PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, August 16, 1939 Salem Market Quotations - trotts (Soyiag FiIcm) (Tae vrleas below supplied by local grewer aad indicative af the deify market srieee paid t grown by Salem buyer a eat are aot goarsat. Tan State USB.I , - ' ,.- Bananas, la, aa stalk. Haass Crap, Calif, aeedlesa Orapatnit, Calif. Leatona, erate Oranges. OTIl ii i Avocado, erate Cantaloup, arata . Wetenealoaa, la. , , .,,.;;, xi .oes, 1.75 S.SS - , , - - : 1.50 t 4.00 1.60 Bean.,' ni . VXUSTASLXS (SuyUn Prices) Bte sa. Cabaag. lb - Carrots, local, dos. Caomlower, local 1.SS J02 .02 .oa as .01 420 1.50 Calary. Utak. 1.35: local. eraU 1.35 , worm, ooa. --- Co cam ben, outdoor Letroc Onions. (0 Iba. Grcea onlona. dos. Radian, do -Peae, eeeit. lb. Peppar. gren Calil. - rareiey Potato, local ewt. Kv . tl It. tags Splnaea. Seattle, bex Turalpa, oa. ; Bqaaea, doa. .74 1.50 1.00 .20 .SO .00 .M .40 1.10 .45 1.00 -S AO J5 tomato, Dallas, lug 'V-. rxrt (Price paid hy Independent Packing plant "A - to Bra ar -Walaota aVanqoatte. fancy. 1 Za aa tloBr 10; imall e: arehard ran, I to lOe. - Walaat meats, IS ta SOe lb. . Pilberte BareeUaaa, largo 13 .of faa ay llfce; babiea. llet orchard rsa 11a. (Coop Pzleea to Grower) W alaota Prlea range, depending epon way ants raa ta 14 different grades Ilia 12a. Xtec-illy 1 cent higher. HOPS -' (Baying Price) Rasters, aominsi. 1937, n. - .05 Clnitara, 195$, lb. .25 faggUs, top .25 . s - WOOL AJTD MOEUIB - Wool, medium, lb , ' Coarsa, lb. , , Lambs, lb. - -otsir. lb A1 at JO EOGS AXJ POTJIaTST (Baying Prleoa of Andreaan's) Grade A large, dot. M Grade B Urge, dam. J 8 Grade A -tad mm Ji Grada B aiodiaai JO Pa I lata ja Colored trrg .18 Wbito Leghorn i, heavy White Legborns, light . via roosters - 40-.H ai-.ia OS Beayy beaa, la , , .1 MAJtloa CBZUVMXBT Baying Price Bntterfat, firat quality , , .24 Botterfat, aecond qnality .22 Botterfat, preaiiam .25 Leghorn heat. J0 Grade -I raw 4 per cent ' milk, Salem Co-op basic pool price fl.76. Co-op Grade A bntterfat price 91.72. ' - (Hllk baaed ea aeml-atoat-ly kattarfat average. ) Distributor price, f -UK2. Butterfat, No. .1, 24c; So. 2, 22c; premlBm, 25c. A grade print, 2Hti it grade 27 Kc; quarters 20 Hi Logbora tryera, 1 H lba. Colored tryera. 2-alba. Colored apriaga, 4 lba. and up Colored bona , Stage Old Rooatera Ne. 2 grades Sa per ioaad leas. " -. - ... EOOS . , Orade A large, - , , ' Orada A eaedioa , Orade B larca -Orada B raedioa (Tadergradea and ebe- Palleta .10 .10 .12 ai .00 JO Jl J8 J8 JO JO JS LIVESTOCK (Baying price lot Be. I stock; based eondltleoa and aaJee roportod ap to 4 Lamb a. 1939. to pa S.50 to 0.75 Lambs, yearlings 4.50 to 5.00 Ewes , 2.00 to 2.75 Hogs, top 6.75 130-150 Iba. 210-800 Iba. Sowa Bscf COWS Bolls Heifcra Top veal 0.00 to 0.25 S.7S to 6.25 6.00 Dairy type eowa S.00 to S.25 5.00 to 5.75 S.00 to S.50 a.oo 2.00 to 4.00 Jl Dressed eal. lb GKAXH. HAT ABO DEEDS Wbestbn. Ne. 1 rec leant. .71 Oata. graWoB 21.00 Wbito n o Peed barley, ton 22.00 to 24.00 ClOTar hay. 12.00 as 12.00 Alfalfa, ton - 10.00 to 10.00 Egg nub, Ko. 1 grade, SO lb. bag 1.70 uairy feed, mo lb. bag. Ben scratch feed Cracked tors Wheat ., . 1.15 1.7 S 1.75 1.55 Early Onions Being Pulled LABISH CENTER Hartest of early plantings of onions In this district has already begun, al though it will probably be 10 days or two weeks before pulling becomes general. It appears that the onions will Seeds and Speciilties Grow PORTLAND, Ore., Ang. 1S-UPI A major development In the spe cialty crop Industry of Oregon has been the expanding of turkeys and farm seeds, an Oregon State col lege extension bulletin showed to day. The cash farm income from tur keys In 1938 was $4,235,000, an increase of $491,600 oyer 19S7. Linn county had the high income last year with SC52.000. Douglas county was second and Yamhill fourth. The Talue of specialty forage crop seed decreased last year, but the tonnage was greater. The 1938 output of 66,345,500 pounds was ralued at $3,496,400 compared to the $4,430,800 Talue of 54.360, 5.00 pounds In 1937.. Other specialty enterprises ranking- high are greenhouse, flower and nursery crops, $2. 742,600; small fruits, $2,659,000; hops, $2,553,000 and nuts, $1,-568,000. Quotations at Portland Farm Chemurgy Subject Tonight Dr. .J. H. Hale, member of the United States farm chemurgical council and one of the nation's eminent farm scientists, will speak Wednesday night at 8 o'clock at the McMinnrille cham ber of commerce. He will speak about new out lets for farm products and possi bilities for farmers In the Wil lamette valley. The appearance Is sponsored by the state farmers union. Dr. Hale is with the Dow Chemical company. average a good medium size this year as the result of spring weath er conditions, there being few of the three-inch and over size. The mildew threat, serious late in July, eased off with the coming of extreme heat, and low humidity. POBtLABCD. Ore., Aug. 15 (AP) Dairy prices' Batter: Extras 25: standards 24tt: prima firsts 23). ; firsts 21V ; bntterfat 94 -25. Eggs: Large aztraa 23c; large ataad arda 20; mediaae extras 20e: medium standards lSe; small extra 12; tsutU taaasras si. - C-eeee Triple ta llet loaf, 14c. Portland Produce "Redheads Are Lucky" By Vera Brown - SYNOPSI& "Mike" Shannon, petite red fcoaded EBafaxine counter girl at the Eureka Hotel, had bitten the al ready lamed f south paw" (left hand) of "Handsome' Larry Regan while he was stifling her cry of alarm. She ran into him as he a famous rookie big league pitcher was trying to sneak to his hotel room via a rear entrance In order to elude the manager's Igilance. Handsome had been drinking .a little. He apologized to Hike bat, though she saved him from the club's "curfsw scout," she was still annoyed with the brash young ath lete when ho let her go home alone. The next day Mike read In the paper how Handsome "Sheik from Charlotte"-was giving Ace Barnes, the team, rnanager, "a lot el head aches." At dinner, that night. Re- En la explaining the situation to ike. , - CHAPTER IV Mike shook her head. "Larry, I think you're off to a wrong start," "You're telling me!" "Listen to met Why dont they let yon pitch? Ton started s, couple of games early in the season." "That's why I The guys are just Jealous. I get so much fan mail " "Larry Began I .They wouldn't care if you got letters from the Queen of Sheba If yon can win ball gamesl" Larry stared solemnly at her for a moment. "Msybe you're right." "What do yon think? Use your head, Larry. Yoav been drink ing. The club must know It. So do the newspaper men. See what they said about yon today. Everybody cant be wrong." ' He grinned at hen "All right ni go en the wagon. That is. If youH eat dinner with me, keep me amused and let me talk baseball to yon. lfost women dont like that." Mike was compelled to laugh. But the upshot of It all was that while the team was In town that month, Mike had dinner with Hand come much more frequently than the had any Idea of doing. They ate often at the little steak place. Sometimes some of the ether ball players dropped In, ' . It was two weeks after her first meeting with Handsome that aWish ' Malone came ever and Joined them ! one. night at dinner.- Handsome was not even dtfnldng beer these days. He was a model of good behavior, . and he never let Mike forget It for . a moment.; She had to keep prais ing' him. " t . Mike liked WUh. She liked his attitude toward Handsome, so dif ferent from that of Travis and some ; of the others who came there. They were obscurely insulttna:. Handaoroo , seemed utterly oblivious of that fact, hot It made Hike furious. She realized that If any of them stopped at Handsome's table as they passed, ' they did so because the girls they were wua demanded it. Wish was a lively story teller and kept Mike enthralled. The- sat a long time over dinner, and for a little while Handsome went over to peak to Sarg Weetlaks and left her alone with the eld coach. "He's a good kid." Wish remarked as he watched Handsome make his way across the room. "But he's in for some hard knocks before he cets auay sense." Mike agreed but she was not go- tag' to admit It to wish. : "He's just a child I" : Wish watched Mike speculatively. "But he could be such a valuable child' to us. Miss Shannon." "He wCl bet" Mike was startled at the fierceness ta her voice as she spoke, wish eyed her araln. leaned hack and seemed to be think ing. Then he leaned forward and said ej-icklyi "X wish you d marry turn, carry turn v.z awayi Hike stared at . Wish - II alone without asrweiisx. " Her cheeks Cashed tzilirlj. Wish was ia- I ;ca 15. Harry him right away. .Together we cam soak Be gin the greatest pitener tim try has ever known. X know what I'm talking about." "Dont be ridiculous I" "But yon ean handle him, Larrv needs a steadying Influence, Miss Shannon ..." At that point, Larry returned to their table. Mike was embarrassed hut Wish kept right on talking easily t "I've been teiline Miss Shannon that baseball players are the most superstitious guys In the world." "I'm not." Larrv sat down and patted Mike's hand. "Are yon sure?" Mike laughed. And Wish gruffawed. "Say, Hand some will run a mile to see a load Mike. Ton can give It, He's got aa idea that rdKad are lucky tot him." "How do yon know he thinks red heads are lncky?" Miss Shannon asked. Wish began to wonder if he'd made a mistake. "Now dont duck that one, Mr. Malone. Certainly we've been frank with each other." "He told Sarge Westlake." What!" "Now, now dont get upset." "I suppose the whole club knows now that Handsome Is rushing me because he thinks I'm lucky I" Her eyes blazed for her pride was hurt. "Of course they dont I Sarge la "Yon and your old hall teaml" Mike exploded at Wish Malone. "Yon all may make a fool el Handsome, but aot el me P. The club's veteran scout was horrified. of empty barrels. They mean base hits." Alt such talk opened a new world for Mike and she thoroughly en Joyed it, Larry seemed utterly ob livious to the fact her clothes were not smart or expensive; He seemed to like to be with her, and Mike was completely happy. - 'i It was two days after aha had seen Wish la ths restaurant that one noon he dropped in at the hoteL "Did you think about what X said?" ; Mike flushed, pretended not to understand. But she had t-wraght of little else. . Wish's words had brought home to her the discon certing fact that she was too inter ested in Handsome. "I cant be ta love with him." That Is the way all her argnmenta and self-reproaches ended. Bnt she was scared. If she were? The idea terrified her. For Mike saw clearly that being; In love with Larry would be Spartan training for any woman. Wish, watching; her face, guessed something of what she thought and felt.,., -v - ...n. "It wouldnt be so bad, married to Handsome. Hell go a long way . . . with the rirht woman." r "Whatever pat this idea into your head?" she demanded to gala time rather tnan to get aa axorwer. "WeU, you've got him on the wagon and he's aot so quarrelsome) la the shower rooms. He's difficult, Mike. The gang dont like him. He got off wrung. . He broke ap their poker parties. He's too good look ing to be true. But he's a real pitch- m a mtat w er ii era aanoiea rignt." "I'd hate to have the iob" t "Well, I wish you'd keep aa eye oa him. Ii lie wants to get engaged to you, go ahead." ; "And rm supposed to toarry a maa who aever thought of asking me, lust so yon ean win bau gamesl' "IdoatputttUuUway. Bathe's gut aw crazy. Tm lookl-f tehelp. a sphinx; he doesnt barber, that is, talk. Why you should be angry X dont know. Handsome just thinks Kiu're a good influence in hit life othing else." But Mike exploded. "Ton and your old ball team. I never want to see any of you again I Yon all may. make a fool of Handsome, bnt not of mel" "MfltoP Wish was harrinad. Women war irnrwtairilo - Vrha. could any woman want, but to be a gooa mnuence ta the Ufa ox a baa Dlaver? He aald eamethrne of this to Mike. She answered abruptly r - "She might like to have the belt player care a little about hex I Did that ever occur to you?" ; "WeU he does I" If ha Aamm anJ vtiaa V t-Tla en about it. Ill take the whole thins; up with him. This Is all disgustingl There's something else in this world . - . . . rsw winning; oaui g-mesi . - Wish Stood verr atral-ht mnA tila- handsome white head was high aa ne said sternly: "Those are true words, young; woman. The ball games them selves are not first. There's making good in this world, bringing happi ness to those who have faith fas you. There's the making of a wild youngster into a real man I Any woman who ean help in the "Hrf of such anal man---" . Mike gaspedt "You mean that, dont you?" - r , "Of course, X do. I'm the first ta admit X want that World's Series money. Who doesnt? Bnt X want: more to see Handsome naka good, i Find himself." - Mfke smiled at Wish: "I feel ma though I'd been to church." "Yea aaver wish's eyes twin kled. ' "What do you really want me to do to help Haxwlsoms?" Mike asked, (To be continued) POBTLAKD. Ore.. Aag. 15 (AP) w""7 aar oainag noo to retail ers: Coeatry-killad bogs, best batch an loder 160 lbs. 9-9 He lb.; mlera 13 He aw-a.v .v. mwmvf rxvv lb.; el ring lmmba, 13 -14a lb.; yearling -w .; cihw eowa TH-SHe lb.; cannar cowa TM'SVse lb.; balls lOH-lle lb. Live Pooitry Baying prices: Leghorn bivu.ii . iu. i voior a epringa ma. aad OTer 15c; lb.; Leghorn bona ever 8 lha. 11-19 L him k.n. h.Jh u. Ik. 12e; colored hens to 5 lbs. 15c: ovor 5 iva. aae, a grace aa 10. ISSS. Tarkeya--SeUing prleet Oreaaed bene. It.tU Ik. T . IK !. - " - w. . 0 I J 1 I I prices: Hens 15-lSe lb.; tome 14-15a lb. ' .'"V . ,i, to; vam, au-ste. Fotatoeo Deachntca Gens, 1.75 cental. K a P.Uti 1 . ww. ...Mil. WW., A. V Ctrl; Ksnatwiek 1.60 locsl whites 75-0e run has. Onions-Walla Walla, CO-TOe ' sack ; Oregon Bcmadaa, -4e lb. Wool Willamette Tslley - 1239 slip, nominal medinm 15a lb . braids 25-26 lb.; six months fleece 22 24 lb.; oaatara Oragoa SO-SSc lb. n.T. fi.inw. . - -. - a,... fa. No. lj. 10.00 toa; oat-vetcb 12.00 ton; Bjovor, aa.vw ion; iimotny, eastern Ure coa 12.00; valley timothy, 14.00 ton Portland. Bona ilSIS Onatara Km rk . r ..1 12 lb. ! Mohair Nominal 1089 aHp 20 lb. Oasearn bark BnTi nr nrU- tosa ..l 4 lb. T ' Sugar Barry aad trait, 100a. S.00: bale S.15 ; beet 4.05 Nil. ! PI... Bm -l.. .ia M - - . wu.a vri. a- Hvory, 1 to 25 bbl lots: Fsstily pstsat, aara waest aet. Stocks and Bonds ! STOCK AVERAGES August 15 OompUed by the Associated Press 20 15 15 SO i Indna RaMa IT;I St.k. Ke Cbg A.5 A .2 A.2 A J Tnesday es.4 18.8 40.1 49.2 Prav Day 08.9 18.0 89.8 48.9 Month Ago 71.0 19.9 89.8 50.1 Tear Ago 09.9 19.2 98.0 47.8 1989 High 77.0 28.8 40.0 SS.4 1999 Low 58.8 15.7 88.7 41.0 ! BOITO AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 : Kails Indna Dtil Torga e Cbg A.5 A.2 A.l A .1 Taasdsy i S7.9 100.8 97JI 59.5 Prav. Day 57.4 100.S 97.1 59.4 Month Ago 58.2 10O.0 90.9 01.1 Tear Ago 58.7 99.8 98.8 02.8 1989 High 04.9 100.8 97.5 64.0 1999 Low 69.4 97.0 91.9 58.2 192S Higb101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 A 10-5.25: bakera bra aataam. 4.75-5.05; blended wheat flows. 4.95-5.10: soft wheat 4.95-4.40; grshsm, 49s, 4.50; whole wheat. 49s, 4.95 bbk Portland Grain Xt I1.A I., ! lPl.Waa.t- !., O ' - " - Oua Hi-b Lnr Cloaa Sent. - 08 68 08 08 Doc - 08 OS 08 08 Cash grain: Oata No. 2-38 lb. white ZS.UU. AS -80 IB JJ aa.vw. Barley Ko. 2-45 lb, BW 18.00. Oon Ko. S XT abipmanta 25.00. Ho. 1 flax 1.50. . Cssh vbsst (bid) soft white 9 westera wkits 89 H; wutera red 06 Bard red winter, ordinary 05 Vfc ; 11 per ai 05 V- 12 sar cent S8V. : IS aer cant 70 14 per cent 72 M. Bard white- m . aa a. aa. mm . a, aw jSlin Am per ceuit if, twai .a A. f s: A pvr CtBl 4f. Today's car rvcaipU: WI-Mt 66; floor ear. l. -. 1 . . t It -I 1 Al Si . nan -" ko Portland Lireitock POBTLAKD, Or., Aag. (U8DA) Hoga: , -Ueeipta Barrow aad gilts, good- shoiee, 120-140 lbs. I do gd-eh, 140-100 lbs do gd-eb, 160-180 lbs-, do gd-eh. 180-200, lbs do gd-eh, 800-220 d gd-ch, 120-340 do. gd-eh. 240-270 do gd-cb, 270-200 lbs do gd-Ch. S0O-B3O IDS ad-cb. 880-SSO lba. do auadiam. 100-200 lba ysodsr pip, gd-ob,70-12Q 15 (AP) 800. Price lbs 5.85 .0.00 6.25 6.60(4 4.8$ a 0.15 6.09 5.95 W 5.65 6.60 e.oo0 6.25(a) 0.85 0.75 6.75 0.75 0.60 6.25 6.10 6.00 6.85 e.eo 7.00 7.75(9 9.25 6.75 0 8.00 6.00( 7.25 6.25(3 - Cattle: SoeeipU 125. Calvea 25. Price range: Steera. good, 900-1100 !ba.-S do medinm, 750-1000 iba do medium 1100-1800 Iba do eommon, 750-1100 lbs Bteaia. heifers and mixed. saediaaa, 800-900 Iba do common, 600-900 lbs Cows, good, all wts ,, do medium, all wts , do cut-corn, all wta . do eaaaara (low eattor), all wta. . Boll (ylgt.excld), boat gd do ssassge, good . ,. do atedhiat , do eat-eom, all wta 0.50 Q 7.26 5.00 a 6.60 6.00 5.75 4.50 8.00 8.50(1 4.50 8.00 O 8.80 5.75 6.25 Tealers, gd-eh, all de som-med.. all do anil. 400 lbsdowa Oalvea, coas.-aiod 400 lbs owa i do ooll, 400 lbs. dows 5.50 (i 6.25 6.00 8.50 4.60(3 5.00 wts ,,. . 7.500 8.50 wts I.00 7.60 4.00 Q 6.00 8.00 a 7.00 4.00(1 6.60 Ebsep: Koeoipts 925. Pries rsngs: Spring Ismbs, good-choieo S6.750 T.00 so maa and goo e.osw Common , 6.25 & 6.00 Tearling wethera. medium 4.00(3 4.60 Iwea, good-choieo 2.506 8.25 Commoa-mediam 1.00 (s s.60 Wool in Boston BOSTON. Anc 16 fAPl 08DA) Scattered aalea. atoatlv of limited toI- ome, were closed ea the Boston wool market today. Only a law users were do ing any baying. Prices were about steady T.r j iiro ouu i co-nirj-pacsea thro-igbtba aad aaartar-blood baisbt flaacea were mostly at a email fraction of a cent nnder 22 eont. la the grease, delivered. Odd lots of good Trench comb- Gardeners' PORTLAND, Ora Aag. 15 (AP) (USDA) Prodaco pile ohangsat Apples Washington Transparent. standard bases, loose, 70 75e; Graren stains, Oregon, 60-90c; poorer lowas 25e; Calif. GraTcaateiaa, togs, 1.00-1.26; crabapplca, f.aad f, 40-50e; 2-2 Ho lb. avrticnosea uaqnoiea. Aipsrsrus Oregon, Wssblrgton, 10 lb. erst, its. 1 baacbsd 20-2.75 ; strings Aaoeados Csbf. Faertea, all alsae. L45-1.70; others. 1.03-1.25. fisasDst per buBca. ft per lb. t bsod- at off or email ata. 6c. Bean Oregon, Kentucky, 9K-4c; Gi ante 8-4c Berries Locanbarriaa. 75a-1.00 : raso berries. 1.75-2.00; blackeajs, 1.75-1.85; hockleberriea, 12-15c; boysenberries, 75 85e: blackberries, 00-70c; enrranta, 1.50- x.oa. CabbageLocal 90-ponad crates, 85 90c; poorer 75. Carrots 20-22 Ho. Cantalonpca California, jumbo, all eises 1.0O1.25; Tnrlock Jumbo 1.50-1.65; uregon uuiara, ao-sss, 1.0O-1.10; Wash ington, 88-4 ts, 1.Q0-1.1O; Spears, 1.15 1.25. Csiaba Calif., 14 -Jo per lb; crate, X.4V-1.0U. Cauliflower Local, 9-1 la, 1.25-1.85, no -, Celery Oregon. Utah. 1.00-1.10: wbita. 1.001.10; hearts, Utah, 76 85c; white. 70-1 uu. Citrus rmlt Grapefruit. Arixona 2.00 2.25; choice, 1.75-1.85; lettoe crate.. 2.00-2.25: Florida. 8.25-8.75: Calif. S.OO- 1.25. Lemons Fancy, all s!is. 6.00-5. SO: choice 4.50-5.00. Limee Califs flata, 160a, 2.80; dls olay cartons. 90c, dossns 20-25c Oranges Vsleneiss. largo 8.75 4.00: email to medium. 2.15-8.00. Corn Local 6 dos. bezee. 75-1.00: poor 50-00e. Onenmbers Oregon, flata, 40-45cl pickl-s. No, 1, 45-60; No. 2, 40c; No. 3. 80c. Egg Plant Calif, hits. 1.15-1.23: 6-7s per lb.; local flats. 60-60c. nga caui. iiata, teat 49-60e; black, 65-75C. Garlic Local new 6-8e lb; string 8-10e. Honeydawa Calit. 9 lis. 1.25-1.85. Grape, Calif, aeedleaa. 1.10-1.15 ln- Bed Malayaa, 1.85-1.50; Babiera. 1.85. Lettoce Local, ary pack, S or 4 dos., best 1.00-1.25; poor ss low ss T5; Wash ington topped, 1.50-1.75. Muahroome Cultivated 1 lb. eartnn. 30 85c; H lb. cartons. 17-1 8c. Nectarines Calif., 70-76e rag. Onions Calif reds. 85-90e: Wash. yellow, 60-is. sscks. 60-70; Oregon white Wax, 1.7311.03. PeachesCalifornia flats. Halaa. 05- 1.10; Elbertai 65-75e; lags, 95-1.10. bx. 80e: Oregon-Ws shins-ton Hales, lusa 80- 90c, boxes 65-75e; Golden Jubilee 60 65e; Roche tar, 65-85; Triumpha, boxes. a.vv-a.aa. Pears Washington fancy Bartletta. wrapped. 1.75-1.85. Boats orchard ran. 75 85c lag lengths fins territory woo1.) In origin al bags wars sold at around 67 cents, scoared basis, bnt slsesble lines 1 were firmly quoted at 68 to 89 ceate, aeonred baala. a choice lot of bulk staple comb ing let tan fine territory wool In original bars brourht 72 ta 7S cants, aeonred basis. Closing Quotations NEW YORK, Aug. Al Chem&Dye..l65 Allied Stores .. 9H Ameri Can ... 100 Am For Pow ... 2 Am Pow Lt .. - 6tt Am Rad Std San 11 Am Roll Mills . . 15 Am Smelt dt Ret 45 Am Tel ft Tel.. 167 Amerl Tobacco'.' 82 Ameri Wa Wrks 11 Anaconda 26 Armour 111 .... 4 Atchison 27 Barnsdall 12 Baltl dc Ohio ... 4 4 Bendlx Aria ... 25 Bethle Steel ... 61 Boeing Air .... 21 Borge Warner . 24 Budd Mfg 5 Callahan Z-L .. 1 Calumet Hec .. Can Pacific ... 3 J I Case 73 Caterpll Trac .. 41 Celanese' 26 Certain-Teed . . 6 Chesa dt Ohio . . 35 Chrysler 83 15-(ff)-Todays closing prices: Com Solvent . . Commwl &Sou.. Consoli Tdson . . Consoll Oil .... Curtiss Wright. Doug Aircraft Pro. 10 Nat Dairy 1 Nat Dist ..... 82 Nat Pow a Lt.. 6 Packard Mtors. 4 J C Penney . . . 68 Phllps Petrol Du Pont de N . .161 Pressd Steel Car Elec Bow a Lt Erie R R . . . . . Gen Electric a a. Gen Foods . ... Gen Motors . . . Goodyear Tire.. Great Northn . . Hudson Motors. Illinois Centrl . . Insp Copper . . Inter Harvest.. Int NIcgel Can. . Int Pa a P Pf . . Int Tel a Tel Johns Manville. Kennecott .... Libbey-O-Ford Llg & Myers B Loew's Montg Ward... Nash Kelvinator Nat Biscuit . . . Nat Cash 9 Pub Serv N .. 1 Pullman ...... 3 7 Safeway Stores . 47 hi Sears Roebuck. . 48 Shell Union 28 Sou Cal Edison 25 South Pacific .. 6 Stand Brands . . 12 Stand Oil of Cal 12 Stand Oil of NJ 53 Studebaker 50 Sup Oil ...... 34 Timk Roll Bear 6 Trans-Amerl . . 70 Union Carbide.. 36 United Aircrft.. 50 United Airlins.. 108 U S Rubber ... 44 U S Steel 51 Walworth ..... 6 Western Union. 26 White Motrs .. 18 Vi Woolworth ... 17; 24 9 3 90. 34 8 41 26 46' 77 Ts 10 28 13' 6 25 40 8: 2 46' 5 1 36' 12 43 49 5 24' 9 48' Spinach Zjocal. orange box, 50-60. Peas Oregon Telephones, 8-4c per lb.; fancy 5-6c; coast, 25-lb. box 1.15-1.25; poorer lower Peppers Oregon flats, green. 85-40e: red. fl-1.25. Plums Calif, Santa Rosa, 4 basket crates, 1.10 1.15; Wsshingtoa California Beauties, fist. 60 65c; Oregon Italians. 45-50c; Bradsbaw 75s; per 25 lb. lag; Dsmieons 40-50e. Potatoes Oregon Bliss Triumphs, OS Ko. 1, 1.25-1.85; Washington Long Whites 1.85-1.40: DS No. 2. 60-ponnd saeks. 50- 55e: Bassets. US Ko. 1. 100 1b. sacke. 160; N 2, 50 6t Knubarb Nominal. Sqaash Oregon fist Zaesblnl scallops. 25-30e; Crooknecks, 85-40e; Dsnish large crates 1.25: fists. 60-60e: ACsrblebesd. !4-He. Tomatoes Oregon, field grown, flata. 40-50e; No. 2, 25-Sjc; Wsshingtoa lugs, a.OO-1.10; aaclsssilied, 75 85c Watermelona CaUf 1.40-1.50 est, Irrigated Tomato Plants Set Well Reports from some gardnera that tomatoes are not setting well on the vines are mostly applica ble to unirrigated tomato plants and not to irrigated, Glenn Len gren, Starr Fruit Products com pany superintendent, said yester day. Where plants are getting plenty of water a good set is indicated. crates extrs; ton lots, 25.00 28.00.; Ore gon 23.00 ton. ?-4 -.VHVUXM Ua IX In A Hurry v4 W.N. i ' "S-iN , STATE FINANCE CO. A Home-Owned Institution (Childs a Miller's Office) 844 State St., Salem, Ore. Phone 9261 , Lic No. S-216 M-223 P0LLT AND HER PALS The Missus Always Uses a Hairpin! CLIFF STERRETT By MICKEY HOUSE The Surprbe Is on Mickey! ONE LEO OP THS STOOU THROUCH A Kr3THOL.C, MICKEY OVERTURNS rr, barelW ESCAPING THE BULLET MErVTT , FOR HIM! TMOW, &r$tfrJ I I fPl FOR J 1 NONl OUST WMT'LU I i Mfc."Bu3T lit BURNlN THE sO f ET Mi HANOS LOOSB ANb N VrOuR JQjr 1 ROPEyTlcC) K I them someodvs IN FOR. rCAK&LEj) " I ME V.lTi"j XBSSUrRlS&! (ww,-r'.ii "'"TrC 5 1 T-V ''l'73?:2,lrtjj ' By WALT DISNEY JL j. s rm ;- . , Af -J Ma n 'f r I i "T v v.yr tr i riAJTWrVMx LITTLE ANNIE ROONET Love, Honor and Obey! By BRANDON WALSH If" ere, zeno-z Gcrr the wvwambjias wv to TraMKiO faOrE. WwTOHEUO pooRMPa era l RaonrY usia eviriiAum, ..-- I OCTTTA GCT SOME rVVsSZV CrStr5-ES ti. I I b i??-yrmm -r wi rtsTi .i i IV - . - -- i c. m mm- j I -i I limn w u. i r srrr2 --i w " ri; is , - . -,. , ,, ,.- Mft6 SPfioce Asvrr got no Foy5 r Afs DOOOSGOOOSCZTHECUMATl. OUT 'THERE WOULD BE GOOD FOR fH IT WOULD B6T earVEU. IFAARS. g5TgS HOU9e& SCZ. BUT HER SISTER IS first Txrrvrs to HSR HUSBAND-' s t - II YUUKE MAKKKUJ TO I Ma I . v 1 I autpRnnv r ' I -ar :o a w raaa m - m m i ir i fc-r w w 5sy .t ir 1 1 . iwa - i v 1 X GUESS VJHEH YOUee MAOPOED THei?S LCTT5ATMIASS VOU VVSVVJMA XXJ that sou caat do cause TOOTS AND CASPER Living In Fear By JIMMY E1URPHT ) MY Wi-irs Zicrr UJMPN ON M . a. ' "- - m MIND ALL RlZrHT.V Mr. cmucklb. but nVMll IT! SHE'LL SNAP OUT OP Irr soon, mr. skidder! W CANT rXPSTCT HER -TO t-AO-rM ALU THE TIME, ANYWAY. v----w1 : Coot IWS. Ka ram -a Snaam l. World r YHaYHan! 1 1-Unoa aje r Dirrr sre iBrirr WO ITLL MEAN THE END 2Z, "APPJCSS WTTM - nuaawiD AND 1 COULDN'T LIVE COULONT WITHOUT HIM i on r I THAT MAN1. MB-S MEAKl . CPUELA BEAST ! OH , IT'S TERRIBLE TO LIVE - IN KEAW , LIKE "THIS IP HE SAW ME . HtTl-L. SOON STRIKE' 1VE BEEN SO HAPPY WITH HUSBAND BUT ALL THE TIME 1 HAD A FEELINr a n-j v..a. - &9 f)i -aOOD TO LAST 71 ' tl MOLLYS PEARS ARE WEUd FOUNDED. RlItHT NOW A SHADOWY FltrURE LURKS OUTSIDE. 8-H n f A: I : r i v i T' V' THIMBLE THEATRE SUrrinsr Popeye Wedding Cake Is Not to Be Slept on! Pii iL MARKyj I OP COURSE, I WIU,POPYE. n-r,u.ivc r " l CAM VER-Ll. MARO.Y M TODAY? CAM BE. RELADV tKI AM HOUK MAKE IT TWO HOOKSt WAtMT TO bAKK A A L 3"a m-mmmrr'k .. -xm u vi a . ' '.. w v ATmw s?C ' . ax M-mV fiv ra m OKAY. I WILLI ACOUPLA HOURS GOOO- TVE TILL THEM. i ixr fWEVER MOQC ) I rVASTHS tS MV WEDOIM' -All TRUST IT IS XT VAMA GCKIER. J DAY. t YAM QUrTTIM'TH- 1 1 AVERY LARGE J VU S-S ROAMy SEA AM' STAYI NT ASHORE. CAKE cyfr OUVS MOMMA IS BAKlKlj 70 ' ; PVs j