The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 11, 1939, Page 11, Image 11

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    vr- ? . The OREGON STATESSIAN, , Salem,:: Oregon, Friday Moxiiin, August 11, 199
jforms Prepare
Polk County Herd Group
Arranges Event for
August 15
DALLAS In preparation for
the dairy tour being arranged by
the Polk County Dairy Herd Im
nrovement association. ". sereral
dairy farms belonging to mem
ber of that . group ar oemg
made ready for company. The
tour ia to take place on Tuesday,
August 15, and i the first eTent
of ita kind to be held in Folk
The purpose of this tour, ac
cording to information received
from W. C. "Leth,. Polk coun r
agent, Is to give members of the
association an opportunity to visit
torn of the successful dairy
farms in the county and to give
them all an opportunity to meet
together for Improving the as
sociation as a whole. There are
several outstanding dairy farms
Included in this group, on which
certain management - practices
and types of equipment .are in
use that are of interest to other
dairymen. ."
. The schedule for, the tour at
finally arranged la as follows:
f:30 Meet at Jack DeJong
farm, 1 mile vest, M
mile south, of Ballaton.
10:30 Dick DeJong farm. 1
mile south ef Ballaton.
11:00 Henry Keyt farm,
mile south of Perry
' dale.
12:00 Basket dinner, . Dallas
city park.
2:00 M. B.Findley farm, 1
mile east of RictrealL
J: 00 C. J. Jenkins farm. 1
mile east' of Rickreall
and mile south.
At the Jack DeJong farm a
high producing herd will be In
spected. Mr. DeJong has one of
the highest . herd averages for
butter fat production in the as
sociation. At thex Dick DeJong
farm an up-to-date bull pen will
be observed.
A modern milk house arrange
ment U the main Item of Interest
that will be considered at the
Henry Keyt farm. Irrigated pas
tures and loafing sheds will be
the primary consideration at the
M. B. Findley and C. J. Jenkins
In order to provide some vari
ety and also some entertainment
during the day, arrangements
have been made for Judging dairy
Dairy Ton
.tattle at several of the farms.
At the noon hour a special
program has been arranged which
will feature Charles Smith, field
representative of the American
Guernsey Cattle club, as the main
speaker. Mr. Roger Morse, exten
sion dairyman at ' Oregon State
college, has also been slated on
the program. .....
Final Retreat at
Mt. Ansel Planned
. MT. ANGEL The final lay
men's retreat will be held at Mt.
Angel college August 18, 19 and
20, with Rev. Damian Jentges,
newly appointed rector of ' ML
Angel seminary, as retreat mas
ter. "
Father Damian conducted the
August retreat for men two years
aao and has been active in the
retreat movement since 1932. He
Is the assistant director of ' the
Ijiymea's Retreat Guild ot which
P. N. Smith of ML Angel is
Prospects lor a large attend
ance are good. Reservations may
still be had. The retreat will open
with- mass Friday morning, Au
gust 18, at 10 a. m. and win
close Sunday morning.
A retreat for lay women will-be
conducted at Mt. Angel normal
. and academy by Rev. Charles
Corcoran of Holy Cross college,
Washington.' DC. the coming
weekend, August II, 12 and 13.
Houses BuU(Hn
At Independence
peudence Lumber Yard reports the
following building activities: John
Drazdorff ia bnildinr a new seven
room house at Beuna Vista; Bert
Mosier started the construction of
a five-room home Monday on Sev
enth street which win replace tne
house ' desrtoyed by fire two
months aro- Ren Becken started
construction of a. modern dairy
barn at the tiecicen uairy xarm
lust southwest of Independence:
and R. r: Swoon was making re
pairs to his office on Monmouth
street during the week.
Building permits were issued
dnrinsr the naat week, as follows:
Etta Filler to erect a one-story
house at 1042 Third street at a
coat of $800 and to Adam N. Wil
lath to erect a story and one-halt
house at 1131 Roge at a cost of
rritsh COLLEGE Mrs. Es
ther Oliver entertained as guests
recently her cousins, Mr. ana mrs.
Marvin Sinclair and SOU. Harold
of Oklahoma City. Oxla. The Ste
clairs had never seen the pcean
aad were given a pleasant trip to
the Oregon beaches. . ; - .
..... MMma FITU - maa aal
CbiaeM iaaaie, AB,J,So!"
CESS far 000 yaara la CHINA.
Ne auttor wttfc what J"
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flaiata . -
miarlle Chan
Chinese BerbCo'
a. B. rose, S yters
praetk ia Cain.
Of fie
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Union News
BETHEL A .group of Farmer
union members from Central
Howell local attended the meeting
of Bethel local Monday night.
Mrs. W. E. Branch, leader of the
junior group, gave her report of
the . junior camp and training
school held recently at Long Bow.
Joyce Lively, who was chosen
from the Bethel local Juniors to
accompany Mrs. Branch, told of
her experiences and Impressions.
Oak Pointer Away
On Trip to Kansas
OAK POINT Mrs. Lavant
Pease left Monday for Melvane,
Kan., going for the first time in
22 years to visit her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. F. C. Scharper, two
brothers and two Sisters. Mrs.
Pease's son. Norval, is attending
Advance Bible school in Washing
ton, DC, and will come west in
about three weeks with Mrs.
Pease. He will again take up his
duties as teacher in the Advent
seminary at Auburn, Wash. .
Mrs. Frankie Hazelton returned
Tuesday from Vancouver, B. C.
where she has been visiting 'her
''rfy '
r Wnf F Si
1 1 I I I I I I I I II 1 U 1
i i 1 1 ii i 1 1 ii n 1 1 if i
f;.o:maYiFAYf;z3T fiaii
may be Ued on any pordas tcaHog $10 or
Shelton Services
Are Said at Scio
SCIO F u n e r a 1 services for
Riley shelton, 81, were held at
the Scio Baptist church last Sat
urday and interment, was at
Franklin Butte cemetery. He died
at his home here August S fol
lowing an extended illness.
Survivors include the widow,
Mrs. Florence Shelton, and a
daughter, Mrs. E. D. Myers, of
Scio; sister, Mrs. Isabelle Yarbro,
Marsh field; brothers, M. H. Shel
ton, Portland, and Henry L. Shel
ton, Camas; Wash. .'
Riley Shelton was born in a
log cabin on his father's donation
land claim on Crabtree creek fire
miles southeast of Scio. February
4, 1858, residing there with his
parents, brothers and sisters un
til he was 21. -
For some time he served as
deputy sheriff under I. C. Dickey,
later teaching school. In 1882 he
entered general mercantile busi
ness in Scio, continuing five
daughter and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Reginald Hartshorn. .';"
A grain field fire, broke out
Monday on the .Hurst ranch
caused from the 'exhaust ot a
tractor. Some standing grain was
burned but mostly stubble after
being combined.
SaM $20 Qwlityl
3 Pc Metal
Bed Outfit
, , A Month
Down PeyswMt, Carrying Cbergo
S AVE Jo and get a fall size
metal Bed; a SO pound cot
-ton. Mattress instead of the
' usual 45; a 99 coil rust-proof,
non-tMg Spring of Premier
wire the finest made!
Equals $3930 Qvattrl
Sale! Bed
Examine every feature
you'll see how Wards price
saves you 1101 Convenient
drop back opening makes
double bed! Tapestry covert
S5 a Meath, Down Payasent,
. Carrylas: Charge
SaM Reg. 39c Qvatity
Hard (Goods
Sfeere Yere
Buy while prices are low!'
Yea get a baked enamel sur
face, long-wearing and easy
to clean!, Newest patterns
Tiles, Florals, lfarblaUed
designs! and 9 feet wide!
Qoos from 14 Szas r:':
Get rags to fit your rooms
and save dollars at Wards
oa any sise yea buy! Deep,
imported wool nils! Tea
tares. Leafs, and Orientals.
gj IOTI. 9mm
years. Mr. Shelton then engaged
la real estate and notary work,
in which .he was active for 45
years. Mr. Shelton also served
many years as Jastice of the
peace, mayor, councilman and
city recorder of Scio, school clerk.
postmaster, four years under , Gra
ver Cleveland, and cashier of the
Scio State bank lor a short time.
On November. 12, 1882, he was
united in ' marriage to Florence
Montgomery in Scio.
Mr. Shelton united with the
Providence Baptist church near
Scio in. 1876 and was active- in
church work for many years. He
was a leading member of Scio
lodge of Odd Fellows, and ne ana
Mrs. Shelton were charter mem
bers of the local Rebekah lodge.
instituted here In 189.
Scio's Mailmen
To Attend Meet
j, SCIO Selo rural route mall
carriers, Ed Holland, route 1,
Lawrence Montgomery, rente 2,
and Rolls Shelton, route 3v plan
to attend the national convention
of rural carriers at Portland next
Monday through Saturday. Sub
stitutes on the Scio trips will be
Frank Bartu, route 1; Rev. V. I
Loucks. route 2, and Roy Shel
ton. route 3.
: Mrs. ! Art Sweeney of Scio re
cently underwent major surgery
101 s
w- . k i a-"
August Sale-priced I These con
venient 5-drawer chests fit any
roosal . Paint them Tourself t
J U1-
aad 1 r -31 IUmUI senQ "' a
Ig cusbiFin. mm
' HaroVooJI i
i - r' -Pv 4 h 'I
P r Ji . u SwnIeaVe
I.-: (G) J 1 n )
for goiter In a Salem hospital. .
Kennard Rowe of Staytoa Is in
charge ot the Mountain States
power plant east of Scio and
serving this territory, daring; the
absence of the regular superin
tendent,- J. W. Parrish, who Is
spending .his annual vacation at
Portland, Estaeada. Vancouver
and -other down-river points.-
Legion Auxiliary
Meets, Silverton
silvkktun Convention pro
grams and plana were discussed at
the Monday evening meeting of the
American. Legion auxiliary at the
armory club rooms, with Mrs. Sam
Lorenzen presiding.
A letter from the department
president. Hazel Snyder, express
ed gratitude for the. year's cooper
T. T. Leonard, proprietor of the
Winlock Handle factory was given
a vote ot thanks for donating the
small canes to be used as favors
from Silverton at the secretary's
breakfast Friday.
Mrs. Del Barber, president of
the Maries county veterans' asso
ciation, gave the report of the
meeting during last week at the
Silverton KP halt.
An honored guest of, the unit
waa Mrs. A. Grevaon, who has been
a member ot the auxiliary in the
middle west for 18 years.
i5 lis
xm, ... -
, .,4s 111 sio 'titicaUr A.e!:k sal P-l
15 q'
Lesspl Regulat
$12.95 Value!
Adjustable to 7 derrtes of soft,
healthful light! I.E.S. specifica
tions t Pleated silk shadei
CWldreh Urged
To Enter Parade
MT. ANGEL Children who
wish to enter the kiddies pet pa
rade on Saturday, August 19.
must file their entries with
Leonard Fisher, chairman of the
event, by Wednesday, August 16.
Many have already entered.
Merchants are donating prizes for
the different divisions which in
clude pets, decorated bicycles.
comic, decorated doll buggies.
pet-drawn vehicles and decorated
A trophy is being offered by
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Holmes as
the sweepstakes award in the
kiddies' parade.
Ia addition all children enter
ing the parade will be given a
pass to the remainder of the
day's activities. Including the
afternoon sports program and the
Saturday evening vaudeville
show.: They will also be served
with free lunch.
The parade, which feat ares the
second day of the Flex Festival,
is set for 10:30 a. m.
Orey Family
Attends Reunion
CLEAR LAKE Mr. and Mrs.
Adam Orey returned Sunday eve
ning from a week's outing in Cali
xr . i-..
lers rt to the x
Satel White
Worth $31 FUled with 100
all white curled duck feath
ers t Attractiva ticking! Save!
VI 111! u f 1 1
o n ri( . Kin
pnoNE tin
fornia. While there they visited
the fair at San Francisco and on
the return trip attended a family
reunion at Ashland. They brought
back with them Mrs. Lee Roy, who
will be a house guest at the Orey
home for a time.
T. C (Kelley) Mason began
construction of a new house on the
place purchased from his brother,
Lloyd, Monday. Fred Stolk is also
adding four rooms to his house.
Norma, the eight-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Stolk, who has been confined in
the Deaconess j. hospital for the
past few weeks, is reported some
what improved. Her condition has
been quite serious.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wbelan
and son Everett left Sunday for
a visit to the fair in San Fran
Lutherans Picnic
Sunday, Silverton
SILVERTON Rev. and Mrs.
O. C. Olson, ia charge of Calrary
Lutheran church, and Miss Oiga
Johnson, Sunday school supero
tendent, were hosts at a picnic
following forenoon tiasses Sun-
aay ai ue cuy para. ,
Attending; were-Mrs. Ed Jack
son and Arthur, Gladys and An
drew; Mrs. Karen H ridding. Mirs
Christine Rislov, Mr. and Mrs.
Ole Solberg and Kenneth. John,
George, Oliver, Arthur and May;
Sale! SAVE
cou Dimimeiiipipihmg
MORE cosafort fenrwes
rhnn utwol $15 QtMifryl
One of the most sensational comfort bargains
we've offered at this LOW price! You get 182
comfort coils of finest Premier wire you sleep
in luxury on a cushion of cotton linters and thick
sisal pads! The heavy rayon damask ticking
wears TWICE as long as ordinary covers I Save!
$!L95 Value 99-CoH PWtform Spring 9X3
Prices Slashed 13l
6x9 .. .
Your savings ate big at Wards cot prices but;
they art tremendous when yon compare this
quality elsewhere! Tough, baked-on, enamel--easy
to clean ! Bright colors in Tiles,' Florals, .
and modern Marbleized designs! Save at Wards !
Sale! Wardoletrm Yd. Goods 1 .
6 and 9-f L wj. ytL-:
Mr. and Mrs. John Ludvixsen
Mr. and Mrs. Ordeen Solberg and
LaVonn and Beverly, Mr. and
Mrs. L. A. V e a c h and Junior,
Joyce and Lois, Mr. and Mrs. Ha1
ror Brokke and Merrin, Donald
and Marvin Loughmiller, Mrs. W.
Palmer and Harlow, R. Chilberg
and Evelyn, Oretta, Clarence and
Donald; Eileen" Dahlen, Elvin
Almquist, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wore
and Evelyn,-John Todd, Mrs.
Olea Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Jo
seph LeRud and Ruby, Joyce,
Marvin and Eric Dokken.
Pastor of Iowa
Visiting Aurora
AURORA Reverend and Mrs.
George Ramsey of Keokuk, Iowa,
are guests at the home of Mrs.
L. B.-lrvin and Mrs. Clara At
kinson. The Ramseys formerly re
sided in Oregon.
Shirley Mae-Evans Is visiting
her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Steele of Pendleton.
LIBERTY Miss Doris Ander
son was visited by two friends.
Miss Beatrice Hastings ef Vie.
toria, B. C. and Miss Phyllis
Watson of Dewdney, B. C, Tues
day afternoon. Miss Hastings is a
teacher in the Dewdney high
school and plana to return la the
fan for another visit.
. brings yov fhovsonds of bems not carried tit
our stare. Buy everything you need at Wards! -
at w. cwl