, PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, August 12, 1939 Market Ouotations i . t ' -- ntuirs , . . (Baying Frlces) (Te erteea below sappho. my local grower aa4 Indieatlra of tat daily aarksi bat ara act guaraateee Baaaaas, Ik aa stalk. Haada V Tae Statsa- Srapea. Califs aeedlesa Grapefruit, Calif. Lomons,' arata Oranges,' erate Avocado, erato l.W ta loapea. Watermoleaa. ta. . vuiji ... (Sartag fcUes) .05 H .06 l.TS a.ss . 6.50 4.00 1.66 1.8 S J02 Brans,' was braea , ,. Boots, ales. Cabbaga, lb Carrots, local, dot. Caallilower.- local Celery.-Uuk. 1.J5: local. kvi n, - i Cacaasbers. outdoor Lettace Oaioaa. 60 lba. Orooa oaioaa. tea. , Ra4fakea.---es. Prat. CNit IK Peppers, pes a, CsliL. raraier Potatoes. loe-1 ewt M. - bu in, vma Bpiaacav Saattls, box Turnips, doa, , Bqaasa, doa. Tomatoes, ' Dallas, log .0. -.03 J ' .0114 '.20 1.50 , LSS -v Z1S .75 1.50 1.00 . Jt9 " -JO ' .06 JO " .40 1.10 .45 1.00 J -.40 .65 - srora - - (Met paid by ladapaadaat Facsiog pleat - ta growar) v . . Walanta rraoqaettoa, faact, lie ma dlara. lOej amall orebard ran, I to lOe. Walaa meate. 15 ta 80a lb. ' filbarta Barcelona a, larga Uliss fan ay Ills: babiea. lit: orebard ma lla - . (C oa Pricas to Grower) - J. WaJnata Price range, .spending apoa way anta rna la 14 different gradoa Ilia 12. JDac-illr.l cant higbar. BOPS , . (Baying Prices) . Casters, aoainai, 1937, lb ' , .05 . Clastera. 1038, lb. ' .95 ' Pagglaa, top . .. .88 . . WOOL AJTD MOHAIB (BpytBf fricat) Woll, atedinm, lb .57 Coarae, lb. , ' .87 .. Lambs, lb. , .;, , -. .23 - liofasir. lb " .C. : .! , 410 ' BOOS AST) POUXTBY (Baying Frlces at Andrssa-'i) - Orada A large, dot. , ,. .21 Grade B largo, doa. ' .16 Orada A J8 Orada B nsdiun . .1 6 Pullets , .IS Colored frys , , -' .18 Wbito Lag-horne. heavy .10-. 11 White Leghorns, light .U-.13 Old roosters .05 . Heary bent, lb - ,,. .11 MAJUOM CBEAICEBI Bayini Price Bntterfst, fint quality. . .23 Buttorfat, second quality .20 Battorfat, premiaaa .28 H Leghora bona, aver SVh Iba. .00 Leghorn hen a, mnder lbl .08 Loghora fryers, 1H lbs.,,.,-, JO lagboi fryers, anderslia. market yaloa Colored fry era, 2-Slbs. 10 Colored apriaga, A lba. aad p - Jl Colored baaa .11 Stags . .06 Old Rooatora M Mo. S grades (a per aooad leas. EOOl Orada A larga, J" Orada A asodiaaa Orada B larta Orada B Medina .21 .18 J8 J6 Grade B raw 4 per cent . milk, Salem Co-op baaic pool pHce 1.78. Co-op Grade A botterfat price 91.72. (Milk " baaed aa semi -tea tkly batterfst average.) OLatrlbotor price, 98U Btterfat, Ko. 1, -Sc; Ko. 2, 20c; premium, 23 He v A grade print, 28 Mc; B grade 27 He; q -art era 20 He Dadorgradea aad chex. Pallets - .16 4 - UVBSTOCK (Baying prlco tar Bo. I stock, aao aa caadlticaa aad aaJoa raportoA op to P at -anba. 193. OD 6.50 to 6.75 La-iba, yearlings ,. d.50 to 5.00 F-te : 1.00 to-2.75 Hon. too ,.. 6.75 180-150 lba. 210-800 lba. Sowi Boot eoars Bnlls 6.00 to 6.25 5.75 to 6.25 5.00 Boifera , Top Teal Dairy type eowa DreaaM tcsl lb 8.00 ta S.25 8.00 to 5.75 6.00 to 6.50 8.00 8.00 to 4.00 OBAXM. HAS AMD 8EDS Wheat. ba So. 1 rocloaoed - .VI Oats, grey tea , . . 26.00 i White ... - -.26.00 Peed barley, tea 23 00 to 24.00 Clotor bay. ton - 12.00 to 18.00 Alfalfa, too 10 00. to 16.00 Egg aaaah. Ko. 1 grade, 80 lb. bag 1.70 Dairv. food. 80 lb. bac 1.8S Baa aerateh feed ,-,,..- 1.1 Cracked rora i 78 Wheat ... . Silverton Sector Hops Are Average , SILVERTON Hops In the Sll Terton, Yiclnity wUl be about bt erage according to John ,Morley, local reporter for tbe U.S De p a r t m ent of Agriculture. Tbe yield is expected to run around 900 pounds an acre., Early clusters bare been con siderably damaged by mildew. Some yards won't even be picked. Fuggles are better and late bops are In good condition. Fuggles will be picked around tbe 20th, early clusters fire days later, witb the late ones coming about the first of the month. Grain Satisfies At North Howell NORTH HOWELL Practically all grain has now been threshed Wheat Rise and Fall Prices Flatter Upwards at Times, Closing Is Slightly Lower . CHICAGO. Aug. '-MflVWheat futures fluctuated - unevenly - to day, scoring net gains of cents at times, but closing finally -of a cent under the prexious finish. Com was firm. Easing political tension abroad and an upward revision of 14, 717.000 busbela by tbe' U.S. gov ernment in tbe 1039 wheat crop p r o s p ects Influenced an early downturn, priees sagging as mueh as cent. At that level, however, prices firmed and tben advanced with September contracts . lead ing. The nearby delivery waa bought Against aaJea of both De cember and May wheat and ad vanced to cents, up from the previous close. Relative strength in the September con ract was attributed to a tighten ing situation in the cash market, due to the large volume of wehat going into government loan. All contracts, however, sagged in the closing minutes, Septem ber finishing at 644- and De cember at 64-C4. Corn close M- higher, September 43, De cember 42-; oats H- np, soy beans up, rye un changed to off, and lard 7 to 10 cents lower. Contributing to the closing downturn here was weakness at Winnipeg, where prices, sagged more than a cent. Export sales of North American wheat overnight and today were estimated at 300,000 bushels, mostly Manltobas, but Including some scattered sales of U.S. hard winter wheat to Antwerp. An nouncement in Washington that beginning August 19 shipper will be given direct payments in con nection with the U.S. wheat ex port program drew attention. with a satisfactory yield on the average. Owing to the recent hot weath er, the millions of yellow jackets on the vines, and the prevailing low price offered, the evergreen blackberry harvest Is moving rather slowly. The hot weather caused the berries to be smaller than usual. The heat has also affected peaches, prunes, apple and pears in like manner. Redheads Are Lucky" By Vera Brown SYNOPSIS - A romance of the big league base pall world seems blooming wbea . Handsome Larry Regan, spectacav ; lax aad erratic young pitcher, de- cides to marry the dashing little redhead, "Mike" Shannon, hatd - working snagazine counter girl at the Eureka Hotel. She Is the main support of her family and by no means sore that she wants to mar ry such a wild oats sower as "Hand some." But she Is trying to reform that aoost promising of soothpawe (left hand pitchers) and eo Invitee him to her humble home where he meets "the folks" and later presents the reluctant red-head with a spar kling solitaire when they go to a nearby store for ice cream for her Invalid brother, Jimmie. . ; CHAPTER EC "Now leave that ring on. I mean It.- We're going to get married. Crisp was swell about it. Thought it was a good idea," aaid Regan. "I'm glad Mr. Crisp approved." Handsome did not even appear to notice the tone of Mike s voice. "Listen, Mike. Ill go. great guns with you around. You're lucky for me. I know. I knew the moment I saw that 'carrot top of yours in the cloak rooral" . "Redheads are lucky for you. , Larry!" , , "One redhead is." . Mike gripped the edge of the table, "Larry, yon must be sensible. I'm glad if I've helped you. If you , think I m your friend. But for any thins- else ... " . " . 4 ' "Don't be silly. I'm nuts about you. I can't do anything without ' -. . your - . 1 - . "Putting aside all other conrid ... . erations, Larry, I've a pretty big . . - responsibility ' at home. Dad isn't : well and he earns very little. I keep . ulnars atoinar. - "What the heck? If I'm in the big dough, if I get in the World's Series coin this year, we should worry V t "I cant let you support my fam ily." Mike' shook' her head impa- tientlTt "Besides, that's all beside the point, Larry, t couldn't marry . anybody I didn't roveV .... ' That seemed to amase Handsome t "But you love me. Of course, you do 1 - Bo wbava the argument" . . . "Larry, Larry I "r It was like ar ' going with Jimmle. The old Jim ' mie, Something in her voice warned "I've known a lot of girls in my time, and you're the first one who ever made me feel like this I Mike, : there couldn't ever be anybody else. You're the skipper from now on I - ' He leaned across the table. ' - "Kiss me." -' "-:-- ' - i Larry, not here 1" - "Come oa home then . . . " And he pulled her after him, leaving their untested root beers on the table. 1 Out into .the soft May. evening they burned, under the spell of the spring night, everything? seemed dif- ' - Cerent. Men and women strolled in 7 unaccustomed leisure. Even the automobiles seemed to move more gracefully. The sight was working a miracle ox romance in the city. Never for a moment did Hand some doubt vtsx. Mike's answer would be. He-stopped her in the -' shadow of a moth eaten elm tree . near the corner and kissed her. "You're wonderful I", .1. lUse'a head was swimming. She . tried to t-isg straight. . "I'm no good without you, Mike, - Together well show them 1 Yon see; f You're lucky for me. I feel ltl , lie held the hand which wore his ring ta both bis as they Walked - alowly now toward her home; . . . nan-some - was 'planning llrhl .' ,heartedlyt rWeH.be ta the Series douh, now.' Iln sore of it. That t if ycTs around to keep me m , l:v WJ be married in the fan c J wo can go south before trataing season begins, it's great down there. You've never been south, have you?" Mike had never been any place, only to Manhattan from Brooklyn, and to coney island and nearby beaches now and then. Ehe caught her breath as she visioned what life with Handsome might be. . She'd make him love her, make herself eo necessary to him, that he'd never leave her. But If she laHedT If he grew tired? Like a warning, Hike could aee tbe endless pageant of women who would fawn on Hand some They did now, even when he "But things change." "We wont." His voice was so era phatie that Mike's heart leaped. They walked en in alienee for a little. Then Mike got up her cour age to speak: - "Larry, if you ever change your mind... no, now listen to me. ..if you ever do, and you might," then she added, "or I might..." ."Of course, you won't." , "But if you should, youll be hon est with me, Larry T1 "That's easy. For It wont bap pen. Besides, if it did. I wouldn't have to tell you. You'd know it any- "Stop kicking. Skipper I" soothed the husky Handsome as he carried the embarrassed Mike upstairs . waa a rookie pitcher. What would M ,0 . . utey ao u am Deeame truly zamousi - "IH manage. I wont faJL" she told herself. But that insistent voieet"ymsW-r ' "I wont.". Mike was defiant. She'd take what fate offered. Be grateful for her chance of happi nessl -5-, . U But Mike did not tell Handsome she'd marry him. That was unneces sary. He'd known it all along, j ."IH dress you up so you'll make Dusty Lee's wife look like a back number," he boasted. "You're got the looks. Ton'ro milea and mIIm ahead of her!" .- - - Mike had to laugh. He was such a bov. - -- - "Now let's go home and tell Jim- mi-,- ne suggested. - But on that point Mike was firm. Kho M a afraid rtt tVIa mnAAmn happiness. "Wait a little, Larry. . A, - - . . a 7 uiTBj mm -una. n me xi usea to tha Idea" : - Handsome grinned at her panic: "Say, everybody in town win know it in a little while. Yon see if they don't. Those things wont keep. The gang . a - -net .novel wiu gu TheVre talUno amarjo'li "ftomise," Larry. Just a little while. If s Just..." Mike's voice trailed off." She could hot tell him that the stni did not believe that this could happen. - :r "You might change your arlnd." Mike tried to keen her vole- Hsrfct nandsome -topped still in the .tsae .. .. " a. . mi-oia ox ue srreerantt tnrned her around, facing fcimi "Look at ne." Mike obeyed. . . : - - "I kitfrw.my own mis d, IHdpper. -lake no -oigtake about thai." , way. But what a lot of ailly taEkt - Yon know it is too." 'Mike did not answer' him. Tt w.- odd in all their conversations, it oarer ocrarrea to either ef them that Handaom- mi-ht ( J . that he might be just another flash in ue pan ox we national game. "Fame does queer things to peo ple, Larry." -it won't to me." "But. mr aweet. ft fan's mn U. other people. They do things to you."".- . "Honey, ! been aomething of b? m life- Even in grade .: achooL I could always play ban. Say, I never had to do my arithme- nc, or my algebra. There was al ways some guy to do it for me, I'm not a fool, Mike. I know I'm just a great big dunk, strong aa an ex. Give trie another kiss. You're not the kind of girl who'll bo a jealous wife." They had reached the shabby apartment : building MiVf called home. Going up the second flight of stairs, Handsome picked up Mika in his arms and carried her. .. , t ."Put me down! - Sornebody vQ see na." . .. - - .- -. -Stop a-cUng, f3dpper! Tea weigh practically nothing." At the door of their apartment Handsome set her down and kissed the top of her head. . "Now, ferwar4 march! V " - Inside they found Jinunie waiting impatiently for tht, "I thoujht you werent ever eomicg hack," he said as -mo-th-d hio ti)w- - bent to kiss him. . (To be eontlnned); j - Quotations at Portland POBTLAND. Oro Aag. llv(XP) Dairy -prooaro prieaa f " Batter t Xxtraa 25; ataadarda 24: prima firata 21; firata 31M ; . battorfat 24-24H. - - Xgga: Imtgm axtraa 2le; larga ataaaV arda 20; nodlaaa axtraa 20e: odinaa ataadardt 18e; amall extra 12: . aaaaU aUadarda 21. . . . . Ohaaaa TripleU ISei loaf. loo. Portland Prod nee - POETLAXD, Oro. Aag." 11.(JP) Coantry Moeta fielllag price to retail er: Cooatry-killed kegs, boat aateher -adar 160 lba. S-10e lb.; roalera 18 e lb. ligat aad tkia 10-1 la lb.; heary e-10c Ib.;apriBg laaaba, loo lb.; yoatllag kuaba 10-12 , lb. ewaa 6-6 lb.; cotter eowa 1-8H lb.; caaaar eowa TV.-SK lb.: bslli 10 H -Ho lb. - Lire Poultry Baying prlooat Loghora breilora IS-lao lb.; eoloroe oprigo S lbs. aa orer ISo; lb.; Leg bora baaa over 8 ft lba. 1242c; Log-era bene madar SM Iba. lla; colored hoaa to 5 lba. 15e: OTer $ lba. lie; Mo. 2 grade la lb. loaa. -. Tarfceya Solliag price: Droaaad koaa, IT-I80 ,1b.: Toma 15-16o lb. Baytag BTieoa: Heai 15-16o lb.; toms 14-15a Ib. Potatoet Taklma Qema - cental! lo. aal 1.00; Dooebatoa Goaaa. 1.T5 coataL Vow - Potatoes Takinu, Oeaas, 1.80 ow; Xoaoowiek 2.60 local waitaa S0-0e araago box. ;- ' . r - - Oaioaa Walla - Walla, 60-70e seek; Orogoa Bermndaa, 84-4 lb. ' Wool Willaaiatto valley 1888 clip, aoamlaat: aaedia-i S8o lb.; ooarae and braida 25-2e lb. alx aaoatha fleece 82 24a lb.; eaitara Orogoa 20-2Seo lb. . Hay Bollinr orieo to ratailorai Alfal fa, Mo. 1, 16.00 toa; oat-rote- 12.00 too; olorar, 11.00 toa; timotby, eaatora Oro goa 19 00; -alley timothy, 14,00 toa Portlaad. Eopa 1S3S CI altera 25a lbs I-crlaa 23a lb. 1 - . Mohair Nominal 1938 clip SO lb. Oaacara bark BsTlna ariea 1888 aee! e lb. Bo gar Berry aad frail, 100a, 1.00; Stocks and August 10 STOCK AVZJ-lOSa Compiled by the Associated Preaa 10 15 Iadna Raids Kst Chg Unch TJaeb Friday 67.4 18.1 PreT. Day 67.4 18.1 Moatk Age 67.7 18.8 Tear Ago S8.9 18.9 1989 High 77.0 28.S 1939 Low 68.S 1S.T 1888 High 78.5 98.6 1888 Low 49.3 12.1 15 0 Util Stocks Uaeb Uaeb 89.S 89.S SS.S S2.S 40.6 83.7 87.6 S4.9 BOYD AYE-AGES Net etc, an ay PreT. Day Hentk Age Tear Ago 1989 High 1939 Low 1938 High 1938 Lew Lew Tiald 20 Sails 67.0 67.1 66.9 S9.1 64.9 53.4 70.5 46.2 112.4 10 Indus D. 1 100.5 100.6 100.S 99.S 100.S 97.0 100.8 98.0 10 TJtil TJaeb 47.9 474 17.8 47.2 5S.4 41.0 64.7 68.7 10 Porga D.l 69.2 69.8 Sl.l 63.1 64.0 S8J2 67.0 69.0 Mo S.15; Wet 4.95. ' 1 v " Deaaoatlo Floor Sailing price, city do nTory. 1 to 35 bbU loto: raaally patoat, 49s, 5.7 5-6.15; bakers' bard wheat act, 4.10-5.25; bakers' blaeatom, 4.75-5.05; blooded wheat floor, 4.95-5.10; soft wheat 4.85-4.40; rra-aa, 49a, 4.50; whale wheat. 49s, 4.95 bbl. ? ' Portland Grain . PORTLAND, Orc Aegv 1L (AP) Wheat: , ; . ; ' . Opt High Low Clone Sept,' 08-0814 8 68 Dae. i ; 'tla UK 68 -Caab grain ; OaU Ko. 2-SS lb, white $22. Ko. 2-88 lb. gray $22. - Barley Ke. 2-45 lb. BW 18. -' Cora Ko, 2 ET ebipmeate 25. Ko. 1 flax 1.54H. ' Cask-wheat (bid); soft whlU $9H; woetora white 69 H; woetora rod 69; h-rd rod winter: erduaary 65H: H or ent 65K; IS per eoat 69; .18 per coat 72; 14 per eoat 74; Hard whlte-Baart: erdiaarr 69U: 12 per eoat 69!: IS per eoat 73; 14 per eoat 75. -, Today's ear receipts: wheat 82 1 Soor 9; -UlUood 2. Poitland Liveitbek POBTLAKD. OraC Aag. 11. (AP) (USDA) Hogs: Beceipta salable 60; to tal 860. Price range: Barrowa aad dlta. ad-cb 120-140 Iba. $ B.86 de gd-eb. 140-160 lba 6.15 de gd-Th, 160-180 lbo. 6.50 de gd-ca. 180-200 Iba 6.90 do cd-eh. 900-220 lbs, ,,. de gd-ch. 220-240 lbs de ad-ch. 240-270 lot de gd-ch, 470-800 lbs-i de gd-ch, 800-830- lbs do gd-ch, $30-860 lba ,.. do medium 160-200 lba feeder piga, gd-ch, 70-120- -Cattle: Seceipts salable 15 Market steady. Price range: Bteera, good, 90O-110O lba-$ do median, 750-1100 lba do medium 1100-1300 lbs da common, 750-1100 lbs -Jeers, heifers and mixed, madiam. 600-900 lba ... do comma-, 600-900 lba Cewa, good, all wta de medium, all wta . de sat-eoia, all wta., ,, de caaaera (low oatter). au wta. ge.ss 6.60 a 7.00 (37.10 & 7.00 rt 6.60 6.50 6.25 6.10 6.00 6.90 7.00 6.60 6.25 6.104s 6.00 6.85 5.75 6.85 6.60 ; calrca 10. 7.78 9.2S 6.60 $ 7.75 6.00 7.25 6.25 y 6.50 6.50 7.25 8.00 & 6.50 6.00 5.75 4.250 6.00 2.60 Q 4.2 S Bella (ylga-exeld.), beef, gd , do seasage, food . ? .. de medium , do oat-eom all wta Vealere, gd-ch, all wta de eom-med.. all wta da call, 400 lbs. dowa CalToa, eo-L-Bed- 400 down lbs 9.009 S.50 6.750 6.60 6.600 6.25 6.00 Q 6.50 4.75 6.25 7.500 8.60 6.000 7.60 4.000 (.00 de call, 400 lbs. dowa 5.00(3 T.00 4.000 S.50 Sheep: Boceipta, aalable 88. Price raaga: 8pria( lambs, good-doles $1.75 de Bed aad good . 6.00 Ooauaoa . 6.00 Tearllag wothors. mediom 4.00 aVweo, good-ch oice S.50 Ooa imoa-medium . , , 1.00 0 T.00 6.60 & 6.75 0 4.60 0 S.25 0 2.60 Wool In Boston BOSTON, Aag. 77 (TJSDA) A tow bayers ware seeking moderate ouanutiea Sales- Contracts, Lag in Hop Mart PORTl-AND, Aur. ll-(ff)-The federal bureau of agricultural eco nomics said today no spot sales or new contracts occurred In the Oregon ' hop market for the week ending yesterday. The price on 19 S 8 offerings by the stabilization corporation re mained at -.5 cents a pound. Deal ers bid 22 to 23 cents for regular type 1931 clusters for late deliv ery but growers were reluctant. . Nominal ralues .on 1937 hops were around S cents a pound to growers. ;r ; New crop prospects were favor able despite warm weather. Pick ing of fuggles probably will start next week and the late variety hanrest will start around Sept. 1. Closinq Quotations NEW TOR-C'August ll-iHJlosing prices: . Al PhemA Dre ..161 CommnwioVSou . -1 Nat Dairy Pro (jonsou Toson . . Consoli OH 8Vi 98 3 2 V National Diet Ti Nat Pow it Lt., 60 North Pacific .. - 4Ti Packard Mot... 67 U J C Penney .... 14 rm Pont de N.. 1574 PhHn petroleum 4314 Elec Pow dt Lt.. 80 7 Pressa steei ur. 2 Vm Corn Products . . S Curtlss Wright. Allied Stores American Can . . Am For Power. km Pn r T.Bt Am Rad Std San 10 Doug Aircraft Am RoU Mills.. Am SmeltftRef . Am Tel d.. Tel.. 163 Erie R R Am Tobacco . . . Am Wa Works. . Anaconda ' . . . . Armour 111 .... Aichlson ...... Barnsdall Bait a. Ohio 81 Generl Electlc . 11 Generl -Foods . . 2 5 -Gen Motors 1 Pub Serr N 38 Pullman ...... .6 Safeway Stores; 46 Sears Roebuck. ftv. RnndTMr Tire.. .27 Shell Union 26. Great: North ... 24 Sou Cat Edison. 12 Hudson Mot ... 5 South Pacific... 4 lilin Central ... 11 Stand Brands Bendlx Aviation. 23 Illsp. Copper ... 11 Stand Oil of Cal .. . ww a Ft i r rtr . XT T Gardeners' Mart PORTLAND, Ore- Aag. 11. (AP) (08DA) Prodoco price changoa: Arc lea Wasblnctoa Transparent. standard boxes, loose. 70-75e: Graven- stains, Oregon 60-75; Calif. Graenateina, logs, 1.00-1.25; erabapples, f aad t, 60-60c. Apricots Oreron. Waahlngtoa. 15-lb. flats, Tiltons, Ifoorparks, loose, 25 30c; faced, 25-85c; lets apple boxes: ripes 25-30; Takimaa, 47 He. Artichoke Unquoted. Asparagua Oregon, Washington, 80 Ib. crate, No. 1 bunched 20 2.75; strings 1.50. Avoeadoa Calif, rnortoa. all slaee. L45-1.70; other, 1.05-1.25. Bananas per banco, fie per lb. ; hand oat off or amall iota. 6c. Beans Oregon, Kentucky, $-4Ke; Gi ants 8-4e. Berrica Loganberries, 75e-1.00; rasp borrie. 1.75-2.00: blaekcajs, 1.75-1.85; haekleberries, 12-15e; boyaenberrio, 75 85e; yooegberries, 80-90c; blackberries, 60-60e; currants, 1.50-1.65. Cabbage Local 90-ponnd era tea, 85 90e; poorer 75. Carrota 20-22 e. Cantaloupes California, Jumbo, all sites 1.00-1.25; Turlock jumbo 1.50-1.65; Oregon Dillard, 86-45i, 85-1.00; Washing ton, 86-45, 1.00-1.10; Spears. 1.15-1.25. of tbe finer grades of western-grown wools ta the Boston market today. Good French combing lengths fine territory wools la original baga were bringing 67 to 69 cents, scoured basis. Graded French combing length a fine teritory woola moved at 67 to 71 eenta, eeoared basis. Mixed grades original lino and half-blood tcrri tory weola brought 66 to 67 cents, scour ed baaii. Twelve-months Tcxaa wool wore selling at 67 to 71 eenta. a soured basis for original bag lines, fleeces were quiet wtta quotations on spot wools an changed aad quite firm. Betble Steel Boeing Air Borge Warner.. Califor Pack . . . Calumet Hec . . Canadian Pac . . J I Case Caterpil Trae .. Celanese ...... Cetraln-Teed . . Chesa & Ohio. . . Chrysler Comm Solvent . . 58 Interna Harvest 51 Stand Oil of NJ 21 Inter Nickel Can 48 Studebaker .... 23 Int Pa AP Pf .. 32 Sup Oil 17 Int Tel & Tel . . 6 Timk Roll Bear. 5 Johns Manvlle . . , 69 Tjjins-Amer . . 3 Kennecott . 34 Union Carbide.. 72 Libey-0-Ford . 49 United Aircraft, 40 Lig ftMyers B..108Unltd Airlines.. 25 Loew's 42 U S Rubber ... . 6 Montr Ward .. 49 US Steel 33 Nash Kelmtor. . 6 Walworth 79 Nat Biscuit 10 Mat casn 26 . White Motors. . 17Woolworth .... 17 23; 9 9' 3j S9! 32; 7' 40; 25 44 76! 10 28 13' 6 25' 40 t 7., 2 : 43' 5: 76" 37 11' 43 47 4 8 47 Casaba Calif.. 2 2 e per lb. CauUf lower Local, 9-lls, 1.25-15, Ko 2, 75e-1.00. Celery Oregon, Utah, 1.00-1.10; white, 1.00-1.10; hearts, Utah, 75-85e; white, 75-1.00. Citrua Frnlt Grapefruit. Ariiona 2.00-' 2.25; choice, 1.75-1.85; lettuce crates, 2.00-2.25; Florida, 8.25-3.75; Calif, 2.00 2.25. Lemons Fancy, all aizes, 5.00-5.50'- choice 4.50-5.00. Limes Calif., f lata, 150s, 2.50; dis play cartons. 90c, doxcas 20-25c. Oraogct Vsleneias, . Urge 3.75-4.00; amall to medium. 2.15-3.00. Corn Local 6 doa. boxes, 75-1.011; poor 50-600. Cncumters Oregon, flats, 60-60:; pickles, o. 1, 45-50; Ko. 2, 40c; Ko. 3, 75c. - J Egg Plant Calif., logs, 1.15-1.25; 6-7t per lb.; local (lata. 75-90c Figs Calif, flats, best 45-50c; black, 1.001.25; Garlic Local new 6-8c lb ; atring 8-10c Boneydewa Califs V ila. 1.25-1.85. Grapes Calif, seedless, 1.10-1.15 log; Bed -alayaa, 1.35-1.50; Bibiers, 1.85. Lettuce local. aiy pack,' 8 or 4 dos best 1.00-1.15; poor ss low si 75; Was ingfon topped, 1.25-185. Mushrooma Cultivated 1 lb. cartons, S0-35e: H-lb. cartons. 17-18e Keetarines Calif., 70-75e lug. t Onions Calit reds, 85-90c; Waih. ysllow, 50-lb. sacks, 60-70; Oregon whits wax, 1.7511.85. Peaches California flats. Bales, 75 80c; Elbertas, 50-55c; lugs, 95c-l.10.bxs. 80c; Oregon-Washington Hales, lugs 85c 90e, boxes 65-7 5c; Golden JubHee 50 65c; Rochester, 65-85c; Triumphs, boxes, 1.00-1.25. Pears Washington fancy Bartletta, wrapped, $1.85-2.00. Bosc, orchard ran, 1.00-1.10., Spinach Local, orange box, 65-75c Peas Orogoa Telephones, S-4c per lb.; fancy 5-6e; coatt, 251b baa 1.20-1.21; poorer lower. Peppera Calif, luga 1.15-1.25; Orego- Osts, 55-600. Plums Calif., Santa Rosa, d-basko6 cratea, 1.10-1.15: Washington California Beauties, flat, 50-65c; Oregon Italians, 45-50e; Brad.baw 75c; per 26 lb. Idg; Damiaons 60c. Potatoes Oregon Bliss Triumphs, C Ko. 1, 1.25-1.85; Waihington Long Whitee 1.85-1.40; U3 No. S. 50-pound aacka, 0 65e: Kussets, CS Ko. lr 1001b. aacka, 160; Ko. 2, 50-66c. Rhubarb Nominal. Squash Oregon flat Zucchini Scallops, 25-85c; Crookneck. 30-40e; Danish large crate, 2.00; flats, 60 75c; Uarblehead, l-JHe. . Tomatoes Oregon, field grown, flats, 50-60c; Ko. 2. .5-40?; Washington lugs, 1.00-1.10; unclassified. 7i-ri5c. Watermelons Calif.. 1.40-1.60 (wt, cratea extra; ton lots, 25.00-28.00.; Ore-, goa 25.00 ton. SAID) IDLE Come Out and Ride per Adsj for 5 hour V-W hoars Instructions If Desired! 50c & $2 Instructions If Dei COLEMAN 8 Miles South of Turner POLLY AND HER PALS Lots Is Blind By CLIFF STERRETT i ni BET MS-TRS JUST KIOCXNO, KEN nu bet "you INEVEH THINK. OF ME ONE LlTTl HONEST. POUUV.. 1 DOES NUTH1N BUT THINK ss MDU TH! HULL, : r-.es AY ?-v V r" CSA t 1 V W fwvry, i was SO ( ABSENT. MINDED FROM ) -j THINKIN OF VOU -X VESTERCVCy. --J I DErRKI NEAR ( UET" A DOZEN I V N N PEOPLE. J f OH, KEN, ) prt DROWN I vou S w-e --t-a i-iw MICKEY MOUSE A Professor of the "Hot Foot" By WALT DISNEY! "3Uf CRACK- X)Y.U na. JL I II j A RKhHnD TORTUfXB, V HO UI 71 II 11 erruHT. ch! mavcmt Js this time.! (j V FOUND OUT THR-y (l HAVB MADB. ' t HEVER VWORKt J RRANeMENTe N. , I --THAT OAUAKTeSi ". "tttSS 1ST Be ON MV J sow X CArrT VXKi. KOfej VZr tmjt inc vou founo that lt I I 7ltCa OP MM K)R MB. 1. MUST BC OM MV t that tecm orpBPi x i S i v. m SKIM, TO s OOBH. WOUh IMPOKTJSNTl -ca 3 t I I r I r-QWTUNE; M"V J , X 1 IVNOHT t0 ) lj4r I I IT FRIENl A J I fXS- THACT -J. I OVl I II vers uAStee, -y i YVCLU I OAREStyi L. f 1 U FORTUNE. J eV.'"' C I 'WU WlLi. ACT THE. PROPErXj t l TBT TrUafouT A A "-----r-VS. I (rlFEXf 'T .,;ui.v-. -'- - .': . - -' t ' ' ,' LITTLE ANNIE R00NEY Almost an Orphan By BRANDON WALSH JVOUMENVDU,Rt ui X HSwe A SrSTCR )f rU6TUKAMORPHAM-.l 7 LIVING n r I WRarrHEC aacttwek? J v '1 . t -'V" T :- V " I i i i i 1 ' Ini.i.ii ii- a - ii )i i I I SEE f5WEU VAVBe IF SHE KMCW VOU V4A9 GONMA BC PUTT CUT OF VOUR HCXJ6C 7UST CAU6e VOU CCXJLDrrT PsaJT THBttORTSAGK. v TOOTS AND CASPER Molly Meets a Man of Mystery MQDeARSHE COULOfsTT HEXP AAt 'CKJ 1 BUT I FlGURe THE V MWE TO STRUGGcE MACClED AD LIVES AWflYOUT WE5T AND l4 HAROTOMAKE.A UVtMG-tP DOCTOR ff IM APRAlO HE3? HUSBAI4D DOES NOT MAKE. Jj GOOD WOULD PCRMITMatTD VeORK t rWJCH VOWEY- S5TER IS PCOUD-5HE FYS AM SURe. I CCHJCD STtct. MAKE A fs- By . JIMMY MURPHY I ITS 6EAUT1FUL HERE: 1 quiet; AND SO HAPPY! 7 v SO 1 1 i M so happy: oh. it y S V ALU SEEMS TOO 400DC J i9i9, Kn FtmfaKt SyiieVa-. he. World rijre wimri -r WIAT5 f HO. JUST ANOTHER !f HAPPENED - I HOODLUM . WHO MADE 4 CrVER Tjl? THE MISTAKE OF ? B r ' AN . : 1 TRVNr To PULL rClaKT:I ROU-fHSTUPF IM -r-. i '--rn tiiit Towhl ! THIMBLE THEATRE-SUrrInz Popeya 1 - " I -; -- rf2-" f Fi .-: -ryt: ". - mr -w a 'rL''"1''1-! - YE5,TrETE THROVVN-r ; HIM OUT OF THAT BAR-ROOM Vr?.-t5RE--N rx I MY, HTS AHSTV . UNKEMPT. I . SHABBY- T 3 i5TVtiC. a a . v- A' f IT'S HIM! " no, rr couldnt BE HIM I it cant ; BBS HE MUSTNT SEE' ' ' HE'S LlVSkOM- . ' THIS WY Nf-OH-H-H. inubT Clir-stop-ter Colambns Was a POter! wt'ff , ;i r -' rs irrr c Isun': " , w r m . MAN j:, MOLLY J ;SECS f IT MlKT MEAN t TROUBLE AHEAD. CWtmued 4 I AurnJ ctrsr XT -r -r 'i'-- m OU6HH0USEIIJ a I THS BOAT IS ) i. , 1 fTZ ALONGSIDE I - WATJR -s V?-v ,.. - A " s" ' - - - . " - - : i r - -j : s.. it