1 J ' 4 i ? J I i -"VK. L i 6'. c:... : : k A i i ' v. iV-Y 1 Ifc .1''' L Ti rib Tr nn r, U. UUy UUUii ikicocdatcd Prcso - . - - 0 rfT I. ALWA.YS A CENTLEMAN-N. vly word, mured tfc ecssioB whea St. Loais Browiw Muarer Fred Bmaey wu Vanished from tune ia Boston, won by Red Sox, -1 Instead of fcmrlinx epithets, Hney bowed to Umpire MeGowsn. CHARM Eathudastie BrI tons can this pktore of a slim ner, more chic, Qoeeo Elisabeth the "year's best photo of Her Majesty." It was takea as tho queen attended a garden party. Embroidery en the hat nutehes that on dress. f . : . ' ' ' S- i, j I - : - ' i I ? TV, 1 " ': t: r w , - - t S wv t. I, ,. , , annaiMHts??nna94onfrBMv 7. i s - v j ' K t. i 5 J ' .flSK" t is I 5 I V? 6 r 6 V 1 f - ! ; . '.,'w, W ' 'V, Hf : , .Sr .pr .... I ' CT I a , ,f I - t tm - - x j ARGUMENT FOR PEACE-Tears Instead of cheers were contributed by these yonnc Frenchmen at the martial review of Si. Cyr military academy, the "West Point" of France. They bawled each time an artillery piece boomed. Zff f ' PORT OF AN EMPIRE All wool and more than a yard wide is this sosao at the port of London, Enrland, where wool's be tax onload ed for Utter a action sales at the wool exchange. Control of London's 45 miles of deep-water nays is Tested in the Fort of London Aathority. which oversees the ciearinc of more than 45,M0,v0t tons of roods annnally, carried by 62,009 ships. : 5: 4 I "4 TALKED Word that . S. Badson (above) Britain's over seas trade secretary, had dis cussed disarmament loan with a Nazi economics expert aroused a furore ia London. iWJ EU-lme Fortune may smile on the darfnr Gallino brothers (above). Peruvian aviators whVpUnV nonstop bop from New York to Lima. Pern. nsitthls BariSSy! Qrow monoplane. They have been testinx planeDetroiLCcm. nder Hamberto Ganin..(left) SShU Tetter. rSStT Gallino call the twin-motored ship "Cms de Cpon." - -s. W " 3 V , 1 A I ? i v FOR THE 1 940 OLYMPICS At least CM seats are beinx reserved ta abovs secttoa ot ' tho Olympic stadium at Hekintfors, Finland, for newsmen coverinx the 1140 athletio carnival. CROWI -'tees axes area i so isr en ror Shirley Tem ple, whose axe Is riven as 10 by her film studio. She's been ta 21 - feature pictures dortnr a meteoric career. I S f V I J f.9 7 L 17 i,- --jf-, sA I . -:-::-:-:-.x-:':-: ;.;-..x-:.?x :. : :S-:-f '.-:: 'W, yx I ' ' I v C I I -Mf '1(1 FIND FIDO f If you look close youH see "Pooch." whose master put an end to his rovinx at Cape May. N, J beach. J. ' ) vol r J K: n ArKt- p-:: X't.ta 0f PA LAUCHI NC JMiATTER la rre rood hamor. Mullai trixht) and staff member viewed Italian art exhibit la Born LABOR A CIO tavssion of the buildinx construction field, long dominated by A.F.OII. will be led by A. D. Lewis Caoove). boshy-browed brother of CIO Leader John L. Lewis. C H O I C ENo better person could be named.' said Manuel Qaeson. hailinx FJ)JL'i nom instkm of Francis B. Sayre (above) as U.S. Hirh Commis sioner to the Philippines. 'BIG BERTHAS' NOT PIC ENOUGH FOR NAZIS i 1 yM-'.h- '.''V- X .-..-;-,X' . . " ir ?i TTT v, .... J ! ' V i.wr V ,1 1 ' - -,r-r iir:-v " f it i" i POLAND HARVESTS OTHER CROPS THAN CRISES Peasant eaxerly rjeet arlnx. wklte-haired rea. Uaaeo risscickl who Inspected wheat harrestinr near Spala, Poland. Note erode tools used to harvest crop, which Is reported excellent this year. SHOOT TO KILL! With these saobflo-railway cannons remmlseent of Germany's wartimo "Bix Berthas," Nazis nave bolstered their defense aroxram. German sources say tan shell's aearly as tall as a aaaa. weixhs CO pounds." I 5KfEAP0N CUESSiNC-Shock absorbers to whki tia ,I!rVy.cri " Ad. thus steadytnr the run when It fires. . wLtVZ chanleal details perfeetetf by Nairn, Experts believe the -Bi Berthas" fired a 200-povnd rh-