The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 12, 1939, Page 6, Image 6

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Hiss McElhinny
Is Hostess for.
Hiss Johnson
Miss Jean McElhinny was host
ess for a smartly arranged des
sert supper party Wednesday
night in the gardens of the borne
of her parents, Mr. and - Mrs.
Charles McElhinny, on Court
pueei . - -
The affair: was : arranged in
compliment to Miss Julia John
son, who is leaving the first or
son, wno is leaving me ursi t
September for , Evanston. ; 111..
wnere sue naa a scuuiaxuuiy ai
Northwestern for the : ensuing
The long table was centered
with a mixed garden bouquet of
pink and green flowers and holly-
hock ladles marked places forthe hostess Thursday night tor a 7 The affair will be held at the
juesU. The erenlng;, was pent 'clock dessert supper to the coster Ross home on Cross street
Informally with the guests mak- members of the Zonta club who wub guests seated at small tables,
ins a snapshot book for - Miss mre not vacationing- UiJs month. Bridge will be In play daring b
Johnson. Mrs.' Charles McElhinny Tables were 'set on the terrace afternoon and a linen shower will
assisted her daughter informally, overlooking the lawns which slope compliment the bride-elect' -Bidden
to honor Miss Johnson toward paths and plantings along Covers will be placed for Miss
were Miss Inns Oehler, Miss the Mill creek. Observed by the Carmen Curry, Mrs. James Dig
Helen Purrine, Miss Helen guests was the unusual wishing mat Mrs. Edwin D. Hicks, Miss
Trlndle. Miss Josephine Cornoyer, veil . and the antique lantern-Dorothy Peets, Miss - Margaret
Miss Charlotte Kallander, - Miss which served as light for the ter- shively. Miss- Carol Pape, Mlsr Vir
Charlotte McClary, Miss Margaret race. . Following .the dessert an .gnm Hammond, all of Portland.
Doege, Miss Eleanor Trlndle, Miss informal erenlng was enjoyed. - Mteg Harriet Kleinsotge of SilTer
Mel va Belle Savage. : Mrs Man- Mrs. Era Collins, member of -t0Bt un. Robert Drager, , Mrs.
fred Olson, Mrs. Kenneth Han- the - Eugene club, was a special Kimball Page. Miss Ann Anderson,
son and Mrs. Cbauncey Gettman gaest of Dr. Helen Pearce for the Miss Ruth Ford and Miss Margar
of Dallas.. evening. Members of the Salem et Ross. ; .
. group present were Mrs. H. O. Miss Alexander Hostess
Portland Wins Singing
Honors Here
' Y . . .
Honors at the American Le-
gion auxiliary choral competition
Tnursaay ai waiier nan were
carried off by Rose City unit,
Portland, which took first in
choral club, sextet. Quartet and
trio In the first division. Newberg
scored a clean sweep , in the sec
ond division winning the choral. Mrs. James Turnbull, 6ft- OM, MI Gertrude Mischler .Miss
sextet. Quartet and trio. lem. past department presides j08CphIne McGilchrist . Miss Mar
Rose City unit took four cups, of the American Legion auxiliary, waeTiPr Mis Virginia,
the Theodore Presser cup for was Indorsed here Friday at the MislSMrlev EvenJn Mrs
winning the choral club groups, annual state convention for na- wa'rd Adan Mra wimam
the Yvonne Dalen sextet cup, tional vice president of the west- AmI 8'nrtl,,; onV ,
the Lydia E. Horsfall quartet cup ern division in 1940. J nM"' Carl CollIns and Mi8S
and the Sherman Clay & com- The auxiliary voted to exclude Alexander.
pany trio cup. the poppy poster contest as a re-
The Julius L. Meier choral club quirement for unit citation. pro-Vfontjromery Twins Feted
cup. given to the unit holding posed that steps be taken to have t3ij
largest membership of fully at- tne yearly poppy sale of the Le- Un DlrthdayS
tended rehearsals, was presented cSion Veterans of Foreign
to Portland unit No 1 while the 'Wars held . on the same date The Misses Nancy Lea and Jer-
J. S. Urschel memorial trophy throughout the state, and decided ry Lynnt twin daughters of Mr.
-f tvAi u Dn,.ioj to change the color of the label . ,,. .i
nui iv uctst uuit vi . w uauui
Newberg won the I. L. Thomas
choral ijlub cup for taking second
place in the competition.
A presidents' and past presl-
ha n nn t h Mar (n hn.
aenu Banquet at tne Marion no-
tei ciosea tne opening aay or tne
atixlllarv nrnrram r.nv Phrlp
" " '
A. Sprague gave the main ad-
dress.- The speaker's table . was
decorated with a huge replica of
the statenouse, done in white
CUB LCI m smuu BVJL vu m, UOBQ Ul fCU
m n a m aa, . A m a am V MM J
Employes Will Picnic
At Neskowin ' "
The State Unemployment Com-
.i , . -
pensation committee and the Ore- against Harry Bridges,, will be
gon Employment service employes, brought before the convention
their families and friends are pic- Saturday. '
nicking at Neskowin on Sunday., ' Election of officers and presen
About 250 are expected to be tation of awards will mark Sat
present. After a 1:30 dinner, golf, "day's closing election.-
swimming ana games wui oe en-
loved - - .
joyea.,- (
swimminr anf ramaa will he n.
General chairman is Mr. Thorne
Hammona, assisting are Mr. jo-
seph Harvey and Mr. Lawrenee
Brown, entertainment: Miss
Blanche Schwlening. od: Mr.
Bob Utter, finance; Miss Janice
Bassett. publicity.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Anderson
entertained at breakfast Sunday
at their North . Summer street
home, in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
John Brordy of Ashland. Others
present were Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
White and family, Mr. and Mrs.'
B. R. Fahey and family of Port
land, -j
- Mr. and Mrs. Limn Chapman of
Dallas were hosts for a supper
party at their home this week with
a group of Salem folk Included in
the guest list.'
A nT vounr ahlrtwaiat and
. km kh mr Uttfmii .
; (if I i ImiCw XWp
lng cool fabric Then contrast a long-aleeTM, striped shirtwaist and a
dark Wool skirt for school. Anne Adams' Pattern 4200 is available In
f.inlnr mil mtaaata aiaM 1 A tn IS
takes I H yards S9 inch fabric and 3 yards ruffling: blouse, 1
yards 39 inch fabric and skirt, 14 Vards contrast Send FIFTEEN
CENTS in coins tor this Anne Adams pattern. Order our Pattern Book
too. Book 15c. Pattern 15c J5c for both. ,
Send your order to The Oregon SUUman, Pattern Department,
A . m . . . m ..... .. . - a
zi a souin vommeciai. ,
Sunday; August 20
' PNG A- picnic Silver Creek
Monday, August 14.
Royal Neighbors of America
meet at Fraternal Temple, 8
Tuesday. August IS
Alpha Gamma Delta ! alum-
a with Mrs. Herman Joe him- .
nae with Mrs. Herman Joe him
sen, 629 Leslie.
rr -t M t
ZtOntB. uleiUDeTS
, t
JfQ ,(jlieStS 01
. ,
Mrs. Byron B. Herrick was
Winkler. Mrs. Phil Brownell, Mrs.
C. W. Stacey, Mrs. Ora Mclntyre,
Mrs. Belle Niles Brown, Dr.
Helen Pearce and the hostess,
Mrs. Herrick was assisted by her
mim Elisabeth Anne
t nr i-wlmll Tnrlnrul
lumDUll Indorsed
por Vice-President
. rtvnwit-ia, aqmU maq
ed before tne conTention by Mrs,
i Pnrti rh.irm.;'
o tne committee and' candidate
. , wmumico v"u . 1
ior ii e iih ri in hi l vire nresiaeni.
jor department vice president.
A resolution submitted by the
rT..i w a j
t&ctuiive uuaiu wu auvyira( yi u-
viding for appointment of a com-
mittee to investigate the possi-
bility of a monthly state publlca-
tion for the auxiliary
" ,rt fn tn
Saturday as a result of the annual
report made to the auxiliary Frl
day by James West of Portland,
legion renaoiiuauon cnairman. .
( . L - t Mil. 1 1 . . ,
It also was reported that "
imnortant resolution indorinthe
stand of the American Legion
. . j
ne convenuon was entertainea
. . . r " . .
Friday by the sUte championship
i j
. vni .
i, .a" ".
' mnm c., ' .. v mi'
dd"ttTSSr the
Willamette campus. r
- Mrs. Claude Lester was hostess
to members of her sewing club
on Wednesday for luncheon.
Present were Mrs. Floyd Head
rick, Mrs. Earl Canfield, .Mrs.
Carl Guenther, Mrs. Edward Ga
briel, Mrs. William Ellis, Mrs.
I. M. Daughton and Mrs. Lester.
Pro America will hold lt next
meeting at; the Marion hotel on
the night of. September ll.m
Joint session
with the Republican
sman James W. Mott
an0iror .
club. Congressman
will be the speaker.
v -f ;
akirt. Make then for now la s match Y
hot atcea 51 tA SS filu 1 all nne
v,.r.wwwi;.w nwm. - r -
Brides-Elect Are
Incentive for
X CiCd
August and early fall brides
elect are the center of much en
tertaining these late summer
days. This morning at 11 o'clock
Miss Margaret Ross is entertain
ing with a. delightful breakfast tor
the pleasure of Miss Carmen Curry
of Portland whose marriage to Mr.
Robert- Good fellow of Salem will
k .nt f fientemher I.
Sunday" morning Miss Dorothy
Alexander is entertaining with a
smartly' appointed breakfast In
comnliment to two brides-elect.
Miss Betty Hammond, who will be
a i xrr inunh
Cronln, and Miss Grace Elizabeth
Holman, who will become the
bride of Mr. Winston" Williams
August 23.
Covers will be placed for Miss
Holman, Miss Hammond, Miss
Mary Hammond, Miss Ruth Over-
calltA lui o Ali cu iuuuiguuici J t vaac
brated their 13th birthdays Wed
nesday afternoon with a swim-
?inK Pty at the Leslie pool.
Late.r e group enjoyed refresh-
ments in the eardens of the sub-
? "Tmn.
Clarence Emmons,
urban home of Mr . and Mrs.
Honoring Nancy Lee and Jerry
Lynn were Miss JJorothy Ann
Hobson. Miss Jane Acton, Miss
Patsy Varley, Miss Ruth Bain,
Miss Estella Douglas. Miss Kath
iccu nufi. luiso iuai Kaici auv
S?.m";M ' ',fMaJ
Miss Patsy Zeller. Miss Marilyn
wyatt. Miss Sarah Ann Ohling,
m1m patsv Viesko
Ma. Dnh
i.. Wn imw. Vhu.r i.
(o, iT T.rM s,.k..
vrarucu roriy ai Alien
Home on Sunday
uH vranv Aiion j
Mrs.. iranK Allen and her
jflnri,tcr .. t.v u-.j.,,
oaughter, Mrs. Ruth Herndon, will
entertain members of their fa m-
il cltiiva ,ori . v.
aw withva Mre; VavVV -t
Allen home on Vnrth 9ot.
on Sundav. ici, ZZ -Tii
on Sunday. A picnic luncheon will
n servea me guests ana tne ai-
ternoon spent informally.
The guest list-includes Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Allen, Mr. and Mrs.
F. H. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Al
len, Mrs. Myra Schanberg, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Allen. Mrs. Ravlor
Lowes and son. Junior, all of Port-
iana, mr. ana Mrs. Jacx tu. Alien
and Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Allen'
civdrHonin'anMM. S
SmiaJr 211 Ji ZZ'-L2r
T" ,a. ""V".
ana jars. Joei Mayer ana
m.77. . .
hJ Mr i m .fh '
flrF y, .Tw,. 7 i
nt' i1h,nJ X 8'A-,
"aon? A1?' E8ene
llDUnnA or MiM nn la Tr mnA
MrT John TMaverTf 'Tkewiew u,
and Mr. TT.t!r wSSS i !1
Bobby of Salem, Miss Mary Lou
ise; Herndon andx the - hostesses,
Mrs. Frank Allen and Mrs. Ruth
Hostesses Entertain .
Committee Members
.Mrs. CS. Hamilton and Miss
Elisabeth Putnam entertained in
formally at luncheon Friday af
ternoon at the former's home on J
North Front street -with members
ot the executive committee of the
Marion county chapter, American
Red Cross as guests. - -
Covers were. placed for Judge"
George Rossman, Mr. Linn Smith,
Mr. William Monroe Hamilton; Mr.
and Mrs. Milton L. Meyers, Mrs.
George R. K. Moorhead, Mrs. Olive
Bynon, Mrs. C. S. Hamilton and
Miss ; Elizabeth Putnam. ;
Y Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Lynch, Karla
and GaH from Oklahoma City. Miss
Ruth Lynch of Tulsa, Okla. Miss
LucUle Lyhch .and Mr. D.: W.
Lynch of . Caldwell. Kansas, who
have befen-guests "at the homes of
Mr. and Mrs. A; Ix Lindbeck and
Mrs. L. J Jones; left on Friday.
They Will go to the San Francisco
Fair and' other interesting points
on their rejurn trip. Mrs. Lindbeck
Is Mr D. W. Lynch'i sister; and
Mrs. Jones Is his daughter. -: -'
Mlaa Dorothv Dfxoii Was hoeteas
for a swimminr party and picnic
at - Riverdale Park- Thursdav kf-
ternoon-Jn honor of Miss Dorothy
Johnson.:4aughter of Mr. and Mrs.
, jutus jonnsenr ci vaiiejo, calif.;
r who: are. vial ting-in; the capital
ilaklnr upUhepirtyi were- Mias
y? Johnson. Miss Betty, WirthMlsa
. wf'vSnsjuuie Wilson. Miss Perrv
Relnholdt, Missnene Paulson,
Must sniney ueiuy and Miss Dor-
Friends of Miss Miriam and Miss
Mildred Swafford of Oregon City
IH interested to learn that
tkT . returned home last nlrbt
from a trip to Panama. - -
- . .
Miss Alice Crary Brown le vis-
. Ring in Portland for several days
and is a guest at the Donald Spen-
ft. . ' ...
The 02EG0N STATESMAN, jSalem,'
imimnmiwrnitimfi tfri
1 AUGUST BRIDE Mrs. Carl George Ashley, the former An
nabel Parkmand Tooze, married at the Roberts' studio at an aft
ernoon ceremony on Tuesday. The couple will reside in Portland
where Dr. Ashley Is practicing. (Kennell-Ellis photo). -
AI too I zj-f lrxtr I o
mm m w
ii Cl.-.-y,-.
I I OnOWer
In compliment to Miss Anne
Marie Tetlow who has recently
announced her forthcoming mar-
riage to Mr. Richard Barss as
EsntumliM Mi. T)nt) TXJawA
ttfrtftnl wni.
.m rt k.7i,. . vwk
uu. v.Vi-
SuDDer was served in tha rar-
- - - . -,-
de8 Witn,R P"tel decorative
TTlA avflfi In as n Anra wa ssAVk 4 4n
' "1 "
formally and a kitchen shower
" " . .
Guests were Miss Anne Marie
, " ... - , ,
Tetlow, Mrs. Ella Wilson, Mrs.
a...Mf emitk vi. nm. x-
. . .
ZZl- ?. TT" n..r
- T
Theone, Miss Mary Louise Oliver,
r" V,7.
Miss Lavone Morgan, Miss Gene-
viete Morgan and Miss Ruth
Mrs. Gillette Hostess
To Board
Mrs. S. B. Gillette was hostess
1 iembe" ? le executive
oa ot FI Amerlca on Tnur8
aayi ior a i ociock mncneon.
, Present at the luncheon wpto
i wrjgni, Mrs. m. m.
,7'nan- !r, l-ytie. Mrs.
Mrs. T A. McBrlde, Mrs. Gillette
and Mrs. Floyd Headrlck. A
i. . . .
K V . JWBl9
Wriht NewcasUe. Indiana, a
guest of Mrs. R. L. Wright's.
:- i
: !
' I
' j
' i
' t
- '?
. r
. i
V 4 . Ui.
Vi .---iv
yvvA- - .'
aMk ' ' iiii
vs V- . A I '
V r H H lis! - ' it
"Whoever thinks free speech is gone should see somf the lost dla -
unce cans boose guests hare
" There na4i in Ka .1..uY..vri..:n. tWtn 1a take to
, tiers, especiallr when tiers are high fashion. . On the left yon see".
them, modified in flare; on the skirt of a 'nayy crepe whose extend-
? ed neckline ties in a bow allee samee as the belt. An advance fall
.note also says, combine fabrics. On the right it's done with a saw-
- ( tooth border of Yelvet down the front and plain bands around neck
. . . . . .... - ...
ana nem on a sneer wooien. neiuess stock.
Oregon, Saturday Morning, August 12, 1939
o o
Women's Editor-
avtitmiS&i - mmit
Mrs. GouletWill
Entertain ior
Mrs. Homer L. Goulet has bid
den a group of friends to
amartl .rr-need dessert lunch
ft - oon t Bub
.vfci .uuv muu
. w
miss Margaret Mcxavisn or van-
couver. B. C a house ruest of
Mr. and Mrs. Creighton B. Jones.
several nours oi contract
bridge will be in play during the
afternoon. Summer flowers will
froride the decoratlte note,
Bldden to nonor MiM MarKart
McTavlsh are Mrs. Creighton B.
Jones, xnrs. jvenuem roiia, strs.
Kimball Pare Mrs Robert Need-
JmDaii rage, Mrs. itooert iNeea-
nam. Airs, ai retre, Mrs. itey-
Mr. AI Petre, Mrs. Rey
noms Alien, Mrs. .awara Kotn,
Mrs. Leon Perry, Mrs. Howard
rianta Xflass UnWA (letilAw skjl
Mrs. Grant Day was hostess at
. anmrioo rv ui.. ctoii.
rjook who is leaving the first of
September to take nurse's training
at the Emanual hospital in Port-
iana. i
Present were Mrs ClaHce All.
port, Mrs. Mattie Hansen, Mrs.
Josepn uook, miss Mary Kegier,
"ss .aue ttegier, Mrs. a. Moran,
Miss Alice Cook, Sister Anna
Dierksen. Miss HolUs Martin. Mrs.
... . - . '
voel8cn- un- seamster,
Miss Irene Cornell, Mrs. Hazel Ro-
debeck, Mrs. Day and Miss Cook.
r 1
V- (I1 '
( ) 't''.' v
- .j? . . 7.Ss L. '
been making on my pDone. - .
. T Kimball Page, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Miss Wilda Jerman. netn potts. Miss Margaret McTav-
1 s h of Vancouver, B.C., Miss
c . t ' e Margaret Wagner and Mit Wil
SUrpriSe Party for Dam Hemmenway of Portland.
Miss Cook
Strange Animal
For Myth
' A bit of natural history, is good
for the best of us on occasion.
Recently the New York aquar
ium acquired an Interesting mam
mal called the manatee, the fe
male of the species of which is
supposed to have inspired the leg
ends of the existence of mermaids.
This curious animal (the aquar
ium's specimen Is a male) Is about
three feet long, weighs 35 pounds
and when fall grown will be fonr
and a half feet long. ' He has a
whale-like body, ending; in a broad
horizontal tall the arms are flat,
tened oval paddles. He is an herb
iverous mammal, lives in the riv-'
ers of Brazil and nearby and very
little is known about him except
that he is hard to keep In captiv
ity.' -
The New York aquarium re
ceived one in 191? which was kept
alive for two years on a diet of let
tuce and cabbage leaves. ' Very
little is known of their .habits.
In bringing the manatee from
it's native habitat it was necessary
to ehange the water in his 960-
gallon tank frequently because
this is a hot-blooded animal and
one will literally cook itself If not
treated carefully. One has been
known to heat a thousand gallon
tank to 100 degrees in an hour.
The, only seeming connection
between the beautious mermaid of
mythology, and the awkward ani
mal of reality, is that the females
are said to have remarkable ma
ternal affection and when basking
on the water's surface with an in
fant held lovingly in it's fore
limbs, might have given rise to the
mermaid stories.
Young Cabbage Takes
Lemon Sauce
Eight sections of a head of
young cabbage, boiled and placed
In a serving dish takes a sauce
made from cup melted batter
and 2 tablespoons lemon Juice.
The recipe Is a good one for serv
ing this fine new cabbage we're
enjoying In local markets.
Sliced Peaches Center
Graham Pie
Fresh peach pie. made with
graham cracker crust is a very
nice dessert and might be. made
with a custard filling. Peach and
pineapple combine to make an in
teresting flavor treat in pie.
pU,, Will FtArtai
Tr 11.. T
imuiuiuij i"'B"1
Mr. and Mrs. 'Edward Roth
win ntrtatn wlt m informal
. ; .
Party at their home oB Fir street
tonight in compliment to a group
of their friends.
Making up the guest list are
Mr. and Mrs. - Howard Adams,
Mr. and Mrs. Creighton B. Jones,
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Perry, Mr. and
Mrs. Reynolds' Allen. Mr. and
vr.. tt- t r..i. .
v D.h.rt vm,)!,.. n, .a
T";nce Kinr In Mrs
Smiths Dinner Hosts
t . tvt
Aurm& wceK
The gardens of Mr. and Mrs.
Ervin Smith on North Summer
street have been the scene of sev-
.-i jui.i v
week. Mrs. Smith Is planning a
Beries of parties for the remainder
of the summer,
Last Saturday twelve were in-
itd in. win, .0on
- " '
bidden on Thursday night. The
Smiths will be hosts for a similar
affair Sunday night with cards in
play during the evening. Covers
wlir be placed for 1 5 guests.
Miss Beth Siewert entertained
a groap of girls at the cabin of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Siewert, Tuesday night. In the
group were Miss Mary Esther
Pemberton, Miss Harriet .Craw
ford. Miss Helen Purvine, Miss
Julia Johnson, Mrs. Kenneth
Hanson and Miss Siewert.
w ; -
Mrs. Richard Slater entertained
. with a delightful luncheon Friday
. afternoon at her home on Rural
avenue y in . compliment to Mrs.
Walter Holts who is leaving the
" tint of -the week U reside in Che
halis. Wash.' -
i Mrs. Carl Emmons entertained
' with an informal tea Friday after
noon at her new home on Fawk
- street is compliment to her house
guest. Miss Lucille YEmmons ot
. Chicago, sister of Dr Emmons. -
Y ', -i- J :Y 's.V.J'-',"S.":''-Y
lsl Harry ? Rowe Hiss Kath
' ryn, Rowe and -Mrs. Grace Thomp
son have returned : from a vaca
tion spent at-Tachats and Nesko
win. - --Yr "--r
'' Mr.r'ad fUriCTW Creerh
.- have returned from a sUy at the
Weller cabin on. the North Fork
of the Saatiam.
J Miss France Wimberly of Rose
. burg. has. returned to her home
- following YSUy in Salem as the
guest ot MIbs Sally McLellan.
. ' Sojoanins at -eskowlaf for
- the -week arevMjv and ' Mrs.' Carl
Pope and two- children.
.Visitor to the capital are Mr.
And Mra. Carl Tehergrow of Lot
Angeles. v " . . r
- Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Whartoa
.H sws .inwwm acvcnu-aaji
Tuuunx u oeaiiie,
DETROIT Miss Donna Rotb
was the inspiratloa for a party
Friday night at her home on her
10th birthday. A- cake with IS
candles and1 games; were enjoyed
LM V a mm. w A n mm A' . J
av, vw.
Today's Menu
Fresh fruits will be featured on
the weekend menus.
Jellied grapefruit and almond
Lamb chops'
Summer squash
New potatoes with butter
Fresh plum whip
Stuffed cucumber salad
Veal roast, browned potatoes
- Shell beans
Tomatoes with lemon and pepper
Peach ice cream
On sponge cake
Fruit-nut salad
New cabbage with butter
Cold veal sliced
Whipped potatoes
Apple costard pie
4 cups apples
1 4 cups sugar
3 eggs
Pinch salt
Line pan with pastry, spread in
prepared fruit, pour in eggs, well
beaten, with sugar and salt. Put in
425 degree oven for 10 minutes,
reduce to 350 and bake . 30 min
utes more.
Pastry Accompaniment
For Salads
Something novel in pastries to
serve with salads comes from that
little country which appears in
news so often, Poland.
(A pastry accompaniment for
1 cups cooked carrots, chopped
1 egg, beaten
1 tablespoon melted butter
1 teaspoon sugar
Roll plain pastry, rather thin,
cut with medium sized biscuit
cutter. Place carrot mixture on
rounds, of dough, fold over, pinch
edges, brush tops with milk and
bake in a 425 degree oven until
A Laura Wheeler Jiffy Crochet
That Will Earn You Praise
-l?r' A' "t h
'ft, -'JiJiImS1 J' . v , .V.- i
Take your choice of a SO inch
cloth, crocheted in double string
or of a smaller size. Pattern 2040
contains instructions for making
cloth in varied sizes; ill. of it and
of stitches; materials required;
y Now you oca enjoy the prestige of ceniilne
engraved, panelled visiting card) of. the finest
Wedding Bristol and vinionncdav at Raiinuia
Parchmfint at the ' lowest pricee ever ofieredl
You do not have to furnish a plate. We will en
grave' the plate without extra charge ,
....... s
V , 100-Panelled liuorm-
! als with envelopes, to
.v Plate Inducted
f - A
- " - ininrsnnn up DeQUflp
V -f ful styles of lettering . Tall ssocially correct , . -
t ' all thoroughly modern: . v' . - ; 7 .-,'
rr- .' Informal cards ore just fhe: thing -W. tv ;
v - abortpote .with flowers, candy csr gifts.- Cy I
f 'y?1 tala -3r correspondence !rht?' 1 -
:: txevity and infarmaliiy must be ccmbtaed ci " ';
ourscmiDlea todenr , -.v- - ' --.,, . . ;.
215 South Commercial St. Phcsfe Mbt
- v j r 5 -','-:: -; - , -r
Complete Printing Service .
Markets Show
Fresh Pears
In Display
Markets show pears today, and
not just a few either, for thty
I Vn.k.l Wm all read tar
nice fresh eating and cooking. On
of the very last fresh fruits of the
season to appear in the shops.
Blackberries and an occasional
showing of strawberries are the
final berry offerings for the sum,
Seedless, rlbier and malagas
are the grapes that re in local
markets now. Black figs are show
ing, and they are found to be pop
ular, especially with those who
telephone orders.
Plums are sold in b a s k et s,
peaches are ready to be canned,
bananas are on special.
Citrus fruits as usual are found
in large numbers at the shops.
Among the many vegetables to
be found at the grocer's Is crisp
green or white Lake Lablsh cel
ery. None better.
Peas are to be found, in the lar
ger markets.
Beans come green, yellow or to
be shelled out.
Lemon cucumbers are mild and
crisp. Green cucumbers are abun
dant in displays. ' !
Excellent red tomatoes grown
locally are in market.
New turnips re mild!
Eggplant is becoming more fa
miliar in markets as the summer
Radishes, green onions and
parsley are here.
Green peppers dominate t h-e
pepper displays, hut most shops
show small hot green and red pep.
pers for pickling.
Among the squash you'll find
scalloped, zuccini, Danish, crooked
neck and summer varieties.
Pot Holders Reliable
When Lined
Pot holders that get wet are
far from being the handy little
things they are supposed to be. A
suggestion given by a smart wom
an somewhere is to line them with
a piece of leather, keeps 'em
stiff, steam proof and mighty re
liable. photograph of cloth,
Send ten cents in coin for thi
pattern to Statesman. Needlecraft
Dept., Salem. Write plainly PAT-
ADDRESS.., y . w .y...-.
100 Visiting Cards;
' plain or panelled' : :
..Plate Included
,: "' . 1 . ": .
r - -A
- '