PAGE NINE Mental audi for Sale-Signs on TM Page. Seen by Thousands The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning August IS, 1MJ Daily Statesman Classified Ads . Call 9101 8 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per line 10e Three Insertions per line 20e Six Insertions per line ..XOc One month per line f 1 00 Minimum charge Copy for this paee accept! unt 4:3 the evening before publics tloo for classification. Copy re ceived after this time will fee run under the heading "Too late to Classify." i . The Statesman unimu no finan cial responsibility (or errors srhte may appear In advertisements pub lished In tts columns, and In eases where this paper Is at tauK will re print that part of aa advertisement la which the typographical mistake occurs. , -- The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the rlsht to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad-i-aa ad containing s Statesman bos number for an sd dress Is for tbe protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not st liberty to divulge informs, tlon as to the Identity of sn adver tiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock HORSES FOR sale. Also It wka. old weaner pigs -Hayes , Labtsh Farm Brooks, Oregon. DEAD AND worthless horses, cows picked up free. Ph. collect 64 1 1 Salem Montgomery Rend. Wks. WANTED. WILL pay premium on 2-Ib. sllve colored rrya, Fnone Lee's Hatchery. ISA WPITIftT RHflW mnihroomi. cellar, shed. We buy, 15c lb. World's largtst company. FKEE booh. Musn rooms, 3S1S Second. Seattle, Wash. Auctions ATJCTION . AUCTION - AUCTION . Furniture and Furnishings from the home of Richard Patterson Estate, and others Thursday nlte 7:30 at -the F. N. Woodry Auction. and Furniture Mart. 1(10 N. Summer St. in Houy wood. Radios, graphophone and rec ords, piano, range, breakfast table. davenport and chair, U.K. elect, reins; erator. all-enamel Apex elect, washer dressers, beds, springs, mattresses, rugs, linoleum, gasoline range, oil range, elect, plate, and lots of other articles. Terms Cash We have a store full of rood high class furniture at pn vate sale. See us before you buy! F. N. GLENN WOODRT, Auction eers and commission Merchants. We buy for cash or Mil on commission. Ph. 5110. Hop Pickers START PICKING early hops at Wll llama and Thacker Aug. 16. 4 miles west of Salem. TeL 9614. Help Wanted 130 WKEKLYY GROW mushrooms. cellar, shed. We buy, 30o lb. World' largest company. ihkik. su rooms, 3919. second. Seattle, wasn. i I ATTENTION - ' T --HOP- PICKERS REGISTRATION BOOKS are now enen for our several vards. For rurtn er Information call at the office of DURBIN 4 CORNOTER over J. C Penney store. N. Liberty street Help Wanted Male ROOFING SALESMAN, capable of taking complete charge. Local com paoy of long standing. You get entire profit This will be virtually your own business. Opportunity for a permanent connection If you are capable and honest. Must have good record. Phone Mr. Espey. 6549, for appointment. Help Wanted Female EXP. GIRL for gen. housework. 695 S. High. Ph. 7S09. fxruLruuLn - CHRISTMAS CARDS, nationally famous line. PAT MORE MONEY. Personal Cards, Stationery, unusual box assortments. Profits up to 100. Experience unnecessary. Samples FREE. WALLACE BROWN. ZZ Fifth Ave.. Dept. 45135, New York. LADT FOR housework and care of two children. 710 Bteya Ave. GIRL GEN. housework. Ph. 715. Salesmen Wanted SALESMAN TO represent RICH' MAN BROTHERS, the country's best known line of men's clothes. New Fall snd Winter 11ns now ready. One price. I22.S0. Hundreds of satisfied custom ers In Salem and vicinity. Commission. Write The Rlchman Brothers Com pany,, Cleveland, Ohio. Situations Wanted DRESSMAK MRS Adsltt Ph- 6266 UIK rlF mM.m -with SS veara exn In handling furniture. - antiques, and electric appliances. Small salary and Commission, Box 10(7 co, Statesman. For Sale Miscellaneous Bikes a Rep. Ramsden, HI fc Lib REBUILT AND guaranteed wash era All makes from $10 up. Spec May tag f 38. Hogg Bros. CASH FOR used furn. Ph. II 10. NELSON SPECIAL ABC Washer, 1939 model, used SO days $54.95. EH4FA terms, $5.35 down, $4.13 month. NELSON BKOS. APPLIANCE CO., 361 Chemeketa. Ph. 4159. ARMY WALL tent 235 & 14th. Distilled White vinegar for an pick ling purposes. . "Keeps your ' pickles PuriUn Cider Ws West saiw- 4 OreOuOtaferaatt . ADVERTISING . Western Advertising - Representatives . . George D. Close, Inc. San Francisco.- Los Angeles. Eastern Advertising .Representatives j Bryant. Griffith ft Branson; Inc. Cnlcaro. New York. Detroit. Boston: Atlanta Entered at te Pottottic at Salem Oregon, as Second Close Matter. Pub lished every morning except Monday. BssfiteM trice ta south commercial Wit. ) SUBSCRIPTION rates: Mall Subscription Rates la Advance. witma Oregon : uauy ana ounaay VTA 4 a Mo. 11 SO S lift. $1.60 mmrnrn Sft SS IClaMrhair SS MStl Ml Mo. or $1. Is for 1 year In ad ranee. Per copy 1 cents. Newsstands s cents rm ri rni,ri SB mli a tnnnth 7.20 a year ta advance to Marlon Ad adjacent counties. For Sale Miscellaneous RAWLEIQH GOOD health Products E. W. Miller. Stajrton, Ore. Tel. 1X1 GOLDEN CROSS tweet corn. L. H Zielke. Robert 8ta. Ph. 77F3. 1 COVERED WAGON house trailer. For trades, see King. 619 N. Front NELSON SPECIAL 19S Stewart-Warner refrigerator. new, 6.3 cu. ft. super deluxe model. iiss.s and your old refrigerator or Ice box. EHAFA terms. f.S down, $4.7t month. NELSON BROS. APPUANCK COL. SCI Chemeketa. Ph. 4149. BUR. BOOICKPG. mnchlne. 1? col umn, motor A stand, 159. 4 -drawer le gal steel file, roller suspension, auto matic lock. tit. "Wert made desk like new. ditroteum top. 2 pedestals, re. S7( value. S IS. Trlner postal scale. J 7. I4ne-a-traae copy holder 64. Klertrtr check writer perfect rood. $25. Ttteft lunilcnte. Sis. Nat cash register wlm 3100 capacity. $25. Tstum posting tray $7. Bur. 7 coL adder, 135. Roen. 4SC Ccurt. NELSON SPECIAL TJaed 6"tt cu. ft. Crosley refrigerate excellent condition. $79.9a. Easy term nLUBON BROS. APPLI ANvK CU- 361, CbemekeU. Ph. 4149. ELECTRO LUX VACUUM with at- tachments. $$0 cash. 9i0 N. Cnro'l. LLOTT) RXED baby car, $5. 6705. SLAPPT AND Crawford peaches for canning. Elbcrtas, Hales, Muirs and Clings Uter. Ph. 6F23. Brltt Aspin wall Waceoda. WTNTON PIANO, reasonable. 2335 S. High. Plione $$4. NEW 4-ELEMENT L. A IL electric range only $69.60, easy terms. Good Housekeeping, Inc.. 45$ Court St. BARTLETT PEARS. 1H ml out Wallace road. Box J 7a. wlng. NELSON SPECIAL $50 allowance for your old washer on brand new IMS model Kitchen Ta ble Voss washer. Terms on balance. NELSON BROF APPLIANCE CO, 361 Chemeketa. Ph. 4149. OWNER HAS sold farm, wishes to sell 6 shares In Producers Can. Frank W. Wilson rt. 4. bor 426. Ph. 68F3 condition, VI7.&0. Terms II Uesireu uaii iw5 siarKet. PORTABLE ELEC. sew. mach. 4556 WILL CARE for children In my home. iss N. 15th. Ph. St 25. Intr Ktov. Alnattm kiWik r-a Hliih boy. white Ref.. sewlnff mch., linoleum. ixiiau rnuiu, mower, ooia ny iut lain. si a isorway. CHIMNEY CLEANED, pipes, fur naces, stores, gutters. Get ready for winter, avoid chimney fires, better draft. All work guaranteed. No soot or dirt. Ray L. Farmer Hardware Co Ph. 5005. THOROUGHBRED GOLDEN span iels $3. 2215 N. Liberty. NELSON SPECIAL Montag wood range. Used SO days. Special price, $79.95 $9.95 down, bal. $5 month. NELSON BROS. APPLI ANCE CO., 861 Chemeketa, Th. 4149 seaaaasWs,aeMVMe NELSON SPECIAL New 1940 model Quaker Oil Burning Range. Burns desel oil clean. Trade In your old wood range as down pay ment. -Bal. on very easy terms. NEL SON BROS. APPLIANCE CO.. $61 cnemeKeta, rn. 4149. PEACHKS CRAWFORDS ready. Hales, EInertas 10 days. Chaffee, Wal lace Rd. Rt. 1 Box 127. Ph. 62F21. 5 RMS. FURNITURE like new. Take good house trailer to $350. BaL cash. Box 1063 co Statesman. CANNING SWEET corn. Ph. 5883. N.H. FRYERS, dressed or alire. Ph. 10SF11. 1 to 5 p.m. Good range, davenport, library table, beds. Other furniture cheap. 497 Union. CANNING PEACHES now ready. Imlah Fruit Farm. Polk county, 62F11 MID-AUGUST BARGAIN SALE Today Only Sewlnr Machine Meier A Frank drop-head with all extras. Just over hauled, cost $87.50. today $7.75. 7 arood used mattresses valued to $15. your choice $3.4a. Shotgun one only double barrel 3d 12 gauge, not pitted, perfect order. Mad by F. Wynn. Coat $75, close out IZ.TS. Beautiful 5 piece dmlng room set. cost 9i7.e today S17.76. 1 Shotgun single barrel, in work ing order 1$ gauge, made by Hop kins Allen. Close out $1.00. We Pay Csh for Green Tradinc stamps and All coupons. 8ALEH AUCTION HOITSR 260 N. High Opp. City Hall NEARLY NEW Westinirhouse Auto. Range, only $35. 1765 & Winter St . VArTAWV WTTTTT nn trail, house. Like new. Price right. 1060 Howard. BARGAINS IN used electric sewing machines, sears Roebuck Co. IRRia CANNING Corn at River Bend Garden. 4 mi. out. or del. Few oays only. f. 1Z4FI. - Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED USED' furn fa, lilt. OLD WOOL mattress. Tel. lilt. WANTED TO buy for cash. 1st A 2nd mortgages real estate contracts ft merchandise discount proper STATE FINANCE CO. $44 State Street. Salem Oregon YOUNG FOX trrW state see Snd price. Box 1061, care Statesman Miscellaneous DENTAL PlJlTKS REPAIRED TWO HOUR SERVICE DR. HARRY SEMI.ER. DENTIST Corner State A Commercial Ph. $11 For Rent Rooms FURN. RMS., good location. V. 5619 CLOSE IN. mi, gar. 446 SL CoL $329. RI.17RPINO RMS- near schools and capital. 492 N. summer, rn. 44s. DESIR. FURN. hsk. rm. T9S N. CmU Room and Board TBU BOARD, exe. food. 65t Marlon TBU BOARD, axe. food. C50 Marios, EX. RM. and txL,'16$ N. 12th. PRL HOME, excel food. Ph. 7IL ATTRACTIVE RMSL, near capital Ladies, excellent meals. Phone 7814. a iWT FMmi with or without board; 1496 Court. Pnone sesu. riaSMBBSsafe(aNsaABtsai . NICE SLEEPING room, eloeeln. In cluding board. 66 n. UDiy.1 ROOM ft Board $20. Ph. 6333. For RentT-Anartments t-R. FTJRN. APT, nesr sutehouss suitable for women. 47 .N. caiptou t RM. NEWLY furn. Heat, water re trig, bath,, adults. 191 N. Cottage. , 1 TO 4-RM. $1.10 an" Bf vouorsa wticome. itxw a, nut. Money to Loan We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT PUAN ARRANGED TO FIT TOUR mCOKB i No Endorsees No Comakers Your Signature Only i REPAY ANT DAT TO REDUCE COST. BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLDEST AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE TOUR NEEDS RE CEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN is atAUS General finance Corp. 36 So. Commercial St. First Door South of Ladd ft Bush Bank OBTAIN TOUR CASH LOAN the first day yon call at PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. FOR BUSY people who can't afford time oft from their lobs, da this: Write ror application blank. Or. phone 4446. and give just enough Information to establish your credit. We'll have the cash ready, waiting, when you come in. L Reasonable credit requirements. 3. People with modest salaries are es pecially Invited to apply. It's the accepted and approved way to borrow. PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. Rm. 201. First Nat'L Bank Bldg. Salem, Oregon Phone 4446 s-313 State License M-220 AUTO LOANS REFINANCING BORROW MONEY OS YODR CAR OR REFINANCE YOUR PRESENT BALANCE EAST TERMS NO DELAY TRI-STATB ACCEPTANCE CORP. M-225 MERRILL D. OHLING INSURANCE Phone 9494 275 State Street Salem. Oregon GET SPOT CASH This "PERSONAL Way WHEN AT HOUE A "Personal" Loan $26 to $300. Easy Terms WHEN AWAY: USE A "PERSONAL" CREDIT CARD Good at 376 offices. Coast to Coast SIMPLE TO QUALIFY r Come tn. GUARANTEED BY GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINB (As advertised therein) PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor. New Bllgh Bldg. Ill State Street Salem. Oregon State License Numbers 8 122 M-161 LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used cars. Private money at new low rates. Immediate action. No red tape. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAY Roy H. Simmons 136 South Commercail Street Phone 9163 Lie. No. M-112 FHA LOANS 1. also private loans Abrams A Ellis Inc. Masonic Bias AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 5th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUIIJJ1NG LICENSE NO. M-169 MONEY TO LOAN AT 4 PER CENT TO REFINANCE your present ban or for new construction. This applies to homes tn Salem only. P. H. BELL 429 Oregon Building Salem. Oregon Phone $121 or $301 Financial ML WE HAVE never paid lest than this rats oa savings snd InvestuenL Insured V to 15000. Mutual Federal Savings ft Lean Ass's Phone 4944 141 8. Uberty BX. Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm snd city property. Before borrowing inquire si Hawkins A Roberts. WlMTVn PMIVATR MONET to loan en rood Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 interest. W. H. GRABENHDKsT IM PH? At. TORS 134 8. Liberty Street Phone 1411 For RentApartments NICELY FURNISHED, close In, 197 N. Commercial St. FURNISHED APTS 241 Stats. XITTTrr T 17TTDV ant CWsklM rTfl pull. Kit., prt. oatn. ot bo. ouromer. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED l-rm. corner spL, Leslie Manor. 310 slle NEWLY FURN. apt, would like a couple whose children I can cars tor, TeL 7114 or Inq S35 N. Winter. 2 R. FURN. apt, 640 Marion. 3-RM. FURN., bath. 1440 Waller. FURN. APT and housekeeping rooms reasonable. 2054 N. Capitol, apt. . 3-ROOM FURN., bath, garage. 200S N Capitol. 2-RM. FURN. apt- 945 'S. 12th. ON FA I RMOUNT Hill to responsible party. Model n apt in private home. Heat furnished. 1675 Saginaw. IIIR APTS. Furn. A unfum.. $3 to $40. Royal Court Ph 3911. SEE FISHER a ots. Modernised. newly decorated and roomy You'll be deugbted. oak and S. Commercial. COOL 1ST floor, t-rm. 641 Ferry VAC-HAW. CX. 1000 No. Capitol PATTON APTS 122 State. Fur nished. Adults only. Ph. 6244. S R. FURN, $15. 34S Marlon,; l-R. APT., prt bath, lit! N. Fourth. 3 RM. FURN. Apt. 121 South 14th. FURNISHED I ROOM Apt, water, beat, garage, 985 Saginaw - 3 RM. APT. private bath 111$ S. 4 th. I LGE. ROOMS ground fir. pMv. bath. $17. Unf. $16. S6 8. list. Ph. 43. i EM. - FURN.' apt washer, adults, ga rage, $9.70 per mo. 624 N. Capitol St NEAT 1 ft 2 RM. furn. Ut, watr. A Maytag. $1 ft $13. CaH after ? p.m. nzs rerry.' . - . OLYMPIC APTS. I room furnished. twin beds. Ph. 7746. ",," - - - , 1 i 1.1"" i'-ii 1 if UJtl FIRST FLOOR Apt Z33S SUta. Money to Loan Lie. Ne. 8-131 Phone 916$ Convenient Ground Floor Location, For Rent Apartments S RMS- HEAT ft w. $11. I rms. ft bath, unfurn. $16, furn. 111. I rm, Dup. unf urn, $22.50. Ph. 711$ 1, 3 ft 3 RM. APTS. 35S & Cottage. VERY LOVELY furnished modern 3 rm. apt. h.w. heat laundry, garage. none stis. For Rent Houses MODERN. FURN. four room cot- teae. auto, beat ElecrrIB rmnse. refrig erator. Couple. 137 N, Commercial. RENT SEPT. 1st 6 R. mod. house. ize mo. Adults, vo. szts. I ROOM HOUSE. Inq. 4)25 a 21st FURN. HOUSE, 550 & 16th. 6 RM. MODERN house .$25. 1730 8. Liberty. Inquire 1520 N. Capitol. PRL HOME. Mod i rm. well furn. Close. Heat, garage, -phone, water. Reasonable to right party. Ph. oszs, 4 RMS.. US. 224S Broadway. 7541. 4-RM. HOUSE. Inq. 40S N. Cottage. 3-ROOM HOUSE, suitable for couple. 3lb atadrona Avew, Salem Heights. 4 RM. FURN. Inq. 965 N. 20th. RM. NEWLY dec., wired for elec stove, fireplace, close to school. Bus line. 3105 N. Liberty. Ph. 4291. I RMS.. BATH. gar $16. Furn. 6 rms. sub.. $:o. Ph. 7113. FURNISHED 3-RM. House $15.00. BUDROW-KASMIR Ph. 5965. MOD. 6 RM. hse.. $30.00. Mod. S rm. hse, $40.00. Dial 86IZ, Eves. 3Z64. GOOD FURNISHED country home $20. Small fur. house $13.60. 5 rooms (no base.) Sept 1. $30. C H. Sanders, 113 S. High. 5131. 4 RM. HOUSE $12. S45 S. 22nl Call Detwtsen ana pjn. T ihavrw TlUr wn ra K , Ah IaWavi AMw-a aiot. 6al -C9f wai it house, electric water system, garden -a. tun r wis v- 1 nut i, fu mo, Airs. c. j-rousueny, xi XMI.T. 991. riL Dill 6 R. INQ. 615. S. 22nd. NICE 6 ROOM house reasonable. Close to State Inst Redecorating now. l.u i. Z4th St After Thursday caU at 4a s. zist, a.m. only. For Rent Farms FOR RENT 27 acre farm with bldgs., 2 miles east of Kingston. See Freitag on Downing place, -Rte, J sax as, Btayton, Oregon. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. 331 State Street Inquire room 200. TeL 3713. Wanted to Rent ELDERLY LADY desires downstair room A board. Box 1064 co Statesman. WANTED TO Rent I or 10 room house that can be used for apartments. not ton far out. Rent must be reason able. Phone 7389. For Sale Real Estate I R. MOD. HOUSE, basement gar. 1 blk. from Safeway St 147 Saginaw WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU want to sell exchange lease, rent see Mr. Lsrsen or Mr. Col Una with Hawkins A Roberts. TRADE CITk property for farm homes, opportunities In exchanges, HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC WHAT A BUY t $ new 6-rm. mod. homes In s restricted district N. 1 8th St Small down payment will ray them Reasonably Priced, terms ss low as $27 ner month. Sea them at once. Own er A builder. W. A. Cladek. 1411 N 18th. Phone 4377. LOT 10x160 on Market St near 17th St Owner 716 N. Cottage. Ph. 4647 4 RM. HOUSE, N. Salem. Ph. 32F1S 4 R. MOD. house, basement gar. Shaded garden. 2535 E. Nob HUL I RM. HOUSB. near Sr. high. Easy terms. Ph. 8893 after 6. Ph. 3409 NEW' MODERN 4 -room house, with bath. Two unfinished upstairs rooms. Full basement Will take lot as part payment. 2295 Breyman. ' HOUSES FOR sale, rent and trade. also acreage, and lots close In. See E. M. Larsen Real Estate, U. s. Na tional Bank Bldg. Ph. 2731, eve. 5769 HOUSES FOR sale, rent and trade. also acreage nnd lots close In. see C M. LARSEN REAL ESTATE U. S. National Bank Building Ph. Z781, evenings 5769. ; FAIRMOUNT HILL 5 room strict ly modern, lance llvlnr room, automat 1c heat, hot water. 1745 John St South of Washington St Phone 35a 6. SACRIFICE GOOD house. 2 lots. cor paved streets, plenty shade, close In. $200 -down, $25 mo Includes taxes. lnt 219 Court Phone 5218. FOR SALE New 4 rm. house by own er, $1400. Small down payment and $11 mo. 791 Rosemont St, W. Salem. FOR SALE Xew 5 rm. houses with unfinished unFtairs, strictly modern, good Iocs tkn. $4200 to $4760. Good terms. Chicken ranch, 17- A., elect water system, 6 A. fruit big hse., 9 miles from Salem, $3500. Easy terms. Will take in house snd lot RICH L. RETMANN 167 & High St Ph. 8632 STRICTLY MODERN New 4 rm. bungalow with breakfast nook ft laun dry room. 1 A.- close - to school, north of town, $100.00 down. bal. $25.00 per mo. inc.- lnieresx ec taxes, i v RICH L. REIMANN ' 167 & High St Ph. $632 BUY LIKE BENT Brand new well built S-bedrm. home. A. close In, water ft elec ONLY 170 iuo down, ZO pev mnnin. BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 13 Ladd ft Bush Bldg. Ph. 6965 ;; $1250 $200 DOWN. SMALL 4 room bouse 41 bedroom), very dose In. (32&0 $200 down. $26.50 per bhl Inc. tax and interest, buys , this well located a room mod. home. C H. SANDERS 111 & High 131 C- - ; . SPECIAL : ' - r Prtc reduced from 82100 to $1750. C room plastered house, full cement basement, house needs soma . work. Lot 50x100 near Richmond .. school. Call to see It - -! -- - ' CHI LOS A MILLER. REALTORS Sit Bute St. i ' - Phone 9211 For Sale Real Estate DON'T OVERLOOK this snap Owner leaving must sell House- has rooms backed by shrubs and trees. only $2100.00. i New house, suburban Ideal location easy down easy terms. Refinished house only $20.00 per month. New brick house close In like rent. ABRAMS ft ELLIS. Inc. ' 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone till , insurance Money to Loan. LARGE LOT. fine location close In. You will like tt Price now only $3000. Easy terms. Also new bouse. N. Salem. Buy cheaper than rent Vk A- NE city limits. New. modern house, young fruit trees. Immediate possession. On Evergreen Ave. See my sign In window. I have some fine building lots. Wfll build bouse to suit you. I can use some labor. My farm list contains some fine buys and trades. 12a A. Yamhill Co. for house or acreage. 12a A. equipped. Polk Co. Take acre age or city and crop payment on bal. 11 it s real estate see H. a Shields. Ore. Mldg.. Salem. 8902 FOR 8ALE $3200.00 A new home, rarare. lots of fruit on Pacific Hiway south. vacant lots In Columbia addition near St Joseph's church, nil restricted. une-nail acre tracts on Garden Road at $600.00 each. On Pacific Hiway north In Cherry addition at $350.00. All of these are worth mvestigatlug. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 419 Oreron Bids-. Phone $121 Salem. Ore. MR. RENTER Tour rent receipts will nay for this neat 4 room house for you large liv ing room with, fire place, 2 bedrooms, built-in kitchen, nook A utilitv room. St. paved and paid. Price $2050 with f zuu anwn bal. $20 per mo. see airs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS $44 State St ( Phone 9261 FOR SALE Suburban Store A Station IPrlr tii". see Mrs. Kills with CHILDS ft MILLER, REALTORS 114 State St j Phone 9261 Exchange Real Estate YOUR CHANCE to ro to southern CaL Have orange and avocado groves. town property t tie re. & to Z5 m. What haVe you? Owner, Glen B. Hoag, ijo nines, saiem, ore. For Sale Farms FARM SACRIFICE 120 ACRES NEAR 99 W. 90 acres cultivated, balance timber nnd nasture. room nouse with spring water, elec tricity available. This farm was ap praised at $12,000.00 a few years ago and is worth $6,000.00 now, but roust be sold and is off red at onlv $3,750.00 with $500.00 down. See Mr. Collins with HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, inc. Acreage FOR SALE, by owner. 5 acres- room1 plastered house with large sle - Ing room in need of some repair. Will sacrifice for Immediate sale. In Liber ty district electricity. Phone 9541. or can l.iu w. I7tn St Wanted Real Estate I WILi, mv all cash for-real buy In City property $1000 to $5000. Must know Now. Box 1065 Statesman. WANTED TO buy best 2 bedroom house $1800 will buy in north Salem or citx .limits. Box. 1066 Statesman. S A. OR more with crood house. Will pay $500 cash, balance monthly pay ments. RICH L. REIMANN 167 S. High St Ph. 8632 Business Opportunities STOCK A fixtures of service station A grocery store. Doing good business. iisav casn. RICH L. REIMANN 167 S. High St Ph. 8632 FOR SALE Grocery stock and fixtures and m and oiL Fine location and doing a good business. Four nice living rooms. 3 year lease at $50 per month. Priced at 11.730 00. See Larsen at HAWKINS A ROBERTS. Inc. FOR SALE OR TRADE FullV EaollTDed rentaumnt nnd mn fectionery doing good, business. See Larsen with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. inc. For Sale Wood SUMMER PRICES, old fir 16" at only $4.76 per cord. Order for now or later deL Phase 4156. Oregon Fuel Co 747. DRT 16-in, old fir. $4.51. SPEC. OAg $5.7$. ash$5..J7$ INVESTIGATE BUDGET nlan on wood. Ph. 5370. W. L. Graen. 412 N. 21 NO. 1 16 IN. dry O. F $4.75 cd. 2U cds. 2nd gwtlL, $4.15. I cds. Ph. 1120. Lost and Found T.OST T.ATnrP hmara. nM T. ward. Thomas M. Curry, 1153 Hall St Phone 3725. FINDER OF black purse near Ferry snd Cottage please keep purse but return keys snd key container. Phone 4318. Ray Crawford, 415 N. 21st Business Cards In this dlrrrtory mn on a monthly basis only. Ratet fl per tine per month. Anto Brakes Mike Panes. 275 South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned Harry W, Scott 147 a ComX P. 4116 Carpenters Carpenters. L I. Mickey A Sons. IF! Cement Contractors RALPH HARLAN. 131 Locust I'll Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 446a. R. sV.Northneae Chiropractors DR. a L SCOTT. PIC Chiropractor 351 N. High. TeL Real $571. H--; Excavating BXCAVATINa OF an'kmda ease ments dug. Dirt hauled er moved. Din for sale. 8a less Sand and Gravel Co Phone S4SS. j..; :.v:,i'.i.' Florists- Brelthaupfs. .447' Court Phone tll4 Laundries Jm -THE MEW-SAtA.ltNOtit THE WELDER LADNDRT III & High Tel. 1136 Lost and Found TAKEN FROM car dark blue fig ured wool Mexican blanket, fringed ends. Also rose colored pillow and $ pairs ladles' gloves. Liberal reward. Return to Statesman office or TeL 603L TltST WKTKVafr t.l.W fan in Marion square. Reward. Ph. I2F13. FOUND DARK Jersey cow with horns. K. 8. Costes, Rt. 3, Turner. For Sale Used Cars 3 GRADE 3 "A" BUYS With Our 90-Dav Written Guarantee Dodge 37 DeLuxe 6-Cyl. Coupe Exerythlng about this car indi cates the excellent care It has had tn the past . . Original blue fin ish. . mohair upholstery shows no wear . . Dual equipped throughout plus a $60 Radio and Hot Water Heater. . . Our Written .Guarantee protects your investment Econ omy . . comfortable riding nnd easy handling are to be had in this reputable car . . . Take 18 months to pay with ! a small down pay ment Oldsmobile 36 DeLuxe 6-Cyl. Trunk Sedan Here's your opportunity to pur chase an unusually popular six cylinder car that has been babied and well cared for by its previous owner. Tt is fully guaranteed, priced $575.00 $185.00 down, bat 1$ months. Plymouth 37 DeLuxe Two-Door Trunk Sedan. Has complete overhauled motor job . . dual equipped . . See and drive the beauty Fully guaran teed . . Price $495 Down $165; BaL 18 months. STATE MOTORS, INC. HUDSON ft PACKARD DEALERS High at Chemeketa. Phone $400 OPEN EVENINGS 37 MASTER CHEV. sedan $500. W. C. Morris. 1180 Smith St 1935 MASTER CHEV. coach. Good condition ail around. Leslie Warring ton, R 5, Box 43. Personal LONELYT "WORTHWHILE" sweet heart, husband, wife for you. Bos 76 Los Angeles. Transportation GOING TO Topekah, Kansas, Sat Room for 2 passengers. 193$ Plymouth. Tel 4457. LEGAL NOTICE NOTTCi: OP HEARING OF OB JECTIONS TO FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that MART LACHELE, as the duly appointed, qualified and act- ins administratrix with the will annexed of the estate of CHRIS TIAN LACHELE, deceased, has duly rendered and presented for settlement and filed in the County Court of the County of Marion, State of Oregon, a final account of her administration of said es tate; nnd that Tuesday, the twelfth day of September, 1939, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore noon of said day, at the courtroom of said court in the Marlon County Courthouse in tbe City of Salenv, Marion County, Oregon, hare been duly fixed and appointed by said court as the time and place for the hearing of objections to said final account and tbe settlement thereof. Dated and first published the ninth day of August, 1939. MART LACHELE, as Ad ministratrix With the Will Annexed of the Estate of CHRISTIAN LACHELE, Deceased. CARSON & CARSON, Attorneys for Administratrix With the Will Annexed. A9-16-23-30-SS. Directory Mattresses SA1.EM FLUFF RUO and Mattreae factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade: carpet cleaning, alslng: fluff rug weaving. 8. 18th Wilbur. TeL '1441. OTTO F. 96WICK ER Est. 1IU-- CAPITOL REDDING CO. Phone 4011 Naturopathic Physician Da -W. H. ROCKWELL. Naturopath ic Physician, 17M Fairgrounds Rd. TeL 4303. Office Hours 11 a. m. to 1:10 p. m. FREE EXAM A CONSULT A TION. - , Painting - Paper hanging PAPERING. PNTO. Johnson, P. III. Printing FOR STATION ERT oards. pamphlets prog-re ma, bosks or any kind of print ing raO The Statesman Printing De partment. Ill S. Commercial. Tela phone $10L ' - - Transfer FOB LOCAL er distant transfer, star mwm hnriu. all . an SIS t-ii n Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally Cl TT TRANSFER, Ph, 6616. Reason. Vacnam Cleaner Scarricg MrC WALL. Pfc. $F1 Free est. fab prices. Rebuilt -maabines and res tale Well Drilling R, A. WEST, rt, . bos 441. Ph UtlT. 1 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FINAIi ACCOUNT la t h County Court of tha State of Oregon for Marlon Coun ty. In the matter of the estate of Eugenia Gilllngham, deceased. No tice la hereby siren that the un dersigned ezeestor -of the estate of Eugenia Gullnsnam, deceased, has filed his final account in the - County Court of the State of Ore eon, county of Marion, and that Thursday, the 17th day of An rust. 13J, at the honr or is a.m. or said day. at the Court Honse at Salem, Oregon, has been appointed as the Urn and place for the Lear ins of objections to said final ac count snd the- settlement thereof. " K. N. GILLINGHAM. Executor. Date of first publication July It. 1139. Date of last publication August IS, 1131. Jly 11-2$ A. 2-9-1 f NOTICE ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. Thst the undersigned, Ronald J. FriszelL Administrator of the Es tate ! A'-e B. FrizselL deceased, has filed In the County Court of the Stat of Oregon for Marion county his Final Account, and that said Court has, by an Order there of, designated Friday, the 15th day of S-ptember, 1939, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the County Court Room in the Court House at Sa lem, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said Fi nn Account and the settlement of said estate, at which said time and place all persons so objecting shall appear and sh- .- cause, if any there be, why said Account should not. In all things, be allowed and approved, the said estate settled and closed, and the Administrator discharged. RONALD J. FRIZZELL, As Administrator of the Es tate of Alice B. Friirell, de ceased. ROSS tc FORD. Attorneys for the Estate, Salem, Oregon. Aug. 1S-23-30-S. 6-13 Memorable Scene . Cr 1 ' Fascinating beyond desctiptloa are the lore scenes betweesi Irene Dunne and Charles Boyer In "When Tomorrow Comes, starting today at the Elsinore plus second hit They Asked For It" wlta William Londigan-Joy Hodges. Cross Word Puzzle 3 1 yA 12 13 15 16 n TT 21 22 26 27 2a 21 33 3f 1!! SO 31 mm HO H3 i5 4a &5 &7 'A (VI 62 'A HORIZONTAL 1 -infavnrof 4 Bun-dried 43 printer's -measure 44 Roman tod of the lower world 4& tni - 48 the ruby spinel 50 playina; card 64 consumed too much 66 mniirsl - drama - "..: 57 waterfall 58 fiant -60 Hindu; brick tend . 12 succulent fruit IS one held in affection by another - 14 congealed -v water - 15 Chinese ; -perennial ox . the nettle family 17 onoof tho, lour Gospela It hurl , ' tosubstance - -. thatexudei from plantf . tl Burmese . . , demon . , 23 permit ; 24 note Of thesealo," r2$ percoTed.' 29 wand : 4 ' SI preclude '"" 8S Ash sauce $5 ffirmative cymbal Herewith is the terday pusxla. A-I4 ANTK) KrNlE Tp tS sWi. I TlEiKaOiU!3j - reply - S'TItalian-d -40 Asian - rcmintnt 42 waterinx ylme w Unusual Honor Lord Siabo After a two-year fight for recog nition. Lord Staba, second baron of RaipuT, becomes the first Hindu member of the British house of lords. Lord Sinha's father died in 1928 without ever having been able to win a seat in the house. Pear Picking Due HATESVILLE Pear picking .til V . .t -. V . FT-1 J -1 kui ucgia ftuuui tuunui; al though a few orcharda were ready the first of the week. Cannery prices are $25 n ton. " f -7' 5 v - v A. iH 20 23 2H 25 777 30 32 VA 36 1 37 HI si 2 &3 56 'A 51 GO 63 61 Danish territorial division , 62 growing outward , 63 large deer VERTICAL 1 hairy coats of animals 2 roughly elliptical 8 branches of a nerve our ale 6-perforB . 6 above : T round the edges of 8 eradicated t omen 10 card harinf a single spot 11 jellify 16 tavern 18 -crystalline white salt . 22 child's plaything; 24 light device 25 any open space , 25 protected 27 masculine - 28 moist 20 Turkish ' title ;s " 22 genus of C eatUe 1 24 large tree of - pine family , 88 epeak Sd swell 41 organic -t compound L. 4S silk fabric , solution to re 47 touch . - -UehUt 48 Crooked ' -4& bristle - - 51 network na pertaining to speech ' 68 converse 54 palm leaf1 - 85 energy ' - - - - I