The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Mornin& July 23, 1939 VAGU TWELVE - '.-. Slow,' Steady ' Dullness Held Seasonable Factor in Coast Area; y ' Prices Unchanged Hop markets, on .the Pacifjc coast were seasonally dull during 'thVweek ended July l. bnt con tinued to display fully steady to firm tone, according: to the Week ly Hop Market Review of the Agricultural Marketing ' Serriee. Price quoted to growers remain ed about unchanged from those which haTe' prevailed during re cent weeks. Demand from domes tic dealers and Industries for spot supplies continued light since cur rent requirements were mostly be ing obtained from deliveries on contracts and purchases made ear- . Her in' the season. Values on 193 S crop hops were being placed by the Stabilization corporation at 15e pereponnd to the trade. For ' clgn demand continued slow. Crop prospects la' producing districts on the west 'coast .were reported as continuing generally ' favorable during the past week. .- Oregon markets, remalnded practically at a standstill during the period under reTlew.' No sales - of hops were reported In the spot this state and no new : contracts .were written by Oregon growers during 'the period. Values ' on 1938. crop hops remained at about 25c per pound as set by the Stabilization corporation for their holdings of that growth. 1937 and older hops were only nominal and neglected. The" general tendency of the trade in' Oregon including growers, dealers and industries. . was to await official announce- ' menti : of' Individual allotments from the salable quantity determ ined upon for the 1939 crop. Deal ers were reporting around 22c per pound for regular type 1939 crop clusters for future delivery, bnt offerings by producers were light. . Washington markets were dull and inactive. No sales or contracts were reported in the two main pro ducing districts during the past . week. Dealers were reported of - iellngl23e. per pound for 1939 - crop Fugglels in the Pnyallup Tal Mey district but growers. were re " 'ported as mostly holding for: at least 2 Sc. per pound, net. Trade re ports Indicated that considerable . Ike' Infestation has occurred in . the . Pnyallup valley during the : .past' week. - 'California hop markets contin ued rather quiet during the past 'week with no Important changes -In the general situation. ."' " A t. i- ...': v 41. " ; - While on your vacation, keep informed about your capital citv, your state, and the folks borne. .There's no better, way to return from an enjoyable wacation well informed. . . : Dial iP1 ui the' address v . we will see that The Statesman follows and at no ' v j extra cost. ' - ;:' y- - ; ' 7 ' - Stf lemn 11 also give you travel accident protection for tbe small sum of $1.00 per year less than 2e per week. ' . . " : I7oi?"j; : OCT qiflsr . cLL ; , " ... rYou Can Covered for ' ?10,CC3 for loss of Life in rail rczd accident and $20.00 per week" .41 . ?1 C CO for loss of life la ah aotoX c:lllivrcr .tpedeciiBtacnt.' f vlO.C3.pcr week while injured EOrrT.WAIT e :.. tr hte . r i' Call at the Statesman thcae 910L fcr furthw&tafli, . There ere hundreds-, who ,bavs ; v found v tiiis f Et-esraartAccident 't Policy tb ,m a'dollir rwilyv inv : Vested. r; ' " ; vr " 7 (leaved to Etatcsmaa sabecribers ee.i " cembers of the family ' between the -' asee et'10 te O.) --v , -,7-;rTn -' . (S arias rxlcM) ! - Mi sHe.a below aaaBliee' er a local rr.wtr ae laaleatlve of the daily aaarfcet sriees pe;4 U tim by i-leas esyere bat are aot gaaraateea by The tatse aa.) '.-: ..--! aprtrets, lS . Baeaaae, la. m etaia ,. ,, H Bases - ,... .00 Grapes. Calif., soeatess ... " . erepefrait, Calif. ,. . .. ? LMML CTl i v.vw Uraagre, erase .o . ,, , i.e t A.SS m aseraeoa. crate Raspberries Caaialoauea. arate Welenaeleea. la. vcgkt-4 KS - (Seytag liteea Beast, was A .05 .1 .01 JJ BtfL See. .., Cabbage, lb Carrots, local. Ses. Cahfleer. toral 1 we Ceter?. L ie a. 3.04; local, era te 1.7 Vera. Sos. Cars alters, eeteeer Lei I are. toca: Oaiona. lbs. 1.00 . Jie Js .10 .40 1.1 .45 a.oo 1.00 J5 .40 1.S5 Grace eaiooe, aos. . Kaaiaaes: Sot. Peae. West lb. , Peppers, greea, Calif.. raratcj Potatoes, local ewU, lie. tt la. aaga Saw Petato-e. Calif., ewt... Spiaaca, Seattle, boi Taralpa. dea. , , i. .. tMreasa. Sob. To atece, 1M11.1, tug muth (Price said by lastpoaeeat rat-tag plaat to grower! - . Walaate rraaqoetlca. laacy. i He aiaav 10c: eatalt St: ore-are raa, a Iftc. Walaat maata. t5 to SVa lb. , niWta llarratoaaa. Unra IS Has faa cy Httt: babtaa. lie; errbarS raa lie (Ceee Pnees te Orrwar) : Walaala I'rica raaca. SrpaaaJag apoe wmj aata raa la 14 Siffervat gTa4a II 1a lle. Dachilly 1 cant bicbcb. - r - HOPS I- ; (Baying Prices) ; Claitm. aaiaiaaL ISST. lb. AS ta .OS Claalara. la.: la, J aa Ai ranlcatvv J , . " WOOL A afOHAI (leyiag Pncas) WaoU aiadiaai. lb. ,,, , , . Cmrta. la. .... Lavba. lb .5 JO Mohair, lb 2G0S AK9 POULTBT (Bayias Prkea el Aadreeea'e) eraeo A larca. ooa .so Pnil B la rite, dot. Orada A aieiiam Qni B Med him .is J .16 .is J4 ji JO Pnllcta Celarcd try .., . Wkita lshoraa. hemTy. White Leghorn. Iifht Old roeiterg Jaly M STOCK AVEaAOEfl i piled by The Antedated Prat I Coi SO 15 15 60 ladaa Kaila K Ckg. ' ' A -.5 A-.i Batarday 71.4 30.0 Praaioe day Ifr.t 1.S Cttt Btocki A - A .4 S9.5 . 60.4 19.J BToatb ago ' ST.S 1S.0 S7.4 47.4 Year- age 7S.T 11.6 4.8 - 60. T teas . high - 7?.e 18.8 15.7 40.0 - 61.4 1939 lew 50.9 13.1 41. BOVD-AVSBAOZg 20 10 10 .:- 10 Bail! : A .3 .bit Jcdaa A .3 100.4 100.8. 99.5 100.7 97.0 Util form Net Cng. TJnea Uaek 97.0 61.S Batarday Maatb ago 57.3. 96.4 61.6 98.5 6X6 Tear age 1.6 64.9 1030 high 1839 lew . 97.1 5S.4 91.9 58.3 it a f r;r lOeetipatlon It may be i Postof flea Street or 4y NamT'of Stocks and Bonds a- n -'---W s?l si J si t --vv. - '. tl ..b! i 1... .'r'TFaP : ? I ne tatesman icmgw i gii a Relationship of Benlfieiary. Start Tbe Market Quotations 4 y'.i,, Grade) B raw 4 per eeat milk, Salem Co-op basle pool price f 1.70. . Co-op Grade A batterfat price ft.72. (Milk 1 baaed ea eaaU-SMaUly batterfet evarafa.) Dtstrlbetor price, faui-d -' Batterfat,- No. t. Z3c No. 2, 21cs premtam, ' A grade print, "23Hei B ' Krade 17 J4 e; qaarters 9 Me Heavy beaa. Hb.. atAaioa Bauorfai, Aral eaaUty, . Baturfat, niul eaality Beuerfal, evaattaai .14 aaylag Price Jl J4i. JO je av eror 8 Legaerm bee, aader SH lba. Lagaec frrera, I Iba.. igbora trrera. aderlia. ajarket ealeev Oelorad Iryeaa I I Iba. J Oalored apeiaga, S Iba. aa4 , J3 Calartd beaa ' J8 Staga ft UM Reeetera JU Ka. S gradea Sa per aeaa r xoos Grade A targe. - Grade A atiBia : Grade B large JS ja JS JS Grade B Cadergradea aad rhn . UVZ8TOC& f BariM soce let Be. I aeaditiaai aad sales reported ap te 4 s.s Leaiba. 1939. tape SJO 99 .T La-iba. yeartlagi 400 9a 4735 Kwea S4f 99 t 59 "-T- -r 7.7 s 180.150 .Iba. t&t te 7e te f.oo 9 5ft te 5.75 6 00 te S.35 id ta S.oe M ta 9-50 t.0 M to 4.15 too-soe iba. . Beet eewf Bella Half era Ton aeal Dairy type eewg Draaaad eeaL lb. Jl OBAXH. HAT AJTD BaJUMB Wbeat. aeh. So. 1 raeaaea. .71 Oata, grey tea - 99.00 watte " Peed barley, tea Clever bay. tea- . . 22 99 te 34 00 IS OCte 16.09 lt oft te is oo a. II alii a, eBB Egg aiaab. Fa. 1 grade. SO lb. Seg 1.70 Dairy toed. 56 lb. -g 19 Boa eerateh feed l.Ti Cracked eera - 1.7S Wbeat Ui 3rd Cover Spray T 1 A 1 urgea on Apples DAX.LAS Polk fanness were notified this week to apply the third eorer spray for codling moths, otherwise known as apple worms. This spray should be prepared using three pounds of arsenate of lead pr calcium arsenate with 100 gallons ' of -water.' JWbere codling moths haTe not. been much of a problem. County Ageat Loth re ports, only two pounds of either of the above poisons mxj be nsed. Thorough control eaa only be secured when a complete Job of spraying Is done and all parts of the tree completely conrered with spray, it being more important to cover the top of the tree than any other part. - 1 t'r By Mail $5X9 per per Mo. v By tamer 60c INSURANCE APPLICATION BLANK ILFJ). NoL- Benefidyl lUatesmaa at Above Adiresi New Subscriber XI - , Sellers Take Lowest Prices in six Years Hit in Some Cereals as Slump Felt ' CHICAGO. W ISMAellers were back; in the saddle in . the grain t pits" .today and : prices of leading cereals slumped to the lowest loTehi of the year in some eases the lowest in six years. .. Wheat closed 1-1 cents lower, July at 61K-H, within H of the contract's low established last October. -September and . Decem ber contracts were at CSK- and C5-Stf, new lows for the season and only about 4 cents above the bottom levels reached last winter. With the exception of those 1 S 1 8 lows, current prices were the lowest since llll. ' All corn contracts and deferred oata deliveries fell to new IPS lows. Losses of as much as a cent In corn at time established some new. records, with July corn dos ing at 17 lowest any con tract has been In six years. . Selling which engulfed the grain market after mldsesslon ap parently was a continuation of the liquidation which has been under way for the past several weeks and which has lowered wheat values 16 cents a bushel and corn 12 cents since the last of May .Reports of beneficial rains In the Canadian wheat belt, where a large crop Is near harvest un settled the market. Trading in all July deliveries ceased today. Stocks Mount On Good News Fading Tension Abroad, Cheerful Trade. News Set. new Highs NEW YORK, July 2-(P)- spurrea by continuing business cheer and fadinr forelsm tension. leadinr stocks again swunr on ward in today's market, a num ber to new highs for the year with gains running to around points. It was the fastest Saturday ses sion in more than three months, transfers - for ' the two hours to taling 80 C.110 shares against 205,760 a week ago: Actually the days volume was the largest for a weekend since April 8. The week's turnover was the biggest since last January. The Associated Press average of (0 Issues held an advance of a Year - O" Old Sabscriber OuotationG POBTXJLSSb Ore- Jaly St. (AP)--- pairy tresaae piteetr ,': 'r'..t-..-.: -.- Better t Xxtraa is t nuuru Hal prime flreto SS firsts batterfat Sltt-Se. ;..:-.-- Kgga: Ivse ealne tie; large ataad area SO; aeaiaa axtraa SSc; aiaaiai eUaearea zee. - - . Cbeoee TripJete ISet leal. lee. Portland i Produce r POBTLAHlC- Ore." Jahr . SJ. (API Ceaatry Meat 8elUat prtee te rauQ ertr Ceantry Kie4 aega. keet aaUaara; aaar i0 Iba.- 101a .; eealara.- lie la.; Bgal aaa . taia, ao-lle f lb.f aaarr. S-10e fa.; large, a-riag laaiae, l-le lb.; rearuag ja-iaa, lu-iie - ia. earoa, aia b.: cotter rev a. Stt-Se la.: eaaaer aeva. S-SHe lb.; balla, lO lle la. Ute reeitrr Bojriai price at . Laghora broil era. lS-lSe lb.; eelereo vartaga, t isrs mmm w-a a-a-aej aes. - aaewaj s at over t Iba. lS laa: aaear Ibe. le lb.; eeieres aeae te s Iba, lae ia.t erar Iba, lSe la.; Ke. 1 rra4a. 6a U. loaa. Torkeye fielllag prleeai - Jreaae4 beaa. lMSe lb.; torna. la-laa lb. fiifiit prieeet' Beaa, 14-lee la.; teata. 14-15a lb. PeUtoea Taklraa Qama. J ); cental ; local. 1.00; Da ic bo tea eeeuC 1.85 eeatal; KbatU ralta. ho. 1. Qama. 1.16 1.1a ewt Maw PeUtoea Calif oraia Whtlaa. Ha. 1 1.00 per ewt: Kenae wick. l.TS: local Waitea, fae-1.00 (or oraaga boa.- -. Onion Walla Walla. T5-S0e: Orecoa Benaadaa, 3 per eraage box. . Wool Willaantte eaUey. 198t ellp. aemiaal ase4 SSe lb.:oaarae aaa braids. SS-SSe .lb.: S swathe fleece, SS See lb.; eaatera Ore- SO SI 740 lb. , Bar Selling price te letanerei Alfal fa. No. 1. 1S.00 tea; oat vetch. M OO tea; eloTer, 11.00 ton; timothy, - eaatera Ore i.oo; ae aiioy, te.eo ton. rartiaaa. - Bona 19SS Claitera. S5a lb. Facclea. tSe lb. - - - Mebair Nemtaal. 1S39 clip. SOe Ik. Caecara Bark Boring erica 1139 aeeL ea lb. Sagar Berry ana trait. 100a. S.00: Ule S.SS; beet a.S5. - Doaeaue rioar BelllBg a rice, city da lirarr. 1 te 15 bbL lota: faatilr patent. 49a, S.TS-S.S5: bakara' hard wheat net. 4.00 aes : Bakers blaeiten. 4.70 ; 00; blended wheat fleer. 4.70 6 00; eoft wheat 4.40-4.45 grikiav 4fli, 4.50; whole wheat 49a. 4,95 bbl. - . Portland Grain PORTLAND. Oreli JTnrr . fipv Wheat: - Open High Low Cleao July 69 . - , 8 08 sept. esK CBH 8 68 Cash Grata: Oata. No. 2-88 lb. white. 34.00. Barley, No. 2-45 lb, BW, 11.00. Corn, Ne. 3, XT shipments, 14.50. Ke. 1 flax 1.15H. - Cash Wheat Bid: Soft white 67: wett- era white 68; wettera red 65; hard red winter ordinary C4; 11 per cent OS; 11 per cent 67; IS per cent 68; 14 per cent 67; bard waite-Baart ordinary ; .4 point at S0.4, best mark since March 16. For the six days the composite was op 2.S points, Its third consecutive weekly upturn. Specialties Lead Steels, motors and specialties kept the buying; play from the start and, despite profit selling: in the final half hour, favorites fin ished at or near peak le-els. The financial district still learn ed to the belief the Danzig prob lem and other controversies would be settled without resort to war. On the home front the flow of exceptionally satisfactory . second quarter earnings statements re mained as a prime bolstering in fluence, brokers said. Attention was. paid to an Associated Press compilation disclosing the frst TO big corporations to report had net profits 6.4 per cent over the first three months and 34 per cent greater than in the 1938 period.- New Motor Sales Increase Over '38 New car and truck sales, report ed to the secretary of state's office June 30, 1939, totaled 15,732 a 35 per cent Increase orer the sales reported the same date a year agof Secretary of State Snell reported Saturday. The sales reported June 30, last year totaled 11,582. Total motor - Yehicla " registrar tionras of June 30 this year was 3 4 9,8 4 4, 'an increase of 9206 brer the registration a year ago Motor vehicle receipts totaled . $2,531,- 359.38,' an Increase of $86,182.68. Fuel taxes received at the state department totaled $5,226,961.86, an increase of .$305,419.44 over the June 30 figure last year. Fuel tax refunds , amounted to $627, 862.96, an increase of $43,877.88 . Non-resident registration show ed a slight increase 4f or the first six months' of the . year, totaling 53,014 against 5 3,1 2 2 last year. Dying Yoiingberrics Eyed by Agent r LEBANON , F. C. Mullen, county, agent, lc starting an in vestigation of the dying of young- berry plants from no known cause. - - v Dr. S. M. Zeller, plant patholo gist of Oregon experiment station will conduct the Investigation. Individual fields win be used as tests to locate the cause of the loss which is assuming large pro portions. " 5 Small Acreages ' Yield Hearily : UNIONVALE -.'From' three acres in the Virgil Dixon farm in the Union-ale district,' 15 tons of oats and vetch, hay-was harvested this season. Baling was completed Thursday. .. : - -From four acres In the Clarence L. Fowlerfarm in the same lo cality, 14 tons were harvested and sold balled for $12 a ton. Closing NEW YORK, Jury 22(P)-Today'g closing prices: Al Chem ft Dye. 171 Chrysler Allied Stores. i Coml Solvent .. American Can . tl - Comwlth eV Son. Am For Power. , 2 Consol Edison Am Power at Lt. I Consol Oil ..... Am Rad Std San 12 Corn Products . Am Roll Mills 11 Curtis Wright . Am Smelt Ret 47 Donglas Aircraft 72 J C Penney..... 22 Am Tel Tel.'. .167 Da Pont da N..1S8 Phillips Petrol.. 2C Amer Tobaecot . SS Elec Power ft Lt S Press Steel Car. f Am Water Wks. Anaconda . ... . Armour 111 .... Atchison ...... Barnsdall Bait ft Ohio ... Bendlx A via .. . Beth Steel Boeing Air .... Borge Warner. . Budd Mfg ..... California Pack. 20 Int Paper Callahan Z-L .. Calumet Hec . Canadian Paeific J I Caae...... Caterpn Tractor. 4S ' Llg ft Myers B. . 109 US Rubber .... 48 Celanesa ...... 28 Loews ....... 48US Steel 82 Certain-Teed .. 7 Monty Ward .;. 18 Walworth 8 Ches ft Ohio ...15 Nash KeWnator 1 Western Union . 28 at Portland IS per eeal 67 ( IS per seal 10; 14 per eeas . -1.-T-, Today 'a Car neeelptai Wheat 19 ; floor IS; eera S; oata 1; iay S; aroUieed S. Portland Uveslock - PORTLAND. Ore-. Jaly 13 (AP) (TJ8DA) Hogs: Beeetpte ealable SO, to tal 50: for week salable 1500. total S835. Compared eloao last week aaarket 40-60 lower. . Price range. . . - . j . Barrews aad gUta, gd-ch ne,wa IK. ; f 6.504? 7.00 de gd-ch .140-160 Be 6.75 7.15 iquo. 7.15 W T.St 7.50 T.60 tiiw 10 7.00 7.B5 6.75a 7.35 6.60J 7.00 6.50 g 6.75 6.15 6.60 7.00$ 1.40 1J00H 7.50 - do gd-eh 160-300 lb do gd-ch' SOe-330 Iba de gd-ch 320-140 Iba . de gd-ch 140-170 Ibe , - de gd eh S7O-S00 Iba - de gd-ch SOO-SSO lbi de gd-ch 130-160 Iba " de vadium 160-130 lbs r coder pigs, gd-ch 700-110 Cattle: Receipts salable $5, total 65, for week 1800, total 1875: -calrea, re ceipts none, for week salable 170, total 1.25. Price range: . St eera. good. 900)1 100 B4 8.15 t.85 de BMdieta 750-1100 lbe- 7.00 g.&O de ated 1100-1100 lbs 6.50 W S.15 ae com lao-iioo ,hm de good S0O-U0O lbi - de median 1100-1100 Iba de aaod. all wta de cat-roas, all weights de eaaaer (lew set) all wt Balls (ydga. exe.) beef, gd . do ssaaage -gd. all wta de saaaage med, all wta 6.00 7.25 S.50( 1.00 7.00 6.75 4.60 5.25 1.50 4.50 1.00 S.50 6.00 6.50 6.000 6.25 6.50 6.00 4.75 S.50 7.50 8.60 5.00 7.50 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 4.00 6.00 de eat-eoa, all wta Tealers. gd-ch, all wta.. de eom-med," all wta ae call, all we'gnta Calrea, com-med. 400 down de call, 400 lbs dewa - Sheep: Receipts Batarday, salable aoae, total 625; for week aalable 1865, total S285. Price range: Spring lambs, good-choice S 7.00 7.15 do good sad choice 6.00 6.75 de med aad good ... o 00 6.75 Common " 6.25 6.75 Tearling wethers, madinm 4.ex 4.50 Xwes. good-choice .., 215 8.35 Commoa-medinm 1.00 S.25 Wool, in Boston BOSTON, Jnly 12 (AP) (U8DA) Domestic wools moved ia sizable quanti ties quantities at fins to- rising prices en the Boston market daring the past week, -tills ia both the worsted and woolen branches of the industry were baying wool. Baying was quite heavy ia fine territory and la Texas 12 months wools. The varioaa lines of graded wools had a moderate to good demand. Combing graded bright fleece wools were quoted ea a great bails at 28 to 81 cents for fine Delaine, 20-31 cents for halt bloods and 82-83 for three-eightha and quarter blood. Mart PORTLAND, Ore- July 22. (AP) (DSDA) Produce price changes: Apples Washington Transparenta, standard boxes, loose. 1.00-1.15: oraren- stains, 1.00-1.25, face and fill; Calif Qrarensteins, 1.50-1.85 lug. Apricots Oregon. Waabington. 15-Ib ilata, Tiltons, hfoorparks, loose, 40-50c; faced, 50-55; lets sppie boxes; npes 40c; Yakimas. HO-1.00. Artichokes Unquoted. Aipararus Oregon. Washinstoa. 80 lb. crate, Ko. 1 bunched 8.50-2.75; strings 1.60. Aroeados Calif. Faeries, all alias. 1.45-1.70: others, 1.05 1.25. Bananaa per bancn. So per lb.: hand cnt off or small iots. Sc. Beaaar Oregon, green, 4-5e: wax, 4 4Vc: Kentnciy. S-Se: giants. 4-5e. Cabbage Oregon, round heads, mostly 75-0c; ao. z, eo-iac Carrots ZQ-Z3 He. Cantalonpes Calif, crates. Jumbos, 86- 45s. 2.35-2.65: 2jambo 27s, unquoted; standard 45s, 2.25-2.50; Tarlock jumbo. SS-45B, 2.25-2.50; standard 45a, 2.25-2.50. Uaeaba L'slif.. lu-Ue per lb. Oaa lif lower LoeaL -lls. S5e-1.00: No. 8, 60-65c. ' Caerriei . Oregon, washiactoa Lam barta. 5-6e: oia a-4c. - Celery Oregon Utah, 1.40-1.60; white, 1.40-1.60; hearts, Utah, S5c-1.00: white, 1.00-l.Z 5. Citras Fruit Grapefruit. Arizona 2.00 1.50; choice, 1.75-1.85; lettuce crates. 2.00-2.25; Florida, 8.25 3.75; Calif, 2.00 3.Z5. . Lemons Fancy, all liiet, 5.00-5.50 choice. 4.75' Limes Calif.: fUts, 150a, 350; ia slay cartons, 90e, dozens 20-25e. Oranges Vsleneiss, large S.75-4.00 small te medium. 2.25 1.75. - Cora Oregon, crate. Grand Island, 85-40: others 25 80. -,- Cucumbers Oregon hothouse, 50c-1.50 per aes of 2 to 4 dos.; Oregon flats. S5-45C ' Egg Plsnt Calif, luge,' 1.15-1.25; S-7c per lb.; local Ilata, LOO-1.25. Figa Calif, flats, 1.25-1.50. Gsrlio Locsl ' new 8-8a lb. - Grapes Calif, seedless? 2.15-2.25 lug Malagas, 3.65-Z.75; Ki biers, 2.S5-Z.73. Hoaeydews Calif., S-lla,- 1.25-1.S5. Lettuce I-oeel,, eiy pack, S or 4 dos., best 85e-1.00; poor, aa low as 60c; Waah ingtaa topped, 1.00-1.10. --- hfushrooms Cultivated 1 lb. cartons, IO-85c; H-lb. cartons, 17-lSe. Keetariaee Calif- 5-76e. . Onions Calif, reds,' 85c 1.00; Wash, yellows, 601b. sacks, 70-75e. Peaches Calif v fiats, Bt. Johns and Elbertas, 80 -90c; Oregon Rochester, early Crawforda. flats 60-75c; Triampha SOc-Sl- Peas Qregoa Telephones, 4 5c par lb.; fancy, 5-6c; coast, 80 lb. boxes, 1.40-1.50. Peppers Calif, lurs L151.25; Oregoa flats. 75-src - . Plums Calif- Santa Rosa, 4-bssket crates, 1.10-1.15; Wathingtoa California Beauties, 15 lb boxes, 60-75e. - . Potatoes Oregon Busaeta. Ne. 1. 100 Ib. sacka, 2.00 2.25 ; new stock Washing ton Cobblers, US No. 1, 100 lb. sacks, 1.40 1.60; Long Whites, 1.85-1.73: D8 Ke. 2, 60-Ib. saeks. 60-70e: Calif. Long Whltea. CS No. 1. 100 lb. sacks 1.B0-2.O0. JBhubarb Oregon, apple box, lHe lb. Squash Zaceaiai. Beallops, 30-SSe; Crooks ecks, S9-40e; Danish, large eratea, 135-2.00; flats, 85C-1.00. - Berries- Strawberries, Oregon heat, 14 basket crate, 2.25-2.50; loganberries, 90e 1 10; raspberries 1.50-1.65; blackespa, 1.75-1.85; earraata 1.60-1.75; boysenber ries SOe-1.00; yeeagberriea, BOe-1.00; blackberries, 75 0c; currants 1.50-1.65. Tomatoes Oregon hothouse 5-8e per lb.; field grown 75-85c; Vo. 2s, 5-40e; Wash., lugs 1.50-1.65. Watormeloaa Calif. 1.75-2.00 per ewt., Crop IxMks . Good VICTOR POINT Harvest of fall wheat and eats Is following fast on bay-making-this year. Al though crop conditions cannot ex actly be determined they appear to be very good and it is expected Quotations ...... S4 NaU Biscuit ... t1 11 Natl Cash ..... 20 1 Natl Dairy Prod 17 22 National Dlst .. 2 T Natl Power Lt 1 12 Northern Pacific 1 S Packard Motors 2 11 Eria RR . . . . -1 Pub Service N J . 29 27 General Electric 28 Pullman 29 4 General Foods'-; 47 - Safeway Stores.. 41 I S General Motors. 42 Sears Roebuck . 80 14 Goodyear Tire . 22 Shell Union ... 11 5 Great Northern. 27 Southern Pacific 18 21 Hudson Motors, f Stand Brands ., 8 8S nilnols Ceneral. 12 Stand OU Calif. 28 24 Insp Copper ... 12 Standard Oil NJ 42 21 Int Harvester .. 8t Stadebaker .... 8 8 Int Nickel Can.. 60SupOU- ".. 2 ft P Pf 28 Tlmk Roll Bear. 47 1 Int Tel ft Tel . , . 8 Trans-America . f Johns Manville. 80 Union Carbide . S S3 4 Kennecott ..... 2 7 United Aircraft . 88 77 Ubbey-O-Ford ; 82 United Airlines. 12 Livestock ATTENTION FARMERS, AND RESIDENCE OF SALEM WE RAYS done oar part by building a very modern plant to manufacture EVERGREEN FERTILIZER AND MEAT MEAL which la tbe beet grade in the State of. Oregon aad It will be a credit to tbe City of Salem and surround Ina- territory. Now do your part If you will have worth-see or dead stock like horses, rattle, sheep, bog, etc. PHONE 5000 AND you fannera If the call le long" distance) rererae tbe charges aad our trucka will be there aa aoon as pos sible Our plant is equipped with- i - trucka for your aerrtce. tratch for the data of our. grand opening announcement in thia paper. We are located 25th and .Turner, ROAD a era aa. from the City Incinerator. - Look for our. Red and .rrnrte atgna on tne corners. . . . . . SAmi FEinillZER AND BY - PRODUCTS CO. P. B." An our materials fpr tbe chant For reference aak your own banker or any banker In the state. Paul Wolf, manager. :, , HORSES FOR sala Also It wka okt ner olaa - Hayes La Matt Farm Brook a, Oresoa. ; WANTRD tVILL pay premium on Iba. alive colored fnra Tel. IMF Lee's Hatchery, i DEAD AND worthless horeee. cowa picked op free. Ph. collect (411 Salem Montgomery Rend. Wka. w FOR SALE or trade Freeh milk cows for beef or cannera cows. Joe Burke, Rt 6. Box 630, mile east of state house bids. mi. north. HOR8ES - MARES -TITLES LARGE ASSORTMENT well broker horses and mule CREDIT gladly sir en. No carrying charge. Get competi tive prices oeiore you come here and see how much lower my prices are. See them Work and pull on all klnda of farm implements before you buy. Guar anteed aa represented. Free delivery H. R. Kuehne. Carlton. Ore- 6 mL E. of Carlton, 7 mL W. of .Newberg in neat i;nenajem vauey. Help Wanted In facta from world'a larg-est company. Book FREE, United, 384 S-B Lincoln Ave, Chicago. OPPORTTTfJTXT unnnnnnu Spawn, ISO square feet, HALF PRICE. i wis secona, tseatue. - Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single insertion ner line Three Insertions per line Six Insertions per line One month per Una Minimum charge Copy for thla paga accepted until 1:30 the evening before publica tion 'for classification. Copy re--velved after this time will be run under the beading Too Late to Classify.- The Statesman assumes ne flnan stal responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished In Ita columns, and In cases where this paper ta at fault will re print that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occur a Tbe Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the tight to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dressis for the protection ef the advertiser and' must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge Informa tion as to the Identity of an adver tiser using a -Blind- ad. CALL FOR WOOD BIDS Bids will be received by tbe undersigned Secretary of the Sa lem. Library Board at his office. 463 Ferry Street until noon, Au gust 5, 1929, for forty cords of 24 inch large second-growth fir to be delivered during the season as or dered by the Librarian. Right Is reserved to accept or reject any or all bids. W. H. BURGHARDT. Secretary, Jly 11-23-30, the grain will be of better qual ity. .10c 20c - 30c $1 00 25c Cross Word 12 13 IS 16 a 7 21 'A 23 2S 21 30 31 33 3 36 no HQ 'A S1 HORIZONTAL 1 sof t mineral & gentle blow t i forcible stroke with the hand 12-pertaininr to the mouth IS be indebted to . 14 be carried 15 fasteninir ' llrmlr 17 Tery black 18 football ' VMMA YXXI 48 tear asunder 49 metallic or earthen - -Teasel 50 fruit of the blackthorn 51 charges for professional sex-rices . 52 attempt'. S3 phsde-trees " VERTICAL " 1 tipped -f ; - X aeed - covering 19 to turn so as to present a diffexeot - surface n 21 tomanagt 23 at a distance 28 cot near 29 free -, 80-pay the cost of enter : . taininr 82 also 88 windpipe : 85 transfer 38 prevent , 89 colorless , rolstfle , liquid 41 tegular j- v it Isnrt of the . shamrock 48 introdnco - J Eerewith is the solution to Satur day's puxxle. . iPlAlRltlNlTlHlElTh ICIAILI Livestock STOCKMEN, - BUTCHERS . -. . - . plaat were purchased from' Salem Mer HeTp Wanlrd $3t WEEKLY. GROW mushrooms. cellar, shed. We boy, 30c lb. World'a largest company. FREE BOOK. Mush rooma t01 Second. Seattle. Wash. TOU CAN make $1 te 31 dally at home, spare time, rear around, grow ing mush rooms for as, cellar, shed. Mall crop, cash paid weekly. Write Western Mushroom Co, Dept. X TO. Portland. Ore. ATTENTION HOP PICKERS REGISTRATION ..BOOKS are now open for our several yards. For furth er Information call at the office of DUBBIN CORNOTBR over J. C. Penney store. N. Liberty street. Help Wanted Male MAN, 31-46, WHO would appreciate steady-position with old reliable firm. Car and ref. required.' Box 1017. States- man.-. - - .-y ' ;- MARRIED MA N, small ,- family, wanted for work on - 500 acre general farm within 20 miles of Salein. Must be able to direct men. Permanent to right party. -, Write, give age. experience, number in family and wagea expected. House.- garden and other-produce fur nished. Box 1020, Statesman." . TOUXO MAN with business ability and small Investment for position. Give ref. Box 1018, Statesman. Help Wanted Female HSEKPR, 1142 N. Capitol. P. 617J. WANTED LADIES for part time work experience unnecessary ; p e re manent position. If qualified. Write Box 1014. or Ph. Miaa Craig. Argo. TOUNO LADT to help in home and place of business. Box 1019. GIRL OR woman for housework can go borne some nights. Tel. 3552. - . WANTED GOOD girl for general housework. Must be clean and have good references. Box 1023, Statesman. asaasa-aa-Sa, TOUR OWN DRESSES FREE and up to $23 wkly. showing; fam. Fashion Frocks. No exp. needed. No canvassing. No invest Send age, dress site. Fashion Frocks, Dept. 8-1281, Cincinnati, O. - SENSA. SELLER! SO name-Imprint ed Xroaa cards 31. Matchless values! Three other per. lines. Box assort, gift wrappings. Big profits. Free samp. Noel Studios, E 2Cth, Dep. 2285, New York. aaasShoinoaa0 EAST PROFITS show, many Xmas card assortments, incL 65c religious. Prof, up to 100. Per. cards, station. Exp. tinnec "Sam.- free. Wallace Brown, 225 Fifth Ave., Dept 2759, New York. Salesmen Wanted SALESMEN AND aalesladies. 4 in Salem, one In each town surrounding. Profitable connection. TeL 0507 for in terview, to 12 Sunday and Monday. WANTED RESPONSIBLE ag gressive Salem resident to represent -Portland manufacturer in servicing specialty product for Linoleum-Lino-Tile and cork covering's. Exclusive ter ritory protection granted to the right man c omplttt factory instruction covering all phases of this service will be given to the individual selected character reference, and personal In terview necessary. GLASKOTE PROD UCTS CO., 2433 8. E. Division St, Portland. . TOUR OWN local shoe bus. Free out fit starts you. Bonus ahoes given. 200 styles. Big advance com. Exp. unnec. Tanners Shoes; 20(3, Boston, Mass. IO li 11 20 77 7 71 7Q 3? 35 37 3 HI H2 W3 HH HI SO 8 to wash 4 adroit 8 accomplish ing 8 beard of wheat 7 ornamental V plant 8 commission giving officer an honorary rank t treleast 10-smeU v 18 number of . years in decade 20 excelling all others 22 perfect 23 kiU 24 erergTeen ; "tree . 5 capable of - adjustment 27 bow the head 28 part of the ' vfoot, 80 at that time 81 written ' '-. acknowledg . ment of .'. payment 84 withered - old .women : 85 light dear-1 - red : . '.. 87 singleness - ' .88 minute mark 89 channel, . s made by ' a saw 40 canal from Buffalo to -Albany - 42 Irrel shaded walk --r 48 particle of . matter -44 aheltered sides ; -47 eorrelatiTO ' ' ' of neither 11 departed itt Puzzle