PAGE TEN The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesdaj Morning, Anjnst 1, 1939 fit' ...V'. i - s ..... .Afc")- mf il fit V:: " ZrsfXi ; ' I- ft : j . , V . . , . "j. . V :V-t ' 1 - .www WWs ASS O C I A TED PRESS flmillMMft'OV'inn" - ' I- 1 v3s"3 ! ''P I : IP MSA m 1 E3 HE CAN POINT WITH PRIDEWUh rood reason does Kobert Stoats rria, for he eamht this 481-pound broadbill iwordfish at Santa Catalina. taklnc an hour, 23 minutes, to brtaf U to raff. And Mike Marineovich has reason to mop his brow, for he helped lift the fish op to the scale. Other men are, left to rirht: John Grant and Loren Grey, son of Author Zane Grey, T O M A H -T O Saney Judith Wrisht, 18, of Elwood, IncL, new national tomato ueen shows diplomacy worthy of a queen. 6ho won't say which to say: tomay-to or tomah-to! ! ' '" nS 7 -f ' - - 1 x J"S.'vf tilt' 9 H E I R One of America's rich est yonnrsters, William Astor strides about Newport, X. 1 estate of his father, John Jacob Astor. Younr Bill Is four years Id and sturdy. 5P? 1 s'iV:fV.X4 fi' OUTFOXING THE FO X So numerous are the fox pups roaming the Jefferson eettnty, N. Y countryside that vacationists now can stare their own foxhunts without horns, hounds or a tally-no. Jerry Spencer tries out her wiles and an ice cream cone--on a not-so-wily fox that soon was imprisoned by a fish-landini net Later, the fox was released. "'"TJ'T , - 'P'1" 1 11. mj. .;v".m ' 11- 1 111 1) 11 in tJ . . .. HULA HOLIDAY-Sbakinrn mean hip for the occasion. Alexander T. Wells, new president of Lions International, accepts a rrass skirt from Jack Stone of Honolulu Lions. Wells, a N. Y. attorney, was chosen at Pittsburgh convention. Ti iu II ,T?, LANSINClf Mabel Ford had to write letters home for fee SS'T Morl dniplets, she'd hare her hands full. The "quads" visited Miss Ford in the Detroit city hall while en their return home to Lansinr, Mich. The rirls, riven initials to indicate the order of birth, are, left to rlrhk Helen D. Wllma B. Sarah C, and Edna A. SUIT Dr. Allan Dafoe (above) has been sued by Olhra Dionne, askinr that doctor re imburse Quints' estate for reve nue rained by contracts involv Inr Quints' ; PLAYING 'ANTE-OVER' DAHLGREN DOC AT DOC SHOW Movie Star Gary Cooper and his socially prominent wife, Sandra Shaw, are seen attendinr the Southampton Kennel club show mt Southampton. The Coopers are spendins the summer season on Lour Island. N. Y. t1 if it V, . i-'ft""" .y' 3 - .J i 'y XT- :- ..S"!. 7 ' ''.if W- 1 11 1 " IJ--' -l ' ' f 1 1 11 1 1 in 11 mil iiimiMi . 11 - I 21-- (iMP .1 X::.- -' CRISIS? Franco's demo tion of Gen. Yarue (above) may portend a firht for control of Spain between the monarchists Car lists Yarue favors and dicta tor-Fascists. COMES THAT T I M E Football season Isn't so far away when last year's stars ret lined up for pro rimes. Here's Sid Luckman, Columbia passinr ace, puttinr his name on a contract, for Georre Halas, Chicago Bears owner. If .'.'- v. . . . : fi-i.-.?f i ' MAN AT .WORK . DAHLGREN ! Thanks to bis Yankee teammates who seemed unable to locate him accurately. First Baseman Babe Dahlrren played all ever the lot in a ramo with Chlcaro White Sox. The day set s record for throws at. Instead of to. Dahlrren. Here he hares but misses a wild toss from Bed Rolfe as Kreevich advances safely to bar. Umpire Is Basil. VIIO VAS Til AT LADY . . . ?-Artlst James Glee 'eat m this swToalUt palntinx Tho AtUtude of LUhttnc To wards Lady llouatain.' and onlookers detect a female form ' tapprTtmateljta forerrtund. It's at Melbourne, Australia. 1 5 ' ; " 4 JOS jf , , - ." a .jl -.7: I T 7 " .... .. . f.-i ITr irrnrmiri - ""if BABE, THE BUSY BASEMAN Another wild throw and Yankeo First Baseman PaUrrea bites the dust In ramo' Yanks worn from White Sox, S-4. UcNair touched 1st. went to tad. FOR THAT DATE WITH S40,000-There's action a-plenty when two BamUetoniaa !-ftJ LilremrB i0d.TJm; Goshen, N.Y, for the tMQ trottinr classie Aur. t. At left is Heirh-Ho, owned by J. L Lyle of Syracuse, N. Y, and driven by Fred Eran. At rirhL also! intent on a win. Is Tom McKinney. owned by J. J Hoony of Fremont. dSen by jTAowI! ,