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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1939)
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Llornin, July 18, f i . A v i 1 TTiV - rfR s; . a Loaeg9 Qniickly " Arranged!3- &be irersomai irage livestock I ATTENTION! PHONE 5000 PHONE 5000 STOCKMEN, FARMERS AND DEALERS . AU yon ttock men, farmer and dealer. It you happen to have Dead or " Worthless tow, hog or sheep, etc, don't waste tt by burying It. Just call 5000. If tt U km distance Phone COLLECT and our truck will be at jrour place without delay and we win par you accordingly. As a ref erence ask your own banker or any bank In the state. We are loca ted at ZSth a ad Turner Road, Rout 5. L, W. 'WOLF and R. M. MIL LER, owners. , SALEM FERTILIZER & BY-PRODUCTS WORKS : : PHONE 5000 PAUL WOLF, MANAGER HORSES FOR rala. Also It wks. obi weaner pig Hayes 1-ablsh Farm Brooks. Oregon. DEAD AND worthless horses, rows picked up free. Ph. conect (ill Salem Montgomery Rand. Wks. FOR SALE a fine young milk goa Just fresh. Price $7.50, pitowe ft$2 Salem. Address lit Waller street. Statesman . Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising; Stasia Insertion per Una He Ttarea insertions per Una lee Six Insertion! per ltna SOe On month per line --It 00 Minimum charge ..2Se Copy for this page accepted uat : SO the even Ins before publica tion for classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be ran under the beading Too Late to Claasify.-. ..- v ft The Statesman assumes no flnan Mai responsibility for errors whir may appear In advert isetnentr pub lished In Its columns, and In eases where this pa par Is at fault will re print tliat part of an advertisement la which the typographical ssirtake. occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising, tt further reserves the tight to place an advertising under the proper classification. - A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad' dress Is for the protection ef the advertiser and must therefor he answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge tnforma ; tlon as to the Identity of aa adver tiser using a "Blind" ad. Help Wanted tsa WEEKLY. GROW mushrooms cellar, shed. We buy. SOe lb. Worlds largest company. F HF.K book. St nan rooms. 261 Second. Seattle. Wash. 00000000000000000000000' TOO CAN make It to IS dally at home, spare time, year around, grow Ing mushrooms for us. cellar, shed Mall crop, rash paid weekly Write Western Mushroom Co. Dept D 70 Portland. Ore. - . , ATTENTION ? HOP PICKERS REGISTRATION BOOKS ' are now open for our several vards. For furth er Information call at the office of DURBIN CORNOTKR over J. C Pe ney store N.' Liberty street. Help Wanted Female 1 K Ranted-housekeeper for bachelor on-farm. Inquire H04 Norway Silverton, l.:,;..,, 'yvi 'I.-'. Salesmen Wanted GOOD NEARBT Rawlelgh rout open. Industrious man can earn belter than average Income. Rales wav ut this year.- Complete line - nousehoid necessities established 50 rears. Per manent. No experience needed. Write Rswletgh's, Dept ORG-187-Q. Oak land, Calif. Situalions Wanted DRESSMAK- MRS Adsltt Ph 2S SHIRTS FINISHED. 12c; Iron 25c hr. 721$. COUNTER WAITRESS. Kxp. SS0 ForSaIe Miseellaneons Bikes A Rep. Ramsden. Ill S. Mb REBUILT AND guaranteed ash era All makes from lit op. 8 pee. May tat $3 J- Hogg Bros. ADDING MACHINKS. twewrttera cash register, scales, sales, rentals, re pairs. Roen Typewriter Ex, S Court 000000000000000000000000000000' CASH FOR osed furnv PK $11- DAT OLD and started chirks, fryers Abw peat" moss -fertfllxer. Ph. USPS Leo's Hatchery. - .TRAILER HOUSE. Covered Wagoe er trade for lot ISIO N. Cottage.. ; A NEW VOSS Kitchen Table wash tng machine. Occuying a space 14x40 Inches, the .machine Is complete with wrfnger ami built-in .rinse and wash tuba. It Is finished to oven-baked white enamel and has- a stainless porralaln topr wMch Is removable, and hang at the side when the washer Is used. T H oownds'of dry" clothes Is Its capacity. W win allow np to $50 for your old washer on tma new Kitcnen xaote Washer. Terms on the balance. - NELSON BROS. APPLIANCE CO. Ill Chemeketa Salem, Oregon - 18-PC WATERFALL bedroom group all brand new mercbandue, ronner ly sold at IllS.efl August . clearance special.' $19.00. Pay $1.00 down. Cohn Bros. Furn. Co, SOS'N. Liberty. W ATKINS PkOtt 172k Mad. ?0 USED KELVIN ATOR refrigerator $15. Good Housekeeping he, 419 Court St . WE ARB new recording orders fn ear famous highland ' tree rtnenor a on-Irrigated Slappy canning peaches to bo ready for del I v. about August 1st Puriun Oder Works. West Salem ARMT WALL tent SSI 8. 14th. : ADVIRTIS1NQ Western Advertising - Representativea . George D. Close. Inc. Saa Francisco, Loo Angeles, Seattle Eastern Advertising " ; RepresentaUvea Bryant Griffith A Branson, Inc. Chicago, New York. Detroit. V! BortwAlk; Eatered mt tao Potetc mt Sslewi Ore eon. as coad Ctoss Ml alter. Pss- Kaked every sterarse afosoaih SseraeM too M South Commtrcimi Arrest. " (SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rales In Advance. Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday Mo. SO cents; Mo. 1 1 SO; Mo. $ 1 year $5.00. Elsewhere SO cents pet Me. or $. for I year H advance, Per copy S cents, Newsstawos a rni Ri ntv Carrier! 10 rents a month: a vwar ta advance In Marion Livestock. For Sale Miseellaneons 1 GRET SQUIR. coat MSI Capitol Distilled White vinegar for aU nick- ling purposes. "Keens Tour Dickie I krisp. Also pure apple elder vinegar rumen cider Wta. west Salem. ATTENTION FISHERMEN. Used single cylinder Johnson outboard mo tor. Ideal for trotting. Excellent con dition and appearance. $20. Ph. act? or call at 1140 Waller street. GARMENT SHOP, expert tailoring. repairing: ladles suits made to order Dressmaking, cleaning A pressing. f u. Kosson. 14th a Lee St. PARKING Tou can park 2 hours or all day for 10c Monthly rates. block N. of postoffice. Across street from State theater. GRAVENSTEIN APPLES 50c bu. Bring boxes. Dougherty, S ml. N. Pac blway. , ml west Claxter Rd. S883 VELOUR BED-DAVENO with full bedding compartment In excellent con dition, special $29.S. Pay $1.09 down. Cehn Bros. Furn. Co.. SOS N. Liberty WILL SACRIFICE Owens ISO smr AC welder complete with 10 ft. new cable and helmet, A-l condition, $75 zss- state. ALFA FLA HAT. The very best of I 2nd cutting, will be baled Thursday and If hauled direct from field near I Salem can be had for $12.50 per Im We can deliver. Phone C5S2 or C380 I MUST SELL 8moothtop Magic Chel I nn nil fliv .1 h, r-o I I evenings. Ph. 8322. 450 Morgan Ave. UMBRELLA TENT, camp bed and I stove, bood cond. Must go at once. $89 Breys Ave. 00000000000440000 PEACH PLUMS, apples. 735 N Com. COMMUNITY AUCTION at Powell's Furn. Market mi. N. of underpass on Portland highway. Starts Sat at 1 :S0. 1 all-porcelain pressure kerosene range, like new. 1 lot of pigs. 1 lot of chickens, 1 Guernsey a Jersey heifer call. Large imt of all kinds of furn. Other articles too numerous to men tion. Bring or list anything vou want to sell including stock A poultry. Win. W. Powell, clerk, Bert Alphin, auction eer, 'n. 33 b. BICTCLE. $10. bar. ahop.,481 Ferry. WESTINGHOUSE FLTU.ENWRl elec. range. 4 -burner, excellent "condi tion, $59.95. Pay $1.00 down. Cohn tfros. Furn. Co., 305 N. Liberty. mm m s ifinrvinn n 1 ONLY NEW Vtma Kitchen Table washing machine. Slightly damaged. Held by transportation company for their cost. See tt at Nelson Bros. Ap- pnce o si i;nemeketa. . . . . . i uAAa a.m vetcn Jiav nw.uhwii r.,A tA tf ; -iri:','.r -i -i-ii-in n r, ri r t, ii BABT BED and Den. Ilka ra-m VH for ti and Road, Box 40. i ivy n i closing OUT pottery sale. Bird oatns, oenches, step, stones, gar. orna ments, etc. Ev'thing goes. 945 Norway. 1 ONLY NEW Stewart Warner re- irigerator. iss model. 7 cu. ft, $149. 95. sp. term a NELSON BROS. APPLIANCE CO. soi chemeketa Salem, Oregon Wanted M iscellaneons WANTED Ufl!.l furn h SI 10 OLD WOOL mattress. Tei SI IS ..... , -L-.-j-u-inj-uu CASH FOR psed rumlttire. Ph 4S17 0l00000000 WANTED. HOP and grain hags tc patch. We have machines. Call at lew el Rldg.. foot of bridge. Mam St, In- uepenoence, ire. Miseellaneons DENTAL PLATES RRPAIRRD TWO HOUR SERVICE DR HARRT SEMI.ER. DENTIST TENNIS "RACQUETS rest r on Exp. work, good strings. 81 .25 A 81.75. z a. High. Wanted Fnrnitnre WTD,.FURN. Ph. 7445, R. Forgey. For Rent- Rooms RMS FOR ladVe og N Cottage Ph SC7S FINK SLERP room. SSI N. Church '000000000000000f0000000 HOTEt SALEM ENJOT HOTEL service A conven ience. Attractive weekly or mo. rates CLOSE IN lurn. rm. Tet S229. 0000000W0tm0t00000000000000 WITH OR without bd. 1547 Court Room and Board APPRECIATE -GOOD mealsT Ktre horaeT See Ma Rowen. (Oft N. Uberty 000000000000M RaR 1000 N. Summer . Pit 4S14 NICK ROOM, twin beds, close te- sute house. 1217 Court Ph S9S4. 00000000000000000000000000 RM. t2.Sa. ROu. $4JS. lady. T81S. TBL. BOARD, exe. food. 50 Marlon CE RM- home cooking, gat . 10. Near rapftot Mdg. TeL S791. ROOMS UPSTAIRS A bsmW board IIS N. 11th. Ph. 6425. BOARD. NICE double room. IWlc beds. SlZ . cnurcn, xaoie oeora. For Rent Apartments 1 AIL NEWLY rum. Rent watot refrlg- bath, adults. 991 N Cottage t TO 4" RM. opts furn or antonw. $ sad op. loo, llio south 1 no. c-b- rtenra . r.t. MnAmnma newly decorated and roomy YWB delighted, oak end a. vommercmi. COOL 1ST floor S im B4I Ferry. lilR. APTS Furn. A enfura. te 14 Royal Court. Ph S9SS.. NICELY FURNISHED. 997 North- Commercial St. I rt. 112 St SR. Hi It 1ISS Center QeisJasSs4g8saswahs S R. FURN prt bath. S4S Court St VAC, HAW. CU. 100 NO. CapHol RKATTTIVTTI J.Y FURNISHED S ml corner, apt. Leslie Manor, Sit Leslie street."? -ri' VN-wjv.i.'i'"- - WHMWHNMMWMMMIMMMaMSMMMae t RM. FURN. spU Prt. bath, refrlg- Money to Loan We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO ITT TOUR INCOME No Endorsees No Comakers Your Signature Only RRPAT ANT DAT TO REDUCE COST. BORROW PROM 8ALKJTS OLDEST INn tJkR(IR8T INDKPeNDENT COMPANY WHERE TOUR NEEDS Ra CE1VB PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN IS MADE. General Finance Corp. Ill So Commercial St. Lie First Door South ot Ladd A Bush Bank Qel SPOT CASH Trite "PERSONAL" -WflV1 WHEN AT ROME: A "Personal" Loan $25 to $300. Easy Terms WHEN A WAT: USE A "PERSONAL? CREDIT CARD Good at ST offices. Coast to Coast SIM HI. F. TO QUALIFY come in. GUARANTEED BY GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE (As advertised therein PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor. New Bltgh Bldg. lit State Street Salem, Oregon i State License Numbers S-182 M l It I LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCKD MONET TO buy new or used cars. Private money at new low rates. Immedtnte set Ion. No red tape. 1 TO $0 MONTHS TO PAT Roy H. Simmons 131 South Commercatt Street Phone 9 ICS Ue. No. M-1SS I ,,'eoww FHA LOANS 5. also private loans I Abrams A Ellis lite. Masonic Bldg "',www AITTfl T AAN TY7:ll r J: Cn. W lliaiUCLLC VjICUU VU $th "FLOOR GUARDIAN , BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-laS What is MONEY SERVICE ? It is Friendly consultation with profes- slonally trained and experienced I advisers. . . I Prompt. Courteous, and Skilled or- I flee employees, A quiet business-like loan service free from red tape, long delaya A confidential understanding at all timea. Small monthly payments.. $10 re payable at $C 93 per montn. otner amounts In proportion. Many adlustahie loon plana SSee available on - furniture, nvestoca salary, cosigner, ete. 1500 svatl shle on cars: no ace limit. IF TOIT NEED MONET. SEE DS FIRST. Let us explain these an" other FREE services that go with each loan plan selected. People's Finance Co. Rm. 201. First National Bank - Bldg xaiem. iiraeon rnone . . . . . a-xu btate License -- Financial ' 4 WB HAVE never paid leas than this rate on favlng and Investment Insured to IS000 Mutual Federal Savings A i-oan Ass's Phone 4944 142 S. Liberty sx. Loans. Wanted LOANS WANTED en farm and city property. Before borrowing inquire at Hawkins a Roberts. 00000000000000000000000000P0' WANT ITT) PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate Will par mlerest. W; H. GRABENHORRT A CO. RRAI.TORS IS4 S. Uberty Street Phone S4S1 For Rent Apartments i CHP. CHILDREN taken. 292 S. Cot 00000000000000000000l0' PATTON APTS.. 222 Stste. Fur nished. Adults only. Ph. S244. - 2 ROOMS, PRI. bath. (SI Marlon, MOD. FRN. 1 tt TMrUlofi. 00000000000000000001 PARTLY FURN. S room. Heat wa ter A garage. 985 Saginaw.. t000000000000000000 APT, PRI. bath. S5$ & 12th. . 0000000000000000000000000, NICE S-RM. apt. 158 center. i.pii wrrnv. ant. ti.7S oer wfc. 1290 Oak. (Nest to express on J azrs m0000000000000000000000000' 2 AND . S-RM. anta Private bath. lights, hot-water, washer. SS3 Leslie. 0t000000000000 FURN. S-RM. Adults. 1109 Oak. 0000000000000k00000000 SLP. Bit and apt, .CSS Ferry. awaMSfc.- m t0m0000000000000000 1 RM. APT, lights A water. $10. Ph. SI37. 14S Court UNFURN. 4 RM. flat, "elec. range. hot A cold water, gar. Ph. S24SV ! rtTRK. 2 RMS. eft bflth. elc. refrtc rcirecorated, cool. 755 FerTTe 0J00000000000000000000 NEW 1 RM. furn. apti" dreaa rm.. pull, kit SCS 8. Summer. S RMS. UNFURN- bath. Its. water. store. Maytag. 1S. 17IS 8. Cottage. NEW MOD. S rm. furn. apt. Must to appreciate. 773 N. Winter. . For Rent Honses FTTRN. AND UNFURN. HOUSES ia P. GRANT. 129 Court Ph. f 744 0000k00f00000k000000 FURN, AND UNFURN. TOUSES. R. A. FORKNER. 1SSS N. CapHoL RM. HSE, close In. Ph. SS9S. 4.RM. HOtrSE. S20 me. 1S94 N. I Snmnw. Ln. hanae. 8 IS inn. 1728 N I summer. Phono S2F1L MOD. 4-ttlt. elec water system, full Zt,S??fM??leCth- tU S-RM. HOUSE, baaemeot gas wage- garage. Cau SS 8. Slat 4-RM. HOUSE. Inq. 40$ N. Cottage. NEW S-ROOM cottage partly for. eenlshed. 1 14 Court MOD. FTTRN. a unfurw- S bedroom houses. Shade trees. TeL 4 $20, e W UntTQV ea asstf Ct-ek4A 9 Ksaet. ... ac m l u.u . S-RM. APT. refrlau automat So heat tsa. iss s. 14th. Also mod. S-rm. hse - $40. ton mod. 4-rm. has. lit. ri.i $432. evenings S2S4. I R. HOUSE, PARTLY font, $24. SIS Madrpna Ave, Salem aeigbta. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS, IS! tate Street Money to Loan No. S-1S8 Phono till Convenient Ground Floor Location. Wanted to Rent SMALL FTTRN. or unTurn. has. SW part of Salem before $-1-19. Ph. 71S1. WANTED. SHEEP nasture for lie- head. L, Townsend, 585 8. Commercial. For Sale Real Estate WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IT TOU want to sell exchange lease, rent ace Mr. Leraen with Haw kins Roberta. TRADE CIT orooerty for farm homes. Opportunities la exchanges. HAWKINS a KOHBKTH. "Vi. g R. MOD. HOUSE, basement gar. t blk, from Safeway St. 847 Saginaw S-ROOM HOUSE completely refltt- Ished. close In. $100 down. $10 a mo. oV 154 7 ChemekeU." Pboo TS4 INVESTMENT I rood rental houses, bringing tt per mo. Will sell for $S7tO or trade ior gooa ohm m n. suan. ot Ellis With CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS $44 SUte Street Phono 9211 eseseWaWWWw'awsssoa A REAL BUT In a StSOt home now offered for S5100. This has a sightly location with an unexcelled view of mountains and valley. House is only 1 year old and is substantially built. Tou will like It. WII1 accept good home In Salem up to $4500. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS a MILLER. RKALTUKJ S44 State Street Phone 92(1 NICELT LOCATED 7 rm. mod home, large living rm.. full basement Pleasant back yard good terms, uon- l,0r.f.n''. Arade--200 .8.1 SMALL NEW house, close In. fire place, hardwood floors, auto, gaa fur nace and water beater. Ldy. rm.. gar.. fruit trees. $2800: $800 down, $15 mo. Private owner. Tel. 6037. ONE 5-ROOM. one -room new mod ern homes, S miles from city limits. with 1 to z mi errnnnd. Can he handled on easy terms. Priced right For aoDointment phone 9407 after p. m.. 5828 in morning. .wmwwm MOVE IN. Good house, 2 lots, corner uth and Bellevue. Owner will sacrifice equity, bal. easy contract at $1$ mo. h. C. Shields, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902. ..- I $250 DOWN. B RMS. and nook. 2 i bik from high school. Fireplace, ga- rage, paving. $1950, $1900. 5-rm. house south, furnished. bath, paving, basement. $200 down. Money to loan at per cent. MELVIN JOHNSON, Realtor 72S Court Street Phone 172$ NEW MOD. 4 rms. A bath. $2150, $100 dn. 172 S. Liberty, Ph. 7113. 00000000000000000000' A S RMS.. WAT. press. $875. $50 dn. Ph. 711S. lit ACRES I? new highway and a block off old highway. Has a S room house and a S room house, double ga rage, chicken house, water, electric llvhta alM mTl Ink nf about I 1 ik ri.v. h wnnM I an joel camp ground. This place can be bought for $3,500. Some terms. See Larsen with HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC FIVE ROOM house completely re- I finished. $100.00 down and $20.00 a month. Close In. Brick house modern, close In, reas onable terms. 1 acres east of Salem. New house. good terms to right party. Unfinished bouse, ISO down at sis ABRAMS A E2XJS. INC 411 Masonic Bldg. . Phono 1151. Insurance Money to Loan S ACRES NEAR Salem. S rm. mod. house. Hardwood floors, bsmt.. fur nace, fireplace. Fruit A nuts. $3800. R. A. rOKKKEK H. 1. UKUUt 1853 North Capitol 4 RMS. WITH nook, hardwood floors, bsmt, furnace, fireplace, lawn a shade. Sacrifice. $2800, terms. R. A. FORKNER H. T. UEBER 1151 North Capitol STRICTLY MODERN new 4-room bungalow with breakfast nook and laundry room, 1 acre, close to school. N. of town.- 1100 down, balance $20 per month including taxes and Interest RICH L. KEIMAM 17 S. High Street Phone 1132 SMALL COTTAGE 2448 TRADE ST. for sale for $1050. IISO down. $15.00 mo. IL P. GRANT 529 Court- St. 1744. FOR SALS Lots owned by City $125 to $800 See any real estate man or call 8(32 1C7 & High Street; 1 ACRE. CLOSE In. New 4 rm. house with nook, hardwood floors. Basement I furnace. $2950. terms. I WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE 959 Edgewater -Street Ph. 5(92. OAK KNOLL FARM FOR SALE COME LOOK at It inquire Oak Knoll service station, across road from Oak Knoll golf coarse. 7 mk west on , Dallas highway. By owner. SEE THIS Will sacrifice my eqnl- I i' iStmiTrti Exchange Real Estate EXCHANGE 4 4 acres EL of Salem. One toil, good set bid., 10 acres hops, running water,; nine mOos oat Exchange for property In or near Oregon City. Value 8000. See Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS MILLKR. REAL.TOKB 144 8tate Street Phone 9211 STOCK RANCH ISO acre ranch aear Grand Rondo; mile from Sal Bun River hhrhway on ere voted road 7 Tf " 40 seres cultivated. Good creek t broach I "TwaTe ri for' SOacrTijO pasture with thousands ot acres of outrange available. Several malt satll bouses, new S-room house partly fla lehad Snrlna water oioed to noose. JicHy avallab i barnuR of I wttJ5 .P1 mt M? S w aaa es um an .Bves snv vsatsew w v property to $4,000. See Mr. Collins ith I ' HAWKINS ROBERTS. WILL TRADE It men with bafld- I maw near Caaby. dear, and assume tor t s abiui wim m raw iww w . aw. I . "l "wrsj noaae. csose 1 I ejeax ior snconae property I and assume. I v. . . ... . .,J. -110 North XwrnnercUl St BUSINESS PROPERTY hi a grow Ing towxt of Sweet Home, Consists of new tile store building and - else It room house. WO! trade one er all for a stock of hardware or furniture stock. See Larsen with HAWKINS A ROB- For Sale Used Cars Month End Sale AT McKays 1936 Chevrolet DeLuxe Sport Sedan $475 Here Is an exceptional car you had better see this one 1938 Chevrolet DeLuxe Sport Sedan. $695 Beige color deluxe equipment 1935 Pontiac Town Sedan $395 New paint; a nice clean family car 1931 Chevrolet Sedan $195 i New paint a-wheel Job 1938 Plymouth DeLuxe Touring Sedan .$695 Tag color fine shape throughout , 937 Oldsmobile '6 Coupe .. $595 Here la a bargain 1934 Chevrolet Coupe ....$325 New paint thoroughly reconditioned 1937 Nash Lafayette Coupe... : $550 Heater, defroster, elec. clock, overdrive 1938 Chevrolet Coupe.... $625 DeLuxe model black color, a bargain 1934 Chevrolet Master Coach $295 1935 Ford Pickup $195 1933 Chevrolet Long Truck. $150 White Heavy Duty Truck ..$175 24x7 dual tires lots of tread . ' AND MANT MORE McKay Chevrolet Co. WALT HOLMANV JIMMIE DAVIS, LAWRENCE FLATHERS S2S CENTER STREET I OPEN 00000000000000000000000000000 barter Motor Co.'s $9 SALE 1937 Pontiac Sedan 1929 Pontiac Coupe 1928 Chrysler Sedan .: 59 1929 Ford Sedan 69 1929 Dodge Sedan 99 1928 Packard Sedan 119 1929 Durant Spore Coupe 129 C wheels, new paint. 1935 Hudson Sedan 389 Electric shift. 1936 Ford Fordor Touring Sedan 409 New motor. . 1936 Nash 4-Door Touring Sedan 499 1937 DeSoto 4-Door Touring Sedan 669 Overdrive, motor completely overhauled. Life Guard tubes. A real buy at this price. Carter Motor Company NASH-LAFAYETTE DEALER New car showroom 345 N. Commercial Street Exchange; Real Estate SO ACRES S miles south of RIckreall on highway. New home. ; all modern. Will trade for Salem prop. E. L. Riney. Acreage 2 45 A. close in. 4-rm. furnished house, city water, well, lights, chicken house. $1350. S A. IK mL from city limits. Nice 4-rm. house, .bath, lights, barn, chicken house, A, fruit and berries. $2700: $500 down.' ' tK A. 2 mt north: 5-rm. plastered house, hath, lights, barn, chicken house. some Truit aa yr. creek, excellent land. $4200. Money to loan at f Per cent MELVIN JOHNSON.' Realtor 72S Court Street ; Phone 3723 NEW S-RM. hse.. circulating heater. kitchen range, $1100. Small down pay ment balance like rent. : 10 A.. S-rm. hse.. elect; $1400: $100 down, balance $15 per month. Will consider some trade. Chicken ranch, 17 A., elect water system, t A. fruit big hs-, 9 mL from town. $3500. Easy terms. Will trade In house and lot RICH L. RETMANN 117 8. High Street ; Phone $(32. 0000000000000000001 5 A. FRUIT.-WAL.. I R. mod. hse.. bmt., furc flrepL, elee. wat sys. A htr. $300 en, $ IS mo. and let 9919. Business . i . Cards ta this tflrerton oa - ssoNthly basts only. Ratei Si per line per month. Auto Braises Hike Pa nek, 171 South ! Commercial Auto Laundry CARS WASHED. S0c: Sim oa Ja cleaned A waxed. $2.e. 241 M. Church Phone 86. i Bicyclety BICT NEW and reconditioned Harry W, :f 147 & CenVl P. 4111 Cement Contractors RALPH HARLAN, S25 locust S'St Cliimaey , Sweep TELEPHONE 4450. R. E. Norfhnesa Chiropractors DR, a L. SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor ISt N. High. TeL Res. $171 , . ' Excavating . EXCAVATING OF aa kinds, Pa se men ts dug, Dirt hauled er moved. Dirt for sale. Salem. Sand aad Gravel Co Phone 1401. a.. ., . , - Florists Breithaupra, 447 . Court. 1904 Lanndries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDCR LAUNDRY III S, Hera t Tet till For Sale Used Cars EVENINGS PHONE S18S. 000000000000000000J000000J010 $19 29 Used Car Center 240 Center Street Phone 3734 See Your Willvs-Overland Dealer for Better Values 1937 Willvs Sedan Compare this for value with any car in town 1936 Buick '40' Special Touring Sedan $555 This car represents motor car value throughout Heater, radio, new tires, electric clock Priced Below Market 1931 Essex Coupe Runs good. Lots of extras L. B. HARRIS MOTORS WTLLTS OVERLAND 525 Marlon Street Phono lilt & EQUITY IN 1931 Dodge Coupe. $05 Lost and Found LOST LEAK detector used in re frigeration work, between 1200 N. 4th St and Lakebrook hop ranch. Reward. Hogg Bros. Directory Klattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG aad Mattress factory. NEW MATTRESS mad to order, old remade: carpet cleaning. stsing: nun rug wearing, a. Uth a Wilbur. Tel 8441. OTTO F. ZWICK ER Est 1911. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone HI Naturopathic Physician DR. W. H. ROCK WKI.I. Naturopath ic Physician, 17t Fairgrounds Rd. Tet 4IIS. Office Hour 11 a m. to I JO p m. FREE EXAM. A CONSULT A tion. Painting Paperhanging WB DO afl kinds painting. Till. PAPERING. PNTO. Johnson. P. SIM, Printing FOR STATION ER T cards, pamphlets, programs, books or any kind of print ing caQ The Statesmss Prtnttitg De partment 111 a Commercial Tele phone lltl. Transfer FOR LOCAI er distant transfer, ster, age, burner e4L can 8ISL farmer Transfer Co. Trucks te Portland As fly INTERSTATE TRUCKING. Wash, e Oreg. Ph. SSFS. CITY TRANSFER. Ph. StlS. Reason. WeO Drilling R. A, WEST, rt t. box 441. Ph. 11 tit. Wood Sawing wood saw. surge, ra, asss. Business Opportunities SERVICE. STATION A equipment tor sale A lease. MS 8. 12th. INT. fas thrifty downtown grocery Bargain to right party. Must give reference. Box 1029, care Statesman. HOME AND established business $I0. Box 1028, Statesman. HEBO. OREGON Hero It is folks store with living quarters aad serv ice station. C cabins. X J-rooov. i t room cabins, all mod. and 1V4 acn-s ef land. Here is where the fishermen go the year around. This place ia priced at $,. terms, or will take house In Salem up to $4,000. nace is leased uu 1941 at $50.09 per month. -See Larsen With HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC FOR SALE Grocery, .stack and fixtures and a S year lease on build- ing. This store did $35,000 business m 192$. Place ran bo had for $ cash. baL terms. See Larsen with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC GROCERY STOCK A fixtures ta Salem. R. A. FORKNER H. T. UEBER 185$ North Capitol For Sale Wood BUDGET PI-AN five months to pay first payment In SO day. Own $.00. ash knots $5 60. tlld $S.s 2nd gwtlu. $4.00. W. L Graen. Ph SSTa Yard 413 N. 21st St SUMMER PRICES, old fir If only 4)4.75 per cord. Order for now s later nU Phone 41&C. oregen fTieJ tJ .. -i I I. ; It IN. OLD firISVfcnots $4.5t ft 2nd. $3.75. Phone 9454. 00000I000000000000000000000 9747. DRY lS-ln. old fir. $4.50. 00000000000000000000000000000 SPEC. OAK $5.75. ssh $5.25. P. 9703 Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING. Sproed. Ph. S883 Personal LONEtYt -WORTHWHILE" sweet heart, husband, wife for you. Box 75 los Angeles. Transportation LADY EMPLOYED ln Portland de sires ride from Salem dally. Ph. 7092 LEGAL NOTICE SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY CIVEN tliat I will, on Saturday. August 5, 1939. at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. at the west door of the Marion County Court House ln Salem, Oregon, sell at public auction in the manner pro vided by law for the sale of real premises, to-wit: Lot 6. Block 17. Riverside Addition to the City of Sa lem, Marlon County, Oregon. Said sale will be by virtue of an execution issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County in that suit heretofore pending therein in which City of Salem, a municipal corporation, is plaintiff, and Frank McCray and Jane Doe Mc- Cray, his wife, Geo. A. Henderson and General Investment Corpora tion, -a corporation, are defend ants, the same being Clerk's Reg ister No. 26846. Dated and first published July 7. 19S9. A. C. BURK, Sheriff of Marion County Oregon. By Kenneth L. Randall. Deputy. Jly-7-1 4-2 1-28- A-4. Cross Word Puzzle '6 iiFr i!li!li:il 22 23 I 2 25 Pk" el H2 p3 7 WH FT W IPs 7? . VA j w so I Wa I II I YA I I HORIZONTAL 1 passing fancy 4 strands of twisted fiber (pl.) 9 sharp knock 12 poisonous tree IS each 14 the yellow bugle . 15 retrieve 17 new ' 19 aroma 20 white alkaline compound 21 Eskimo canoe 23 perforated in numer ens places ' 2d upon 27 light and - -fine, as a line ' 29 drytrp- 10 Roman rod . of the lower - world 12 disentangle 84 speck - , -SS dismounted 17 tnereenary 49 eTmboifor selenium -'. 40 artifidal . . , .leather fc . 42 thickened portion of an under- ground stem 44 ceremony commemo. - rating a death . 45 South Amerieaa . country . 48 happen 48 evergreen , shrub 61100,000 rupees h2 musical drama 4 black, oily. substance Herewith la terday'i puzxk. ArSlErNlojSfSlElNl Avsrsga LEGAL NOTICE sWKiunrs KoncK of bale NOTICE IS HEREBY G1VKN that I will, on Saturday. July 21. 1139, at 10 00 o'clocTr ta the forenoon of mid day, at the vest door ot the Marion County Court House la Salem, Oregon, sell at public auction in the manner provided by law for the sale ot real property . on exe u tioa. the following described real premises, to-wit: The North 31.48 feet of Lot 5t in Subdivision of Blocks 28 and So in Yew Park Annex to the City ot Salem, Marlon County. Oregon. Said sale will do by virtue of an execution issued ont ot the Circuit Court of tb State of Oregon for Marion County in that salt heretofore pending therein in which City of Salem, g municipal corpora tl a. Is plain, tiff, and Velma H. Bayer and John Doe Bayer, he.-, and Marion County, a body poli tic, are defendants. th same being Clerk's Register No. 27 160. Dated and first published June 30, 13. A. a BURK, Sbioitt of Marion County, Oregen. By Kenneth L. Randall, Deputy. J SO Jly 7-14-21-2S. SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF BALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, on Saturday, August 5. 1939. at 10:00 oMock in the forenoon of said day. at the west door ot the Marion County Court House in Salem, C egon. sell at public auction in the manner provided by law for the sale of real property on execution, the following described real prem ises, to-wit: Lots 1 and S. Block Bur lington Addition to the City of Salem, Marion County, Ore gon. ' Said sale will be by virtue ot an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County in that suit heretolo.-e pen 'ing therein in which City ot Salem, a municipal corporation, is plain tiff, and Frank E. Kenney and Jane Doe Keuney. his wife, and Marion County, a body politic, are defendants, the sanr being Clerk's Register No. 27311. Dated and first published July 7 1939. A. C. BURK, Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. By Kenneth L. Randall. Deputy. Jly 7-14-21-28 A 4. ADMINISTRATOR'S FIRST NOTICE To whom it may concern: No tice is hereby given that by an order of the County Court for Marion County, Oregon, duly en tered of record this day the un-' dersigned has been appointed end has qualified as Administra tor of the Estate ot William E. McWhorter, deceased. All per sons having clalma against aaid estate are hereby required to present the same, with proper vouchers of verification attached thereto, to the undersigned at his residence at 590 I.. Summer St.. Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 28th day of June, 1939. HARRISON R. MeWHORTER, Administrator of the Estate of William E. McWhorter, de ceased. i van u. &iarun. Attorney for Estate. J SO-Jly T-14-21-2K. oo-instlt 56 faithful 4 61 large deer VERTICAL 1 coat of aa animal I beverage 3 lure 4 onewhe cancels . t above . . through 7 Tnbot for erbium S ecciesiastl- cal eotmcd t etrived te equal 10-ealsUUoo 11 chum 16 ofl-produa. ing plant ' 18 inequalities 20 f ofShom tl portable 22 feeUe snlnde4 23 festiritr 11 appearing as if gnawed 21 restraia from- prceeding 28 vivadows French canct tl kot, south- ; srly wind the solution te yes- W pertaining te the tide Seorbidaea - Acntice 41- tnountain ous district ' ef Italy , 45 conspknona . ';hfll 4e-stnary ef , the Amazon. - River - - 48 palm leaf. - 47 rude fellow ' 48 Turkiah . noble 49 Hindu . cymbals 50 Noah's ihjp. S3 River ia v My . ' . adjacent eooaUos. svowts, ttt So. Eusnmer. inqulre room zoo. Tea sua, - autxv, ax-. oai -