PAGE THREE Late . ..Summer Family Meetings Meld Qan's Gathering Navy Speeds Iron Lung to San Diegan Is Sunday Event The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, August 15, mO Silvertoh Host For Meetings Hawk, Larkins, Bentson Groups Gather, Elect Officers for MO SILVERTON A beautifully tonstructed book, containing the family tree of the Hawk family was a ieaiure on display at re union at tbe Silrerton park Son day. The book had been prepared by Malcolm . Hawk, grandson of Mr. ,and Mrs. John Hawk, who came to Oregon In 1888 and set tled In the Harrisburg district. Of ficeri elected were president, Kenneth Hawk of Portland; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Harry Holt of . Salem; historian, Malcolm Hawk of Salem. Present were, Mr. and Mrs. Mah lon Hawk of Oswego; Jack Schaf fer, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hawk of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hawk of Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holt and Maxine ot Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hawk and Constance and .Wayne Jr., of Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Sllverwood of McMinnville; Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm ; Hawk, juary aua oairiey 01 oaiem; Jar. and Mrs. Carol Brown and Rich ard and James of Eugene. Larkins-A ustin Meet SILVERTON Descendants of William and Rachel Reed Larkins, pioneers in the Molalla country from 1847, and of Joseph and Me- llnda Woodruff Austin, pioneers of the Molalla eountry of 1859. held their second annual reunion at the city park Sunday. Officers elected were president, Mrs, Charles Cressy of Salem; rice .president, Mrs. Fred Richard of Wlllamlna; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Arthur Carter of Molalla; historian, Mrs. Wil Westley of Mo lalla. The group voted to meet at the old C. W. Austin home at Mo lalla next year. 4 Attending were from Molalla. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Westlj, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Austin, Mr. and Mrs. A. W, Carter and Kenneth and Hugh, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kyl lo and Larry, Scott Carter, Lilian Poulson, Gus Collins: from Port land, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Husbands, Ipha and Calvin; Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Husbands and Barbara and Goldie and June. Laura Randall, Airs. i. u. uusoanas na ivuimj. - From Ctfrbett. H. T. Husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Will Knapp, Mary, Frank and Dorothy; from Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cressy; from Willamina, Mr. and Mrs Fred Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wright and Warren, Pauline and Inez, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Har rington and Floyd Harrington, Mrs. Alrin Hulett, Arthur Scott; from DeLake, : Mrs. Irvin Hussey and Harold. Bentson Reunion SILVERTON Lewis Bentson, 70 of Vancouver, BC, who is the oldest member of the old Bentson clan, was honored at a special din ner at the city park Sunday. Each ,eBr r. u W f ' . . . . . I way tor a lew aays visit in an- fornla. .. ' - Present Sunday, besides the honor guest, were Madlyn and Wesley Best, Milton Best, Elery Slmonson, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bentson, wr. ana xurs. ' uuoen Bentson, Mr. and Irs.; Lawrence l Ryback of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Nels Henjum, Mr., and Mrs. Nels Langsley. Bernice, Clay ton,, WU- mi. HotiI and Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bentson, Mr. and Mrs: XjU xiuiuciii ait uiu iuio. Liiiiw1 Bentson and twin sons, Clifford and Jimmy ot Salem, Ella Grinde, Mr. and Mrs. Rudd Bentson and Elsie, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McCall, Mary and Don, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Frye, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Grinde, Rufus Boyd. E. C. Boyd,! Mrs. Atte Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Merl Larson. - From Portland were Joe Grinde, Jack Stewart, Mrs. Florence See- ley, Mrs. Doris Stollang, Jean Kay Stollanr. Mr. and Mrs. Banre Royce. Mrs. Lawrence Johnson, Darell Jean, Lee Grinde and Mrs. Grace Chalfan and Margie Chal- fan. Olivers Return From University LIBERTY Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Oliver returned Sunday from Berkeley, Calif., where Mr. Oliver atended the summer school ses sion of the University of Calif ornia. He is working for his PH. D. in languages. They will visit at the home of her mother. -Mrs. Katherine Schmidt. Enroute to Salem, they visited Yosemite national park. Montanan Is Caller BRUSH COLLEGE Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hanrit have had as their hnnA rnent recently her sister. Mrs. May Lauraskl of Missoula, Montana. Mrs. Lauraskl was ror- merly May Norwood of Brush Col lege. While here she visited her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Norwood at Waldport and her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beckett of Salem. Mrs. Lauraskl left Monday enroute to Montana. Polling at Aurora AURORA Doctor Charles Poll ing conducted services at the Presbyterian church Sunday morn ing. He was accompanied by Mrs. Polling, the former Diana Snyder. After the services they were din ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Ottaway. Other "gnests were Mrs. Delbert Yergen and members of the family. vtrst Grandchild HAZEL. GREEN Mr. and Mrs. losenh Zielinskl are announcing the birth of a first grandchild, xtAbert Karl, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hammer. Ina ZlellnskL of t . Recreation Class To Display Work UONMO UTH The vacation recreation project held here this summer, for children of 4 to IS years, will Wednesday- afternoon hold open house to giro the pub lic an opportunity to see what It being accomplished. There will 'be no attempt to display work as an exhibition, as children have been permitted to take home baskets,-puppets, rugs and pictures as they comnleted them,, but some articles now In process of completion ob served. Regular sessions will be held Wednesday afternoon includ ing athletic games and sports me band will play directed by Esther Bracken. A rather transient attendance of children is unavoidable, since family vacations take children out ot town. However, this also brings Ip new children. Mrs. Bes sie Bracken -who teaches the needlecraft and other classes. ays they have had out-of-state children In class from Seattle, bpoxane and other Washington cities, and one entrant from ITew Jersey. Instructors are paid through WPA funds. Local service clubs have contributed materials and equipment. The project is expec ted to continue into September, and if time permits a carnival will be given as a seasonal con clusion. Los Angelens Are Lebanon Visitors LEBANON Mr. and Mrs. Bert Offord of Los Angeles, Calif., ar rived Wednesday to visit at the home of Mrs. Offord's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Elklns. Fri day Mr. and Mrs. Offord visited at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bellinger. Mrs. Offord Is a sister of Mrs. Bellinger. Their daughter Nancy came a few weeks ago. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Booth and son Clarence attended the annual picnic in commemoration of the battle of Manila, August 13, at romana Monaay. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Butler will leave Tuesday for Seaside for a two weeks vacation. The 6 th annual reunion of former students of Santiam acad emy will meet on the Lebanon high school grounds, Sunday, Au gust zoth. There will be a basket dinner at 1 o'clock and a program will be held on the campus, beginning at 1:30. A large number Is ex pected to attend. TV . i UaVtOn VlSltOr To Sail Abroad DAYTON Mrs. B. E. Forslund mother and sister. Mrs. J. Rich ard8on and family In the Webfoot district, will leave Portland for New York City Monday to take the "Queen Mary" for England, France and Italy enroute to loin her husband at Haifa. Palestine. wnere ne is a welder. Her ion Gordon, 14, and daughter Shirley, 12, will ac company her. It will take 12 days to make the trip. jMuriel McKinlay To Visit Here ZENA Miss Muriel McKinlay Is arriving here from Los Angeles this week. She has many friends here and in Salem. Miss McKinlay Is a sister of J. F. McKinlay of Salem and Professor A. P. Mc Kinlay of Berkeley, Calif., and Is formerly of'Zena and Salem. She has taught in Washington high school in Los Angeles for 10 years and taught in McKinley school in Salem before that. Granger's News BRUSH COLLEGE Mrs. C. L. Blodgett entertained with a 1 o'clock luncheon for the August meeting of Brush College Grange Home Economics club, Thursday Mrs. Oliver Whitney presided. Mrs. Charles Glaze, secretary. read an Interesting letter from Joslah Wills, county school super intendent, concerning the Polk county fair August 31, September 1 and 2. The group prepared all grains for the Brush College booth. Present were Mrs. Wayne D. Henry, Mrs. John Schindler, Mrs. C. C .Chaffee, Mrs. Charles Glaze, Mrs. A. R. Swing, Miss Margaret lEwlnf, MIm Ruth Whitney, Mrs. i u. u. uioagett. airs, unver wan- ney. . Mrs. cnaries Mccarter ana Mrs. Ralph Shepard. Salem grange No. 17 meeting Saturday night was occupied with several discussions. A demit was Issued to Monroe Sweetland. Women of the grange are ur gently requested to attend the meeting August 25 at 2 p.m. at the grange home. No social meet ing will be held this month ana the next meeting will be septem ber 25.- - . : . . : CHEMAWA The grange home economics club will meet Wednes day afternoon at the hall for the purpose ot oulltlng.. As many as can attend are urged to do so. CAJIENOL For ' the relief of nose and thrpat Irritations. Compounded from a physician's prescription SV " Perry's Dras Store 115 8. Coal - . Salem Flax Fete Offi cial Program's Ready-So Are Queens . ! - I . $ ,( I ., ? ? v t j I f J i'V t i i r um mm m in i Lmk Three young ladles who are candidates for queen of the fourth annual Oregon Flax festival at MtAngel August 18, 19 and 20. From leftt Eleanor Canoy, sponsored by Al Wlckert, American Legion, IEU local No. 28, and fire department, Silverton; Pauline Jones, whose sponsor is J. M. Rivenes. Marquam; and Kitty Ryan, backed by Stevens A Brown, Salens Jewelry firm. The contest close at 0 p.m. this Wednesday. (Jestea-Mfller Yvonne Kerr and Glenna Macomber Tie At Latest Hop Queen Contest Reports -..'.. - . .- ' INDEPENDENCE Yvonne Kerr of Suver-and Glenna Macomber of Independence were tied at last reports for first place in the Hop Fiesta race to elect a queen for the celebration on August 24, 25 and 26. Third place was held by Miss Elsie Bowler, Independence, Martha Jean Kurre, Dallas, first place holder at mid-week, had dropped to fourth. Miss KerrO and Miss Macomber each bad 344,000 342,000, 330,000. votes, Miss Bowler and Miss Kurre, Other standings were Rainona DeLashmutt, Monmouth, 249,000; June Brooks, Independence, 243, 000; Marian Cannon, Monmouth, 200,000; Betty Toler, Salem, 198,000; Helen Hanna, Portland, 186,000; and Berdell Kathryn Wade, Salem, 175,000. Plans for the fiesta are al most completed, according to the committees. The coronation cere mony, with Tommy Luke ot Port land acting as master ot cere monies and the Salem Cherrlans furnishing the honor guard. Is ex pected to be the most colorful in the six-year history of the fiesta. The Saturday midnight mati nee, traditional fun show, will ea ture a rolling pin throwing con test for ladies over 40. This at traction is receiving a great deal of attention by both sexes, with several women already expressing a desire to compete. Scio Honors JOHN M. ZEMLICKA Scio Honors Her Eldest US-Born Czecko-Slovakian SCIO John M. Zemllcka, 76, was honored here recently when it was noted that he Is the oldest American-born Czech in the com munity. Born in Wisconsin in 1863. Zemlick has spent his entire life in the United States, and has nev er visited in the European home of his ancestors. He lived for about 50 years in Hyde county, SD., where he served two terms as a county commissioner. He was married August 15 1885. at Ida, SD., to Mary Adams, who died In 1918. He first visited n Scio in 1921, and has made his home here since 1931 with the family of his daughter, Mrs, Claude Kendie. Dedeck "Grandfather" Zemllcka has tour children, 11 grandchil dren and three great-grandchil dren. Notable in the fact that all these descendants speak tbe Czech language, though all are fluent in English, as is Zemllcka himself. His youngest greatgrandchild. Ed win Novak, 3, understands both languages, and will probably grow up bilingual. Zemllcka is not the oldest Czech in the Scio community, but has many years' seniority over other American-born Czechs in Scio colony. Czechs began settling here about 40 years ago, most of them immigrants directly from Moravia and-Bohemia or from the mid west. - : ;f ; PEACHES Are Now Ripe and Ready for CANNING Crawfords, lluir, Slappy, Champion and Tuscan' Cling. Elberta and Late Crawfords a few days later. rJL. Bring This Ad to My I Orchard aad Receive I I FREE I I - A Basket of Peach I In Mission Bottom, 10 miles north of Salem on old LaFol lett farm. - C R. LaFOLLETT I III.' ' - S, Progra photo) cat courtesy The Oregonian. Farmers' News LIBERTY Prune growers are invited to attend the meeting ot Liberty Farmers Union local on Tuesday, August 16, at 8 p.m. Reports will be heard from the u e s day afternoon market-im provement prune meeting called by Governor Sprague In Salem. he prune situation will be throughly dlscused. State Farmers Union president, Harley Llbby will speak on public utility districts and power. Cake will be brought to serve with coffee. LIBERTY State president Har ley Llbby is scheduled to speak at the meeting of Liberty local Farm ers union Tuesday, August 15 at p.m. Bob Dasch and Mary Jane Tay lor, the two young people who attended the state camp at Long bow, will be present and report. TALBOT Sidney-Talbot Farm ers Union met for their regular meeting Friday night in the Tal bot school house with President George Potts. Committee reports were given by standing committees. Refreshment committee ap pointed for the next meeting is Mrs. Edna Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Boy ds ton, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Starr and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Terhune. Herman Harkenstein, a repre sentative for Nulac Products, was present, and explained his product and told of Its benefits to the pro ducer. Mr. Sayles from the mid-Wil lamette Cooperative association was also present and told of their present setup. Visitors Many At Hazel Green HAZEL GREEN Mrs. Julius Deering and baby son are borne from the mgalow Maternity borne. Miss Helen Davis of Portland Is v'-"--r -farian Wampler. Mrs. S. E. Long, president of the Englewood church missionary society, was in char, ' the pro gram for the all-day picnic at the G. G. Looney farm. Mrs. Ira D. Warner gave the addresc. Sixteen were present. Mrs. George Kolb of Oregon City is visiting her mother, Mrs Nan Stephens, who is 111. EX-RESIDENT INJURED MONMOUTH Word has been received by friends here that Mrs. A. J. Haley, a resident of Monmouth for more than 50 years, fell in her summer borne at Newport Frldayv fracturing one hip. She is now In the Tole do hospital. PATIENT VISITS MONMOUTH Leonard Sni der, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Ora Snider, a patient at the state tu berculosis hospital the past six months, spent Sunday at his home here. He returned to the hospital for continued treatment. vtiih , GOOD D2PEUDADLE Fiv:-P3imr end ETIIYL mm u rrovi J -f m Drawn ML Angel 5 iet For big Days --.! : Queen's Coronation Event by Cherrians to Open V Fete on Friday 1 --MT. ANGEL The official pro gram of the 1931 Flex Festival this week was made public by the ML Angel Flaxarlans on Monday. The order, for. the three-day celebration follows: ' . . Friday, August IS !. v a: 00 p. m. Coronation cere monies for 'queen ot Flaxaria by King Blng Harold Buslck and Cherrlans, St. Mary's school grounds. 8:00 p. m. Queen's ball, audi torium. Old time dance at gym nasium. r" Saturday, Angwst 10 10:30 a. m. Kiddies' pet , pa rade. Prises for first and second places in each of six divisions. seniors and Juniors. 1:30 p. nu Bicycle race open to any boy or glrL 2:00 p. m. Pony polo game at ball park. '. 3:30 p. m. Tug of war, Main street. --j ; 4:00 p. m. Competitive races, Main street. Prizes. 8:00 p. m. "So You're From Missouri, three-act play by Sa lem Community Players. Sunday, August 20 1:30 p. m. Grand floral afnd Industrial parade. 3:00 p. m. Presentation of pa rade awards by queen of Flaxaria at reviewing stand, city hall. 5:00 p. m. Tea honoring Flax Festival royal court, visiting royal courts and dignitaries at the home of Mrs. A. J. Butsch. 8:00 p. m. Band concert on streets, official Flax Festival band. Chairmen for the various com mittees are: General chairman, Arthur W. Holmes parade, lo cal, Lee Withers; parade, out-of-town, Frank Hettwer; decoration, Ambrose Ebner; grounds and re viewing stand, Joseph Wagner; music, Alex Scharbach; speakers, Father Alcuin; reception. Dr. A. F. E. Schierbaum; sports, Louia Schwab; dance, T. B. Endres; coronation, Mrs. A. W. Holmes; queen's float, Fred Stolle; police, A. J. Butsch; electrical, Joseph Frank; hostess, Mrs. Fr,ank Aman; advertising, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Stolle; assistant masters of ceremonies, Dr. A. F, E. Schier baum and Walter Cain; entertain ment t Be visiting groups, Al Stup fel; fireworks, Fred Stolle; sign work, Lawrence Gooley. Bears Entertain Returned Newlyweds TURNER Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bear entertained at dinner Sun day honoring their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Bear, married July 16, who returned during the week from their wedding trip to California. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bear, Crawfordsville; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Arensmeier and son Daniel. Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Forest Cam mack and two sons and Mrs. Mary Cammack, Rose dale; Mrs. Hazel Stewart and Quentin and Pauline, Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bear and Eunice and Billy; and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Bear. A reception was held in the afternoon and evening. Newspaper Story Is Revelation LIBERTY Through the story in Sunday's Statesman about the golden wedding of Mr.-and Mrs. P. G. Judd, Mrs. Ralph Dent, wife of the master of Red Hills grange. discovered that she and Mrs. Judd were raised In the same Kansas neighborhood, in fact, lived with in three miles of each other. Upon comparing notes they found they both knew tbe same people, had the same teacher. They had never' met in Kansas, however. Liberty Teacher Resigns Position LIBERTY The resignation of Miss Ellen Ann Jones as teacher in the local school was accepted by the school board Friday. Miss Jones will accept a position at some advance in salary at the school in Rhododendron. In ad dition to her regular grades Miss Jones taught music and had charge of the girls athletics. 0 CIISEL Parton Cilham McClain Group Reunites at Y Silrerton Park L'- . SILVERTON The JP a r t o n Gilham-McClaln clan held Its an nual. reunion Sunday at the Sil verton park, j ; .i Attending from Salem were Mr. and Mrs. George Gilham; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Keurscher, Mr. and Mrs.' John Hasche. Mrs. 'Alice Mc Clain, Mr.' and Mrs. Ed . Parton and Dorothy .Mr. and Mrs. Arch Eai-hart; Mr. and Mrs.' Wayne Ear hart, Mr. and Mrs.: Channie Aid rich, Mr. and Sirs. Herman Lanke and " Jean - and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Carl LaChelle and Lucille Pavey; from Silrerton Mr. and Mral - Oliver Becken and Ailene. Joyce, Marvin and Carl, Mrs.- Etta Fanning, -Leora,' Wilda, Loretta and Charles Fanning, - Mr. and Mrs. -Orval Parton and Wilma and Mildred, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Urn benhower and Roger, Mrs. Clara Paulson and Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Agen and Howard, Harold, Harland, Lloyd and Lillian. : From Portland Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gilbertson and- Alverna and Bonnie and Russell, Mr. and Mrs. John Parton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Macke and Alice Floretta Jane, fiojbert and Paul; from Mc Minnrille, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nedrow and Richard; from Al bany,' Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mc Claine and - Darold, Mr. and Mrs. H. EMn Gregson' of Lebanon, Mrs. George GUham McClain of Salem, Mr, and Mrs. Louis Par ton and Helen ' of Madison, Ne braska, Velva Crewdson and Lois Anderson of North Platte, Nebr. Hubbard Folk off For Pennsylvania HUBBARD Simon G. Hostett ler, Mr. and Mrs. George Hostett ler, Mr. and Mrs. E. Z. Yoder, Mr. H. J. Lars and son Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kropf left Fri day for Allentown, Pa., to attend the annual conference ot the Men nonlte church. Mr. Kropf is the bishop of Zion church near Hub bard. The Mennonite male chorus of Zion Mennonite church, consisting ot 13 voices. Just returned home from a singing tour through southern Idaho and eastern Ore gon. Mrs. Mattie Kauffman, daugh ter Grace and son Charles, return ed home from an extended visit with relatives in Kansas, Missouri and Colorado. Accompanying the Kauffmans were Mrs. Clarence West, daughter Ellen and son Ro bert. Townsend Club Plan Rally-Picnic AUMSVILLE The Townsend club was entertained at a busi ness and social meeting at the home of Miss Dorothy Wells, hon oring her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kadau, on her mother's birthday, and her parents' wedding anni versary. An outdoor party was arranged. At the business meeting, a com mittee was appointed to make ar rangements for the rally picnic to be held . in the Highberger park August 20, at which the Slater family of Vancouver, Wash., will speak and entertain. T. C. Mountain and Mrs. George White will serve. Unionvale Mission Society Picnics UNIONVALE The Unionvale Evangelical missionary society's August meeting was held at the Clarence Warner picnic . grove with a picnic dinner. Mrs. James Richardson was leader. There were 13 members present and guests were: Mrs. Harden Yensen, Mrs. E. E. For shund, Mrs. E. T. Kitzmiller, Mrs. B. A. Felton, Mrs. Bessie Wil liams, Mrs. Lloyd Goodrich, Mrs. Leland Newhouse, Mrs. Ross Ro gers, Mrs. R. Timm. A missionary play is planned for September 15 at the church. HONOR MISS RYDEEN BRUSH CREEK A motor party to Tlniberline lodge Sunday included L. H. Meyer, Althea Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Lndvig Mey er, Patience Moberg and Beatrice Rydeen. Miss Rydeen will leave Silverton September 1 for Cali fornia. She has been on the Sil verton hospital staff for the past year. GUESTS FROM MILTON -AURORA Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Gribble over the . weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Tyler and son Norman. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Soctt and children Bonney and Robert of Milton, Ore. Srsk Xsii ins. - r m IgmJ ' Speed and efficiency of the US Navy .saved the life of IS year old In fantile paralysis victim Alta Weil and in San Diego recently wbea the .Navy provided an "iron lung" respirator for the girl minute before she faced death. Physicians said the girl could live only m half hour without a "lung." Respirators In all local hospitals were In nse. Last resource was a desperate call to the Naval Hospital, which rushed a Navy track with the "lung" to the girl's home in 25 minutes after receiving the call. First track used was too small, creating a delay. Alta next day was reported "doing fine. Bb Is pictured above In the respirator. (UN) Jail at Albany Being Ridded of Unbooked Inmates ALBANY Albany's city Jail is being given a fresh coat of paint by orders ot the city coun ciL The painting Job Is following an intensive cleaning movement under the direction of the chief of police and his assistants, for the removal of inmates that the police have 'in a way had no hand in placing in the city bas tile. Chief Perry Stellmacher es timates there were a least 20.000 bedbugs alone, not counting other vermin. The jail Is cleaned of these pests at stated intervals, bat the police state it was infested with a larger number than us ual this time. Calif ornians End Stay at Rickreall RICKREALL Mr. and Lrs. Hugh Bell left Tuesday for their home at Palo Alto, Calif., after spending several days here with his mother, Mrs. Frank Bell. Mr. Bell is on the faculty of teachers college at Chlco, Calif. Mrs. Frank Bell had spent several weeks in California and had ac companied her son back to Ore gon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaughaa and Jean and Virginia of Veron lea are spending the weekend here with his parents, Mr. -nd Mrs. J. F. Vaughan, and attend Ing the Legion convention In Sa lem. Pioneers9 Children Have Get-Together SILVERTON Children of John and Sarah Jacob Given, early Sil verton Hills pioneers, gathered at the Silverton park Sunday for their first get-together since they were young children. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. George Given of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Perl Given of Turner, Jer aldine, Lorene and Edward Given of Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Given and Zephna of Silverton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Given and Carmen, Richard, David and Donna of Sa lem, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dahlen. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Given. Ronald Given, Mr. and Mrs. Walter San ders, Patricia Ann, Ray Dahlen, Ivan Kniss and Mr. and Mrs Ralph Dahlen, all of Portland. 3js5. for. only 23 roundtrip Plus $2.90 for a double lower berth each tray Save your energy for W World's Fair! Enjoy a good alghfs sleep ia a comfortable bed while many miles of you trip slip sraoothly by. ' Our tourist Pullmans havssofv deaa tab, big enough for "two. Then art berth lights 'to read by, porter service, wash toonu with pltnty of hot water aad towels. All regalady snlgnfd cars ate AIR-CONDITIONED. . - III AIR-COOLED COACHES ."" ..... . - .'. - '...i-1-' . ' '12 ONE WAY . a: f. noth, Phone it Martin Inselson Summoned at 69 WALDO HILLS Martin Ingel- son, 69, a resident of the Ever green district since 1919, died at his home Sunday morning. Ha was born in Fillmore county and came to Silverton from Walford, N. D. Survivors are the widow. Emma; brothers, Carl at Reeder, N. D., and Hans at Rushford. Minnesota; a sister, Mrs. Louisa Craig of Spokane. Funeral services will be held from the Ekman Funerl bom with announcements later. Funeral of Mohr Is Sunday Event AURORA Fredrick Mohr, 6J, who passed away at his home near Needy last Thursday, was born in Philipburg, O., January, 1877, and came to Oregon with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mohr, when a small child. Hia parents bought a farm near Needy where he spent his life. Services were conducted from the Miller mortuary Sunday at 1 p. m. by Rev. Walter Schrock of Hubbard. Interment was In the Rock Creek cemetery at Needy. He leaves three" sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Grim ot Hubbard, Mrs. George. Gregory of Molalla, Mrs. Leona Hyat of Baker; one brother, Philip Mohr of Canby, and eigbt nieces and one nephew. Newlyweds Given m i T1TL.. iiui ivuii, xaiuui TALBOT A group of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kraft, who were recently married at New Kenlngston, Pa., were invited 'te Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McAllister's home Friday night to charivari the newly married couple. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kraft and Mrs. Kraft's daughter Dorothy Mae, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McAllister, Mr. and Mrs. George-Marlatt. Mr. and Mrs. Carl AernI, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wells. Mrs. Charles Meier, Mrs. Martha Smith, Mrs. D .E. Blia ston, Ilene Blinston, Sumner Clark, and C. F. Meier. COXOY IMPROVES LEBANON Jim Conoy, injured a week ago driving a caterpillar near Cascadia, is reported much better. .25 i ROUNDTRIP CiJ ticket agent ; 4408 Middle Grore - . . v - - - - mmwmmmwmwwuwwwwwwwuwwwwwmmmmM9wwmmim9wmmmuwmuuwuwwwmwwwmwwwMmwmmwMmwwmwmwwmwummuwmn9nmmmmmmm --