SingersFrom Indiana Come (? Thursday fci QUANTITIES 1 - I ; LIMITED V - Z ,U TO WHILE V ' TOlTf JHI they last crarN Ml JUl J o S i hiirsday Saturday Brings You Final vlJI Jy, -: ' '- -:- " 1 1 :.- s - i t These boys, from Anderson, Ind., are trawling in the Interest of the Anderson college and theological seminary. They hare been invited to sing at the First Church of God, Hood and Cottage streets, Frl ' day night at 7:45. With a fine program arranged a large audience la anticipated. Left to right: Mark Denton, Princeton, Ind.; Val Clear, Detroit, Mich.; Earl Neal, Lodi, Calif., and Milo Chapman, Eugene, Ore. Chapman was formerly a resident or Salem. Troops to Be In Big Parade Regular Army, ONG, Send Over 1200 Men for . I Friday Event Over 1200 officers and men of the national guard and the regu lar army will be in Salem on Frl . day night for the Legion parade, according to Dr. B. F. Pound, pa rade chairman. Contingents will Include the 7th infantry from Vancouver barracks, which will send 170 men and seven officers, and naticral guard units from valley towns. The 7th Infantry detachment, of which Captain John W. Joyes, Jr., will be the commander, and First Lieutenant Stillson S. Smith, second in command, will drive from Fort Vancouver in army trucks to Salem. An advance guard has already arrived but the main body of the force f will be met at 8:30 a,- m. Friday , at the city limits and brought to the armory, where the men will be quartered, by a city police escort. Flag Ceremony A color guard will proceed from the armory to the court- house lawn, where a flag-raising ceremony will be held at 9: IS a. m. The regimental band will ac company ' a rifle company, and will under "the command '. of ' 'Warrant' Officer A r thur S. - Hayhes. The band will march in the parade on Friday night. . In addition to the , 7 th infan try,' nearly 1000 officers and men ' of -the Oregon national guard will be assembled here during Fri day to participate In the parade - and to puton a ; special, military display on Sweetland field in hon- or of, porernor.Sprague. : All na tional guard anils will be under '- the command of Colonel' Harry Brumbaugh, with Major W. B. "Vincent regulating officer. : Among, . the national ,: guard units will be a battaHon of heavy artillery: from the. 218th field ar tillery of Portlands The unit, will bring with it four heavy field pieces, which will be included in the parade. ' . ' -. All rtierTe officers and na tional guard .'of fleers in this re gion have. been invited. to march - - in the parade, and Dr.. Pound has estimated : that ; 1 0 0 to 1 5 0 will be present. v '"-- - ' ", National guard" r units which ; - will participate' in . the parade and display; include . companies .E, F and O of the ' second - battalion; company A. of ' McMinnvllJe, com- ' pany B and . headquarters com pany of Salem, company L of Dallas, and company M of Corral 11s, all of the 112nd Infantry. Battery Aof the 249th coast ar- tlllery of Albany,- "and a battery v of . heavy; artillery; from - the sec- ond .battalion,' 218th field artil : ilery of Portland, will also be pres- en t.'. The 112nd infantry band v -rwOi .be Included in the parade! 'National' guard units will return i.'Tto their respectlf e " headquarters ': immediately after the parade, and in consequence will notlpehd thk ', night in Salem. r ' ' , . - , ... .r' " : ' : ; i iTurktjy hot Wd, ; ; Neittie li Shot, 1 So MooreVFined . i - Charlea Simon's turkeys may be wild but that proved no ez- eue yesterday for A. Moore, 88, .when he killed one witn a snoi , On Simon's complaint- to the sheriff's of f ice, Moore wureanfbt hHvr hank cam a 'above Wheatland with' the- turkeyc near . ly ( read 7 for the pot, 4 Deputy i -Bert' Smith reportea. : ' -.. Mmm nladad- mllt-r to the resulting larceny charge; In jus tice court.- ue - was senreacea iw 30 days in ' jail but released on . nnmtnn'ha na v. Simon - for-the bird and pay court costs;; as soon as he receives nis firs. nop pica . lng check. 1929 Conclave Here Recalled Financial News Different Then, So Was World, Research Finds "U. S. Steel was brought for ward once more as a leader, and was bid up nearly six points to a record price above 221." So read an item on the finan clal page of The Statesman on August 8, 1929, the same day on which several thousand members of the American Legion gathered in Oregon's capital city for their annual convention. Financial news was different a decaje ago, but so, too, was the world news in general. The Graf Zeppelin was on the front pages during the Legion meeting in Salem, since in those August days it was making the start of its famous trip around the world. The dirigible had ma'de a false start lnthe previous May, but had been forced to re turn to Lakehurst, N. J. for second try later in the summer. At the same time that the giant German lighter-than-alr craft was heading east across the Atlantic toward Ireland, however, the Cunard liner "Mauretania" was failing to beat the time of the North German Lloyd "Bremen,' -on a passage westward to New York. The "Mauretania's" time was four days, 21 hours and 44 minutes. New "Yard" Chief A new man, an authority on laundry marks; had been made chief of Scotland Yard detective force at the same time that the Boulder dam was building in the west of America, and Stanford university men, by an e d 1 c t of their president, were required to wear shirts while working at jobs around their Palo Alto campus. The murder mystery of the day was the Snook trial at Co lumbus, Ohio, where a former member, of the faculty , of Ohio State was defending himself un successfully, as it turned out a few days after the Legionnaires left Salem against a charge of killing his college student mis tress. The , secretary of state had just appointed Supreme Court Justice Van Devanter to the commission to investigate the sinking of the Canadian rumrun ner (curious word! ) "I'm Alone," and the national law enforcement commission had just published its investigations 1 n t o . 11 different phases of crime conditions In the United States. . , Reparations Deadlock Abroad, France, England ' and Italy were deadlocked on the dis tribution of reparations collected from a Germany where Adolph Hitler was still a street-corner orator. - In Virginia a democratic "ma chine": was getting ready for "a big drive to put over the "Smith wets," and In Ireland an Ameri can horse won the chief event of the annual Dublin horse show be fore, the era of the Irish Republi can army. .- Peggy Hopkins Joyce, original glamor girl, was suing James Hopkins Joyce, her first husband, for half a million dol lars or such a matter. . And in Wall Street where telegraph boys and waitresses were still dabbling, . . . some of therails were also' bid up rapidly. Atchison rising above 12 points to a record of 277. Utilities rallied substantially, and such shares as Air Reduction, Ameri can Telephone, American Tobac co, Consolidated . Gas, Gillette. National Biscuit, Packard and Union Pacific made wide rains. Do Teeth Rock, Slide or SU . FA8TEETH. a powder to to aprinfeU a ! tU. keeps tkaa wri Tumi? u V.k. mr InAt n1tB aior 4eBendU bl witt f ASTEEThL Tm'U fMl more roafidcat with a firmer dental plat. Mildly alkaUaa -FA3TEETB alsa ebeeka j.. m aammm. hnvni., imltln, AP vmlA da U tte ehtflnr of a loos, wabbrr XA8TEETH mt ay drf : v:l:iisL Golden Gate tutor no t ioaol Exposition l idi ji) I III a J li L I W J K3J7n U UIJ UA 7- r'? IDI )nnai? ism Soyc Let's Go The tail end of our Factory Close-Out Sale left as with a few short lines and broken lots that MUST BE SOLD re gardless of the cost!; We have grouped them to sell for ONE DOL LAR! The former selling: price from' $2.00 to $10 on many of these items Is your guarantee of worthwhile sayings. First Come Firtt Served! Quantities are Limited to while they last only I No Exchangee - No Refunds - No Chargemt. Men's AIl-Wool 4? 5)tZf j)$ Dress Pants and Slacks 0? laV Values to $5.00, sizes SO to 86 J O V V L5l I W Men's Sanforized WASH SLACKS Values to 92.05, sizes 80 to 88 0 'Whipcord and Moleskin WORK PANTS Values to SI. 03. Mostly large sizes.. Bo 7i? M if I One Lot Men's and Boys' SHOES Values to $4.00. Broken sizes.. Eo One Lot Men's Fine A , FUR FELT HATS 57 fnlfn Guarahteed Talues mp to SS.IE J VQVV Men's Wool and Linen v PENDLETON SHIRTS fmfn) Valuesjto fl.lS. Broken sizes J IQXAVVH One Group McGregor, Columbia Knit, Wilson Bros, and Other Fine Slip-on and Coat SWEATERS Values! to 4.I8. Wilson A 1- TROPICAL WORSTED SUITS $10.00 ralues. Ton buy the coat for One Dollar and the Pants for One Dollar (no split). The suit complete - . 2o Wilson Bros, and other Hollywood Crash Cloth SPORT JACKETS In and outer styles. Values to $3.95 ;Eo One Odd Lot TROPICAL WORSTED COATS Values to $5.00 . ;Eo Closing Out Hundreds SAILOR AND BODY STRAWS Values to $8.95 ...: FACTORY OjOSIvOUT J: 1 Hundreds of Fine Broadcloth and Madras Made to Sell Regularly for 1.63 " 195 Leading Eastern Mfg. sacrifice their surplus floor stock of Fine Shirts to Bishop's for CASH We Pass On the Savings to You! Brand new shirts never shown be- . fore! Solid color; white, . blue and green in Shantungs! Fancy woven : Madras cloths in all colors! Non-wilt . collars guaranteed the life of shirt! AH Sizes front 14 to 17 Yt ffi Hundreds of Nationally Known ; $1.00 TIES Pure Silk, hand tailored. 2 f.r $1.00 Fancy Rayon and Lisle HOSE FOR MEN : Values to 85c pair 6ff $1.00 Dollar Days Only ; 55c TIES ' 4for$le00 . Nationally. Known . Fancy Hayon and Lisle HOSE FOR MEN Values to 50c pr. : A P&irs 4 for $1.00 MILE, ' ' 's: Say "You sure can take me a long way in Bishop's Down stairs Economy Store' MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS...:........ Values to 11.29. WORK SfflRTS............:.....;. Mens' Quality Chambray. Values to fl.dO 2 for 1.00 21.00 WORK SOX,.. .. . Rockford style. Dollar Days Only lJpr.fortQQ Jjm WORK SOX. f l pr. 6p ftfi Army St Nary. Extra Special. AtUy .WpftK.SOX.:...-.....i.' Heather mixed. Extra Special. SPORT SHIRTS.. ........ .. Wilson Bros, and Others. Values' to $1:00. .rNIT, UNION SUITS......:....... Uen's Summer. Short sleeTes,' long legs. 31.00 3 tplM ;: KOTr uiaoN surrs..;;....Vfor i nn -f. AtUtle tTl&BO tleeTM. knc. imctlu. " m -r IlVU -.K) Tour Last Chance to By These Famoaj -Blankets at Bach Lew gale Prices " '- Srery Blanket Brand New Freeh from the Factory! . Pendleton's most , Gorgeous Crea-" . tlons! All the new eolors,' shades and com-; nation! Deep, soft-napped down, lofty .fi bres of 100 PURE VIRGIN WOOL. Solid.; eolors and plaid combinations of Gold. CoiH per,- Eggshell, White, Rose, Peachy Green, Bint, Larender, Ashes of Roses and Dusty --sw itOMl t un iwuDie ca sue, 7l-io-i wcikuu J Very sllst Imperfection. - i Overstitched Edge;, reprular 110 valueu. 6.95 Satin-Bound Edge, regular 120 value. 7.95 One Dollar Deposit Holds Any Blanket : for Later Delivery MAN EI J VsUein 0 o What a Terrific Loss Prominent Eastern Clothing ? Manufacturer Takes on More Than . sFT'TUTi l i PANT; : Bishop's fought Them for CASH and Pass On the Savings to You REG. $35 VALUES; T Your Last Chance to Buy Them at the Ridiculously Low Price of WITH TWO PANTS New Style! New Patterns! New Fabrics! Guaranteed all wool, weights to It oa. Built to Bishops' high standard of tailoring. Regulars, shorts, stoats and slim models. . One Dollar Depoali Holds Any Garments for Later Delivery 'jit 1 ALL SALES FINAL NO EXCHANGES NO REFUNDS NO CHARGES Store Now -AJr-Condltioncd STORE OPEN . ; 8ATTRDAT NIGHT ; HI 0 P. M. FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF. orr-OF-TowN , . ." 'CUSTOMERS V" ia, (D lal !fii ( lal t., : r . - . -