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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1939)
Swing It;Mlckeyaiid Judy Feted at Mehama Many Relatives, Friends COth Birthday la - Gather to Celebrate ; ' With Mrs. Myers MEHAMA Friend and rela tives of Mrs. A. Y. Myers of Elk- 11 '2 Hi horn, Journeyed from! tar and near to belD her celebrate her 80th birthday Sunday at "her home there. : " -. Mrs. Myers was born An rust the 16th, 18S9 in Missouri. She and her family moTed to Elkhorn la 1910 from Oklahoma and has lived on the homestead taken by them at that time ever since. The Myers live In a nice, homer, lot cabin which haa seen many a day. Among those present to cele brate the day were the following I relatives: Albert Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Myers. Alfred Myers, all of Mehama; Mr. and Mrs. Lane Stafford and Louise Myers of Ly ons Mr. and Mrs. Jewel Myers. Tant Myers and daughter Roberta of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Store Myers and Albert Myers of Grand Ronde; Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Myers of Gresham and daughter Daisy of Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Eldon My- ra and son Gerald of Portland, and Miss Evelyn Marston of Gre sham. Friends: Mr. 1. H. Van Winkle, Mr. and Mrs. I. R. M. Pierce. Dr. and Mrs. C. A, Downs, Mrs. Stowe, I Dr. and Mrs. Ch aimer George and sons Chalmer Jr., and Robert, all of Salem; Sara Spencer of Eagene, Lois Adams of Molalla, Mrs. Ed ith Phillppi of Mehama; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Siseho, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Roda and daughter Elisabeth, and Lillian Holmes all of Elkhorn val ley and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sischo and Bob of Mill city, and Mrs. Lisa Deggler of Detroit. Mrs. Myers is Tery acute and does most of her own work and she seems almost never to be ill. She and Mr. Myers and their fam ily are among the first settlers of Elkhorn ralley. i,OOk9 Can tJUD tO SILVERTON. Hans Jensen ' IS9 nraminenr Sllvttrtnn rntrfnf F.vliifiit nt 17nirfilnd he oJ the electrie welding Timber comnanv mill at Silver- albani uiris or tne "uooaiton, died suddenly at his home and Can" 4H ciun, said to ne i0n Mill street Thursday after- among tne outstanding club mem- I noon at 3 o clock. ers in Linn county this year. I Surrivlne are his widow, Anna wni tace an aeuve pari in meiMoe Jensen: three children . Nor . v X - J Forgetting their screen dignity (oh, yeah) for a moment, Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland, juvenile film players, cut a rug in a New York jam session. Mickey and Judy showed they can jitterbug with. the best of 'em. Hans Jensen Dies Suddenly Thursday Linn county 4H fair and in the tlub work at the state fair as veil. Mrs. J. C. Harrison of Ash Swale is the leader. Betty Jean Vroman and Haxel man. who teaches at Mossy Rock, Wash., but who has been st home this summer, Marvin and Ana- belle of Sllverton: mother, Mrs. Anna K. Jensen: sisters and ean Harrison are on the demon- brothers. Thea. Alice and Alfred irauon team in canning ai me 'county fair, while Has el Jean will represent Linn county 4H clubs in bread baking at the state fair. Virginia Llop and Margaret Vroman are on the judging team for the county fair and on e T "T demonstrating team in cooking VrCOrge I. iTiaillieS lor tne state iair. i g During the summer the girls DieS 111 LialllOrilia lave canned several hundred i luarts of fruits and vegetables. of Silverton. Mrs. Martha Isaac son of Galata. Mont.. Mrs. Marie Buness, Seattle. Wash., and Reu ben Jensen, Astoria Funeral arrangements will be in charge of Larson & Son. LAKE LABISH Word of the death of George R. Matthes, for mer resident here, was received -ri 11 . Hmer resident nere, was receivea "OlJ COUntV, VrrailU by friends this week from Arte- JJ.- - I Calif . wherfts he has lived Jury indicts lwo years. J I Matthes was born DALLAS. The Polk county grand Jury, which was in ses sion here this week, reported two true bills of indictment, one not true bill and one secret indict ment. A trne bin of indictment was returned against Glen Theodore Macomber charging grand lar- eeny. Macomber is alleged to have taken tires and other equip ment on a truck in tne noneer i cj.j 1 community on the night of JMl VCriOl! dllirCll August 1st. Bail was set at $1,500 by Circuit Judge Arlie G. Walker. A true bill was ' returned sgalnst Doris Trnbey charging failure to stop at the scene of aa accident. Bail was set at 1 500 October 24. 1867, at New London, Wis., and came to Oregon with his parents In November, 1877. He is survived by his wire. Mrs. Marie Matthes of Artesia, Calif.; his daughter, Mrs. Marie Hansen; grandson, John Hansen, jr., both of Portland; sister, Mrs. Marie Mumper; brothers, Ed ward, Frank and Willard. all of Salem; brother, James, of Kent. Telephone Man Visits Monmouth MONMOUTH W. S. Wade, dls- t r 1 e t traffic telephone manager. and O. K. Smith, general traffic manager, both of Portland, visited ' the exchange here Tuesday. Mrs. Hester Sheeon." chief local operator, is taking her annual va cation and expects to spend part of the time on the McKenxie river at Vida. Guests this week at the home of Mrs. Helen Blair include Mrs. Bertha Hall and C. E. Merry of Portland. Bill Hastings Of Hills- boro, Miss Barbara Beard, John Mowick and Alfred Hundere of Hammond, and Earl Hendrickson of Helena, Mont. Miss Etta Millett enjoyed re newing acquaintance Sunday with Mrs. Frank Phillips of Sunnyvale, Calif., who with Mr. Phillips vis ited here. The women were friends in Sunnyvale 20 years ago and had not met since. Has Bible Rally SILVERTON A BiWe rally in charge of the Gideon society will be featured at the 11 o'clock ser vice at the Methodist church Sun- Jndxe Walker, but later she I day morning. Rev. Edward Terry wai ordered released ofirher own la announcing his topic for the recognizance. I Sunday night service at o'cioca aa A itioie Jtiero wim xaoaera Pmnat EstiilA Is problems. ispwortn League at rropsi restate is . . . wlll Dreced the 8 o'clock service. Music will fill the usual morn- Silverton Woman, To Teach Chicago - -.-. , -- SILVERTON Miss Una Lee has signed a contract to teach English literature in a high school near Chicago, 111. Miss is at present visiting her parents, O. E. Lee, who is chair man of the Silverton school board, and Mrs. Lee. She will leave next week for her new work. Miss Lee, after completing her grammar and high school work at Silverton, attended Willamette university, before crolna to Auas- burg college at Minneapolis to do her graduate work. During the past year she has been work ing for her Master's degree at Nortnwestem university at Chi cago. She completed her work early this summer. Filed for Probate ALBANY The estate of the ? TorshlP lT CilJT late John W. Propst, has been tiled for probate with the Linn county elerk. Qulncy E. Propst, a son. Is petitioning the court to be aDDOinted administrator. The estate consists of approximately 18000 in real property. Mr. Propst, who died recently, cele brated his 102nd birthday anni- theran church Sunday when the Augsburg Male quartet from Min neapolis will appear as guest art ists. The quartet's program will begin at 10:45 and continue until 12 o'clock. Rev. O. C. Olson has given over his entire sermon hour to the visitors. versary early last spring. He was Pioneer KePOrtS . a Linn county pioneer, and .was I the oldest resident in -the county! at the time of bis death. Case of Measles Viait9 Boyhood Friends SCOTT S MILLS Hubert Ab PIONEER Donald Kinion, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Kin- ion, Is reported to have the uuiu ami mutuiu, uvivwf,' " as . k Tiu,tu Mr. uaoie ana aaugmera, arj-, M and M Erl R,rnhart of ne and irraine, oi on jju ac, iRed Horse, NevM are visiting Mrs. wis- were overmsat - I Barnhart's parents, Mr. and Mrs. the John Hettwer nome in urooa-iTom Keller. Mrs. Barnhart wttl ed Finger. They were on weir i be remembered as Faye Keller, way to the Ean Francisco fair. I Willis Keller went to Golden Abbold Is a nephew of Mrs. Hett-ldale, Wash., and Henry WUliam- wer. 'son accompanied nun home. Log Rolls on Car In Freak Accident WILLAMIXA Mrs. Edwin LaChance and Mrs. Harvey LaCbance met with an un usual accident Monday. They were on the way from Willainina to their homes near Grand Ronde when la passing a log track a log rolled from the truck onto their car. Neither was serious ly hart. Mrs. Harvey La Chance suffered arm lacera tions and shock and Mrs. Ed win LaCbance, bruises and shock. They were brought back to Willamina for medi cal treatment. El ARB AHEJS (SAWESS W EVERT Tmi? ARTWZWST 12 packages or 240 feet v ALL FOB lj (3 (SffGlB&GarS Fancr -vfi Deeormted (or China 3 tor V Rernlar 5c Each PILLOW CASES Extra Large y,-Lb. Rolls Herman Halms' Have Baby Daughter . LAKE LABISH Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hahn are rejoicing over the birth of an 8-pound daughter born August 19 at Salem general hospital, she la named Nancy Velva. She is the Xrd daughter and fifth child. Smoke Cloud Sent up by $2,000,000 Fire v .K-oeweeMewc:':- ' ft-1 ' v i ,.t7.iimmmmm.:. - thej ( 0 Regulariy priced at 20c roll. Men's, Women's Small, Med. & Largt Emcj loves s) Ideal for hop pickers. Oidyl 1 PnrTsi" I V Fall FnsMcncd Knec-Hi IIcsc (Cloee-Oat) First QuaUty Cotton Work Soj: pairs sun suits (p) For the little tots. Regularly 15c SHELF PAPER q)6 0-foot folds. 2f0 PAPER IJAPKiriS lOO In package. CANVAS GLOVES Men's, women's or children's sizes. 24 EHVELPES "L and 24 ( Q IVRITiriG PAPER V L GO Paste! Colors Dressing Combs s- 2 for cmtToni nous Single. Complete with Brackets. RUDDER SOLES Stick-on type. An sizes. 5' American Mad LIGHT BULBS Tow choice of S5, 40, 60, OO or J 75-watt. Each - Iilen's Ileclcties Popnlar patterns. 1 First Qoalilj- TOOTH BRUSHES Diess Fastener A S cards All alses. 2pcD0YS'SUITc Knitted Polo Shirt and Pants to each match. Begnlar 49c Special! piece m m msr V Fast Color Women's, Misses9 and Children's ANKLETS Regular lOe and 15c values. Special! Haix Brilliantine Fitch, Wildroot or Woodbury's HAIID LOTIOIJ Keep Jar la the kitchen. Red or Green Handled Kitchen Spatula Potato Masher Cake Turners Can Openers Batter TThipa Ladles Vegetable Peeler las Tape 6-yard folds. '""Nit'1' for CANDY BARS Baby Bath, Bntterfinger or Jolly Jack bars Till WASH BASDI TniPUDDKG PAII V Tin Pic Plates for Utensils l (o)2 Black, White and Colors SEUHN6 THREAD Water TUMBLERS Crystal Glass for Reg. 10c Discontinued DRESS BUTTONS SHAVE KREET.2 BrnshtaM. Regnlar 25c, FLOIVER VASE Green crockery. AFETV PDIS PAPER TABLE CLOTH 3 SZQ rnrat luucu cloth v CnHW with SqtlH Ladies Drassieres (o An excellent ralnet Double Soclcets Or S-Way Cobe Tap Each RUDDER BALLS- 12-tnch regulation size. Lions' GARTERS J spools 0 m - ss' m V r Largt Bottle Will I K 2UUIS CleaniGir. I Sflrer-Plated rablevaxe Knife f ' Fork w leaspoon Each Bout hern Pacific baUdlng at left, above, was one of few structures sot destroyed by S2.000.000 blase which all bnt obliterated the small lumber town of Pine Ridge. Ore., last weekend. The fire In two 4 hoars razed a box factory, lumber shed, planing mill, hotel, store and approximately 200 dwellings. I S touches 7 pins I Stnrdy elastic. 4 l. , , w - I 3 caxda y I idem' KERCHIEFS tn2 k wlwh 'iUVJEhS rrvs iach S7 lP::-V-X-lr Regular V Bearly 225c and 15c. 'V -I it 1 J.0 I 5c value. 3 for I Special! lx V J ?y fss SB' Large 18x3G-Inch FZiOVTER RUfl Mtmtci ' b$ttMlMfiW!S'' . . 11 POTS v-'u wounvow - s .m. tiyuw;0Taaiimu.l-.i il t) But snail nonnAs nt l n V quantity lasts. I r ANl -MtM. :.iiT f r Low f rV& I I 1 12G II. Coauaorcial Si: - , Salon OrcrToa 1 1