PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, August 15, 1939 Salem Market Quotations rnnts Bylof Frtcea) ... (The arleea below cnppMed by local grower and indicative of the daily a&arkes price paid to grower by galea barer bat ara aot fuarantd by Tea 8Utt aiaa.i Banana, lb. oa atalk. .03 H .06 S I.7S 6.S0 to 4.00 - . 1.80 . 1.35 - -.ii-vJM ilaade Grapes, Califs aeedleta Grapefruit. Calif. -Lemon, crato . Oraaeea. 'eralo ' aeoradoa. crato - Caataloapea, erato Wateraseloa. lb. ..- (Buying. Wctir,.;- Baa a, was' r .03, J .01 H .30 k 1.54 1.85 - Ureea - Boot, do. , , . Csbbsra, lb ' .., , , Carrot, local, dot. CanlUlewer. . local, Celery, Utah. 1.15; local, Cora, n" Cacawibera, oatdoor -, Lot toco-1. 1.50 ':; : i.oo .20. 0 OS "t ' JO - .40 o - Oaioa,S0 lbe. Groea on ion a, do. Kedtehea. doa.- Peea, eoaai. fb. , Ftp pert, groom. . Calif. ranicy Potato, local twt. Ho. 50 lb. oaca .Spinach, Seattle, box. Turnip. - do, i 1.00 r ' .40 .' . - Bqaaab, mot. Tomato I, Dalles, log- : . 1 -BTTJTb" -'-. 'Price paid by Independent racking piaat to groworh . - - ---Walnato Fraaqaottea. aaacy, IS ae 41o, 10; amall : oronard raft, 10c Walaot meat. 25 to 80 lb. rilberta Barcelona a, larfa 12 Hat faa 7 111); oabiee, lit: oretaard raa 11a (Coop Price to Grower) WelaaU Price range, depending apoa way auta rna la 14 different grade 11 I.e.. Daebilly 1 cent higher. . - HOPS (Baying Price) Coster, aomiaai. 1937, lb .05 Clatter. 1988. lb. J5 Yaffle, top .,..'. .25 , WOOI. UD MOHAIB (BDTtnc Price) . Wool, medium, lb Coaraev lb. . Lamb, lb. .27 .27 .23 010 alotair. In EGOS AND POQXTBT (Baylag Price of Aadreaea'i) Grade A large, doa. J21 Grade B large, doa. - J 8 Grade A aaodiam J 8 , Grado B edium J8 c Pallet , JS . Colored fry - .13 Whit Lecborn. near .10-. 11 White Leghorn, light -11-.12 Old rooiter , ,, , .OS Ileary bene, lb -. , .13 MAJUOB CBBAMXBl Boylag Price Batterfat. first quality .24 Batterfat, second quality Batterfat. premium Lefhorn bent, Leghorn fryer. 1H lb. .25 .08 .10 10 .11 Jl .00 .04 Colored fryer. 2-3lbs. Colored iprings, 4 lb, and ap Colored bona Etaga - Old Boosters "Redheads Are By Vera Brown SYNOPSIS "Mike" Shannon, pttite red headedfnagasine counter girl at the Eureka Hotel, had bitten the al ready renowned left hand of "Hand- gome" rry Kegan while be was stifling her cry of alarm. She ran into him as he a famous rookie big league pitcherwas trying to sneak to his hotel room via a rear en trance In order to elude the vigil ance o! a team "curfew law spot ter." Handsome had been drinking a little. He apologized to Hike and - persuaded the indignant red-head to , accompany him to a nearby lunch 'room. Though she "saved him from T the club's "curfew scout," she was till annoyed with the brash young athlete when he let her go home alone. CHAPTER ni Mike was working from ten to six the next day. She found it hard to drag herself out of bed. Her mother had gone on to the hospital when Mike awakened, and Mary and Jack were at school.' The house was mess. Mike tried to straighten things as she waited for the coffee to boil, bat it was a hopeless task. If Mike dressed with unusual care that morning, combed her rebel lious red bob with more delibera tion, she did not admit it to herself. On the way to work via the sub way Mike read the newspaper. She tried to appear unconcerned as she turned directly to the sport pages. There, a sports writer was giving the low-down on "Handsome." "The Sheik from Charlotte Is causing Ace Barnes a lot of head aches," the writer commented. "Ace may take some drastic disciplinary action with the freshman pitcher." That should make Handsome's headache better this morning I She arrived at the hotel prompt, ly at 10, andawent to work. Morn ings were always busy, but Mike patched the dock. . It was not more than IS minutes after Mike had come on duty that -aha looked across the counter to see Handsome towering there be fore her. He seemed in the pink of rendition. He appeared perfectly satisfied with the world. . "Hello, Mike. How's evers-thin?" Just as casually as though he'd been greeting her there every morn ing for weeks. He bought a morn ing paper, but made sure as he took his change from her that she saw the splash of iodine on his left hand, Mike felt her cheeks burn, but she answered his greeting convention ally enough. Then he remarked: "I didn't know you'd be to work ao early. What time are yon through tonisht?" Mike was sure she would not an swer. Bat of coarse, she did. "Six o'clock today." "What have the bovs rot to aav about me this morning?" he said as ha turned to the sports page of his newspaper. "Nothing very cheering." Mike could not resist that thrust. "I suppose not. They like taking cracks at me.". He glanced rapidly urougn ut columns, spotted the one she had seen on the subway. ue tnrew down the paper. ' "I ought to bust that guy right in tne nose! He's got his nerve." "Maybe it's true, what it says." 1 don't care about that Mavha ft is. But look what he calls me .. . B-eUc ez cnarlottel" - An adoring bell boy came over with Larry's r.-J. There was a stack of it, some la colored en velopes. "Fan mall?" Mike's eyes were twinkluus. : "Yes, women. Tell me, Mike, why are women suen nutsi" "Yon should know. Handsome did not answer as he flipped through the piVe, picked out ene. :- - '-" "From home. I read It while I eat brtakf ait - Come and sit with me." - ' ' : - ' . "I cant, I'm working. He-a started away and turned Lack wi-t an afterthought "111 be tack by six and well eat." He IrazUi aside line, pretest. "XT. Grade B raw 4 per ccst Bilk, Salem Co-op basic pool prico f 1.70. Co-op Grado A batterfat price 91.72. ' (klllk based oa aemlmeaUly botUrfat areraga.) -. Distributor price f2S2. Batterfat, ' Ko. .1, 24i JSo. 2, 22c; ... premium, 25c. ' A grade print. 2Hd grate 27 Me: quart era 28 He So. grade per aoaafl leaa. --, ... EGGS Orado A largo, doi ., , Grado A aaediaa tl J 48 r 46 . .10 48 Grado B large Grade B medium Undergrade and ehei Pallet UtSBlVV-' " ' (Baying Brie tor Ko. I atoc. baaed oa ca dittos and ) roportod a to 4 - Imb. 1939. tope 4.80 to 8.75 Lamb, yearling , 4.50 to 5.00 Ewe. 2.00 to 3.75. Boca, too - 0.75 '130-150 lb. . 4.00 to 4.25 5.75 to 8.25 ; 6.00 210-800 lb. Sow Beef cow Ball , Heifera Top . veal ... Dairy typo eowo 8.00 to 5.25 5.00 to 5.75 5.00 to 5.50 8.00 8.00 to 4.00 41 Dratted eti, id GRAIN. fiLAT AND SEEDS Wheat, bu No. 1 rocloaaed .T Oats, grey toa .. . 28.00 White , . 2500 Peed barley, toa 22 00 to 34.00 Clover bay. toa 13 00 to 18.00 AlfaHa. toa 10.00 to 16.00 Egg mash. Ko. 1 grade. 80 lb. bag 1.70 Dairy food. 80 lb. bag 1.85 Baa acrateb feed 1-75 Cracked rora l-" Wheat Wakefield Tests Wheat in Islands - ALBANY With A Tiew of test ing; the adaptability of raising premium bard wheat in the Philippines, Joseph Wakefield of Albany who has made a study of growing wheat here, has sent a sample to Miss E. Coles, daugh ter of Dr. C. E. Coles, Albany, who is in the Philippines. The grain will be sown and tested on the islands. For several years past Wake field has taken grand prizes with the wheat at the Oregon state less the game runs over-time." Then he was gone before Mike could protest further. The day passed slowly although she was busy. In the afternoon the radio was on in the further comer of the lobby. But there was too much noise for Mike to hear the game over in her far corner. She planned Just what she'd do that night. She'd get away before Hand some came back to the hotel. That would avoid all trouble. She'd be on her way home. She'd get away cut she didn't, The game was over early and Handsome came strolling into the hotel lobby at a ' . - "V ' ' ''. ." . " " The nejt morning, Kike saw Handsome towering: over her . . . "What tune are yon through tonight?" he asked before reading . the "roasts" in the newspapers ... quarter to six looking ao clean and M w. . . zrean ana immaculate, mat it was no wonder everybody turned to look at him as he made his way toward tne magazine coanter. "I'm starrlne - went tifa Ant WOrda. 'How lona tiafnra wnn ns get out of here?" "Mot until aiz o'clock. . . . But I must get home right after dinner." ue was impatient: "Well, hurry 89. Fll be down a rain in a fan minutest : Of coarse the gossip had got around that hotel that Handsome Kegan was -going" for Mike. In the four years she had worked at the Eureka, Mike had never even had dinner with a guest. So it was something to gossip about. Every body Watched with Intereat fct a- whether Mike was having dinner w- . . m . . wnn negan uias nignc She zelt their curious eyes on her and was embarrassed. Mr. Downey, the day manager. came over to ner counter at six to talk to Larry as he waited. They plunged into argument about the day's play immediately; - "Horton was off his game," Ur. Downey said firmly. - "He never was on H," Irry r torted scornf ally. Downey shrugged his shoulders, and smiled. 0 Hike came back slowl-'fmm ts cloak room where the night before ene naa met uutj so uneereniani ously. "See this young man gets in at a decent hour. Mfka. Ta 4 t nodded.": . -Ther walked nn Brrdwaw. Uke was pleased at the attention ue uoaa shouldered figure at her side created. Uanv tnramA a ar-- A newsboy yelled : ; "liowarye uandsomef f -Larrr arinned at him. wa l ( hand. ,',; . i "Helovet"IIkeraEamd- Foreign S cene Cheers Stocks - .- Stocks Move up as Much as 2 Points; Domestic Picture Brightens tfBW YORK, Aug. lMffV Stpcks ' mored op fractions to 1 points or so' in today's market as European peace hopes bright ened a bit and domestic business news continued optimistic. The list started off with a de gree of hesitancy, but small gains soon - predominated. ' Prices, at their best after noon, were shared in many instances by 'profit taking at the finish. The principal fly in the day's ointment was the meagerness of rolnme on the extension of Sat urday's advance. - Transfers for the fire hours totalled 546.060 shares against 700,890 last Fri day. .The Associated Press aver age of CO Issues was np .6 of a point at 48.9. On the upside were Bethle hem Steel. Sears Roebuck, Inter- n a 1 1 o n al Harvester, American Can. Westinghonse, Allied Chemi cal. U.S. Gypsum, Johns-Manville, Santa t e, Great Nortnern. Ixit and Texas corporation. Hop Growers to Visit Corvallis CORVALXIS. Ang. 14V-HoD growers will discuss the latest developments in op production at the annual experiment' station field day tomorrow. Chemical analysis of hops, in sect control and downy mildew elimination are topics that will be discussed. fair, fairs in other states, and at grain shows. Wakefield has a small snace at his borne where he hag grown tne wheat for a number of years. On this plot of ground which measures but 20 by 0 feet he obtained a bushel of seed. This would make the yield approxi mately 36.3 bushels to the acre. Lucky" denlw. "It'a lilro dnn. T7-'- hy t from the time he was three 1" They strolled alone? in the aarlv spring twilight and Mike suddenly felt desperately unhappy. Some this? warned her! I ahonldnt It here with Handsome I But she was. Then Larry took off his hat cere moniously with a gesture turned it around, put it back on again. - w net s tne matter 7" "Cross-eyed woman 1 They're bad luck for ball players unless you change your hat around." Mike could hardlv believe hew ears. Then they both laughed. At tne restaurant it was .as it had been in the street. Waiters rushed to the front. The manager came. People bowed, necks craned. Mike was suddenly conscious of her V 1.1 i m n ucj H-cK zrocK. one could not realise aha waa thai rtrtH-t vi in the place with her amaxing hair . Ala a . ana ner near, anaped lace. But aha knew hr fiwlr . basement sale and that her hat waa last years. Hike and Handsome war flnallw settled with great ado. -wow, begin.- Larry ordered. "Begin?" "About yourself." If Larry was a braggart, be bad that quality which also invites con fidences. He was good listener. And Mike found herself telling him aU about Jimmie. Til come and sea Unr just as soon as you get him home from the hospital. Ill get Ace Barnes to autograph a ball for him." When they ordered food, Larry asked for high-ban, "No high-ball. One glass of beer, maybe. No more," Mike said firmly, "O. K Skfntiar. On hoar. waiter." ;-.-' Larry grinned, down at her. ? Can IM emrVs mln. t K w1 influence in ay life." He ahrngged. re .. . . . . a neea uh mu ngn ac xouna out todav IVa htm Hvfna an hnt dogs because I was broke. That mug rwnmiM4 ex mine equeaiea.- "Do Voa mean ia aaw won hawon't been eating?" -Not any too regular." "Larry I That's terrible ! "So Aea aava ma imm rwr ea when wVre on the road and the gang's wild at me. Why should they blame ue? Why dont they, blaxne Travia. HVa tha on- that quawked. X didntl" . (To be continued) kva-s Quotations PORTLAND, Ora, Aag. 14(p uairy proooco prices t -. . ? ' Batter: Xxtrae 25tt: ataadarda 24 prime first 33 Mi; first 21; batterfat Eggs: Large extra 23e; largo ataad ard 20: :Btea extra 30a: asedinai atandarda. 18e; small extra 13; aautll Bsaaaaraais. - Cbeeae -Triplet 13c loaf. 14a. Portland Produce . PO&TL-FDv Ore., Aog. 14 (AP - vowurp aauiDg p-tce to retailers:- CooBtrrkillcd bog, boat batcher wader 180 lbe. 9-9 He lb.: Tealera IS He ib. " -m un lu-iit id. aeavp w-lue lb.; airing laaiba, 13H-14e lb.; yearling lamb 10-13 lb.; owea S-oVlb.s cotter eows ?4tte lb.f eaaner cows 7H-H lb.j bulla 10V.11 lb. Lie Poalu-r Bay inj wricoa: Legbers broiler 13-14e Ib. colored esriaga S lba. aae eer too; id.; Lerbora aeo orer 3H lb. 13-13 ; Logbora ben aader SH lb. 13a; colored beaa to 6 lb. 15c: erer S is, is; Ko. 3 grado 4a lb. leaa. Torkeyt Selling price: Dreued beat. 1T-18 lb.: Tom 15-14 lb. Baylag rnw! ammm is-im id. ; ome i-to to. aiw crop aaae sir w: toau so-sie. - PoUtoee Doaebatea Geo. 1.75 eeataL Kaw Petatoea Yakima Gem a, - 1.60 wV; Ken aewick 1.60 local w hi tea 80-9O oraago box. ... - .,)., . .. Onion Walla Walla. 60-70 sack ; Orogoa Bernodaa, 34-4e lb. Wool Willamette -. valley 1939 clip, aeninal mtediom - S5e lb.; coarae and braid 35-38 lb.; ais atonth flaoco S3 S4e lb.; oaatera Orogoa SO-SSeo lb. Hay Selling price to retailer) Altai fa. No. 1. 16.00 toa; oat-retcb 13.00 toa; clover, 11.00 toa; timothy, oaitera Oro goa 19.00; valley tlmotby, 14.00 toa Portland. Hop 198S Clmtcr 35e lb; lagglaa aso ib. Mohair Nominal 1939 alls SO lb. Oaacara bark Baying price 1939 peel lb. Borar Berry and trait. 100a. S.OO: bale CIS; boot 4.9S Stocks and Bonds Aagast 14 STOCK AVXSAGZa CompUad by th Atiociatcd Prea 10 15 15 60 Indus Baida Util A .8 39.8 39.5 39.3 S3.6 40.S 83.7 S7.S 14.9 Stock A. 6 48.9 48.8 49.9 47.3 58.4 41.4 54.7 S3.7 Hot Cbg A. 9 A.l Moaday 68.9 18.6 Prev Day 68.0 18.5 Moatb Age 70.6 19.8 Tear Ago 69.1 18.8 19S9 High 77.0 33.8 isa Low 88.8 15.7 1988 High 79.5 33.5 1916 Low 49.3 12.1 BOVD AVBAGS 30 10 10 10 forgo A. 69.4 59.3 61.3 63.0 64.0 68.3 67.0 59.0 Sail A. 3 . 57.4 . 57.1 . 57.S . 58.7 . 64.9 . 63.4 . 70 5 . 46.3 ladaa A.1 100.6 100.5 loo.e 99.8 100.8 97.0 100.8 93.0 Util a. a 97.1 98.9 97.1 93.3 97.5 91.9 95.1 85.8 Net Cbg Moaday Prev. Dav Month Ago. xoar aso . 1939 High 1939 Low 1998 High . 1988 Low . POLLY AND HER PALS MICKEY MOUSE 0 OV.r PJCKUE! A BURNING CANtE rs MICKEY THE HOT FOOT, BUT TO MOVE HIS FOOT WILL. rlRETHE GUM OVER- ! - i UTTLE ANNIE R00NET IM NOT TAUOMG ASMXX3 FPCMD . , , RAV ury ARmrr )- I J I - s , I , - - j A9AOCWJTISWDirrTOTLMW-mtriF YOU AQC A UTTLE CARETl. VOUlU CJVE A?5-.BUT B"VOU Tl HYTDDO rr oust plain suicroe TOOTS AND CASPER rTT. YVOUOOK ) iViJUST MV ) fmSmMmi, f rw'?fti27fBD 1 EVER jf VES.THE MAN X SAW WAS HIM M '. rwgJ atuSI Mv vs" ?vttuv i&w&i3- ssk g"'1 &,s? rl r js! -L veir j ) jlRr THIMBLE THEATRE- Starring Popey This Is so Sodden? ff at Portland W-. flnnr ftaTTtme mIhl eitw a- Bvery, 1 to 85 bbl lotat family patent, 49a. 6.75-6.15: baker bard wheat set. Wended wheat floar, 4.95-5.10; aoft wheat 4.85-4.40; gre"1" w--v, w m w wbaat. 49a, 4.95 bbl, ' Portland Grain ' PORTI D, ' Or, Aag. 14 (AP Wboat: . . , Ovoa High Low Clot Sept. 48H esffc-j 68H 68H Dee. ZZ68H 68Hf '68H -88 .. Caah grain: Oat Ko. 1-38 Ur. white S3 00; o. 3-88 lb. gray u.ou. Barley Ho. 3-45 lb. BW 18.00. -Corn No. 3 XT ehipnwnta 35J5. : H- 1 flu 1.5a. .... . wheat (bidlt Soft wbiU 70: -. white 69 "A: weatera red 66 H: hard red winter: ordinary 66; .11 per cent oo, u per eon o; ii per can ii; 14 per cent 74. Hard wbito-Baart: or dinary 70; 13 per coat 70; IS per cent . . mm . l per ecu ft jo. Til.v . mmr vinla Wheat 123 har- ley 1; floor 15; miUfeed 5. , - Portland Lirestock PORTLAND. TJ8DA Hog Ore.. Aag. - Beeeipta , 14--AP 1850. lrlce 6J ' - Harrow aa giita. gdeb 130-140 lba. 6.85 0.6.86 6.15 6.60 6.50 7.00 6.90 Q7.14 6.60 .7.00 4.250 4.60 6.100 6.50 6.00 O 6.35 6.8544 6.10 6.753 6.00 6.85 6.90 6.50 Q 7.00 do gd-eh, 340-160 lb do gd-vb, 160-180 lba do gd-ch, 180-200 lba do gd-ch. 30O-320 lba do gd-eh, 330 340 lb do gd-ch, 340-370 lb d gd-eh, 370-300 lba da gd-ch, 800-830 lbe do gd-ch, 830-860 lba da mediant 140-300 Ib Feeder pig, gd eb, 70-120. Cattle: Receipta 1835, Calvea 210. Price range: - if . Steera, good. 900-1100 Ib. do Bedlam, io-iiuo loa do madiom 1100-1300 lba do common, 750-1100 lba Steer, heifera and mixed. media , 600-800 lb do common. 500-900 lba Cows, good, all w do medinm, all wta do eat-com, all do caanera ikrw cottar), aU wta. Balls (ylga exeld.), beef, gd ao aaosaga, good do mediam do eat-eom all wta Vealers, gd-ch. all do eom-med., all wta do call. 400 lba. down Calves, coa-od dOO Ib Iowa , , 5.00(3 7.00 do call, 400 lb. dowa 4.00 Q S.60 Sheen: BeeeiDte 3650. Price nun- spring lamne, goo-caoicof 8.75 do med and good. Uommon Toarliac wether, a lediom Kwea, good-choice Common-medium Wool in Boston BOSTON. Aac. 14 (API (USD A) The wool market la Boitoa wa very qniet today bat anotation were mostly firm. Several mill recently baying fleec e la aixeable quantities were entirely AMD NCIGHeO-? RXK5 KMCW IT 7.75 a 9.35 6.50 & 7.76 6.00 7.25 55 Q 6.50 6.509 7.36 6.00Q 8.60 5.00Q 5.75 4.35 S.OO 8.50 4.25 8.000 S.80 6.75 6.50 6.50$ 6.35 6.00 5.50 4.75 O 5.35 7.50 S 8.50 5.00(3 7.50 4.00 6.00 O 7.00 6.00 6.50 6.00 6.75 4.00Q 4.50 3.50 8.35 1.00 2.50 yrf cGch nwH IM L rrs movin' JfIrTr-)r Ka but x i- - &. TH ylT ft fetTTtf rmw!TrnT r s-t- yTT.L3i y L& CcfchiT 6TXNt -O X 1 - ZfW T IP X COUU ONL.1 ( 5 A f 0N MUCH & ft you werze swinduto out EVEOVWWG M3U AMV HAUO VeQQK LIFE UOOKlMG ARC. WILLING r 1 Gardeners' i Mart POKTLAKD. Ore., Aag. 14 (AP t UbUA iTedoee price caangea: Apple Waablogtoa Transparent. ataadard ooxea, loose, 70 75c; tiraven steins, Oregon, 50-75; poorer low as 25e: Calif. Graveaateina, Inga, 1.00-1.24; oranappieai I and X, 60 60c; 9-5 He lb. . Artichoke Uaquoted. Aaparagaa Oregon, Waahtnctoa. 80 lb. crato. So. 1 baacbed 3A0 3.T5; atring s,ao. . i ' Avocado Calif.' Paartoa. all alsoa U45-1.70: otbora. 1.05-1.25. Banana- per banca. 6e per ib. ; hand ant off or imati iota. 6c Beans Oregon, Kentucky. 8H-4c; Gi ante S-4c Perries Loranberriee. 75e-1.00: rasn berrie. 1.75-3.00; bUckeaja, 1.75-1.85; bockieborrlea, 13-15e: bov sanberne. 75 85c; blackberries, 60-70e; currants. 1.50- Cabbage Local 90-pound crates, 85 90c; poorer 75. - Carrot 30-23 H. - Cantaloupes California, Jumbo, all lie 1.00 1.25; Tarloek jumbo 1.50-1.65; Oregoa Dillard, 86-45. 1.00-1.10; Wash ington, 86-4Ss, 1.00-1.10; Bpeara. 1.15 1.35. - . Caeabe Calif, 14 -2c per Ib; crate, 1.40-1.50. Cauliflower Local. 9-lla. 1.25-1.35. So 2, 75c-1.00. Celery Oregoa, Utah, 1.00-1.10; white.' 1.00-1.10: hearts. Utah. 75-85e: white. 75-1.00. Cltrna fruit GrsDefmiL Arizona 3.00 3.25; choice, 1.75-1.85; lettoe crates. 3.00-3.25: Florida. 8.25-8.75; Calif. 2 OO- 335. Lemon Fancy, all aiie. 5.00-5 SOv. choice 4.50-5.00. Limes Calif., flats. 150a. 2.50; die lay cartons. 90c, dosana 80-35c Oraacea Valeaciaa. iarca a.75-4.00: amall to mediam. 2.15-8.00. Corn Local 6 do, boie. 75-1.00: poor 50-60c. Cucumber Orecon. flats. a0-5f l pickles. Uo. 1, 45-50; No. 3, 40e; Xo. 8. 80c gg Plaat Calif. Inn. 1.15-1.35: 6-7 per lb.; local flata, 40-50e. jrig caiu. (lata, best 45-50c; black, L60-1 35. Garlic Local new 6-8c ib; atring 8-10e. Honeydew CaliL. 9-llc 1.25-1.85. Grapes Calif, seedless. 1.10-1.15 lor: Bod Malay, 1.85-1.50; Ribiers, 1.85. Lattoea 'lcaL aiv naek. a nr A Ant beat 1.00-1.25; poor a low a 75; Wash iagton topped, 1.50-1.75. Maahroems Cultivated 1 lb. cartona, S0-85e; H-lb. cartona, 17-1 8c .Nectarine Calif., 70-75c rag. Onion Calif red. 85-90e: W.ih yellow. 50-lb. aeka. 60-70; Oregoa white wax. 1.7511.85. Peaches California flats. Halo. OS- 1.10; Elbertas. 60-55c; lugs, 95-1.10, bi. 80c; Oregon-Washington Hale, lug 80 90c boxes 65 75c; Golden Jubilee 50 65c; Rochester, 65 85e; Triumph, boxes. Pear Washington fanev Bartletts. wrapped, 1.75 1.85. Bosc, orchard rnn, 90-1.00. out of the market. Country packed three eighth and quarter blood 'bright fleece were offered mostly at 82-33 cent, in the grease, delivered, but at these prices there wire no takers, small lot became available at a price slightly under 32 cents, delivered and wa turned over. Good French combing length fine terri tory wools la original baas were onite firm at 67-69 cents, scoured basis. A Benefit Performance A Hole in One And Time Heals aU Wounds! I5WT VOUR FAUCTl NO USE BRlMGING THAT UP AGAkVaTM GRKTt?-! Ft if ""I J s Af r amj rjirr .nrmiw Of . rr m OF"f-" 5PEMTSCXJR .ww.r rinarioJJ J & RATHER ViE THAN BE A BURDCM OM MV FO(?VOU Hv PRlHNDS THERE IS ALWOvS THE COUNTY i r i VE5 ANXIOUS TOHEp. A Quick Transformation Closing NEW YORK, Aus.'H. - fPJ Al Chem & Dey.l3 -Allied Stores .. i Amerl Can ....100 Ameri For Pw.. 2 AmPLlghr.. 5 Am Kd St San.r 10 Amert Roll Mills 14. Am Smelt ARef 44 Am TelATel ...1(5 Ameri Tobacco. 81 Amerl Wa Wrka 114 Com Solvent . . Sommwl 'ft. Sou Consoli Tdson . . Consoli Oil .... Corn Products. . Curtiss Wright. Doug Aircraft . . Da Pont do N . . Elec Pow i Lt. . Gen Electric ... Gen Foods Gen Motrs . . . , Goodyear Tire. . Great Nrthrn -. . Hudson Motors. Illinois Centrl.. Insp Copper ... Intern Hanr Inter. Nickel. Can Int Pa A P Pf . . Int Tel & Tel . . Johns Maorille. Kennecott Anaconda ..... 2( Armour 111 '. ... 4 Atchison ...... 27 Barnsdall ..... 12 Balti . Ohio ... 44 fiendix Aviation 244 Bethle Steel ... CI Boeing; Air ... 21 Borge Warner.. 24 Budd Mfg 4 Calif Pack . . .. 174 Calahan Z-L ... 1 Calumet Hee... S Canad Pacific . . 34 Caterpil Trac .. 41 Libbey - O - Lig A Loew's Montg Ward . . . Nash JKelylnator National Biscuit Na Dairy Prod. . Celanese . . 26 Certain-Teed .. 6 Chesa Ohio .. 334 Chrysler 81 Spinach Local, orange box, 50-60. Pea Oregoa Telephone. 8-4 per lb.; fancy 5-6c; coast. 25-lb. box 1.15-1.25; poorer lower repper Oregoa flat, 45-50c. Plum Calif- Banta Koea, 4-basket erstes, 1.10 1.15; Washington California Beantiec flat, 50-B5c; Oregon Italian. 45-50e; Bradsbaw 75c; per 25 lb. lug: Damisons 50c. Potatoes Oregon BHaa Triumphs. OS Ko. 1, 1.25-1.35; Wbingtoa Long Whites 1.35-1.40; U3 No. 2, 50-pound sack, 50 55c; Russets, CS Ko. 1, 100 1b. lacks. 150; Ko 2. 50 66c Khubarb Nominal. Squash Oreron flat Zneebinl icalloos. 20-25e; Crook necks, 85-50c; Banish large crate 1.25: flata, 50-60c; Marblebcad, 3-3He. Tomatoes Oreron. field crown, flata 50 00c: Ko. 3. 25-40e; Washington luga. 1.00-1.10; unclassified. 75 85e. Watermelon Calif., 1.40-1.50 ret, crate eitra; too lot, 25.00-28.00.; Oro goa 23.00 too. 125 Lambs Sold LEBANON Frank Belinger of rt. 3 sold 125 lambs to Charley Spring on Saturday. They were trucked to Albany. BLACKBERRY PICKING OX UNIONVALE-Eversrreen black berry harvest started Monday in the 10 acre field of Henry Deyoe with a full crew of local people employed. Because of dry weather light yield is expected. ALL CXJT AM -7 H. si . I v -m u u i i p ' m " - wLll Quotations - Today's closing prices: 10 1 Na Dist Na Pow a Lt .. North Pacific .. Packard Motors J C Penney . . . Philps Petoleum Pressd Steel Car Pub Service N. . Pullman .- Safeway - Stores. Sea re Roebuck. 24' 9 9 3 88 -32' 7 41 25 46 77' 10tt 29 . 13 25 40 8 -1 44 5 79 37 12' 43 48 5 25 8 48 32 7 60 6 68 162 9 36 474 47 2S Shell Union ... Sou Cal Edison. -Southn- Pacific. Stand Brands . . Stand Oil of Cal Stand Oil of NJ Studebaker .... Sup Oil ...... Tim Roll Bear.. Trans-Ameri . . Union Carbide.. United Aircraft. Unit Airlines . . U S Robber ... U S Steel ..... Walworth Westrn "Union. . White Motors.. Woolworth .... 25 U 64 12 11 Ti 53 49 33 6 T0 35 49 Ford. Myers B.108 43 51 6 26 17 4V wm j 300 We don't ask you what you want to use the cash you borrow for we don't ask for cosigners! Ton get your loan the most convenient way so why do without immpdiate funds? STATE Finance Co. A HOME-OWNED INSTITUTION (Childs A Miller's Office) 344 State St.. Salem, Ore. Phone 9261 Lie. Xo. S-216 M-2 By CLIFF STERRETT By WALT DISNEY , By BRANDON WALSH RlGMT-ALU RIGHT OOMT LETS GET ARGUIMG AGAIM. AAAVBE VOUR SiSTSR WE5T WILL OO 5JrVieTHING--AS i AS A OLD COUrJTPV OOCTOC? rv LEARMEOTO BCUEVE IM MKACUES By JIMMY. MURPHY