The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 15, 1939, Page 6, Image 6

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Hiss HU1 Feted
;i;lt Shower by v
"Hiss Pierce
- Miss Oharlotte Hill, one of the
euon'i - moot popular bridea--nier-t
wai honored at a smartly
appointed party last night when
Miss Barbara Pierce, who will be
one of Miss Hill's bridesmaids,
entertained at the home of her
llSICUUf m.M mMm - "
Pierce, on Fairmount Hill.
Bridge was In play during the
evening with a dessert supper fol
lowing. Bouquets of gladioli were
festive about the guest rooms.
; A surprise pottery shower feted
the bride-to-be. during the eve
' ning. Assisting the hostess were
Mrs. Edgar Pierce, Miss .Virginia
' Cross and Miss Ruth Jean Garn
jobst. '
v Honoring Miss Hill were Mrs.
' David Bennett Hill. Mrs. Julia
' Jones, Mri. WiMiam H. Lytle, Miss
Barbara- Miller. Miss . Sally -Me-
" Lellan. Miss Virginia Hurst- or.
San Francisco, Miss Emlyn Griggs
of Portland. Miss Bobbe Shinn,
i Edith Morehouse Miss snir-r
Evenaon, Miss Josephine Cor-'
- uih nhrlott .McClarv.
Miss Anita Wagner; Mis Virginia In compliment to Mrs. L.L., . iZ -
Cross, "Miss Betty Buchanan, Miss t Laws, who is leaving Wednesday Jlarriage Of MlSS rolk
Bonnie vBaldock.' ' Miss JJar bara jQr the east, and Mrs. A. S. Rob- To Mr. Ashton '
; Williams,. Miss Helen Wiedmer. . erU of rjaiias. Texas, who has A" 1 .SIWn
,Miss Doris prager. Miss Ruth DeB m noe gaest at the Laws' ; w The marrlaga of Miss Leon
Jean Gernjobst, , Miss . Barbara home ihin gnmmer, Mrs. R. T. polk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Pierce and Mrs, Edgar Pierce. Boals and Mrs. N. J. Lindgren j. c. Polk to Mr. Kenneth Ash
Dr. and Mrs. David Bennett.Hill wIU t enteruin at the former's ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ashton.
will entertain with a buffet sup- nome on NortB Capitol street this was solemnized Saturday in Van
'per party for their daughter and aIternoon at a lovely dessert couver, Wash, The bride wore a
her fiance, Mr. Vernon Pomeroy, inncheon. royal hlue crepe gown with white
on Friday night following the wed- Mrs. Laws will remain in New accessories and a corsage of rose-ding-rehearsal.
Members of the York and along the eastern' sea- buds.
bridal party will make up the board for a month or more and The couple was attended by
guest list 'win be the guest of her son-in- Mr nd Mrs. Howard King, of
r ' low .nt Hnht.r Mr. and Mm. Salem. A reception was held at
Picnic Dinner Saturday
At Madison Home
The gardens of Mr and Mrs.
Don Madison on Tammarack
street were the scene of a de-
lightful picnic dinner Saturday
; Making up the party were Mr.
and' Mrs. Kenneth Murdock, Mrs.
Jesse Jones of Powers, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Spaulding. Mr.- and
Mrs.. Glenn. Seeley. Dennis and
Pete Nichols of Portland and
Mr. and Mrs. Don Madison.
. , ... au
Later in me etemng mc kiuu
atended the soft ball game and
enjoyed a supper at the Walter
Spaulding home on Court street.
. fJ
mt. ana airs. -mru opauiu
Ing of Newberg were visitors in
the capital on Sunday. Returning
with them to spend a week was
John " Griffith, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Griffith.
The Willamette Valley council,
PEO Sisterhood, will meet for a
picnic on weanesaay at cnam-
poeg at one o'clock The Wood-
burn PEO chapter will be host-
'ess for the annual affair.
" ml '
. By ANNE ADAMS ' - visited friends in Indiana, Ohio
For childhood capers or "ice-: and in Mr; Amundson's boyhood
cream-'n'-cake" times, could any- home in Wisconsin,
thing be prettier than this versa- -' ' . ;
tile Anne Adama;pattern, 4301ti" Mr. and ; Sirs. Lloyd Johnson
Mother's fingers will fly uimbly have as their house guest Mrs.
over the straight princess seams, Hattie Lubits of Fond da Lac.
so perfect for a small, active body; Wisconsin: .With their - guest they ;
For. the partifled version,: shell ; motored 'around the Mt. Hood
probably run ribbon, onder ; the 'l loop on-Saturday. Mis june j0nn.
front panel, make the yoke and son, attending summer school tn I
round collar of dainty eyelet em' Eugene, was a guest in the home i
broiderr ar lam. And na rsfftai) Af W . u. ..j u
edging. Either the flared or the
. puffed sleeves are sweety Then
for school or romping days, she'll
speedily stitch up. another frock
all in one fabric, or make a pop-
our; jumper style with gay buN i daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. -tons.
vr.Ji' - ! : Herbert Darby. .rlX
Pattern 4201 Is available in , . "' t-Z'-; t-"
children's sises J 4 , 8 and 10. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lymaa Steed
Slxe , dress, takes 1 yards 35". had as their weekend gnest at ;
Inch fabric, yard contrast and their beach house; "Trail End 'f i
yard lace edging; Jumper ukes at Nelscott, .Mr. and Mrs. K.- Jv
1 yards. 39 inch fabric.. ' i:1 Scellara. '. . rl '
" ...i ... ,v sr Sir. and lir Karl Iterkim
coiaa ur. this nm Adam patra.
; wrua jmiiiij eiit, b, .
iWliat le- a1 at , ct (Banner 4f . -
aiak'taraaw frotk, for aizbt mm
4 j vara- mm4 ptay. Lata, al
brickt Ueas for raralimiata ra aw
to took flaaoraua aad eooU Clothe,
for estry type t slimming
moif far niimi to apirt4 etotaaa
7ff?w atopaEyRBr?r
teVs cents book and pat
tern together, TWlXTT FIYK
iets. ''- ' ' ' ' - ' .
eal mw rtUr to Tm Ortm
atratcb far tlxit M rw twu- r ;j V - "'m . --- --
thar vardroba i viltra1 nil trj.. ' Maattr Bbbjr iLacM, tarn o '
:-u-a. Aeann PATTEiui book -Mr j and Mrs. RarLncasof Reeds
V&iZX&AV?9Z?ZS l0Jk- : g; With ' Mrs. - J. E. I
- - r ."
Monday, August 14 " .
, Royal Neighbors of America
meet at Fraternal. Temple, t
. p.m. . . . . .. .'
Tuesday, August 15
- Alpha Gamma Delta alum
nae with Mrs. Herman Jochim
sen, 525 Leslie.. ?
American War Mothers, no
host picnic lunch, dinger field.
North Salem WCTU -with
-Mrs. F. O. ' Repine," J 50 Union
street; 2:30 p.m. - r i
Salem Writers' club with
Mrs. J. C. Nelson, 104 East Wil
son street, picnic dinner.
Wednesday August 16 '
. South circle 1st Christian
church, picnic at dinger field
all day. -.
; Friday, August 18 i
Loyalty class of First Baptist
church, with Mr. and Mrs. Will
Morley, 3790 Center, : 30 p.m.
Traveller and
T;-,;-,. 2 Dfl
TT-."-.Al - '
1 OilOr CU
Leon Margosian (Frances Laws)
of New York City
The- luncheon 'tables 'will be
centered with bouquets of pink
g tlZl,"
frce 17 trj.
ns,J?e "ternoon atout ner mp
J"" . . . .
Covers will be placed for Mrs.
L. L. Laws, Mrs. A. S. Roberts,
Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, Mrs.
Eugenia Harrison, Mrs. A. . F.
Marcus, Mrs. L. M. Purvine. Mrs.
John Harbison, Mrs. W. B. Robin-
son, Mrs. mage, Mrs. JL.averne J.
Young, Mrs. Albert Osmund of
D l,l r- n r ii..
i.uauu, ,Ui, jiau. uu.Cu,iui.
D. A. Hodge. Mrs. Willis Moore.
Mrs. Lipp, Mrs. C. S. 'Pratt. Mrs.
George Allen, Mrs. W. W. Moore,
Mrs. Frank Power, Dr. Helen
fearce, Mrs. L. u. element. Mrs.
N. J. Lindgren and Mrs. R. T.
Reunion at Champoeg -For
The annual reunion of the de-
scendants of Hiram B. and Mary
Ann oay simklns was held at
tnampoeg pare sunaay. Lunch
was served at noon and a business
meeting followed. Mrs. May Sim
kins Versteeg was elected presi-
dent and Mrs. Reva Simkins Da-
vidsonj secretary-treasurer.
inw wiiowmg members oi xne Mr. and Mrs. William Rod en
family were present: Mrs. Mary bough of Eugene, Mrs. Dan
Weston, . Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wil-, Moore, Geraldine Lee Oleson and
liamson, Mrs. Rose Smith, Mrs. Donna Combs.
May Versteeg, Mrs. Florence El- i
wood, Mrs. Belle Simkins, Mr. Among those who motored to
C. F. Charles, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Portland last night to attend the
Davidson and Cloydine, Mr. and Multnomah stadium philharmonic
Mrs. Armen Grossenbachr i and concert featuring Donald Dickson,
Armen, jr. and Franklin, Mr J and baritone, were Miss Ina Bennett,
Mrs. J. E. Friiiell, Mrs. Ernest Mls Mary Virginia Nohlgren, Mr.
Currier and Gayle and Derreil. ""h Hunt, Miss Jewell Minler,
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Goss; Ken- Hf. ErT,n Potter Mr- Walter
neth Versteeg, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Julia Johnson, Miss
Claude Weston and Denill, Arlie !ma Oehler. Miss Helen Pnrvlne,
Simkins, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ray ?ea McElhinny and Miss
and Johnny. Ha Versteeg. Mr, and Eleanr Trindle.
Mrs. Eugene Kirkwood and or- . - .
man and Homer. Mrs. Fred Sellers w1!;b . h i?L
nrrii r-l.r. Jl t- oT-r-ir
Derreil Gaests were Joy Strlck-
faden. Emmett Ray and Ivy Swen-
Hollywood Folk Gnests
Of Mrs. Hathaway !
RiiHti nf Um nr. n TTvn
way for several days are Mr.; and
Mrs. Lou Merrill of Hollywood.
Calif. The Merrills are en route
to their home from a trip to Cuba.
, Mr. MerrUi is a well known
radio actor and appears on the
Lux Theatre program and vith
Edward G. Robinson in the -la-dio
Big Town program. He plays
; with Richard . Arlen, Andy Devlne
.and other, stars. Mrs. Merrill Is
known as Celeste Rush, a radio
'writer. - : ; . .
Mr. and Mrs.' G. E. Around son
and family returned from a trip :
east where, they were .the guests
of their son; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Amundsen and family. He is em
ployed in the department of jus
tice. The visitors remained In the
city, for a week. En ronte thv
' Johnson; over the weekend. I
It--' .A .
- Mrs. Bmba jRnk Darby left
yesterday for Portland to be the
guests at the home of her son and.
children. MlrtaJtt - and.; MarJoHe,'
are ivacatiomur this "Week at
. r ... V-7Vi - J-T J ' V .:' .
Godfrey and Mis Emma Godfrey. :
f Mjrs I. J. Naan.Mlss Lixzle ?
Jenks and Mrs. F. R. Leonard 'are .
; sojoumlnr -'at Nelceofr for two,;
weelt"-! - r - - . .L,r-1
' - -
fr. and Mrs. BJarne Ericksen
and children. John and Vm.
are vacationing this week at
Seaside.Aw ,.,;..v
Mrs. Hunter Is
Hostess on
Mrs. R. C. Hunter was hostess
to members of her club and a few
: additional guests at a garden
' party at her home on South Lib
erty street Monday afternoon.
-A luncheon I was served with
summer" flowers centering the
table in the garden. Several hours
of i contract bridge was In play
' daring the afternoon.
Additional gnests were Mrs.
J. C Leedy, Mrs. Harley White
and Mrs. Arthur Moore. -K
Club members . bidden were
I Mrs. Frank G. Myers, Mrs. Percy
R. Kelly, Mrs. Frank Loose, Mrs.
T. H. Galloway, Mrs. Rex Davis,
Mrs. Grace Johnson, Mrs. George
J6bnson, Mrs. W- E. Hanson,
; Mrs. W. J. Liljequist, Mrs. W. S.
Levens and, Mrs., Jesse Campbell.
the home of the bride's parents
following- the ceremony.
R Ashton attende d "hodl la
l?m r- A8t0? br"ka-
Fv0ur corner"- For goig away
the bride wore a brown pin stripe
suit with pink accessories
,c. , TT
JMlSS L-OOley rlOSteSS
At Tiinrlipnn
Al -L-uncneon
te Qf M d M Ralph Cooley, . x.Mr.i
t -
eon on priday afternoon at' the
Cooley home on North Summer
street. Following the luncheon
the guests attended the Junior
Legion parade and enjoyed an
afternoon of swimming,
Covers were placed for Miss
Wanda Grant, Miss Jean Swift,
Miss Charlotte Alexander. Miss
Marianne Croisan, Miss Catherine
Moran and Miss Margaret Cooley.
PICNICS 15 boc
Recent visitors at the B. F.
ShenherH home wr Mr m t
f lJL-Jt
Rob'ert oh kT Mr w'.iT.V
; jn,". I " I
" ,Tr. 111'
were here attending the American
Legion convention and are mem
bers of the Klamath Falls drum
c0rps. other visitors at the Shep-
herd home over the weekend were
at the John J. Elliott home. Mrs.
Elllott has been sojourning at
Neskowin for the past fortlight
an1 nan nr ,naati Im. an1
Buddy Elliott.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Maur
ice Dean (Clara Wright) of Chi
cago will be interested to learn
at J7 T the parents of a
fan,ghi"' Ma Catherine, born In
jIJ;,'"d17Mr- Pfan ar,e
52,?; of W11 me"
w"J were proataeiit In mil-
" "rc'es. - -
' -'
Doa't worry aboat Betty. If
&T?-te--?y'.l two aiie
- - U ( M
I - 4,llu - " . I :
1 1 t 11 Iv
l n I
Unlike rrandma. tob can't rUa modarn women too mneh comfort. And
they get it in their clothes, too plus extreme ehio a in the two.
Presses above. On. the left,' a black silk Jersey, restrains a much
v" ihirred bodice with an Inaerted eord Jnst nnder the ahotilder acWeri
- . inr a voke effect therehv. The
et the wine crepe on the right
o o
UAXINE BUREXWometft Editor-
' ' ! s ' f . ' I ' "
'-.Vis kv '
BRIDE OF WEEK Mrs. Paul Robbins, the former Ethelyn
Mae Roen, who was married at the First Church of the Naxa
rene Tuesday night Pictured with Mrs. Robbins Is her sister,
Mrs. Chester Pickens, who was the matron of honor. (Jes ten
Miller photo)
Miss Bess Whitcomb, founder
of the Civic theater In Portland
and Its first director, will speak
over the art center's regular Tues-
day radio program on KSLM at
2 o'clock this afternoon. She will
be reviewed on ''Problems and
Possibilities of the Little Theater
by Mrs. Marion Field, assistant
director of the Salem art center.
Mr. and Sirs. Kenneth Murdoch
have as their house guest t h 1 s
week Miss Alice Morris of The
Dalles. Miss Morris has recently
returned from a trip through the
Panama canal, Cuba and New
York. ,
Mrs. H. G. Maison and Miss
Molly Jean Maison will leave to-
day for Neskowin to spend a
week as the guests of Mrs. Bert
Ford and her sons.
the shoe fits, shell order a pair - -t
larEert.. i 4
tktrt ta flared, bat less so than that
which adds hip interest with three
r:. .. -.
Oregon, Tuesday horning, August 15,: m
o o
Miss Helen Brown Wed
To Mr. Baker
Salem friends are Interested in
the announcement of the- marriage
of Miss Helen Brown of Salem,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lott
Brown of Baker, to Mr. Joseph
Prlngle Baker of Klamath Falls,
son of Mr. and Mrs.; Ray Baker of
Salem. The wedding was an event
of July 6 at the Lutheran parson
age In Reno, Nevada. -
The couple will reside in Klam-
ath Falls where Mr. Baker is with
the Standard Oil company. Mrs.
Baker attended schools in Baker
and has been connected with the
public utilities department. Mr.
Baker attended Salem schools and
the University of Oregon,
Salem Folk tO Attend
. .
Convention in bouth
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ullman are
leaving today by motor for San
Francisco where they will attenl
the Metropolitan Life Insurance
convention. They will also attend
the Golden Gate exposition and go
on south to visit In Long Beach,
Other. Salem folk leaving by
train to attend the convention are
Mr. George W. Schwenger, man
ager of the .local branch, Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. Miller, Mr. and Mrs.
Grant S. Shaf fner, . Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Burnslde, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Westfall and Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Miss Goldberg Will
Marry Mr. Saffron
.Announcement is i being made
by Mr. -and Mrs. I- Goldberg-of
Portland of the- engagement of
their daughter. Miss Eleanor
Goldberg, to Mr.. Maurice Saffron,
son of Mr. and Mrs., I. Saffron of
Salem. No date has. been set for
the wedding. ,
Miss Goldberg is a graduate of
St. Helen's hall junior college.
Mr. Saffron attended the' Univer
sity of Oregon and' Willamette
university. He is a member of Sig
ma Alpha Mu. '
Mr. and Mrx.: Harris Lietz
joined Mr. and Mrs. Roy Liets
of Portland this. week at Molalla
where they enjoyed fishing, boat
ing and swiming. !
Mr., and Mrs. K. Infer , had as
their guests this week Mrs. Jufer'a
cousins. Mr. and Mrs. James Little
of Los Angeles, who are enrontff
north to Canada. : H.. .
Mrs. John Griffith has return ed
to her home In Eugene following
a three weeks visit in ' the capi
tal. Dr. Griffith Joined his vife
r this weekend. - -
, e e. . '
" Wonca of the Moose ledge trill
hold a special business .meeting
at I' o'clock tonight at Fraternal
"temple.,. : -''X-Ti-'
'' Ifrsw Garlew StmpMst and sosi,
Richard, and Mrs. Carrie Beech
ler, are enjoying a stay this week
at Nelseott.'-vr
Mr. and Airs. Max Page and sob.
Richard... have retarned from a
atay in San Francisco and viewed
the Golden Gate exposition -
? v v -
, Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Beaker nave
taken the Walter Holts honse on
East Rural avenue. t . -
Sandwiches in
Are Handy
No natter what the. weather.
there's always a sandwich suit
able . for any occasion which
might arise. Bread and butter
Just plain bread and butter prob
ably tops, the list for versatility.
Sandwiches made that- way go so
well with fruit or vegetable salads.
A salad sandwich, which Is
really a meal in itself, is the one
to- serve when the temperature
soars. Trim crusts from a loaf of
bread and slice lengthwise. Place
salad filling tana fish, egg or
ham salad? in center of slice and
bring ends over filling. Fasten
with toothpicks, - wrap in waxed
paper and chill. Remove tooth
picks, garnish with radish roses
and serve.
- A delicious sandwich, is made
by spreading cinnamon, bread with
a nippy cheese spread. Serve with
crisp apple salad, .
.'Finger, sandwiches with a salad
of summer greens make sophist!
cated . eating. Pat thinly sliced
crisp radishes between ..slices of
bread and butter , and serve the
sandwiches with a cucumber and
tomato salad.. -
A delightful summer sandwich
la made of white bread and thinly
sliced apples. Serve these
with chopped fresh cabbage salad
maae By adding tiny cunes oi
yellow cheese to chopped cabbage
and marinating with cream dress
Tiny watercress sandwiches are
especially consoling on August
days. Put fresh green watercress
between slices of thinly sliced but
tered bread. Trim crusts and cut
Into dainty sandwiches.
Tuna Creamed With
Ripe Olives
. The association of man u fact ur
ers of Irradiated evaporated milk
experiment with recipes to use
their inexpensive and nutritious
product. This recipe is one they've
worked out.
1 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoons flour
teaspoon salt
' 1 cup water, draned from noo
dles 1 can tuna (2 cups)
1 can chopped ripe olives (
1 large pimiento, diced ( 4
Few gratings onion
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 cup evaporated milk.
Melt butter. Add flour, Lalt,
and the water drained from noo
dles. Cook until" slightly thick
ened. Add tuna, olives, pimiento,
onion, lemon juice and milk. Cook
until thickened.
Ground Lamb Begins
Flavorful Ring
Lamb makes a fine meat ring
to serve for luncheon or as a
main supper dish.
2 pounds lean lamb, ground
.2 cups bread crumbs
2 eggs, beaten
A cup ketchup
1 teaspoon Worcestershire
sauce .
Salt and pepper ''
1 cup milk
Have lamb shoulder, shank or
neck ground fine. Combine with
bread crumbs and moisten with
beaten eggs and milk. Season with
ketchup, Worcestershire sauce,
and salt and pepper. Pack info a
ring mold and bake In a moderate
oven (350 degrees) until done,
about one and a half hours. To
serve, unmold onto a hot platter
and fill the center with creamed
Fresh Peaches Make
Fluffy Pie
Fresh peaches .will appear . in
pies these days many, times,- and
for variation, this one is especially
1 cup sweetened crushed peach
3 egg whites
4 tablespoons sugar
' Beat egg whites stiff, add sugar
gradually and fold in fruit. Pile
in a baked shell, bake, about 2S
minutes at. 300 degrees or until
slightly browned.
Washing Paint Brushes
Simple Matter.
A household hint to - the lady
who finds that : washing a paint
Today's Menu c
Student's- ragout, as served in
the Latin quarter of Paris, is the
day's main dish. - , , .
Ginger salad
Student's ragout
..Fresh plum pie. ,
. ,.-.-'. ' r-- "
Lay half a fresh or canned pear,
on lettuce, . add" mayonnaise that .
is thinned down with a little
cream, and In which has been cut
some candled ginger. . . -STTJDEjrrS
M pound sliced bacon
: 1 pound v round steak, cut in
.strips 4
3 aliced carrots , . . , '
. .". 3 sliced onions , "
r . 4 . sliced . potatoes ... .. i
; " 1 cup water, .f -'" " '
TPDtter In rbotlonT of ""a heavy
;kettle or chicken fryer. season.
The. Ingredients are best-arranged
In layers with each-one Seasoned
Cover and cook at high heat until
boiling,-then tarn, to low and cook
for an hour or more.
-Friend of Mrs; Charles BL
Spaulding regret to learn, that
she is at the Salem General boa-.
pital for several days. -.-'-
; - t
. Mrs. B It. Steeves has returned .
from a sojourn at Seaside ,
Exclusive Laura Wheeler Knitted
Blouse Can Be Your Pride
r V' (i T.Hj.l -
ratjManwBranHBji JU J .iiiiHini4 T f i&mimmmmmmkwmmwmmiti
The body of this blouse a a
. . ,
slight TariaUon of stockinette
stitch to permit interlacing
threads to form vari-colored
Salem Aft Center Chief Tours State;
State-Wide Art Committee Appointed
Rapid development of art centers throughout the state
is reported by Val Clear, state director of art centers, fol
lowing a five-day tour of southern cities in the state. With
several to open soon, an Oregon art center is being formed
to operate the various local centers.
The state board of control last Wednesday agreed to
be the official sponsor-of all theO "
art cpnters and a hoard of rov-
ernors Is being formed for the
central organization. Miss Gladys
M. Everett, state director of all
professional and service projects
of the work projects administra
tion, and Val Clear met with in
terested people in Corvallis,
Marshfield and Gold Beach,
where plans for community art
centers are under way. Members
Woman Active
In Politics
A figure long known in the
fight for women's rights, Mrs.
Stephen H. P. Pell, died last week
at the family home in New York.
Since the women's sufferage
campaign, Mrs. Pell took interest
in the rights of women and de
voted much of her time to the
passage of another amendment
other than the 19th, to give "men
and women equal rights tVough
out the United States and places
subject to its jurisdiction."
Early in life, Mrs. Pell, who
was 61 years old at her death,
showed independence, finding her
way into the headlines in 19 0
when she leaped from a moving
carriage on Fifth avenue to stop
a plunging cab horse, then held
its driver until .police arrived to
arrest him for rowdyism. She
later successfully prosecuted the
case herself.
In 1912 she defended her'
chauffeur in court for driving a
smoking automobile, proving that
the arresting officer knew noth
ing about automobiles.
As a national leader of the
women's party Mrs. Pell spent
much time in Washington, DC.
She was elected chairman of the
party in 1936 and again in 1938.
She was a member oCthe repub
lican committee of New York
brush In turpentine still allows
it to harden when dry, will be to
wash it in warm suds.
After the brush has been
thoroughly washed in turpentine
to dissolve the paint, rub in
plenty of good strong soapsuds,
and rinse well, dry and you'll find
the brush is soft and pliable for
the next paint Job.
Let us Prove
by a Week's Wash
In Your Ovn Home!
HERE is ' proof that ' the
Bendix . saves money, -labor
and timer, .is safe, san
itary, convenient and depend- -'
able : ; the fairest - possible -
offer to responsible prospects. '
- Let us put ' a Bendix in your .
home - at. our expense. Be
. satisfied in every . way. r :
Your old washer may more ,
than equal die down payment " :
on a Bendix and a Bendix is "
, pactial to own oo easy terms. :
' 1 1 0 M E " L A U N D RY
- nyjijga'' Hnaes Dewss-OriM "
; iirrnMiTirinv
, .. naiviiiniiwuii ,
stripes. Pattern 2265 contains dl.
rectlons for blouse and plain rirt
Jn lxe to 14 ie to 18.
mustrations of it and of stitches;
material required. .
lne cenirai uoara oi governors
will meet In Salem in several
weeks to form the constitution of
the Oregon art center.
Mrs. Sheldon Sackett of Marsh
field, Dr. Burt Brown Baker of
Portland and J. M. Clifford of
Corvallis have agreed to serve as
governors of the Oregon art cen
ter, and members of the Salem
art center and the Gold Beach
community will elect their repre
sentatives. As new art centers
are opened, additional governors
from each community will be
added to the central board. Mem
bers of the state board of control
may serve as members ex-officio
of the state art center.
Gold Beach expects to open its
art center within a month, and
Val Clear goes to Klamath Fells
again the latter part of this month
to meet with groups sponsoring
the Klamath Falls art center.
Space has been secured for the
Silverton art center and a cam
paign to raise funds may get un
der way this month.
Name UCC Croup
On Merit Rating
Appointment of members of the
merit rating council of the state
unemployment compensation com
mission was announced by Gover
nor Charles A. Sprague Monday.
The purpose of the council is to
determine, the unemployment com
pensation rates to be paid by in
dustries. Members of the commit
tee are:
Raymond R. Brown, vice-president
Oregon Mutual Life Insur
ance company, and Francis J.
O'Connor, accountant, both of
Portland, representing the public;
R. D. Moore, Shevlin-Hixon' Lum
ber company. Bend, and Carl
Hogg, merchant, Oregon City, rep
resenting employers, and M. E.
Steele, baker, Portland, and Ken
neth Davis, lumber worker, Port
land representing; employes.
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