PAGE TEN Portland Girl Leading Race Marie Schneider Boasts ' 370,000 Votes; Contest Close Is Nearing MT. ANGEL The latest tabu lation of votes for the queen con testants for the Mt. Angel Flax Festival, August 18 to , 20, pats Hiss Marie Schneider of Portland looritnv with 97ft. flAO vntpa. ' Second In ' Friday's count was Eleanor Canoy. Silverton's entry, while Faye Clodfelter, Salem, took third place. They had 316,000 end 300,000 Totes respectively. Other candidates' In the Queen race took the following order: Kitty . Ryan, Salem, 290,000; Elaine Bourbonnais, Mt. "Angel, 285,000; Virginia Meek, Mt. An gel, 276,000; Flora Chiodo, Port land 275,000; Katherine Boyer, Salem, 265,000; Margaret Whit ney, Woodburnt 250,000; Pauline Jones. Marquam, 245,000. V Contest Ends Wednesday . ,The contest will close" Wednes day night,- August 16, with the deadline on button sales set for 9 , p. m. Frank Kellogg, Salem auditor, will be in charge of audit ing and certifying the rotes, while the votes are being double check ed an amateur program will enter tain the crowd until the announce ment of the winners can be made. The program is in charge of Walter Cain, Douglas Harris and Albln Bean. Anyone wishing to enter should contact Mr. Cain. Registration ia open until Satur day, August 12. Already registered - are: Ray Rothenfluch, Virgil Wills, Andy Wachter, Tony Bigler, Frank Sla by, Walter Smith, Pauline Jones. Tony Penka and the ML Angel Girls' Trio. The entertainment will begin at 8 p. m. and will be presented from a reviewing stand on the north side of the city hall. 79th Birthday Is Celebrated, Lyons Lilath Weitman Taken to Doernbeclier Hospital for Treatment LYONS - Friends and neigh bors1 gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ring Saturday night to help Mr. Ring celebrate his 79 th birthday anniversary. tertainment for the evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith, Mr., and Mrs. Hugo Hallln, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett, Mr. and Mrs.' R. A. Brown, Beulah and Kenneth Lewis and Dale and Ce cil Bassett. -Mrs. K e a t o n returned to the noma di aer uiuiulci, aiiw. iiu Spa. after : spending three weeks at the home of Mrs. Gladys Ga vetts In Monmouth. Mrs. A. D. Finch of' Seattle is also a guest at the Spa home. , Mrs. Finch and Mrs. Spa are listers. V .-, Lilath Weitman, " youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weitman, who Is seriously ill, was taken to the Doernbecher hospital In Vtrt1aflif vtiA a V a will Mmttn for medical treatment. Plan Benefit Faith Rebekah lodge held Its regular meeting Wednesday night. , Plans were made to hold, two benefits In the next six months. 1 The following committees were appointed: first. Mrs. Hasel Lewis, Mrs. Mabel Bass, Mrs. Alta Bode ker and Mrs. Rosa Berry; second, Mrs. Lois Cornforth, Mrs. Mildred Can. Mrs. Theresa Crabtree and Mrs. Alice Huber. Percy Hlatt. who is employed at , the Black Rock . logging camp, Is home for a few days. The camp Is closed down due to low humid ity. -V , Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen Tburs- ! day took Newton Allen to the Sa- I lem Deaconess hospital, where he will receive medical treatments; Bert Lyons received the eon tract to paint the Lyons school house and gymnasium and began . work the first of the week. Former Printer ; f Revisits at Scio SCIO Mr. and Mrs. John Al- den of Boise were guests this week at the Joe Lytle home in Scio. Alden Is a printer on the Idaho Statesman, having . served his apprenticeship In the trade on Ly tie's newspaper in Wyoming SO years ago. Mrs. A. Jorgensen of -Auburn, Wash., was a visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. F. Wesely. Mrs. Jorgensen was accompanied by her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Swan son of Seattle. Three More Th9 firi who is ia the lead for qneea honors at the annual Independence Hop Fiesta la pictured above wiJi Salem's two attractive candidates for the same honor. Miss Bbutba Jean Karre of Dallas, left, tras teps at the last vote counting. She Is the daughter at Mr. and Mrs. George Kurre of Dallas. Cen ter and rischt are the capital eity'a entrant, Miss Berdell Kathryn "Wade, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jess T. Wade, 175 S. 18th, and Miss Betty Tolcr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R M. Toler, Liberty '2xlsL- (estea-MSIer photos).. - , Unafraid - A" s i 4...x::'":V:.":'::': . U - ' f ' - iii i ii i imini.ti Captain John J. Keegan of, the Portland police department is ' shown after he returned from the Harry Bridges deportation "hearing on Angel Island in San Francisco bay, where he was t summoned by the defense as its second "adverse' witness. Kee gan declared be ' had ; received an anonymous letter saying a " waterfront sane planned to "dump" him, but laughed it off ' savins. "I've been threatened by experts." Superphosphate Is Being Ordered Polk County Farmers Are Advised to Apply at Seeding Time DALLAS Treble superphos phate orders from farmers who are participating in the agricul tural conservation program in Polk county will be received for fall shipments to be made soon, according to information received from the office of the Polk county association. These orders will be handled in a similar manner to the shipments which were received last spring, The price, however, on this mate rial has been advanced to 136 per ton which is an increase of $2 over that which was ordered pre viously. Payment for this fertiliz ing material is advanced by the government and is taken out of the soil conservation payment to each farmer. Mr. Leth says that most benefit can be expected from the use of this fertilizing material with le gume crops if applied at seeding time. . Those who anticipate using It with Austrian winter peas or vetches can expect much better results from it by applying it this fall at seeding time. Soil tests should be made by those contemplating the use of this material in order to have a better idea of the rate of appli cation needed for the best results. Only five carloads of this ma terial have been allotted to Polk county for fall shipment, there fore it will be necessary for any one desiring this material to get his order in early to be included. A closing date for receiving or ders has, not as yet been'announc- ed, although it is planned to set a closing date early enough so that the material can be secured in plenty of time for fall seeding. FROM NORTH DAKOTA BETHEL Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bueurench have us their house guests Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Hanes, Alice Virginia, Clifford and Bruce Hanes, of Minot, ND, who drove through by auto and will remain for a month visiting relatives and friends in the vicinity of Salem. Mrs. Bueurench and Mrs. Hanes are sisters. Another sister, Mrs. J. W. West, and small son Richard, of Minuot, who has been visiting: here for a month left for her home on Thurs day by train. " - er s News ; SILVERTON ' HILLS - Plans are being made for the Silverton Hills grange meeting, August 18. C. V. Murray and Hie Murray-will be in charge of refreshments. The grange will also discuss the milk control bill. Interested par ti e s . representing opposite aides will be invited to lead the discus sion, members report. . MACLEAT Stayton park, not Paradise Island as originally planned, will be the scene of the Macleay grange's picnic this Sun day, it was announced Friday. Candidates: Every Grang ..,.,.,,.,. ..,,,,, ,i ,.. ..--m ii , m.,.1. limn... i .wfwv-m" .- Fund General Fund Roads and Highway Fund High School Fund ; County School Fund .;. School Library Fund Miscellaneous Funds Trust and Agency Funds . Old Age Pension Fund , Elementary School Fund , Special Road Funds Totals General Fund Roads and Highways fund High School Fund County School. Fund School Library Fund Miscellaneous Funds Trust and Agency Funds Old Age Pension Fund Elementary School Fund. Special Road Fundi , Totals $482,36,4.61 $ 16,133.66 $166,690.72 $688,685.82 $107,805.75 $93,532.33 $1,555.212;88 (D) Deficit or overdraft State of Oregon, ) )ss. -County of Marion) ' I, U. G. Boyer, County Clerk of Marlon County, Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid and of the financial condition of Marion County on June 80, 1939, as the same appears upon the records of my office and in my official custody. ' v Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court this 81st day of July, 1939. (SEAL) U. G. BOYER, County Clerk. Marion County, Oregon Treasurer's Semi-Annual Statement For Period Ending June 30, 1939 July 14, 1939. Honorable Judge and Commissioners, County Court of Marion County, Salem, Oregon. Gentlemen: As provided by Chapter 27-518, Oregon Code 1930, the following Semi-annual Statement of Marion County's Financial standing Is submitted for the year of 1939, January 1, to June 30 Inclusive; showing a detail list of Receipts, the amount of money paid out on Warrants, the fund balances, and the Investment, Bank, and Cash Balances as of June 30, 1939. FUNDS General Elementary School Old Ago Pension General Road Dog License . . County Fair . Indemnity .. . . Liquor Law Enforcement County School County School Library Treasurer's Trust Tax Advance Road District Control Trust Agency Control Tax Warrant Control Other Trust Control .... TOTAL Calif ornian Pays Visit at Lebanon Prentiss Brown, Formerly Student There, Sends Daughter to OSC LEBANON Prentiss Brown of Los Gaston, Calif., has been visit ing the past week with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, on North Main street. - He departed Thursday for his home. Mr. Brown has been super intendent of the union high school at Los Gaston for the past eight years. He came up to make arrange ments for his daughter Barbara to attend OSC. The elder daugh ter, Flora May, will attend Stan ford university. Mr. Brown is a graduate of Lebanon high school. He was superintendent of the high school at Baker, Ore., before going to Los Gaston. Eighteen members of the Past Noble Grand club met Thursday for a-l o'clock covered dish luncheon at the home of Mrs. Alice Elliott on Second street. After the business meeting the afternoon was spent socially. Mrs. Alice Elliott and Mrs. Jennie Southard were the hostesses. Mrs. Emma Reeves, who has been seriously ill. Is somewhat improved. Mrs. Marie Dobesle, who fell some time ago, has been quite ill, but Is reported better. - James Conoy, who was injured a week ago in the woods above Sweet Home, while driving a caterpillar, is reported some bet ter. He was brought to his home In Lebanon and is being attended by a nurse. Back Front Beaches ST. LOUIS Edward and Earl Manning returned this week from a vacation trip to Oregon beaches. They stopped at thS home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wing of Eddy ville, former St. Louis resident. One a Queen Tht OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Marion County Financial Statement June 2 ASSETS Taxes Receivable -1929-1939 9443,529.64 48.537.92 - 21,490.47 121.535.89 1,244.99 -Cash -.$178,238.09 . 15,108.48 - (D) 89.65 - 11,921.00 - ' 2,706.79 9.143.86 132,584.60 8,248.51 52,347.31 2,817.17 .$375,676.95 $688,685.82 LIABILITIES Warrants Payable $ 6,302.35 313.12 275.22 Appropriations -.8167.530.13 125,597.77 11,745.56 79,256.87 1,992.49 7,674.75 10,237.97 5.00 38.841.39 46,650.78 3,074.87 Beginning Fund Balances Jan. 1 1939 $120,738.94 1 912.90 to Fund 246,626.74 47,070.45 90.46 33,530.30 .OD15.619.91 135.896.44 3,517.83 1,469.11 124.00 27,604.77 1,226.56 8,967.91 2,297.94 149,513.77 6,238.57 27.694.91 844.087.99 22.40 .$441,888.83 $1,199,124.25 $2,247,103.28 $1,148,040.50 Honorable Judge and Commissioners County Court of Marion County, Salem. Oregon. Gentlemen: As provided by Chapter 27-1715, Oregon Code 1930, this report is submitted showing as of June 30. 1939, the ash on hand, cash In banks and collateral securing such bank denoalta. interest rate paid on bank deposits, cash items, As at June SO, 1939, there D. G. DRAGER, County Treasurer Cash Account Cash Items , U. S. Nat'l Bank of Portland Salem- -Gen. U. B. Natl Bank of Portland Salem-Trust U. B. Nat'l Bank of Portland Mt. Coolldge & McClalne Bank General Account Coolidge & McClalne S.D. No. 4, Construction" First National of Portland Salem General Gervals State Bank General Account Ladd & Bush Bank General Account , , Mill City State Bank General Account State Bank of St. Paul General Account Bond Investment Account , Warrant Investment Account Claim Advances . Over and Short Account TOTAL ASSETS General Fund Old Age Pension Fund General Road Fund Dog License Fund Fair Fund .J. Indemnity Fund Liquor Law Enforcement Fund County School Fund County School Library Fund Trust, Agency and Suspense Funds: Treasurer's Trust Fund Road District Control Account . Special Tax Warrant Control Account Trust Funds due to Cities, Schools, etc. Other Trust Funds ... i TOTAL FUND BALANCES State of Oregon, ) !- )ss. j County of Marion) I, D. G. Drager, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amounts received, paid, and remaining on hand in the County Treasury of Marlon County, Oregon, for the semi annual period ending June 80, 1939. D. G. DRAGER, County Treasurer, Marlon County, Oregon. Polk County I00F To Picnic Sunday DALLAS The annual picnic for I members of the Polk county IOOF, their families and friends, will .be held in the Dallas city park Sunday." August 13.-- Those attending are asked ' to bring a basket lunch. - Coffee, cream and sugar will bo furnished. .- - Members of C i r c 1 e 2 . of , the First Methodist church met on Wednesday , . . afternoon . . in ;. t h e church parlors. A 1 o'clock lunch eon was served. At a business meeting plans were made tor a cafeteria luncheon to be served in the! church dining rooms Wednes day, August 16. -Mrs. Cecil Rlggaentertalned the members of the Boy Scout Mothers' elub at her home- this week. A report wss given on the successful benefit tea given last week in the gardens of the R. R. Van Orsdel home. Plans were made for the group to have s rum mage sale on September 16. The next meeting will be held at the home of , Mrs. Hulda Smith jpn September 11. - -. '. The regular monthly meeting of the Women'a Missionary society of the First Evangelical church Oregon, Saturday Morning, August ,12, 1939 0, 1939 Road Equipment Buildings 97,342.32 Accounts Estimated Revenue . Receivable - 29,064.27 $ 65,071.17 145,855.15 12,110.33 52,343.21 512.26 740.13 "20.054.82 46.650.78 257.70 $ 9.804.40 8342.855.42 AND SURPLUS ; J r " Reserve for Accounts Payable $ 43,695.09 Uncollected:. Taxes $443,529.64 : 48,537.92 21.490.07 121.535.89 1.244.99 122,346.63 649.00 52.347.31 (D)15,451.93 D. G. CREDITS Transfers Receipts DEBITS Transfers to Fund 301.561.44 59,936.57 45,127.90 5.953.00 2,343.03 from Fund $ 104,458.93 41,158.61 199,448.16 4,752.82 1.00 146,895.79 1,480.23 '19,960.05 795.000.00 519.23 783.818.48 74,507.56 795,000.00 1,582,26 12.00 1,605.32 i Investments and fund 'balances. were no outstanding warrants endorsed "not paid for want of funds." of Marion County. ASSETS Angel .$375,676.95 FUND BALANCES .$178,194.84 . 3,248.51 . 15.106.48 4,718.01 . 2,S43.03 . 1,469.11 124.00 . 81,921.00 . 2,706.79 . 5,754.33 . 2,817.17 . 10.237.97 .$375,676.95 was held this week at the home of Mrs. August Hlebenthal with Mrs. Henry Kllever and Mrs. John Hamnt as assistant hostesses. Mrs. Amelia Ash ton had charge of the devotions and Mrs. David Neufeldt gave, the lesson study.! Mrs. Cecil Embree gave an account of the Women's Missionary society con vention held recently at Jennings Lodge." About 20 were present for the meeting.' ' ; Geiitemann to Help ' s" i --" .f "- '-" : SUVER Ralph Eester, who operates 800 acres- belonging . to Stump's dairy and also a " large farm . in .Benton . county, a mile from Wells, is to bo assisted after September 1 ly a partner,: George Gentemann of Albany. ' , Kester has 108 cows and 75 acres of Ladlno clover which will be under Gentemann's supervi sion. Gentemann: has been an in structor in Smith-Hughes depart ment of the Albany high school and Is a former resident of Su rer, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mar tin Gentemann. He is a cousin of Mrs. Ralph Kester ; - Lorena Bidders is at home from Salem where she has had employment for several weeks, . Revolving Funds 9 257.78 17,105.19 Total 813,503.27 226,604.74 33,510.85 205,800.10 4.464.04 '. . 9,143.86 132.584.60 76,390.77 46.650.78 6.559.87 8.485.00 $100,827.32 $17,362.97 $1,555,212.88 . - - . -r.--. --. - TJnappro- Surplus in priated Permanent Surplus. Property $ 63.398.74 $90,047.32 52,155.93 5,007.34 1.226.&6 1,469.11 Toial 813.503.27 226,604.74 33,510.85 205.800.10 4,464.04 9,143.86 132,584.60 76,390.77 46.650.78 6,559.87 8,485.00 DRAGER, County Treasurer. Ending Balances June 30, 1939 $178,194.84 3,248.51 15,106.48 4,718.01 2,343.03 1,469.11 124.00 31.921.00 2,706.79 5,754.33 2,817.17 -81.062.12 10,237.97 35.973.69 Dis bursements $ 886,273.35 47,983.35 22.40 142,558.16 23,173.63 888,382.78 833,838.02 42.189.62 82,364,398.91 $375,676.95 Salem, Oregon, July 14, 1939. Interest Rate paid on Deposits Collateral Amounts Security $ 51,391.48 42.71 82,254.00) , 5,739.33) 138,000.00 8,017.43) 8,000.00 43,326.01 15,000.00 11.044.91 20,000.00 9.001.66 6,000.00 110,991.75 3,324.33 1,489.64 53.67 of 1 14,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 10,000.00 40.000.00 5.000.00 6,000.00 81,062.12 45,973.59 Miller Services Held at Dallas DALLAS Funeral services for Levi G. Miller, who died at the home of his daughter In Salem Tuesday, were held at the Henkle 4 Bollman chapel hero Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. A. L Wenlger of the Calvary Baptist church in saiem officiated. " In terment was in the Dallas, IOOF cemetery.";: 5 ";;;r" .if Levi G. Miller was born In In dlana, on October 14, 1858. He moved from there to Kansas in 1880 where he resided for 30 years. He was married : to Pearl Shirk on December 29, 1885. In 191$ he moved with his fam ily to Oregon. He settled in the Oakdale district about two miles west of Dallas and. resided there for about 23 years. Mr. Miller's wife passed away in-19 31 and in 1936 he moved to Salem where he has made his home since that time with his daughter, Mrs. B. H. Knstrka. - . 1 , He is survived by two daugh ters,! Mrs. F, W. Hughes ot Dallas and Mrs. Kustrica of Salem and by two granddaughters, Mrs.. Eva Kennedy and Miss Lois Hughes. Marion County Qerks Semi-Anniial Report Period Ending June 30, 1939 ST 1TEMEXT OF CLAIMS ALLOWED AND WARRANTS DRAWN . Claims Allowed and On What Account Allowed Warrants Draw GENERAL FUND General Government: County Assessor's Office .-...$ 6,672.37 Advertising AVL'Vl Circuit Court 1 H?-?6 County Clerk's Office -J. : ; 5.004.54 County Coroner's Office : : 426.70 County Court and Commissioners . 3.019.15 Court House . .- : 4,768.44 District" Attorney's Office -. : 1,534.21 Emergency : : 1.150.00 Salem Justice Court U-. . 4,130.05 Outside Justice Courts 903.15 Juvenile Court : 878.70 Law Library . . - . - 787.49 County Recorder's Office .. . 3,943.61 Registration and Elections 457.47 County Surveyor's Office .: . ; 1,097.83 j County Sheriff's Office Tax Collection . 8,299.42, County Treasurer's Office . .... : 2,070.53 Public Safety: Predatory Animals . 500.00 Fire Protection . . 998.60 County Horticulturist : ; c. 875.00 Rodent Control . .. 270.62 Scalp Bounty Predatory Animals . 38.50 Sheriff's Office Legal Dept. . : 5.929.45 . Social Welfare: County Agent ... 1,100.00 County Fair Fund : 198.19 Health Officer .; 5.438.98 Herd Inspector . . 2,272.63 Indemnity for Slaughter of Diseased Cattle ; 130.00 Indigent Soldier Re.lef . . 836.75 Insane Examination . 228.92 Public AgnlBtftTiffl ' , , ; 2S.Q58.38 Aid Dependent Children - 9,696.32 Jail 1,691.22 Care of Poor Farm . 2,441.11 Care of Foor Miscellaneous , .. 577.20 Care of Poor Blind Assistance ... 959.29 Poor Employment Burenu .. 7.40 Registrar of Vital Statistics 45.00 Education: County School Superintendent's Office 3,562.15 SUB TOTAL . 115,295.43 Other Funds: Circuit Judges' Salary (Fees) ......... : . 591.00 District Attorney's Salary (Fees) . 415.00 Refund of Revenue . ... 10.00 Fire Patrol Fund . 1,599.56 Dog License Fund . . 3,029.33 County Property 1,190.95 Photostat Revolving Fund - 4,339.83 Old Age Pensions . 41,158.61 Total . 167,629.71 Road Funds Market Road Improvements . . 9,587.79 Market Road Maintenance 32,737.01 Road Revolving Fund 88,535.32 County Bridges and Ferries . 17,581.31 General Road Fund 58,520.11 . Total Warrants Issued on Road Funds .. .. 206,961.54 . Accounts Receivable . : 530.28 Contracts Receivable .. : . 133.21 (Cr) GRAND TOTAL Warrants Issued $374,988.32 State of Oregon, ) )ss. County of Marion) I, U. G. Boyer, County Clerk of Marion County, Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the amount of claims allowed by the County Court of Marion County, on what accounts allowed, and the amount of warrants drawn, for the. six-month period ending June 30, 1939, as the same appears upon the records of my office and in my official custody. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court this 31st day of July, 1939. (SEAL) TJ. G. BOYER, bounty Clerk. Tax Collector's Semi-Annual Report July 25. 1939. I hereby submit statement of money received for taxes and amounts turned over to the County Treasurer by ths Sheriff and Tax Collector for Marion County, years, beginning wlta the year first and ending June thirtieth, 1939. BaL on hand Jan. 1, 1939 Collected 6 months, $ Tax Roll 1939 : 1938 .. 1937 S1,U97,79.9 87.936.05 26.129.07 14,061.16 11,758.49 6,861.85 5,191.88 8,385.94 1,302.54 266.09 57.49 7.86 10.21 212.60 . 9,327.58 5,129.59 8,095.92 3,221.11 2,501.22 795.61 1,663.17 587.72 37,80 3.74 62.22 1936 1935 1933-4 . 1932 , 1931 . 1930 1929 . 1928 1927 ., 1926 Yield Tax Total $26,425.7$ $1,254,976.22 $1,267,756.54 $13,645.41 State of Oregon, ) ). County of Marion) ' I, A. C. Burk, Sheriff and Oregon, do hereby certify that collected for Marion County and County Treasurer, together with true as X verily believe. Lips That Tett-and Kiss J. Richard "Dixie" Davis, the one-time flashy "kid mouthpiece of the old S20,000000-a-year Dutch Schultx policy racket, cot this kiss front his bride of four days, the former Hope Dare, as they faced interviewers for the first time since their marriage. The newlyweds both voiced hopes of raising a famDy. Funeral' Is Held a. .... a . - " For Track Victim LEBANON Funeral services were held Thursday st S p.m. st the Harry Howe Funeral home for Robert Lyn Malone, 9, who was fa tally injured while riding a bicy Oregon, for 1939 and all prior 1926, for period beginning January Turned over to Co. Treas., first 6 mo. I $1,095,395.89 91,146.31 29,922.60 16,138.70 13,390.64 8,585.60 5,820.72 4.942.72 1,778.33 290.57 5.6.57 70.08 10.21 212.60 BaL on hand June 30 1939 $ 2.399.10 6,117.32 1.336.08 1,018.38 1,589.01 777.47 166.77 106.39 116,93 ' 13.32 4.6f , first 1939 Tax Collector for Marion County. the foregoing statement of taxes the amounts turned over to the ths balance of cash on hand. Is i. C. BURK, heriff and, Tax Collector, cle, v He spent most of his life with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Smith. - ; He 1a survived by his parents, two brothers, James and Ted of , Sweet Home, grandparents, ' Mr. I and X Mrs. Fanner Malone of ' iSvmI TTnm Mf anil Un "Wm , t. Smith 'of Lebanon and distant relatives. - .