PAGE TWENTY The OREGON STATESMAN, Salens Oregon, Friday Morning, August 4, 193J Throngs TH ft . TT SftSl Enjoy Jeff erson Onion v As Everybody Suspected, an Onion Jamboree Is tun Y v: S- u'V k4 -...... . X '-!Ss1( "rT - i-- W - - rv if V:V V.: 0- ficenes at Jefferson fete on Wednesdays. Top pictures, not onions bnt a cake-eating contest calculated to take away the taste. The pirls are - Marcella Dailey, Ruth Van Falkenburg, Mary Hess, Mlkie Thurston and Imogene Hess. Rllddle picture, Donald Stephenson likes onions so well he loaded his toy wagon with the pungent tnbers and en tered the Jamboree parade. Below, Betty Weidman, winner of the girls onion-eating contest, holds a Crystal Wax Bermuda onion - grown by J. C. Kim; it weighed one pound, nine ounces, and was the biggest onion In the show. Ben Maxwell photos. Park Attract! Favorable Notice the work of the park, committee and of the superintendent, Mr. Watson. Lyons Townsend To Hear Reports LYONS The Lyons Townsend club will meet Saturday - night. Mrs. Marion Nelgle will fire her report from the national conven tion. A special program will be given. The young ladies class of the Lyons Sunday school met for sup per at the home of Misses Con stance and Betty Jean Bodeker Tuesday night. The young men's class Joined them at the Bode ker home and surprised Miss Con Stance Bodeker on her 18th birthday. Present were Misses Pauline Clipfell, Cleta Marie Crabtree, Zola Surry, Evelyn Vaughn, Lois Tolland, Lois Stevens, Dorothy Bassett, Marion and Helen Nye, Beulah Lewis, Dorothy Ayres, Helen Hlatt, Melba Miller, Ree Johnston, Lorene Burk, Con stance and Betty Jean Bodeker, Pearl Dove and Mrs. George Clipfell. Young men present were Charlie Hallin, Donald Huber, Ice land Manning, Gordon, Stanley and Harvey Weitman, Delbert Berry, Holly Westenhouse, Rex Julian," Earl and Art Bassett, Perry Clipfell and Virgil Nye. Miss Violet Weitman is em ployed at the Salem General hos pital. Miss Daisy Weitman, her sister, also is employed there. Joh nF riend Buys Back Barber Shop He Once Operated HUBBARD John Friend, who about three years ago sold his barber shop to Herbert Birkholtx, bought it again and is now oper ating it. Mr. Berkholtz, is is re ported, is selling periodicals. Mrs. Birkholtx operates the Hubbard beauty parlor. Clarence Friend, who operates the Friend service station in Hub bard, injured his right eye with emery sparks flying into it. Mr. Friend is able to be about his work again. John Smolnisky of Amboy, Walb., was a business caller at Hubbard on Tuesday. Mr. Smol nisky formerly operated the Hub bard service store. He is now operating a general mercantile store at Amboy. enzs. i WW MM VflimO CCVCXAIKM V HWMfiiCO SUiVERTON Silverton's city park Is - drawing an unusual amount or - favorable comment this summer under the superin tended of Charles Watson. AU benches and tables have been re paired, the grounds have been kept : exceptionally clean and wnere necessary mowed, in por tions of the grounds the grass as been Irrigated. It has been suggested as the city park is practically the front yard of the city's woman mayor, Mrs. J. C. Schlador, a closer watch has been kept on the work ings of - the local park commit tee.- At ail events, visitors are highly complimentary concerning 7v MCDOWELL'S MARKET Salem's Leading Market Whatwe want to Impress on 70a folks is this: We have the cleanest meat market and the best refrigerator plant la the city, so this Is the place to bay your meat supply daring ; the warm weather. Yon can always do better at McDowell's. Our Own Make Half or Whole 1 T. T. ba, V. X. O. Cfcaa. V. D. Herbal remedies for aliments of itomach, liver, kidney, ikln, blood,-glands, A urinary sys tem of men & women. 22 years in service. Naturopathic Physi cians. Ask yonr Neighbors abont CHAN LAM. v Dl CDiUI IAI1 CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 3 9 3 Court St. corner Liber ty. Office open Tuesday it Sat urday only, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m., 8 to T p. m. Consultation, blood pressure & urine testa are free of charge. bacon ;sffl3AJMEsi4i..;; ,:...;..apc HEAVY BACON, sugar curcd...15c FRESH HGS' kET.. 3c MUTTON STEW....... L:L:.;,.- VEAL STEW....... .!..Qc SPARE RTOS.. j. . j Qc & J2C BEEF POT ROAST... ...JCC PURE PORK SAUSAGE..;.!! MUTTON CHOPS L FRESH SH)E OR SALT PORK. .. PORK TO ROAST, no shanks.... 13c PRIME RIB ROLL, a real buy. 17q Thee are seven meat cutler here folk, ready and glad to wait on you folks. , OPEN UNTIL 7 P. M. SATURDAY WednesdayFull Of Gala Hours Earl Mar cum Takes Prize of Onion Eating at , - big Annual Fete T " " JEFFERSON Wednesday was a gala day in Jefferson when a large - crowd gathered on the streets for the all day Bermuda Onion Jamboree, sponsored by the Jefferson Community Booster club. Jack Tyson, as .master ' of ceremonies announced the pro gram ' Various races occupied the forenoon. First and second prizes in races were awarded to the fol lowing: boys race, 9 to 12, Rah lelu Richmond, Bud Mason; boys', 12 to 15 years,. Jimmie Hender son, Delayne Richmond; girls', 9 to 12 years, Lola Thompson, Florence Ricks; girls 12 to 15, Mlckie Thurston. Virginia Bruce; young men's race, Jimmle Hen derson, John Meng; young ladles, Virginia B r n c e, Marjorie Moss; boys' bicycle, 9 to 12, Bobby Bruce, Billy Henderson; boys 12 to "IS, Don Smith, Jimmle Hen derson. Girls bicycle, 9 to 15 years, Virginia- Bruce, Betty Brace; boys' sack race, Jimmle Hender son, Monte Weddle, Alden Rich mond; boys' three legged race, Jimmle Henderson and Monte Weddle; Bobby Bruce and Billy Henderson; girls' sack race, Vir ginia Bruce, Betty Weidman. Earl Marcum was winner in the onion eating contest. Cake eating contest was won by Rachel Richmond. The parade was not o'clock. very lone bat was exceptionally good. Xt was led by Roy Wicker sham carrying the American Hag. First prise went to H. A. Wiley a canopy bearing a King Bermuda onion; second price to Don. Davis, the bee man, showing the bees at work; third, to Doa Smith, a flo ral 4H float. ? Model T Race Popular The Model T Ford race caused much merriment. - The priie mo ney was divided between the con testants, Bill and Kenneth Mills, Page and Wooldridge. ' Thirty-eight members ef the Junior Master band of Salem and their leader. Prof. Hassenstab, entertained with an hoar's music, which was greatly appreciated. Contestants f r o m Portland, Scotta Mills and Salem took part in the accordion contest. Winners in the adult division were: 1, Miss Ruth'Spillman; 2, Maurice Dor gan; 3, Don Dorgan; Junior divi sion, 1, Patricia Melssingsr; 2, Florence Felsted; 2. Donna Stark. Dr. D. J. Ferguson, minister of the Presbyterian c h u r e hi; of Al bany, gave very interesting talk. - v Called "Garden Spot? He also spoke of the great pos sibilities of this valley, how well it is adapted for the growing of all kinds of vegetables, it being "the garden spot of the U.S.A." Mr. horticulturist of OSC, also spoke. Ira Stone told of the Increased acreage planted to Bermuda on ions in this community over last year. Miss Jones of Mt Angel enter tained with two vocal numbers accompanied at the piano by Mrs. C. J. Thurston. : The rest of the time Was de voted to the free street dance which lasted until after 11 OutrStaters Visit GeiitiHowe CENTRAL HOWELL Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Plane were Mrs. Plane's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Saulcy from Lovelahd, Colo., and their daughter and granddaugh ter, Mrs. B. Q. Dennis and daugh ter of Kit Carson, Colo. The party was on a six weeks' trip. Mrs. F. E. Way enjoyed a vi sit from her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Adams and son. Lad die Ray of Guymon, Okla, With them were Miss Stella Burton, Springfield, Colo. Mr. Adams is superintendent of schools In his home town. They enjoyed a week of fishing in the Rogue river. , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wetheral of Denver are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Bert Bye for a few weeks. .They made trip to the coastal Crater lake with the Byes. Mineral Springs Alumni Reunited LEBANON About 60 members of the alumni of Mineral Springs college met Sunday for their 19 th annual reunion at the old college building and in reminiscent mood they recalled the days of yore. Honor guests were T. Bayard Bridges, with Mrs. Bridges, Oak land, Calif., and Mrs. J. R. The day's program was car ried out In fine shape, without any disturbance of any kind. The committee which worked to make the celebration a success, Includes W.- L. Cobb, H. A. Wiley, K. S. Thurston, Jack Tyson, E. C. Hart, L. L. Shields, Clifford Cole, W. L. Jones, E. B. Redmond and Roy Chester. Scio no Longer Drinking Chlorine; Old Well Is Cleaned and Repaired SCIO Seioans diet of lukewarm, heavily-chlorinated water pumped directly from the mill race was ended this week when cleaning and reperforating operations were completed at the north Scio drilled well. The 205-foot well, drilled about eight years ago, is pump ing 330 gallons per minute from the 85-foot level, a flow slightly In excess of that attained o when the well was first drilled. Flow of the well threatened to undermine the approach of the new temporary bridge before the drilling crew turned the stream into Thomas creek. H. E. Evans, driller of the new south Scio well, promised a full report on operations as soon as efforts to recover tools in the well shaft are complete. Evans stated this week that pumping was "past 300 feet" in the 350-foot shaft originally drilled but since partially filled by successive cave-ins. Inadequate flow of water was encountered Geddes, Mill City, widow of the one time president. There were 30 graduates pres ent from classes of 189$ to I960 inclusive, 1897 leading with 15. Silas Carr, 89, now of Corval lis, answered the Toll call with "children should be seen and not heard." Officers reelected are president, Esta Ramsey Washburn, Junction City; vice president. Flora Childs, Lebanon; secretary, Daisy Geddes, Portland. Visiting Pastor At Salem Heights SALEM HEIGHTS The Sun day morning church service will be in charge of Rev. Earl Cotton, a visiting pastor. The next six weeks the office of Sunday school superintendent will be filled by Mrs. Harvey Peterson. at that level, and councllmen are considering drilling of another auxiliary well on the north bank of the creek. With the exception of the cleaning operations, under direct contract with the city for $195, the- Selo waterworks Improve ment project is partially financed by PWA, and has been under way since November, 1938. BSbfJuSOS WwfPl S3 Compute I Friskles contains all the food elements your dog needs com pletely satisfying, nothing ttst utta bt ftd with Experiments prove it costs less to feed because it is 90 solid food. Feed Friskies, the tested ration that is revolutionizing dog feeding! COSTS LESS TO FEED HEIR (Somifftl; Sttoeett RHairfioim Stteeett EOimgwoofl Phone 9176 - 9177 Phone 7962 Phone 5166 Dial Either of These Numbers Free Delivery Same Low Prices SUMMER ISLE No. 2 Tins Cane 22 RED ROCK COTTAGE CHEESE lb. E Two Its 17c Pineapple Tid Bits 3reuglar size cans FRESHLY BAKED SODA 0 11 CRACKERS it pli OXYDOL, reg. size pkg. 18c Two RINSO, reg. size pkg. 18c Two Uais Brothers, MJB or Maxwell House FETUSES lb. 2d3 Pride of Dillard Cantaloupes Seedless EiAIPES lbs. ELBERTA 18-lh. Lng SUNKIST adoz. ag U.S.N0.2 so ibc. 4JQ Featuring Sis Frosted Generously With Boiled Iceing, Flavored With Fresh Snnkist Oranges. Two si2es IB Filled With Fresh Fruit Jams or Two for a UDOGiiime ; Baked Family Style Fresh Berry, Fresh Cherry, i! : and Pineapple Apple 2J BIG LOAVES GOLDEN CRUST lib. loaS 7c French Bread 8c age Or two for.-. Donate, Maple Bars, Rolls, doz. 15c TTTT Sanduich LoaS . ima succd I2c lbc. c & H Snovflalte SUGAR . .100 $4.45 Pure cane. KITCHEN QUEEN FLOUR 49-lb. sack. $1.0Q TARGET BRAND CORN BEEF Regular size It for ArUV cans. SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING 3-pound paiL 4)6C Wesson Oil, pint. Gem Nut Margarine lb. E lbs. 19C CREAMERY BUTTER "B" Grade..... ..2Jc Tender, Sweet-Meated Fancy Sugar-Cured lit). We will bake one of these good hams for you and deliver to your home at no extra charge. RIGHT TO LDOT QUANTITIES RESERVED