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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1939)
Tbi OHEGOII STATILMTrSatearto PAGE THIRTEEN Friends Honor 60th Birthday Picnic Given for Edna Reevtf at Talbot ; Last Sunday TALBOT Mrs. Edna Reeres -was honored Sunday with a picnic dinner celebrating her 60th birth day anlTersary. Those present were Mrs. Edna Beeres, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ham ilton and Hazel Moulton of Cor raUIsrMr. and Mrs. Ben Nye, Ver non Nye and Mrs. Irall Haley of Salem. " '.:-' Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Finlay and daunter Betty, Mr.: and Mrs. George Potts, Jr., and son Gary, and Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Blinstoa and daughter Ilene and Ellsmore peLong. .. ' ' ? , Mrs. Mary Nye left Tuesday tor Portland to Tlslt her , daughter, Mrs. Hasel Sloan and family. D. E. Bllnston and Ben Nye are spending the week fishing in the Alsea rirer. Festival Reader Noble Grands on U Picnic at Beach JEFFERSON Members of the Past Noble Grands of Mt. Jet fersoa Rebekah lodge held their annual picnic at Newport Tues- ar. They Tlslted the Punch Bowl and other places' of Interest along the coast. A chicken dinner was nioyed la the group were Misses Laura and Flora Thomas, Mrs. ,tee Wells, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hartley. Mrs. T. O. Kester, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. CnrL Mrs. Grace Thurston, Mrs. Paul Smith; Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Goln and grand Son Cloyd Duncan of Pendleton, and Mrs. Bessie Porter. They re port having a -fine time, though It was foggy and chilly. The missionary society of the Erangelical . church met at the home of Mrs. A. Wilson Wednes day. Mrs. A. P. Layton led dero- tions and was in charge of the meeting. The topic for study was "What Churches Do for Cities.' Mrs. Wilson read a poem, "What Have I Done for Jesus." Miss Helen Kihs reported upon the convention at Jennings Lodge. Rer. Layton gaY the book re view. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Selander of Chicago and Mrs. Edith Ander son of Salem - were -weekend guests' at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robfrt Terhune. Sunday they enjoyed a picnic at Thomas creek. Other guests at the picnic included Mr. and Mrs. Arthur I 'ft::;-?- , , -v T : .:V.v .:!: ' i - - . V - X i -- ' i "?rV :, . , 1 1 1 - f ', . . . : r " X K J ' " s- "4 s? wtiiiwwijafiiiijMiiBaiiiiwtwaiwa TrnrTnnf immi Arthur W. Holmes, presMmt of the Mt. Angel Flaxarians and ceaeral chairman of the Flax festival committee for the civic cetebratioa to be held there Aagnst IS and 90. (Jcstm-Mll- lr photo) and Mr. and Mrs. Terhune and family. Mr. and Mrs. Selander left for their home Tuesday, stop ping . to Tisit the Golden Gate fair. C. J. Thurston, Mrs. Thurston and two children left Thursday tor a raeatlon trip to the beaches. Irvin Principal Of Gates School - GATES Professor J. W. Ir vin of Eden, Idaho, has accepted the position of principal ot the Gates school. MrT Irvln U a naUre of this state and received his early educa tion In Portland schools. He Is graduate from Pacific university, He taught one year at Lafay ette, fire years in Washington and three years in Idaho. Construction ot the new con crete 7000 gallon water tank for the Gates school is well under way. The building contract was awarded to N. J. Thomas who ex pects to have the tank ready for use by August 18. Fcancis Toung was taken to the hospital in Salem last week for an operation on her foot. She has made several return trips for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Red3rg of Selander, Genera and Phyllis of Oretown visited with Lois Larson Salem, Harry Clark of Corvalils ' ana lamuy aunaay. Aumsville Annual Homecoming Set Picnic Planned lor -Sunday in Highberger Park; ; . Pensioners Meet AUMSVILLE The annual homecoming picnic will be held here Sunday in the Highberger park. A picnic dinner will be served at the noon honr and a short program and a business meeting will follow. ' T. P. Otto and family returned Monday from Douglas county, where they hare spent several weeks visiting with relatives. The Townsend club will meet Thursday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kadeau. The meet ing will be in the nature ot a party, celebrating t&e birthday of Mrs. Kadeau and their wedding anniversary. Fred G a r b e , president ot the Townsend club, announces that the Slater' family ot Vancouver, Wash., will be in Aumsville. Aug- use 20 tor an afternoon meeting with the club. Mr. and Mrs. Sla ter will address the club and their two daughters will enter tain with musical selections. Mrs. Edith Ramsey of San Francisco, Mrs. TJlyssa Woodburn, Mr. and Mrs. F, B. Creeey, Ralph Whltmoro of Stockton, Calif., nra here for a visit at the home el their sister, Mrs. Otto Fnson. They plan to be in Aumsville tor week's stay. Woodburn Blazes Gdl Fire Truck WOODBURN The Woodburn fire department was called out about S p.m. Wednesday after noon to extinguish a grass fire at the U. :f Fryer place on Stark street The fire which was endan gering the barn was almost-out when the fire department arrived one to the efforts of the section men who were worklnjr nearby. rue lire department was called S layton Rebekahs Have Circus Party . STATTON A lawn party was enjoyed - at the Shaeffer home Taesday night after the regular meeting of the Stayton Rebekah lodge. - -The "Circus idea was car riid out during the entertainment. and ice cream and pink lemonade were served from a decorated pop stand. John Clark, a guest,' won the prize as the best tight rope walker, and Mrs. H. J. Rowe won the prize for keeping her balloon in the air the longest. Mrs. B. A. Shaeffer, Mrs. Bee Johnson and H. J. Rowe are on the August committee. Pleasantdale Farm Produces Heavily PLEASANTDALE From 12-acre field in the J. A. MeFar- lane farm in the Pleasantdale dis trict an average of 67 bushels an acre of fall wheat was received Monday. Sixty-six bushels an acre of winter oats was grown on five-acre field on tnesame farm You folks who like Good Living ... MM E YOU TASTED THIS PAN-STYLE BEER? out three times Monday afternoon. Each ot these; calls were "grass fires nt ot -town which enickly extinguished. - Licenses Issued PALLAS - Marriage licenses were Issued here this week in-the office of County C 1 e r k Carl S. Graves to Herbert Raymond Mo Bee and Margaret June Campbell, both of Dallas, and to Albert a. Brooks and Marguerltte .. Hum phreys, both ot Hoeklna. - IfoodburaVFair Plans Expanded Board . Sleets Cooperation From Gty Residents on Coming Event WOODBURN Additional plans tor the Woodburn fair were acted upon at the meeting . of the fair board Tuesday.: All committees appointed at the previous In leet- r reported. Often ot assistance nave been given by various persona through out the community. It Is. the In teatton of the . board to main tain tree admission to all exhibits and entertainments, except the entertainment presented each night. Exhibitors - are requested to register at either the Wood burn branch ot the First National bank of Portland or at the office of . John P. . Hunt and Son. aa early as possible. Two mew com mittees were appointed. The old time - picture section will - be handled by Mrs. dfa Fikaa and Mrs. Elizabeth Glatt Mrs. John Mulr, with the assistance ot the school teachers, will have charge of the school children's parade. At a recent school board meet ing. Roeina Banes, teacher at Springbrook, Ore, the past few years, was elected to teach the fourth grade at Lincoln grade school here. A baby boy weighing 8' pounds was born to Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Naslund at a Salem hos pital Tuesday. He Is their first child and has been named Robert Edward. S3 2 rt ii r i 1" S3,'7 tin"- mv ' ,.m& W-rt color !?iflcfc VL nor xtfShreenl ?iUner V today, true v0urseu, too- rtinjr ?. keep TiDk. 1 ;trr too n A J5Jr w A Tne c-ft for Brow TTn"v rail SSSa ' t--V fvi that veP ' r nvatroirtbe true pasner Tfl Git"9 neit i1 It -Wfc. mm T ' - I Want more "spending money" . . . extra funds to buy more of the little extra things that add to voirr family's contentment and happiness? Then, why not buy all your foods at Safeway from now on? Safeway prices arc consistently low all the timeyou're sure to save on every shopping trip. .T Start today. . . Have "spending noncy" after you've gone your shopping. i JELLY GLASSES Doz. 39c KERR REG. LIDS 2 doz.:... 15c PAROWAX 1 lb. Package.... IOC MASON JARS Quart 79C JAR RUBBERS 3 doz IOC Jell Rite Liquid Pectin 2 8-oz. bottles.. O m. v. w. r. Eiars These Fine Values Effective Friday August 11 Thru Monday, Aug. 14 POME'APPL Glenn Aire Fancy No. 2 Can Libbys or Del Monte No. 2lt Can 5L(Sc Assorted 28-oz. Bottles 2 FOB No Deposit ALT Morton's 24-oz. Package foir a Natural Brown Rice 5 ib: Pkge.:.25c FRISKIES t lb. esck. SALAD OIL Mar Day. Quart Jag PEARL TAPIOCA 2 lb.1 Cell. Pkgo. SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 lb. Pkge PICKUNO SPICE S-ox. Cell. Pkge PELS KAPTHA SOAP 8 bars . DEL MONTE E. O. PSAS, No. 2, 2 for HONEY POD PEAS Stokelv, No. 2, 2 for LIBBTS DICED BEETS No. -2 Can - North Star Sardines No. Us, 2 for CRAB MEAT Lucky Sail, No. V4 LGE. DRY SHRIMP 5-os. can, 2 for. ... LOO CABIN SYRUP Medium Sise BRADSHAWS Honey IChdz. Glass.: ; Dinner Bell OLEO 2 lbs ... LIBBYS Sliced BEEF 2-ot; Jar. . Hormels Pic Feet 14-os. Jar Pen Jell Dry Pectin BORAX POWDER 2 lb. Pkse., A-l SAUCE Bottle L 23c Airway Coffee . Here's a blend that is pleasing to . tha palate and pocketbook. 12c ii 3 lbs. EDWARD'S Enjoy an expensive blend of coffee and save I 23c m tin 45c Nob Hill Coffee Roaster Fresh Ground when you buy itlthe way you like it I 20Cn. 2 ii 25c Tissue6 rolls 25c Lip tons Tea Ask About Teaspoosi Deal H I. 15hx. Pkg. Ivory Flakes CayMsJIc Crisco 3 lb. can 50c i Yaa ..Camp! No. 9H Cra 3 for 27c 25c m - 4 ' re VJHDTE KONG SOAP Granulated Soap, 24-oz. pkg.............210C Toilet Soap.1..... .g bars '25C BAKED BEANS, Sugar Nut, No. 2 Jumbo... .223c TOMATO JUICE, Sunny Dawn, No. 2 Can. 215e UNS. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, Sloans, 46 oz. can 15c BEANS, SUco Cut Kentucky Wonder, No. 2 can 215c ASPARAGUS, Walla Walla, med. No. 1 can. 19e PINEAPPLE, Palm Island, No. VA can 9c SALMON, Sunny Point, No. 1 can. . 10c MAYONNAISE, Piedmont, y Pt. 11c t. 19c FR. DRESSING, Pierre Brand, 8-oz. bottle ..lie Kitchen Kraft FDooair 49 lb. Sack 01.19 2 41 lb. Sack 6j)C DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR 1.35 O lb. sack-- AIRLIGHT FLOUR 95c 41 lb. sack. RIPE OLIVES, Wyandotte, extra lge No. 1 can 235e BAKING POWDER, Calumet, 1 lb. can 20c Sleepy Hollow SYRUP, Cane & Maple, Pt 19c QU 33c BROWN DERBY BEERr12 oz. on, , 1.98 Case, 327 JULIA LEE WRIGHT BREAD, Big lYt Ioaf.525c CHERUB MILK, Small 3c....- : .. ... Tall 6c MORTON ICE CREAM SALT, 4 lb. Pkge...........: 9c SPINACH, Libbys, No. 2 caa....:... . 221c CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP. 10 bars 28c. Produce Features Fri. & Sat. Only 45's J 0P ICS 2Ts a for IQe Meat Features Fri. & Sat. Only Cantaloupes lUpeFralt SEEDLESS GRAPES Hit" sugar content, a na tional healtb trait. Tomatoes Firm and ;ripe. S lbs. Sweat 8ptnlsh Onions Potatoes, No. ' 3ilCc T1 Celery . Limt CrU - tender. 41 - Blx stalks. SO sack 4SC .Lexaom Extra; lare, for more Jutee. - 6 OT 15c VJatermelons A New Shipment, Quality Excellent Price Low Eeet Tender, Juicy Steaks Steak lb. 19c PorEt Steak lb. 17c A Real Value at Pork Roast Boiling Beef Ifltecn, 0!icib. Beef Roast Bologna, Liver Sausage, Frankfurters, per lb. Shortening... . ; DILL PICKLES Quart 5s Ground Beef lbs. Bacon Dry Sugar-cured, by the piece accib. 29c I ... 17c .4 lbs. 35c COTTAGE CHEESE 2 1-. 5c '! 2C2 FRESH FISH CHICKEN KIPP KREI1 SALMON