The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 23, 1939, Page 5, Image 5

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    8ooners to Picnic Members ef
the Oklahoma state stociety, fam
ilies nd friends will stage their
sixth anna! get-together and pie-,
ni Sunday, August 9, at iantsen
Beach park, on the Pacific high
way two miles north of Portland.
Picnic lunch will be served. All
former residents of Oklahoma now
in; the northwest are invited', to
attend tne outing. :v - "
Fr watch and iock: repairing
nijuore, 141 s. Liberty.
Beett Will Bunk
lane will hear Frank Bennett, new
city superintendent of Schools, at
meir - luncneon , next Tuesday
nooiu Bennett recently appointed
here after serving to similar
position In Albani, has been, a XI
wanlan for IS years, both In Al
bany r and .Tillamook. He has
served at club president, vice-pre-1
Limit Cat Bounties Counties i
must put op 2.5o bounty on
bobcats, iyix cats or wildcat! be
fore the state will
bounty according to a letter re-
"7 county Clerk U. O.
7:r Qm me state game, com
mission. If the eAnnt ... .
bounty of less than 12.50, the
game commission will ur dah
V and no matter how high the coun
ty price for pelts of predatory ani-
uistB, ma state county will remain
fiied. The commission advised the
county clerk that this announce
ment is in accordance with a de
cision oy tne attorney general on
chapter. 25$ of the laws of 1939.
Roofing by Uathis.78 S. Court.
; Artists Visit Recent out of
town visitors at the art center. In
the Interest of developing branch
art centers in their communities,!
were Mrs. Marie Cone of Klam
ath Falls, and Miss Beatrice Wil
liams of Gold Beach. In both
Klamath Falls and Gold Beach
plans are under way to open j
orancnes of this art center. Mrs.
Cone Is a widely known artist and
teacner, and Miss Williams Is
county superintendent of schools
for Curry county.
Approve Permits Permits
were approved by the county court
yesterday tor C. E. Lels and the
Donker brothers to move thresh
ers over the county roads; and for
Cleo McMorris, J. H. Booster,
Walter Scheffe and Harrison
brothers, to more combines over
county roads. A retail and nack-
ag-e license was approved for Royl
w. jucmtire, wno is located four
miles south of Salem on the Pa-
C11.1C BlKOlT. I. .
- m . . . iier stuaeni nas captured a na
Wallpaper specials. Elfstrom Co. jtlonal ar award. Mrs. H. S. Ful-
it- L rL. i. ll - ton who commuted from Wood-
dva William.. Tnmi n.,h..Ii . burn twice weekly to attend
severe head cut and' lacerations I fi"se aere has received word dinner will be served at noon,
abnnt th. ! I tnt she was awarded a arize In I
when a car driven by R. L. gta- f"111 P 0nteft con" Vtelto Mother Clayton Wil- dlcated a successful campaign.
The OREGON, STATESMAN; Salem, Oregorw Sunday Morning July 23, 1939 j
60 Voices in Music Festival Tonight
Coming Events
,Jly 23 Pacific Interna.
tlonal Trapshooters association
JnJy S3 Picnic of former
residenta of Waitsbnrg, Wa
OUnger park. No-bost dinner,
.:. 1:80 p. m.. --j,
' , 7 23 Sweglo community
Picnic, clnb dinner at 1 p. nW
Paradise Island, j ,
Jly 23 North and South
Dakota all-state picnic, Dallas
park 1 p.m. Basket dinner. : i
July 80 Marion county Po
mona Grange picnic, Champoeg
Park. . ;
Jnly 80 Caledonian clnb
Scotch picnic, Dallas city park.
Jnly 80 Colorado state pic
nic, Hazel Green. :
July 80 Annual Iowa meet-" I sldent, and secretary,
U if. Utrnllta ritv nark Mn.l I - A
Angnst 8 Marion C o n n t y
Teterans associaUon, SUverton.
Aagust Annual state Ten
nessee picnic at Dallas city park
" Aog. O Ohio state picnic
will be held at QUnger picnic
Angnst 8 Carolina state
picnic, Bryant park, Albany.
Aog. -12 American Legion,
department of Oregon, conven
tion. .
Ang. 18-20 Flax Festival at
MU Angela
Ang. 20 Salem nnioa labor
annnal picnic at Pat's Acres
Ang. 21-20-State softbaU
Lubrication, service day and night
union station, State and Church.
Beans Beady Tuesday Bean
picking will start In the valley
next Tuesday,
ment service which has opened
branch office In West Stayton to
place pickers. Although registra
tions are being taken at the West
Stayton office, ne placements have
been made yet. - - ,
Tout ' favorite old-time orehestra,
Chuck Whitehead, Wed. July 26,
Crystal Gardens. Two floors, two
banas. a Be
Former Resident Here Mr.
STSSf -Aft 236 Qef Past Nazarene Church
ervice which has opened a I t - " r-
Natator Test
Is Completed
"lani to Swim" flags -1 B -TOlce hoir .
aarn 10 awim Uassti I assisted by an orchestra of brass Maison Announces Detail
Music Is Tonight
"Sacred Songs of the: Sea," a
mu8ie festival byea 60-voicechoir
Held Success as Many
Get Instruction
and string instruments, .will be
presented at the Church of - the
inazarene, corner of llth and
Beginners' American Red Cross J Center streets, at 7:45 o'clock o-
and Mrs. Mark O. Potter, who I swimming tests warn ancceRfifnlIvlniht' nml.. t 'i..ti.-
"( qud r lea lb ac i" n icw, su mi iiar i hwuumiu nr 11, ii naasea ua
Independence. litinchere and are atavina witk Leo I intermediate testa anf iki mau I
Reed and family. Mr. Potter is a I the "Salem" tests in th Rim I Aa is, one et tne highUght
tClna Awarii itv0 mercnani ana nowi ru-io-swini programs tott '"'11U"U,; t me cnoir ror tne
.CT .f1 cen" lives in Los Angeles. finished at Leslie and OUnger season and the nubile la nr t
1 flIKAl. VffM 1- 1. I - - "
. . . I wwa, ik was announcea (attend Them
Plan Monday Meet ARTE club I yesterday. 1
No. 11 auxiliary will meet all day Considering that rMnirmnfs cnr-
Monday with Mathilda Nadon, In the Red Cross examinations I The rostrum of the chnrch will
1885 North 4th street. A no host I have this year been raised, Play-De decorated to represent; a large
grouna inrector vera Gllmorer' "eior wmcn me musicians
swa u numoer passing them In-1 " ""8
no admission
uvu m i uriTcu oy n.. u. oia- - ' . - - " vw. tucaiea a auccessiui campalsn. i
pies, 1125 Hoyt, turned turtle on aBed by SUnford university. She Hams arrived Saturday from du- Those passing the Red Cross be- mm n 1 ,
the Dallas-Salem highway about teVtu,dy,m ' "l! cen ties at Ft Bliss, El Paso. Tex., to glnners' examT at Leslie wereV PIITl RtlYlflc Col
two miles west of West Salem. tept ' ont eight months, In the visit his mother, Mrs. Nellie a Gordon Cota, Robert Gimham W UVUQS OHIC
Results Gratify
r . r- . - - i .. : :
Keuner suples nor another occu-K, ? i"",ocs ut wna uunce, i wwiams. Me wm go as a rep- Lewis MUler, Jimmy Taylor,
pant, D. E. Whiteside. 250 Cen- au currenuy wun resentauve oi tne tn corps area ueorgs Haiverson. Ernest Skaiton.
ter, brother of Mrs. Williams. I "r11 znsln. ROTC team to the national rifle Edwin Becker. Allen Miller. Bob-1
were badly lnlured. I o.i. . I match at Camp Perry, Ohio, Aujr-1 by Tarn Eaton. Blllv Schieman.l
" i a; as. xxi l qsih. mainii ivx w ws rvt i si i . " - t
. rst",05wtemM"- satasrs -a hai Aided by
x . . .. . , . .i oum ricniomtm nurt v. i v. wn.- i. umbw .
yesieraay oy city ponce inciuaea cf the Kansas .i7 J I rwMIs rrgmniw-numerous i Dy Robert 8. Mack. Alden Sund-I iiisher PtiVm
Tumi w.ri rst oh ttti, vv 01 V?6 naS State society, With Tiolationa of tha no nsTklns- ra. ill xv.. el rAfaf BB.n? I aTlCeS fPOm
fTr oTeVatlon mot' vnlcle SS Jt on A " 11.
without an operator's permit; Ray u.r.T?anL W entrancelead. lln, Robert CrossWr. ifiRta
u. Bnieias, 60s soutn istn, for tne Columbla r p.,' "r Biem wff?" Bc RS, :
Public Selling
of Thrill Show Here
Is Drawn up
H. G. Maison. air show chair
man of the American Legion 1939
Convention, Inc.. sponsoring the
1939 Oregon
air tours, sched
uled to visit Sa
lem on Thurs
day, August
10th, a nnoun
ced late yester
day that plans
for contracting
the majority of
flying talent to
be featured in
one - half hour
thrill show had
been cnmnlAtAA
Maison reoorted that rr pi
W. Sharp of Klamath Falls, chair
man of the Oregon state board of
aeronautics and president of the
1939 Oregon Air Tours, Inc., with
other members of the tour execu
tive committee, had anthnriwt
D. Greenwood, stata
rIr"' BOUl? "in I0t the Columbia river near Porti-nT L. ' fT . "'.?lr .v! Rogers, Richard . insistence or Governor Charles r-"Tr:r..rnB. Iormw
xauure to stop against a rea I p,. ,v wjum u twyuii u wkiuv, gars Ann Ohllna- and I a. opragus and the 1939 laHsia-l vv v4 ywNonu, stunts.
lisrht; anil Thalia I. Vrr nn mo Bveni wui inciuae area clear of antomohlles. I Jnn Rnnif.n " tnn i.,t i-- -in.x- V.: . . I maneuvers and axhlhitlnna k
Wfllamlna Water Sought The
Pacific Plywood corporation, Wll
lamlna, seeks to store 32 acre feet
of water from the south fork of
the Yamhill river for a log storage
Agatha Willems. 13, at a local
hospital July 20. Survived by par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. .Bern hard B.
Willems ot 1063 Third street.
West Salem; brother, Waldo B.
Willems; sisters, Mrs. Hulda
- Dick of Minnesota, Mrs. Bertha
Fadenrecht and Miss Margaret
Willems, both of Colorado. Ser
vices will be held in the Menno
nlte Brethren church in Dallas
Wednesday, July 26, at 2 p.m.,
under the direction of the Clough
Barrick company. Interment I. O.
O. P. cemetery in alias.
' Mattson
Bertha Mary Mattson, 80, at the
residence, 2214 North Front
street, July 21. Survived by a
daughter, Mrs. Anna Peterson of
8alem; sons, M. C, Andrew and
Peter Mattson, all of Salem, J. C.
of North Dakota and John of
Minneapolis, Minn.; brother, N. C.
Jenson of Wisconsin; sister, Miss
Elsie Jensen of New Jersey.
. Twenty grandchildren also sur
1 vive. Funeral services will be held
from the Clough-Barrlck chapel
Monday, July 2, at 1:30 p. m.
Interment City View cemetery.
Rev. Irving A. Fox will officiate.
At the residence, 1625 Center
street, July 2Z, Lizzie M. Sisk,
aged 83 years. Resident of .the
Methodist Old People's home for
the past iVt years. Survived by
two daughters, Mrs. J. H. Stofiel
of Eugene and Mrs. Anna Cush
ing of Eureka, Calif.; brother,
Johnston Moore of Arizona; ' a
sister, Mrs. Anna Simpson of
Pennsylvania eight grandchil
dren and ten great grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held
from the W. T, RIgdon company
chapel Monday, July 24 at 10:30
a.m. Committal services - at Mt.
Crest Abbey Mausoleum. Rev.
George H Qulgley will officiate.
Tuti-. I .v.. i . ..B. . . I manenvsrs an I a.hivii- .v
a j. i . .. I ow m, cuuwiu. iwimminr inii . I w . . - .v. mio n-. .
i.ur miicKBui coninDaiins 10 u danrinr Tit,,. 71 IZ I T . I auuiy ueguuera rasa i revenue Donds be sold at nubile I , . uur wuwetor i;ari cur-
delinonencv nf a minor. pancing Invitations to the day- Building Permits Issued yes-1 Bealnners' iamT , sale ratw i..J f. ",c Ue. of Albanv.
- Ion ??tto re tnded to aU terday by the city building inspect The talent so far contracted for.
Lnts Florist 1278 N. Lib. IM1 ;WB .r Km", and to tor were permits to I. L. Snyder, passed by Bud CamnhXn nilv one nubile ntiiitv iZJEFZJZ. Tex Rankin and his
I UID rlHTB Vl.ltln 0 f I ,A B 1 , A H . A . WJtT I a. A I . . - - la . . - ' -t r 1 1 W A M j. . .. . . .
... ui i "i""' s MKitm, Monaia spenee. Nell Km. I mg to lniormatlon received at I wvu according to Mai-
the Pacific northwest. 1695 Yew, 350: end Mrs. Julia linens. Bernard p rf ?; UxecntlvT ' 64 at tne son. and will embrace a full iw
Salem's exclusive floor coverlns MAJ.v T5?L? dweUln Clarke. Lellah May, Joan Smith, I Reports, received by Governor Sl?n! h?"r-oma,iee of
store. Elfstrom-Humphrev Co opence, uiona Parker, I Prgne indicated that the best ATu . . manea
"Umpnrey Co. y5 ''t Joan Williams, Wan-''er received at private sale by I If v neJ recognized top rank
v.iu.1 x.. . I Girl Burned Jerry, two-year-Ida WaMhj m " I m n...... t I members of tlm Hniinmnl i
?.n.'JS SsSJer0; IUed Uh r" 3Tl ViE ffittorxr.xi'iS ,7 Eea'nor SmftJ Strict w Hfe'r 7 ceS 00.11.0
the state engineer here. I a r: , .t. : . 1 1974 North 4th, sustained second Adelma Jan tv. u... v.,,.- I hnnda At ..mi. .. .vri..;.: I George BormeL Dick Rankin Pnt.
. cuua ui me M.teid-ft. hnma f th hlna and lera I T -.77 .-"7t I - '-'" ""i" uistrici I ww, ' --j ' " "
iisn comminsinn fn cr I . . t ' " i, naroara Kietc. Tn i receivea an oner or sx far iu m i t uorouj uar-
i ,v. ----- v-, w,- WDen gne accldently upset a perco- Ann Mvra an ti- -mini'Z ennt tv. ri aen.
D..'' " 2." J?HL ? Utor Frid.,. Sh. tre.U4 b, 0U bw-T.ff.rSSl iMiSua hZ?iih . ''- f lt tarn, ,.ctd
w tBjwieo. ine ion arniM wre Orchard Uelehta Outuut Tne I u" vv. nvo V """ I air Tnn .
said to have been purchased at Luther Stourlpfmie gVouwUl TJe
Astoria in connection with 5 il JJt Lnn nrkLr A ?.hkl.. HageU. Bill Lock- peop es utility district has Ti" 2. L,p-?1Bredb?r.
f.Meservir re,Ue"ted brta Bb WUford, Har- ture were right when tHE "der A' dIreCt Char'
table service. old-Fisher. Albert Edwards, Her- WTenue bonds of ttese NAA, ?Ternor' Robert
Swimmers Robbed Les Car- jj ""as, sob Austin, Don Stew- Projects be sold at public sale," . . uAuna
ter8a!urwereUeved ' Jfifi i"00 con-
pf their pocket hook, and some A J2tkj P2S!ln!?2! -t.ed tSJS'SS. JtT
Karkedar hi e swS Thnrsdathe a,rDort dur-
SRiverlafe'Fridnle district bond, at S.?.. "I. husi-
ol.w joy itanaall and Ruth I priTaie 1 1 " u mia tnnuing
h nwavxfa i ui am v a ... vvulobl hi m v srsr ss f Aanti m f.i
nnh o ir, r t I . otiMi-i iciDK me uonneviiie ad- u - - - w0v-Uy yiCiure
vvuuit ilCf . ATA. v A. I Th Aba . I w- . ... I UJr KDinr Tfl T n A S1nnA J.l
Thornhiu will a h Toa TAnan; I t 1 11 intermediate "11Ui0"""n uecai nas Decome as- ArV . Ar . waKtne
clurNo" de ied- Gerald -A. Private utility in fL! i tSS: ,Thn ?e
t "T.. :.7r: "l. "7-1 i-inaen Watts. WUI lam wBnmgton. IITV-"""" " ior i:ao
night at 7:30 o'clock at the Leslie Thofn 7 1!",.,?;.'..0.00
-uui, jauiicent
Evenden, Loretta Garrett, Corrine
Gill and Patty Moore.
"Salem" Test Passers
.v.Th "Sa.le?" test, which was
m oia ea cross beginners' test
was passed by:
lnS?waw' Co. Lewis
Pabco Roofs. Elfstrom Co. Pb 9 2 31
Residence Necessary Members
of county public welfare com
missions must be residents of the
county in which they serve, At
torney General I. H. Van Winkle
ruled Saturday. The opinion was
requested by Frank S. Sever, de
puty district attorney of Multno
mah county. In connection with
the appointment of a Clackamus
county resident as a member of
the Multnomah county public wel
fare commission.
Shower curtains with window
drapes to match all new pat
terns. Better Bedding Store, 115
N. High St.
Will Meet Students - Prospec
tive and current students of the
University of Oregon, and parents.
are Invited to attend a meeting at
the YMCA Tuesday night at 7:30,
at which time John Dick, presi
dent oi the associated students
and Elmer Fansett, alumni secre
tary, will show colored movies of
the various courses offered at the
university. -
Kenwood Arondae virgin wool
blankets, 72x34. All colors, $9.50.
Better Bedding Store, 116 N. High
10 o'clock Deadline City Play
grounds Director Vern Gilmore
yesterday asked public coopera
tion In keeping the playgrounds
clear after 10 o'clock at night.
V' Gray ;v.;r v,;
Wallace E. Gray passed away
at local hospital Saturday, July
22 at the age of 1. Late resident
of 1191 Ruge st. West Salem. An
nouncements later by the Clough-
IJL J STL . If If r, I a
0LS0II, Florist
Court & High Ph. 7166
WHjf othxss ran. i sr
Chincis rtmadiss. Amnio t SUO
CKS3 for 000 yssrs la OHIHA
Mo matter with what silmant raa
sro arUCTXD diaordrrm, il
saaitis, heart, lusf, lirer, kidsaj,
tomaes. gaa, contipitioB, aleors,
disbctls, rhasaiatiani. sail sa4
bladder, taw. skla. teaalo sosf
Oiarlie Chan
Chinese Herb Co.
S B. rOBt, I MM!
sraeUes u Csiss. ,
Otfiea koors S to
f. ss. sxespt . Sas
sy so Wsasssdsy.
to 10 a sl
IMF. Ooait St. Saiom, OtO ;
F. C. Smdnicka Named in
Divorce Suit Is not
Bronco Bagter
.The Frank C. Studnicka, named
yesterday as defendant In a di
vorce action filed in circuit court,
is not tne iormer world s cham
pion bronco buster, but a relative,
wa xearuea oaturaay. stua
nlcka Is a prominent resident of
ws otayion region. "
Divorce decree was Branted h
Judge L. H. McMahan today in
the case of Dora vs. Guy Ray, and
the plaintiff given title to house-
uuiu inrniiure, ss & a month ali
mony for two years, and restora
tion of her former name of Dora
Bacon. The decree further pro-
viues mat tne aeiendant la to pay
all outstanding bills contracted
.vbuot, vi we maniai relation'
Circuit Court
Aoolonia Bentlar va ntv-i r
Lee; answer to the amended com-
Vuiui( lays oiame for the accident
on the alleged negligence of the
yiuuuit, cf
Alton D. HurleyWolng business
as the Capitol Dairies, vs. the Ore
gon milk control board; plaintiff
has filed another complaint, this
time asking that defendant be re
strained from enforcing provisions
under order. M and 102 of the
ooara in regard to the Salem milk
ueorge A. and" Thelma Ray
mond vs. Shell Oil company; no-
ui i iieai nas oeen tiled by
defendant from a Judgment of
13000 and 173.35 costs. Under a
aupuiation tne company Is given
to and Including September 15 to
w ii uui oi exceptions.
Jennie Nelaon v
COmOlamt for Ai-vnr flloj ii
- . w. oun-
In rr . a .
v uci iia innuman treatment.
x uuuim as as custody of a child
and 25 a month support money.
They were married at Eugene Sep
tember 5, 1927.
Charles DeGulre vs. J. E. Hend
rlckson; and action filed asking
9419.25 for alleged damages to
a truck and trailer and their loss
of use as result of an accident
he states occurred on the
T mlle from Salem, July
19, 1937.
Prohnte Hnnrf
t,fp0? the ardlanshlp of
Philip Whitlock Barrett and Mar
garet Willard Barrett has been
filed by Marian Alice Barrett In
the former guardianship the
guardian shows that the ward haa
J-1, U majority and that
SZ45C.34 Is on' hand for him. In
the latter $2438.19 la on hand
and an order allows withdrawal
of 1500 for education of the ward
during the coming school year.
Estate of Lloyd Hilleary; Doris
H. Pleser has filed her final ac
count as administratrix showing
all of the estate fully liquidated
and no assets in the estate to meet
certain other claims which have
been filed.
Estate of H. D. Lee; Elolse
Cabot Lee, as guardian ad
mem for Margene. Betty Lou,
and James Newton Lee, has filed
answer in probate consenting on
their behalf to sale of certain real
Estate of Maude A. King; C. B.
Anderson, B. F. Terry and M. C.
Gunderson have appraised the es
tate at 11014,
Estate of Mary Forrette; iup
plemental final 'account of Clar
ence Forrette as executor shows
$27.75 additional received' and
disbursed; final hearing Is set for
August 21.
Estate of Adolph A. Englebart;
order ot settlement has been filed
In probate by W. F. Perlich, ad
ministrator, the estate having re
ceived 1750 from the Pacific Grey
hound lines as result of the death
of deceased at Commercial and
Lefelle streets last February 1.
The deceased was riding a bicycle
when struck by a bus. The bus
company has denied all iiaiitv
in the matter,, but accepts terms
ot settlement.
' Justice Court
Wesley L. Fry of Bend, contrib
uting to the delinquency of a
minor boy. Pleaded not a-nlltv
trial set for 2 p. m. Monday. Held
In default of $500 baiL Arrested
by city police.
Marriage Licenses .
Rodnev Wlnatnn 99
Medford, and Melba Riopelle, 24,
librarian. 1577 Court at a
Salem. "
Porter Dohnll 9.9 atnAn ear
North 15th. and Carol riw'pm.
ter, 19, housekeeper, 1455 Sag
inaw, both Salem.
Victor Point
Folk Return
C. F. Doerfler hav rAtnrnol
from a Week's trin tft innttiarn
and eastern Oregon, visiting the
J. J. Doerfler. at Powell -Butte
en route home.
Mr. and ;Mrs. C. s nnarn.
Mr. and Mrs T r tr---.. j
- - .oua utu
family drove to Rldgefield, Wash.,
to visit Mrs. Doerfler's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Laws. The
trlD WaS mad A tn hrlna- .
registered Guernsey bull calf in
an exchange between Laws and
Kreni. -
Be Honest
We will honestly tell you.
whether or not you need
glasses to eliminate the
possibility of future se
rious eye trouble.
Optometrists .
444 State St. Ph. 5528
Methodist church.
Officials to View
Highway at Bend
Members of the state high
way commission will leave here
Tuesday for an inspection tour of
the Century Drive secondary
highway extending from Bend to
mix lakb. Approximately 20 miles
of the road Is to be Improved.
The state highway commission
originally appropriated $50,000
ior inis worst, but the federal
bureau of roads later held that
the program was not in comnli-
ance with government regulations
ine mgnway commission la now
attempting to work out a new
The commission will retnm to
aaiem weanesaay night.
thrill show
o'clock Thundav aftern
it. . .. -
wui oe aviation activity carried
uii a 1 me iieia an day.
Her Life's Just - Dream
Censidevecl doomed by doctors nearly a year ago. eBcephalltis victim
aucai xvcaruim, -year-oia uucago "Sleeping beauty," - alum
bers ea 1st her dream world while her parents continae to hope that
some day ber occasloMUy opew eyea will gleant with recognition.
News Letter FourMen Handed
Prison Pardons
Mi5 GHalv, & AMP PIONEER, July 22As
muiririe't Skelton. Alien Milted Scouts , will move in for a two Conditional pardons were issued
JSSlJSSL Xl ?r.l0L,' !L 5am by Governor Charles A. Sprague
loiei RiianVir ' wno are m 1 att
wiet Biischlt, camn will bom a nnn ti .
ipoia. char- . V . .u,."uuur ion countv:
- ii
son April 7, 1939, to serve five
years for robbery by force and
violence, not armed with a dan
gerous weapon.
STfiy" ,?fer. Overly LeboM camp. .W.1U . .ho1? Court of Honor lo Mnntv.
simm. ?. JclUin DaTl. Darin ai wnicI "e Honors and the ad- " morrow,
aimmona, Betty Jean John Ttoh.. vanrempnt m,i, k. I Multnomah mnnt, n j t-
tSLffSJSTS JSftZ b? PbHcl77ecVg- Charles Gaslin. Washington coun-
ers. Mary jansSrt?' L1 nl.z!d- Because of the small group
f.? J!'" Gibbons, Pegy Bur- i yB and the large camp staff , Corbin was received at the pen
Bmv Mf.8 Widdows, Elste Douglas, advancement has been more rapid itentlary here September 5, 193C
iil iv. eve7 Faith Krueger. tnan usual. j to serve 10
viwhwmiLa thi n3J b08 JiU 80 Into camp robbery, armed with a dangerous
berger. Gloria Langdoc. DarleVnCt thls,. Snna7 nd Bty tw O weapon.
n v7tt laZ Stores Petr- weeks. ThU approximates the Morrow received a sentence of
"" "arisen, uon Crosby. Bill Aiinhnw i. . - - "v"o 1 vu a, X3 0B, ior a Btatutorv Or
Don KnlKht. Kenneth Turner. MmZn Lh.large nmer that attended ffense. utory oi
Ri. o ya 01nser, Nell Emmons. we numoer of boys Gaslin was received at the nrt
Bernard Perman. Donald rnark. k Who have attended Pan. r 1 !.. ',ea l lne P-
SrSShTSSL M-Y'i"k: m exceed f&t'rtS
Williams. Auda Rich Vhwlnta BeS? 2wer r5aT' BesIde this there has
Droth18- nia Wooidrid The boys who will go "into camp ..t" "e men are to leave the
la"-JHn. stoweii, Betty lire James Smith. RicS.M WfJ?? tate under provisions of the
. -aws, arnara Kiets. Lou S, ruce neison, OI
T.3fer: William. en Smith, Bniy Russell. .Ernie
t JSt PeJhow Jack Murphy, ci If- Miller, Dan Fry. Walter jTri
Shrock, Walter InnanJ Bob son W.. n-TlJwVSL!1..11"
"uiora, Harold Fisher anrt vjt l7 . ' vwa, mem MOr
wjHeSiS ?onhBo'b aK. J1 3' Charles Gehlen.
iawiuT. Marnart ran XKrii r - I cud jncnflii. . hah t Aa-s.
Sri"? KZ Reinhart, "DeanThomas.T Byron
pert, Jerom Moshbersrer. FTnw.r IRav nAV wr.- J. .
Brown, Bob Hotchklss. Albert KnrVll VnV , , oe SVrmiCK,
Bill AnaHn tm-5..,STt Hnlell lAllan Allet. Bob TlarV PaW t '
W Iffite 525 ! that not i
r"Randalla KZ" ? l ?0! fO
State Patrolmen
. Nab 659 Autoists
State tXOOnera arroato (at
during June with fines of $6367.
Charles P. Pray, awnn;!;
01 t police anounced Saturday
2?iTf!2L r"ts were for
drunken drivlnr. There aa
arrests in the general law en-
,w,ww aivision with fines ag
gregating $1396.83. r
Nlnety-one persons were arrest
ed for gams code violations and
viWtionriunieraai I,8,iin code
and corjmjiErjcs
boys from Start on nii . t'v..
- Repaired
Extra Pact Service' '
Credit Jewelers Optldaas
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Herbal remedies for aflmettts
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