PAGE THIRTEEN Personal -1 mcM on This Page Situations Wanted WanteoV Miscellaneous Money to Loan Money, to Loan For Sale Used Cart I For Sale Real Estate For Sale Used Cart For Sale Used Cart The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Blornin , July 23, 1933 DRESSMA1C. MRS, Adsltt Ph. (2(1 4ssshaaasan - a.-. riVivvvvyrwAAnjv SHIRTS. FINISHKu, 12c; Iron 1U hr. 7318. - ... , , - HR. WORK. exp. Tel. UH. DAT WORK, craning, Vfth1n Ironlnr - Kxpw 25e boor. Pboo f2fc m n ii .ru"ui-'irvnsfXjjLrLCr r COUNTER WAITRESS. Exp. M30 GIRL, IS WANTS work raring for children dny or eveningv. Ph. 739, KAN AND wire want rarteh work. Bo 0, A bra ma Ave, (Capital I. WILL. CARR for children. 10c bi TI4 N. Church, Ph. 7340 between 5:3 7:30 p. bi. ee WWMWMWWMMWWWWM WILL. GIVE -jrour children Hood can in my home, $25 p mo $l tor two. Ph. 8958. : FIRST CLASS hsekpr. for bachelor or widower. Box 1212. Statesma n. - Auctions MRS. CLARA BORREUO'S FURNITURE AUCTION. Wednes day. 1 :30, 145 Marion St. Living room, bedroom, dlnlnir room furniture. Rrgs - misc. bouaehold furnishings t-rm cash. The owner are moving to Walla Walla, Wash, so everything n.ut be Bold. See Tuesday's paper for more detailed list. "Rubs' Woodry of the Kssh Furniture Co, auctioneer. For Sail Miscellaneous Blkt-s A Rep. Kamsrit-n. MI ft Ub REBUILT AND guaranteed nh am All makes from II up. Spec. Kay UK 835. Hmcii Bros. ADDING MACHINES, typewriter! cash registers, scslea aalea, rental, re pair. Roen Typewriter Ex 454 Court CASH rOR used fum. Ph. kit. FILMS DEVELOPED. I. print and 2 enlargement, 25c. Cola only. Qual ity Picture Co. box 3573, Portland. DAT OLD and started chirks, fryers Also peat mon fertiliser. Ph. I3SF2 Lee' Hatchery. P. s. .TRIED SEARS retain order desk yet I They II tmv It SEARS ROEBUCK CO. TRAILER HOITSK. Covered Wngoe or trade for lot. 1870 N. Cottage. I GAL. ICG cream cans, like new --Cheap. Phone 5814. W ATKINS PKOD. 1725 Mad. 705 I39 SINGER VACUUM rleanct. ro tary brush type. Alro hand vacuum with all attachment. Sacrifice foi cash. Ill No. Uberty. downstairs apt NOW WRECKING Ore. Canning Co. warehouse at Woodburn. Lhr fot ale cheap. Inc siding, ahiplap. 2x4'e 2x('s, 2x12 a, (x(s. . See man on lob USED LAWN mower. $3. 144 D St FILMS DEVELOPED. 2, prints 'ten good negative, Zac. Coin only, port- land Film Co., box 4213, Portland Ore. USED KELVIN ATOR refrigerator 133. ' Good Housekeeping Inc., 45 -Court St. - , - WE ARE now 'recording orders fot our famoua highland tree rlnene non-Irrigated Slappy canning peaches to he ready for dell v. about August 1st Puritan Cider Works, West Salem DISTILLED WH. vinegar for art pickling parpoaea. "Keeps your pk-Ue krisp." Also pure apple rider vinegar .Pur. Cider Wks.. West Salem. Ph. 542 REFRIGERATOR, GENERAL Elec. 7 cu. ft f. top. $175. 2iJ3 E. Nob HU1 -PC. BEDROOM suite: walnut bed dresser, chiffonier, boudoir lamp, coll spring, cotton mattrenn. bed !ami- bed spread. Complete, $49.75. Pay $L0O down. Cohn Bros. Fum. Co., 05 N Liberty. BEST BUT In cacti. 18c: large one 25c. V loins 50c dns. P.insiea 35c do. . Blnegars, Pen 4 Cor. BALED OATS veti-b la.y. M O. Hatteberg. Rt. 2. Silverton, 1 mi. N. W of Central Howell store. eeeeeMeMrfMMMi.MMMMMM FILMS DEVEIjOPED. t print and hand colored enlargement. 25c. Coin Oregon Picture Co., box 4292, Portland EXCELLENT. PIANO for cash. $50 145 Parrlsh. Sunday before noon. ARMY WALL tent. 225 S. 14th. CLOSING OUT used radios: 1 Ra dlola. 1-MaJestlc console, good condi tion. $.5. Colin Bros.. 205 N. Lierty fesSasssBSSaasksaassSaesasBaaks4a H H. P. HEAVT-DUTT jommerclat Kelvins tor refrigerator compressor A-l condition. 1 l-cu. ft. Kelvins tor cabinet wltr colL i 1-Refrlgerator coil for large commer cial reach-In cabinet." First party with $100.00 takes all of the above equipment. TEATER AND RUSH CO. 255 No. Liberty Street Phone 431 1 2-PC LIVING room suite, complete $49.75, Indodlng davenport, chair, end table, mirror, scarf, occas. table, lamp shade. 9x11 felt base rug. Pay $1.0 down. Cohn Broa. Furs. Co 20 N. Uberty. .. - -r AIRSTRM. -TRAILER. 555 Marlon sseaesssssssasissassas GRET. SQUIR. coat. 3050 Capitol X USED TIRES and tubes -p1y t.09niix3J, reasonable 2475 s. Sum LATE MODEL Fairbanks-Morse re frigerator bargain for cash, 4tt N, Winter. - ' , x-' vi. -.: i USED ELECTRIC White Rwtarv aewlng machine, bargain. SEARS-ROEBUCK A CO. REAL SALE prices now Nash- Fur niture Co.- cash terms traia targe stock Get our prices we'll save you money. Make an offer. Trade Miscellaneous .. WANTED SMALL business. WUt trade acreage near Silverton for whole or part. Wat assume. , Box 55V, Statesman..- .- ADV ERTISINO Western AdTertlsiac . : ... RepresenUtiyea Geom r- Close. Inc. ':-v;- Saa Fraociaco, Lorn Angeles. Seattle Eastern Adrertlsioc . i : Rcpresantatlrea i-&k- Bryant, Griffith Branson Inc. Chicago, Kew Tork,- Detroit, " Boston. Atlanta V . ' aarerad mt Iks Pfo7c mt Calam Oregon, ca Sseoad Closs Matter.- Pna- litked every mmiuo eweewt afesdaa Bsslaes mlfvem tit South Commercial Strtet. r - ' - - - - -:t SUBSCRIPTION RATES t51 Mail Subscription Rales la Ad vase. Within Oregon : ' Daily an aunoay kto. as cents: a Mo. $t 5; Ma. (2 50 1 roar $S.. Elsewhere 60 cents pe 14. or $. ' for 1 year In wdvsnce Per copy cenls.' Newsstands t rents r rite Carrier: rents a month . 17.2 a rear In advanca in Masioa jacent coMnue , WANTED USED fun. Ph. till OLD WOOL .wiartcresa. Tel. ttft.- CASH TOR used furniture. Ph. 4)111 WANTED USED thrashing machine. It or 22 In. cylinder. .Bos 11 8. Statesman. WANTED COMMERCIAL bom atitcblng machine. Ph. tall. PAX CASH tor -late model wood range, 20 Mahrt Ave, Pen 4-C MiwelUneoiis DENTAL PLATES KK PAIR ED TWO HOTTR SERVICE DR. RARRT KEMI.ER. HENTIST Corner State A Corrnnerrtnl Ph t1' Wantd Furniture "WTO, FURN. Ph. 7445, R. Forgey For Rent Rootm RMS KOH Indies N Cotiaee Pn 8(71 FINE SLEEP room. (31 N Church HOTEt SALEM ENJOT HOTEL service A conven lence. Attractive weekly or mo. ratee BSEMNT. SLEEP, rm., (53 N. High. Room and Board APPRECIATE GOOD men Is T Kiev heme? See Ma Bowen. (05 N. Uberty RMS. WITH ot without board R A R 1090 N. Snmmer Ph. 4tl NrCE ROOM, twin bed. Hose state house. 1J2T Court Ph W4 saaWaSaSiAarfVSMSWrfSaWBaWSAsaaAsa R1L, t2.t. RD.. M.75. tarty. T2II BD. a RM. 14 Court. Ph. 3. TBL. BOARD. e.xc. food. C50 Marion For Rent Apartments S RM. NKW1.T turn Heat, wale refrlg. bath tdults l N Cot t as I TO 4 RM apts fum or unfnrn.. f and up. Inq 1210 South 12th. SEE FISHER apt. Modernised newly decorated and roomy You'll delighted Oak and S. Commercial. COOL 1ST floor J-rm t Ferry 2 2 R APTS Furn onfurn l to $40 Rnval Court Ph 29S2 NICELY FTIKNISHF.D. 7 North Ctimmerrtal St. clos I R. $12 SO IR IIS 86 l Center i R. FURN . prL hath. 545 Court S 1 OR 2 RMS- 27 S. Church. 1 R-, kltVtte. close tn. 12 Water ii 1, i f-i r rtrii- n. Lrijxnrijiji.r yinv STRICTI,T MODERN J-rm. furn. or unfurru. Th Pevwaux. P SMALL APT, adults. 77 Sa Com-l FURN. 2 rm.. bath. 1S11 N. Uberty 2-RM. FURN. ant., hot water, gar washer. $12 and $15. Tel. 204C. FURNISHED APT., clow In. large, plenoant ronm,, 674 N. Church 3-RM. FURN. npt.. hath. 570 Union .VAC HAW. Ct.. 10f No. Onltol 3 RM. FURN.. frlsrtd.. heat, water are. Tel. 24. 2073 Falrsronnfl' Road. VERY DES1R. S rm. fnrn. all-mod em apt.' with garage. $30. Ph. K41S MOD. FI'RN. 3 room rottaae. F-rtge- water Court. Elec. ref.. giir . $?5. 41 BEATTTIFUI.l.T FITRNtSHED 9-rm corner apt., ilie Manor, si Ijcsi'" Street. 3 RM. FURN. apt., pri. mth. refrig adults. S So. Summer. S AND 2-RM. apts. Priv. hath, lights hot water, washer. 253 Leslie.. 2 RMS, A W.. $1S. 2 ran., UW., SIS. 5 rm duplex. 3 bdrms., unrurn. except rang. tIS. Ph. 7113. PATTON APTS., 322 State. Fur- nished.' Adults only. Ph, 214. 2 ROOMS. PRL bath. 4S2 Marion. S-RM. APT., refrlg.. automatic heat, $23. 255 S. 14th. A1jo mod. -rm. hse., $40 tond mod. -rm. heM $.n. Dial 86.12. evenings. 32(4. For Rent Houses FURN AND UNFURN. HOPSES H. P. GRANT. 529 Cnnrt. Ph. 1744 5 R. HOITSE. PARTLY fum.. $20 385 Madmna Ave Salem Heights. FURN. MOD. home. Ph. SSt. FURN. AND UNFURN. rOUSES. R. A. FORKNER. 1858 N. CapiioL FURN. COTTAGE, couple only, $37 SO. 837 3i. Commercial. MODERN COUNTRY home of t acre, tor rent or less : on Crolsan Creek road. Ph. J7. t R. UNFURNISHED, strictly mod new. 352S N. 7th St. sakslssasaasaaaaasaaajasa C R. MOD.. N. SAI.KM. Ph. 4220. ATTRACTIVE NEW 4 rm. onfurn hse. In court. Itrlrtly mod. Adurta. Ph C5SS. BEDRM. FURN. hse. gar. Newly decor. Close to high and grade schools 125 to reliable people. Phone 7184. 7 RM. MOD. dwelling. Falrrroum Hill. S42J. u II acres with good 8 rm. dwl. near Uawrty, 81 7 JO. 7 rm. owl and-garage. i. S rm. fum, alley cottage. $22.80. IVAN G. MARTIN. Tel. -4419 4 RMS.. BATH, gar, tit. Ph. 7113 f ROOM HOUSE, newly finished, on Brey Ave. Tel. SS 2. I UL .ROUSE. 3 blka, Leslie nigh. Furnace, ssr. Ph, 40f2 Ino. 174 8 Church. t RMS- ENGLEWOOD rtlsf, . 325.0S rata. dM Lesll schL 0.4 t rraa. fnrn Englewaod . 30.0 Phone 7544., Evenings or. Sunday E RM. MOD. nous and garage, close la: apply Elaine Apts, 879 N. Liberty For Rent Farm 25-ACRE FARM." Phone 1733. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. J8I State Street Inquire room 30a. Tel 3718. DOWNTOWN SHOP suitable for garage or storage. $25. Ph. 19. For Sale RmI Falflte WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF- TOU want to sell exchange tea, rent ee Mr. Larsen with Haw cms at tinnerta.;-?- - - ' i TRADE CIT . property for farm -tawnea. ' Of'port unities in ' excturnweSL : HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC ' t R. MOD. riorsK. basement gr 1 Mk. from Safeway St 847 Saginaw. We Lend You Money WITH RF.PATMENT PLAN-ARRANGED TO FIT TOUR INCOME No Endorsees No Comakers Your Signature Only REPAT ANT DAT TO REDUCE COST. BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLDEST AND LA R( 5 EST INDEPENDENT COMPANT WHERE TOUR NEEDS RE CJC1VE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN 18 aUUKi General Finance Corp. t: So Commercial 8L Lie. No. S-1SI - Pbon lilt First Door South of Ladd A Bush Bank Convenient Ground Floor Location Get SPOT CASH This "PERSONAL" Way WHEN AT HOME A "Personal Loan 24 to J.1W. Easy Terms WHEN AWAT: USE A "PERSONAL CREDIT CARD Good at 2?( orfices. Coast to Coast SIMPLE TO QUALIFY: Come In, GUARANTEED BT- GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE (As advertised tbeieln ) PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor. New Btlgh Bldg. i tit Stat Street. Salem. Oregon i State License Numbers S 122 M-lts LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new w? used cara Private money at new low rates. Immediate action. No red tap. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAT Roy H. Simmons 13t South Commercall Street Phone tlCt Lie No. M-152 FHA LOANS 6 also private loans Abrams Ellis Inc. Masonic Bldg AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 5th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDINtl LICENSE NO, M-159 rVsVs1VssvWsVssVMWVNW What is MONEY SERVICE ? It is I Friendly consultation with profes sionally trained and experienced advisers. 2 Prompt. Courteous, and Ski led f flee employees. 2 A quiet business-like loan service free from red tape, long delays. A confidential understanding at all times. 4 8mall monthly ttayments. SI00 r payable at $.SJ per month. Othei amounts In proportion. & Many ad instable loan plana $30S available on furniture, livestock salary, co-algner. etc $50 avail able on cars; no age limit, IF TOU NEED MONET. SEE US FIRST t-et us explain these anl other KKEE services that go with each loan plan selected. . People's Finance Co. Rm. 201. Klrat National Bank Bide Salem. Oregon -T Phone"44 S IIS State License U IK PRIVATE MONEY to loan at 8 $500. $700, $1500 and up. H. P. Grant. 529 Court St. Finanrial Jfl fjrf WE HAV y L than this tsassa If and inve tu to $5000. WE HAVE never paid tea rate on saving vestment. Insured Mutual Federal Savings ft loan Ass'n Pbon 4944 142 S. Uberty St. Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inoutre at Hawkins Roberts. WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on eood Salem real es ate Will pav ( Interest. W. H. GRABF.NHORST A CO. REALTORS 134 S. Uberty Street ' Phone (4( For Sale Real Estate SACRIFICE NEWLT-BITILT house. Owner will sen this week for sum of bills assigning specifications and de faulted contract. Cull lumber, rtereetive supplies to be returned for damages. 879 No. Cottage. 11(0 Spruce St. NEW MOtj. 2 BR., nice living room hdw. firs, kit., nook, utility rm, ga rage, tot 50x200, good location: phone for. appointment. $3500: very easy teams to responsible parties. New mod. 2 BR. located so. l&tn $2250. terms, small dwn. payment, bal. $20 per mo. 2 BR, with n replace, nnoa. corner lot. only $1800. easy terms. 3 BR, good condition, valuable erees tot. 82500. terms. - 2 BR, large liv. nn.. hardwood floor and fireplace, mountain view, taxes 834. Must be seen insida to be appre ciated: $380. small dn. .payment a, bal ner month. T RM. home N. E. with 4 BR. large lot a real buy at $1750." terms $200 down. baL 825 Including int. Minneapolis. Minn, residence rented for 143 per mo. to trad Tor eiaiem pronertv value, $(68. i Coast property to trade Tor saienv Tacoma. Wash., to trad tor Salem Acreage to trade lor Salem Income property. Good lot hr West Salem, Good Income property, new, $5500 rnnainVr soma trade. 4 BR., new durt, trade for aman acreage. Houses and apts. ror rent, - IS. M. LARSEN REAL ESTATE U. 8. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING PHONE 37tt - EVENINGS 5759 MT NEW 4 room bouse and garage tn fine shape: 3-5 acres, price $1(5 J 3. Huss. 20 Satan Heights Ave. WE HAVE some beautiful view tracts on Klnswood Terraces, on pave ment, Alao tract on KIngwood Height DTtT. -- J R. house, modern, except base went,' Good barn. S cows. Family orch ard.. Balance tn alfalfa : clear. W4U ex change for small bona in West BaJem or Salem. New- f R. modem house except base- meat: paved street good location price 33300, ernod terms. - New garage house of 3 R. ft ahowet hath. Large tot. Price $115. , $S9.0( down.- $15.60 per month. , New ( R. modern hoe, except base ment: paved at, good location. New X R. garage- hen en paving tarn lot. tilt : baL Uke rent 1 acre fust N. E. of Salem, t R houae, barn. Will ax change foe 5 ot more acres or nous tn Salem. -i VOSBORGH-GRANT . . Maaonle Bldg. A SENSIBLE BUT 4 MILES OUT on good road. C acres, near fine school, some iron. room plastered home, barn, poultry house, electric water system, mnnln stream. . Soil sutuble far alfalfa ot peaches. Owner here from California, says sen for $425. Call Mr., Barttett with CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Tbon 92(1 'ksssssssksssasasssjessassassassssassssseks BUSINESS PROPERTY for sale $4000.00. is rented for $40.00 per ma Write Bex 3031. SUtesman. . For Sale Real Estate NICELY LOCATED T rm. mod home, large living rm, full basement Pleasant back yaixt good terms, con sider some trsde. 300 S. 33rd. eeeeeeeMeeeweMMMMMMweeeeee NEW 4 ROOM plastered oous $1. too. $10 down. room house with S lot in iruit berries, $2500. terms. .WEST SALEM REAL, ESTATE 95T Edgewater Pbon 6822 SMALL METAL frame building suitable for off ice or hamburger stand 845 Marion. I HAVE A PARTY that wants to rent a house with three bedrooms. Close in. See Larsen with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC GOOD RM. house, 3 lota Lots of snaae ; garaen, comer, ou. aue on r i contract $1800. WiU sacrifice equity. I trade for- car or lot. Some fine farms will trad for smaller places or city property. These are good let m prove it to you. Fine bldg. lots ft tract will ouua to suit. H. C. Shields, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8903. VACANT LOT on North 17th, close to Market: price $250.00. Vacant lot in North Salem, close in, price $1000.00 ; exchange for residence and will pay around $1500.00 oilier- ence. C room houae, full basement, large I lot. 80x174 : bouse m very good condi tion ; located in Englewood district, price $2(50.00; $300.00 will handle and $25.90 a month. Now vacant. 5 room house, double garage, fine location on So. High, close in ; reduced to $4000.00, liberal terms. S. M. EARLE OR VICK BROS. 208 No. High Phone 9(78. MODERN NEW house on Evergteen Ave, Vt A. young fruit trees A berries . i Immediate possession. Very reasonable I payment tt hal. like rent. Also good house near Morgan Ave.. water system plumbing ; only $2300 very reasonable terms. If you are moving, see me. H. C. Shields, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 802. '$1750 $200 DOWN. $20 MO, well located. M bedroom plast. house. $2250 $300 down. $22 mo, 5-room modern home. HoosesUo sell, $100 down. C. H. SANDERS, lit S. High MSI 4 H. BATH. Plast- oaved. S1400. $100 dn, $20 mo. 172 S. Liberty. 7113. LEAVING FOR higher altitude for health. Wish to sell my ( rm. home of colonial design. Cost $5250 to build in 1933 including lot. For cash would take $3200.00. If not sold by Aug. 15th. will rent for $45.00.. Box 1024, States man. stkictli NEW mod. hse, 4 rms A bath, 2 unf. rms. upstairs; hdwd firs., Venetian bunds, automatic hot wa ter ft full basement. Why rent - hen as little as $425 down ft bal. like rent will make this lovely home yours. Good location. Near Walnut Park, 2295 Brey- man. Call Sunday or after, 3 :30 p. m during the week. WHY PAY RENT? 2 ACRE TRACT with house 20 h 24 feet uncompleted, drilled well. family fruit, lights, 4 miles from Salem, price $1650.00. $50.00 down and $1(.50 per month. 9 hi acre tract with new louse, drilled well, timber, pasture, lights avail able, good road, 5 miles from Salem, price $2200.00. $200.00 down. 10 acre tract 6V miles from Salem I on good road, year round Btream. , good 70 foot drilled well, abun- dance of water, house, IS bv 42 reet umber, pasture. Price szauo 5 acre tract with good well and will xuraisn' iau.uu .01 Duiinina maier- iala for small dwelling, price In cluding well and building material $1350.00, $50.00 down and $ 15.00 Per month, per month. acre close in, fine building site. price $500.00, $25.00 down and $10.00 per month. 2 H acre tract all In bearing cherry or chard, good drilled well, price $1 250.00. $25.00 down and $15.00 per month, ay.ouaee ,ooklnK ,or a . H. GRABENHORST, JR., WITH W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street CLOSE-IN LOT. 75x100. only It blks. from city center. Good dist, near stores ft bus. Offered for below value at $750.00. Call R. A. JOHNSON with, W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Uberty St. Phone (4(9 GOOD BUYS GOOD TERMS $2300 BUY8 THIS 3 rm. modern home wun nooa. Mara wooa iirs throughout, fireplace, furnace tmpatr tiliM vtas4 n.iir anhl $250 dn. IDEAL FOR A COU PLE. $2(30 buys this 4 rm. horn on attra t- Ive cor. lot Basement, sprink ling system In yard, furnace. gar, etc, all In good condition $250 dn. NEAT LITTLE HOME $3150 buys this 5 rm. home near Les lie schL . Moss lawn, furnace, basement, garage, new roof, al in excellent condition. $350 dn A REAL HOME. $3350 buy a this 5 rm. bom wlthstr.- wy. to flrd. attic near Engla- w. Auracuv east ireni Kn, furnace, fireplace, hardwood firs.. nle siseA rnu tS&S Art YOirLL LIKE THIS ONE NICE SURROUNDINGS. Call R. A. JOHNSON with, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 & Uberty Street Phone Mtt e..,.,, - - -i-,-,-vtrinnrii-irmji. COLONIAL SACRIFICE THIS 7 RM. striking colonial home located on cor. lot 72x100 I offered to YOU. FAR BELOW VALUE. Se walnut trees, double garage, double prumomg, , nardwood firs, Venetian Minds, fireplace, completely refmlsbed MeKlnlev aiul I Mtt achls ARSO Shh? ,4?M Call R. A. JOHNSON with, 134 1-ubeShttt,. 108 BT Itt FEET with pavement paid, T VtD T rw V WM . waw m psreawaai u rt. Bi. ;t- Salem: price mcluding pavement -f paid. tt0.t. - - tt by 10 feet with pavement paid, located on Norway street la north east Salem, price $500.00. St by 137 feet located em North SOth 'J street Just off paved street, price . szas vs. . . - - 44 by 104 feet on South Lfrt . . street between Oak and Mission - street, ' pavement and walks, price v $800 00. - - 7 1 St by. 150 feet on Fan-mount Hilt good view, a real bur at tl 000.00 If you are looking for a real buy 'In a residence lot. see Coborn L. Grabenhca-st- with - ' W. H. GRABENHORST A CO '. REALTORS - , 134 S. Uberty Street MOD. 4 RM. ft dinette, foil 'base ment fnrnac A fireplace. $2360. R. A. FORKNER H, T. UEBER 1133 N. Capitol .-rPbooe 3033 33 Days FROM New 1040 Hudsons 1 and n i i racKaras Will Be Here NOW IS THE TIME to make yourself an extra good deal on the leftover , nin m VJof mOQelS. Stock on Hand Packards New 6-Cyl. Sedan Color dark blue 1 New 6-Cyl. Sedan Rivera Special Model. This car has lots of extras and Is extra fine 1 Demonstrator, 6 Cyl. Sedan. Run less than 4000 miles Has large trunk, overdrive, heater ; new car service and guarantee Huds sons 1 Model 112 - 6 Cyl. Sedan. Shadow green color 1 Model 112 - 6 Cyl. Brougham. Dark blue color 1 Model 91 Sedan Bermuda tan color 1 Model 92 Sedan Demonstrator 1 Model 92 Victoria Cpe: a-pass. jewel green coior Usee! C ars See Us for the Best DEAL in Town w . IOUr OWn terms in Tea- son. We meet any unance rate. Sure, we will take ii . j I VOUT Ola Car in trade. 1 ? 36 Packard Suiier O Sed. I x With radio,, heater ft other extra a '37 Packard 120 Sedan Heater, radio new tires '38 Buick Sedan '37 Hudson Sedan '37 Pontiac Sedan '37 Buick Sedan 37 Dodge Coupe i rp l rt Oil eiTapIane L.OUDC I " I 36 Hudson Brousham '37 Plymouth 2-Dr. Sedan 36 Terraplane Sedan '37 Ford Sedan !... w-. . - , 60 rOHtiaC O Cvl. CoUDe I J r "5 Hudson 8 Sedan '34 Pontiac, 2-Dr. Sedan '33 Dodge 2-Dr. Sedan - I to a Til. ,1 I -54 ITlVmOUtn LeOUpe 1 Plymouth Coupe 1 . 711 Packard 7-Pass. Sedan j 30 Hudson 8 Coach 29 Durant Roadster Mot ors, Inc. Hudson A Packard Dealers IXarloo A Polk Countlea . , High at CbmkU Dial I4tt - Opes Svaamfs ' 1 1 1 aay STATE OWNER IN hospital says sell II A about t miles N prae. all m crop creek, no bldga. $800, bo trade. 100 A... 40 stumps, 4 oottom sou, brash, Urg barn, close In. MJIO, terms, or small acreage. Z. J. JACKSON. S41 Stat street t ROOM NEW house, hardwood floors, doable plumbing, 3 Iota, Leslie Junior high district, $4000. Will ex change for acreage. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, REALTOR 477 Court St. Pbon 8524 " - EXTRA NICE HOME NEWLY BUILT i rm., modern. Roaedal Add, $2300. with $200.00 teas to reliable purchaser, baL $3 per ceo. NORTH WINTER STREET HOM. t rms, modern, to close an estate. $3200. S120I cash. baL at 1: this la really a cash sal bat will carry back the balance, to close out. See BV P. GRANT 129 Court Street Ph. 744-$:$0. STRICTLY MODERN new 4-roon. bungalow with breakfast nook and laundry room, 1 acre, close to school. N. of town. $100 down, balance $2 per month Including taxes and Interest- 117 S. High Street Phone $J2 aAMissasasassaAassaas $4750. 8 RM. HOUSE C blka. from high school, modern, til drain board. til noor in batnrm., oouni garage. Trade for smaller house. $1800. 8 rm. house north, bath, ga rage, paving' pd, 8200 down. MONET TO LOAN AT 6 MELVLN. JOHN SON, REALTOR 725 Court Street Phone 3723 BUILDING NEAT S bedrm. home acre, clove in south, $1550, $20 per down pmt. to suit your purse. BUDROW-KASMIR RSAL ESTATE 13 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Phone 5JS5. FOR SALE Lots owned by City $125. to $800. See any real estate man or call 8C32 1(7 S. High Street FOR SALE by owner. ( R. modern home, good location, rent paying tax A I 7 on investment. Priced below cost Call 8271 evenings A Sunday. Exchange Real Estate EXCHANGE WILL ACCEPT lot for equity in a good , room cottage, with base men I ft furnace roorrt"for 2nd house located close to new high school. This is an op portunity for you contract of $2700 to assume. See Mrt. Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 92(1. 24- ACRE FARM to trade for small acreage or house in Salem. 4 room and a 5 room house, barn, chicken house hog house, feed bouse, smoke house tractor shed, - large prune dryer; 12 I acres prunes, 2 acres filberts, II al- nut. 2 cherry. 2 peach. 3 pear, 8 fig. S apples, 4 plums, 3 kinds of grapes. Lo cated at Scott s Mills, call 985 N. Win ter St, Phone 7425 or 8((8. 10 A. CLEAR. GOOD bldga located Oregon City, trade for Salem, sum. 10 A. clear, bldg, located Dallas. Trade for food home in Salem, as sume. 15 A. clear. Good bldgs. Located New- beca -Trade .around Salem, assume. Please List Trades With Us C H. SANDERS-118 S. High 5131 SPLENDID WATER, fresh air. beau i titul view. 5 R. modern. Cascade Drive, paved street, 1 acre, fruit. $3250. Take acreage or grocery for part BaL less than rent. Owner. Rt 1. Box 34. P. 3889 - SaaskaasaaWsaM 4 ROOM HOME near Leslie Junior high, newly renovated, $2250. Would consider exchange for acreage. A cosy 5 rm. horn near Lnglewood school, automatic heat, fireplace in gardens.. Owner leaving Salem. $2500. Modern - 7 rm. house, newly renova ted. In good district will Uke cheap er house -or small acreage v part pay ment Price $1950 WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR 477 Court -St Phone (524. REMODELED 7 RM. house at -45$ i ioiii ou nui mue zor souii noose I north, or a good Jot. For Information, ccnsult Wm. A. Noyes, -Real Estate, 91 f ,.!- a. tlrm . . . .. . . t- p- "l For SaleFarms MR. SMALL FARM BUYER HERE IS what you hav been look ing for 18 acres of the very best soil. Hnclud,nc ona cr ot ennine' bearer i asm onion . uaa, one acre rouna; Mart ing filberts, family fruit, 7 room plas tered house, barn, garage, small pool try house, electricity, all cultivated ex cept small pasture ( miles out. The price ha been reduced to $4309 for quick sale. To ae this call Mr. Bartlett rtth CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 92tL - -- ri in rarwkJTrjsjii FARM BUYS 40 ACRE FARM with building loca ted east of Salem on paved road. good dark soil, some orchard, price It acre 'farm located east of Salem, nest oi park prairie soil, old build' ings, price xi 0.500.00. 143 acres of good soil, 70 acres nnder cultivation, balance timber, or buildings, price $30.00 oer acre. 320 acres wood, stock and grain ranch. I miles from Salem, $12,800.00. ir you are looking for a farm bu let us show you these buys. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. " REALTORS 124 a Uberty Street SHARE OF 45 A. GRAIN FREE SO A. OF FINE farm land near tTan by : all land in crop. ex. 8 A. Elec press, water, GOOD DWELLING, fruit filberts, sacrifice. 11300. H cash, for few days only. H. P. GRANT 829 Court St. Ph. (744-8330. Acreage HOWELL PRAIRIE 40 acres east of Salem on the Uttle Pudding river 25 acre In cultlvtkn,.moat of which is newly cleared bind About 4 acres creek bottom lust right for ladlno clo ver; Irrigation light on all 4 acrea. acres strawberries, 3 acres boysetiber tries, t acres cherries. New 4 room houae. electricity and water system. Tour only -chance to buy land Ilk thl st $125.00 per acre on terms. See Mr Collins with HAWKINS A ROBERTS INC .. ; , - . , - 44 ACRES WOODED building sites $1750 or will exchange for houae. WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE I 957 Edgewater Phone Iftt VIEW. SPRING, fruit, 'acres. good road.: close Salem. $11 00 terms. Several attractive acreages, both tm- proveq: and ttnlmnroved. C H. SANDERS 1 1 8 S. High 5131 ! Wsf4aaaassWBgaaaMasasaaJ NEW t RM. hse, circulating heater bttchea range, $1800.09; am. dn. pmt. bat like rent - It A. 3 rm. hse elect- $1400. tltr an, baL $15.00 per mo, win conaMet some trade.---- ...-.- - --- Chicken ranch. 17 A, elect wate system, t A. fruit big hie, t nl from town, $3500. Easy terms. WIU tak ir hse. ft lot, - v - r RICH L. BETMANN, 1(7 & Hgb St Phone 1(22 3H A. 4tt ML FROM" city center an In fruit A nuts.. ( rm. . house, bath. lights, fireplace, basement, garage chicken bouse. t4tt. , t A. close to, Keixer school A rm house, bath, lights, barn, chicken bouse lamiiv orchard. i4Za. t A. 14 cat from Keiser school, splen did soil, an cult, siza. z .wn. . A. bearing walnuts, I saL east. $ V I see, (toe down. MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 1 120 tourt Bw Pbon 37S3 Wanted Used Cars We Have Buyers for 37 Ford Tudors and Fordor Sedans and will make exceptionally big allowances on these models. .Trade in yours NOW for a new Ford or Mercury. Used Car Special Low mileage 1938 Ford Sedan. Like new. Save over $300 on this bargain. VALLEY MOTOR CO. 20 YEARS OF Used Car Lot - HERB MISSON, BEN Suburban 2 ACRES, C RM. home, living rm.. dining; rm.. kitchen. 3 bedrooms, elec water system, bsmt., . furnace It fire place. Very well located near Salem. Many lovely trees. $4500. R. A. FORKNER Ii. T. TJEBfc-R 1(58 N. Capitol Phone 3031 Business Opportunities STEADY AND reliable man for Sa lem, permanent, year around. Exper ience not essential. Income approxi mately $45 weekly ; requires $275 cash, secured. Apply in person only Mr Cox. Room 427. Senator Hotel. SERVICE STATION ft equipment for sale ft lease. 805 S. 12th. FOR SALE LUNCH A GROCERY on N. Santiam highway featuring light I u n c h e a home baked pie. ice cream, cold drinks. This is In a district of extensive nov't. development. A little mint for the next few years. Picture in our office Call and ask us about It. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9!C1. eeeeeeweeeweevMMMeeeierfweeeeie BUSINESS AND property worth (15.000.00. Sacrifice for (SO00.OO. Write Box 1022, Statesman. POTATO CHIP machine and whole sale route, 8100 down, terms on bal. Box 1214. Statesman. 14 UNIT AUTO A trailer camp. Ex callent location, well equtrped. $5000 cash to hsmtlle. ---- " -j RICH L. REIMANN. 1(7 S. High St. Phone 6(32 MFR. REPR, wants local dtstribu tor for new exci. prod, excL terr. No selling. Start a bus. of your own. See Mr. Stromqulst Marion Hotel. Tues lday, July 25. BUSINESS LOCATIONS 100 BY 100 FEET located on the southwest corner of the Madison and 15th street Just the place for grocery and gas station : here is your chance to buy a business lo cation, price tlaOO.00. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS 134 & Liberty Street 2 APT. HOUSES close in. one with t apts, nicely furnished. Income tilt per mo. : the other 8 apts. priced right MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 72S Court St Phone 3723 CALIFORNIA GOLD snd silver mine. Past production record around $1,000,000. Want to contact capital or reliable brokers. Very attractive prop osition to the right people- S. Mor- iarty , O. C. Wright, P. O. Box 5(7 Redding, Calif. , Lost and Found LOST. NEAR Middle Grove schoo on Silverton hwy, lady's rose colored sweater. Rew. PL ret to Statesman of Transportation WANTED. PASSENGERS to Los Acgeles or San Francisco E. Pierce Rt (, Box 574. Auburn Road. TWO PEOPLE desire-ride to North Dakota about July 25th. Phone 3094 1040 f. ltth St , Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING. Sproed. Ph. SI83 Business Cards la this dlmior rum a monthly basis only. Katet ft per line pee snonth. Auto Brakes Mike Psnek. 275 South Commercial Auto Laundry CARS WASHED. 80c Slmoela cleaned A waved. $2 00, 2(7 N. Church Phon 1958, Bicycles B1CTCI.ES. NEW and reconditioned Harry W. Scott 14t a Comt P. 4SII Chimney, -Sweep TELEPHONE 4 4 St.' R. E. NortWnesa, Chiropractors DR. Ol L. SCOTT. PSC Chlrotwaeior; tit N. High. Tei. Ree. 817. Excavating EXCAVATING OF" all kmda. Pase snenta dug. Dirt hauled or snored. Dlrr for sale. Salem Band and Gravel Ca Phone ttOf. 7 - Florists Brehhaupfa. 441 Cosjrt Phone ; ttt4 Laundries THE NEW 8ALEM WUNHRT THE WEIDER LAUNDRT 8(S S, High . TL13( FRIENDSHIP Marion & Liberty DRAGER. ART HANSON ATTENTION School Districts THIS IS an opportunity for you to obtain a good school bus at half Its original cost. 1927 GMC Chassis and Warn Tran sit Bus Body. Well upholstered, gen uine lent her seats, all steel, all safety glass, and all v other requirements to' meet the new Oregon law. Capacity 30 to 40. Motor completely overhauled. Tires very good. Sale price only $1,500.00. Call or write SKINNER'S GARAGE Medford, Oregon Phone 102 38 STANDARD PLYMOUTH Coupe. accessories., $(00. Ph. Leneve Simkins. Monmouth. 25, or (25 W Main St. Mon. EQUITY IN 1938 Dodge Coupe. 805 a 12th. 37 DODGE TRUCK, fine shape. Cheap. W. E. Curtis, Dallas, Rt 2. 1937 FORD V-2 DeLUXE Sedan- only 19,000 miles; has original tires: this car in perfect condition ; runs and looks like new. A bargain for quirk sale, only $495.00 Phone 4311, or se t 2j5 N. Liberty on week days. FOR SALE or trade cheap, a '33 Pontine Coupe In excellent condition 1 wood range and 2 beds. HieUway Ave- Box 20. i cane north of underpass turn right at Young's Motor Courtel the second bouse left side of etreet For Sale Wood BUlHlET PLAN five months to pay first payment In 20 days. Oag $(.00. ash $5.5. knots $5.50. Old $S n. 2nd gwth, $4.00. W. U Graen. Ph." 5370. Yard 413 N. 21st St NO. 1 It IN. eld Hr. $5 cd. P. (lit. SUMMER PRICES, old fir If at only $4.75 per cord. Order for now or later deL Phone 4 15s., Oregon Fuel Co. BOOT OAK. tt. $(.60; round oak. $( Phone 137F12. 1( IN. OLD fir, $5; knots $4.50; 4 ft 2nd. $3.75. Pbon 945 1. 14 CD. 4 FT. Snd gwth, $3 cd. H mile south North Howell school. Call evenings. Burt D. Eckstein, Rt 1. Brooks, Hayes La blah Farms. Personal LONELTT "WORTHWHILE" sweet heart husband, wife for yon. Bex 75. 1.0a Angeles.' - . X-Ray Free! Why Be Sick? WHEN AN X-ray of the eplne wOl show you the cause of your trouble and Chiropractic win remove the cause. You cannot get rid tf the effect without first getting rid of the cause, and to locate the cause correctly you mnst have an X-rsy. ' Bring this ad to my office ON OB BEFORE July 39. 1939. and ft "Vitl en title you to an appointment for a free spinal X-ray, Dr. Roy S. Scofield PALMER CHIROPRACTOR 404 U. S. National Bank Building . Phone (047 Blattresses SAIJd FLUKS- RUG and Mattress factory.. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade: carpet otswnlng. srslng: fluff rug sresving. a I3tb A Wilbur. TL 1141. OTTO F. KWICK RR KM 1911. CAPITtU BEDllNG'CO. Phone ittt. Naturopathic Physician Drt W. Hi ROCKWKIJ Naturwrath te Pliyskrtan, 3 T9 srrgrssssd Rd. TeL 412 Off ire Hour 11 a, m. tt:l m. FREE EXAM. A CONSULT A TlON. ..' .:. -. , - Pamting - Paiperhanging WR im sf attests iwtattna. TftX PAPERING. PNTG. Johnson, T. SI 8$. ; Printing FOR STATIONKRT earda. pampbleta aeograma hoeka ar any kind of print- ' ng rat The Ftalssman Printing De " part ment. tit t CnmnerrilL Til ohon -tltt - . - - -; Transfer, FOR IwOCAl or distant transfer, ator sg barner oti. can 3131. larmer Transfet Co Trucks to Portland Astly.- INTKKSTATE TRUCKING. Wash. A Oreg. Ph. nrt. : ,: - , ,, Wood ; Sa wing 'i.'. , WOOD SAW. HUke. Ph. 8323. Directory adjaca