The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem,' Oregon, Sunday Horning, July 30, 1939 PAGE THIRTEEN Higbl ention Is ighted ea By T With :' the ! opening date of the tute convention ot the American Legion auxiliary only two weeks away, the convention commission 13 endeavoring to weave together the many details necessary for the success of the three-day ses sion, scheduled for August 10-12, tnclaslTe. : , Arrangements hare been com pleted by Mrs. Avis White, chair man of convention hall, for the stating- of the 310 delegates and alternates In the senate chamber, where the session ot the auxiliary will - be held. Secretary of State Scell and other officials are co cperating with the committee to offer every courtesy to convention delegates, and are making avail able committee rooms and other conveniences to contribute. to a successful convention. Mrs. E. H. Kennedy, vice-chairman of, the housing committee for the unit, advises that housing arrangements have been complet ed for the 310 -delegates, and citi zens have cooperated in every way to make the visit of the units members a happy one. - The members of the auxiliary will be hostesses to a distinguish ed guest in the person of Mrs. Donald McRae of Glen Cove, Rockland. Maine. Mrs. McRae has eerved as national president of the American Legion auxiliary, also as vice president; and was a member of the committee on edu cation of war orphans. She rep resented America as vice presi dent of the. International peace organization "Fidac" of the World war organizations during tbe year Of 1932. Mrs. McRae is spending the summer months visiting with her son at Lake Oswego. She will bt in the receiving line for the re ception and garden party to be held on Willamette campus the afternoon of August 11. Plans for the garden party are Bearing completion under the di rection of Mrs. Walter Spauldlng. Tbe event is much anticipated by visitors, j , Nebraskans Gather at Milson Home The Nebraskan auxiliary met with Mrs. A. P. Milson on Wednes day for its regular business and social meeting. Members present were: Mrs. Blanche Stuart, Mrs. Clara McDerby, Mrs. A. P. Milson, Mrs. E. O. Axelson, Mrs. C. F. McCollom, Mrs. L. E. Dagenhardt, Mrs. W. W. Rolofson, Mrs. Ger trude Van Houdenos, Mrs. A. L. Da Maude, Mrs. Hazel Abernathy, Mrs. Lucille Garner, Mrs. L. I. Flathers7 Mrs. Strayer, Mrs. Lura Tandy and Mrs. Webb. Guests were Mrs. L. Carey Cat tron and Mrs. E. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Henderson with their daughter. Donna, have -. . ' i : " : ; i , t - I , - r ; ' ; ; - , i , f t-; r i " - " i . 1 ' v -v - j . . r. . x - ... ... YL. Yvf'j; " 'r--' -'," V; f 1 f ' i s ; - , . - , J f i, .1 V ' : -:v?v1 I L- - - r ?1 1 r r I . . -V i V . "v,, v-',. "1',"3 - bm ijouaris Fashionable StuLe - Smiled - tfutcken COURTESY ; SMART SHOP A Johnny collar, full sleeves and broad shoulders distinguish this mar mink dyed marmot full length coat. The rich brown is one ot the' season's smartest shades. (K e n n e 1 1-E 1 1 i s photo). COURTESY MONTGOMERY-WARD Black caracul remains a prime fa vorite and looks Its best when styled with bell sleeves, military collar and loose, swing . back- (Kennell-EUis photo). , r,V; ix',Jk ;t . . , iff .) ' : v vk ' v 7 t " . I .H- i r - jf- f J ( x r x? 'a . ' ? l I- x x $v.&' ' 1 r. t x- " : f x r ' ; ' . r - s -"'xN'4'' .'-' 1 . - i r.-.w. rr -Tfrrrlnlw mMMajimMjfi.. thin Fur Coats Again Seen In returned f r o m a week's visit to At Txnal Slinn southern Oregon and northern 1 California. They report that the warmest weather encountered was at Bend when the tempera ture was 110 degrees. " Mr. and lira. J. I). Foley, Miss iilair Foley of Eugene and Miss Emily Foley of Bend left Satur day for m fortnight's motor trip to Yosemite. Lake Tahoe and the &an Francisco fair. Bet values ever are offered both price and quality.' One of the new things in furs suggested by Mr. Welnstein as distinguishing this season's offer ings is guaraco, a .process lamb J HV -VI.V - a large stock 01 nne ' . . . roue ot practically every weu dressed woman because the cost "Furs are pot new at the Smart Shop, said Harry Weinstein In an interview yesterday. "Formerly we carried Lower Prices Make Saving A fur coat appears in the ward- Fashions in fur coats are a long cry these days front, the balky af fairs seen a score ! of years afo when the lady who owned the coat looked very much like the fur's original wearer. Supple, sleek and stylish, the modern coat fita Its wearer add ing a look ot grace and slender ness not found in the old days. Modern for coat stylists have tak en advantage of the vog.ue for tailored fashions. Dressmaker de tails are produced by an upswing of fur or a depth of dye. Sleeves show no cuffs, and fashion says the bell sleeve or dol man is the favorite. Decoration is gained by reversing the pelt., working them into; spirals, cross or lengthwise stripes, or criss crossing them to lock like basket weave. Collars are either small, or en tirely missing. Maay smart coats show military collars, others a narrow turned down style with small lapels and fronts buttoned high. Shoulders are extended, squar ed and puffed to give wide ap . pearance, doubly accentuated by the lack of collar. ! Coat lengths are varied, fashion decreeing that dress length, three quarter or shorter than fingertip. Chubbies. the modern version of jackets, find favor for the young er set and for evening wear. They are fingertip length, collarless and cufflesa. Wide shoulders make them decidedly broad af faire. The waistline may be broad, or fitted or gathered to make a real waistline. Gathering and tucking Is new, made possible by the add ' ed softness gained through new methods of processing. Yolk ef fects are gained through turning of pelts, varying colors or revers ing the fur. The Berean chapter of tbe WWG was entertained Tuesday night at the home of Miss Adean Fiss;. Program and devotions ,were led by Miss Julia Allen. Re ports from the guild camp at Cas cadla were given by Miss Carolyn Strohmaier, Miss Adean Fisk. Miss Frances Mattson, Miss Alice Goffrier and Floyd White. Partial reports from the conven tion held at Los Angeles were given by Mrs. Floyd White and Miss Sylvia Mattson. Special guest for the evening was Sieko Watanabe of Japan. Mrs. Homer L. Goulet and son, Phillip, are enjoying a stay at Seaview, Wash at the summer borne of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sheeny of Portland. . Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wright are entertaining the former's sister, - Miss Jessie Wright of Newcastle, Ind. She will remain for a visit ot several weeks.: Mrs. La bam Sleeves and son. Tommy, are leaving today to spend several days with her sister at Twin Rocks. , GRAND ISLAND A group of ladies enjoyed 'a social hour Thursday at the home of Mrs. Charles A. Ferguson. They com plimented Mrs. Maurice Lawson with a shower. Present were Mrs. M. W. Ma gee, Mrs. Clark Noble, Mrs. Ersel Gubser and daughter. Anona, Mrs. Fred Wlthee and daughter, Lydla Dean. Mrs. Maurice Law son and son Raymond, Mrs. P. K. Sitton, Mrs. J. A. Hobson. Mrs. Ioy Stoutenberg and mother, Mrs. Penrose, Mrs. Raymond ' Palmer, Mrs. C. A. Rockhill, Mrs. Anna Umbanhour. Mrs. F. M. Roseman and the hostess. The Happy Homemakerg club was pleasantly entertained Thurs day at the home of Mary Rock hUL Eight members and one guest, Miss Irene Murry, were present. Cake and Ice cream were served by the hostess. The next meeting will not be helduntil September, when the club will meet at the ' home of Mrs. Dick Sitton. AUMSVILLE The Women's club entertained at Silevr Creek Falls Thursdsy honoring Mr: and Mrs. William Howd, who are leav ing soon to live near Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Howd have spent their entire married life on the ranch which they recently sold, near Aumsville. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Howd. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Howd, Walla Walla, Wn., Mr. acd Mrs. B. G. Adams. Jimmy Adams, Robert Deal. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. H e i n, Mrs. W. D. Wright, Mrs. D. W. Lamb, Mrs. J. J. Ransom, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Potter, Mrs. Stella Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith, Charles Smith. Mr. and Mrs, T. Y. McClel lan, Mrs. Luta Fuson, Miss Min nie Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. George R. Claxton, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Forgey, Gary Forgey, Miss Delia Forgey, Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Spear. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Op pen However catty her remark, you'll grant she looks heavenly In her fine nl Miss Josie Acklin left Sa t lace dancing frock. Radiating tucks create yoke and bodice fullness urdfr for a several days stay In and, repeated at the belt, form a slim waistline above an extremely o.o, 1 1 .bM T a i1i,iuk.1aMul ,111iAnaA 1, InvAlv In nfnlr m mi bco. rrw- 1U1I Mill mil, mi -wc .1V1V. IVX. v f " J. line. Girlish puffed sleeves contrast with the square decolletage. The trimming Is black lace.' y : t- : - Km rJ ill-VV ' I I f i v' J 3 " r A? : 1 II ma vo 1 ir1 ;1 iTQ 'A cir--IS i VS -That's lovely Jewelry Jeanette's wearing it's too bad it's not appropriate for an occasion of this kindr' DALLAS Mr. and Mrs. Hubert nesday evening when they went to Dunn entertained a group of Ctrl DeArmond home tor din . . . . . . . ner and found 65 members of the friends at their home on Friday. Eastern SUr from Monmouth and Honors at cards were won by independence there. Mr. Albert Burelbach, Mrs. J. Paul Many gifts were presented to Bollman, Mrs. Ralph Howe, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ed DeArmond at a Oscar Neufeld and Mr. Albert linen shower for their new home Domaschofsky. , which is now being built. Present were Mr. and Mrs. 3. Paul, Bollman, Mr. and Mrs. Al- .. . .. bert 'Burelbach, Mr. and Jtrs. Al- ,fSWr, M J p ' bert Ddmaschofsky. Mr. and Mrs. 0f.M.r,,"5n1lr8'toS for I John Friesen, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J,ott leading today for a Howe. Mr. 'and Mrs. Charles ."n" r V-JfS' Cochr'ane. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Neu- Sf. ""L ' ? feld. Glen Wick, and the hosts, oteT'inl,F- f 1 lo U J lTl' Mr my fr TnA lsnd. Miss Nancy Price ot Port Mr. and Mrs. Dunn. land will also be a guest of MCS. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott DALLAS The Boy Scout Mo- will spend the weekend at Nes- thers cluli will hold a benefit tea kowin, returning on Monday, in the gardens of the R. R. Van . Orsdel home next Thursday be- Mr. and Mrs. Herman C. Jo- tween the hours of 2 to C p. m. chlmsen will return this weekend This la an annual affair to from a cruise to Alaska. They left which friends ot the organisation week ago for Seattle and were are invited. Joined by seven couples who en- tered the Yacht races leaving Se attle and cruising to Nanaimo, SUYER Mr. and Mrs. E. E. B.C. From there they cruised to DeArmond were surprised Wed- Alaska. i xr Wf -v t'x."- . r - 1 Mrs. JFrank N. Waters, of Salem, past national presi dent of the American Legion Auxiliary, acting national committee-w o m a n for the Oregon auxiliary, who will preside at the banquet honor ing the past presidents and presidents' of the American Legion auxiliary. coats, now we are re-entering the appropriate to the chic "chubbies. field to even surpass our previons Just shorter than fingertip length, success." The Smart Shop is glad to have "Workmanship, styling and their coats tried on. Complete fa price have joined this year to cilitles are offered for repair and make an outstanding fur season, storage- j In the Smartest Fashion for '39 kmc rh A Brand New Stock Every New Detail of Style All Wanted Furs Whether It's Coat or Chubby you can be sure of its fine quality, beauty of style and workmanship and splendid; value, IF IT'S A SMART SHOP FUR. ' During August you can make an exceptional buy in these luxurious coats. Take advantage of August sale prices. Make a substantial saving and get first choice too! If you desire to own a fine fur coat, be sure to see the Deautirui selection ai Ihe SMART X Make a Down Payment Now ... I Let Us Store Your Fur Until Yoa Need Is tar below the good one gets from the investment. Unusually low prices prevail these days, and a long wearing, hard working fur coat can be bought for the price of a fabric one. Fur coats are comfortable, be cause stylists are now using fnr like fabric. Snug fitting, comfort able fashions take all the bulki ness from the feel of a fur coat. New methods of tanHlng make pelts as supple as fine wool. There Is maximum of warmth and a min imum of weight to coats these days. Fur coats are practical, too, be cause they look good on every oc casion from morning to midnight. Whether It's for sports or society, fur gives that confident feeling of being well dressed. Fur coats are economical be cause there's long wear ahead, with little cost for upkeep if rea sonable care is given the garment LYONS Mrs. Albert Ring and Mrs. Alva Wise were hostesses' to the afternoon card club meet ing at Rebekah haU Wednesday. High score went to Mrs. Floyd Bassett and low to Mrs. Everett Crabtree. Present were Mrs. Earl Allen, Mrs. Walter Beveire, Mrs. L. J. Miller, Mrs. Roy Huber, Mrs. Charlie Peterson, Mrs. Hugo Hal lin, Mrs. E. H. Horton, Mrs. C. 'Crisman, Mrs. Leon Smith, Mrs. Paul Smith, Mrs. Floyd Bassett. Mrs. George Huffman, Mrs. Al bert Bass, Mrs. E. E. Miller, Mrs. Kendall Cobbln, Mrs. John Kun kle, Mrs. Henry Kruse and Mrs. Everette Crabtree. DALLAS Mrs. W. H. Effen berger entertained members ot ber sewing clnb at her home on Tuesday afternoon. A covered dish luncheon was served in tbe gardens. Special guests present were Mrs. Dorothy Schuts and Mrs. Ruth Erickson of Salem, Mrs. D. H. Poppenhagen of Newport and Mrs. William Domaschofsky and Mrs. W. H. Hill of Dallas. JEFFERSON Mrs. May Cooley entertained with a chicken din ner Thursday celebrating her birthday anniversary. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. (Simpson and Barbara of Lebanon, Nube Simpson and son; Robert. Dorothy, Junior and William Coo - ley and the hostess. ' LEBANON Mr. and Mrs Bert Bellinger are Bailing invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Miss Marjorte Bellinger, and Sir Best Melrln Strans ot McMlnn vtlle on August 2 at their home. -SPECIAL- Oir Banal Wave, Complete 7S Tremendous Values! Specially Priced! Thy Event Brings Yon Advance Fall For Fashions! Great Savings! TomprroVa fashions today . . . You'll share our en thusiasm when yon see the newness, Smartness of these furs. Sleeves take the spotlight with wide shoul ders, small collars and the new rippling swing back! Definitely . . . 1940 in Beautiful Sealine Fnr. ; SMTTIGMEII&Y WAM f 1 SHO P rem. ou -Pnsb Wave, f m .50 Complete A Open Than. Eve. by App't Phome 8863 i 115 N. LIBEETX S07 1st Natl Bank Bid. CASTLE PERM WAVERS.