. J i- . - - J ..jf T .1. - - - 1 . " '. ' J ' - v - ! ; , . , z y ' ' rcv V y:.'-,') : $ 5 lis Miss Mock to Be Bride in September oGodJoSareTtoJ MiSS Read Is lTf Uat. : rrom tbert they will go .to "taktnf. Rainier and Seattle. They will return home by way of the coast route. - i Betrothed to Mr. Cannon Horsfall Elected Miss JuneDunn Honored at Shower Auxiiia ry J Visitors Arrive at An early September wedding to tt ' be folemnixed U that or uist ai- - T I . leen Mock ot Salem daughter f Gaesu of Dr. and Mr.. M. A betrothal of interest to mem bers of the yonnger set is that of Miss Betty Read, daughter of. Mrs. W. Ludd Read, to Mr. Ro- At Gonvention 4 -3 first district Includes Coos Bay, Mrs. Sheldon F. Sackett of Sa lem will be speaker at the lunch- JUST COMPLETED is the new home of Dr. and Mrs. Harold dinger on Mission street. It is a modern adaptation of Cape Cod style. Mrs. dinger is pictured on the trrace. (Kennel-Ellis photo) " August Brides-Elect Make Plans lor. Forthcoming Church Ceremonies August is another favorite month for weddings this year and is nearly equalling the number of June brides. Brides-elect are announcing plans for the weddings while others are revealing details for early fall ceremonies. Miss HUl to Wed Saturday . The largest wedding of the coming week will be that of -Miss Charlotte Hill, daughtr of Dr. and Mrs. David Bennett Hill, who will be married to Mr. Vernon Frank Pomeroy, , son of Mrs. Frances Clay Pomeroy on Saturday night. The -ceremony will take place at the First Presbyterian dnirch Mrs. William Horsfall of Marshfield. formerly depart- Mr. C. Ov Mock of Biumon, in- MV; Tnd Mrs. Rafl 5 'dSKoicf Mr! Tand' Mrs: ment vice-president of the American Legion auxiliary, un- dianS. tO Mr. JOSePh TV Bemaruli T Bar and nn VindlPT f n M .V.v ... minAia mhiIMiiU fn nmoi1anir woo alonfo in fill t hp ""ThiiM.. TbrAi xVti&&sxir Siturdsy "fternoon " the ding of the on Saturday, September 1 at St. gi8ter of Dr. M. C Findley. TJey which Mrs. Carl G. ColUns was Convention. , . Vincent dePaul church at .4S are touring the west and are hostess t the Irai Jorgenson In the only contested race, Mrs. Laura Goode Of Port- a.m. Father Robert S. Neugebauer nere f0f 8eTeral days. home on Center street. land won the election as Tice will read the serrice. Today a family dinner will be The wedding will be an event president. Other-new officers are . ; - . - The bride has asked Mrs. George held at the home of Hr.-and. of Saturday, October .28. Miss Mrs. Mae Whitcomb, ; Portland, Business, Professional Smith to be her matron of honor Mrs. Bayard Findley at Rickreall. Read Is well known tax the cap!- secretary;, Mrs. Dorothy Templar, wr , , and Mr. Smith will serre as best other guests wUl be Mr. and Mrs. tal and is graduate of Salem Klamath Falls treasurer; and Women IO Meet man for Mr. BernardL Raymond Law and Findley ot schools. She Is a member of Beta Mrs. Leon Brown of Salem, f i- The couple will leare foi a short Kansas, Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Find- gigma phi and is now associated nance chairman.: Mrs. Sylvia Sou- A number of Salem members trip and will return to Salem to -ley, Mr." and Mrs. Roy Locke- with the Northern Life Insurance them of Lebanon was named are planning to attend the first reside. ; - nour and children, Lynn, Anna C0- president for this district. district conference of the Business Miss Mock received her educa- May1 and Fenton, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Cannon also received his Among the important resolu- Md ProfeBgional Women's club tion in Indiana and is a member of Lawrence-Heinl and Dorothy of education in Salem and later at- tions passed during the auxili- ,.,;,,'. wilrh , be heid the Salem Junior Woman S CIUD. " L ic""ca me wuiYeroiijr rui. uicguu. i a uinj : BCDBiuu was vua . MflrchflpM nn Anrimt 10 The uf xiernarui went lo saiem m... - - - 10 uuw wuucvicu. mm uu ,ii yiviuiuu & mauc iu . . .'- ". ... - f Tr- Saakln. Hl,tptl la.lnn fnnri. m scnooi. ana is now . Maurice Murphy, Mr Fred TnV Indian Uble was cen- UtSVilu Vtt?" Koehler, Mr; Charles Leonard tered with a fountain and pastel Fortland reteran's hospitals. Al- .a ,ir. - tlnff f Unllv. snmrnop flAvAfa ATI nivalin cr tViA oi. lAWATlA nf SSfkAli hoan maHo Mrs. I. M. Donghton was hos- wood are weekend guests of Mr. rangement. Match covers with the Jk resolution was passed for 7w"n.i l tess to the members of the Ken- Hal' Spooner at his cotUge at names of the couple and the date delegates at the national conven- nc"es .w t"re natlonal Program sington club on Saturday after- Devils Lake. The men are mem- revealed the news. Contract tion to commend congress' and 18 Business Women in a uemoc- noon at her home with Mrs. W. bers of the cast of "Abraham bridge was in play during the af- the Dies committee on investiga- racy. Irvin Williams, Mrs. Carl Guen- Lincoln in Illinois" which is be- ternoon. A group of Miss Read's tlon of un-American acts. At this conference, Mrs. Leona ther and Mrs. L. E. Wilson as ing filmed on location near Eu- close friends made up the guest Units of this district were Bryant, state president, who at- addltlonal guests gene. i list. - awarded several citations and tended the natlonal convention at iropnies ior wars: auring me pasi rwausaa juy, win give nr report.. and one minute talks will be given the various club presidents on what their club would like in tbe open forum meetings for the en- ing year. The schedule for the conference Mrs. William Horsfall has is as follows: long been active In club work in 7:30 to 9:45, council breakfast Marshfield. She Is the wife ot ani meeting, Mrs. Leona Bryant Dr. William Horsfall, prominent presiding; 10 to 12:15, open fo- Physlcian Of that City and the rnm. Mtsa Irma Nisbet. stat nrn- William Horsfall -.r-m ohalrman. In rhirv nn of Los Angeles, Captain George minute talka by lhe club presi. il8'" ii'JA J?" S- "eal dents, will be from 10 to 10:30 iLMlf." H0rSfa11 1' Glendale' tomary talks at the luncheon. , Miss Nisbet will give her report on me naiionai convenuou ana ana arranged for another speaker; Jored in music at the University 12,:3; luncheon at Chandler ho of Oregon.She has been active in tel- Mrs- Florence Spaniol, pre affairs f the Daughters of the aiding. Mrs. Leona Bryant, state American Revolution and the president, guest of honor. Mrs. Oregon Federation .of Women's Sheldon F. Sackett, luncheon elnbs and the Federated music speaker. Clubs, serving as national presi- Miss Josephine Evans, president dent of the latter organization at 7162 is In charge of reserva- for a term. tions for Sakm club members. 8 o'clock witn Kev. w. irvin Williams oniciaungr. j . "n- .1 J TT711 Miss Virginia Hurst of San Francisco, who will be the JDirtllClay S W ill id-of-honor, will arrive in the capital Monday to remain oe Celebrated This Week ..71 V " vf '- w 5:V S i-J year. They include; Lebanon tied L" v v I' - - 1 r ' ' C 1 with St. Helens, for the Mclnturf by t. - 'K, " w y , I "7wvhi membership cup; Hawke radio p-Tf . x t r ,?2 t - ; "Z1 1 prlie to Salem; Mae Waters na- I 1 1 t-' - 1 x,- .C ' 1 i i.iv', lr3 tl0Bal deren8e Prize; Moore his- su L 5 M l -.-.. v-vi .:t, j , , '."irTf tory prise, both to Salem. . I $ I 1 ! - i 1 "n. , I I ' , f..--;5.:- 111''' f , S II f I i v N X' ' "ilx I ill r"J I lUl i A f i4 r i tl l K i 11 l llli . 1 'f . i . ,J i. "t ; t 1 i 1 1 f I II 3 mother of Mr f - till V':k- '!XK i if v- - V i lit B ItW -9v v BSf . T ' . 1 X If lllfl VI -s 1 .r; i ill jyiU-4il - I SI Mij i Miss Virginia Jenks and Miss LenarBlum were hostesses for a crystal shower Jn compliment to Miss June Dunn, bride-elect of Mr. Fred Carstenson, Thursday night at the former's home on Cross street. The wedding of Miss Dunn and Mr. Carstenson will be an event of August 26. Tbe evening was spent infor mally and refreshments were served by the hostesses. Pansies were used about the rooms and a pink and white color scheme was used in the tabte appoint ments. Honoring Miss Dunn were Mrs. Hazel Ebner, Mrs. Bessie Kay ser, Mrs. Medora Woodry, Mrs. Nina Reilly, Mrs. Margaret Fed dern, Mrs. Louise Jones, Mrs. Raymond Warner, Mrs. Emma Lemon, Mrs. . Ruth Norris, Miss Nona Woodry, Miss Leona Bigby, Miss Ellis Brown, Miss Lillian Kayser, Miss Dorothy Frahm, Miss ilattie Ramp. Miss Velma Strain, Miss Irene Simpson, Miss Alta Ruch, Miss Fern Hewitt, Miss Hazel Roenicke, Miss Velma Alexander, Miss Mabel Boyer, Miss Lena Blum and Miss Vir ginia Jenks. Music Programs Dailv AT HOME Mrs. Carl Emmons and daughter ' Margaret-Jane tn the ltvingroom of their new mo dern colonial home on Fawk street. (Kennel-Ellis photo) ; maid-of at the Hill home until after the ceremony. Miss Barbara Pierce, one of the bridesmaids, will enter tain with a delightful informal party at the Fairmount hill home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pierce, on Monday night for the pleasure of Miss Hill. Bridge will be in play during the evening with a late supper following. A bridal shower will compliment the bride-to-be. Seen and Heard Mrs. Thomas Drynan Is enter- i, . - : ' MMMi l. - ft : : J Pin '8L-r-ir: Luncheon in Portland HIGHLIGHTS from the Amerl- lovely entrance of brisk giving a can Legion auxiliary convention tower effect with windows ... A . . . The decorations at the varl- stone and marble fireplace in the ous events were effective and un- long living room with huge win usual . . . Perhaps the largest and dows looking west and off of It most colorful affair was the tea a cement terrace ... A breakfast taining informally Monday after- on Friday . . . The setting for the ' knotty pine with bright noon at her home on Parrish tea was the spacious green lawn "d and 1h curtains and corner street to celebrate the birthday on the Willamette university cupboards filled with pottery Mrs. Robert Stanfield and Mrs. Howard Gattie of Port- anniversaries ot her two sons, campus between waller and Eaton ZZ?"',;rzY"w 1 j . - tt;ti i,,i, v-- Bobby, who will be three and halls . . . Gorgeous lawn furniture ana boy s room ... A large recrea- land, aunts of Miss Hill, are arranging a luncheon for her TommL who two MrB Ge0rge m greens, blues and white mciud- tion room with large .tone fire on Wednesday afternoon at the Waverly Country Club m Scales will assist the hostess. ing several dozen chairs, swings, Plac made of various kinds of Portland. Bidden to honor Bobby and umbrellas and tables were ar- atones . . . Ten or more acres Covers Will be placed for Miss Charlotte Hill, Mrs. Tommy are Tommy Deane Pat- ranged about the campus . The JB1tt.J?"? " M" r, T,ni. u;n -. t,t;ii. tt T t. Tow' tt;ii terson, Judith Murdock, Bobby small punch tables were centered Thompson is planning her own David Bennett Hill, Mrs. William H. Lytle, Mrs. James H"l Berg 'jImmy jay Allen, Phillip with pastel summer bouquets . . . aunken flower garden and picnic of Pendleton and members of the bTidal party, Miss Virginia Goulet, Jean Smith, Mary Eliza- Hundreds of Salem women and f rounds which will adjoin the Hurst of San Francisco, Miss Barbara Pierce, Miss Shirley betn and Frank shater, Janny visitors called during the after- house. Evenson, Miss Shirley-Cronemiller and Miss Isabel Hill of 2 GUmoVe?Go?dln SS on '.den6 uyEi Sffi Vped'ho A Pendleton. mogalla, Constance Hammond. both formal and informal gardens. Mission street . . . very modern Following the luncheon Miss Hill and her mother and Mothers who will accompany At the past presidents' banquet with a lovely terrace off the living Mrs. Lytle will attend a tea for which Mrs. Joseph A. Knapp taelr children are Mrs. Deane on Thursday the state house and room and French doors ... A will hp hostess at tht Waverlv Cnnntrv rlnh fnr her son Person, Mrs. Kenneth Mur- patriotic color scheme was used colonial dining room has unique i j w i wa'1e"y country ciud ior ner son dock Mr8 Elmer Berg Mr8 ln the decoratlons . . . At the drapes. kjiu uauguiiu-iunan, uui ouu iuio, uuiac Jlliofj ui uviuuyiJf JHrB. PTauK ODBIer, Airs, cruet) SpeaKer S laDie an exact repilCa xrilHiOiiju iinns ... l.il-' mm my i f who were recently married and are visiting in Portland. Reynolds Alien, Mrs. Homer Gou- of the new state capltol building "an nd Earle Potter are leaving M ) . let, Mrs. Homer H. smith, jr., made of all white blossoms and "e miaaie oi xne wees; ior bos- 8" MISS Hammond to Be Married Thompson, Mrs. Kenneth Dalton, banked with red gladioli ... At ton to spend the ensuing year . . . Miss Bettv Hammond will be married on Amrust 21 to MrB- Vernon Gllmore, Mrs. Har- each place was a red geranium They will drive east and stop at Mr Joseph 1 rJ 1 V T T ri?W old Domogalla and Mrs. William in blue pot .,. Other blue, white Yellowstone, en route . . . Earle Mr. Joseptronin, jr., son Of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cronin, H. Hammond. and red flowers were nsed on the will continue his studies ln voice sr., Of Seattle, at St. Joseph S Catholic Church at 9:30 O dock Dessert Luncheon tables with lots of greenery add- at the Boston Conservatory of with Father John J. Reidy officiating. Miss Mary Ellen MIs MarT PMk and ing to the effect Music . . . Lillian has received Hammond will be the maid-of -honor rH Mr Punl Rvlvenf t MiM Robert Panla wiU cele- Clever table arrangements at an assistantship in English at iiVn.----rJniiT ; maia"0i:no nor ana. ram byivester Drate 1Sth Dlrthdays on tne. BeCretary and treasurer's Boston university and will also Of Chicago Will be best man. Mr. Dan O. Hammond Will give Tuesday afternoon when they en- breakfast on Friday with the state work toward her master's degree his Sister in marriage. A wedding breakfast will follow the tertain a group of their friends faJr M the theme . . . At the head . . The past year she has been Ceremony. Miss Hammond is the daughter Of Mrs. -Oliver K iunnen v.at .1:S0 table a sunken garden made of studying at the University of Call- . . Hammond ; ru..war w-..tt ru;- o'clock at the C. W. Parker home Tarled colored flowers . , . Each fornla Both Earle and Lillian T . i f- . r vu au w i uww l Uble represented a different part are wiuameue university graau- : Miss Holmnn Auauitt Rrf, . MliS V Pf,.er ' Jrf of.the fair . . . One was the eon- ates. n xuJjuZ vr- n v u tt i iuaniU PuI." 'Sfi'1 cessions with a merry-go-round. Holrls VIck. another WUlamette On Wednesday, August 23, Miss Grace Elizabeth Hoi- daughters informally. The after- trains, ferrls wheel and stands .. ! graduate. Is now vlsiUng on the man, daughter of Mrs. Thomas Holman, will become the oon wiir be spent in playing A dog snow for aBOtnei. ... An coast and in Salem with her par bride of Mr. Winston Williams, son of Mrs. Stella V. Williams, KM"i1Sm!?nini snow The ent"' Jr f,d ,MrB- 9rHe Vlck f Vr?Av. j.-.V ' TT, "heme will be used in mgwa ,ndIail Mnool xWMt ...... She will leave for the east - ait m mc wiiuui lucuiuuf bl liik rirxL mk iiiiuiil r.iii.Hi'iiiuii t n. tinia nnAKimsnra ..... . ... . , - . - i i - -rr . rin ana towi ... iruit ana vers snori cnurcn at :3U o ciock In the evening. Bidden by Miss - Parker and r ii i 1 It 14 I 11 1 1 1 it i l- IL If IfMf' i ft 4 ! ,5' 2C 1 ir t i I 1 I Iff I IL I K VCJIi VII i . v - .it rj !T a - . ? f'i,. . !-.. 1 1 '43 I 1 .1M t"-' inr 2 ClaueJ L-- -1-, u&z sixr3 7 1 t U 2 I 1 Ii-"? I - i i 1 - . ii 4-!.: . - 01 L - ij I" f If ' . , , f , J . COUNTRY PLACE: Mrs. Frederick H. Thompson sUnds at the entrance of. her recently completed hillside home on Echurraan road. (Kennel-Ellis photo) ; was Floyd Millers Hosts For Dinner Party Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller en- fish and fowl . . . fruit and rege- ahortly to a memher of the i.4Vi. m.. . .t.ff r th. Mntrai imnon Twni . Rfv. J.' f!. TTarriorm will iurfnvm V MMmmv Miss PauluS are Miss Nancy and ...v aviA aan--A. A pittahnrrh. ciri nmnm Afro (Zrtn TTrvttica tn Bruce Hamby .(Margaret ; Heltzel) oLEugene.win be Miss Aev ' SiiSiS Qub Members Holman's honor attendant A reception at the Hohnan home Theima Smith. Mis. Mary jane IXTO a few new Sjllem fScAf GreeK Coun! on North Summer street for members nf trie familv Kestly, Miss Patricia Mace, Miss - ... i Mrs. - Charles Green, jr.. rlnae f rionrla will -f Allrmr . . Delores Bureh, Miss' Mary Helen v. - r- u- r..i t TnrtuA will. h iBiAnuiui tn 'iiMrMi tn memitAra nr w rinH t tertained Informally at dinner r. . , , ; mffT MiwargareWane Em- - he nuT Fawi atmt rVthTTah; win !e for J Oodrrerr. to UrorTFddingPian4 - ;.T Detroit, Michigan, where she ha. 0 "?"d about the :" W"1 ft ST1' H Another August bride-elect to aimounce her. W mountains from both living room m six month extension librarian- and : refresbments vera ' msot. .kmi .in. th. mmi. plans is Miss Elizabeth Morehouse, daughter of Mrs. W. G. . . ' J!?l TlSm to S" nWma ?M shkrlng terved late in the afternoon. hIcn the Millers took on their rose and Alice blue . . . two lore honors with out of town visitors in6. V. Morse recent trip around the United seats and an all-rose carpet . . . for much of the entertaining these Stewart, Mrs. Elvin Thomas, Mrs. states at the MiUer borne on South blue mured drapei at the two days . . . Mrs. Harry Corrlgan of Robrt ,fllui80n' Mr- eneJ1tn Hifc . very large windows . . a atndy Baltimore has been honored at Barker, Mrs. Norval Edwards, Covers were placed for Mr. and lrf knotty pine which goes out onto several affairs this week ... She Mrs. Melvln Propp, Mrs. Lester Mrs. George Miller of Portland, worenouse, wno wui oecome the bride of Mr. Clayton ,c . Steinke, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Steinke, on Sunday, Alr8 Martin Entertains August 27. The ceremony will be Derfonned at St TPaul'a For Visitor Fri Jav cheon hostess os Mdar in eo3 the large terrace . f . a bedroom Is the honse guest of her sister. , HetUck and Mrs. Walter Martin. Mr, and Mrs. I A. MUler of Mc uf t wr. rJA niL - Minnvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Arls Sher- wnnil Af V.wK.rr. Ur - ant Un CbemekeU chapter, Taaglitera Br0W11 E. sisson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller, Miss Ida Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller. Episcopal church with Rev. George H. Swift officiating at 4 o'clock. '. ..yS '"- ;;--.-.----v.:s,.. ? r -. Mr. Mannuur Nelson will sincr nreredinc the Doon T o PKat will r,lo ' . r" for the man and woman . . . Blue luncheon on Thursday tor which Edith Morehouse Will be her sister's honor attendant Mr. rlsltor to the caplUl. Th eS?Srr aftScSe '.S the American Revolution will James Fowler wffl serve as best man for Mr. St trimmed s in dubonnet "iai hostesses at the will be Mr. Raymond Steinke, Mr. Charles Schannen and : SsAS "SiJSS SSLSSTS wal1 pp .U; with, crushed .wt , of dnbonnet wrtu m. txmpg an p. George Dawson. A reception in the gardens of the More- W.t room.: " - JV. SSSS HrrrSS 1, VhTpur Vho wnrgI Mrs. cirie bj and grd- ' house home Will follow tne Ceremony, , . Places were laid for Mrs. George jan6g bedroom with twin beds the aviator, and was an usher the public are Mrs. Herbert Ost- son, Donald Woodward have Just h "- " " Hesseman, Mrs. G.L. Jordan of and a balcony at one end .". . A at his wedding several weeks ago. lind, regent, Mrs. A. E. Austin, returned from a two-weeks' visit Mrs. P. O. Repine Wfll be host- ; Bliss Betty Hamilton, daughter Albany, Mrs. E. B. Perrme, Mrs. 'recreation and game room Another widely feted visitor Mrs. J. D. Fountaine. Mrs. H. C. with Mr. Glenn Rlngo, superinten ess to members ot the North 8a- of ll?nd Mrs. William Monroe wuleta Barker, Mrs, Dayle Jory, athe basement with fireplace during the past week has been Eakln and Mrs. Seymour Jones, dent of grounds at the Walla Wal- lem WCTTJ on Tuesday at her Hamilton h .m tw iv- HJ! GIe,m Bhedeck, 'J'1 -vVA'tew -mveJeMs In the Mrs. Curtis Johnson of Tallejo. The cabin Is open an day each la Veterans hosplUl, and with home at 950 Union street. Mrs. L. . . " V mTa W Wlttemore and Mrs-Walter Mar- bitcben are: A tiny swinging cup- Calif., formerly of Salem. She Sunday and the public Is Invited Mrs. Ringo's nieces. Mrs. Bardel Roberta will lead devoUona and ;rl""pf na L"10111" of the tin. -v. - board for spices ... towel dryer, came north with her husband and to vlsU and see the things of his- Van Donge of Walla Walla and elecUon of officers wIU be held ; f", e home of her par- V- sprayer In the alnk and an "open- daughter. Dorothy, for a visit and torlcal Interest on display there. Mrs. Jo Fisher of WaUowa. - ' '' t ". A bouse guest at the Hamfl- The efflcers susd grand officers ia the floor for the housewife to attend the Legion convention : . ,on mr.T Ter1 Mr, efjChadwlcktchapter, Order of to remove her dirt after sweepliig. ,V. A luneh ; h Sirs. TV. Ladd Read, Mrs. J. E. James Wilkinson of Toppeniah, Eastern tar will be honored at . Out on the Schnrman road over- every day and at one et them ahe 'Use Nancy White of Portland is War Mothers will have a picnic Burns and Mrs. O. C. Cannon are , Wash. ' : delighUul garden party next Sun- looking tbe Salem Golf elub Is the was seen wearing a' ehlc dusty-the weekend guest et Miss Bar- lunch at OUnger field on Tuesday leaving the first of the week for eve., day afternoon when Mrs. Frank country home of Dr. and Mrs. pink afternoon dress of lace witb hara Compton at the Henry V.; beginning at 1 o'clock. The atter- a slx-weekt trip cast which win . lira. Donald Yonns; and son, Allen and Mrs. Ruth Heradon en- Frederick. H. Thompson ... It la blue accessories.' . '-, - Compton home. Miss White and' Boon is to be spent socially and take them to Minneapolis and la- . Dpnny," have returned from a . tertain at their home on North f m o d e r a rennalssance and Ices served at the wedding of Miss Compton are classmates at the picnic la a no-host affair, lana trbere Mrs. Burns resides. sUy at the Gearhart hoteL 2th street. - . - American architecture with - ; (Coa tinned on Page 11) - St. Helen's hall junior coUege. . GuesU are Invited; At State Fair, Outstanding musical talent and musical educational- features will be presented at the Oregon state fair, which opens in Salem Labor day, by the Oregon Federation of Music clubs under the direction of its president, Mrs. Kate Dell Mar den of Portland. Mrs. Walter Denton, Salem, state civic music chairman of tbe federation, will be in charge of the series of daily concerts in the Art building, and her committee members will include Dr. P. O. Riley, Mrs. James Sehon, Mrs. Mary Schultz Duncan, Miss Clara Eness, Miss Ruth Bedford and Miss Margaret Hogg of Salem; Mrs. Kate Dell Marden, Mrs. Mae Ross Walker and Mrs. Lota Stone of Portland, and Mrs. J. C. Hol den. Tillamook. These programs will bring fair patrons tbe best available musical talent from various parts of the state, including Portland. -Corval-lis, Reedsport, Gardner, SilverioD, Mt. Angel, Canby, Dallas, Tilla mook and Salem. Orgatron con certs, popular last year, will slso be repeated this year by well known organists. Schools will be featured, with winners in the state and national school musical contests to appear at the fair. Voices of the finest singers, ensembles, quartets, trios, choruses in Oregon will be heard at these free concerts. Ladies Day at Golf Club on Friday Ladies' day was held at the Sa lem Golf course on Friday with Mrs. Ercel Kay winning the prise tn Class A, Mrs. John Bone in class B and Mrs. Verne Miller In class C. Luncheon followed the morning's play. Playing Friday were Miss Mar garet Bell, Mrs. Kate Bell. Mrs. Kenneth Potts, Mrs. Frank Pat terson, Mrs. John Bone, Mrs. Milton Parker. Mrs. Harold din ger, Mrs. Robert Savage, Mrs. Glenn Stevens, Mrs. E. 'V. Fort miller, Mrs. Terrence King, Mrs. Creighton B. Jones, Mrs. Al Petre, Miss Margaret McTavish of Van couver, BC, Mrs. W. T. Waterman, Mrs. Harry P. Gustafson, Mrs. H. K. Stockwell, Mrs. Verne Miller, Mrs. Ralph Mapes, Mrs. Robert Taylor, Mrs. Robin Day, Mrs. E. N. Gillingham, Mrs. Harry Wied mer, Mrs. Ercel Kay. Mrs. Donald MeCargar and Mrs. Donald Young. Salem Folks Bidden to Party in Silverton A group of Salem and Silverton folk have been bidden by Mrs. Earl Adams and Mrs. Urlin S. Page to an informal party at their Silverton home on Wednesday, night in compliment to Miss Har riett Kleinsorge who is Jeaving soon tor the east to take advance work at the University of Wiscon sin. Miss Kleinsorge is the daugh ter of Dr. and Mrs. K. E. Klein sorge. She is a graduate of Ore gon State college and a member ot Kappa Alpha Theta. Among those motoring over from Salem are Miss Josephine Cornoyer, Miss Wilda Jermas, Miss Sally McLellan, Miss Bobbe Shinn, Miss Shirley Evenson, Miss Helen Langille and Miss Shirley Cronemiller. Mrs. Harland Honors Husband at Party Mrs. Roy Harland entertained with a delightful informal party Friday night at her home on Fer ry street ln compliment to - the birthday anniversary of Mr. Har land. -. . Pinochle was In play during the evening with refreshments served at a late hour. Summer flowers provided the decorative note. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Nor val Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Ri chard Smart, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elfstrom, Mr. and Mrs. WUmer Wells, Mr. and Mrs. John Flcklin, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harland. . Mr. and Mrs. William Pantos are spending .several months on the eastern coast ' and New York cityMrs. Paulus plans to return In September preceding her hus band. , . - " v Mrs. Gardner Knapp and chil dren Eddie and Jimmy, are so journing this week at Neskowin where they have taken the Earl Cooley cottage. ., Miss Mabel Robertson and Mi Jeri Brooks are spending several days at Seal Rocks as the guests of Miss Elizabeth Lord at her cot tage. " ' , ,.h .V. ' Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gatke ' have had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bowen of Washing ten, DC. They are enjoying a tour of the United States.