plasters 6c 3 Bunion Pads 9c 36c Scholia Plasters 31c 28c Blue Jay Plasters 23c IScholls Foot Soap 21c 35c Gets It Remover S3 36e Corn-Off for 29c 25c Norwich Corn Re mover 23c lli li '-r"!4??! 1 - '1.00 Professional Athletic Support Sturdy all-elastic. stA Six-inch waist band 7V tor additional ab dominal support. SOf Set of 3 (lot Plate Pcds Sjl ri. Prsctleal UKjT Ed oonveruent. aT Vhllt 2000 Last! 25cenilSc Gcolb Hats ft1ilt.5fe designs. SSe Value Ladies' DrccdngCocba Y and t.laeL CU.l Mite, green, wtute fmt others. Thnfnlr I S 2 For 25c Camel CIGARETTES Save 6c a Carton $119 Also Lucky Strikes, Raleighs, Old Golds, Dunhilis , . at same price. Constant arrival of fresh tobacco stocks assures you better smokes. Buy by the carton ... and SAVE1 . , 1- CARTON H 200 A Fresher Tobaccos for Better Smokes HOP PICKERS ATTENTION! &ed Mew Tobacco Sections an your Headquarters for all your tobacco needs. Got your FRESH cigarettes, cigars, "roll your own" cigarette makings and lighters at Fred Meyer today. ' -. i PR1ISCE ALBERT or VELVET, 16 ox. 73c HALF & HALF TOBACCO, 16 oz. 73c 5c BULL DURHAM, GOLDEN GRAIN, 6 for 25c 5c CICARETTE PAPERS, Popular Brands, 6 for 25c 15c PRINCE ALBERT or VELVET, 2-oz. tins 10c STRING KNIT GLOVES, 3 prs. 25c 90c doz. NE 5c GARCIA ROSES CIGARS, 3 for 10c Two 5c Pkgs Bug! IVmmVWV and Cigarette Maker , . Choice blend of fine to 41 gt becros. Srunry''rollyour 8-Oubco or Junior Canvas Gloves fj.. far hop iixr ' 4 prs. 55c 12-oz, Gloves, 2 Prs. 25c 4 Prs. 49c 95 Granger Rough Cut TOBACCO - v 1 4-ez, Tla r : Enjoy the full, tfg mild. flaTor of J VW, tats popular to-,, baeco. " - ".4 . : At Tobacco Section '- Schick Injector Razor : 25c :. Lifebuoy Shave Cream and 8 Schick Blades ? All For 4e Photo Finishing roll We : Develop and Print . Any -6 or 8 Exposure RoU at This Price. 25c-4 oz. Lucky Tiger Hair Oil 11.00 Value 100 Sheets, 50 Envelopes Fine Vellum Stationery box S5c Dr. ..West Waterproof : Tooth Brush : and 25c Dr. West Tooth Paste Both for NRa : 25c Value Atlas or Healthade Tooth; Brushoo ea. Waldorf Candid Type Camera )& $1.50 Seventeen BATH SAH.TS Assorted Odors Clearance oa.