PAGE EIGHTEEN The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, August 18, 1939 Salem Market Quotations , .. . - rsoiTs - (Baring rite) (Ts price below eapplied by a local ffrewer aB indicative ! the daily Market pricM pai 4 t growers r Bales bsysr bat ara at guaranteed by Tb fitat anas.! Banana, lb. a talk .09 ft .06 Han Grape. Califs seedless Grspetrait, Calif. Lessons, crate . , ., , Orange. rat , , a foes do. ert . . Csntslonpes, crate Wtrmeloa. In. . 1.7 S.tS t.iO S.SO te 4.00 .. 1.60 LIS joa VZOsttasTLBS (Snjrlog File)- Bean, grata .04 . i .on so 1.60 1.8 J .15 .7 1.50 1.00 0 JO .OS .16 .40 US. .49 1X0 J .-o x Beet, sea. ,, Cabbage, lb Carrots, local, do. Caaliflewer, local sasaa, w w va - -, si Celery, Utaa, LlJj local, crate, Cora, Do. ' Cseasaber. entdoer Let race Dnieaa, SO lb. , Greea aniena. do. Bad take, dot. .. ,, ,. Pea a, eostt, lb, ....... Pepper, greea. CallL. ra relay Potato a, local evL, Ve, 0 lb. bag tipinaeb, Seattle, box. Turnip, do. Bqaaaa, So. Tomato, Dalle, lag (Price paid by Independent Packing plant to grower) . Wsleote FVenqoettee. fancy, IS 41am, 10; mall 8: ercbtrd ran, te lOe. Wslnul meat. 3ft to SO lb, Pllberte - Barcelona, large ll fan ay 11V: babiee. lie: orchard roa 11a (Coop Prlcas to Grower) Waliatt Prlc raagt, depending apoa wsy ante raa la 14 dilfeaest frades 111a 12a. Oaebilly 1 cent higher. , BOPS ' (Baying Price) Carter, soaiasL 1937, lh JOS Clatters, 1938, lb. . faff lea, top , ., , - Jti -. WOOZ. AMD MOHAIB . : (Baylag FUess) ' - Wool, medium, lb ' ' :- 37 Coarse, lb, ' J21 Lambs, lb, - .31 Motsir. lb. ; ; JS SGOS ABB POTJLTSY , (Baying Prices el eVaareeea's) Grade A large, do. .11 - Crade B Urge. do. - J . Grade A J8 Grade B medium J 6 Pallet JS Colored trrs JS Wbit Leghorn, heary J0-.11 White Legboras, light " J1-.1S Old rooster - X - Heavy bent, lb - - 48 MARIOH CBBABCEBT Bn-tne Price Butterfat, first quality .34 Bntterfat, second quality ' JS Butterfat, premium .IS Legbora bens, t .08 Leg bora fryers, 1H Tb .10 colored , xryers, Z-3ibs. ' " Colored springs, 4 lb, and ap Colored ben -Stag Old Rooatere -'. S grades Se per ooond lata. EGOS Grade A large, - , , Grade A medium Grade B large - Grade B media .18 41 .06 .04 48 48 48 "Redheads Are I , SYNOPSIS I Alike Shannon, pretty red-headed magazine counter girl at the Hotel Eureka, is trying to reform one of its spectacular guests Handsome Larry Regan, sensational young southpaw (left band) pitcher, whose misconduct has been worry ing his team's management. Hike Is the chief support of her family. She is not so pleased when "Wish" M alone, the dub's No. 1 scout, sug gested that she might marry the erratic Handsome.' But when the big boy falls again for liquor, ahe rushes to his room to "bring him to." . Assistant Coach Harper ar rives, a most embarrassing scene . ensuing. I : CHAPTER VI "Get out to barked after the park!" Harper a moment'a awful silence. ' "1 was just leaving,1 Handsome managed. "So I see." Harper's voice was biting. "And as for you, young wom an, it's your kind that makes trouble for us coaches. You can go ; 111 take care of Handsome." Larry started for Harper, his fists up. The coach backed up. "Dont hit him, Larry!" Mike cried, stepping between them. Harper stared at Mike a moment. "Don't hit him, I tell you." She caught Larry's arm. The two men stood glaring at each other for a moment. Then Harper turned on his heel, went out and slammed the door behind him. Handsome stood there, wiping his forehead. "I should have broken every bone In his body." "And been suspended?" "I believe you're right 1" Hand some suddenly swept Mike Into bis arms. He kissed the top of her shin ing hair, gave her a little shake, then let her go. "You're a sweet thing. Mike. IH be good." ' - Mike could not look at him. She was afraid he would see her eyes. "Go, now. I'm taking the back elevator down. And get some cof fee on your way out" Then she fled. . She was- back at the magazine counter when Handsome came through th lobby. He signaled to her, and he smiled his old smOe. He was all right. But ahe trembled for the aftermath of the whole affair when Handsome got to the stadium. , She would have been much more perturbed could she have seen Hand some's entrance into the locker room half aa hour later. He was so angry that coins? ap on the subway he could not stop shaking, but by the time he got to the park he had calmed down. As he walked in, most ef the granar were m uniform. "How are - you, Larry 1" Ton Marvin -called. Handsome knew that unless Marvin was going to be nasty he would not have even spoken to him. "You seem to be doin all right with redheads," said Dusty Lee, the team's No. 1 pitcher. Handsome turned on him. "What do you meant" "What do you think I mean? You're due for a swell dressLur down when Ace hears about this." Handsome kemt on lacing his shoes and he retorted! "I suppose that Tattling Tony Harper's been down here shooting off his mouth." As Handsome spoke there was a sudden silence in the locker room so that kis voice boomed out with star tling loudness. You could feel the tension. Handsome raised his head. Harper was standing la the door. Ha must have lieard. Before Harper could gpeik Handsome repeated : "I saiJ that Tattling Tony Har per 1" . . , Harper advanced oa him. Hand some j jei cp, leaped toward the coach. If it had been anybody else z Utzliom the boys would have ztsxfcrtdp ftcrrei bt f Mowed. Grade t raw 4 per eeat milk, Salem Cb-op baale pool price f 1.70. Co-op Grade A butterfat price f 1.72. ' (llllb baaed oa aml-moaUly bntterfal -ererage.) Distributor- price, 2J5X Butterfat No. .1, 24c; No. 2, 22c; premium, 25c. A grade print, .28 fee; U Crade 27 Me; quarters 29 H Oadergradea aad cbea. .1 48 roilete LIVE STOCK (Baying prks lor Bo. I stock; based oa eondltloai sad sales reported ap to 4 p.m. Lanbs. 1BSO tope ... . 6.75 Laatba, yearliaga . , ,r 4.50 to 5.00 Eva 8.00 to 8.75 Hor. top i 0.60 180-150 lb. 6.00 to 6.35 8.79 to 6.35 810 800 lb. Sow - , Beef cow 5.00 B OO to 8.35 8.00 to 5.75 8.00 te 5.50 Ball Heifer Top eel . Dairy type cow 8.00 4.00 41 8.00 to Dreaaed veak lb G&AIH. HAT ABO BEfiDS Wheat, bo No. 1 rclesa ' .75 Oata. grey tea , S8.00 White 56.00 Peed barley, tea Clover hay. toa 33 00 t 84.00 12 00 te 18.00 Alfalfa, ton 10.00 te 16.00 Esc math. to. 1 credo. 80 lb. beg 1.70 Dairy feed. 80 lb. bag .... 1.88 Boa icrsUh food 1 1.75 Cracked cora ' 1.79 Wheat . Ul Wheat Goes Into Downward Trend . ; CHICAGO, Aug . l?-(rP)-E-ily swayed bj comparatlyely J small transactions due to the lightness of trade, wheat prices' today de veloped a downward trend after an early adrance had carried quo tations to the best levels of the month. f - Wiping; out gains of as much as Vt cent, the market closed unchanged to cent lower com pared with yesterday's ; finish, with September contracts at 65 and December 65- May con tracts, closing at 65-, showed the most weakness, dropping a full cent from the early high. Failure of the Liverpool mar ket to reflect yesterday's upturn here was Interpreted by some dealers as indicating foreign trad ers were not concerned over the ( European political situation and By Vera Brown smacked Harper sharply, first on one side of his face, then on the other. "You're not worth beating up. you little shrimp I" Everybody in the room stood as though hypnotized. They could not believe what they were seeing. Ace Barnes appeared suddenly out of his dressing room. "He hit me 1" Harper yelled. Ace, looking At the big pitcher. did not raise his voice. "Get ' dressed and report , to the front office, Regan." Then he went back into his room again. Nobody said a word. Harper dis- Handsome amacked "Tattling Tony" Harper, assistant coach, for telling the players about the morning's hotel room scene Involving the flaming Hike ... appeared after Barnes. Handsome hurried into his clothes, desperate to get out of that hostile atmos phere. Dusty Lee began to sing. But Handsome did not even turn his head. He walked out of the locker room, through the tunnel and dugout into the bright spring sun shine. It was a gorgeous day. Hand some felt his eyes suddenly sting. The diamond was so green and bright before him, with the grand stands in deep shadow. He loved ft so. And he was going to lose it. He stumbled up the clubhouse steps rubbing his eyes. So this was the end. He waited numb outside the Old Man's office. He could hear Mr. Crisp talking on the telephone to somebody. After a long time Crisp's secretary came outl - "Mr. Crisp will see you now," said Miss Worden. And Handsome was facing the club's owner. - The Old Man, his back to the win dows, sat at a big mahogany desk. Handsome stood there for a moment and Crisp, eyeing him, thought how impossible It was that any young man should look as handsome as Larry Regan did la a 24-hour-old beard.-; r ? "Sit down, Regan." Handsome sat gingerly, oa the edge of a chair. r "Well, you better begin, Regan." Handsome swallowed: "I smacked Harper." "Why?" "He's bean spying on me." v "That's strange." The Old Man's voice was barbed. "Why should ho on jour azutoooaaaw Rallying Urge Lacks in Mart Selling Dwindles but News of Danzig Tension If Dampening Factor NEW YORK, Aug. 17 Selling dwindled to almost noth ing in today's stock market but the rallying urge was lacking and leading issues finished slightly under water. Heightened German-Polish ten sion over Daniig, combined with the growing British-Japanese far eastern rift, again were blamed by brokers as the principal buying handicaps. Traders generally refused to place any extensive bets on fu ture foreign happenings and the majority resumed a do-nothing attitude toward the list Business prospects were still more hopeful than otherwise, but these appar ently provided scant stimulation marketwise. Lists Start Low The list started out with a mild ly lower trend and, despite one or two recovery attempts, never really got anywhere. Only a hand ful of favorites managed to con test the drift and emerge with modest gains. The Associated Press average of 60 issues was off .1 of a point at 48.1. Transfers of 442,900 shares compared with (40,010 yesterday and were the smallest for a 6-hour session since July 11. Ending behind minus signs were US "Steel, Bethlehem, Toungstown, US Rubber, Western Union, American Telephone, San tar Fe, Great Northern, Phillips Petroleum, Westlnghouse, Union Carbide, Montgomery Ward, Phil ip Morris, Anaconda and Doug lass Aircraft. Up a trifle were Chrysler, Phelps Dodge, Sears Roebuck and Allied Chemical. this touched off some selling here. Liverpool closed unchanged to cent lower. The bulk of the deal ings, however, consisted of chang ing positions among various con tracts, with evidence of switch ing of hedges on cash grain Into more deferred deliveries. This ac counted for the comparative steadiness of September wheat. Lucky" "Look here, Regan. Get this straight. You represent a lot of my money. You're what I hoped was going to be a valuable property. Priceless, I might say. I've sunk a lot of dough in you in the last three years. I'm not going to lose it with out a struggle." There was a dead silence. Hand some fumbled for words. Then he began his story. The Old Man was easy to talk to, but he knew all the answers. "All right, Regan. I understand. But what about this drinking? And the redhead?" "She isn't just a redhead, Mr. Crisp. She's my girL She was just in mT room . to see whv I hadn't started for the park. I'm going to marry ner. She's sweu." Hand some's earnestness was touching. "She's brousrht me rood luck. I know I'm going to be all right now. 4 iu you i can picen rings arouna most of those guys out there I If they'll just give me the chancel" insp rua nis amusement. "YouH pitch when you're ready. That's on to von. You know of course, I've got to fine you. Twenty- nve aouars. And don? go around slapping coaches la the face. It is bad for team discipline. Besides, you. might : hurt V your pitching Crisp nodded emphatically That's att," Handsome stared at Crisp i "Y ou're not going to can' met" "No, go oa out there and get to work." - - Handsome fled. His heart sang. As he rushed through the outer office, he threw a Idas at the de lighted Miss Worden. As the pitcher made good his hasty exit, wish Malone stock his head in Crisp's office t "Well?" he asked anxiously. "Come In, you old fox. It worked like a charm." Crisp was beaming. "He aava ha'a rains? la nsir h. But Isn't all this hard ea the girl?" "Of course not. She's in lore with him, though she doesn't know it her- 1 m . - am sen yet." - - -"All rirht. Bea-rIeai Fairfax. you win!" - (To be continued) Caanlsat by Vne Bieeai Quotations WRTLABI,; Orv Aag. 17r--(AP) wairy preaoc prices Batter i Extras 33U: atandarda liU prime firsts 38 Hi firat 21 H; hatterfat sat-ao. Egg: Large extra 83ei largo stand ards SO: mediant extras 30e; medium standards lsej aauvll extra IS; ssaall standards 11. Cheese Triplets ISsi lost 14. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Or., Aog. 17. (AP) Co an try Keate Belling ynem te retail ere: Coaatry-kUIed begs, beet batcher aader 160 lbs. 8-9 He lb.; veslers 18 He lb. light aad thia 10-11 lb. heavy t-lo lb.; string lambs, 13tt-14e lb.; yearling lamb 10-lSe la.; ewes 6-6e lb.: eatter eews Vtt-SHe n.; canner cava Ttt-SVse lb.: balls 10H-Ue lb. Live Poultry Boying pries : Legbora broilers 13-He lb.; colored sptiags 3 lb, ad aver 18: lb.; Legbora bene ever t Iba. 13-lSe: Legbora hens aader 8M Iba. 13c; colored hea te 8 lb. 15e; Ter 8 lb. 15c; So. S grade 4e lb. lei. Tarkee -Selling price: Oreeeed hen. IMS lb. II Tom 15-16 lb. Baylag price: Hea 15-16 lb.; tome 14-15 lb. Kew crop bans 31s lb; to ma 80-31. Potato---Deeehntes Ocas, 1.T5 cental. Kew . Potatoes Yskims 6cm, 1.40 cart.; Keaaewiek 1.50 local whites 75-85C orange box. OaioBi Walla Walla, 60-65e sack; Oregoa Bermodss, 44 -4c lb. Wool Wfltsmtt valley . 1089 glht, seminal medium SSe lb mm and braid 35-34 lb.- atx aaoatba fleece S3 34 lb.; oaatera Oregoa SO-38ee lb. -Bay Belting prtee to retailers: Alfal fa. No. 1. 16.00 tea: est-rsteh 11.00 toa: clever. 11.00 toa; timothy, oaatera Ore goa 19.00; (- valley timothy, 14.00 tea Portlaad. ! . .-.- Hops 1981 Oostcrs 25 lb: fattlsa S8 lb. ! Mohair nominal lags clip SO lb. Oascara bark Bayiaa- oriee 1SSB aoal 4 lb. i Be rsr Berry sad trai. 100. s.OOi bale f.45; beet ASS Doasestle rionr rSeUlng piiee, city de tlvcry. 1 to 35 bbL lota: family osteal 49. .?5 6.15; bskori bard vbsat act. 4 104.88 ; bsasrs' brace tea. A76-8.05 ; Stocks ind ' Aagait 17 ' STOCK AyBXAGffiS OompUsd by th Asaocisted Prssa a 15 15 60 Inne Raids D .3 18.1 18.8 19.1 19.0 23.8 15.7 Util Stocks S .3 D .1 89.3 48.1 89 48.3 88.0 49.1 83.9 47.9 40.6 63.4 88.7 41.6 Ket Chg. D 1 Thorsdsy i 67.8 PreTioni dsy 67.9 If oata sio 69.7 Tssr sgo 1939 high 1980 low - 70.8 11M 88.8 B0KD ATBBAOES 20 10 10 10 Bails Indos Util Pergn Ket Chg. D .8 D .1 T .2 P .6 Tbarsday . 66.9 100.7 96.9 68.7 Prvi-a day 87.2 100.8 97.1 69.8 Month sgoi 67.7 100.4 96.8 60.9 Tear ago j 68.8 99.5 93.2 62.8 1989 high! 64.9 .100.8 97.5 64.0 1989 low 83.4 97.0 91.9 68.2 POLLY AND HER PALS MICRET MOUSE UTTLE ANNIE ROONEY WHATS IT55 A WRITTEM UST ARTICLES VtXI WI5H IWCNTORY t SQ?t.U",- 1 , I ( TH' HULL. WORLD IS MADE UP V 1 Ja) N t I I PE ELS I'VE J w-. I O" NUTHIN- BUT ELECTRONS, ff (&)0Vr f t m. j PISSERED IT J f VvCT NEUTRONS, 7 J ( VAM, 1K.J I AM MORONS' M 6ETTIN' OUTTA HRB BEFORE. ) rff I I I P THAT1 FUNNY' A I I l' IT IS THE WOWiJ N i V--UOCKED INI 1 j J X St, THE KE, ZS C 6EU- LIKE FURNITURE, ? FDR r43TArJCe AA1ME WILL BE A VERY SMALL 1IMVEMTQgV TOOTS AND CASPER THIMBLE TH E ATRE I AW. COME Cj fLEASB aTXCUSB I VES, TOOTS, MV (AND PtAV SOME HE , ALFRED DARUN'! WIFE IS WORPIED V- PNt-PONt Al rM TIRED AND ( ABCMJT SOMCTHlNir, JA WITH OS. AVl : WANT TO RESTI 1 B4T-,ErV "?J ORWEODlr4Gk-OM, K CAKE IS iM J tSOOOyj THE EN'Jl?CV at Portland blended wheat floor, 4.95-5.10; soft wbest 4.85-4.40; wheat, 49a, 4.85-4.40; graham. 49s,, 4.60 whole 4.9 bbL Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore, Asg. 17. (AP) Wheat: , Open. High Low Clot September 68H 68H 8 68 December 68H 68tt 6844 68 Cash Grain: Oata, Ka. 2-88 lb. white, 22.00. No. 8-88 lb. grsy. 22.00. Barley, No. 2-45 lb. BW, 18.00. Cora, No. 2, ST shipments, 25.00. No. 1 flsx, 1.48. Cash Wheat Bid: ' Soft white 70; weat era white 70; western red 6M. ' Hard red wiater: ardiaary 66; 11 per cent 66; IS per eeat 69; IS per eeat Tl; 14 per eeat 73; hard white-Bssrt: ordinary 70; 12 per cent 70: 13 per cent 73 M. Today's Car Kecelpte: Wheat 60; bar ley S; Hoar a; cora i; auiuea x. Portland LlTestock PORTLAND, Ors- Aog. 17. (AP) (TJ8DA) Hogs: Receipts 85. ActlTs, 10 15 hlaher. Price rant: Barrows sad gilts, good' choice, 120-140 11 do gd-ch, 140-160 do gd-ch, 160-180 da gd-ch, 180-300 . do gd-eh, 200-220 . do fd-eb, S30-240 do gd-ch, 240-270 do gd-eh, 270-800 do ad-ea 890-860 do mediam, 160-200 lbs. reeder piss, gd-B,70-120 Cattle: Receipt 150. Calves 85. range: Steers, good. 900-1100 Ib.8 7.750 ; do mediam, 750-1000 lbs 6.750 Price do Jnediam 1100-1806 lbs do common, 750-1100 lbs Steers, heifers sad mixed, mediam, 600-900 Iba .. do common. 500-900 lba 0.25 & 5.5? Q Cows, good, all wts da medium, su wts do cnt-eom, aU wte da eaaaera (low eatter), - sil wts. . Ball (ylgs-excld), boel gd do ssBuce, good r do medinm do cnt-eom, - sll wts T YesJers. gd-ehi sll da com-saed, 11 wts da calL 400 lbs Calves, com.-meL, 400 lbs 40WB 111,1 . s.oo a 4.00 do cull, 400 lbs. d Sheep: Reeeipts-600. Pries range Spring lsmbs, good-cAoiee f 7.00 do mod aad good-- 0.25 Coaimoa 6.25 Yearling wsthsrs. mediam 4.00 Bwes, good-ehoiea ' 2.50 Common-medium l.oo Wool in Boston "BOSTON. Aug. 17 (AP) (USDA) Th wool market la Morion was. very quiet today. Qnotstioa ea domestic wools wore mostly aaeatnged, although largely nom inal beesose of th Isek of business. Odd lots and Inferior wools were ocessionaUy moved at prices ea th low side or slight ly vnder the general ranges of asking arieee. Holder of siiable offerings, how- over, vers not disposed to -lower asking prices. Yon OP AAV FURNTTURE HAS GOOte4 I OLD AND WORN OUST .IKE H "TO ' Da s 0.15 a a.zs lba 6.250 6.60 lba,... 6.50 5 7.15 lbs 6.60(5 6.73 lbs 6.60 7.15 lbs , e.85 6.75 Iba 6.25(3 0.50 lb 6.10(5 0.85 lbs 5.853 0.25 6.750 6.10 6.25 T.00 9.25 6.00 7.60 8.73 6.80 7.26 6.2 5 Q 6.50 6.00 8.76 4.50 1.00 8.50 Q 4.50 3.00Q 8-60 8.75 0 0.25 6.60 Q 0.25 4.00 6.80 4.50 6.00 8.00 S 0.00 6.00 Q S.00 4.00 4J 6.60 T.00 8.00 a a 0.75 a r.oo a A60 & 6.25 a a.8o IT5 OWNE33BUTTOMEFTU3E. LOOKS MCE AN EVEjHV PtECE 13 A lTrs- GOLDEN MEAORV & OF ' HAPPIER DAV5 3BI Starring Popeye IK1SJSK IMAM LEAVIKI' h Got a farmk t I I VI VJVJOTASlKVa f I THE SEA. WE WILL . LIVE tf A FAUM VJT . FLOWERS AN KIDS AM BEES An HORSHES - Gardeners' : Mart PORTLAND. Ore.; Aug. 17. (AP) fUSDA) rrodnce pneo cBaag: - Apple ' Washington Transparent, stsadsrd bezes. loos. 70-75e; Graven teiat, Oregoa, 60-90c; poorer (owe 25e; Calif. Oraveaiteia, logs, 1.00-16; erabappl, f and f, 40-50c; 2-2 He lb. ' Artichokes Unoaoted. a ... . tAM . 7.i.ima en. W.WW, MMIUWM, lb. erst. No, 1 baached 20 2.75; string LAO. Aeoeados CaliL Faortss, sll sisss. L45-1.70; othere. 1.05-1 J5. Bsnsnss per bancs. 6e per lb.; hand eat off as- smalt iota. 6c Beans Oregon, Kentucky, 8H-4c; Gi aats 8-4c Berries Logsaberrlaa, 75e-1.00 ; rasp berries. 1.75-2.00: blackcajs, 1.75-1.85; hsckleberries, 12-15c; boy sea berries, 75 85e; blackberries, 60-70e: enrrsnts, 1.50 L65. , Cabbage Local 90 pound crates. 65 90e; poorer 75. Csrrots 20-22 Me. : Cantaloupes California, Jumbo, all sties 1.00-1.25; Torloek Jumbo 1.60-1.65; Oregoa J liar d, 86-45s, 1.25-1.85; Wssh ington, 86-45S, 85-1.00; Spears, 1.15 1.25. Csssbs Calif, 14 -2e per lb; crate, 1.40-L50. Cauliflower Local, 9-lla, 1.00-1.25, No. 2, 40-50& Celery Oregon, Utah, OOe-l.OO ; white, 75e-1.00; hearts, Utah, 75-85e; white, 78-1.00. Citraa rrull Grapefruit, Arlsona 3.00 2.25; choice, 1.75-1.85; lettuce - crates. 2.00-2.25; florid, 8.25 8.76; Csilf. 3.00 2.25. Lemons Psaey, all sises, 6.00-6.80 ; choice 4.60-5.00. Limee Calif, flats, 150s. 2.60; dia olsy cartons. OOe, doieas 80-25c OrSBges Vslcneis. Isrga S.75-4.00: small to medinm. 2.15-8.00. Corn Local 6 dos. boxes, 75-90c; poof 45-SOc Cucumbers Oregon, fists, 40-45c! rlcklrs. No. 1, 45-50; No. 3, 40e; Ke. . 80t Igg riant Oallf, roga. 1.16-1.28; 6-7 per lb.? local flsu, 60 60c rigs cam. lists, bsal 48-50; buck, 65-75e. Garlic Local new 6-8e lb; string 6-10c Heaeydsws Calif, 9-Us. 1.25-1A5. Grsves Calif, saedless. 1.00-1.25 fata: Red Vslsyas. 1.85-1.50; Ribier. 1.85. irowaee uocai, ary paca, a ar 4 os best 1.00-1.25 : poor sow ss 75: Wash ington topped, 1.40-1.50,, Masbrooms Caltifsted 1 lb. cartoss, 80-85c ; H-lb. cartons. 17-18c Nectarines Calif, 70-75e lug. Onione Calif reds. 85-B0e: ' Wash. yellow, 50-lb. sscks, 60-70; Oregoa whit wsi, 1.7511.85. Peaehe California flata. Hale. 95- 1.10; Elbertea 65-75c; lugs, 95-1.10, bz. 80e: Oreeon-WaihiDCton Hsles. lurs 80- 90c. boxes 65-75e; Golden Jubilee 60 65c; Bocbester, 65-85; Triumphs, boze. Pear Wsshlntrton fsncv Bsrtlstt. wrapped, 1.75 1.85. Boie, orchard run, 78-85C . Spinach Local, orang box, 60-60. Psss Oreson Tslepbones. 8-4 or lb.: fsacy 6-6c; coast, 25-lb. box 1.00-1.15; poorer lower. Peppers Oreroa flats. Sreen. 85-40e: rod. 81-1.25 Plums Cslif, Easts Ross, 4-baakt era tea, 1.10-1.15: Wsshington California Beantiea, flat 60-65e; Oregon Italians, 45-50e; Bradahaw 75e: per 25 lb. lac: Damisons 40-50c. Paw Splits the Atom! Can't Keep a Good Man Down! One Article Not for Sale &EE. AARB. SPRUC&-L THINK VOUC? RJRNl- WELL.WEVE DUSTED AND POUSHED IT.SOME, Or IT AAAV SEEM -I NEAT EVEN tP V3 IT AlMT NEW A Dreadful Dilemma TUB MAM ASKED THE 4 ABOUT 5 AHE HAM I LAST WEEK - HE'S- HE'S Yo Can't Fool a Horsefly! :OKAV LES H GO GET A FARM J Yo I KICtMOT A SIMGLE Closing NEW YORK, Anjr. 17. (rT) Al Chem ft Dye. 1(2 H Coml Solvent. .. Allied Stores ... 8 American Can .100 Am For Power.. 24 Am Power ft Lt. BH Am Bad Std San MO Am Roll Mills .. 14, Am Smelt ft Ret 44 Am Tel ft Tel.. 105 Amer Tobacco . 81 4 Am Water Wks. 11 Comwlth ft Sou. Consol Edison . Consol Oil ..... Corn Products . Curtiss Wright . Douzlas Aircraft Du Pont de N..148 Elee Power ft Lt 8 Erie RR General Electric General Foods . General Motors. Goodyear Tire.. Great Northern. Hudson Motors . Illinois Central . Iasp Copper . , . Int Harvester . . Int Nickel Can.. Anaconda 244 Armour 111 . ... 3 Atchison , 25 BarnsdaU 124 Bait ft Ohio ... 4tt Bendlz Aviation 23 Bethlehem Steel 58 Boeing Air .... 20 Borge Warner .23 Budd Mfg 4 Calif Pack .... 17 Callahan Z-L. . . 1 Calumet Hec ... 5 ..lean Int Paper Int Tel ft Tel. . . Johns Manvllle . Kennecott ..... Libbev-O-Ford . Canadian Pacific 34 J I Case ...... 70 Caterpil Tractor 41 Llg ft Myers B. .108 Celaneae 25 Loew s ........ 4 Z Monty Ward ... 9 Nash Kelvinator National Biscuit 26 Certain-Teed .. Ches ft Ohio ... 33 Chrysler 80 Potatoes Orecoa Blisa Triomohs. US He. 1. 1.25-1.85; Wsshinrton Long Whites 1.85-1.40; OS No. 2, 60-pound sscks. 60 55e; Russets, US Ko. 1, 100 1b. sscks. 1.50; No. 2, 45-47 He. Rhubarb Nominal. ' So uash Orecoa flat Zoccblal eeallope. 25-30c; Crookneeks, 85-40e; Danish largo crates 1.25; fats, 50 60c; Harblehead, 8-2Hc Tomatoes Orecoa. field grown, flat. 85-40c; No. 2, 25-85e; Washingtoa lags. I.oo-i. 10; ancisssmea, 70 eoe. -WstermeloBt Calif, 1.25-1.50 cwt.. crates extra: toa iota, 25.00-28.00.; Ore gon 23.00 ton. Hop Picking Aug. 25 WHEATLAND Hop picking In the P. H. Fowler 25-acre field at Wheatland with 55 pickers Is scheduled to start Friday, August 25. The same crew and hop house will be used to care for the Jesse Gilkey hop crop. KELZER YOUTH INJURED KEIZER. James Green, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alden Green, sus tained a serious Injury to his left knee while playing In the old dance hall at Spong's landing. A rotted plank broke and he fell to a rough cament floor be low. Thirteen stitches were taken near the knee cap by a Salem phy sician. WORTH A FEW DOLLARS TO' yj SOMEBODY BUT WHO HITS MY HUSBAND I MY PIRST HUSBAND! A CRUEL. DRUNKEN BEAST I THOUGHT HE PERISHED RM . ARDENER THE SAW Yes, THE MIME CAVE -IN r IWlLL GIVE T mc ow- 1 IB A WEDOIN m Quotations - Todays closing, prices: 10 National Cash . . Natl Dairy Prod. National Dist .. Natl Power ft Lt Northern Pacific Packard Motors. J C Penney .... Phillips Petrol . Press Steel Car. Pub Service J. Pullman Safeway Stores . Sears Roebuck . Shell Union ... Sou Cal Edison. Southern Pacific Standard Brands Stand Oil Calif. Stand Oil NJ . . . Studebaker .... Sup Oil Tlmk Roll Bear. Trans-America . Union Carbide . United Aircraft. United Airlines. US Rubber .... US Steel Walworth ..... Western Union . White Motors . . 17' 16 24; 9 84; 3: 90 32 40 25 44 77 10 28 13 6 25 40 7 ITs 43 5 79 35 11 414 464 4?s 23 1 31 6 60 4 1 36 44 46 27 23 5 11 11 52 40 12345 ftP Pf 32 5 67 34 AS j 3bO We don't ask you what you want to use the cash you borrow for we don't ask for cosigners! Ton get your loan the most convenient way so why do without immediate funds 7 STATE Finance Co. A HOME-OWNED INSTITUTION (Childs ft Miller's Office) 344 State SL, Salem, Ore. . Phone 9261 Lie. No. 8-216 M-2 By CLIFF STERRETT By WALT DISNEV By BRANDON WALSH I s4 X THINK. THATT T LUCKY ? PERHAPS KEEP THAT BOOK AS A UTTLE REMEMBRANCE Ft?OM ME rvE MAO IT SINCE I WAS A LITTLE GlRLVCXJR AGE - IT HASMTANV VALUE, I ALWAYS LOVED IT j By JIMMY MURPHY XH STILL HIS WIFE I 1 THOUGHT I WAS A WIDOW WHEN 1 MARRIED AL. SKI DOER NOW rvE two - HUSBANDS ONE 1 1 LOVE AMD ONE I LOATHE WHAT-WILL Z DO WHAT WILL 1 DO? TO 7 THERE SHOULD 3E ruw RlBBOKlS ON THE BEES AND HORSES, VOO E THEM ON THE BEES AMD I W1LL.TIE THEM ON THE HORSES uaaasoas en . error aaa SIM1