PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem Oregon, Wednesday Morning:, August 2, 1939 Salem Market Quotations fBaylng rriew) (T print below supplied by leesl grower sod ladiestlvtj et tbe daily aiarkat Crteet pe4 ta growers ay Salem Bayers at ara sot gusraatee4 by Ttaa Btetee teas.) - . ,r- . Banaaaa, Ib. aa , .05 H Usees . - .08 Crapes, Calif., teediett 1.78 ertpelnUt, Ceifl. J.s Lemoas. ersts 8.50 Oraages. waie Avocados, arata . Cantaloup, erata rYsteraeloas. lb. 8.50 ia 4.00 .. i.eo . 8.50 J02 YXOTAM (Baying Prices) Scant, wax -Oreea , , Beets, io. .04 .05 Ji .01 Ji 1.00 1.78 .25 .75 l.SS 1.00 JO .80 .08 JO .40 1.10 .45 1.00 .55 .40 .55 Cab bags, lb Carrots. toeaL dot. . - ,.. Caelif lower, local , , Calary. Ctaa, 1.00 local, trata- Uora, Dos. Caeaabcra. aaUoor . Lettoce Onions. SO lbs. Graaa salons. 4os. . Ksdishts. so. Peat, coast, lb. .. Peppers, frees. Ctlif.- , rersiejr Potatoes, local awl. Ma. l 60 lb. ban Spinach, Seattle, box. Turnips, 4oa. gqoaaa, a aa. Tomatoes, Dalles, Iff - JIUTB (Prtoo 114 by Independent racking plant ta (rawer) Walnata FTsaqaettes. faacy, 13a me lass. 10a: amall ; orchard rem. ta lOe. Walaat nests. 1 U SOa lb. : filberts Bsrceleoas, larfa IS : Urn s lifts; babies. Hi: orchard, rax 11a t- (Ceep Prices to Orawar) Wslasts Pries range, depending apoa way ants rax la 14 different grades 11 lla. . Daebilly 1 cant higher. HOPS (Baying Price.) Olatiert, nominal, 1887. lb. .05 ta . . Clusters. 103a. Ib, .. . ,. UtS to AS Pag g lea, top , , . Jtt WOOL ATD MOBAIB (Baying Fricaa) Wool, xiadlom, lb. ., - ,i. ... J5 Coaraa. lb. , J 5 I-airbs. lb. JO Jaobair. Ib 00 BOOS AHD POOXTET (Baying Price ol Andreses "s) Grade A large, dot. ,,, .21 Grade B large, dot, ..... , . J 8 Grade A xiediara - .18 Grade B medium . .18 Pullets - .18 Colored trye M , 44 White Leghorns. heay 41 Whit Leghorne. "f" 40 Old rooatara .05 Hear bene, Ib ...... ,., - .14 atABION CBBAJtEBT Baying race Bntterfat. (irat quality. .88 Butterftt, aaeoad quality .31 .09 .08 .10 JBttttarfat. premium Leghora bene, over 8H Iba. Leghorx bent, under Shi lb Leghora try an. l ibe.. Leghora fryera. aaderaita, market valae Colored fry era, 2-31bi. 40 Colored tpriaga, 4 Ibt. and up . Colored beat Staga -- Old Roottera - - , Ka. t grades St per oonnd Itit. EOGI Grade A large, dot. Grade A medium 41 41 .00 .04 .31 48 48 48 48 Grade B large Grade B medium Undergrade! and ehe.... UVESTOC& (Baying price (or Ho. 1 atock, bated oa condltlona aad aalae reported up to 4 p.m Lambs, 1080. tops 0.50 to 6.75 Lambs, yearllngt 4.00 to 4.35 Ewet , - 1.00 ta 3 80 Eori, top . 7.85 180-150 Iba. 7 25 to 7.60 0.75 to 7.00 6.50 ta 5.75 6.00 to 5.35 6 50 ta 6.00 6.00 ta 5.50 - , , 7.50 J 300 800 lbs. . flows Beet cowl Built Heifers Top al "There Is " CHAPTER XXIX Harriet rang for her butler, and - ordered him to bring her an aftn(A frappi. At that psychological mo- Tment, in walked none other than j Teddy LeStrange. She needed a man at this crisis. Not that poor Teddy eel-like I grafter was particularly virile, or staff to lean on. But at least he was a male! II pi ; Teddy partook of the same strong ... stimulant as his hostess. She began : to sound him as to his opinions of 1 la belU Marquise. . . . "Somethirg phoney about her," ; Mid the always agreeable. Teddy, 1 who had a woman's faculty of sens t. lug one's more felin moods,- and suitably responding. "That ancestry stuff's the bunk." . I "Just what I myself -have been - thinking,,said Harriet, well pleased. .1 "Did it ever strike you, Teddy, that 1 that nice boy, Brock Milbank, has ; been better acquainted with her ta : (As pagf, than he admit T" "You're a wiz, Harriet," said the admiring Teddy, downing second : drink. He recounted to her the be- 1 fuddled remarks of Brock on their first meeting, when he had claimed that he and Ton! would have had a "home of their own" ... if it hadnt been for "that son-of-a-sea-cook Jessica," as Brock had gracefully i put itl - j "Jessica," said Harriet shrewdly, v "was the Chicago heiress who mar ried him in California. Did it ever strike you, Teddy, that Antoinette may have originated from the same i part? Didn't you ever notice that when she's excited, or has had more . than two cocktails in a row, she has ! a rery slight western accent?" ' "Arent you clever? You should i have been a detective." "This isn't the time for being , funny. You know I've spent a great ' deal, of money in the Chateau dt la : Marquise. It was I who introduced : Antoinette socially. I feel a respon : sibility to my friends," Harriet said r virtuously. Now Teddy, despite his vacuous . appearance and manner, was no fool where women were concerned. He ; had squired too many of the darl- e AW ings not to Know ineir weaknesses, and he was perfectly cognizant of Harriet's jealousy towards the sing er . . . and the reasons thereof. . .But now he gave no si ightest sign, ; Assuming an air of concerned atten i tion, he waited for Harriet to let off ; further steam. "--y:-. z Apparently, however, ' she had ; said her say, for the time being. . He accepted ber invitation to dine. And after the excellent meal was over, she took him to the the : ater. . ;," f - "Now : for supper somewhere," " said the generous hostess, as they : emerged from tls Delasco. "Whither shall we awav?" i ' "The usual spot? The Chateau?" ! he suggested.' "No, I'm tired of it. Let's go to the New Gallic Casino." , He was surprised. The Broadway haunt was certainly entertaining but minus the necessary "class." He had no knowledge there was "method in Harriet's madness. She intended to summon Cassie, Doyle to her. table, and pump her, tact ; fully, about her 1 acquaintanceship with lovely Antoinette I . 1 Waiters, knowing the rich, lavish Harriet of old, gave her table close to the stage, where she and Teddy ' Grade B raw 4 per test milk, Salem Co-op basic pool price f 1.76 Co-op Grade A bntterfat price f 1.72. (btllk baaed ax sexrl-maxtbly buttertt arertge.) DixtHbotor price, $2S2, Bntterfat, No. 1, 23c; No. 2, 21c; premium, 24 He u A grade print, 28 He; B trade 27 Mc; quarters 29 He Dairy type- cowa 8.50 ta 4.36 Oreated eal. Ib. ; 41 GBATJf. BAT AJTD 8EEB8 Wheat, bu No. 1 rcleaned .78 Oats, gray too ,. . ... 38.00 White , 850 Peed barley, toa Clover hay. too S3 00 ta 14.00 12 00 to 18.00 Alfalfa, toa 10.00 ta 10.00 Egg mash. Ko. 1 grade. 80 lb. bag 1.70 Dairy feed, 80 Ib. big 1-35 Bee scratch feed 1.75 1.75 Cracked cora , Wheal 1.58 Gardeners' Mart PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 1. (AP) (TJ81M) Produce price caangei: Apr let Washington Transparent, ataadard bozet, loose, 70 75c; Gravea iteint, Oregon 50-75; Calif. GriTentteint, lugt 1.00-1.35; trtbapplei. ( ind ( 60c. Apricots Oregoa. Washington, 16-lb. flats, Tiltons, Moorparka, loose, 25-S0e; faced, 25-3oc; less apple boxes; ripet 25-80; Takimas. 47 He. Artichokes Unquoted. AsDarsrus Oregon. Washington. 30 lb. crate, No. 1 bunched 2.50-2.75; strings 1.60. Arocadot Calif. Puertet, all aitea. L45-1.70; othert. 1.05-1.25; Baaanat pr bunco. 5e per lb.; band eat off or small iots. 6c, Beans Oregon, green. 2-2 He; wax, 2c; Kentucky. 2-2tte; giants, 3-SHe. Berries Loganberries, 85e-1.00; rasp berries, . 1.50-1.75: blackcaps, 1.75-1.85; currants, 1.60-1.75; boysenberries, 75 85e; youngberries, 80-90c; blackberries, 50-60c; currants, 1.50-1.65. Cabbage Local 90-pound crates, 75 80e. Carrots 20-2 2 He. Cantaloupes Calif. Los Banea and Del ano, crates, jumbos, 1.50-1.75; Turlock jumbo, 1.50-1.75; Oregon Dillard 86-45t, 2.50; Wish., 36-45s. 1.25-1.45; Mendota 36-451, 2.10-2.15; 270. 1.86-1.90. Caaaba Calif.. 2 2 Vie per lb. Cauliflower Local, 9-lls, 75-90; No. 2. 50-6c. Cherries Oregon, Washington Lam berts, nominal. Celery Oregon, Utah, 1.00-1.10; white, 110-1.25; hearts, Utsh, 75-85c; white, 75-85e. Citrus Fruit Grapefruit. Arisona 3.00 3.25; choice, 1.75-1.85; lettuce crates. 2.00-2.25: Florida. 3.25-3.75; Calif. 3.00 3.25. Lemons Fsney, all altct, 6.75-6.00; choice, 4.00-5.50. Limes Calif., flats, 150s, 3.50; dis play cartons. 90c, dozent 20-25e. Oranges Valencies, large 8.75-4.00; small to medium, 2.15-3.00. Corn Local 5 dos. boxes. 75-90e: loose lower. Cucumbers Oregon hothouse, 60e-1.50 per box of 3H la 4 dot.; Oregon flats. No. 1, 45-50e; Xo. 2, 50c; No. 8, SOe. Egg Plant Calif., lugs. 1.15-1.25; 6-7e per lb.; local flats, 85c-1.00. tigs Lain, flats, 75c-1.00. Garlic Local new 6-8e Ib.: string 13- 15e lb. Grapes Calif, seedless. 1.50 1.65 lug; Malagas, 1.65-1.75; Bibiers, 3.25-2.35. uoneyaews uaui., v-us, l.aa-1.33. Always Tomorrow" By May Christie partook heartily of supper, with champagne, of course. At the finish of Cassie s appear ance in her dance-scene, Miss Brew ster unbent so far as to scribble he a note. Cassie had already seen the lady out front and, in her own pert fashion, bad nodded and smiled at her from the chorus. "I want you to be nice, Teddy, to a charming, hard-working little girl. You know I'm interested in dancers. I may do things for her." Cassie Doyle arrived. A subdued, overawed Cassie, who knew Harriet Brewster for a "swell," and was correspondingly a little afraid of her. But the heiress was all gracious ness. She presented Teddy. Cassie summed him up as a "good guy." He liked the ladies. Was a man-about-town. Easy to get along with. Presently Cassie was enjoying a delicious supper of caviar, lobtser 4 la Newburg, and champagne. The kind Miss Brewster was drawing her out about her ambition, praising her dancing, assuring her she would go far in her profession. This was balm nay, nectar and ambrosia! to Cassie, who had suf fered many humiliating speeches from her Herman recently, as to her lack of progress on the boards. Her man, being at a dead end in money making, plus in trouble with the police (which Toni's gift of a hun dred dollars had only temporarily assuaged) was making things hard for his lady-love who could con tribute little to his projects. "Your dance with the other girls in the last act is perfectly charm ing," Miss Brewster was assuring her as they sat at supper in the auditorium. "I can't think why they dont put you on alone!" "Mr. Gusheim would," said Cassie eagerly and indiscreetly, "if it weren't for Herman!" "And who is Herman?" with gracious condescension, and a semi amused smile. "My boy-friend," said Cassie naively. "You know, you go a lot further in these shows if you aren't tied up already. You get what I mean?" Teddy shot his hostess an amused glance. She must have motive in suffer ing this child I He wondered what it could be? "I was thinking," said Harriet dreamily, "of backing one of the new shows. A musical comedy to be put on at the Shubert or the Center, I forget which. Now what teas its name?" , "Not 'Kiss Me AsMtAVr breathed little Cassie. "Why yes, that was just itl And there are going to be some very good dancing parts, I understand." "Oh, Miss Brewster if you could only get me a pull with the manage ment, I'd do anything in the world for you! It would be the most mar velous favor! Y'see, dancing's my specialty!" cried Cassie. "Yon did so very well tonight ! might speak to Mr. Sholz. I dont see why he wouldn't give you a chance. They dont pay you much here, do they? Now if you had eouple of solo appearances in the musical comedy, it ought to be worth at least a hundred a week, eughtnt it?" said the temptress. Cassie thought ecstatically: "A hundred a week! Wouldnt Her man's eyes fairly pop out of his head!" Wheat Prices Fall at Close Rain, Weather News, Are Disturbing Factors in Bad Session CHICAGO, Aug. l-iaV-Wheat prices fell 1 to 1 cents a Dusnei today and closed near the ses sion's low marks. Rain trad cooler weather In the Canadian and U. S. spring wheat belts, moderate selling pressure and slow demand following six consecutive days of rising prices combined to bring about the downtnrn. Offerings decreased t the extreme setback, bnt the mar ket was fnaBle to develop much rallying power. Corn declined with wheat. Spring; wheat belt markets led the decline. Both Winnipeg and Minneapolis snowing losses ol ltt cents. December contracts here fell to 64. Down 1 from the previous close, December was off 1 at 6514 and May 1H at CK4. Wheat here closed off. September 4-. December corn -l cent off. Liverpool displayed indepen dent strength early, but favorable Canadian crop and weather re ports and shippers' offerings of Argentine wheat later depressed values. The market closing - lower. The first of the August 1 pri vate crop reports appeared to have little market influence. The re port, that of Mrs. E. H. Miller, estimated the domestic corn crop at 2,541,000.000 bushels, 30,000, 000 under the government Jnly 1 estimate. Domestic wheat produc tion was estimated at 672.000,000 bushels, 44,000,000 under the government's July 1 figure. Lettuce Local, oiy pack, 8 or 4 dot., best 85e-1.00; poor at low aa 60c; Wash ington topped, l.OO-l. 10. Mushrooms Cultivated 1 lb. cartons, 10-35c; H-lb. cartons, 1718c Nectarines Calif., 50-65c. Onions CaliL reds, 85-90c; Wash, yellow, 50-lb. sacks, 60-70 ; Oregon white wax, 1.7511.85. Peaches California flats, Hales, 78 80e: Elbertas, 55-60c: lugs. 1-140: boxes 80e; Oregon-Washington Hales, lugs 85e- 1.10; boxes 65-75c: golden Jubilee 75- 85e; Rochester, 75-80e; Triumphs, boxes. 50-75c. Spinach Local, orange box, 65-75e. Peas Oregon Telephones. 8-4e ner lb.: fancy, 4 5c; eosst, 25-lb. boxet, 1-1.15. Peppers uaiif. lugs 1.15-1.25: Oregoa flats, 70-75e. Plums Cshf.. Saata Boss. 4-btsket crates, 140-145; Washington California Besuties, list, 60-75C. Potatoes Oregon Buss Triumphs. TJS No. 1, 1.25-1.35; Washington Long Whites 1.35-1.40; Us NO. 2. 50-pound sacks. 0- 55e; Russets, US No. 1. 100-lb. sacks. 1.50. Rhubarb Nominal. Squash Oregon (1st Zucchini scallops. 20-35e ; Crooknecks, 50-60c ; Dsnish large crates 2.0U; Hats, 7S-85c; Atarblehead 3H-3HC. Tomatoes Oregon hothouse S-8a ear lb.; field grown 45-60c; No. 8s, 25-35e; Wash., lugs, 1.25-1.80; nnelass., 1-140. Watermelon C a 1 1 f . . 1.90-2.00 e wi enies extra. Why, Herman might even marry her! There were no limits to the delightful possibilities! "You'd do this for me? You're an angel 1" exclaimed Cassie, leaning across the table and squeezing her hostess' hand in a grip that was surprisingly strong for one so smalL Miss Brewster felt herself a real benefactor. She was glad that Teddy saw her in the role of aid-to-poor-working-girl, for he would tell it around town. Glad, too, that Cassie responded readily, without fearing any catch. She was a simple, primitive child who loved her Herman. Hadnt Miss Brewster an excellent knowledge of many Hermans though in a some what higher social setting? When the stage lights were dimmed for a particular scene, and the eyes of her two guests glued on -the performance, Harriet adroitly poured a stiff lacing of brandy into Cassie's glass of champagne. "That will loosen her tongue. IH find out just what I want." So thought the heiress. Everything was fair in love and war! Cassie's hand seized the "laced" champagne glass. Cassie drank deeply. The results mounted. Watching her keenly, the other timed her moment. "Your friend, the Marquise in the Chateau, has certainly gone a long way, has she not?" Now little Cassie was no fooL She trusted few people. Hard experi ence had taught her to be skeptical. And she was really fond of Toni Goddard, who had done her that favor about the needful cash that had saved Herman from jail, how ever temporarily! "Antoinette," said Cassie guard edly, "is a darned clever girl." "Do drink up your champagne. Fll order another bottle. Somehow tonight I feel like celebrating. I want to do a good deed like a girl scout, Miss Doyle, you understand! You know, often I have these im pulses!" Miss Brewster smiled at her in her most charming manner. Cassie's hopes about the new job mounted. "I cant think why you're being so nice to me " she began. "Oh, I'm interested in Art. Often I think I myself could have made a success on the boards. Lacking time," said Miss Brewster expan sively, "I can take out my sup pressed talent" she laughed gaily "by helping otter." "You mean you do think yon may be able to land me a bit in 'Kiss Ma Awake? "Most certainly I can, if I speak to Mr. Sholz. He's asked me to put money in the show. I could make your getting a nice part a condition of the arrangement." Cassie finished her champagne ' with its strong dash of brandy. "Perhaps your friend the Mar quise might like a bit ia the comedy, too?" - A. "Toni, you mean? Why, she cant dance! Besides, she's sitting mighty pretty where she is!" Cassie said naively. "But it would mean more sxeiiey for her?" "Money? BaM You've seen her gorgeous flat. Niklas is being mar velous to that girl You dont want to ret ud asrainxt NiVIaa. H' m powerful!" (To Be Continued) ' Quotations PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 1. (AP) ssairr proancc pneet; Butter 1 Extras S3: etaadarda 28H: pHme flrsU 33 H; OrsU 31 Hi bntterfat 3SH 34. . Eggs: " Large extrat 33; Urge atand arda 20; medium extrat SOe; xaadiuss asanoaraa sve. Cheese Triplet! ISei loaf. 14a. . Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. 1. (AP) i-eunv meats oeiung price to retail ers : Country-killed nogs, best butchert ader 180 lbs, lie lb.: vealert ISc Ib. light and thia 1012c lb.; heavy 9-lOe lb.; apring Iambi, 14-15a lb.: 7 earl in g lambs 10-12c lb.; ewes t-Oe lb.: cutter cows 8-8 Vie lb.; caaaer cowa 8s lb.; bulls lu-ue id. un rmaarr saving prices : Legbora broilers 13c lb.; colored springs S Iba. and aver 18a lb.; Leghorn best aver SH Iba. 11; Leghorn hena ander (ft Iba. 10c; eoiorea nana ta a ids. isc; erer ids. is; Mo. S grade la lb. lass. Turkeys Selling prica: Dratted heat. 17-lSe lb.; Toati 15-18o lb. Bay lag prices: utns io-ids id.; toms 14-iSe lb. Potatoes X akima Gams cental; kr aal 1.00; Deschutes Genu. 1.83 cental. - Sew Potatoes Yakima Gents, 1.60 ewt.; Keaaewiek 1.50 local white 80-80e exange box. - Onions Walla Walla, 70-75 tack; Ore gon Bermodai 4a lb. Wool Willamette valley 1BS0 ellp, nominal medium 35a lb.; coarse and braids S5-36e lb.: aix snoatha fleece 33 34e lb.; eastern Oregoa 30-38ee lb. Hay Sailing prica to retailers: Alfal fa. Ke. 1, 18.00 toa; oat-vetch 12.00 toa; clover, 11.00 toa; timothy, eastern Ore- fertUndf0' TmllT Ua,ot,T 34.00 ton Hops 1838 Clutters 35e lb; Pagglet 33e lb. Mohair Nominal 1939 slip 10 lb. Cateara bark Baying prica 1989 peel 4c lb. Bnarar Berrv and frait. 100a. 8.00: kale &.18: beet 4.95. Domestic Ploar Sellinc nriee. citv de livery, 1 ta 35 bbL lota: Family patent. vs.; osiers aare waaat act. Stocks and Bonds TOOK ATZBAQES - August 1 Compiled by the Associated Press so i Indus fiaila 15 80 Util A .1 89.8 89.7 88.8 83.9 40.0 33.7 Stock! A .1 49.9 49.8 45.8 49.3 68.4 41.6 Nat ehg. TJneh Unch Tuesday . 70.4 19.4 Prev. day 70.4 19.4 Month ago 84.8 17.0 Tear ago 73.0 19.8 1930 high 77.0 38.8 1989 low 68.8 15.7 BOND A VX RAGES 30 10 10 10 Porgn A .3 81.3 61.1 60.3 62.0 84.0 68.2 Bailt D .3 68.4 Icdui A .3 100.7 100.S 100.0 100.0 100.7 97.0 Util D .1 08.9 7.0 85.0 94.1 97.1 91.9 Net ehg. Tuesday Prev. day Month ago 68.0 65.0 81.2 84.9 53.4 Tear ago 1030 high 1839 low Low yield .112.8 POLLY AND HER PALS SEEMS MICKEY MOUSE LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY Xf govvm -i rtrr do ncmn'- BUT CAA GCAD ALLOVER OUSG. I MXl AIMT SICK NO MORE AHf KAUSEMXJ LETME UVEMrTPE- TOOTS AND CASPER '60OD8YE.COL. HOOFER., 0 LONtV. SOPHIE I'M 0HL AWAY FOR A FEW WEEKS SEE US LIKE THEyS " NOT WITH My SYSTEM I f x CHATter.chATTER- -w-v . ( ALOTTA WIMMIN WEARINV f MAKES IT HARD A I IT DON'T WHEN 1 WONT ( INSTEAD ) , ,! JABBER, JABBER.'- PUSASt, MR. PSRKINS JftLU. X. 6WNi NtVtRl .THtN. 'TAlhTT MERE! tM acRIOUS! X HSM NUTHI SO y yVIUU J X MAD IT MSFUs. VMAHT TO BU-y ,rXUFOOU8M, BUTP IIS? 88U.I, O ONCfi, BUT. UlKS. TeTtn VvORrsS- ,T 1 yyTr- WHERE WOULDN'T TKE NO NyX J THIMBLE TOEATREUiTta Popey Thar He Blows ' ' at Portland 4.00-5.15; bakers' tluestem, 4,60-4.90; blended wheat (lorn. 4.60-4.98; aaft wheat 4.35-4.40; grabasa, 95s, 4.50; -wh el a wheat, 49S, . DDL ; ; Portland Grain f PORTLAND, Ore Aeg. 1. AP) Wheat: Ovea - Bill Low Close Sept. 67 H 87 67 H 87 Cash grain: Oats, Ko. 2, 38-Ib. white 23.00; No. 8, 88-lb. gray 32.00j Barley, No. 3, 45-Ib. BW19.0O. Corn No. 2. IT shipment 25.00. Flax. No. 1. 1.65. f..h k..t hiA- Soft white 70: west ern white 69 H; weal em red 684. Bard red winter orainary si; 11 per font ei, 12 per cent 69; 13 per cent i72: 14 ?tr cent 74. Hard white, Baart ordinary 1; 12 par cent 73; II par csxt 73 Hi 14 per coat 7814. ' - , m v Today'a ear reeeipta: Wheat IDS; bar ky 4; flour S; cora 3; oatt 0;: hay 0; aalUfeed 8. - Portland Livestock POBTLAXD, Ore, Aug. l.-KAP) (U8DA Hogt: Koceipta 200, Market slow. Prica range: R.mwa and zilta. a-d-eh : 120-140 Iba 1 ,3 6.00(3 6.60 do gd-ch 140-160 Iba 6.8 6.75 do gd-ch 160-180 lbs 6.7 7.15 da gd-ch 180-200 Bs 6.98 7.15 do gd-ch 200-220 lbs 6.60 7.15 da gd-ch 320-340 lbs -- 6.8 6.75 do gd-ch 340-370 lis 6.2S 6.60 do gd-ch 270-800 tbe 6.1 6.85 da gd-ch 800-880 Iba 6.00 & 6.25 da gd-ch 830-360 lbs 6.8S 6.10 do medium 160-320 lbs - 6.50 6.90 Cattle: Beeeipta talabla 75. Calves 40. Market about ataady. Price range: Steers, good, 900-1100 Ibe3 8.25 1 Steers, good, 900-1100 Ibs-S 8.00 do medium 750-1100 lbs. do saed 1100-1800 Iba do cent 750-1100 Iba Heifers : do med 1100-1300 lbs do med, all wta ,- , Cows, medium, all weights do cat eom, all weighte do eaaner (low cut) all wt Balls (ylgs. axe.) beef, gd do sausage, gd, all wta . do aanaage mod, eS wta da eut-com. all wta.. , Vealert, gd-ch, all wti do eom-med. all wtt ,. ., , do call, all we'gh ta Calves, eom-med, 40b dowa da call, 400 lbs down Sheep: Beeeipta salable 150, Pat lambs weak to 25 lower. Prica range: Spring lambs, good-choice g 6.50 6.75 6.25 5.25 4.50 8.50 3.50 do med and food 6.750 Common 5.000 4.00 2.50 1.00 Tearling wethera, mediuns Ewes, good-choice Common-medium Wool in Boston BOSTON, Aug. 1. (AP) (USDA) Bidding was very slow in the Boston wool market today. Only eeattered users were inquiring for wools and some were bid ding lower than they had beea paying in the previous two weeks. Sales were mostly until Holders, however, were not inclined to make concessions to low bid ders. Small lots of country-packed three eighths and quarter bleed bright fleece UIKE Tweys ' A IN WEARINV That S9 85 9.25 6.25 7.50 6.750 8.00 6.50 6.75 8.50 8.00 4.60 6.26 5.00 6.00 8.60 4.65 8.00 S.50 6.25 & 7.00 6.00 6.75 6.50 6.00 4.76 6.50 7.50 8.50 6.00 7.50 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 4.00 8.00 rwiswvou 1 I MV HUSBAND BOUGHT TMfS WOOSC AMOICOOLDl 1 V8CN WB AAACRlEO -WE CPCNlT lAtMWVS CIVEI SCOOeS OP HAPPWEARS MERe TWEN MV MUSSANO -OUR FEW eMM9 WE MAD TO AWRTCAGEf i SWELL, CASPER I ITS TINE VOU sAVE YOUR BOSS, NelCrHBORS WONT Feeble Rally Opens August Selected Favorite Issues Are Focal Points of Weak Upsurge NEW YORK, Aug. l-tVThe stock market today ushered in the month of August with a half hearted and highly selective rally. The list got off to a limping start. But buyers soon began to tap. favorites lightly and,. around mid-day, initial losses of fractions had been converted Into gains running to a point or so in a num ber of cases. Top marks were shaded at the close and minus signs were plenti ful when the final gong sounded. There were one or two mildly sxtive flurries, although tbe ticker tape never sot ud een a sem blance of speed. Transfers for tbe five hours amoAinted to 675, 030 shares against 519,990 the day before. The Associated Press average of CO stocks was up .1 of a point at 49.9. Business Outlook Key As in the -past several weeks, the business outlook remained as the principal sustaining market influence. Lack of any real vigor in the day's performance, how ever, was attributed to conjec tures of some observers as to whether industry could keep up its recovery pace throughout the fall. Opinions in the financial sec tion differed regarding the senti mental effects of the lending bill battle in congress. One school of thought suggested drastic curtail ment of the administration's pro gram was deflationary. Other quarters appeared heartened by what they considered the "grow ing conservatism" of the national legislature in tightening the the spending reins of government. News of the overwhelming house defeat of the lending bill came just after the close. Turnover of 144,000 shares compared with 126,000 Monday. XEWLYWEDS AT DETROIT DETROIT Mrs. Curtis Wilson has returned to Detroit from a roolt in mixed Iott were telling occa lionallv at around 32 cents, in the prease. delivered, meei were vneningea irons last weea. on scatterra imiH saiea vs fine, origiml big territory wools. A Gander Knows His Geese Mickey Cries -Uncle!" NEH, NOU TOLD ME VsHarXR IS IT NOW? T r ) c V ? Place Called Home, Sweet Home AfTER MV OCAR Z MANAGED TO NurtvjG eTC LOST WIS WEAUW TROUBLE NOW THE BANK IS TORE- AAetXCO AWV A Welcome Absence I YOU SAID I COULD xmmsxsA . iclosins-the i, , j HURRAH, TAKE MY VACATION ANY TIME X WISH, SO I'M LEAVING TODAY! YOU. THATS NEWS I VE HEAPD itv I klAs tt tern SEE ME AZAIN POK 5EVO WEEKS. CI o g ing NEW YORK. Aug, :. l. - trPh Allied Stores .. 9 Amer Can ....100 Amer For Pow . 1 Amer Pow A Lt 5 Am Rad Std San 12 Amer Roll Mills 15 Am Smelt aVRef 4CV& Am Tel ft Tei . .UVA Consol Consol Oil . . . Corn Prod Curt Wright .. Doug Aircraft . Du Pont de N . . Elee Pow ft Lt . Erie RR Gen Electric . . . Gen Foods .... Gen Motors ... Goodyear Tire . Great Northern. Hudson Motors. Illinois Cent .. Insp Copper ... Inter Harvest . Inter Nick Can . Inter Pap & P Pt Johns Manvllle . Kennecott .... Libbey-O-Ford . Amer Tob 88 Amr Wat WkS 11 Anaconda . . . 2 Vs Armour 111 .... Atchison 28 Barnsdall ..... 13 Bait ft Ohio ... 6 Bendix Aria ... 25 Beth Steel .... a"4 Boeing Air .... 23 Borge Warner .26 Budd Mfg S Callahan Z-L. .. 1 Calumet Hec . 5 Canadian Pac . . V J I Case 74 Celanese ...... 27 Ches & Ohio ... 35 Chrysler 82 Commer Solv .- 11 Comwlth ft Sou 1 Lig ft Myers B . Loew's Monty Ward . . . NaBh Kelvinator Nat Biscuit . . . Nat Cash Nat Dairy Produ week spent with her son and daughter-in-law in Marshfield. George Dickie and Bertha Webb were married Saturday in Salem. They will reside near here as he is employed in the pole camp. Hot Weather Aids Cantaloupes' DAYTON Spear muskmelons are ripening in the Dale Fowler and Elwyn Mandlgo seven acre field in the Grand Island area. The first was picked Thursday. The recent hot days were ideal for melons to develop the desired sugar content, growers report. X MNT SURE WHERE IT 'TIS HI bfe;;giSf.d1S5SJ NE SEE. WHEN X FOUND S -i-VaOMtp'N t'Ix , vTWAiS NO eoOD t aiVE IT StL oVyROMi'? 1 f ' L TO MW UlTTUE NIECE TC is- ' MUSSANO X3 CALLED AMSV MAKE A LIVING SEW1AJG - - - n - ciN z became su--heart "NltHT FINDS TOOTS AND CASPER FAR THE BEST ON THEIR WAY ESTATE AT Quotations - Today's closing quotations: 32 National D-st . . 7 Nat Pow & Lt . 62 Northern Pacific 5 Packard Motors 69 J C Penney .... 160 Phillips Petrol . 9 Public Serv N . 1 Pullman ,37 Safeway Stores . 47 Sears Roebuck . 48 Shell Union ... 29 Sou Cal Edison . 26 Southern Pacific 5 Stand Brands . . 13 Stand Oil of Cal 12 Stand Oil of NJ 54 Studebaker ... Edison . 50 Sup Oil 35 Tmken Roll Brg 76 Trans-America . 3 6 Union Carbide . 50 United Aircraft . 109 United Airlines. 45Ti US Rubber .... 53 US Steel , 6 Walworth .... 26 Western Union . 19 White Motors .. 17 Wool worth .... Treasure Island Trip Is Spoiled PLEASANTDALE Miss Va- lera Flint, who was to have started Friday. July 21 on a trip to the San Francisco fair, was in jured Wednesday, July 19, when she stepped out of a building and sprained her left foot, breaking a small bone necessitating her to use crutches and she is recovering at her home. It will be several weeks before she is able to make the trip. Mr. and Mrs. L. McFte are with her and caring for her home until she recovers. "MCDNIEY In A Hurry" STATE FINANCE CO. A Uome-Otcned Institution (Childs' ft Miller's Office) 344 State St., Salem, Ore. . Phone 0261 Lie. Xo. S-216 M-222 By CLIFF STERRETT By WALT DISNEY By BRANDON WALSH By JIMMY MURPHY TO UNCLE EVERETT'S PRAIRIE JUNCTIOM. V MXl MEAN I . I ITMAVNOTBCTWb5u Tneve gonna) i wve amacrsho 6s- TAKCVDOR J TER IN ARIZONA-SHE HOUSE AN VOUl MAY 8E ASLETOHCLR, VnONTHOE NO I T rrgSjnsEN.'IWERE PLACE"IOLrWE:J I Jftf ARE POBUC 24 9 9' 3' 93t 35' 39 V 27: 46 78 11 28' 14' 6 26 41' 8', 2 46 5' 83 38' 12 45 51 7i 5' 27 9 49'