The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 23, 1939, Page 9, Image 9

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The "Three Smart Girls?
Mesic,; rama Billed
Popular Stars in Well's Ritchett'
f Second Fiddle'
Featured in Berlin's "Second Fiddle
I Andrew Hardy
Hit by Fever
Tlit 02EG0N STATESMAN, Sakn, Oregoa, Scaday Uoatez, JvSj 23, ItZJ
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if ' v I '
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Dmim Durbin, Kaa Grey and Helea Parrlsh, the three smart girls,
who brine entirely , new sort of roraaatic eatertaiaraeat to the
screen la "Three Smart Girls Grow Up bow playing at the Holly
wood theatre.
"Stagecoach" Has
Thrilling Moments
Great Western Spectacle
Rides Across Screen
at State Today
Across a rut panorama of prim
ltiro splendor, several thousand
feet above sea level under a burn
ins inn, a solitary stagecoach ca
reens and rocks behind six gallop
ing horses. Every mile brings the
coach and its odd assortment of
passengers closer to a waiting
band of murderous Apaches, led
by Geronimo. fiercest of them all.
This is the tense and thrilling
background of Walter Wanger's
"Stagecoach." a frontier drama of
the 1880's when Indians still
roamed the sagebrush, which
opens at the State theatre today,
with Claire Trevor and John
Wayne in the starring roles. Miss
Trevor, appearing as Dallas, a gin
of shady reputation who has been
driven from Tonto by a self-right-
eons gronp of women, and Wayne,
Impersonating Kid Ringo, another
social outcast, are passengers on
this coach.
Journey Hazardous
' The Journey of the coach begin
at Tonto, Arizona, with Lords-
. burg, in New Mexico, Its destine
lion. A spectacular set was erect
ed for the scene showing the fian
tic dash of the stagecoach when.
Apache war signals are seen in the
nearby hills. There is a river cross
ing ahead, where the stage driver
plans to get fresh horses and add!
tional ammunition. The coach
winds through a mountain pass
and dashes down a canyon to the
river but the relay station la In
flames and Its attendants have
been murdered by Indians. It is
shortly after this scene sweeps
across the screen that the stage
coach is surrounded by the wild
Apaches and the United States
cavalry comes to a thrilling rea-
cte. ' '
Dorothy Benson accepted a post
tion at Coolidgo & McClaine bank
this week.
Masseys, Whitney s in Swap
M v
Sef y.yyygFy; . iw 1,3ena1cl'aJrW'a?:J fljyff
t r
Adrlean ATlm former left). British acticss,
Rayseoad Uasaey (wpper rdgM)
urrtMi at Oorothv AThitaer
- do to WlUiaar. Dwigbt mutaey
- exchange of mates, Maaary and
"Smart Girls" Are
Back in Picture
Deanna Durbin Stars in
Fifth Feature Today at
the Hollywood
Deanna Durbin's fifth picture.
Universal's "Three Smart Giris
Grow Up." now heads the bill at
the Hollywood theatre.
The offering differs from De-
ann s Three Smart Girls, made
some two and a half years ago
Since then Deanna has become
recognized as one of the best film
actresses as well as the iisessor
or the most amazing voice ever
heard from the screen.
In "Three Smart Girls Grow
Up." Deanna is seen as a very rich
girl, and she wears a wardrobe in
keeping with her station in life.
it is the first time she has ever
ever been seen. with a full outfit of
nice" clothes. Too, she wears her
first evening gown in several se
quences of the production.
Warbles Four Songs
The 16-year old soprano sings-
four songs in the picture: "Invi
tation to the Dance." by Weber:
"The Last Rose of Summer," from
Flotow's opera "Martha": "La
Capinera" (The Wren), by Sir Ju
lius Benedict; and "Because." by
Edw. Teschemacher and Guy
D'Hardelot. , - -. .... : .
In the supporting cast are seen
Charles Wlnnlger, Nan Grey. Hel
en Parrlsh, William Lundigan
Robert Cu minings. Nella Walker
and Ernest Cossart.
DALLAS Marriage licenses
were Issued here this week by
County Clerk Carl S. Graves to
Henry W. Quiring, clerk, of Los
Angeles and Sara Ediger, domes
tic, Dallas and to Waldemar L.
Krause, school teacher, Hillsboro,
Kans., and Selma Alice Wall, do
mestic, Dallas.
BROOKS The Brooks Town
send club will hold its regular
meeting in the schoolhouse, Aug
ust 3.
5 " Jj
former linbawd.
(Uwer ieft).
rem star, reentry
(lower rig).
his new wife
At Grand now
Irving Berlin's Tones Are
Heard; Sonja Heme -
and Power Stars
One of the greatest aggrega
tions of screen talent ever rath
ered tor one show put over a
smash hit at the Grand theatre
yesterday, where Irving Benin's
"Second Fiddle" opened.
Starring Sonja Henie and Tyrone
Power: featuring Rady Vailee and
Edna Hay Oliver: introducing
new-star Mary Healy: casting Lyle
Talbot and Alan Dinehart In pithy
roles: presenting six brand new
songs by Irving Berlin; dazzling
with Sonja Henle's sensational ice
tangos and snow rhumbas. which
she performs with a skating part
ner for the .first time oa the
screen; depicting the new ball
room danee erase, the "Back to
Back" it's enough to leave yon
breathless, and it does! It also
left this reviewer happy and enter
talned to .the hilt.
The screen "play by Harry Tag-
end, based on a story by George
Bradshaw. has been skillfully di
rected, so that the most is made of
an appealing and realistic tale.
Sonja, a Minnesota schoolmarm
and candidate No. 43t for the role
of the heroine in thepictsrizatlon
of a best-seller gets the role and
is brought to Hollywood by Publi
city Man Tyrone Power to make
the picture. There, tor purposes
of publicity, Tyrone arranges
romance between the new find
and Rudy Vailee, who plays a mat
inee idol.
Gasoline Use in
Oregon Is Higher
Gasoline consumption la Oregon
during the first six months ot
1939 showed an Increase ot 5,-
131,890.09 gallons over the same
period in 1938, Secretary ot State
Earl Snell reported Saturday.
Motor vehicle sales reported to
the state department for the first
six months of this year totaled
108,805,388.0 gallons compared to
103.643.49C.81 for the corres-
pt nding period last year.
Translated into vehicle miles.
this means, that mileage recorded
on Oregon's highways during the
first half of 1939 totaled 1.254.-
733,633. an increase of five per
cent over the figure of 1,185,611.-
614 miles recorded the first half
of 1938.
Taxes paid on gasoline con
sumed in the state tor the first six
months ot this year amounted to
s&.440,Z69.3. an increase oi
$258, OS 4.64 over the amount tor
the same period in 1938.
Today Deanna Durbin in
"Three Smart Girls Grow
Up" with Nan Gray and
Helen Parrlsh.
Wednesday D o u b 1 e bill.
George Sanders and Weady
Barrie in "The Saint Strikes
Back" and "Almost A Gen
tleman" with James Ellison
and Helen Wood.
Friday Double bill. Dennis
O'Keefe, and Cecilia Parker
In "Burn 'Em Up O'Connor,
and Roy Rogers in "Shine
On Harvest Moon." '
Today Sonja Henie, Tyrone
Power and Edna Mae Oliver
in "Second Fiddle,"
Wednesday Jean Parker and
Johnny Downs In "Parents
On TriaL"
Saturday Joan Blondell, Mel-
vyn Douglas , and Walter
Connolly ia "Good Girls Go
To Paris."
. -
Today "Stagecoach
Claire Trevor. John Wayne
and Andy Devlne.
Thursday W lags ot the
Navy" with George Brent,
Olivia DeHavilland and
John Payne and "They
Made Me A Criminal" with
John Garfield. Ann Sheridan
and Dead End Kids.
Saturday Midnight show.
IJttl PrtBrMn with Rlilr.
- ley Temple.
Today Double bill, "Andy
Hardy Gets Spring fever"
with Mickey Rooney and
Lewis Stone and, "Stronger
Than Desire with Walter
Pidgeoa and VI r fin! a
Wednesday- Double bill. Lio
nel Barrymore In "On Bor
rowed Time and "Star of
"Midnight" with William
' Powell and Ginger Sogers.
Saturday - Doable bill,
'. D a a c a ters Courageeas
t with John Garfield and the
. Lane sisters and W a t e r
' Front with Gloria Dickson.
Saturday Mickey Mouse mat-
. inee. Chapter & "The Ore
gon Trail."
Saturday Midnight show,
. "Daughters Courageous." r.
Today Double bill," "HeU's
' Kitchen with The Dead
End Kids and Geae- Aatry.
and smiley .Burnetts in
' -Mountain Ehythm."
Wednesday D o n b 1 a . hUI.
"Unexpected Father" with
. l MJacha Aner and Baby S&s-
dy and Psradlse For
Three with Robert Toung.
Florence. Rice and F a a k
Morgan.; . v' ;'V
-. - - - "
,v v. f " " . " '
. - - -
-y ' -VT."
The popular atari ta Second Fiddle
atre are Tyroae Power, Sonja Hemic, Kady Vailee and alary Healy.
mie as aa irvtag serlia zoaatcai.
b&r l- Aim
Mickey Rooney and Ana Ratherford la "Aady Hardy GeU Spring
Fever" now ahowiag at the Elsiaore theatre and the secoad bit.
-stronger xnan vesirtr wlUa natter fldgeoat and Vlrglaia Brace,
Leading Titians
V St
' If --
. it
i y
5- '
Salem Candidate
Lead Queen Race
Dorothy Selby, popular Salem
girl, leaped into the lead of the
Taft Redhead Roundup queen
competition Saturday with a total
of 545,000 votes. Miss Selby, who
was In eighth place recently, wi
Salem's first candidate and is
sponsored by Bishop's store , and
Schoen's bakery.
Miss Selby is the daughter ot
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Selby of 2131
Center street.
The Redhead Rouadup will 1
held at the coast city August S
and 1
Phyllis McPhersoa sad Louise
Ferrey, other Salem girls la the
aueen contest held. 49M09 and
45t.t0t votes respectively in the
last count. The contest wIH doss
Wednesday, August 2. at 9 p. at
Card dub Flays
vALSETZ Last week. Mrs.
Guy West was hostess to the card
dub. Mrs. West won ficst and
Mrs. Fraxer second. Mrs. Groat
was hostess this. week. "
Mrs. Henry Hobson and Doro
thy Aaae are tisftinr ia Washing
ton. :r- ..
Mr. Charles Frack received
word that his lather is ia tha Dal
las hospital.: suffering from i
automobile accident. .
AIRL1E Walter Goodin cat
his hand quite severely on a
at the Wleaert mllL "
Tiday- Monday - Tuesday
- Continnons Pexf orsunce
Today, 2 to 11 P. M.
Added hTcwa, Charlie
Ooaardy. "TIME OUT FOB
'JTROXITXTS' and Musical. -
HI - "" " ?m iTi i
now playing at the Grand tbe
Catholics Gather
Today at St Paull
Catholics of the Willamette val
ley will gather this morning at
10 o'clock at St Paul for services
to dedicate and bless. the mona
ment recently erected by the
Knights of Columbus in memory
of - the first archbishop ot the
Oregon country. Mass wul be said
on the site where Father Francis
Blanchet offered mass 100 years
At noon a lunch will be served
at Champoeg park and Rex Put-
im, state superintendent ot pub
lic instruction, snd John P.
O'Hara, professor of history at
Marylhurst, will speak.
Twenty-two events will be fea
tured In the Willamette ' valley
CTO field day program starting
at 2 p. m. William Bliven and
Joseph Praage of Salem will su
pervise the events and Rev.
Michael Fleming of Canby will
serve as master of ceremonies.
Barrs Go South
MT. ANGEL Miss Thrasilla
Barr, employed at the Benedictine
Press, left Thursday night for 'Eu
reka, Calif., for a week's vacation.
She was accompanied by her
mother, Mrs. Josephine Barr.
They will visit with Raymond
Barr. brother and son.
Glendale Folk Visit
ZENA Mr. and Mrs. Walker
Purviae and Mrs. Purviae's
daughter. Miss Sylvia Weidman of
Glendale, Ore., are house guests
at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. M. Purvine. Mr. Pur-
Tine has mining interests at Glendale.
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Newest of Family Saga
Pictures Current at
El&inore Theatre
His role ot Andy Hardy Is doing
things to Mickey Rooney. So de
clares the debonair son ot Judge
Hard in the Hardy Family series,
newest ot which. Andy Hardy
Gets Spring Fever. ta bow show
ing at the Elslnore theatre.
"Every new Hardy story con
tains some emotion or reaction
that a fellow has to study and un
derstand. Now and then, I think, it
actually changes some rietrpoint
or other, says the youthful star.
For instance, in the present pic
ture I have to develop a fine case
ot puppy love tor my pretty hlgn
school teacher. It goes deeper
than any previous cases because
I'm supposed now to be somewhat
more advanced In romantic exper
ience. I propose, she tries to make
her refusal painless. I Mad out
she's already engaged and an in
torment, then she. in s sensible
talk, brings me to realize that
boys like ase aren't ready yet for
the real romantic things ot lite." .
Although Mickey has his seri
ous moments in "Andy Hardy Gets
Spring Fever. he also haa many
hilarious comedy moments. He
writes a high school show, stars
ta It and helps to build the scenic
effects which include a "volcano"
that closes the show by setting1 the
schoolhouse oa fire. There is a
comical Quarrel with Ann Ruther
ford, a farewell scene with the
pretty teacher, and a talk about
marriage with his father that is
gripplngly dramatic in its sheer
State Offers to
Aid PEPC0 Cars
Grcsham and Oregon City
Interurban Lines to
Get More Study
Assistance of the state utility
department will be offered In
working out some satisfactory
plan for a continuance ot electric
service over the Gresham aad Ore
gon City lines of the Portland
Electric Power company. Ormond
R. Bean, state utilities commis
sioner, announced Saturday.
Bean said he was askiag for a
continuance ot the hearing which
has been 'before Estei Snedecor.
referee in bankruptcy In federal
court in Portland this week.
This continuance is being re
quested until a report may be had
from the engineering department
of the utilities commission. This
survey is now in progress. "
- The report for the state will
cover a comprehensive analysis
of all operating maintenance, ad
ministrative and other costs. In
cluding the operating practices of
the Portland Electric compaay
covering a period of 10 years, and
a comparison of the results will
be made with lines operating un
der similar conditions.
This report will be made In an
effort to determine if any change
can be made in the maintenance
and operating methods of the com
pany which will bring about lower
Brant Leads Play
At Independence
Brant of Salem has been made sa
pervisor of the WPA summer rec
reation program held in the Inde
pendence training school gymna
sium. The classes are held from
9 until 4 from Monday through
Friday with three trained tea
chers in charge. Clyde Lawrence
supervises - sports and Mrs. des
tine Reeves aad Mrs. Sheppard
arts and crafts
Classes In arts and crafts In
clude work with clay, painting,
cutting and making lawn orna
ments, sketching on wood lor
cutting, rug weaving. glorified
glass and Other interesting works.
Margaret Lindsay and Ronald Rewgaa wbo swpply raanaare as wrf at
M helping hand the MDea4 Sad kids la uHeUa KHrhra. aotr
fibowing at the Capital theatre. The secead featare is, "Mooataia
Ithrthra with Smiley Bnrnette. . l.
"Dead End" Kids
Are Here Again
Hell's Kitchen" Current
at Capitol Theatre
Stars Quintet
Margaret Lindsay Is the "Dead
End" Kids' Idea ot temlnlae
charm, refinement, aad sex ap
peal all rolled Into one fair pack
age.' Among others agreeing Is
Ronald Reagan, who plays oppo
site Margaret Is "Hell's Kitchen,
tha Warner Bros, picture now
showing at the Capitol theatre.
He also began playing opposite
her in skating rinks and over cafe
tables off the screen lately, so pre
sumably the opinion goes rather
deeply with the handsome leading
However that may be. there s a
kind of young-love rivalry be
tween Reagan and those five
"Dead Enders" who consider
themselves heart-free. Leo Gorcey
is In love and considers himself
out ot the running. But Frankie
Burke, who acts as cae of the
"Dead Eaders" ia "Hell's Kitch
en" (he's the lad who looks like
James Cagney and played him as
a boy in "Angels With Dirty
Faces,") makes the total ot Mar
garet's youthful admirers In the
group add up to six.
They ail took Margaret out to a
party one night. Jast when they
were bickering about which should
have the honor ot taking her
home, Reagan appeared. Margar
et thanked them, said goodbye
and they realized that the lucky
man on this occasion, at any rate.
was Reagan. ,
Mr. Robert Craven is the lo
cal chairman for Independence.
No charge is made for these
classes as the funds are provided
by this community. Open bouse
ill be held in about two. weeks
with the public invited to visit
the classes.
a. m .aw m
Army to Resume J
Speaking Service
Resumatioa of speaking aerv-
ices has been announced- by the
Portland recruiting district office
of the US army. Sergeant Ralph
M. Marley win be available to civic 1
orgaalsationa. schools, patriotic
dubs and similar organisations to
speak on subjects dealing with the
army. Its past history, its future
aad its peace time accomplish
meats. Duriag 193 aad 1937 the of
fice had similar speaking services.
with Sergeant Norman F. Strad-
leigh aa speaker. His aervicea were
ia great demand bat had to be
suspended In October. 1937, when
he was detailed to temporary duty
at the Presidio ia San Francisco.
Sergeant Marley will be avail
able to organizations in Oregon,
five Washington counties, three
California counties and IS Idaho
counties. Major IL D. BagnalL
district recrultiwg officer with of
fices in the Portland aostotfira
building, is -arranging speaking
appoiatmeats for Sergeant Marley.
MILL CITT A. R. Hoenlg ot
the Mill City Planing and Process
ing company is seriously III at his
nm wAris - cum tuioi
The Lucky
7 th Hmrdy
FmmUy Bit!
.... ..,;V M ' J
now tr-J I )