- PAGE NINE J Personal Loams, dy Arranged - - s9 on This Page The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning;, August 1, 1939 See 6Loaiii rack Livestock ATTENTION! PHONE 5000 PHONE 5000 STOCKMEN, FARMERS AND DEALERS All you stock men. farmers mnd dealers. If yon happen to hare Dead or Worthless cows, hoc o sheep, etc.. don't waste It by burying: It. Just caU 6000. It It Is kmc distance .Phone COLLECT and our track will be at your place without delay and we will par you accordingly. As a ref erence ask your own bankeror any bank hi the state. We are loca ted at 25th and Turner Road, Bout S. L. W. WOLF and R. BI. MIL . ' LER, owners. . ir SALEM FERTILIZER & BY-PRODUCTS WORKS PHONE 5000 PAUL WOLF, MANAGER HORSES FOR sale!. Also It wks. OM weaner pica Hayes !ahlah Farm Brooks. Oregon, i DEAD AND worthless horses, cows picked up free. Ph. collect. 1411 Salem Montgomery Rend. Wks. 2 SADDLE HORSES for sale 1 part Arabian. Must sell at once. See at RL No. 1. Box 42. King wood Heights. FOR SALE Fresh Guernsey cow, Rt. 3. Box 927. Brown's Island. FRESH COW. calf, for sale. W. R. Powers. Rt 7, Box 147. Ph. 41F14. Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 v Classified Advertising Single Insertion per Una 10c Three Insertions per line 20c Six Insertions per line 30c One month per line $1 00 Minimum charge . 25c Copy for this page accepted un'ii 20 -the evening before pubhea tien for classl flea Hon. Copy re ceived after this tlm will be run under the heading "Too l.ate to Classify." The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear In advertisement pub lished In Its column unit In cases where this paper is at fault will re print that pnrt of an advertisement in, which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place ail advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind-" Ad an ad contnlnlna a Statesman box number for an ad dress Is for the protection ef the advertiser and' must therefore be answered by lelter. The Statesman la not at liberty to divulge Informa tion as to the Identity of an adver tiser using a "Blind" ad. Help Wanted $39 WEEKLY. GROW mushroom cellar, shed. We buy. SOe lb. World- largest company. FREE BOOK. Mush rooms, 2019 S&ond. Seattle. Wash. feVwVwVWeMMWMsftMNrWAAArV TOU CAN make $1 to 15 dally at home, spar time, year around, grow Ing mushrooms for ua, cellar, shed Mall crop, cash paid weekly Write Western Mushroom CoM Dept. DT0 Portland. Ore. ATTENTION HOP PICKERS I REOISTRATION BOOKS are - now open for our several yards. For furth er Information call at the office of DURBIN A CORNOTER over J. C Penney store Si f Jberty street. MMiWwVlrVWwWWwVVMMMArArVV SERVICE STATION operator, major company i p. Box 1034, Statesman. Help Wanted Male HEALTHY. STRONG young man who fa Interested in learning new used furniture business. Must be am bitious and congeni.il worker. Prefer man who lives at home. Small snlarv to start ss apprentice. Good future for right man. Apply Nash Furnitpre Co. WILL TRADE brake rensirs for painting and carpenter work. None but first class workmen need apply. Mike Pa nek's Brake and Motor Service, 275 S Com'l. SL Help Wanted -Female EXP. MID.-AGED hsekpr. Call 1-S p. m., 1465 Mission. Situations Wanted DRESSMAK. MRS Adsttt Ph. 6266 SHIRTS FINISHED. 12c: Iron 25r fcr. Tilt. For Sale Miseellaneons Bikes A Rep. i Rn marten. 148 IJb tytn riqjxrn rj-nr'rtfrriuiiiO - " MONET SAVED Is Money Earned! Shop around. It pays. 'Unbelievably low prices, new. Used furniture, nt the Nash Furniture Co. Cash - terms -trade 3-floors-3, R U S S WOODRT. Auctioneer, Mgr. nnr.nrcx BANTAM sweet corn. 7Sc sack, ready now. U-pIck while supply lasts. T. P. Muller, 2 mi. S. of Brunks Corner on Salem-Indep. road. LUGGAGE TRAILERS, house trail ers. 350.00 up. See King. 519 N. Front. CASE COMBINE. 8-fU. $230. 126F4. FOR SALE: Beautiful high grade piano, cheap for cash. 1890 S Cottage aMaaaMaSMSesjaVSaesjAeaeAeSfcAAAas WHEAT. $1.15 PER hundred, at farm. About 25 tons straw, II ton In stack. Peter BIschoff. Rt. . Box 231 1 mL S .Pro turn. 50.000 GRAIN SACKS for sale. No. 1 and patched. 145 Center. FOR SALE Krag rifle. Pacific rear sight. Pistol grip check piece. Iil.ti" Call Route 4. Box 154. PEACHES EARLT Crawford and Slappy, Aug. 2. B. AsplnwalL waconda OUR UNSURPASSED lowland tree- ripened Slappy peaches will be on sale beginning August 4. Gilbert Farm Company, Rt. 4, Tel. 67 JS. ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives -Georxe D. Close. Inc. San Francisco. : Los Angeles, Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant. Griffith Branson. Inc. Chicago. New Tors, Detroit. MBoslonAtlantaa.. .-.; Bntered mi Ike PoutoHc mt Mttm Oregon, a Second Class If alter. PB Hsaed eeenr meralaa eaceyl Honda), Bushiest iff tf feat CommmUtt Street. - ' SDBSCR1PTION RATES: Mail Subacrlptlon Rates la Advance. Within Oregon; Dally and Sunday vi ta a Ma. tl 50: 6 Mo. 82.88 2 year $5.00. Elsewhere cents pe Ma or ss.ee ror i ymmr a u.uv Per copy t cents. Newsstands i cents r. f aa Miiti nAMtll 1 17.20 a year In advance to Marlon and adtacent counties. Livestock For Sale Miscellaneous -REHUILT AND guaranteed aah era. All makes from SI up. Spec May tag tZS. Hmtg Bros. ADDING MACHINES, typewriter cash registers, scales, sales, rentals, re pairs. Roen Typewriter Ex. 456 Court -""-- y-rM-innj-i rirTTUT-iLa-rvLfxxr CASH FOR used turn. Ph. til. DAT OLD and started chicks, fryers Also peat mosa fertilizer. Ph. I83F2 Lee's Hatchery. W ATKINS PROD. 1725 Msd. 70J USED KELVIN ATOR refrigerator. 35. Good Housekeeping Inc., 45' Court St. WE ARE now recording orders fot our famous highland tree rhene non-lrriffated Slappy canning pearhes to be ready for deliv. about August 1st Puritan Cider Works. West Salem ARMY WALL tent. 235 a 14th. seaisaasaeaeesanaaaaataaajaiaaeesaaeaaeaa Distilled White vinegar for all f.lck ling purposes. "Keeps your pickle krtxp." Also pure npple cider vinegar Puritan Cider Wks.. West Salem PARKING Tou can park 2 hours or all day foi 10c Monthly rates. block N. of post office. Across street from State theater. GRAVENSTEIN APPLES ROc bu Bring boxes. Dougherty, 2 ml. N. Par hiway. 4 mi west C!rtler R.I. 882 B. R. FRTERS. G. Turner. mi. beyond Belcrest Rd. and Vi mi. to right. EARLY CANNING peaches ready at Jess Mnthis' orchard and fruit stand C ml. north on Pacific hwy. Ph. 70F3. HOITSF! TRAIT.KR Snltnhl fnr living purposes. 4S S. Cottage. DIAMOND RINfJ nrht irnIA 1 mall diamonds and 1 large, sacrifice c i. '. II. BOX 345. MR. STOREKEEPER Can yon use a fine big Kelvlnator refrigerator com pressor in excellent condition also box and extra colls. This compressor will take care of a walk-in cooler. A bar gain. See at Y EATER A RUSH CO.-255 N. Liberty JJext To Power Co. CARLOAD SPECIAL WESTINGHOITSE RiVfiKR dir-t from factory to Salem shipment. See this outstanding ranee. Buy tod.iy only $.50 down, $3.83 per month. Y EATER RUSH CO. 255 N. Liberty Next To Power Co. SWEET CORN for canning. 81F13 Wanted -Miscellaneous WANTED VPKH tarn Ph 111 OLD WOOL mattresa Tel 5110 CASH FOR used furniture. Ph 4511 Miscellaneous DENTAL PLATES REPAIRED TWO HOUR SERVICE DR. HARRT S KM LER. DENTIST Corner State A Commercial Ph 321' WANTED, home for kitten. P. 6370 MALE INSTRUCTION. We want to select reliable men, now employed, with foresight, fair education and me- chnnical inclinations, willing to tralr spare time or evenings, to become in stallation and service experts on al', types AIR CONDITIONING and ele trlc refrigeration equipment. Write fully, giving age, present occupation Utilities Inst.. Box 1031. Statesman. For Rent -Rooms RMS FOh ladles 9 N Cot t st ill 5(71 FINE SLEEP room. CSS N Church HOTEL SALEM EN JOT HOTEL service A conven lenca. -Attractive weekly or mo. rates CLOSE IN furn. rm. TeL 8229. WITH OR without bd. 1547 Court. NICE SLEEPING rm., 298 N. Cot tage. WITH DRESS, rm.. 355 N. Capitol. Room and Board APPRECIATE GOOD meals? Nice hornet See Ma Bo wen. COS N. Liberty RM.. 42.(0. BD. $4.75. lady 7313 TBU BOARD, exc. food. C50 Marlon R A B.. 1090 N. Summer. Ph. 4614 NICE RM., home ccwklng, garnge Neaf capitol bhlg. Tel. 8791. For Rent Apartments 1 TO I RM. apu furn or unfurn. S and ap. I no. 1310 South 13th. SEE FISHER aDts. Modernised newly decorated and roomy Ton'U ha delighted, nak and 8. commercial. COOL 1ST floor l-rm. S48 ferry til R. APTS Furn. A on furn lit to $40 Royal Coart Ph 1963 NICELT 'FURNISHED, close m 897 North Commercial SL A fL. $12 80 IR. lit 5$ 1938 Cental S R. FTTRN prL bath. MS Court Rt VAC, HAW. Ct 1000 Ko. Captlol PATTON APTS., 333 State, Fur nished. Adults only., Ph. bh PARTLT FURN. S room. Hut wa tar garage. 98S Saginaw. APT, PR1. bath, 853 S. 12th. NICE 2-RM. apL 1580 Center. SaJBjeMtjisMtsislfcjMMpi 2-RM. FURN. apt-31.75 per wk 1290 Oak. Next to express off.) 8278 FURN. t-RM. Adults. 1109 Oak. - 8LP. RM. and apt. 833 Ferry. MOD. FRN. 2 R 335 Division, 5320 CLEAN RM. furn. court apt, pri vate bath, laundry A garage. Bus serv ice. 1807 Lee St. ..J.l FURN. APT, prt, bath. 553 8. 12th. S RM. FURN. apt. bath. 570 Union. BACH. APTS, $25. The Deveraux. FIRST FLOOR, Inquirv 133S SUU. LOST FEMALE wire - haired ter rier, white with black spots, name Penny. Reward. Ph. 7897. Money to Loan ' We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO FIT TOUR INCOME No Endorsees No Comakers Yonr Signature Only REPAY ANT DAT TO REDUCE COST. BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLDEST AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE YOUR NEEDS RE CEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN IS MADE. General Finance Corp. 138 So. Commercial St. Lie. No. S-13S Phone 8138 First Door South ol Ladd A Bush Bank Convenient Ground Floor Location OBTAIN YOUR . CASH LOAN the first day you call at PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. FOR BUSY people who can't afford time off from their Jobs, do this: Write for application blank. Or, phone 4446, and give just enough information to establish your credit. We'll have the cash ready, waiting, when you come In. 1. Reasonable credit requirements. 2 People with modest salaries are es pecially Invited to apply. It's the accepted and appsoved way to borrow. PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. Rm. 201. First Nat'L Bank Bldg. Salem. Oregon Phone 444$ S-213 State License M-220 AUTO LOANS REFINANCING BORROW MONEY ON TOUR CAR OR REFINANCE YOUR PRESENT BALANCE EASY TERMS - NO DELAY - Tri-State Acceptance Corp. M-223 MERRILL D. OHLING INSURANCE Phone 9494 273 State Street Salem, Oregon Get SPOT CASH This "PERSONAL" Way W rt KM A 1 Ml I.V U. ! A "Personal" Loan $25 to $300 Easy Terms WHEN A WAT: USE A "PERSONAL" CREDIT CARD Good at 278 offices. Coast to Coast SIMPLE TO QUALIFY - Come In. GUARANTEED BY GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAOAZINB (As advertised therein ) PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor. New Bllgh Bldg. CI. Cl.l. Btrmm SUtH OrMYMI State License Numbers S 122 M-16 LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY ,TO buy new or used ears. Private money at new low rates. Immedlnte action. No red tape. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAY Roy H. Simmons 136 South Commerce!! Street Phona 9168 Lie. No. M-162 FHA LOANS B. also private loans Abrams A Ellis Inc. Masonic Bldg AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 6th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-I&9 MONEY TO LOAN AT m PER CENT TO REFINANCE your present loan or for new construction. P. H. BELL 429 Oregon Building Salem. Oregon Phone 8121 or 3302 Financial gyf WE HAVE never paid lest Vll V than this rate on savings SfeaJks r and Investment Insured ' to 35000. Mutual Federal Savings A Loan Ass'n Phone 4944 142 8. Liberty St Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Brore borrowing Inquire at Hawkins A Roberta WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO IX) AN on good Salem real ee tale. Will par 6 Interest. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street Phone 6461" For RentApartments NEW 1 RM. furn. apt. dress, rm. pull. kit. 666 S. Summer. NEW MOD. 5 rm. furn. apt Must to appreciate. 773 N. winter. NEW FURN. apt on creek. All out side rooms, frig., prL bath, garage 2328 State St. TUFW TTM1TTTRV 4 rm. ant.. 2 bed- rmi, hardwood floors. Insulated. Au tomatic gas hest New Electrolux, new gas range, quiet location, overlooking Mill Creek. Midway between catltol bldg. A new high school. Gas furnished for heating, cooking, refrlg. A hot wa ter. Adults only. Inq. 701 N. CapitoL SMALL APT., adults. 770 So. Com'l. 2 RM. FURN, pri. bath, 112 Union. 1 R.. $4. 8. $6. FREE RM. to lady soma patching. 292 S. Cottage. MOD. 1 ROOM apt. Phona $123. 2 R. FURN. and bath. Can give care for child of wrk. mother. 13J.I N. Lib. 3-R. FURN. APT, near statehouse suitable for women. 475 N. Caiptol. S ROOM FURNISHED apt. Private entrance: $18.60. $39 N. Liberty. MOD. 3 RM. furn. duplex. Ph. 5825. 2 RM. FURN, gar, elec. wash., hot water. $12. 2590 Lee. Ptu 3946. - 3 RM. FURN. apt. bath, S70 Union. VAC 2 or 8 rm. apt Roberts Apts NICE. CLEAN I rm. mod. apt with bath, very reasonable. 1431 N. Cottage. FURN. 2-RM. mod. 1553 State. For RentHouses FURN. AND UNFURN. HOUSES HP. GRANT. 529 Court Ph. 6744 FURN. AND UNFURN. TOUSES. R. A. FORKNER. 185$ N. CapitoL 4-RM. HOUSE. Inq. 60$ N. Cottage. Money to Loan j For Rent Houses MOD. FURN. A unfurn, 8 bedroom houses. Shade trees. TeL 4320. $ R. HOUSE. PARTLY furn, $26 395 Madrona Ave, Salem Tleights. MOD. 5 RM. hse.. newly decorated A painted. Near schools. 1140 Fifth St R, $20, 6 R, $25. Ph. 4954. UNFURN. 5 RM. house, close In, $20. 1009 Broadway. Ph. 3131 or 7529. TtT?Arrft WlW .Hrantlv R inom house, full basement furnace, laundry tray, finished attic, adults 1515 N. liberty. 6 ROOM HOUSE. Inq. 925 S. 21st. MOD. 6 RM. house. 1196 Marlon. MOD. 6 RM. home, newly decorated, hardwood floors, fireplace. $37.50. 1R. A. FORKNER-H. T. UEBER ! 1853 N. Capitol FURN. HOUSE, 550 S. 16th. 3 RM. COTTAGE, 745 Center. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. 281 State Street Inquire room 200. TeL 3713. Wanted to Rent WANTED. SHEEP pasture for 140 head. L. Townsend, 585 S. Commercial. For Sale Real Estate WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU want to sell exchsnge tease, rent see Mr. Iirsen with Haw kins A Roberta. TRADE C1T property for farm homes. Opportunities In exehanaea HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. 5 R. MOD. HOUSE, basement gar. I blk. from Safeway St. 847 Saginaw 5-ROOM HOUSE completely refln tsbed, close in. $100 down. 320 a mo. Owner 1547 Chemeketa. Phone 7654 ONE 5-ROOM. one 6-room new mod erin homes, 3 miles from city limits with 1 to 2 acres ground. Can be handled on easy terms. Priced right. For appointment phone 9407 after 6 p. m, 5828 in morning. -FIVE ROOM house completely re flnished. $100.00 down and $20.00 a month. Close In. Brick house modern, close In, reas onable terms. 1 acres east of Salem. New house, good terms to right party. Unfinished house, $50 down A $15 a mo. ABRAMS A ELLIS, INC. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 6155. - Insurance Money to Loan FOR SALE I AM OFFERING my beautiful country home at a very attractive price for few days only. Place consists of approx. 12 acres, with comfortable 7 ; room house, basement, furnace and fireplace. Wonderful large shade a .o ornamental trees, exceptionally well landscaped yard with sunken garden A sprinkling system. 3 large springs, furnish ample supply of water. Price $6000: will sell all or part Plane is located 74 ml. E. of Salem on State St. road. Seeing is believing. FRANK DOERFLER for further particulars see my agents. Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS & MILLER, REALTORS 214 State Street Phone !261. ' MODERN 6 ROOM house on creek. Lnrge corner lot, lots of sliade. Close to school and store. Small down payment. 2491 Trade St BUILDING NEAT 2-bedroom home on Vx A. Ex. loca. Close In. Plastered and complete $1000; $50 down, bal. $20 per mo. Box 1035, Statesman. 1SWT KAT.tf S ronfTi mod home. 3 bedrms. Fruit, doubt gar. 450 N. 19th. : OAK KNOLL FARM FOR SALE i COME LOOK at it inquire Oak Knoll service station, across road from Oak Knoll golf course. 7 ml. west on Dallas highway. By owner. SEE THIS Will sacrifice my equi ty in nice home. Best location in Sa lem. 1043 N. Church. t NEW MOD. 2 BR, nice living room, hdw. firs., kit, nook, utility rm, ga rage, lot 50x200, good location ; phone for appointment $3500 : very easy terms to responsible parties. i New mod. 2 BR, located So. 15th. 82250. terms, small dwn. payment bal $20 per mo. i 2 BR. with fireplace, nook, corner lot only $1800, easy terms. 3 BR, good condition, valuable creek lot. $2500, terms. 2 BR, large llv. rm, hardwood floors and fireplace, mountain view, taxes $24. Must be seen inside to be appreci ated ; $2800, small dn. payments, bal. $25.00 per month. i 7 RM. home N. E. with 4 BR, large lot. a real buy at $2750. terms '200 down, bal. $25 Including hit 1 Minneapolis, Minn, residence rented for $43 per mo. to trade for Salem property value. $6500. i Acreage to trade for Salem income property. . Good lot In West Salem. $200.00. Good Income property, new, $5500; consider some trade. i 4 BR, new dlst, trade for small acreage. i Houses and apts. for rent. E. M. LARSEN REAL ESTATE U. 8. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING PHONE 3781 EVENINGS 5769 ; 12 ACRES, MODERN house, spring water, variety fine fruit, plenty wood. Close to school, will take small house part payment Price $3000. i 100 acres, 8 rm. modern' hse, 2 barns, shed 32x40, large chicken house, brooder house, milk house, garage 32x32, living stream, with or without stock and equipment Will take Port land or Salem property or small acre age and some cash down payment WINNIE PETTYJOHN, REALTOR 477 Court Phone 6524. PRICE REDUCED for Immediate sale. New 4-room house and garage $1460. Owner, 29 Salem Heights. $3000.00. NEAR ST. VINCENTS Ca , thoile church. Living and i dtning room .fireplace, oak ! floors, bedroom, bath, kltch- i en. nook. Murphy bed, full j bsmt, furnace, trays, ga- r rage, redecorated through- i out For complete tnforma- i tion call 1 P. H. BELL ! - 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone $131, Salem," Oregon WISE PEOPLE BUT NOW ' 6 R. HOUSE, BASEMENT A fur nace, fireplace, good location, $2750. $300 down. DANDY 6 R. modern with basement furnace A fireplace, large corner lot Inorth) 33500. $1360 down. DePoe Bay. Nice home at Depoe Bay, 5 rooms, fine location, sold at a bar gain. JAS. D. 8 EARS, REALTOR 478 Court Street Phone $466. For SaleReal Estate FOR SALE i OUTSIDE PROPERTY I ACRES, S ROOM house, born and outbuildings. Good well. B. lights, one block off of the Pacific highway. To close estate, $3000. If you are looking for a small acre axe. thlB art VflllM h.P1l Km r r. I, less If written on one side of a $1000.00 Diu ana nandea to you. Box 1033, Statesman. LOOK ISC A T.lKn XT drilled well. Reiser dist $100 down A i per no. uwner will sacrifice $500 on place. Move In. Or modern house on Evergreen Ave. Easv term. Twv fn, m... .iM .- - - -v. . j miu 111 good, it's cheap. . ooaftouse, S. 19th Sti Easy eon tract t int See my farm list, trades terms. If it s real estate, see H. C. Shields, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902. Exchange Real Estate EXCHANGE 2 ACRES A 7 ROOM house on first cross road out of Salem on popular road for Salem liim D.IU . "aaa - " .......... . f ivuu. ask about it. See Mrs. Ellis with MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261. EOTTTTV TV nniremi Em 7 i!1 rented- near sr. high school ; $5500.00. e lOF X,,?ert Listings wanted. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR H Court i Phone 6524 For Sal? Farms sffir1? Gx.?aoT,ER.S ATTENTION SMALL FARM of 16-acres ideallv suited to the growth of crops SlSfeVT locan o Salem, fine pro! t nJ Zf?'1 JncIudln one! acre of gen- L rta' about 3 acr Pasture, 6 Price blr,n' ara. 'n.lt room MrBarttett '4C4msVaDt! MILLER, REALTORS i Mate St. Phnr,- ooc, 13.1 APRP . . ... " .'. - ---..j,., .-i . tu j . room ,?Um-i d6rP WelJ- Sprln " the pasture be SdVr! Sai,em- Th,s Pla has to barn AfS 1 north of Salem. $60 per acre INC, iMi n i m a ,vU,V Anal downACpRrfce ? ' 00 h!'-?" b,arn lctrlclty. Horse, cow, & poultry, $1700.00. $700 t?fion.h1Se.' barn 8 Poultry houses fjf : e,ectricit- A well. l8-acres, (rood stock: ranch) car 00rrKnd- F8,r "toiPrlctiVaioo. 476 Coi,SEARS'TORg4M Wk'Tk Ptnit . Acreage! 99E HIGHWAY SPECIAL-343 ft frontage, 6H acres, with large treea narvrrj,mlt!'- S,a' Price. $4000 4?"II?.IE PETTTJOHN. REALTOR 47. Court 1 phone 6524 Business Opportunities BUSINESS FOR sale. Stock and fix tures, choice location and pleasant liv ing quarters. If interested in a good business and home call owner. Ph 71 8. j PAYING LUNCH room. Good bus iness, fine location, low rent AH equip ment goes at the low price of 31000 Owner retiring. Invoice f wine, beer A cigarettes. Investigate ; R-WST SALEM REAL ESTATE S9 Edgewater phone 5622 For Salt- Wood BUDGET PLAN-five months to Pay'lrst pnyment In 30 da vs. Oa $6.00. ash $5.50. knots $5 50. Old $5 00 Krth- 4.00. W. L Graen. Ph S30 Yard 412 N. 21st St. SUMMER PRlCES.'Vlri fir 16" "a nnlv S 4 75 n.r i r- 'ter deL Phone 4156. Oregon Fuel Co is l.V OLD fir. $5: knots $4.50 it. zna. 13.76. Phone 9456. w x ssaMSaaysieaaaaassaastaa " ail Kinds- Phone 6663. sss 1 - -mm,, Wnjj-Lrnjxjui INVESTIGATE BUDGET plan on wood. Ph. 5370, W. L. Graen. 412 N. 21 Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING. Sproed. Ph. 6889 Lost and Found PARTY KNOWN who stole glasses from purse at Ollnger ; playgrounds. July 26. Badly needed. Return to Statesman office. i FOUND ONE new truck tire mounted on wheel. Owner Identify and pay cost of this ad. Box 191, Route 2, Dallas, Oregon. LOST LIGHT brown wire - haired terrier, white about neck; some white around feet. Answers to "Spike." Clat sop county license. Strayed from 2065 N. Fourth St, Salem, about 2 p. m, July 21. please return i to 2065 N. Fourth St, Salem or phone 7888. Rwd. Business Cards tm this dirrrtory rum oa monthly bawls only. Rate: f I pet line per month. Auto Brakes Mlks Panes. 278 South Commercial Bicycles: BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned Harry W. Scott 147 a Oom'L P. 4816 Cement Contractors RALPH HARLAN, $25 locust 880 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4450. R. B. Nortlmess Chiropractors DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor 36$ N. High. TeL Res. 8878. Excavating EXCAVATING Or all I kinds. rs la ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Co Pbono 940$ Florists Bretthaupt's. 447 Court Phone $904 Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRY 263 8. High , i Tel 0121 ---nn7; ,D,RT 16 0lJ fIr' ,4 60- SPEC. OAK $5.75. ash $5.25. P. 9703' For Sale Used Cart Ouch! Ouch! PRICES CUT TO THE BONE on all our Used Cars! Twenty-five to pick from! 3 - Specials - 3 Listed Below for Today! OLDSMOBILE 36 6-Cyl Touring Sedan Here Is a beautiful automobile with factory-built trunk. This car Will ap peal to anyone desiring economical and luxurious transportation, only 21.060 miles, just as modern as any new one with hydraulic brakes A steel body. Pay $199.00 down, balance 18 months. DODGE - 37 DeLuxe Coupe "It's been carefully owned." said the original owner and you'll know he meant It on first "look" has radio A heater, lots of extras ; 90-day written guarantee. Pay $175.00 down, bal. 18 months. PLYMOUTH 35 DeLuxe Coupe With rumble seat, original finish with out a blemish, has had excellent care, lias radio A heater, other extras ; pay $135.00, bal. 18 months. MA NT OTHERS. ALL MAKES AND MODELS Compare Our Cars and Prices STATE MOTORS, INC. DEALERS Hudson and Packard Marion A Polk Co. High at Chemeketa Phone 8400 Open Evenings PERSONALLY OWNED Buick 1938 or Graham 1936. Both have had unus ual care. Low mileage. Can be seen any evening at 2020 S. Com'l. after 5 p. m. 1928 PONTIAC SEDAN, good run ning order, $40. Take part wood. 690 N. 17th St, Salem. MUST SELL '36 Plymouth 4 -dr. de luxe sed. Motor, tires, fin. excel. RAH. No trade. Rudin. 1223 So. 12th. Transportation DRIVlNd TO Medford. take 2 pass engers, share expenses. Tel. 5927. Personal LONELYT "WORTHWHILE" sweet heart, husband, wife for you. Box 75 l.oa Angeles. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO WATER USERS OX MILL CREEK AXP ITS TRIBU TARIES, A TRIBUTARY OF THE WILLAMETTE RIVER To all persons, firms, and cor porations claiming a right to the use of the waters of Mill Creek or any of its tributaries, a tribu tary of the Willamette River, and; TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON CERN; You and each of you are hereby notified that on or about September 1st, 1939, the State Engineer of the State of Oregon will begin an investigation of the flow of Mill Creek and its tribu taries, and of the ditches diverting water therefrom, pursuant to pe titions filed for the determination of the rights to the use of the waters of Baid stream and Its tri butaries. Further notice will be given at a later date, fixing time when, and a place where, the State En gineer will receive cla'ms and tes timony as to the rights of all par ties claiming; from said stream and its tributaries as provided by law. CHAS. B. STRICKLIN State Engineer. Jly 25 A 1 Directory Mattresses SALEM ELUKF RUG and Mattress factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade: carpet cleaning, nixing: fluff rug- weaving: S 13th A Wilbur. TeL 8441. OTTO F. ZWICK RR Est 1911 CAl'ITOI KEODING CO. Phone 1069 Naturopathic Physician DR. W. H. ROCKWELL Naturopath le Physician. 1790 Fairgrounds Rd Tel. 4303. Office Hours 11 a. m. to 8 :S0 p ra. FREE EXAM. A CONSULTA TION. Painting Paper hanging PAPERING. PNTG. Johnson. P. 818$. Printing raR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets programs bosks sr any kind of print ing call The Statesman Printing De partment. 31$ S. Commercial. Tele phone) 0101. Transfer FOR LOCA I or distant transfer, stor age burner 4L esO 8181. - farmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally INTERSTATE TRUCKING Wash, Oreg. Ph. 22 FA CITY TRANSFER. Ph. 6616. Reason. Well Drilling R, A. WEST, rt 8, box 44$. Ph. 116F8 Wood Sawing WOOD SAW HIIke. Ph. $828. LEGAL NOTICE PROPERTY OWNERS-TENANTS NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it is prohibited by ordinance in ths City of Salem, Oregon, to place) or maintain any merchan dise or other obstruction on U streets or sidewalks of this city; that the owner, tenant or custo dian Is liable for the safe condi tion of the sidewalk adjoining the premises owned or occupied by him; that no marquee should be erected or maintained the low est part of which is closer to the sidewalk than eight (8) feet: that no fringe or other obstruction to pedestrian travel or visibility shall be lower than seven and one half (7H) feet above the sidewalk; and that certain types of marquees must be ten (10) feet above the sidewalk. All ordinances granting permission for any unusual use of the street have been repealed by Ordinances No. 3135, as amended by Ordinance No. 3208, and Ordinance No. 3401. Resolu tion No. 4075. adopted by the Common Council July 3, 1939, in structs the city departments to remove all illegal obstructions in and over streets immediately and authorizes the City Recorder- to place In the daily newspapers no tices to owners and tenants that immediate compliance with such ordinances must be made, except where substantial expense or dan ger would prevent immediate re moval such owners and tenants would then be allowed additional time but in no event later than SEPTEMBER 20, 1939. By order of the Common Coun cil of the City of Salem, Oregon, this 3 day of July, 1939. A. WARREN JONES City Recorder Salem, Oregon July 25. AUG 1-8-15. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE REAL PROPERTY Notice is hseby gin that by virtue of an Execution nd Or der of Sale issued oai of the Circuit Court of he State of Oregon for Marion County on the 3rd day of July, 1939, upon and pursuant to a Decree duly given and made by said court on the 20th day of June, 1939, ir. a suit pending therein in which the Federal Farm Mort gage Corporation, a corporation, was plaintiff and Delbert Har rington and Ethel M. Harring ton, husband and wife, were de fendants, which Execution mud Order of Sale was to me directed and commanded me to sell the real property hereinafter de scribed to satisfy said liens and charges in said Decree specified, I will on Saturday, the 12th day of August, 1939, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. at the west door of the county courthouse at Sa lem, Marion County, Oregon, of fer for sale sad sell at public auction for cash, subject to re demption as provided by law, all of the right, title and interest of the defendants in said suit and of all parties claiming by, through or tinder them, or any of them since the 2nd day of January, 1934, in or to the following de scribed real property, to-wit: Beginning at the Southwest Corner of Section Seven, Town ship Nine South. Range One. East of the Willamette Meridi an, and running thence North 89 15' East along the South line of said Section 12.50 chains, thence North 22.56 chains to the South line of land formerly owned by Matilda Lake, thence North 86 o West along said South line 12.53 chains to the West line of said Cross Word Puzzle 'A 12 13 14 la 21 22 i 23 25 26 SO 31 34 3 36 3 HO H2 tea 5o 51 3 S4 HOKIZONTAL 1 Gaelic saa sad 4 Haad covartass 8 Flnsst UBUkvorsi 18 Plaae surface 14 Lowest female vote 18 Part ef a earvsd Use 18 Injury tl Groak Isttar 88 Was is tks Sfst msm ef the rat wests -Private Lrscr 28 Plant ef the Sly faatily ' 3S What Is the Arst assst sf tfee VatctsMe 10 Tall bars 13 WM ass at Btiaarr S4 Naariaasd 86 Pises 8T Gaeiis 88 Ca HMStt as Wi 4S Strict 48 Vsraa 44 What at the 61 Plan ea words 88 YeQsw koala 68 Aheaata tke sAT 4 Dirt II ntsttns s4s YXATICAL . l-Mesds 3 Uses a adgafcs ' ' t was tsa aasttal at see CasJeS 4 Whs was the sweeter ef the ssstiea stA tare "tt Itispsnil One Nfefcrt s Utbnesl Sanskrit laser.) What Swiss ettj was tk n CiaaiU wMrsj t a Wsa Is the haroiae ef 18 Make seasslssi with a 11 Harl 17 Tsektt . sesaeefafa- i avian as 14X11 Tfciaara"T Maw LEGAL NOTICE Section Seven, thence South along said West line S3.SC chains to the place of beginning; Also: Beglnnlnx at the Inter section of the Willamette Me ridian, with the center ot the County Road leading- from Stay ton to Mehama, running thence South S3.72 rods, thence East 8.94 rods, thence North 13.72 rods, more or less, to the cen ter tf said County Road, thence Westerly along the center of said road to the place of be ginning, in Section Seven, Township Nine South, Range One. East of the Willamette Meridian: Also: Beginning at a poict in the center of the County Load leading from Stay ten to Me hama 190.66 feet South and , 439.81 feet East of the North west Corner of the Southwest Quarter of Section Saven. Township Nine South. Range One. East of the Willamette Meridian, thence r.ouih 906 feet, thence North 86o West 293 feet, thenee North 897.95 feet to the center of said County Road, thence South 87o and 53' East 293 U feet to the place of beginning: Together with all water rights, and rights In ditches, canals and laterals, and rights of way therefor, appurtenant tn said premises or used in connection therewith: Together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurten ances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining; Situated in Marion County, State of Oregon; Dated July 8th. 1939. A. C. Burk, Sheriff Marion County By Kenneth u. Randall, Deputy First Publication, July 11, 1939. Last publication August 8, 1939. Jly 11-18-25 A 1-8. No. 10,035 .NOTICE OF HEARING OX FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF" THE STATE OF OREGON tor Marion County. In the Matter of the Estate of G. G. BROWN. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned. Executor of the Last Will and Testament of G. G. Brown, deceased, has -filed its Final Account and Report in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, and that Wednesday, the 9th day of August. 1939, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day In the county court room in the county courthouse in the City of Salem, in said County and State, has been appointed as the time and place for hearing any objec tions to said Final Account and Report and the final settlement of said estate. The date of the first publica tion of this notice is the 11th day of July, 1939. and the last is the 8th day. of August. 1939. LADD tc BUSH TRUST COM PANY. Executor of the Last Will and Testament of G. G. Brown. Deceased. Page and Page, Attorneys at Law, Salem, Oregon. Jly 11-18-25 A 1-8. CALIFORNIANS LOCATE SUBLIMITY Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lulay and family of Ana heim. Calif., . have returned to fnbllmity for their future home, hey resided in Anaheim for one year. JO II VSA 20 2W 27 2 2? 32 33 37 3 3 HI Uf3 2 55 ls-Sehesi 31 Bsek (sr laatHas bus I 82 Oa ta iksMaiU side 28enssol for i 84 Tewatd tke i 36 Was yrtssilsd the CeatBrwais Bin 18887 2T Oette 8 Biblical a 81 AatskjB Herewith is the solution to yes terday' puzzle. kk k ?A In U1n k aImI i I cTATkkjE RK4o pIe. IrTa b p eNp e HnPjNaH rSlAICsMoklTrka ste jTiTK-jE pf?teB H- Any W MIL I It! 36 ffKfats 38 Una wftk the bask 8tT1iTirtiisssi iist 41 Ailuwstis far w sight ef s tea arts sy 41 Pwliitiw sums 46 BasaeaJI taaat ' 46 ftasxas tassaass sf agrienltaxs O Hw5 of whalas