The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 28, 1939, Page 9, Image 9

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning July 28, 1939
Local News Brief s
Is Honor i Graduate ' Donald
W. Coons, 1 1310. North Summer
street, who was graduated from
Oregon State college this spring,
has been named among Reserve
Officers; Training corps students
designated as "honor graduates,"
Major General Albert J. Bowley,
commanding general of the ninth
corps area, announced this week.
Members of ROTC, to recelre this
honor, must be selected by the
president of the institution for
scholastic excellence and by the
professor of military science and
tactics as possessing outstanding
dualities of leadership, character
and aptitude for military service.
3alem's exclusive floor covering
it ore. Elfstrom-Humphrey Co. "
Reports Expenditures F u ndg
spent on; county , roads for ' the
years to date were reported by
County .Clerk U. G. Boyer yester
day to total $209,643.81. with a
balance of I87.85C.19 yet unspent
of a total appropriation of $297,-
500. Expenditures from separate
funds show: the. following totals:
for ' market road Improvement,
$20,326.53; for market road
improvement, $20,326.53; for
market road maintenance, $62.-
47.45, and for road district ex-
. penditures, $105,709.25. i
Salem's best buy: "Mark Twain'
shirts, 2 for $2.79, sizes 14 to 18
A. A. Clotting Co., 121 N. High.
Oiling Crew to Come The
county oiling crew will probably
move to Salem today after com'
pletlng work in the Turner vicin
ity during the past few day3, ac
cording to C o u n t y Engineer
Hubbs. The bridge crew Is ex
pected to finish work very short
ly on the brdige over the North
Santlam at Gates, which they are
repairing prior to beginning work
at an undetermined- date on
wholly. new bridge.
Lutx Florist 1276 N. Lib. 9592
First Over Road County Com
. xnissloner Jim Smith was the first
person to drive a private car over
the new portions , of the north
river road 4 during a routine In-.
spection tour, his friends re
marked yesterday at the court
house. Extensive rerouting and
improvement operations have
been under way on the road for
some time. Two' shifts are now at
work on oiling parts of the new
Save 25 on Goodrich golden pl
Silvertowns. Drive in or phone
Goodrich Silvertown Stores, 19 s
S. Commercial. Phone 91 &6 Offer
expires mianigm, juiy s.
Work Nearly Finished Im
provement of three miles of the
Silverton road in the vicinity of
the Middle . Grove school is al
most . complete, according to in
formation received from the coun
ty engineer's office. The road was
rerouted some time ago to elimi
nate several bad curves. -----
Entertain Husbands Ann Jud
son circle of the First Baptist
church will give a no-host picnic
for their husbands tonight at 6:30
at the Leslie junior high school
play ground. -
: Obituaries
' Oldenburg
William Oldenberg, late real
dent of route two, at a local hos
pital July 27. at the age of 84
years. Survived by widow, Mrs
.Margaret Oldenberg; daughters.
Mrs. John Fin kblner and Mrs
George Billings of Cornell Wath.
Mrs. M. M. Gaser of Salem. ?rs.
J. E. Jenosky of Namp Idaho.
Mrs. D. D. -. Phillips of Salem;
sons, W. H." Oldenberg of Boze
man, Mont., Harold Oldenberg of
Jefferson, Henry, Louis, Walter
and -Arthur Oldenberg, all of Sa
lem; 30 grandchildren and" 18
great grandchildren also survive
Funeral . announcements later by
the Clough-Barrick Co.
- . Ostrin - "-.
; ' In this city, July 27, Ernest Os
trin, aged 46 years, late resident
of 2C0 South 18th street. Husband
of Frances E. Ostrin and father of
Howard Ernest Ostrin of Salem
brother of G. A; Ostrin, C. H. Os
trin and. Mrs. Slgna Mohr 'U of
Salem. 'Funeral services will be
beld from the W. T. Rig don com
pany chapel, Saturday, Jaly 29 at
3:30 p. m. Interment City View
cemetery. Rev. P.-W. Eriksen will
officiate. ,. r
- Haun -To Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
L. Haun, Scio, a son, Allen Lloyd
bom July 20 ' at" th Deaconess
hospital. - w v
, Barry To Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert' K. Barry, route 1 Aumsville
a - daughter, Jeanne Laura, born
July 31 at thf i Deaeoness .to
pital. ,
Kin a ma n To Mr. and Mrs.
George F. Kinsman, Lyons, a
daughter, Joan. Kay,, born July 20
a the Deaconess hospttal. v
McGiU To Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Q. McGill, Gerrals, a daugh
ter, Eunice Catherine, born Julf
22 at the Deaconess hospital. - -
McAllister To rMr, - and Mrs.
Lewis D. McAllister, Aumsville, a
son.' Lewis cnaries, born. Juir. 22
at the Deaconesa hospital.-- -
Sehollians To Mr. and. Mrs. Or
rIn"Fv SehoUIan, Turner, a. son,
Marvin Clair, born July 22 at the
Salem General hospital.
; Why
Q Ledger?
CfciatMT rwneAiM. Inuiitr 8UO-.
CESS for 60e jrw ia CHIN..
K suttcr with what lilmtit ?
r ditoHert. --gh
natitii. kcmrt, has. '. kidMy,
Momaca, gai, cvnstipatim. aim,
dlabctia. raaraatiaa gall aa
bladder fever, kia, lemala
plaint- ,
Charlie Chan
Chinese Herb Cov
S. B. faac. $ year
practice ia Chi ma.
Offie, kara ta 8 ,
?.. accept - una-.
, y sad WeiBM
dT 0 la 10 a.
Coming Events
July SO Oregon-Kansas club
picnic, Bryant park, Albany.
' July SO Marion county Po
mona Grange picnic, Champoeg
Park. '
- July 80 Caledonian dab
Scotch picnic, Dallas city park.
July 30 Colorado itate pic
nic. Hazel Green
July SO Annual Iowa meet
ing CorvaDis city park. Picnic
July SO Michigan society
picnic meeting, Olinger - park.
Veterans atuiorUticra, Silverton.
. August 6 Marlon County
Republican club 'picnic. Silver
Creek falls. -
Y Augui p Annual state Trn
nenvee picnic at Dallas city park
' Aug.; Ohio slate piente
will be held at . Olinger. picnk
August 6 Carolina state
picnic, Bryant park, Albany.
Aug. 6 Nebraska picnic
Oaks park, Portland.
Aug. iO Marlon county
WCTU picnic, noon basket din
ner, Prescott gardens, 1064
Oak street.
-AUg. it-1 2 A uieriran Legion,
department of Oregon, conven
tion. Aug. 18-20 Flax Festival at
Mt. AngeL
Aug, SO Salem onion labor
annual picnic at Pat's Acres
Aug. 21-2 SUte softball
Aug. 24-27 Hop Fiesta at
Independence. ,
In Alsace-Lorraine A' card
from Miss Gale Currey and Miss
Marion ' Morange, professors at
Willamette university who are bi
cycling through Europe, and
mailed at Le Hohwald in Alsace
Lorraine, France, was received
here this week by Marcel and
Paul Bloch. The travelers recent
ly visited in Strasbourg, home
town of the Blochs.
Wallpaper specials. fClfstrom Co.
To Take Trip Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. McCullah will leave Satur
day for Springfield, Missouri
where they will visit with Mr. Mg-
Cullah's relatives, whom he has
not seen for 40 years, and attend
a family reunion. They will be
gone six weeks and will return by
the southern route, stopping at
the San Francisco exposition.
Waldo C. Miller announces moving
of his Barber-Beauty shop to new
location across the street at 4 Cor
ners. Open house Monday night to
all friends and customers, past.
present and future.
Charges Larceny A charge of
larceny of $30 was placed against
three Woodburn boys around 15
years ol are yesterday on com
plaint of W. J. Hughes. He alleg
ed that the boys took the money
from his trousers packet while he
was swimming. All but $1.30 of
the money was returned. The boys
were held for juvenile court.
Save 25 on Goodrich golden ply
Silvertowns. Drive in or phone
Goodrich Silvertown Stores, 198
S. Commercial. Phone 9156. Offer
expires midnight, July 29.
Make Canvass Official canvass
for the vote cast July 20 for elec
tion of five directors for the Nortn
Mill City rural fire protection dis
trict held today by the county
court showed returns as follows
W. J. Bertram, 31. C. M. Cline, 28
D. B. Hill, 28, C. E. Mason, 28
and Frank G. Rada, 24. Roy H
Mundt received 21 votes.
Anabels Beauty Shop now fully air
cooled. Always comfortable.
uiris i se uags Two over
night bags, containing clothing
and accessories, were stolen from
a car parked in the 100 block on
North Commercial between 12
noon and 1 p. m. yesterday, it
was reported to city police by
Jane King, Tillamook, and Jean
Fenton, 1640 East avenue, Salem
the owners.
Pa boo Roofs Klfslrom Co Ph922
Is Xo. 3 Dorothy Selby, capi
tal city candidate for queen of
the Redhead Roundup n e x.
month, gained third place and is
only 9000 votes out of first place
in latest standings of the contest
released yesterday. Miss Selby.- en
try of Bishop's store and Schoen
bakery, has 636.000 ballots.
Roofing" by Mathta. 178 S. ComX
Extradite M a s e n Governor
Charles A. Sprague Thursday au
thorized the extradition of Walter
LeRoy Mason, who is wanted at
Seattle en a charge of second de
gree burglary. He is under arrest
at Pendleton. '
sCV VXJLL L-L anyA ,Li A 1 L 1 11 i-J LJ WZV 135 N. Commercial - Phones 5197 - 7C23
Thm Original YeUot Front Drug -1899 1939 Sola Agents Penslar Remedies
.and Carty Special Store in Salem i::" Aceteir niied . , ' i in Marion County:
STORE HOURS Week Days 7: SO A 31.-9:00 PJU. Sat. 7:80 AJJ0:O PJU. Sua. t:00 AM.-4-.OO PM. Holidays- sHOO AM9 PjL
v 50c Penslar. t
With Vitamin D
Slop the Pain!
Remove the Corn!
Use Schaefer's i
NoRelief No" Pay
?35c Antiseptirie s5
- f ' -: 9iikU
L for
$1.19 a Carton
Salem Asking
Divorce Is Given Emma
Looney With $100
Support Money
Foreclosure complaints were
filed by the city of Salem in three
different cases yesterday in the
circuit court. They included: City
vs. Dora Pickens and others, ask
ing a Jotal of $590.06 on 'four
different Items; city vs. Frank E.'
Rickey and others, for two sums
of $282.41 and $311.86; and city
vs. R. O.: Summing and others.
for $407.41.
Nine confirmations of sheriff's
sale were also filed. Owners In
volved included P. A. Eiker, J. W.
Slpcum, George B. Simpson, Hat-
tie Corey, Laura E. Clark, R. A.
Stevens, W. R. Ray, Nathaniel
Murphey and Natalie Klabunde.
In all but the last, other parties
were concerned with the de
Circuit Court
Divorce decree was granted to
day in the case of Emma M.
Looney vs. W. C. Looney and the
plaintiff awarded $75 a month
support money, and $25 a month
support for a minor child. A Judg
ment of $400 asked in plaintiff's
complaint was also granted.
Robert F. Budrow vs. George
H. Allen and wife; case dismissed
and settled without prejudice.
William Gahlsdorf, administra
tor of the estate of Lillian Apple
gate; order of removal of case
on motion of defendant to United
Mates district court filed.
Massachusetts Bonding and In
surance Co.. a corporation, vs.
Commercial Credit company, a
corporation; motion for default
S. B. Irvine vs. H. C. Shields
and Volene Shields; complaint
filed asking judgment for $2250
and interest from October 5, 1933,
in payment for note on which
plaintiff alleges nothing has been
Mary Woodward - vs. Clifford
Woodward; complaint for divorce
alleging cruel and inhuman treat
ment filed in which plaintiff asks
custody of two minor children,
sole ownership of an equity in a
house, and $40 a month for care
of the children.
Ed O. Erickson vs. Truck In
surance Exchange; action filed to
collect $5058.70 and $750 attor-
Saw Meteor Leonard Seely of
the Union Hill district reported
yesterday that he observed the
meteor believed to have iauen
somewhere near Eugene Tuesday
night. Seely said be was Jopking
for the planet Mars In the south
ern sky about 8:15 p. m. when
a large green ball fell from the
heavens leaving a greenish trail
behind It. Seely estimated the
body appeared to be about one
half the size of the moon.
Buckeye Picnic T h e annual
picnic of former residents of Ohio
will be held Sunday, August 6. in
Olinger park in Salem. A basket
dinner will be a feature of the day
with watermelon, c of-fee and
cream being furnished by a com
mittee. All former residents ot the
Buckeye state are urged to attend
the picnic.
Enjoy cool, comfortable hair dres
sing at Anabels Beauty Shop. It's
air-conditioned. '
Bicyclist Injured Arthur
Hughes, about 16, was treated by
first aid car officers yesterday
for bruises and abrasions received
when he was accidentally struck,
while riding his bicycle, by a car
driven by William Schlitx. Schlits
brought the Injured boy to the
station for treatment. .
Building Permits Issued yes
terday were permits to G. E. Mish
ler, to alter a dwelling at 1120
Hood, $35; Barbara Karst to re
roof a dwelling at 433 South Cot
tage, $48; and F. V. Chapman,
to reroof a dwelling at 1275 South
12tb. $45.
Salem restaurant prices are so low
now you can't afford to eat at
home. The Spa serves a full course
dinner as low as 40c. 9 chicken
dinner, 50c; and a six course tur
key dinner, 65c.
Michigan Picnic The Oregon
Michigan society announces a
state picnic to be held at 1 p. m.
next Sunday at Olinger park in
Salem. Former residents of the
state are requested to attend,
bringing basket lunches.
Speeding Charged J. H. Saw
yer, Silverton, was booked by a
city officer yesterday on a charge
of violating the basic speed rule.
Paint Sale. Mathla. 17$ S. ComL
Belt Stolen- James Best, route
four, reported to, city police -yesterday
the theft of 100 feet of
machine belting", valued at $30.
The better Robbing Alcohol
50c Colonial dub
Shaving Cream
. 25c Colonial dnb
Razor Blades
tV 75c value for
Fresh Juicy.
5c Candy Bars,
(Slewing Gam,
Lifeeavers v v
3 for ICC
Flight Fjom
:-" .rjiii i
Velma West (right), 83-year-old Ohio murderess, and her companion,
pretty Ellen Richards, both fugitives from the Ohio reformatory
for women, were captured by an alert Dallas, Texas, police? officer.
' They were" to be returned to the Ohio reformatory, from which
they fled 86 daysearlier, and faced a term of "solitary' confinement
for their escape, and after that life In the prison with all privil
eges revoked.
ney fee which he elaims was the
amount of a judgment against
him secured as a result of a motor
vehicle accident by Susie Ryan.
He declares that he was under a
public indemnity surety bond re
quired by the public utilities com
mission for his truck, but that the
insurance exchange refused to de
fend his case or pay the ensuing
H. A. and Bertha Roeske vs.
Antone Hoel; answer filed alleg
ing a modification of the original
contract by mutual agreement.
Justice Court
Burt Bailey was bound over to
the grand Jury on a charge of
non-support, and an undertaking
filed for $200. bail.
William Vasby plead not guilty
ie writing a check on insufficient
funds, and was released to Paul
Hendricks, his attorney, on his
own recognizance. The case was
ordered continued for 40 days.
The case of Wesley Fry,
charged with, contributing to the
delinquency of a minor, was taken
on advisement.
Probate Court
Guardianship ' of Philip Whit
lock Barrett; receipt of ward filed
showing sum of $2456.34 turned
over by Marian Allen Barrett,
Guardianship of Ida R. Fargo;
order for Ida R. Fargo to show
cause at a hearing on Augn&t 8
why Clara A. Minard should not
be appointed her guardian.
Guardianship of Margaret
Wharton Kissinger, deceased; W.
B. Small. F. C. Carnes and George
W. Friday named appraisers of
the estate.
in the city, so this is the place to buy your neat supply daring
the warm weather. Yoa can always do better at McDowell's.
HEAVY BACON, sugar cured..... .15c
FRESH PIGS' FEET . ...............3c
MUTTON STEW ........5c
SPARE RIBS ......10C & 12C
None Better at Any Price
PORK TO ROAST, no shanks! i.. J 3c
PRIME RIB ROLL, a real buy.....L....:17c
Tltere are seven meat cutter here folks, ready
and glad to wait on you folks. - - - 1
- w am w wviMrw am w ar m awri n t
- " . - - -
- . 15c
3 for 25c
- Assorte4f
'25C Quart'
Eastman and Agfa Films
( at Lowest Cut Prices j
' Delicious
25c Nelson Shampoo
Prison Ended
- 4
N V' -
Estate of W. F. Minard; Clara
Minard, administratrix, has been
granted authority to pay the
widow $75 a month allowance
from estate funds until further
order of the court.
Estate of W. P. Dunsmoor; ap
praisal of $10,177.12 has been
filed by Henry Carl, R. cL. Elf
strom and Tim Lundstrom. The
estate is entirely in personal prop
erty, including $585.15 in cash,
certain receivable accounts and
other property.
Marriage Licenses
Bernard McXamee, -2 4, s f arnr ,
of St. Paul, and Geneva Smith,
19, a housekeeper, also, of St.
Municipal Court
Jack J. Melzer, violation of the
basic speed rule; fined $2.50.
Joseph Hall, drunk; fined $10
and committed to jail to serve.
Kooert tieicner, operating a
motor vehicle without an opera
tor's license; fined $2.50.
Eight Take Exam
Under Realty Law
First examinations of appli
Cants for brokers' and .salesmen's
licenses under the new 1939 state
real estate law were held here
Thursday under the direction of
Claude Murphy, state real estate
commissioner, and members of the
state real estate board.
Eight applicants wrote In the
examinations. Other examinations
will be held in Portland Friday.
8. ora1.
lllHlilXC I
Salem's Leading 'Market
What we want to impress oa yoa folks
is this: We have the cleanest meat
market and the best refrigerator plant
Oar Own Make
Half or Whole
r. fll. SAlUltUAI I
- - - i t .- --. :- ' -
: Hood's Lotion really '
relieves the itching pain.
. . . i-HoodV ' ' ' - I-
50e Lb; Value :
29c ib?
- f "
Assorted Commercial
9Cib. i
a 50c lb. value! .:
- FA & Sat,
Bffled to Speak
AFL Representative Will
"Give Main ' Talk at ,
Unions' Outing
,. The main speaker at the annual
Union Labor picnic, to be held this
year at Pat's Acres, between Auro
ra and Canby on August 20, will
be Duncan Campbell, AF of L rep
resentative in the northwest, ac
cording to announcement yester
day by C. W. Crary of the central
labor council. Selection of anoth
er speaker la not yet complete,
though if la known that he will
come from, the label trades section
of the AF of L.
i Committee chairmen for the
picnic were announced recently by
Wilbur Duncan, assistant business
manager of the . building trades
council and general chairman for
the event. They include Otto A.
Krueger, grounds; Earl Sharp,
publicity; Ralph H o r n a d y, fi
nance; Lloyd McFarlane. police;
Leo DuBois, music; C. E. Louns
bury, parade; Walter Chambers,
label; Herbert Barker, speakers;
L. Winkenwerder, program: and
C. W. Crary and Frank Boehrln
ger, tickets. A meeting of the gen
eral committee foi the picnic has
been announced for tonight.
Committee members for the
picnic have urged that it is not
limited, to the membership of
trade unions and their families,
but is rather open to the general
public. A parade through Salem
streets has been announced for
August 18 th to precede the picnic
Surrounding communities have
been urged to participate both in
the parade and the picnic.
Attention Called
To Selling Scheme
Attention of the Salem public
was called to a "promotion
scheme" operated by out-of-town
salesmen, Thursday by the Salem
Better Business bureau, which re
ported that although the promo
ters have a tleup with a local wel
fare organization, the percentage
Order of $2.00
Orange &
Snowdrift Shortening 3 lb. tin 49c
Armour's Corned Beef 16c
Fig Bars
Seedless; Grapes
ntaloupes 56p"19c
D M:saAw I
u u 1 1 1 1 is, v 1 1
We Have
t .. .
Lamb Shoulders l -
Sweet Pickles
h Dili
that organisation receives la ex
ceedingly smalL
The selling la being earned on
by telephone, the business bureau.
affiliated with the Salem Mer
chants association, explained. The
bureau raised a question as to the
values represented by some of the
Oregon Insurance
Figures Released
Over 43 Millions Paid
by Oregonians Upon
Premiums in '38
During the calendar year 1938
the people of Oregon paid out
343,526,444 in insurance premi
ums upon all classes of insur
ance, the annual report of Hugh
Earle, state insurance commis
sioner, released here Thursday
Protection against the loss of
life and property totalled 31,
795,273,048, excluding such types
of coverage as ocean marine and
that carried by casualty and re
ciprocal lines.
Stock fire companies reported
a total of $814,778,027 insurance
in force, 70 per cent of which
constituted indemnification
against fire loss.
471,604 life Policies
The life group reported 471,664
policies. in force with total cov
erage amounting to 3701,076,648,
while the fraternal benefit socie
ties showed a total of S 2.1 01 cer
tificates and $49,873,519 of in
surance. Domestic company Investments
In Oregon represented 27.2 per
cent of their total admitted as
sets, those of the fire companies
being $690,934, fraternals $789,
246, life $3,934,409 and miscel
laneous companies $2,052,612.
Revenues of the insurance de-J
partment for 1938 aggregated
$845,891.11, an increase of
$67,058.24 over 1937 and $73,
019.04 over the 10-year average.
Total expenditures for the
operation of the department
amounted to $43,691.61, leaving
an unexpended balance of
$802,194.50 available to the gen
eral fund of the state.
Delivered FreeState and Commercial Streets
Del Monte
Red Sockeye
A Deliciuo Food Served Cold
Nice for
a Picnic
Grapefruit Juice 19c
Chipped Beef 10c
Fresh Bake
- Size -
II R" IPlL r 5
1 is r i u u r -
a Complete Line of Canning
' Carsten's Vor 1 W ' 10
Surar Cured Whole
4v 2 .
: v:
jl .....
Many Go to Bat
ron Police Chief
Messages flood Offices
of Governor Urging
Pray's Retention
Many telegrams and letters
continued to arrive at the execu
tive department Thursday urgiagr
Governor Charles A. Sprague to
reappoint Charles P. Pray as ra
perintendent of the state police,
' A number of these telegrams
came from organizations waffle
others were signed by individ
uals. Several of the authors said
they were not acquainted with
Pray but were Interested in tke
future of the state police organixa
tion. Pray's second term as superin
tendent of state police expires at
midnight Monday. He originally
was appointed superintendent ef
state police at the time the de
partment was created under tie
Julius L. Meier administration
and was reappointed for a four'
year term by ex-Governor Charles
H. Martin.
Governor Is Mum
Governor Sprague again re
fused to comment on the appoint
ment Thursday.
Rumors have been in circula
tion here for several days that
Pray would not be reappointed.
Under the law creating the.
Oregon state police departmest
the term of the superintendent is
definite and he does not con
tinue to serve until his successor
has been appointed and qualifies.
John Naylor Dies,
Funeral Saturday
BROOKS John E. Naylor, who
suffered a paralytic stroke two
weeks ago, died Thursday mori
ing at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. L. H. Judd. lysar Molalla.
A former resident of Gervah,
Mr. Naylor is survived by his wife,
Emma, and a daughter, Mrs. Judd.
Services will be conducted at
the Beechler-O'Hair funeral par
lor Saturday at 2 p. m.
No. 1
21b. box t3c
lb. 5c
Haii ; Wheat
49-lb. Bag
t - I fca lw V
sL,i lb. 17c
Pts. 15c
t .... t .:...,..
- 183 W. CowT St. Sllaa. Ora.