PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning August 17, 1939 Salem Market Quotations (BoriDg rite) (Tka price, below aapplltf by a local Crowtr u IndieatlTa f Sally market erieee peia ta pm y Salem 'barm tat arc aot guaranteed i The Stater saa.) . Beaaaaa, IK aa tala tiaeda Grapes, Calif, aetdleaa Grapefruit. ;. Lemons, '.crate ' Oraag-ve. crate ' Avoeadea. crate ., CaataJaapee, crate .. Water-alone, lb. ., S.SO to '- .06 1.74 a.s 6.60 4.00 1.60 " 1.3J VEUTASXS (Bnytag f rices) .OS JO 3i .01 H .20 1.50 Cora. Doa. Coevubera, entdoor Lttoce Beaaa, w Ureea Beeta. doa. , Cabbare. lb - Carrota, local, doa. Celery. Utah, 1.25: local, crate 1.85 .15 .75 1.50 LOO 0 JtO .06 JO .40 1.10 3 1.00 Ji .40 . .55 Daioaa, .60 IK Sreea ealeae, doa. Etadlsbee. doa. Pea a, coaat,-- IK , Peppera, green. Calif.. rarale Potatoea, local wt Ko. o low oaga Ipinach. Seattle, box. Turalpa. doa. Bqnash. doa. teaaetoea. Dalles, lag ' STTT& : (Price paid by Indepeodent Packlm oust to graver) - Welnate Ptaoquattre, faaey, 12a Be II do, lttat amall 6c: orchard ma. to 10c. Walnut naata. 25 to 0e lb. niberta Barcelona!, largo 12Vit 17' 11 He: babiea, lie: orchard rna lie Ca op Prtcee to Grower) . Walnnta Prlee range, depending apoa way aota ma la 14 differenf grade, 11 H 12a. Duehilly 1 cent higher. HOPS (Baying Price) Cnitcra, aoinmal. 1937, .05 Clatters,' 1088, lb. .25 ragglea, top , Si WOOL AJTD MOHAIX Wool, medinm Coarae, lb. Lamba, lb. Motair. lb (Bnytng Prlcea) i, lb . J7 .27 .22 . A9 EGOS ASS POtTLTBY (Baying Price, of -adreae'a Grade A large, doa. Jtl Grade B large, doa. J 8 Grade A medium J8 Grade B aiedium . JS Pnlleta JS Colored frye . .18 White Leghorn,, beayy J0-.11 White Leghorn,, light 41-.12 Old rooatera .05 Hea-y hena, lb .18 MABJOH CBak BY. Baying trice Butterfit, first quality .., , , .24 Botterfat, second quality .22 Batteries, premium .25 Leghorn Beat. .08 ' Grade fi raw 4 per ceat milk, Salem Co-op basic pool price) f 1.70. . Co-op Grade) . A batterfat price 631.73. ,'j (Milk : baaed oa teml-moBthly . batterfat aeeragae) - .' Distribwtor price, fS. Batterfat, No. . 1, 24c; No, 2, 23c; premium, 25c 4 trade print, 2Htl grade 27 Me; qaariers 20 Me Leghorn fry era. 1 H Iba ' , . . Colored fry art, 2-3lba. Colored springs, A lbs. and ap Colored hen, 8taga . ' Old Rooster, .,..,, .. Ka 2 grade. So per oonad leea. BOOS Orada- A large, Grade A medium Grade B larca Grade B mediant .10 -10 JS Jl .06 .04 Uadergradea and ebx Faiieta ll J8 48 JS .18 as LIVESTOCK (Baying price tor Bo. I atocs, bated a ceaditloaa aad aalea reported ap to 4 p.i Lamba 1930 top, 6.75 Lamba. yearltnga , . 4.50 ta 6.00 Ewea , 2.00 to 2.75 Hoga, top, - - i 6.60 130-150 Iba. 210-800 Iba. Sow, Beef caw, Bull, Heifer, Top veal Dairy type eowa Ureued eai, lb 6.00 to 6.25 6.75 to 6.25 6.00 9 00 to 5.25 5.00 to 5.75 6.00 to 5.50 8.00 8.00 to 4.00 Jl GRAIN. BAT AJfO SEEDS Wheat. bu No. 1 reeleancd .76 Oata. grey ton White -a no Peed barley, toa Clover hay, toa Alfalfa, toa 22 00 to 24.00 . 12.00 to 18.00 10.00 to 16.00 Egg maah. Ka. 1 grade. SO IK bag 1.70 Dairy feed. 60 lb. bag 1.85 Hen aeratcb feed 1.75 Cracked corn - 1.75 Wheat 1.68 Burkes Leave for Veterans9 Convention DAYTON Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Burke left early Tuesday morning for a two weeks trip that will take them to the convention of the 31st Engineers Veterans of Foreign Wars, to be held in Oak land, Calif., and the fair at San Francisco. Wheat Prices W Higher Best Level in 2 Weeks Gamed, Cora Market Also Advances ' CHICAGO. Aur. lf-inPy-Whea. prices reached their best lerel In two weeks here today talning more than a cent a , bushel at times. The close wa. near the highs. The com. market, after aji easy start, turned upward with wheat and gained about a cent before increased offerings checked the advance. Strength at Winnipeg, fair de mand for September wheat here, and renewed European war fears, which, however, were not reflect ed at Liverpool, combined to tire the market Its strong tone. Sep tember contracts reached 6f up 1U from the previous close. Wheat on the board of trade closed cents higher, Sep tember 66-65, December 65- Foreign Inquiry for North American wheat continued slow and limited to about 100,000 bu shels of Manitobas to the United Kingdom. Canadian crop reports Issued yesterday were construed as bul lish and further damage was said to have been done to wheat in parts of Saskatchewan yesterday by the worst rain and hail storm of the year. Winnipeg wheat prices advanced as much as 1 cents and closed 1-1U higher. The large amount of wheat be ing stored for government loans was reflected today In northwest receipts that were about 60 per cent smaller than a year ago. Ar rivals at Minneapolis and Dnluth totaled 358 cars, compared with &83 & week ago and 972 a year ago. Minneapolis receipts totaled 189 cars, of which only CO ears were said to be for sale. Quotations at Portland PORTULXD, Ore, Aug. 18 (AP) Dairy prodaco ptteear Bntter: Ixtraa S5HS atandarda UH; prinw firtta Sift; flnU 11; batterfat J4H-25. . t , ... Bgga? - Largo extrae Slej largo atand arda 20; mediant . extra, 20, : medium atandarda lscj small- extra 12; ana 11 tandarda 11. Oaeeao Triplet, lSoi loaf. Ida. Portland Produce PORTLAXD, Ore., Aag. 18 (AP) Country MeataSelllag prtco to retail-on:- Conatry-killad hoga, beat batcher, under 160 Iba. -9e lb.: vealera 18 He lb. Ught aad tbia 10-lle lb. heavy S-10c lb.; airing lamba, lS)t'14e lb.; yearling lamba 10-12e lb.; owe, S-6o lb.; cotter caw, Ttt-Sttt lb.; eanaer eowa 1 $ H Ik.j balSa 10i llo lb. Live Foaltry Baying prteet: Leghorn broilere i 12-14, lb.; colered apriaga 2 Iba. and over 15c: lb.; Leghorn ken, over SH Iba. 12-lSe; Leghora ben, nnder SMi iba. 12e; colored hen, to S Iba. 15c; over S Iba. 15e; Ho. 2 grade 4a lb. leea. Tnrkeye Selling price t ' Draaaed heaa. 17-13, lb.: Tom, 16-16, lb. Baying 5 rice,! Hena 15-16e lb.; tomt 14-15, lb. ew crop hen, 21a lb; torn, 20-2 le. Potatoee Deackatee Gena, 1.75 eenUL Kew Potatoea Yakima Oema, 1.40 cat.: Kennewick 1.50 local white, 75-90, ran re box. Onion, Walla Walla, 60-70, sack; Oregon Bermadaa, Sf4-4e lb. Wool rWillamatte valley 1S8S cUp, aominal mediom 25e ' lb.; coane and braid, 25-26, lb.: aia month, fleece 22- 24e lb.; aattera Oregon 20-28co lb. Hay Selling price to retailere: Alfal- , .7 , a n . . . V- . m. . m, . io. m; varvotca a.ov ion; clover, 11.00 ton; timothy, aattera Or torn 19.00; valley timothy, 14.00 toa Portland.; BoDt 1938 Clottera S5a Ai facrlea 23e lb. I hfohalr Nominal 1989 cfip SO IK Caaeara bark Bovinr nrico 1989 neal de lb. Bugar Berry pad fruit, 100a. S.00: kale 6.15; keet 4.95 Domeatto Flour Selling price, city da livery, 1 to 25 bbL Iota: Family patent, 49a. 5.75-6.15; bakm' hard wheat net, d 10-5.25 p hakera' btaaetom, 4.75-5.05; Stocks and Bonds Angnat 15 STOCK AVEBAQZS Compiled by the Attociaud Proas "Redheads Are Lucky" By Vera Brown ' SYNOPSIS . If ike Shannon, pretty mahogany haired magazine counter girl at the Hotel Eorcka, Is trying to reform ens of Its spectacular guests-ths ranch publicized Handsome Larry Regan, sensational young so.tb.psw (left hand) pitcher whose mUcon duct has been worrying bis team's a i i , port of her family. She Is not so pleased when "Wish" If alone, the club's No. V scout, sngreits that she might marry the erratic Hand some. She Is now In the midst of a talk with Melons. . . - . 5 V CHAPTER V - Wish Ualone then explained the situation, . . '. ' . "Now what I came to teH you was this. We're going to 'start Hand some one of these days. Just to see if he's learned anything. I want yon out there. IH see Downey about it. If Handsome wants yon there in the grandstand, I'm going to see you're there. I want the kid to get straightened out before we, go on the road again." The words impressed Mike. Next week Handsome would be gone. Wish, seeing his advantage, kept on: - ' ! . - . "Of course I don't want Hand- nM i trnn-r T wraa riKre. He'd break my neck. And don't think he can't fight." "I won't argue that point!" the girl answered thinking again of their dash in the cloak room. " "Just keep up the good work. If we succeed, yon ought to cut in on the Series money P "IH do what I can. But yon over estimate." "Well see," said Wish as he walked away. He stepped out into the street whistling nnder his breath. ... If he could marry Larry off to this girl, his troubles' would be over! ; ' She had courage to fight the guy! And Wish was sure now that she lowed him. . Hike did not see Larry that night as she bad planned. The doctor called her from the hospital. Jinv mle was to be sent borne. He was leaving shortly with her father. She went to Downey Immediately and asked to get off early. Before she rushed out of the place, she left little note for Larry, explaining things.'' Then she started for home. v That first night Jimmie came .home was something Mike was to rwrnernbrr all her life. To ace him , lie there, so white and still, almost broke her heart Bnt it was she who . sat op with him because he eould not sleep. She told him all about Hand- anm and tha ball nlawera. "Tell me some more about If r. If alone." Jimmie : would beg and then she'd begin again. All about Wish and Ace Barnes, and. West- lake, and how Wish bad discovered Handsome in Charlotte playing for bis high school team. .. . r "When I get well, Ira going to work bard and grow up to be a ball layer." "Yes, dear." Hike fought to keep her voice level. . "I want to be pitcher like Hand some." . "Ya - - 'h-- ' "Will you bring him to see bmT" "He's already promised to come, .and he's going to bring yon a ball aimed by Aee Barnes." It was midnight before Hike got the boy raieted, and he fell asleep. Then she crept Into her room and threw herself on her bed. ltary. awakening, tfli to comxort her. "He's going to be all right, If Oca, Dont cry. The doctor says he's coins; to get weu." - When Hike went to work at ten the next morning, she found a note from Handsome he'd left the night before: - . '-h.-;- v , , "TThat do yon mean running out onmez vait forme tomorrow." It made, her harpy, hut she knew there would not be more dinners dovnt town with Handsome. That wrs crer, now that Jimmie; was t:- ' He r.::lid ter. - - 1 1.1s kr-t an eager watch for a f 'Lt cf Uarjnome that morning. 1 s saw H'7 Trtrls, Us came over They talked a few momenta but he did not mention Handsome and neither did Hike, although it took all her self-control to keep silent. Travis hadnt been gone more than ten minutes when one of the bell boys passed the end of the mag azine counter coming from the bar. He was balancing two whiskey sours on a tray and he winked at Hike as he passed: "The big shot thinks he's going to pitch a double-header today. One for each game," he grinned, nodding toward the two drinks. If ike watched, the bell hop dis appear toward the service door. Her heart sank. Sol He was drinking aged the words as he stumbled into the bsthroom. Hike picked up the telephone and ordered a double to mato juice. "And hurry it, Pierre, This la Hiss Shannon." For by this time Hike was quit reckless. She stood there tapping her foot impatiently. She could hear the shower running. When the to mato juice came, Handsome was still struggling in the bathroom. Bui shortly he put his head out and asked: "Shall I shaver "Get out here and get this Into you." He came out, took the tomat juice. : - . i. i ' The bellhop winked at Mike after nodding at the two drinks: "The big shot thinks he's going to pitch a double-header. One for each game," he grinned ... again 1 The girl looked wildly about the lobby. If she could find Ifr. Downey! She talked to HoUio Kent, chief of the switchboard, and I learned Downey was out : Mike knew she had to act Quickly. She must get somebody to take the counter for a few moments. She ealled the bell captain: ; "WUI you take the stand for a few minutes, Ralph? Ill be right back." v Without further ado Mike headed for the back elevator. She rang and the car seemed years coming. The operator's inquisitive eyes bored in to her. "Hurry," she begged. At the tenth floor, Mike got out and ran down the corridor. At Larry's door aha did not knock,1 but turned the handle slowly. Through the crack she eould see Handsome, sitting ap ta bed, drinking the first whiskey sour, like a cyclone Mike barged in. "Put that down!" she snapped. In his surprise. Handsome set the glass down obediently and blinked at her. Mike came over to the bed side, grabbed up both drinks, went into tho bathroom and threw them down tho drain.. . ; - When she came back aha bad wet towel in her hand and she slapped Handeome's dased fees with it briskly. Then she threw aim his bathrobe. ,;i 't,.. : "Get into that. Now get out of bed 'and into your clothes. Take them into the bathroom. It's almost 11 o'clock!" I Meekly, Handsome obeyed. He wMaEtUerartesJyonhisfeetand fumbled about for his dothes, . "Herel- Mike gathered them up, "Get in the bathrooml I wait right here until you're dressed." Militant, the redhead stood there llMiag up at the six-footer. Pf &?er." dsosae bav "Drink It!" He made a terrible face. "I say, drink itl" Handsome tried, manae-ed to na eomplish tho feat "Now, get your hat" Of course. Handsome eould not find it. "Never mind it then. Go without .one." "I look terriMa" lta mmiA Murine at hinuielftn the arlaae. run nine- bin hand over his rough chin. - ux course, you do." "Dont be ereaa with ma. Mrim." ha besrsed. Ha looked aa rreatf alien and humble, so like a kid who'd been caugns stealing lam, that Hike weakened lor an instant But aha steeled herself. "I'm not cross with you. You know Bay's just dying to get to tho ban grounds to tell everybody you're hero drunk 1" "Oh, my headl" Handsome felt, It gingerly. , , "Good. I'm rlad It hnrtaf fWvaa you right!" -Oh Mike. Fra sorry. I didat mean to, Why did you have to rua out on met" Black remorse swept over Hand some and bo came over to her aad took her band. "Wm yon let ma kiss you just once? Then IT1 go." "On the cheek," she said aeversly, lifting bar face. At that moment Tony Harper, the assistant coach, walked into tho room "Good morning," ho said briskly. Ta sorry to break in oa such a pretty picture, but there's a base ball arame todav. and waM low ta see Mr. Began at the park." Handsome stood there rigid. Mike's f aea was erimaan. Thar araa nothing they could aay. continued; (To be continued sWrtf-Ur. W Twtml kHI af m gJas fMaajej Bra 80 15 ! . Indue Ralda Net Cbg: D1.5 D .6 Wednea 67.9 18.8 Prev. DS7 69.4 18.S Month Ago 70.3 19.4 Tear Ago 70.3 19.8 1989 High 77.0 28.8 1989 Low 68.8 15.7 15 TJtil D.7 89.4 40.1 88.9 88.0 40.6 88.7 ' BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 ' Raila Indue Ctil Net Chg D .7 Unch D .1 Wedne, , 57.2 100.8 97.1 Prev. Day. 67.9 100.8 97.2 llOBth Ago 67.9 100.5 96.9 Tear Ago 68.7 99.6 98.2 1939 High 64.9 100.8 97.6 1989 Low 63.4 97.0 91.9 SO Stock a D1.0 48.2 49.2 49.6 48.0 58.4 41.6 10 Torga D.2 69.3 S9.5 60.9 62.9 64.0 58.2 bleaded wkaat floerv d-95-5.10; aoft wheat 4.85-4.40: graham, 40a, 4.50; whole wheat. 49a. d.95 bbL - Portland Grain ; PORTLAND. Aa. 16 AP) Opea i Eigk Low Close Sept. 68 H ! 68H y 68 68 Doe. S8H 8 8W 68 Caah grata : Oata-No.3-88 lb. white 22. So. S-S8 lb gray 2S.00. 'Barley No. 2-45 lb BW 18.00. Cora Po; S JEY ahipmeata 25. ' No. l ilx 1.48H. . Caah whet (bid): Soft white 70; wett- ora waito 7u; wcatera red eei. llara red winter: Ordinary 66: 11 per eeat 66: 12 per eeat 69; IS per eeat 71; 14 per cent 13. Bard white-Ha art: Ordinary 70; 13 per eeat 70; 13 per coat J; 14 par ceat TOtt, Today 'a ear receipt. Wheat 75; barley 1; Hour 14; anilUeed 4; hay L. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore., Aag. 16 (AP) (UBDA) aogu Keeeipt, 85. ActiTe, 10- 15 higher. Price range: Barrewa aad (ilta, good- choice, 120-140 iba. , 5.85 6.10 . do gd-eh, 140-160 lb, 6.00(5 6.85 do gd-eh, 160-180 Iba 6.25 6.75 do gd-cb, 180-200 lba 6.60 6.75 do gd-eh, 200-220 lb 6.85 6.75 do gd-eh, 220-240 lb 6.15 6.50 do gd-eh, 240-270 lbt. 6.00(0 6.25 do gd-eh, 270-800 lb,... 5.95 6.10 do gd-eh, 800-330 lb...... 5.650 6.00 do gd-ch, 880-86O Iba . 5.60 5.66 do medium, 160-300 lba 6.00 6.60 reader pigs, gd-ch,70-120 6.25 Qj 7.00 Cattle: ReceipU 150. Calrea 85. Price range: Steera. fcood. 900-1100 lba.-S 7.75(3 9.25 do medinm, 750-1000 Iba 6.75 8.00 do medinm 1100-1800 Iba 6.00 7.26 do eommoB, 760-1100 Iba 5.25 6.60 Bteera, keifera and mixed, medinm. 600-900 Iba 6.50 7.26 do oommon, 500-900 lba 5.000 6.60 Comt, good, all wta 5.00 5.76 do medinm, . all wta . 4.50 6.00 do eat-eom, all wtt 8.50 4.50 do eannera (low eatter), all wta. 8.00 8.50 Ball (ylgt.ezeld). beet gd 6.75 6.25 do aaaaage, good; 5.50 6.25 do median i 5.00 5.50 do cnt-eom, ,11 wt, . 4.50 6.00 Vealera. gd-eh. all wta 7.50 8.50 do oom-med., all wt 6.00 7.60 do cnlL 400 Iba. down..- 4.00 6.00 Calrea, eom.-med dOO Iba down , 5.00(3 7.00 do cull, 400 Iba. down 4.00 S.60 Sheep: Receipt! 600. Price rang,: Spring lamna, gooa-eaoiee do mod and good Uommon Yearling wethers, mediam Ewet, good-ehoieo ; , Common-mediam , Wool in Boston BOSTON, Aug. 16 (AP) (TJSDA) New butinett in wool waa very alow on the Botton market today. An occasional buyer would take choice fine wcatera grown woo It at firm prieea but the rol ame of thia trade waa amall. Choice 12 month Texaa and fine territory origin 1 bag wools of bulk ataple combing length brought 72-73 cent, aeourad baaia. Scat- Gardeners' Mart PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 16 (AP) (US 'A) Produce price cfcaagaa: Apclea Waablagtoa Traatpareata, atandard boxea, loose, 70-75c: Urarea Uina, Oregon, 60-90, ; poorer Iowa, 25e; Calif. Graveaateina, Inga, 1.00-1.26; erabapplet, f and U 40-50c; 2-2 Ho lb. AriK-hoket Unquoted. Atparagua Oregon, Washington, 90 lb. erata. No. 1 attached 8.50 2.76; atring, 1.60. Arocadoo Calif, rnertea, all eiaee. L45-1.70; ethora. 1.01.25. - Bananaa per bunck. 6e par lb.; hand out off or amall iota. 6c Beaaa Oregon, Kentucky. 8H-4c; Gi ant a 8-4e. . - ..... Berriea Logmnberrlea, 75c-1.00; rap borriea, 1,75 2.00: blackcaja. 1.75 1.85; hockleberriet, 12-15e; bo Ties berries, 75 85e; blackberriea, 60-70c; corraata, 1.50 1.65. Cabbage Local 90-pound eratea, 85 90e ; poorer 75. Carrota 20-22 V, a. Cantaloupes California, Jumbo, aU aixea 1.00 1.25; Turlock jumbo 1.50-1.65; Oregon Dillard, 86-45e, 1.25-1.35; Wash ington, 86-45a, 85-1.00; Speara, 1.15 1.25. Caaaba Calif., 1 -So per lb; crate, 1.40-1.50. Cauliflower . Local, 9-lla, 1.00-1.15, No. 2, 40-SOc. Celery Oregon, Dtah. 1.00-1.10; white. 1001.10; hearts. Utah, 75-85e; white. 75-1.00. Citrua rrult Grapefruit. Art ten a 2.00 S.25; choice, 1.75-1.85; lettuce eratea. 2.00-2.35; Florida, 3.25-8.75; Calif. 2.00 S 25. Lemons Fancy, all aixea, 5.00 5.50; choice' 4.50-5.00. Li-et Calif., flata, 150a, 2.50; dil olay cartons. 90c dozena 20-25c Oranges Valeneias, large 8.75-4.00; amall to medium. 2.15-8.00. Corn Local 6 dot. bozea, 75-1.00; poor 50-60c. Cneumbera Oregon, flata, 40-45cI pick If a. No. 1, 45-60; No. 2, 40c; No. 8. SOc Egg Plant Calif, lugt. 1.15-1.25; S-7, per lb.; local flata, 50-60e. Figs Calit. flata, beat 45-50e; black, 65-75c Garlic Local new 6-8c lb; atring 8-lOe, Honaydewa Calif.. S-lIa. 1.25-1.85. Grapet Calif, seedless, 1.10-1.15 lug; Red Malayat, 1.35-1.50; Ribiert, 1.85. Lettuce Loeal. eiy pack, 8 or 4 dot., beat 1.00-1.25; poor at sow aa 75; Wash ington topped, 1.40-1.50. Mnabrooma Cultirated 1 lb. cartons. S0-35e; H-lb. eartona, 1718c. Nectarine! Calif., 70-75c lug. Onions Calit redt, 85-90e; Wath. yellow, 50-lb. aacka. 60-70; Oregon white wax, 1.751L85. Peach,, California flat,, Halet, 95 1.10; Elbertat 65-75c; luge, 95-1.10, bx. SOc; Oregon-Washington Hales, loga 80 90c, boxea 65-75c; Golden Jubilee 50 65e; Rocheiter, 65 85c; Triumphi, boxea, I 00 1 25. Pears Washington fancy Bartletta. wrapped, 1.75 1.65. Bote, orchard run, 75-85c Spinach Local, orange box, 60-60. Peaa Oreson TeleDbonea. 8-4a ner lb.: fancy 6-6e; eoatt, 35-lb. box 1.15-1.25; poorer lower. tered lota of combing three eightha blood territory wool brought 60-62 cents scour ed basis, while combing quarter blood territory wools were firmlr auoted at 68-60 cent, tcoured batit. Closing Quotations NEW YORK, Ausr. lC-trT-Today's cloInsT prices: Al Chem ft Pye.Utl Chrysler 80 Na Cash Allied Stores . . 8 Com Solvent .. 1 0 Na Dairy Prod . . Amerl Can . . . .100 Comwl ft SOU. . . A m Vnr Pnw :i 1 2 Am Pow ft Light 5 Consou on ... Am Had Std Sn. 10 Corn Products . an, rAii Mills . 14 Turtles Wright. Am Smelt ft Ret 44 Douglas Alrcrsft 67 Am Tel ft Tel V.165 Du Font ae n . .10- 14 Nat Dist 2 Consoli Tdlson. 314 Nat Pow ft Lt .. . - m . m w a a w- 9Tt norm racmc.. 69 Packard Mo . . . 4 J C Penney Phil Petroleum. Pressd Steel Car Am Tobacco Am Wa Woks. Anaconda ..... Armour 111 .... Atchison ...... Barnsdall .'.;. Baltl ft Ohio ... Bendix Aria ... Bethle Steel... Boeing Air : . . . Borge Warner.. Budd Mfg ..... Calif Pack .... Callahan Z-L .. Calumet Hec .. Canadian Pacif. J I Case ...... Caterpil Trac . . CelaneBe Certain-Teed . . Chesa ft Ohio . . 81 V. Elect Pow ft Lt; 11 H Gen Electric . .. 25'i Gen Foods ... 3 Gen Motors 8 Pub Serr N. ... 38 -Pullman 46 Safeway Stores. 45 Sears Roebuck.. 26 Goodyear. Tire.. 274 Shell Union ... 12 Great North 4 Vt Hudson Motrs. . 23 Illinois Cenrl... 587. Insp 24 Sou Cal Edison 5 Sou Pacific . . . 11 Stand Brand, . . 11 Stand Oil of Cal 204 Int Harvester.. 51 Stand Oil of NJ ' . -l . A ay . . a 23- im mcsei can. . ts v siuaeoaxer 4 Int Pa ft P Pf.. 3Z Sup Oil 6 Tim Roll Bear.. 68 Trans-Ameri . . , 34 United Aircraft. 48 Unitd Airlines.. 17 Int Tel ft Tel 1 Johns Manrllle. 5 Kennecott ..... 9 B T.lh-n-lTord 71 Llg ft Myers B. .108 U S Rubber 4 Loew's ....... 42 U S Steel . 25M6ntg Ward ... 50 Walworth ... 6 Nash Kelrinator 6 West Union , 33 Na Biscuit .... 26 White Mot . 17J 17 24' 9, 9 3 90 33 7 40 25 44 76 10 28 13 25 40 7 1 43 5 35 11 42 47; 5 24 8'. Peppera Oregon flats, green, 35-40e, red, 81-1.25 Plaint Calif. Santa Boaa, 4-baahet eratea, 1.10 1.15: Waihingtoa California Beauties, flat 50 65c; Oregon Italiana. 45 50c: Bradthaw 75e; per 25 lb. lug; Damisoni 40-50c Potatoea Oregon Blita Triumpha, US No. 1, 1.25-1.85: Washington Long White 1.85-1.40; OS No. 2, 50-pound aacka, 50 55c; RusseU, C3 Ko. 1. 100 lb. aacka 1 60; No 2, 50 66c Rhubarb Nominal. Sauaah Ore con flat Zucchini acallopa. 25-30c; Crook neck a, 35-40c; Danish large cratet 1.25; flata, 50-60c; Harblehead, a 14 a Vic Tomatoea Oregon, field grown, flata. 40-50c; No. 2, 25-33c; Washington lags. 100 1.10: unclassified. 75 85c. Watermelons Calif., 1.40-1.50 cwt, eratea extra; toa lots, 25.00-28.00.; Ore gon 23.00 ton. INDIAN ANS IMPRESSED WEST STAYTON Visitors at the Samuel Girten home Sunday were his nephew, Arthur Cooper and Miss Clara Mae Lawson from' Terre-Haute, Ind. Cooper and Miss Lawson were much impressed by the bean yards here. "MONEY in a Hurry ft Personal Loans For All Needs There is no red tape, no embarrassing Investigation, no delay, when you come to us for a personal loan and we make it so easy for you to pay it back in convenient amounts. STATE FINANCE CO. A Home-Owned Institution (Childs' ft Miller's Office) 344 State St., Salem, Ore. Phone 9261 .. Lie, No. 8-216 M-222 POLLY AND HER PALS Or It's a Cross-Country Race for the Cashier! CLIFF STERRETT By V-TXT 7? L)J frW?0- I rlkj f FcS S H rn 1! bonce. MICKEY MOUSE A Close Shave By WALT DISNET )& FREE1NQ HIMSEU FROM OKE OPiTHB BLOT'S DEVICES N1CKE-Y SUODENLV F1NPS HlM SELF FAUUHS THROUGH Ak TRAP poor! LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY Keep the Sunnyside up! By BRANDON WALSH rrxs mo use putting it ofhrawv oef? VVMEvM THE MCCTTSAGE IS FORECLOSED I WOMT TRV AHO SELL IT R3R WIWIER PRC I CJ GET gee.' !XrrsAVTiATvssPc?uce,T. guess rwrr ivajws ftjr 5URE WHAT IS GONNA rWTOsOB WHAT AiUT GQMMA HAPPEAJ urx iiLw Ttkr rrntti5 o MMr PLEASE DOMTSELL IJ I"VTC?E:D to I rrvET-vooooMT Uthwkopso HAVE TO OCT OUT IwAOOTOP OF-VOC?HCX1S dj THE MUDOLE sai.ii w iii - j m m -i 1 1 j-ru -ru aun v . . -rts? j at -At raa 1 aj I 1 11 r s- k . 1 - .r - 1 1-0 . a 1 TUiriLMLV VKAasTaKrvryKS r a- Ti ai r v a t .1 1 111 1 'n -1 1 -fiir" fttvini r,rnr I uoDEtaree? 1 1 1 J --r- - I 1 TOOTS AND CASPER , Identificatfonl lr . . a , ; . , , T YOU f METS SWEIX TO WORK WT . AND SAID VOURE MRS ALPRCQ WTTW AU. ITS l rlcJu Rrlatrf V , J PROSPEROUS &OCZR. . - Akir I w. w. . .- -.xV ROIJ'MLOOWlM' 7 AUIT pCrSrp. jr" 2ar!siA rr:'j j n BLESS M3U FDQ A UTTLE. AA -VOU THINK OR EVEBYONGS TROUBLES EXCEPT VOUR OWN APTERAU- vcu arc Right wonRYluG wfu I NOT HERrU.TRYAY eesT to smnt and HOPE By J1M&IY MURPHY TMAT WAS HIM ! HE DID SEE ME.... ME POLL OWED ME MERE-. AND NOW HE KNOWS 1'M MARRIED TO AL SKIPPER t THAT'S OUST WHAT 1 DIDN'T WANT HIM TO KNOW OH'H. THAT MEANS THE END OF THE WORLD FOR ME a. 7i-o a. x f a aTNativT " 1 VI fj TOMORROW WEXt k40W WHO THE MAN IS j And WHY NOU.Y FEARS HIM! JIMr4Y e-rr TBIB1BLE THEATREUrrins Popeyt A BRIDE K --- MUST HAVE 1 LPp A VEIL. ffi Tin the Cows Come Home WILL MX) SETTLE OOWH AFTER THE WEDDING, PoP-VETrr: t 1 YAM HOOMAkkJ UKE FK1UVRAOV PI Xts 1 WAMhJA HOME WIT KIDS IM THE YARD y-J . -llUMUYV1tt' vt wwi s s tr OHetaEA J. . a MV FOiFKin 1 Sua. 1 1 MAKE A PROPOSITIOKI- 1H vou DOA. YOO SAV I SHALL G1VF. UP Utu. BUgGEP.S r-i YASt.-AM' WHEKJ ARE VA STARTIM" TO GIVE EM UP? W1MPV? (I (NEVER! Si '-. .. ' CMB1 I -a- a wt - . -a, m r n'al'.l'