Personal Eoam9 QMdkly; Arriaiiiged - See 6ILoairis9 on TM s Pair e Statesman . Classified Ads Call 9101 CUtoirird Advertising Stasia insertion per line 10c Three Insertions per lino 20e Six Insertions per Una 30c Oat month per line t'" Mlnlmnm chart 2 5e Copy for this puitt accepted unttj C :10 the evening before publics tlon for classification. Copy re ceived after this time win be rum under tho haadlna Ton I .at a to -Classtfy.- The Statesman assumes ne flnan ;lal responsibility for errors whlci may appear In advertisement pub lished hv Its columns and In ease where this paper to at fault will re print tliat part of an ad refinement i which the typographical mistake occurs. I The Statesman' reserves the rtght to reject questionable advertising It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind Ad an ad containing Statesman bos number for an ad dress la for the protection ef the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Ststeemaa .Is not st liberty to divulge Informa tion as te the Identity of an adver tiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock HORSES FOR sale. Also It wks. old wearier pigs Hsyes lablsh Farm Brooke. Oregon. WANTED-WIH. pay premium on I lbs. alive colored fry. Tel. IMFI Lee's Hatchery. DEAD AND worthless horses, cows picked up free. Ph. collect Slit Salem Montgomery Rend. Wks. FOR SALE or trade Fresh milk vows for beef or canners cows. Joe Burke. Rt 1 Box 530, mile east of state house bid. ml. north.' asresssereejssse sastet HORSES - MARKS - MTLTS LARGE ASSORTMENT well broker orses and mules. CREDIT gladly giv en. No carrying charge. Get ccmpetl tire orlces before vou come here nni see how much lower my prices are. See them work and pull on kII kinds of farm Implements before you tuv. t.uar anteed as represented. Free 1elvery H. R. Kuehne. Carlton, Ore, 6 mi. E. of Carlton. 7 mi. W. of Newberg in L West Chehalem Vslley. Auctions J MRS. CLARA BORREGO'S 'FURNITURE AUCTION, tomorrow 1J30. SIS Marlon St. Living room, bedroom, dining room furniture. Rugs mlac. household furnishings terms cash. The owners are moving to Walla Walla, Wash., so everything must be sold. "Russ" Woodry of Furniture Co., auctioneer. BIG BETTER BEST ! AUCTION. - AUCTION - AUCTION AT THE F. N. Woodry Auction and 1 Furniture Mart. Thursday night. 7 :S0. July 27. Consigned by Mr. and Mrs. Goodrich who Is moving to Canada and also other consigners who says sell to the highest bidder lor casn; a partial list as follows: 1-1S2S Chrysler Sedan. 1-1028 Chry sler roadster, 1921 Chev. Sedm. 2 good trailers, t lovely 4-plece wsl. bedroom set Including S beds, dresser, D D coil spring aprlnff-mied mattress. Lor new. s $98.50. jPiaao, violin, irultar, I good radios, rockers, occasional chair dressers, bed, aprmgs, mattresses, rugs linoleum, davenport chair, elec washer, combination-wood, coal gas range, wood range, smnll elec. range I child's school desks ft chairs, child's bed. fruit Jars, extension table and " chairs,- garden tools, garden hose, lawn mower, , kitchen cabinet, library tables and lojts of miscellaneous art! dea Terms, cash. F. N. and Glenn Woodry, Auctioneers. We buy for cash or sell on commission. Phone 6-1-1-0. . Help Wanted SURPRISING, NEW mushroom rais ins? facts from world's largest company. Book FREE. United, 3848-B Lincoln Ave, Chicago. M)WMMWWA OPPORTUNITY. MUSHROOM Spawn. 150 square feet HALF PRICE 2019 Second, Seattle. 330 WEKKLT. GROW mushrooms cellar, shed. We buy. SOe lb. World's largest company. FREE BOOK. Mush rooms. 2019 Second. Seattle. Wash. TOU CAN make 31 te $5 dally at home, snare time, year around, grow ing mushrooms for us. eellnr. shed Ms II crop, cash paid weekly. Write Western Mushroom Co. - Dept ' D TO Portland. Ore. i ATTENTION HOP PICKERS REGISTRATION BOOKS are now open for oar several yards. For furth er Information call at the office of . DURBIN ft CORNOTER over 1. C ' Penney store. N. Liberty street Help WantedMale MAN. le-4S. WHO would sporeclate steady position with eld rellshle firm. : Car and ref. required, nox jm, states ; msn. . e-. MARRIED MAN. small family wanted for work on 500 acre eeneral farm within 20 miles of Sslem. Must be able to direct men. Permanent to right party. Write, give age. experience. number In family and wages expected House, garden and other produce fur nished. Box 1030, 8tstesman. TOUNO MAN with business ability and small Investment for position. Give ret Box 1 91 1, Statesman. WANTED, TOTJNG single sun to help in meat market: one with some experience and desire to follow the trade preferred ; apply In person Serve-Rite Market. Dallas, Oregon. Help Wanted Female WANTED, MIDDLE aged woman for housework by em p. couple. Small wages. Box 102C, Statesman. WANTED GOOD girl for areneral housework. 1 Must be clean and have good references. Box 1923, Statesman cfy OrtfionC3Otatesnan AOTERTISINO Western Adrertlslnt Representatives . Geortre D. Close. Inc. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle Eastern Advertising; Representatives . Bryant Grlffltti'ft Brvnson, Ine. Chicago, Newjrork. Datrolt. ooBTtm, iiiiami - Esfertd el tU PwttoftUtt et JTaleta Oregon, ma fieoosd Class Metier. Hsfted eesnr sseren eeoeyt . stostfee Bsewese 1Tem s nout uommmrta Utrett. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: MsQ Subscription Rales In Advance. Within Xlregon: laliy ana eunoar lis BO cents: t Mo. 91.50:4 Me. 2 S 1 vsar 85.00. . Elsewhere 10 cents pe Me. or $(.00 for 1 rear In advance. Per copy 3 cents. Newsstands e cents Rt citv Canri CO cents month' 8T.20 a rear la advance ta Marlon and ad la Help Wanted Female HSEKKU 142 N. Capitol P. 1171.1 WANTED LADIES I for part time work experience unnecessary ; p e r msnent position, tf qualified. Write Box 1014, or Ph. Miss Craig. Argo. WMMMwWWW J I tocno tladt to beip in home and place sf business. Box J01I. -ixv u woman r iwucwiir 1 cso ao nous soma niauia. ci. asa. TOUR OWN DRESSES FREE and up to $23 wkly. snowing fam. Fashion Frockx No exp. needed. No canvassing ISO invest. Send age, dress sue. Fashion Frocks, Dept. 8-1281,; Cincinnati. O. SENSA. SXXLER! 60 name-Ira print ed junas cards II. Matchless values ' Three other per. lines. Box assort., gift wrappings. Big profits. Free samp. Noel Studios, E Zkth, Dep. J 2 85. New Task. EAST PROFITS show, many Xn-tai card assortments. incL 05c rrtUrioua. Fror. up to lf0. Peri cards, station Exp. unaec. Sam. tree. Wallace Brown, 225 Fifth Ave.. Dept. 2750. New Tore. Salnmen Wanted SALESMEN AND salesladies. 4 In Salem, one In each town surrounding. Profitable connect ten. TeL B7 for in terview, f te 12 Sunday and Monday. WANTED RESPONSIBLE ft as gresstve Salem resident to represent Portland manufacturer - In servicing specialty product for i Llnolrnm-Uno- Tlle and eerk coverincs. Exclusive ter ritory protection -gran te to the right man c o ta p 1 e t e factory instruction covering an phases of this service wl be given to the Individual selected character reference, and -personal in terview necessary. GLASKOTE PROD UCTS CO- 2431 S. E. Division SL. Portland. i TOUR OWN local shoe bus. Free out fit starts you.- Bonus shoes civen. 200 styles. Big advance com. Exp. unnec. Tanners Shoes, 20(S, ! Boston, Mass. Situations Wanted DRESS MAK.. MRS. Adsttt lit IWS SHIRTS FINISHELx 12c: Iron 25r tr. 7212. HR. WORK, exp. Tel. 8529. DAT WORK, cleaning, wanning Ironing. Exp. 25c hour. Phone 628ft - - - - I-,, 1 1 1 1 i. i , i nn n ri n n.n COUNTER WAITRESS. Exp, DS30 WILL GIVE youri children good cere In my home, $25 per mo.. $tr for two. Ph." 8958. 1 For Sale Miseellanrons Bikes Rrp. Itamsden. 143 S. Lib REBUILT AND guaranteed wash era All makes from $10 up. Spec. May tsg $3&. Hogs Bros. ADDING MACHINES, typewrit en cash registers, scales sales, rentals, re pairs. Roen Typewriter Ex.. Court CASH FOR used turn. Ph. 5110. MVWWWWVWV DAT'OI.Dand ataried chicks, fryers Also peat moss fertiliser. Ph. IS3P2 Lee's Hatchery. WWmnwWVWMWMM P. S. TRIED SEARS catalog order desk ret I They'll have It - SEARS ROEBUCK CO. WVMMWWVMWM TRAILER HOITSK. Covered Wagtw or trade for lot. 1870 N. Cottage. WATKINS PROa 1725 Mnd. 7$0i i Y-JsTi ri i- rturvvvnivvvvrui'ssi NOW WRECKING Ores. Can nine 1 Co. warehouse at Woodburn. Lhr. for sale cheap. Inc siding, shiplap, 2x4's 2x's. 2 Kit's, Cxs. See man on Job USED KELVIN ATOR refrigerator ' 335. Good Housekeenln- Inc.. 45 Court St. WvVWWWVW'V WE ARE now recording orders foi our famous highland tree ripene non-liris-ted Slappy canninar peaches to be ready for del I v. about August 1st Puritan Cider Works, West Salem Distilled White vineaar for all nick ling purposes. "Keeps your pickles krisp." Also pue spple cider vinegar Puritan Cider Wks., West Salem BEST BUT In cacti. 15c : laree ones 25c. Violas 50c dos. Pansiea S5c dos. Btnegars. Pen 4 Cor. BALED OATS ft vetch hay. M a Hatteberg. Rt. 2. Rllrerton. 1 rat N. W of Central Howell .store. wwwwwwwvwwv EXCELLENT PIANO for cash. $50. 1 4 parrlsh, Sunday before noon. WWMW)WvWv ARMT WALL tent. 225 S. 14th. AIRSTRM. TRAIUvR, 555 sfarlc-n """ nrisMn nren rLfs,n rsfsnri oi r GRET SOJUm roat 2050 Capitol - '' i irririorin rsfxru'SstruT TJSED ELECTRIC White Rotarv sewing machine, bargain. SEARS-ROEBUCK ft CO. REAL SALE prices now Nash Fur niture Co. cash terma trade large stock Get our prires we'll save you money, stake an oner. ATTENTION FISHERMEN. Used single cylinder Johnson outboard mo tor. Ideal for trolling. Excellent con dition and appearance. $30. Ph. CC82 ot call at 110 Water street - "- -1 --r-rr''w'rfxrrj'fsrr Antiques, other articles. 292 8. Cot. TODAT IS the last chance Doaltlve- ly we have 110 Ball Mason fruit lar-1 left your choice close out price t dos en for $1.00: plats, quarts A half gal- 1 . . ... . . I lira v-wii,. nuiy. tney win an nuiCKiT SAUSH AUCTION HOUSE t0 North High 'esasseassTeaiitsTs ALMOST NEW 32-outomatle Colts pistol, cost $14.00; today, I1S.75. Sa lem Auction House. 2(0 N. H.'gh. . GARMENT SHOP, expert 'tailoring. I repairing: ladies suits made to order Dressmaking; cleaning A pressing. P L. Rosaon, 14th ft Lee 8t ENG. SETTER pups, wks. 4272. EXCELLENT USED bicycle, quire at 1055 N. Cottage street. In 'JTr it "siiu"fLfxn $50 SIMMONS STUDIO conch, nse one year, with special green upholstery per. condition. $27.50. Also romtd waj. dining Uhle, $12.00. Inq, 1134 Madison. PUPPIES. PART collie ft police. Females, $1.90, males, $2.00. R. B. Ey erly, tU N. Front ... Wanted- Minllaneotit . WAhTTED 08ED Tart. ITt IM - OIJD WOOL mattrese.. Tel. CASH FOB need: furniture. fh 4317 WANTED COMMERCIAL hem stMchina machine, : Ph. 93(L--:-- ; WANTED. HOP and train hags te natch. We have machines. Call at Jew el Bldg, foot of bridge. Main St, In dependence, ure. j-a- Miscellaneous DENTAL : -t-ATES. REPAIRED . - TWO -HOUR SERVICBT -rR R1RRT fiEMLER. DENTIST Cwntr State, ft Commerctal Ph.' 1311 w-iiMi(ive-iM- FREE. TOP soil dirt. U taaea tnis week. 201 Nebraska, s -jmw TENNIS RACQUETS rest-ran g Exp. work, good strings, us s-is. 023 a. tucn.. ' i v ;; .;. Wajxtt-iiriiitiire WTO, TURN. Ph. 744$. R. Korgey. Money to Loan ( Money to Loan We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO FIT TOUR IN COMB 9v a mo l-ndorsees iio x)maJers i our signature umy 11. ' I RBPAT ANT DAT TO REDUCE COST. 1Wrv i idi'itbt imni'Prv nirMT rnupi vt wrerr rntTB nreds kn- ICEIVS PERSONAL ATTENTION" AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN IS MADE. General Finance Corp. ISO So Commercial St Uc. First, Door South of Ladd ft Basil Bank let SPOT CASH Way I WHEN AT HOMEl- A "Personai Loan f $2S to $SM. Easy Terma WHEN A WAT: USE A "PERSONAL CREDIT CARD Good at 17$ offices, Coast to Coast SIMPLE TO QUALIFY? Come In. GUARANTEED BT GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE :) (As sdvertlaed therein PERSONAL Finance Co, Second Floor. New BHgh Bldg. Ill State Street Salem, Oregon State License Numbers 8 112 M-l$ LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONET TO buy new or used cars. Private money at new low rates. Immediate action. No red tape. J TO SO MONTHS TO PAT . Roy H. Simmons ISC South Commercall Street Phone 9ICS Lie. No. M-152 FHA IXtANS S also private loan Abrams ft Ellis Inc. Masonic Bldg ! AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 5th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING i LICENSE NO. M-159 j What is MONEY SERVICE ? I It is I. Friendly consultation with profes sionally trained and experienced advisers X. Prompt. Courteous, and Skilled of fice employees 3 Ai quiet business-like loan service free from red tape, long delays A confidential understanding at all times 4 Small monthly payments. $100 re payable at $0 92 per month. Othei amounts In proportion. I Many adjustable loan plana $30 available on furniture, livestock salary.- co-signer, etc. $509 avail able on ears: no ace l!mlt ir TOtI NERD MONET. SEE US FIRST, l-et ns explain these snl other FREE services that go wltP each loan plan selected. People's Finance Co. i 20k. First National Bank Bldg Salem. Oregon Phone 4441 S-113 State License M 23 Financial 4 WE HAVE never paldles than this rate on savings and Investment. Insured to 35000. Mntaal Federal Savings ft Loan Ass's Phone 4944 142 S. Uberty St Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire et Hawkins Rotwrt WANTED PKIVATE MONET TO LOAN on rood Sslem real es tate Will pay Interest. W. H. GRARRNHORST A CO. REALTORS - 134 a Uberty Street Phone 949 For RentBooms RMS FOR ladles 111 57t N Cottase -,saWtesesseasTe-sl9sT FINE SI-KEP. room. 121 n. cnarcn HOTEL SALEM ENJOT HOTEL service ft conven ience. Attractive weekly or mo. rates BSEMNT. SLEEP, rm, (53 N. High. Room and Board APPRECIATE OOOD mealeT Nice homeT See Ma Bo wen. 101 N. Uberty WMVWVMWMWWWW R ft R 1090 N. Summer Ph. 49U NICE ROOM, twin beds, close state house. 1227 Court Ph. 1934. W0aeat0stss-aSss-BssTea- RM, $2 .60. BD.. $4.75. lady. 7211 WVWIWWMMMV BD. ft RM. 1490 Court Ph. $930. TBL. BOARD, exe. food. $50 Marian. wWWlWW NICE RM.. home cooking, gar go. Near capitol bldg. Tel. (TOU ROOMS UPSTAIRS ft bsmt, board. 1(3 N. 12th. Ph. 5425. For Bent -Apartments $ RM. NEWLT rum. Meat trater refrUL nsth. dolta 991 N Cottage . 1 TO 0 RM. apta turn or on f urn.. 3 and up. Inq. 1210 South istn. SEE FISHER spts. Modernised aewlv decorated and room-' Tmrll be delighted. Oak and 8. Commercial. COOL 1ST floor. 2-rm. (t Ferry It I R APT 8. Farn. ft enfure, te $40. Royal Court Ph 3953. $33 WVlVWIi MJ NICELT FURNISHED, $97 North Commercial St close m t R. $13 90 S R. $11 10 1925 Centet S R. FURN. prt. bath. 941 Court 8t 1 R, kit'n'tte, flose In. 312 Watet -TRJCTLT - MODERN S-rm. apt. furs., or anfura. The Deveranx. SMALL APT, adults. 770 So. Cora! FURN. X rnuu bath. 1311 N. Liberty 2-RM. FURN. apt. hot wwter. gar. washer. $13 and $15.; TeL 394S. .FURNISHED APT dose to. UrgSb pleasant rooms. (74 N. Church. J-RM. FURN. apt. bath. 171 Union TAG. HAW. Ct, 1000 No. Capitol v TERTS DES1R. 3 rm. fnrw. an-tnod- ern apt with garage. $39. Ph. 0413 I MOD." FURN. 3 room cottage. Edge- I water Court. Elec ref. gar, $25. Sill I -w--.. I SEJIUTIFCIJLT r If KiVJSHEW s-rm leoraer spt Leslie Manor. 310 Leslie I street. ; 3 EM. FURN. apt, prt. bath, refricv adulta. (I( So. Summer. - - FURN. 4-RM Lta ft water. $17.50. ' Jao. aide door 5( N. Chare-, Ph. (011 r r f 1 BORROW FROM 8ALEMS OLDEST Ne. 8-1 3 1 Phone 11(1 Convenient Ground Floor Location For Rent Apartments t AND S-RM. aota. Prlv. bath. Tights hot water, washer. 3S3 Leslie. PATTON APTS S2J SUte. Fur nished. Adults only. Ph. 2t4. t ROOMS, PRI. bath. 43$ Marlon. MOD. FRN. 3 r, 335 Division. 6220. PARTLY FURN. S room. Heat, wa ter ft garage, 8S Saginaw. APT, PRI. bath. SSS & 12th. WVMwV 2 ROOM FURN. apt. single person. $19. couple $1$. TeL f 2SS. For Bent Houses FURN. AND UN FURN. HOUSES a P. GRANT. 629 Court Ph. (744 Mt0t'eatstOj-ass I R. HOUSE. PARTLY font.. $21 S$& Madrona Ave.. Salem Heights, FURN. MOD. home. Ph. 9539. FURN. AND UNFURN. FOUSES. R. A. FORKNER. 1853 N. CapitoL FURN. COTTAGE, couple only. $87.- 50. 337 N. Commercial. ' 6 R. MOD.. N. SALEM. Ttu 4320. 7 RM. MOD. dwelling. Falrmount Hill. $42.50. II acres with good s rm. dwL near Liberty, $17.50. 7 rm, dwL and garage, 510. 8 rm. turn, alley cottage, $22.50. IVAN a MARTIN. TeL 4419 5 ROOM HOUSE, newly finished, on Breys Ave. Tel. 92F2. 5 RM. HOUSE, 2 blks. Leslie high. Furnace, gar. Ph. 4062. Inq. 1745 S. Church. i RMS.. ENGLEWOOD dist $25.00 ( rm., close Leslie schl. 40.00 5 rms. fum., Englewood S0.0( Phone 7544, Evenings or Sunday S RM. HSE., close in. Ph. $893. 4 RM. HOUSE, $20. Wm. A. Noyes, 010 Norway, TeL 8364. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. 381 State Street Inquire room 200. TeL 3713. DOWNTOWN SHOP suitable for garage or storage. $25. Ph. (198 SMALL METAL frame building. suitable for office or hamburger stand. 845 Marion. Wanted to Rent I HAVE a party that wants to rent a house with three bedrooms. Close In. See Lar Ben with - : HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, INC For Sale Real Estate WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF TOU want to sell exchange lease, rent, see Mr. I it-sen with Haw kins ft Roberta TRADE C1T property for farm homes. Opportunities In exchsngea HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. t R. MOD. HOUSE, basement car. I blk. from Ssfeway St. 847 Saginaw SACRIFICE NEWLT-BUILT house. Owner will sell this week for sum of bills assigning specifications snd de faulted contract. Cull lumber, derective supplies to be returned for damages. 879 No. Cottage, 11(0 Spruce St '--saaaa--'tt NEW MOD. 2 BR, nice living room hdw. firs, kit, nook, utility rm.. ga rage, lot 50x200. good location: phone for appointment 33500: very easy terms to responsible, parties. New mod. 2 BR., located so. itn 82250. terms, small dwn. payment baL 320 per mo. 2 BR. with fireplace, nook, corner lot only $1800, easy terma 3 BR., good condition, vaiuanie crees lot $2500. terma 2 BR., large llv. rm.. hardwood floors and fireplace, mountain view, taxes 824. Must be seen Inside to be appre ciated ; 32800. small dn. payments, bal 325.00 per month. 7 RM. home N. K. with 4 BR, targe lot a real buy at $2750. terms 3200 down. bal. 325 Ineludlna Int HlnnMmlli. Minn, residence rented ror (43 per mo. to trade tor naiero property value, $(500. Coast property to trade ror saiem. Tacoma. Wash- to trade for Salem. Acreage to trade for Salem Income property. Rorxt lot In Waat Balem. SZSO.oo. Good Income property, new, $5509; consider soma trade. 4 BR, new dist, trade for amau acreage. . Houses snd apta for rent E. M. LARSEN REAL ESTATE U. a NATIONAL BANK DUILD1NG PHONE 8781 EVENINGS 7 A SENSIBLE BUT 4VL MILES OUT en rood road. 6tt acres, near fine school, some fruit, 6 room dim stereo nome. nam. nouur? house, electric water system, runnlns stream. Soli suitable ror airaiia e peaches Owner here from California, says sell for 84250. Call air. uanieti with v CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street. Phone I2C BUSINESS PROPERTT for sal $4000.00. Is rented for $40.00 rr mo Write Box 1031. Statesman. OAK GROVE setting, six room mod era home. North Salem. Full basement fireplace, large, lot with fish pod $3500. Ph. 5530. BRAND NEW stream-line noma in new North Salem addition -must be seen to be appreciated, $4300, very easy terms Ph. esse.1 WHT PAT RENT? 2 ACRE TRACT with house 20 by 24 feet uncompleted, drilled welL , family rrutt llghta 4 miles from v Salem, price $1050.00, $50.00 dowr and 31 (.60 per month. 9 acre tract with new touse, drilled - well, timber, pasture, lights avatl- able, good road. 5 H miles from . Salem, price $22oe.ea, '- dowa. - - II acre tract ( miles rom Sslem on food road, year round stream, V good 70 foot drilled well, abun- dance of water, house, 10 bv 42 feet timber.-paetnre. Price 82800 I sere tract with good, wen and will - furnish $260.00 of building mater- , Is Is for small dwelling, price, hv .' . eindfns well and boUding materia' $1350.00; $50.00 dowa and $15.00 periiaonth. ... H acre. close-In, fine building site r rice $500.00. $26.00 down and 10.00 per month. 1 acre tract all in bearing cherry or i chard, rood drilled well, price $1,. 250.00. $25.00 downaand $15.00 per - If yo are looking; tor a small acre age, see - O. H. GRABENHORST, JR, WITH W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO, REALTORS 134 8. Liberty Street , For Sale Real Estate XlCELY LOCATED T rm. home, large 11 ring rm, full basemeat Pleasant beck yard good terms. Con sider seme trade. 200 & 33rd. 1MMwmWV VACANT LOT on North 17th. close to Market; price $350.00. Vacant lot la North Salem, close In. price $1000,00; exchange for residence and wUl pay around $1600.00 differ ence. ( room bouse, fun basement larce lot (0x174; house In very good e nd- uon ; locateo in Englewood district price $2(60.00; $300.00 wUl handle and $25.00 a month. Now vacant $ room house, double garage, fine location on So. High, dose la ; reduced to $4000.00, liberal terms. , 8. M. EARLE OR VICE BROS. 208 No. High Phone 9(78. r.nnj-uLi MODERN NEW house on Evergreen Ave, A. young fruit trees ft berries . Immediate possession. Verr reasons bis payment A baL like rent Also good house near Morgan Ave.. water system plumbing ; only $2309 very reasonable terms. If you are moving, see me. H. C. Shields. Oreg. Bldg. Ph. $902. rry-mrionnnn.m-ij'ijnj SMALL J NEW house, cloan in. fire. Place, hardwood floors, suto. gas fur nace and water heater. Ldy. rm, gar, fruit trees, $300 down, $16 mo. Pri vate owner. Tel. (037. ------- --i --,-,rrirvxru"uiXLnjTnf H A, 3 RMS, hen house, fruit, close In, north, $(50, terma $ rm. plast base, 2 cor. creek lots, $2200. F. Griepentrog, 2155 M1U St Ph. 4054. -- - s--.-.,-ira'VVsT''ij-rtj SUN BATHERS PARADISE LOCATED 7 MILES from Salem, at end of private road, sheltered by tim bered hill on three sides; modern set of buildings, house of 7 rooms with pressure water system from springs, (sufficient quantity for swimming pool) ; 24 acres In all with 10 in culti vation, mixed orchard and berries, one acre beaver dam: priced at $8&00, terms half cash ; shown by appoint ment only. Box 1025, Statesman. - - - - - - - - -i-u-i.rL'u-i-ru-LnjTr $ RM. HOME with nook. Basement furnace. An exceptional buy at $2260, good terma WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE 959 Edgewater St. Ph. 5(22. $2100. 5 RM. HOUSE, 2 blks. from Parrish junior school, in good condi tion, basement nice lawn ft shrubbery, $300 down. $1900. 5 rm. furnished house, south, basement bath, paving, $200 down. MONET TO LOAN AT ( MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court Street Phone 8723. 6 ROOM NEW house, hardwood floors, double plumbing, 2 lots, Leslie Junior high district $4000. Will ex change for acreage. WINNIE PETTIJOHN, REALTOR 477 Court St Phone (524 Exchange Real Estate EXCHANGE WILL ACCEPT lot for euuitv In s Rood k room cottase. with basement. A lumace room for 2nd house located close to new high school. This is an op portumty for you contract ef $2700 to assume. See Mra Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 92(1 24 ACRE FARM to trade for small acreage or house in Salem, 4 room and a 5 room house, born, chicken house hog house, feed house, smoke house tractor shed, large prune dryer; 12 acres Prunes. 2 acres filberts. 18 wal nut, 25 cheery, 2 peach, 3 pear, 8 fig, 8 sppies, 4 plums, 3 kinds or grapes. Lo cated at Scotts Mills call 985 N. Win ter St. Phone 7425 or 80(8. 4 ROOM HOME near Leslie Junior high, newly renovated, $2260. Would consider exchange for acreage. A cosy 5 rm. home near Enalewood school, automatic heat. flreDiace in caroens. wwner leaving saiem. jzaoo Modern 7 rm. house, newly renova ted, in good district Will take cheap er house or small acreage part pay ment, rrice WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR 477 Court St. Phone (524 "''--- ---1TM1IHVWVWIWWI.IUJ FOR SALE or exchange for a late model car. an FHA approved building tot. i-none biaa. For Sale Farms MR. SMALL FARM BUYER HERE IS what you have been look ing for II acres of the very best soiL Including one acre of genuine bearer aam onion land, one acre roung bear in filberts, family fruit 7 room plas tered house, barn, garage, small poul try nouse. electricity, sll cultivated ex cept small pasture ( miles out The price bss been reduced to $4300 for quick sale. To see this call Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261. Acreage HOWELL PRAIRIE 40 acres east of Salem oa the Little Pudding river. z acres in cultivation, most of which is newiy cleared land. About 4 acres creek bottom just right for ladlno clo- Tcr.u-rigsijon riant on au o acres, s acres strawberries, 3 acres boysenber- nea a acres cherrlea New 4 reon house, electricity and water sy-lem. Tour only chance to buy bind like this st $126.00 per acre on terma See Mr Collins with HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. InC Business Cards la this director raa oa a monthly basts oaty. Ralet ft per line per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panes. 271 South Commercial Auto Laundry CARS WASHED. SOc. Simon lse eieaiied waned. $100. 8(7 N. Church Phone I0SS. Bicycles BICrCl-ES, NEW and rscondtt toned Harry W. Scott. I4t & Cotnt P. 4(10 Cement Contractors RALPH HARLAN, S25 Locust, t'10 Chimney , . Sweep TELEPHONE 4 4 SO. R. C' Hortkness Chiropractors dr. a ; l sevrrr. Tree chiropractor 160 K. Hide TeL Rem UTS. Excavating EXCAVATING OT alt tclnda Pase ments dtia. Dirt hauled or moved. Din for sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Co I -hone 040S. . Floristi Bretthaupfa 447 Court. Pbeae ttta, For SaleUsed Can Month End Clearance Sale THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 1935 Ford DeLuxe Tudor Ford Sedan Book Prices $300 Our Price $210 Looks and Runs Dandy "37 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan. Low etc , , 'S3 Plymouth DeLuxe Touring Sedan. 3S Packard Club Coupe. Has radio, etc, looks ft runs like new it's a '8$ Chevrolet Pickup Has had exceptional care, no heavy loads eoor nn 18 Chrysler Imperial Sedan overdrive car la new from service standpoint '15 Studebaker Sedan. Original finish ft '32 Studebaker Sedan. Very clean, nearly new tires, radio; It's a a -i or nn buy ; , , : i. SEVERAL CHEAPER 29 Ford Cpe. $ 96.00 25 Chrysler Cpe. 80.00 15.00 82.60 75.00 27 Chev. Coach 28 Ofds Coach 20 Buick Cpe. 30 Chrysler Sedan 1(5.00 28 Dodge Sedan xa.ew OPEN EVENINGS FOR tSalem Auto Co. CHRYSLER USED CAR SUPER MARKET PLYMOUTH . EQUITY IN 1933 Dodge Coupe. 806 S. 12th. $7 DODGE TRUCK, fine shape Cheap. W. E. Curtis, Dallas, Rt. 2. Business Opportnnities SERVICE STATION ft equipment for sale ft lease. 805 S. 12 th. FOR SALE LUNCH ft GROCERY on N. Santlam highway featuring light lunches home baked pie, ice cream, cold drinks. This Is In a district ot extensive gov't, development. A little mint for the next few years. Picture In our office Call and ask us about it See Mra Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 92(1. BUSINESS AND property worth 315.000.00. Sacrifice for $8000.00. Write Box 1022. Statesman. POTATO CHIP machine and whole sale route, $100 down, terms on bal. Box 1214, Statesman. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING. Sproed. Ph. 5883 Personal LONELY? "WORTHWHILE" sweet heart, husband, wife for you. Box 76 lxs Angeles. X-Ray Trees WhvBeSick? WHEN AN X-ray of the spine will show you the cause of your trouble and Chiropractic will remove the cause. You cannot get rid cf the effect without first getting rid of the cause, and to locate the cause correctly you must have an X-ray. Bring this ad to my office ON OR BEFORE: July 29. 1930. and It rill en title you to an appointment for a free spinal X-ray. Dr. Roy S. Scofield PALMER CHIROPRACTOR 406 U. S. National Bank Building Phone (047 For Sale Wood BUDGET PLAN five months to par first payment In 20 days. Oas $4.00. ash 85.60. knots 85.50. Old 35.0 2nd gwth.. $4.00. W. L, Graen. Ph 6370. Yard 412 N. 21st St SUMMER PRICES, old fir If at only $4.76 per cord. Order for now o later dot phone 4151. Oregon Fuel Co BODY OAK, 1$ $8. Phone 137F12. $8.50; round oak 1( IN. OLD fir, $5; knots $4.60 4 ft. 2nd. $3.75. Phone 9455. Transportation DRIVING TO Ashland about July 26, Call 4(28. Ask for F. M. Fatman. LEGAL NOTfE PROPERTY OWXERS-TEXAXTS NOTICE NOTICKIS HEREBY GIVEN that It la prohibited by ordinance In the City ot Salem, Oregon, to place or maintain any merchsn dise or other obstruction on the street or sidewalk ot this city; that the owner, tenant or custo dian Is liable, for the safe condi tion of the sidewalk adjoining the premises owned or occupied Directory Laundries THE NTCW SAIJCM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRT t(t & Hicb TeL S1J4 Mattresses 3A1-EM rLUFK RUG and Mattress factory- NEW MATTRESS made tr order, old remade: carpet cleaning sizing: fluff rug weaving. 8. Ilth Wilbur. TeL S44I. TTTO r. ZWICK ICR Est Ull - CAPITOI HEDPlNCf CO. Phone 0 Naturopathic Physician DR. W. H. ROCKWELL Nsturepath le Physician, 1700 Palrareunds Rd TeL 4e OTfire Honrs It a. in. to t :t0 p m. FREE EXAM CONSUKTA TION, Painting - Paper hanging WE DO aB kinds oalollaa. TOM PAPERING. PNTQ. Johnson. P..IHI Printing FOR ST ATI ON ICR T earda. pamphtet Sroarama books op any kind ef arte. In call The t at serosa Printing Da pnrtment til S. CommerciaL Tele phone tut- " - Transfer FOR LOCAt at distant transfer, stor age, burner elL can JUL larmet Transfer Co. Tracks ta Portland daily INTERSTATE TROCXIKO. Wash, Ores. Ph. tira. . Wood Sawiixg WOOD SAW. Bilks. Pa. IMS. For Sale Used Cars mileage, beautiful Interior, r- r rr , , V" i '.w 15.000 miles, can t be told Jvj-J QQ heater, life guard tubes, $845.00 buy radio heater, etc. This $895.00 $425.00 Interior spotless . .... v J Jij CARS TO CHXSE FROM ' 'if Dodge Bed. 45.00 2F Dodge Bed. 29 Durant Sedan '20 Durant Sedan '31 Buick (60) Sedan S5.0W (5.00 45.00 U5.e 115.00 '30 Ply. Sedan TOCR CONVENIENCE 435 No. Com'I. STATE MOTORS, INC. Offers at Market Prices or Less 38 Buick DeLuxe Brough am- Special 40 series. Finish snd interior like new. New tires, motor perfect 90-day writ ten guarantee. 37 Buick DeLuxe Touring Sedan. Has seat covers, factory Installed radio. 90-day Written Guarantee. 38 Pontiac DeLuxe 6-Cvl. Coupe. Original finish; upholstery Boot less, new Goodrich tires and tubes. Save money on this one. 37 Dodge DeLuxe 6-Cyl. Coupe. Lots of extras, such as radio, heater. This car is perfect not a scratch anywhere. 36 Oldsmobile DeLuxe 6 Cyl. Touring Sedan. - Has only 21,000 miles This is a Real Buy- STATE MOTORS, INC. HUDSON PACKARD DEALERS. Marlon and Polk Counties Phone 8400 LEGAL NOTICE by him; that no marquee should be erected or maintained the, low est part of which is closer to the sidewalk than eight (8) feet; that no fringe or other obstruction to pedestrian travel or risibility shall be lower than seven and one half (7H) feet above the sidewalk; and that certain types of marquees must be ten (10) feet above the sidewalk. AH ordinances granting permission for any , unusual use of the street have been repealed Cross Word Puzzle 2 I 2 3 4 io 7 " " """" " 16 17 IS 21 25 31 30 ? HO w 1 fa OEIZONT-L Tk QmH sf Setlu-s ts sett ef what tTlike eait " . 10 What Is the ttaSaa bssm let Ltgfceraf 11- Mea IS Kiag ef B-akaa . 14 Who wteto Tke ataave DeeasVt M Mssical arsau II Peraoail pieaeaa . 10 Bitty tU i - SO Tiii--eiTa"T . a Wast It tae kugest ef the Caaary t4 Silkwertas sf Seagal. 84 Seaaate . . . .S7 -eras t4 . .. II i Etoncst-i aah . . . . 14 WW - tin Cateerstty ef Hate? II ' Tom fee a 44 Ca-ity ta the 47 Pray -II Ol-aia astJele . . . v 01 Coeae la It 3-lterL as la a say 14 Saaakrlt (absc) WaUr apriua - : ---ra-rnCA-"' St la - I skua so I-rUe-7-r -t Arenas (abbr.) . . S Batars a San ta a aisa e f-kM ase at a aater ta tTsesrspsy 11 Ckrrx: m a m . tke Haj-asihst Tkaatart Sat Beskert Ilnrtifcai f -Dun a o-i -ass atthaf il-saV tetae seay . T Writinc atatarial' - - LEGAL NOTICE by Ordinances No. 313S, as amended by Ordinance No. 3208, and Ordinance No. 3401. Resolu tion No. 4076, adopted by the Common Council July 3, 1939, In- . streets the city departments to remove all illegal obstructions in and over streets Immediately and anthorizes the City Recorder to place in the daily newspapers no tices to owners and tenants that'' immediate compliance with such, ordinances must be made, except where substantial expense or dan ger would prevent immediate re moval such owners and tenants would then be allowed additional ' time but In no event later than SEPTEMBER 20, 1939. By order of the Common Coun cil of the City of Salem, Oregon, ' this 3 day of July, 1939. A. WARREX JONES City Recorder Salem, Oregon July 25. AUG 1-8-15. , No. 10,035 NOTICE OF HEARING -OX FINAL ACCOUXT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OP OREGON for Marion County. In the Matter of the Estate of G. G. BROWN. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN that the undersigned. Executor of the Last Will and Testament of G. G. Brown, deceased, has filed its Final Account and Report in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, and that Wednesday, the 9th day of August, 1939. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day in the county court room in the county courthouse in the City of Salem, in said County and State, has been appointed as the time and place for hearing any objer- ' tions to said Final Account and Report and the final settlement of said estate. The date of the first publica tion of this notice is the 11th day of July. 1939, and the last Is the 8th day of August, 1939. LADD & BUSH TRUST COM PANY. Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Q. G. Brown. Deceased. Page and Page. Attorneys at Law, Salem, Oregon. Jly 11-18-25 A 1-8. NOTICE TO WATER USERS OX MILL CREEK AND ITS TRIBU TARIES, A TRIBUTARY OF THE. WILLAMETTE RIVER To all persons, firms, and cor porations claiming a right to the use of the waters of Mill Creek or anv ot its tributaries, a trihu- -tary of the Willamette River, and ; TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON CERN; You and each of you are hereby notified that on or about September 1st, 1939, the State Engineer of the SUte of Oregon will begin an investigation of the flow of MiU Creek and its tribu taries, and of the ditches diverting water therefrom, pursuant to pe titions filed for the determination of the rights to the use of the waters of said stream and its tri butaries. Further notice will be given at a later date, fixing time when, and a place where, the State En gineer will receive claims and tes timony as to the rights of all par ties claiming from said stream and its tributaries as provided by law. CHAS. E. STRICKLIN State Engineer. Jly 25 A 1 17 Wkat Is the faatth ta aba ef tke Crest tl Cry e sketa S Ptaek li Scurry II wear ef water It B tn9i7 Wttk II Pea . Btorea leeaer ta a Ue U Having aaw sseeks W Give kaaf - '; IT Ann- - . SS ACarSa aataa-M tt Wkat Is tka baas ef tha Brit k Medttar 40 Trfaa wkh the keak 41 Wks was tke eastk-e la lew ef Bstkt 4&9fWO&G& wSJBJSJgBJ 4t Akyartaiaa srlats . Wgikliesl yroaeoa Eerewit- Is the solatiha to yes teiaya p-a-dc . .. . i. t-7i kit jv efTit n5-"- OM kit E Vt- MOr3 v s R t UfpUlgtjDll rS TANT its rrl" rtwzzzz 122 I 23 2o 2f 30 3 32 33 Z-lw - pzror vs 6 E-gpJ S3 Wi I 1 I I 1 m