- i I j VI. hi t '1 It i f' PAGE TEN' " - Roads, Bridges Contracts Due Million Dollars Worth of Slate Jobs to Draw Consideration Soon Contracts for road and bridge projects aggregating 'a cost of ap proximately $1,000,000, will be considered at a two-day meeting of the state highway commission to be held in Portland August 31 and September 1. , , The projects include: -J, Roadside1 improTement, coTer fng 1.66 miles on the Smith Point Youngs Bay Bridge section of the Oregon Coast highway In Clatsop county. v .Surfacing and oiling of 12 miles of the Jewell-Banzer bridge section of the Nehalem secondary highway In Clatsop and Columbia counties. ' s Roadside ImproTement, eoyer ing .74 mile, of the North Rose burg, section of the Pacific High way In Douglas county. ' Grading of 1.01 miles of the North unit, Siakiyou-Bear Canyon section of Pacific highway In Jackson county. Pacific Highway Job Grading of 1.4 miles of ' the south unit, Siskiyou-Bear Canyon section of the Pacific Highway in Jackson county. y Grading fo 18.07 miles apd 81 foot pile trestle bridge on the Owyhee river-Tudor section of the Idaho,. Oregon, Nevada secondary highway in Malheur county. Bridges orer West Fork Fairy creek and the Nehalem river on the Wolf creek highway In Wash ington county. Glenwood under- crossing on. the Wilson river high way in Washington county. Concrete bridge, 1 75 feet in length,' over Lang canyon, five miles west of Arlington on the Co lumbia River highway In Gilliam county.' , Grading of 2.64 miles and 33.43 miles surfacing and oiling on the Buchanan-Juntura section of the Jpentral Oregon highway in Har ney and Malheur counties. Regrading and paving of .5 mile of the Eagle Point-Hog creek sec tion of the Crater Lake highway in Jackson county. Grading of 4.59 miles of State Farm-Adams section of the Ore gon-Washington highway in Uma tllla county. , Tltt OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning August 18, 193, Schoolgirl Chums Of 1880's Gather Four girlhood chum at Mur phy, Josephine county, when pig tails and long skirts were the fashion,met In Salem this week for the first time in more than 60 years. v - - The reunion was held at the home of Mrs. James Stewart, 1852 Court street. Other members of the group were Mrs. Emet Goff, Corvallis; Mrs. Lulu Caldwell, San Francisco, and Mrs. S. E.' Hamlet, Atlanta, Ga. .. . " - All four of the women attended the school at Murphy. Mrs, Goff and Mrs. Stewart entered the school in 1875 while Mrs. Cald well and Mrs. Hamlet started In 1877. They separated a few years ' later." .-. . - r 7 - - 2 Tiny Girls Die In Burning Cabin BISHOP, Calif., Aug. ll-UPr- Two- small daughters of a former Los Angeles musician were burned to death la the crib today when fire destroyed a cabin at Keough Hot Springs, near here. A third child was burned before prrjMcuers, their own clothing ' aaa'me, carried him to safety af- - ter battering down a door into the ; structure. The victims were Barbara Dun can, 5, and Marlow, 3, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan. . The . couple went to the springs last May. Duncan Is a drummer la a resort orchestra. His wife Is employed there. ? 0 oSlhisillse JJ Friday & Saturday Only! D Only ! As New York Youth Won Soap Box Derby : f " i i : . i iv s& -. ' 1 X 4 " W-' 'X 'y''- "' '..'.v.'. f A.'.'. -v. .'A-.v.v.-.v. ,:::v,;::-.:: ' . ..jj'.v. v 1 1 With 100,000 rain-drenched spectators cheering him on, Clifford Hardesty, 11,! of White Plains, NY, wins the sixth annual All-American Soap Box derby at Akron, O., as pictured. The Hardesty youth set a new record of 27.8 seconds for the 1,100-foot runway. The former mark was 28.2 seconds. Young Hardesty is shown above winning the final race (arrow) and inset, with his father. Chiefs Likeness Greets Reporters When' newspaper correspond ents arrived at the press room in the capltol building early Thurs day they, found an alleged paint ing of Governor , Charles; A. Sprague, the work of a convict in the state penitentiary. It was intended that the paint ing should be presented to the governor but in some way it found Its way Into the press room." One reporter said the painting 'was a better likeness of an In dian than of Governor Srague. Another reporter said it resem bled a previous state executive. It was suspected that the paint ing was sent to the press room by a member of the governor's staff. DeWitt Grocery Is Sold to Coon A. W. Coon, formerly of Ore gon City, has purchased the De Witt Food Market, corner of Cot tage and Ferry streets, according to a recent announcement. Form erly manager of a Safeway store in Oregon City, Coon, declared It would be his policy here to offer quality merchandise at consistent ly, low prices and plans to oper ate the market as a model: type of food store in every respect. Fresh fruits and vegetables, an up-to-date, well-stocked meat de partment, and fred delivery are some of the services offered. S&H green stamps will also be carried. Mr. and Mrs. Jack DeWitt, wh ru sold onf tn fnnn urn in. Journing at the coast prior to an extended trip to the east. Sheriff Initiates Fingerprint Plans The sheriff's office is prepar ing to build up a permanent rec ord system based on fingerprint ing of virtually all prisoners brought to the county Jail, Deputy Lawrence L. Pittenger of the criminal department, said yester day. Prisoners facing felony charges will be fingerprinted without ex ception and also those on misde meanor counts other than of mi nor consequence. Work began on' the system yes terday with the fingerprinting of 13 jail Inmates. The fingerprint cards also will carry other identi fication data such as age and de scription of the individual being listed. Few Restaurants Would Arbitrate - PORTLAND, Aug. 17. P) A dozen of the 120 restaurants affiliated with the Associated Restaurants- of Portland agreed today to arbitrate a wage con troversy with culinary unions. . Ranson D. Melnke, employers' attorney, said it was still an open question whether other members of the association would Join the movement. Nurse Is Chosen -i For College Post i Announcement of the appoint ment of Miss Margaret Anne Col lins of Spokane, Wash., as resi dent nurse at Willamette uni versity was made yesterday by Dr. Bruce R. Baxter, president of the university. She replaces Miss Hazel Sorensen who has gone to Hood River. Miss Collins is a graduate of Stadium high school in Spokane and of the Deaconess school of nursing In Spokane. She has spent a year and a half as a private nurse and six months as charge nurse In Potlatch, Idaho. She will have her office at Lausanne! hall and will be on call for other living organizations. Benton Area PUD Petitions Okehed Portland District Petition Also Found Legal by Attorney General Legality of petitions seeking creation of the Benton county people's utility district and the Portland people's utility district were approved by Attorney Gen eral L H. van Winkle Thursday and certified to the state hydro electric commission. Dates for hearings In the pro posed districts will be determined at a meeting of the hydroelectric commission to be held in Portland Friday. Corvallis Excluded The Benton county district would comprise the east one-third of the county with Corvallis ex cluded. The Portland project would embrace all of the terri tory within the city. Petitions for the Portland district contained approximately 5800 signature and were filed by Senator Harry Kenln of Multnomah county. . Reports on the feasibility of the proposed districts will not be prepared by the hydroelectric commission until after the hear ings are completed. Officials said it probably would be necessary to change the origi nal boundaries of the Wasco county people's utility district to exclude the towns of Dufur and Mosier. Although these towns voted against creation of the Was co county district at Tuesday's election the total vote was favor able, j The Dalles voted; for the dis trict by a decisive majority. Autos Registered Exceed Last Year Motor vehicles registered In Oregon on July 31 totaled 356, 707 or 9827 In excess of the number registered on the corre- Arlington Burial For; Capt. Joyes Captain John W. Joyes of Van couver barracks, who was killed in a train accident at Albany Tuesday, ! will be burled in Arl ington national cemetery Monday, August 21, It was learned here yesterday by American Legion of ficials. I Joyes commanded 125 men of the seventh Infantry during the Legion convention here last week and was; on his way to the Pre sidio for medical treatment when the fatal accident occurred. Flowers for the funeral may be wired in! care of the chaplain, Fort Meyer, Va. The Legion eon vention committee here Is wiring a wreath; , D0NT CHAIN YODR HANDS WITH 0LD-FASH10KTD METHODS Ir beneath the dignity of the American housewife to clean her painted walls and woodwork by the antiquated means of soap and water, brushes, rags, etc SOILOFF deans your painted surfaces like dusting. No water no rinsing- 00 drying. SOIL-OFF will met injtot faint, dull tbcgloss, barm tbt bandi. mtiJn t 7 rfflWjflX Ms4pVXZM 4lrf A 'mm s tag ytlUw jitnhrmthm I $&3fl I W IftfWtitQ JJjff m m II if ai ii nm r- u UHLUHDLC n ( COUPON u u n Bring This Coupon U with You for a n u D 0 D D .0 - n 0 326 State St. 0 ' " 1 - " . ft 7i .Why Sulfa . Any I.r"Tfi? WEES OTEEU FAIL I ace' cor Chine remadie. Asuilag -SCO CESS for 6000 7rt CHINA. Ka B-ittter with wfeat ailment J0 r AFFXJCTED - diiorden. ri aukitia. heart, tang, Urtr, kidney, toauth, ffta, constipation, sic an. diibnii." rheumatism, - call sad bladder, ferer, jton, female eea- ir Charlie Chan Chinese Herb Co. g. B. Four. 8 yeart . Sntetiea CUina, j Hie; boars, 9 to S n airent San- i iViL n ii i i Salcms Retail Packing Plant j 351 State St. . i Now That the Weather Has Cooled, Meat jTastes Better Than Ever. Take . Advantage of These Values in Choice Inspected Meats mil S and Jgjg Bleatj and Hie Choice 1 1 and Ell Tender i ' -' - - i If You Have a Locker Box, Here Is an Opportunity to Stock It With the Cuts You Prefer. No Extra Qiarge for Wrapping Picnic Stylm mm Mm SLEWED Young, Lean Bee f or Pork HO TRICKY DflllGJlItJS-WnEn YOU SEE IT EI 0UU AD IT'S SO spondln data a yor ago, Bscrs tar of State Earl Bnell raported hsrs Thursday. Fees totaled $1,597,171.11 or an Increase of 4.8 1 per cent. Prirate ' automobiles aggregat ed 292,708, an Increase ot 7218, while trucks totaled 31,136, an Increase ot 2352. Motorcycle reg istrations Increased from 1398 last year to 1539 this year. A total of 274,129 motor re hicle operators renewed their li censes during the- first seren months of 1939 while 23,150 ob tained original licenses. FDR Is Farthest North on Journey ABOARD U. S. 8. LANG. Aug. i7. ft president Rooserelt, steaming through fog-ridden waters aboard the nayal cruiser Tuscaloosa, arriTed at Bay of Islands, Newfoundland, lato to day, completing a 225-mile run from Sydney, Not Scotia, - The president piannea ia iuu most ot tomorrow weather per mitting. His aides expressed nope that a 'mall plane carrying official papers would be able to make the hop from Equantum, Mass., before he leaves for home. The plane's flight was canceled again today because of fog. Tonight's anchoage was the farthest north Mr. Roosevelt has been since he became president. He has -sailed more than 1,200 miles since leaving New York last Saturday. II . Six Boxes to Carton 13c NEW MARKET i Mortons SALT Iodized Pkg. 7c 146 No. Commercial Street Phone 4010 Kitchen Queen Flour Crown Cake Flour 49's $3Lo9 S ibs. 33c IP's, 29c ' iiSJiNJ Imitation Vanilla COFFEE 4. Bottle. .. J One Lb oz" BotlIe iL H C 2Lb8..........47C i Dressing Macaroni or Spaghetti and spread m quart Slbs. a 17c Quart VAL-viTA Calumet Pork '& Beans Baking Powder 2 cans g 3,4c iKMc IT'S A HIT! Breaktut of Champion IPlllSOIiryS Y"fho!itioc Cake Flour WllCclllCd Kitchen Scoop ' With Milk or Cream and Fruit fljEXffB 23.C Crystal White . Pm . . . . Soap Chips Peets Granu,at Soap 5 ItoSo 27c Urge s" 23c Kitchen Brooms Kelloggs Pep 4 Sewed Pkg. jLCC eacGi 23c GOLDEN HARVEST l 0. 49'. Sack 3.9c IOC Pure Egg Noodles Va-VitaHIsup VS lie 2 bottles i 7c Bulk pickling spice Sunny toast Jell SPECIAL! Keen-edged Stainless Steel 9 PLSo 2LOC . FRENCH TTMIUI" chef luJIrb abi Bulk - 2? - BlacCt Pepper SOFTikSILK 23c Vt u,. ceu. (Be TOGIAOES" C Lug ' CANNING PEACHES, bnabel . nafteirinniefloiT) . 69c ANOTHER SHIPMENT OP THIS NICE LEAN Za 7nFn . IU tfi m HAP3S ;ya id. 19c Lean Bacons 17c i!l Wciners, lb. 16c Gronnd Beef... lbs. ZSC Beef Roast, lb.: lie df - and Wednaa-5 A Q in id m. Mutton Roast, t lb. , 122 W. Cora'I St. Salem. Pro.