i PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning; July 27, 1939 Salem Market Quotations (loriaf rrlcai) . (7e prices Mom eappllea kj a local - Brewer aad ladicatlve at the daily market prices paid to grow era by Sales beera hot ere sot fusi-atee Taa States aa.) - Bseaaas, Ik. aa stalk. .C5H . , , 1.75 , a.85 6.50 s.so u 4.00' , 1.60 . 3.50 steads Gragwa. Calif., seeeuesa . Crape'rait, Calif. Lemons, erste Oraatea," erste -seeadoa. erata - M Can talon pet, crata Watermelons, lb. . .03 VEOKT-OSLEt (Snylag Prices) Beaae, wax .64 .05 J5 .01 Ul Beets, des. Cabbage, Jb Carroll, local, doa. Caaliflower, local 1.00 Colary. Oua. 1.00 1 local, crata JL7 Lorn, Dot. i Caeamoert, eatdoor .35 .75 1.25 1.00 410 . JO .06 AO .40 1.10 .45 1.00 .65 .40 .85 Lettuce Oaiona, 60 iba. Ortn enione, de. Badiahee, doa. Peat, coast, lb. Peppers, freea, Calif.. ran icy Potatoes, local ewt, Ve. 0 16. bats Spinach. Seattle, be--Turaips, Bqosan, eos. Toautoes, Dalles; roe; "'. - ula - (Price paid by ladapandast Packl-C pleat to grower) Wslnatortsnqoettes, faaey, ISa e dloa, 10; amall Sat orchard roa, to lOe. Wiloot meats. JS to 60a IK . - Filberte Bareeloaae, large 1-tta; fee ay 11 Mia; babiee, -He; orchard nil 11a - v (Co op Frteee to Orow atl -Walaota Plica range, depaadiog apoa way ant raa la Id diferest fradaa 11 r 12a. Dachilly 1 cant higher. . '..r -HOPS ; ' (Baying Prleaa) Clesters. nominal. 1917. lb. .05 to , .06 Clusters. 1Mb. - U to JS toggles, tea J8.. , WOOL A-TD HOHAIB . (Bo-tag Prleaa) Waal, wedies. ib. '' .13 Coarse, lb. JS - La-ba, lb. JO Mohair, lb . . 40 ... - -v- BOOS ABB POTLIBT (Baying Prtcaa of Aadxtaco'i) Grade A largo, do. , . ,, . .21 Orada B larra, doa. , .18 Orada A medium J8 Grade B mediam , , , , , , , , J 8 Pallata .18 Colored fry a . . , . J4 White Legboras. baavy Jl Whito Legboraa. Ilfb 40 : Old roooUra , .05 . Haa- bans. Ib .14 -lAJUOH CUB A -TEST Baying Prlca Batterfat. first quality. ' J 3 Batterfat. aoeoad quality " Jl Bottarfal, premium , JU4 Leghorn bans, erer 8H lbs. .09 Leghorn bans, ander 8Mj lbs .08 Loghora fryara. lVa lba. JO Leghorn fry era. naderaisa. market Taloa. Colored fryers. a-Slba. JO Colored springs, 4 lbs. and ap .11 .11 .06 .04 loioreo. -ens BUgs . Old B oostera Ba. S gradea Sa per oooad laaa. ' BOOS ' Orada A large, dos Orada A medium - Orada B lsrce .21 .19 .19 .16 J6 Orada B madinni TJadergrsdes and ebex UVS1TOC5 (Baying prlca for Bo. 1 stock, baaed aa Condi-ana and eales reported ap to 4 p.as. Lambs, 1939. tops 6.50 to 6.75 Lambs, y-arHa-a , 4.00 to 4.25 Zwea a oo ta t bo Boga. top . 7.85 130-156 lba. 7.25 to 7.50 6.75 to 7.00 8.50 to 8.75 6.00 to 5.95 5.50 to 6.00 5.00 to 5.50 . 7.50 8.50 to 4.25 . v jl 200-800 lbs. , Sows " Beef cava , Balls Heifers Top veal Dairy typo cova Draaaad Teal, lb. cc Is CHAPTER XXIV Several women bow entered the dressing room. Niklas said Lola coldly, -expects to see yon, I imagine." "I'm not going to sing to-night," ' said Toni quickly. "Why not?" ' Toni thought: "IK tell her what happened this morning. Who knows, she might throw some light upon it? Ill watch her." Lowering her voice, she recounted her experience to Lola. There was a feverish, half -sneering look in the sunken eyes. "I'm not surprised," Lola said. If yon knew what I've been through! Any one that's the queen be with Nicky's got to take what's coming. Get me? Oc don't yon!" And she laughed. "I dont get you," Toni said. Tm trying to earn an honest living" "On Broadway! That's good ne. zouTe green J" . Ton! was clad to set awav from Iter, but it wasnt long before Lola followed her back to the screened table, v . . -. Lola sat down. As she did so, she gave another of her distinctive coughs. Teddy LeStrange was at the bar, so the woman at the next table' sat alone. - But the moment Lola coughed, she rose and headed for the powder room, as before. : The cough, Toni was sure now, was a signal. - - She did not stag that night She was excused. . - ; Lola suggested to Niklas that she substitute for TonL She was strong enough now lor ler Spanish dance routine. Her partner was here, , Niklas surreed. ' "But you will not again ride alone ta the park, marquise?" Niklas cautioned TonL "Fortunately tor you and for the dub, Mr. Halatead- Flagg came to the rescue. X think he is a leetle in love!" - Toni flushed scarlet. "Ah, do not be annoyed. And bear la Blind X do not wish oblic.tr in the papers about the kidnaping eft this -eoraing. It might -lighten our clients, keep them away from the club. Too widerstand T ' "Perfectly," Toni agreed. But to be associated with Ur. Ilslttead-nagg can only benefit as. Ten will euveour-ge him, saaiQiae, to come here of ten, and to bring with , him parties of Ids rich friends." - Looking at the sleek, suave Nik las, Toni wu ccmsdous of trztgi a-ulercnrrenta. Lola had disap peared, presuxaably to get into her caneing costume, v Niklas said impressively: "The apa-tment on Park Avenue Is now ready, iurqcs. Yon will move In tomorrow. It is beautiful, this new e4n V V i A . r eA vml' m n m.iii m .. a- a B , There was no question but that NDdas had furnished the new apart ment for Ton! In cixruisite style.'-' She was anaxed eturined. With the promoter and his press agent, she stood in the foyer of the apart ment, staring t-voogh ' delicate wrought-iron gates at the ertchaTtt Ing vista. -..rJT. k:. At one end, the foyer led Into a long eighteenth century salon whose walls were painted a delicate, pale green. She was looking directly at a tapestry that gave Use effect cf gazing into far distance ef a far set. There Grade B raw 4 per cent milk, Salem Co-op basis pool price 91.70. ; Co-op Grade A batterfat price f 1.72. (Milk" based aa saml moathly batterfat a-eraga.) Diatrlbntor price, 92S2. , Batterfat, So. 1. 28c; No. a, 21c; premium, 24)e A grade print. 28 He; B grade 27 He; quarters 29 He OKAZV. BAT AJTD SEEDS Wheat, ba lio. 1 recleanra .76 Oat, gray toa 28.00 Wbita 35.00 Peed barley, toa Clover bay. toa 22 00 to 24.00 12 00 to 16.00 10 00 to 16.00 Alfalfa, toa Egg math. 1 grada. 80 lb. bag 1.70 Dairy feed, 80 Ib. .t ., , 1.15 Boa scratch feed 1.76 Cracked earn 1.76 Wbeat- 1J5 Gardeners' Mart POSTLAXD, Ore., July 26. (AP) (TJSU A) Produce price changes: Apples Wathiagtoa Traaspareata, staadard boxes, loose, 70-75e; Gra-ea-steins, Oregon 50-75; Calif. - Grareastcina, 1J5-35. . - Apricots Oregon, Washington, 15-lb. flats, jTiltona. lloorparka, loose, 40-50e; faced, .45-47 H less apple boxes; ripes S5-45e; Takimas, 47ft. Artichokes Unquoted. Aspsrsgus Oregon, Washington, 80 lb. crate, Ko. 1 bunched 3.50-2.75; strings a.50. - Arocsdos Calif. FneHes, all ' siias. L.45-1.70: others, 1.05-1.25. ' Bananaa per bnnca. 6e per lb.; band eat off or amall lots, 6c. Beans Oregon, green, 2H-2 wax 2-2c: Kentucky, 2 ft -3c; giants, 4ft. Barries Strawberries, Oregon best, 24 basket crate. 2.25-2.50: loganberries. 60- SOe raspberries, 1.65-1.75 : blackcaps. 1.75 1. 85: currants 1.60-1.75; boysenber ries 80-90e; youngberries, 8090e; black berries, 75-90e; currants 1.50-1.65. Cab bsge Oregon, round beads, mostly 75-90e; Ho. 2, 60-75c - Carrota 20-22 ft c. Cantaloupes Calif, crates. Jumbos, 36 45s. 2.25-2.50: jumbo 27s. anauoted: standsrd 45s; 2.25-2.50; Turloek jumbo, so-es, 3.za-.a0; standard 45a 3.25-2.50. - Cassba Calif.. 2-2 ft e per lb. Cauliflower Local, 9-lls, 75-90; Ko. 2, 60-60& Cherries Oregon, Wsshingtoa Lam berts, nominal. Celery Oregon TJtah, 1.25-1.35; white, 1.40-1.50; hearts, Utah, 75 85c; white, 75-85e. Citrus Fruit Grapefruit, Arizona 3.00 3.50; choice, 1.75-1.85; lettuce crates, 2.00-2.25; Florida, 3.25-3.75; Calif, 2.00 8.25. Lemons Fancy, all sixes, 5.00-5.50; choice, 4.75. Limea Calif., flata. 150a. 3.50; dis play cartons. 90c, doiena 20-25e. Oranges Vslsneiss, large 3.75-4.00; Sfflsll to medium, 2J5-2.75. Com Oregon, crate, Grand Island, 35-40; othera 85-30. Cucumbers Oregon hothouse, 50.-1.50 per box of 3ft tod dot.; Oregon flats, S5-40C. Egg Plaat Calif- hjra. 1.15-1.S5; 6-7a per lb.; local flata, 1.00-1.25. figs Calif, flats. 1.25-1.50. Garlic Local new 6-8c lb.: atrlne 12- 15c lb. f Grapes -Calif, aeedleia. 1.00-2 OO he. Malagas, 2-2.25: Ribiers. 2.35-2.60. Honeydews Calif., 9-lls. 1.25-1.85. Lettuce I-oeal. hit Dark, a n- - 4a . best 85c l.OO; poor at low as 60e; Wash ington topped, 1.00-1.10. - Mushrooms Cultivated 1 Ib. cartons. 80 35c; H-lb. cartons. 17-18a. Kectarinea Calif., 5-75c Always Tomorrow" By May 3iristie with huntsmen, their ladies, stags and hounds. Directly below was a marquetry commode with heavy brass handles. Against the narrower end wall, was a beautiful French Chippendale desk, with a desk set of soft blurred leather, and a pen with a huge os trich plume. Take a look at this foyer before we go into the salon," said Niklas, pleased. The girl had a feeline for beauty. It elated her, made her more vivid. Would she recognise the Italian Renaissance furniture? She did. On each side of a refectory table in the foyer was a stiff, fifteenth century chair with a leather bad Ton i peered at the two seats. "I'm looking for the Medici coat of armsl" "Switch on a light, Lou," Niklas told bis press agent. Toni exclaimed triumphantly: "Genuine 1 There's the insignia I" "l.verythLng's genuine here." She examined the tall candle sticks that were set on a strip of faded, rich velvet that ran the length of the table. "Quattro centc pieces 1" said Toni delightedly. She drew back a step, and stared at her reflection in an enormous mirror with a carved gOt frame. Was she real? The once down-and-out Toni Goddard amid such vi brant beauty? The foyer glowed with the passion and the deep, rich color of old Italian workmanship in its most creative period. to tae ngnt oz tne royer was a crimson velvet curtain covering a door. - "To the kitchen quarters. But first let's see the salon," Niklas told her, lifting the latch of the wrought- iron gates. They stepped Inside, '-- Exquisite furniture was set here and there, spadonsly, in the long room. Bugs glowed in mosaic pat tern, amber and green and crimson and purple, like islands on the pol -shed floor. A white marble fimtlaee. with real logs burning In it, and price less bjeU tCart set on its mantel, occupied the center of the long left wall. On cither side was a tall French window overlooking Park Avenue, seal lace curtains covered the glass. To the right of the fireplace was a clu-M lonrue, covered in pink and silver brocade. At the right ef the chaise longu-, and close enough to carry on an Intimate conversation, was a large settee, deeply cushioned in gold brocade. On the ether side of the fireplace was a quaint lore seat, its frame painted with lovers knots budding tiny baskets of flowers. Occasional tables ef - Baarquetry or walnut. spindle-legged and dainty, were at each end of love seat and sofa. At the far end of the salon stood a golden harp, a stool of petit point beside It, as though inviting the owner ex the apartment to hither, and perform! Lovely old French paintings and multrnaped mirrors were on the other three wall. Beauty waa fluzar a prolusion at Tom. se waa glo riously happy. Eadnt aha dreamed for years of a place Eke this ? . She thought ef Gay coming: to visit her in this setting, this poign ant beauty surrounding them, . . Niklas and his eoTapoTrloa ex Wlieat Maldng Good Advance More Than 2 Cent Gains Best Recently; Other Grains up Also CHICAGO, -uly, MrVWheai climbed 2 cent bushel late to day In the best advance since the market's downward torn two months ago. Other grains also , scored gains as much as 1 cents. Baying was stimulated by re ports of deterioration In parts ct the domestic and Canadian wheat belts, poor spring wheat thresh ing returns, damage in western parts of the domestic corn belt and improved floor sales. Light mar ketings of corn also helped Jhe up turn. September wheat on the board of trade advanced 2 V4 over the previous close to 63, December 1 at 6.tt and May IK at 66. Closing prices were up, September 63-63, December 64-. Others Reflect Trend Other North American wheat markets were sharply higher. Kansas City closed 2-2 higher and Minneapolis 2 cents up. Win nipeg, after scoring gains of more man a cent, lost part of the ad vance and closed -l cent higher. A downturn at Liverpool, where prices closed -l cent off and wnere corn futures established new season lows had a brief ia fluence here. Wheat momentarily declined below the previous close and December and May corn dip ped to 39 and 42 cents, new six-year lows. September held firm, however, and support' by lo cal shorts soon lifted all corn con tracts more than a cent. The gov ernment weekly crop summary said extensive damage was caused by hot, dry weather in 7ansas, Oklahoma and Nebraska, but that conditions in the belt generally remained satisfactory. Onions Calif, reds, 85-90e; Wash, yellow, 50-lb. sacks, 60-70; Oregon white Peaches California flats. Hales 75 80c; Elbert as 80-90e; Oregon, Washing ton Hales, lugs, 1.25 1.35; boxes 80c; Golden Jubilee 1.25; Rochester 85-90c. Peaa Oregon Telephones, 8-4e per lb.; fancy, 5tt-6c; coast, SO lb. boxes, 1.85 1.40. Peppers Calif, tags 1.15-1.25; Oregon flats, 70-75e. Plums Calif- Santa Boss, 4-baaket crates, 1.10-1.15; Waahiagton California Beauties, flat, 60-75c. Potatoes Oregon Bassets, No. 1, 100 Ib. sacks, 2.00 2.25: naw stock Washing ton Cobblers, US No. 1. loo Ib. sacka, 1.40-1.50; Long Whites, 1.65 1.75; US No. 2, 60-Ib. sacks, 45-60e; Cslif. Long Whites, US No. 1, 100 lb. sacks 1.90-2.00. Bhubarb Oregon, apple box, lUe lb. loose. Squash Oregon flat Zucchini scallops, 25-85c; Crooknecks, 45-50c; Danish large crates 2.10-2.25; flata, 65-1.00; Marble head i -2 e. Tomatoes Oregon hothonis 5-8e par lb.; field grown 75-85c; Ko. 2s, 85-40e: Wash., loga. 1.50-1.65; anelaea, 1.25-1.85. Watermelona Calif. 1.00-2.10 pef ewt-, changed glances, both thinking the money and effort had been well worth it. Like the historic crueen who had dwelt in just such beauty, Toni would enchant everyone who came to this salon I Further their projects! Toni turned to them. "I'm so happy that I'm dumb! But not blindl" She laughed gayly. "And now for the greatest sur prise, my dear marquise 1" Niklas opened a door that led to a small, xormai cuning room, but it was not in there that he led Ton! at this moment. It was into the bedroom of the beautiful apartment, the piece tit remittance I On a dais in the center of the room, was the most beautiful hed Toni had ever seen, Its head rest topped by looped hangings of palest blue brocade. It was incredibly lovely. All curves and curlicues, its low. narrow aides and two ends had as background a faded blue surface with golden embossings and earr ings round the edges. But the high, curving frame at the foot of the bed was the out standing achievement! Floating on clouds in a blue sky, her recumbent limbs on a bed of roses, was the ex quisite carving of a young woman looking out at Toni with seductive sweetness. - She rubbed her eyes. WasitaHream? The voice of Niklas broke Into her thoughts. r "Pretty, tat It?" There was something catlike in his expression. "Worth all of thirty thousand dol lars," Lou Steiner added. "I got H out of an old French chateau for Nicky. I paid eight thousand cash for it. The old lady was proud as could be, but broke. She had a title, too. Almost the same story aa . yours, marquise 1" He winked. Toni hated his innuendoes. But she was so thrilled with the apartment that she had no thoughts for Lou Steiner. "It's gorgeous," said Toni. And my belief is that it once be longed to a French queen. Didnt the old lady teU yon something about Marie Antoinette visiting a relative ef hers, and sleeping la that bed?" asked Niklas ef his press agent "Sure she did. But people are such liars when It comes to the dol lar!" Loo shrugged. Niklas looked at him severely. That's the story for our pur poses! The marquise inherited this bed. When she lost her money and I brought her to America to star ta Lm CJUtMsst ds to Umrftui. we brought the bed with as, and that goes for let me see -the lore seat and why not, Lou? all the furni ture in the salon." "But," aald Teal, fearful, "wouldn't people wonder why, since I possessed such valuable antiques, I didnt sell them, and get money to live on. rather than sin; in a night dub?" "There's somethinc in that." said the press agent, nodding. 6 was se devoted to her thinra she'd go to any length to keep them! Family pride and aJU" suggested Niklas, , -v -r "U they question yon. Antoi nette," said Loo, "yon can hint you've a-ortgaged 'em to Nicky. dux ae permita you to use That's feasible," (To Be Continued) m Hmm asadhM. tat Quotations TOKTLASD, Ore- Jaly Sfl. (AP. Dairy produce prices; Batter t litres 35: standards X3Ht prime firsts 33 US Arsta Sifts batterfat 33H-34. Eggs: I-T extra 33a; large atand arde SO; anadliias extras 20c; psadlaaa staadards 19. C-aaaa TrlplsU list loaf, lie. Portland Produce POKTIOTD. . Ore., July S. UP) Cams try Meats Selling price ta rata li ars: Coeatry killed hogs, best batc-era, ander 160 Iba, 10 He lb.; eealers, 18e lb.; Hght and thin, 10-lie In.; hoary, 8-lOe lb.; large, spring Limbs, 14-lSa lb.; poarlisr Uaba 10-lia ID,; ewst, 1-76 lb.; catter cows, 8-8e la.: eaaaer cows, 6-6 lb.; balla. 10H-lla lb. Ire fealtey Baying prices I Loghora b re-era, 13fe-18e colored springs, S Iba aad aver, 13-lee lb.; Leg-era bens, orer 84 lba 18-lse; ander 9 iba.lSe lb.; ealored beaa to 6 lba.. 15e lb.; ever S lba, lSe lb.; Ho. 3 grada, So lb. laaa. Tartars Selling prices; Dressed hens, lMSe lb.; toni. 15-16s lb. Bay lag prieeet Hens, 15-1 6e lb.; tosaa. ls-15e ib. Potatoes Taklma Game. ( ) ; cental; local, 1.00; Doaehntea Gems, 1.85 cental; Klamstb rails. No, 1. Oema, 1.16-1.35 ewt. Naw Potatoes Canfornia Whites, Ne. 1 S.00 per ewt; Kcaaewick. 1.75; local Whites, T5e-1.00 for orange box. Oaioaa Walla Walla, 75 80c; Oregon Bermudas, de lb. Wool Willamette "alley. 1988 clip, aoaiiBal mod 35c lb.; coaraa aad braids, 35-36c Ib.; 6 months fleece, 33 Sec lb.; eestera Ore- 20-33 e lb. Hay Belling price te retailers t Alfal fa. No. 1, 16.00 toa; oat rsteh, 13.00 toa; ale-er, 11.00 toa; timothy, eastern Ore 19.00; da valley, 16.00 toa, Portland. aHoa 1B8S Clastera. 5e lb. Faggles, Mobair Komlnal. 1939 dip, 80e Ib. Caacara Bark Baying price 1989 peel, do lb. Sogar Berry aad trait. 100s, 1.00; bale 4.15: beet 4.95. Domes tie rioar Belling price, city da brery, 1 ta 35 bbL lota: rsaaily patent, -9s. f. 75-6.85; bakers' hard wheat act, 4.00-5.45; Bakera' blaeateas, 4.70-5.00; Stocks and I Bonds July 26 STOCK AVERAaT. Compiled by the Associated Press so 15 15 60 ladas . A .8 Kails A .3 19.9 19.7 17.3 19.6 33.8 15.7 mil A .8 89.7 89.4 86.5 88.8 40.0 83.7 Stocks A .8 50.1 49.8 45.9 48.8 5S.4 41.6 Kat Chr lVadneadav 70.8 70.5 65.8 Preriona day Month ago X ear ago 71.4 1039 high 77.0 1939 low 68.S BOND AVXBAE8 30 10 10 10 Kail. IrAnm TT.il Net Chg. A .3 D .1 TJneh Unch Wednesday 68.8 100.5 97.0 61.4 -Tenons day 68.6 100.6 97.0 61.4 Month aro 86.1 100.3 95 0 613 Tear , ago 61.0 99.5 94.0 63.1 1989 high 64.9 100.7 97.1 64.0 1-939 low 53.4 97.0 91.9 68.3 Lew yield 113.8 POLLY AND HER PALS SOPHIE VEMT "TO ' HVE HER FOfTTUNE TOLD MAlNt IT SH5 NOTES WITH THE rtAiRvryvkrr "iuci i Mr HOAX! IO (n m, y a 'V, 'Opr. nr tm tmtolm Sf-a-ai -fcQ-'eris' nyW S MICKEY MOUSE f With Only Four to Go! By WALT DISNEY 1 mi mi nimniM-l S 1 11 1 1 n ni.ii inn. mum -i I I ml ,ln i -m ., J -.--t-r- - i - UTTLE ANNIE ROONEY Bird in an Ungilded Cage By BRANDON WALSH grerMG-AD '-N, I I - 1 WEARO-THe AAA4 S-W "THEY I I THE t00-6! ACCeSTlMG AAE FTJW KTO-T 1 BUT ks-rVP f SOU TOLO VOL! CAUSE weccrrxA NC(mGir'TtttWMOuv&leils, Lp' -Ly-m1 tr--i -A vwrrafs5 I rc-NEvi SNEAK OTP TH P . i:: ) - I TH6V START TO OWiCAO-TME BOAT f-2t QtZSyUmaSCU WEOg Orl ZcnSSk I CmOAUZ SJ . sivvra iuti nien'im -- . -;- ' ' . " - svvio.mi-i vAi9.i.n uaze into x our trystai, rjolonell By . li a.-r.VV JISW K J .-. THIMBLE THE ATREtaurrfatf Popeyt STOP YOVial tl l'-m-.v. ..7T j. I A ISA.W THE DASTARDLV GIVING lOCH V SM'l a, :pCK.SRSCvttTHiNG g at Portland -Leaded wheat floor. 4.70-8.00 1 aeft wheat 4.40-4.451 graham. 49s. 4.50; whole wbeat 696, 4.9S bbk I Portland Grain' POBTLA-TD, Ore, Jar 38. (AP) Wheat: Open High Low Close fiept SiT, Mfc. 86 66 Cash Grain: Oats, No. 3, 88-lb. white, 84.00. Barley, Ko. S, 45-lb, BW, 31.00. . v - v. i , r n ajora, H9. a, a a j u, -.. i , . . II ' L Cash Wbeat Bid r Soft white 68 . .:. aa. - . J l VCIHia W '. wo, w ni. . va Hard red winter ordinary 65 ; II per cent 14 per cent 70 H- Hard white-Baart er diasry 68; 12 per cent 89; 13 per eat 72 ; 14 per tent 14. ' I Tooay a car i-seeipta: waeas eu;. oar ley 1; flour 17; com 6; atillxeed. 6. i Portland LWettock POBTIlND Ore.,5 imly 36. (AP) (TJSDA) Hogs: Beceipto 435, market steady. Price range: ' Barrows aad gilts, fd-ck 130-140 lbs 8 6.50Q 7.00 6.75 4j 7.85 T.35$ 7.75 7U0 '7.75 T4S5 ?7.75 7.00 O 7.85 Sr75 17.25 d gd-ch 140-160 lbs ' do gd-ch 160-180 lbs do gd-ca lao-auv da gd-ch 300-330 da gd-ch 320-240 da t-d-eh 240-270 da gd-ch 870-800 lbs da gd-ch 800-830 Ibs de gd-ch 880-860 lbs do medians 160-330 lba -reader pigs, fd-ca 700-120 6.60( 6.50(( 6.8 5 s7.00 6.75 6.60 i7.40 7.oo a 7)07.50 Cattle: Beceipta 100, ealrcs 50. Price range : . i Steers, good, 900-1100 Ibs-f 8.250 9.85 do mediam 750-1100 lbs do mad 1100-1800 lbs de com 750-1100 lbs do a-ood 900-1100 lbs do' medians 1100-1800 Ibe do med, all wts do cot-corn, all wsights da esnner (low eat) all wt Balla (ylgs. eze.) beef, gd de saasage, gd, all wta de saasage mod, all rta do eat-eoas, ail wta Tealars, gd-ek, alt wta do com-med, all wts 6.00 7.50 do cull, all weights - 4.00 , 5.00 Calrss, com-med, 400 dowa 5.00Q, 7.00 do call, 400 iba dowa 4.00 6.00 - Sheep; Becelpts 850. Market strong. Spring lambs, good-choice $ 7.00 7.85 da good and choice 6.00 & . 6.75 de med and sood 6.00-0' 6.75 Common Yearling wethers, mediam Ewes, good-choice Common-medium Wool in Boston BOSTON, July 26 (AP) (USDA) Demsnd was fair aa fine territory wools in the Boston market today. Good French combing length fine territory woala in original bags were selling st 67-68 cents, scoured bssls, while similar Lines run ning balk short French combing lengths brought 65-66 cents, eeoared basis. Aver age run 12-month Texaa wools were bringing mostly 68-70 cents, scoured bss ls. Graded bright fleeces were bringing mostly 68-70 eenta, scoured bssis. Graded bright fleeces were bringing 82-83 tents, in the greeae. for three-eichth. and ouar- ter blood. i? "TMEs HEX.U KNOW T WAS "the? rwrruNE TELLER, IN ' Dr--lsUr5-v"THAT SHE TOLD HER SECRETS TO fa yjc A COUPLE OF, Inee I ae -f'--r--r-ec si rr- Stock Market Rallies Late Leaders End With Burst of Buying, Gains Are Cent or Less NEW YORK, July 2 6-P)-Tne stock market rallied in the last half hour today, after a session of narrow fluctuations, and lead ers finished with gains of frac tions to around, a point or more. The final adrance appeared to have been touched off by a burst of buying In the utilities which carried through all sectlonsof the list. " Trading was at a slower pace than in some time and transac tions totalled only 891,810 shares compared with 1,-29,650 Tuesday. The Associated Press a-erage of 60 stocks roBe" .3 of a point at 50.1. Steadiest throughout wre the rails, sought after the senate ap proved the conference report on tne unanaier Dill which would permit carriers to reorganize vol untarily. The power company shares, on the other hand, dis played firmness only at the end. This rising motion spread to the steels which up to that time had been hesitant performers. The day's news appeared to have little influence upon movements which were due largely to the ac tivities of traders tea tin r the strength of the various divisions. Boosts in speculative commodi ties, most of which went ahead. aided sentiment on the upside, nowever. Hubbard Growers Sell Evergreens All evergreen blackberries of the Hubbard Berry Growers asso ciation have been sold at 2 cents a pound. Salem buyers tak ing the pool of 50 to 60 tons, It was reported yesterday to the Ore gon blackberry control board by J. H. Hughill, manager of the Hubbard association. The price is the minimum es tablished by the control board here Tuesday and grades used were those set by the Hubbard plant. G. A. Notshall, field man for the AAA in Portland, conferred The Kid. Herself! tl HERE COMES i nraa-s FURIOUS I VES, X ivUESS SHES Learned how sue WAS - TKMrwrrnf The Captain's Gonna Feel Growing: Pains! HE IS 5S8SV17S":) RUKTT NOT SOCK Closing Quotations NEW YORK, July 26-(ff-Today, closing prices: AI Chem & Dye. 169 Allied. Stores .. 9 hi American Can.. 96 Am For Power. . 24 Am Power Lt S Am Rad Std San 12 Am Roll Mills.. 16H Am Smelt & Ret .46 Am Tel & Tel.. 167 Coml , Solvent . . Comwlth & Son. Consol Edison . Consol Oil Corn Products . Curtiss Wright. Am Water Wks. 11 General Electric General Foods . General .Motors . Goodyear Tire . Great Korthern. Illinois Central. Insp Copper ... Int Nickel Can. Int Pap & P Pf , Int Tel ft Tel... Johns Manville. Kennecott .... Anaconda Armour 111 Atchison . 27 4 30 13 6t 26 64 23 26 57 i e Barnsdall . . . . . Bait A Ohio ... Bendix Avia . . . Beth Steel Boeing Air . . . . Borge Warner . Budd Mfg Callahan Z-L. . . Calyumet Hec. . 5 Llbbey - O - Canadian Pacific 4 14 J I Case 76 Loew's Caterpil Tractor 44. Celanese 26V4 Monty Ward ... Nash Kelvinator National Biscuit National Cash . Natl Dairy Prod Certain-Teed . . 8 Ches & Ohio ... 36 Chrysler ...... 83 with prune growers here Tuesday as to the possibility of settine nn a 1939 program for Oregon simi lar to that contemplated In Cali fornia this year. Patterson Estate Sold to Dejardins MISSION BOTTOM Ruben and Mary DeJardin of Gervais have purchased the 30 acres from "MONEY . . STATE FINANCE CO. A Home-Ouned Institution (Childs ft Millers Office) 344 State St., Salem, Ore. Phone 9201 Lie No. S-216 M-222 THE DOOR It SHE'S f RAirl! WELU.X "i iisTyki k nrm tu - --ai aaj -.- w n-L NAVE TO ltt -...- r:v: i v i ww MAvet f? HACK THE ! I N. MUSICl HZVg ZKZ 7 MUSICS NZRS A CUP OP SXdACM .a r ..... . . . .. 7 - PiJwujL rvw n)M GKOW 12 National Dist .. 1 Natl Power & Lt 13 Northern Pacific 7 Packard Motors 62 J C Penney .... 6 Press Steel Car. 25' -9, 10 3 93 8 40 28 45 79 11 28 15 6 26 7, 42 8?a 2 46 5 82 38 12 T. 46 54 5 25 10 48 Douglas Aircraft 71 Pub Service NJ. Du Pose de N..157 Pullman Elec Power & Lt 9 Safeway Stores. 38 Sears Roebuck . 46 Shell Union ... 48 Sou Cal Edison. S0 Southern Pacific 26 Standard Brands 13 Stand Oil Cal .. 12 Stand Oil NJ .. 50 Studebaker ... 37 Sup Oil 7 Timk Roll Bear. 79 Trans-America . 37 Union Carbide . Ford 52 United Aircraft. Lig ft Myehs B.109 United Airline 46 US Rubber 53 US Steel ..... 6 Walworth 27 Western Union . 20 White Motors .. 17 Woolworth . . . the Richard Patterson heirs. The place is located at section 36, township .5, R. 3 west. Patterson bought the place from Jake Miller of Woodburn in 1904 and lived here an til his death two years ago. Boysenbeny picking has been completed at the R. H. Corbett patch with a yield of 21 tons from four acres. Corbett rents from Bert L. Jones. Mrs. Herbert Jones has been moved to the hospital for obser vation and treatments. in a Hurry" Personal Loans For All Needs There Is no red tape, no embarrassing investigation, no delay, when you come to us for a personal loan and we make lt so easy for you to pay it back in convenient amounts. By CLIFF STERRETT JIMMY MURPHY IN A -tOT vs.! Cam it .it eta tu -r . e virv W99 af J rW yd, i FACE THE THIS -5$ SK3 THE a END 3 OC COL. HOOFER " AND HI5 -WIFE OF SO MANV VEARS? wr pl soua stze V v , tr i r