The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 13, 1939, Page 11, Image 11

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    The. OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, August 13, 1939
Seen and Heard
. (Continued from Pace 10) -Edna
Savage and Manfred Olson
week ago were miniature slip
pers decorated with, a blue- satin
bow In front . ; Guests wars
serred In the dining room and
later sauntered out onto the ver
anda where punch was serred . . .
Catching Edna's bouquet of bou
rardia and gardenias as she threw
It from the stairway was Melva
Bell Savage.
Pattern ,
, R
:': ':
. ' -
ft . - ' , .
Smart and simple enough for
any taste Is this youthful Anne
Adams shlrtwaister, with its
clear-cut lines. Buy some cool
cotton or non-crushing linen. . .
order Pattern 41 S3 this very day
. . . and with the . Sewing In
structor's clearly illustrated aid,
you'll .hare a fresh-frock in no
time! See how the front yoke Is
nicely gathered beneath for soft
ness. The breezy, flared skirt is
cut in just four easy pieces.
Make the neck low and cool, and
trim ' It with a tailored, pointed
collar. You might add ruffled
edging for a note of gay fe
mininity on collar, cuffs and even
down the amusingly shaped bo
dice 'opening: Why not make so
veral of this style for fresh
Patern 4163 is available in
misses' and women's sizes 14,
16. 18, 20, 32, 34, 36, 40 and
42. Size 16 takes 3 yards. 39
inch fabric and 3 yards lace
eAina for tbii Ann, Adant pattern.
Writ plainly SIZE, NAME, AD
What to dot AetiT, anmmer daya
it retch fa$ ahead and your hot wea
ther wardrobe U wilted and weary.
Let Aaoa Adams' PATTERN BOOK
help freshen pp your mid-seaion
wardrobe, with page after pace of
qnick-to-tew frocka for night and
day . . . work and play. Lots of
bright ideas for vacationista on bow
to Took glamorona and cool. Clothes
fer eTery type and age from slimming
odes for matrons to spirited clothes
forTounK people. Send today! BOOK
Send your order to The Oregon
RttMman, putterw department.
v -1
-' V-
- ..y-
NEWLY ELECTED state department president of the Ameri
can Legion Auxiliary, Mrs. William Horsfall of Marshfield posed
for a Statesman camera at the doorway of the senate chambers
where the convention meetings were held. .
' Woman's ftKsrionary
Society Meets ,
The Woman's Missionary so
ciety, of the First Baptist; church
had - luncheon ' at Silver Creek
falls on Friday. There was
short business meeting after
which Mrs. F. M. White gave a
report of Miss Saiko Watanable's
work in the Baptist Mission
school in Yokohama.
Those making the trip were
Mrs. L. R. Taylor. Mrs. Elmer
Conn, Mrs. E. J. Ayers, Mrs. Ira
Herbert, Mrs. Dewey Davis. Mrs.
Katherine Parson, Mrs. L. D. Wy
att' Mrs. Mary Runyan, Mrs. W.
R. Hicks, Mrs. McLaren, Mrs. S.
Smith, Mrs. Annabel M o r 1 e y,
Mrs. Jean Lambert. Mrs. Earl
: Hatfield, Mrs. Johanna F 1 s k e,
Mrs. W. H. Morley, Mrs. E. W.
Peterson, Mrs. Robert Wagers,
Mrs. Floyd White. Mrs. L. G.
Prescott, Mrs. Elizabeth Tillmore
and Viola Harrelson.
Th Alpha Gamma Delta alum
nae will be entertained at the
home of Mrs. Herman Jochimsen,
62$ Leslie street, Tuesday night
at 8 o'clock.
. -i
Mr. aad Mrs. Louis Lachmund
hare bidden a group of out-of-town
and Salem folk to a delight
ful supper party in the garden of
their Gaiety Hill home tonight
- Mrs. Walter Holts and daugh
ter, Miss ' Mary Ross Holts, are
leaving Tuesday for Chehalis,
Wash., to Join Mr. Holts and to
make their home there.
The Past Matrons association.
Order of Eastern SUr, will be en
tertained with a picnic luncheon
In the gardens of Mrs, Byron B.
Heirrlck on Friday afternoon.
' was given Thursday at the home
of Mrs. Howard Bennett honoring
Mrs. Carl Murphy.
Guests were Mrs. Carl Murphy,
Mrs. Pearl Hedges, Mrs. Fred
Noyes, Mrs. Alvin Pettit. Jars. Lee
O'Kelley, Mrs.-Oren Lyday, Mrs.
Paul Sterling, Miss Ruth Ramey,
Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Carrie Smiley,
Mrs. Charles Smiley, Mrs. William
Kelley, Miss Beryl Kelley, Miss
Vera Trosper, Miss Marjorle Mc
Crlte, Mrs. Charlie Irvine, Miss
Margaret Noble. Mrs. Wayne Mc
Gowan, Mrs. Martin Fratcke, Mrs.
Clyde Wunder, Mrs. Cleve Robin
son, Mrs. Perry Swanson, Mrs.
Clyde Williams, Mrs. Thelma Tal
lent, Mrs. Bill Becken, Mrs. Ger
ald Fowler, Mrs. Joe Rogers, jr.,
Mrs. Vera Adamson, Mrs. Gus
Fisher, Mrs. Ellen Davis. Mrs. C.
A. Fratzke, Mrs. Harold Reynolds,
Mrs. Al Schlag, Mrs. Taylor and
Mrs. Bennett.
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"It dsn't like It nwed to be. Nowadays a hub is knows by the
companies he Incorporates!
And a woman by the fancy she incorporates in the Jacket that acconv
' panies her evening gown. The bolero jacket, left, which tops a white
crepe dress, is striped diagonally with silver sequins. For color, a
flashing scarlet belt. Sharper contrast brings us a black jacket,
right, cut wide to show the deep yoke of the white dress. A padded
roll trims the jacket (rimming the sleeves, too) and it ties in a
knot at the waist.
In the Valley Social Realm
. AIRLIE Miss Erelyn McKib
ben was honor guest at a miscel
laneous shower held, at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse
McKibben and given by Mrs.
Frank Cooper. Guests were Mrs.
James Harris. Mrs. H. P. Whita
ker, Kathleen " Harris. Loretta
Cooper, Betty and Peggy Wienert,
Mrs; Jack Wells. Mrs. Etta Welch,
Mrs. Glen Davis,' Mrs. Carl Leisy,
Mrs. W. iL Herron, Urs. Mary.
Gross, Mrs. Jacob- Ploub, Mrs. R.
Phelps, Mrs. Loren Cooper, Mrs.
Imbler of Estaeada, - Mrs. Joe
Sweeney, Mrs, Fred Aebi, Mrs. E.
D. Bose, Mrs. .A. Toedtemeier.
Mrs. Frank Cooper, Mrs. Wood,
Mrs. S. A. Tarter, Mrs. Etta Simp
son, Mrs. S. ' A. Tartar. Mrs.
George Williamson, Mrs. Charles
Tartar, Mrs. George Ploub, Mrs.
James Lewis. Mrs. Robert Tartar,
Mrs. Bud Wilson, Mrs. Fred Ray.
Mrs. Ann ChaRon, Mrs. Robert
Harris, Mrs. Glen Hadley, Mrs.
Rex Womer, Mrs. E. M. Turner,
Mrs. Vernou McKibbens of Sheri
dan, Mrs. Theodore Martin, Sheri
dan, Mrs. Ray McKibben of Salem.
SILVERTON Miss Ina Clark,
bride-elect of Oren Barnekoff of
Bandon was - the inspiration of
a party at the home of Miss
Clark's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Caleb Clark, with Mrs, Theodore
Daniels and Mrs. F. T. Barne
koff, both of Portland, as hos
tesses. The wedding has been set for
5 o'clock, August 19 at Silver-ton.
Present at tbe party were Mrs. L. R.
Tieknor, Sfiss Emily Loreridfe, Mrs.
Archie Allen, Miss Margie Turner, Miss
Helen Cannon. Miss Catherine Cannon,
Mrs. Caleb Clark. Mrs." A. h. DeVal. Mrs.
B . O. Longsderf , Miss- Mabel Loofsdorf .
Mrs. P. Haxtnou. ilrt. Orral utr, Mrs.
Renbea Beer, Mrs. James Jonnson, Mrs.
Bernard 'Johnson, Mrs. Peter Oas. Mra.
Adolph Johnson, Mrs. Ole -Breden, Mrs.
C'ifford Ahnqnist. -Mrs."; Lest er Standard,
Mrs. X. Sliffe. Mrs. TLawt Miss Kdas
Laws. Sirs. Peter Sorensen, Mrs. Free
man Arbuekle, Mrs. Gertrude Eranse,
Mrs. GeoTce- Bowman, Mrs. A. Erirkson,
Mrs. S. Morley, Mrs. Norman Naegeli,
Miss Vera Beer, Miss Pauline oh n ton.
Miss Erelyn Jones. Mrs. Ben Day, Miss
Jane Bowman. Miss Jean Bowman, Miss
Sarah Arbuekle, Miss Eunice Arbuekle,
Mrs. J. Shepherd. Mrs. K. F. ones. Miss
Bessie Stsndsrd. Miss Nellie Shaw. Mrs.
R. Ames. Miss Zinona Ames. Mrs. Charles
Asher, Mrs. B. T. Hsmmel, Mrs. C. C.
Raft Mrs. C. hestsin, Mrs. Era Dicken
son, Mrs. John Shaw and Mra. Germs ine
GERVAIS Word was received
of the marriage of Carl H. Fran
cis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fran
cis, to Miss Viola Brodal of Mc
Minnville. The rites were said in the Fre
mont Methodist church in Port
land at 12:30 o'clock Sunday
afternoon and were witnessed by
members of both families. The
couple will reside at Dayton where
Mr. Francis practices law.
Sunday, August 20
PNGA picnic Silver Creek
Monday, August 14
Royal Neighbors of America
meet at Fraternal Temple, 8
Tuesday, August 15
Alpha Gamma Delta alum
nae with Mrs. Herman Jochim
sen, 525 Leslie.
American War Mothers, no
host picnic lunch, Olinger field.
North Salem . WCTU with
Mrs. F. O. Repine, 950 Union
street, 2:30 p.m.
Salem Writers' club with
Mrs. J. C. Nelson, 104 East Wil
son street, picnic dinner.
31r. and Mrs. H. Nelson left for
their home in Seattle after spend
ing the past week at the home of
Mrs. Nelson's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Clifford.
Miss Cynthia Delano, Miss Mar
celia Vesper and Mr. Jay Teed
are leaving this morning for a
two week's sojourn to San Fran
cisco and Los Angeles.
Mrs. John Thomas has as her
house guest for the next month
her niece, Mrs. M. V. Foley of
East St. Louis, 111.
Recent guests in tbe capital
have been Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Craig (Helen Jordan) and son,
Peter, of Seattle. They were tho
guests of Mr. Craig's mother, Mrs.
J. B. Craig.
Dr. and Mrs. Franklin Thomp
son are expected home the end of
this week after a several months'
stay In Nebraska and other points
brthe middle west.
Returning today from a two
week's stay at Neskowin will be
Dr. and Mrs. H. H. dinger. They
had as their guests Dr. and Mrs.
B. C. Olinger of The Dalles.
Miss Jewell Blinier and Mr. Er
vin Potter will be among those at
tending the stadium concert in
Portland Monday night featuring
Donald Dickson, baritone.
Mr. antkMrs. John Bagley are
vacationing in Portland this week
and are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Evan A. Reid.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirk will
have as their guests this week
at their home at Agate Beach Mrs.
F. W. Poorman and son, Bill.
Mr. and Mrs. IT. fJ. Shipley are
vacationing at Breitenbush and
will visit in eastern Oregon before
returning home.
Make a gay Pillow or Picture
Of These Laura Wheeler Motifs
com MRoucaArr ssjmcs. sec
So easily and so quickly done, pattern to The Oregon Statesman
these motifs that will make such Needlecraft: Dept., - Salem. Write
colorful accessories. Pattern 1907 M
onntain a trnmsfpi. nattprn of a Pinly your name and address.
10x10 inch and a 9V&x9
inch motif; materials required;
illustrations of stitches.
Send ten cents In coin for this
V " uWt
r, w .
1 rnr7
: lip-'
Select Your Fur Coat from the
Valley's Largest Fur Collection
Distinguished peltry, handled with the ex
quisite styling possible only With fine crafts
manshipcombine to make the coats in our
August Sale among the roost .remarkable
values ever to appear in a group of this type.
See our Fur Selections, and you will be as
sured that the garment you want is awaiting
you here.
(B9)50 to 3SDI500
"k Hudson Seal "A" Mink-Dyed Muskrat "A" Russian Squirrel
Squirrel Lockes Russian Ponies Lamb Caraculs
Northern Seal (dyed coney) tAt Mendosa Beaver
"k Marmink and many other furs.
4 Ways
to Buy
Budget -Cash
SUVER Raymond Fleisch
mann. son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus
Fleischmann, of Suver, was united
in marriage to Miss Maurice Hun
nicutt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Loyd Hunnicutt, of Independence
at the Baptist church Sunday af
ternoon, July 30.
Preceding the ceremony Walter
Frlesen and Mrs. Jim Wilson of
Monmouth sang, accompanied by
illss Lois Fleischmann. ,
Mrs. Cecil Lehman was maid of
honor and Lester Both of Port
land acted as best man. Frances
Stewart, Betty Jane Thomas, Vio
let Todd, Olga Severson, Betty
Kimmel and Mrs. Walter Frlesen
were bridesmaids. Ushers were
Harold Able, - Carl Rutschman,
Lawrence Rich and Bud McFad
den. A reception in the church par
lors followed the ceremony. Mr,
and Mrs. Fleischmann left for a
two weks' trip to Yellowstone
park after which they will be at
iiome in Portland.
SILVERTON Miss Marjorle
Hillman was complimented Thurs
day night at a pre-nuptial shower
with Mrs. Ralph Ehli and Miss
Phillis Skaife hostesses.
Bidden were Oriet Moen, Erna
Boesch, Rita Drake, Lois Gay,
Dorothy Huddleston. Ina Wether
ill. Louise ; Holm, Opal Bolme,
Alma Tostenson, Eva Sawyer, Lois
Coomler, Ruth Furneau, Gudrun
Walen, Olive Green, Mary Ann
Brandt, Dorothy Bump, Dorothy
Zollner, Helen Goodknecht and
Mrs. Casey Jones.
the Arrawannal Needle club at
tended a picnic held Wednesday
afternoon at the L. S. Loren zen
grove. A picnic dinner was serv
ed. The next meeting will be held
at the Elwyn Dorsey home In
Liiu. p i a bail auca auu .
Mrs. waiter ueveira w e r nesc
esses to the afternoon card club
held at the Rebekah hall Wednes
day afternoon. High score was
held by Mrs. E. E. Miller, low by
Mrs. E. H. Horton and traveling '
by Mrs. Arville Downing.
Guests were Mrs. George Huff
man. Mrs. Paul Smith. Mrs. Albert
Ring, Mrs. Floyd Bassett, Mrs.
Charlie Peterson, Miss Maxine
Huber, Mrs. E. II. Horton. Mrs.
Hugo Hallin. Mrs. Alva Wise.
Mrs. Arthur Vaughn, Mrs. Orville
Downing, Mrs. E. E. Miller, Mrs.
Albert Bass. Mrs. Everette Crab
tree and Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Be
veire. -
BRUSH CREEK Invitations
are out for the wedding of Miss
Marjorle Hillman, daugher of Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Hillman. to John
Goplerud. sou of Mr. and Mrs. J.
C. Goplerud. The ceremony will
be solemnized Saturday night,
August 19 at Trinity church at
8:30 o'clock. A reception will fo-
low at the bride's home here.
Both Mr. Goplerud and Miss
Hillman were born in this com
munity and are now employed at
Salem. -
beth Davis entertained with a
dinner for house guests. Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Davidson, Wilma and
Joe of Coquille.
- Additional guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Chester Ireland. Helen
Davis and small son. Robert of
Portland, and son and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis. BUI,
Richard and Doris of Jefferson:
Scappoote PUD Report
To Be Released Soon
Report on the feasibility ot the
proposed Scappoose Peoples Utili
ties district will be released by
the state hydroelectric commis
sion next week. Charles E. Strick
lin. secretary, announced Satur
day. The district, if organized,
would include the territory now
embraced in the Scappoose drain
age district. It is located In Co
lumbia county.
n n r crra O REBLOCKED
XA M o restyled
U UaU U 4
Mrs. H. S. Cain 2328 State St.
Fascinating -New
Liquid Method
No Machine
No Mechanical Pads
Soft, Lasting Waves in Cool
Myrtle Geist
Fac t o r y representa
tive, will be in salon
for consultation all
this wek.
? .
itt ll itt Ul) WiLi& SHOPPE
PHONE 5859
Bmm Ed
Every Regular $1.98 Donna Lee Dress
Included In This Sale!
Sizes 12 to 46
O lei
409-415 Court St.