7 J if - s fir. - iet Will HonoT 'Fast" Fxsitlea ts An tevenf d convention week srwatty wmtcrpated Jy erery 'pru ddent "and -past -president tffthe lMwnimjifth r Orwton Auxik 4 lary toffee Attn-? SJ erlcan iLa-gftm. j Is fhe -ubrner'ln fhel h O BTlJf, which will he held tt 6:30 fhe.o.pe r'lnt n i g h t of the teuton. 'August IB. ln the 'Mir ror room of the Mafton li ot-el. -It hi . expected ' t h a t spproxi- , Wrt. eiMw -Portar mately3uO guests wili he -eted at ithe 'banquet, at .which Mrs. Trank N. Waters, .past national department president and artlng tommltteewoman for Oregon, wili preside. Mrs. Glenn TPorter tis general vtMllkrryqtharnnan 'Of (the onven fion 'commission. A wost unusual a e ttiu g has been arrengedfoT the bafinuet'by -Mrs. -Leon Brown, using the new capltol (building as tthe central t he nw around -which the decora tions ;nH favors -will efuttt. - 'The 'local committee making fhe .arrangements -lor tfce drrnier are Ttfi Leon M, "Brown, chair- vmn: am. -... -.jonneon. vree- .cum cajlenhab 3toyai:NeJghliaxs of America. -Jr4Uina Temple, J .p.m. gnaaflay, Jaly 3B5 Bahnn WDnuntB iPreas lilrib -with fdrs. Martin IJxberg, 19 r aun. 3asaCt luncheon, 29t IE. '"Rural .avenue. : ; s -; - WW auxiliary -with TMr. -rWBTfl "WitffV sa ThraopHm , ijrtreet. J :p.m. w; 8ons tt -Ddihn Wsterana sand ..auxiliary, annual pteate at Eu gene Prwcott garden, f MO Oak .street, 6i30 p:m. Wednesday. July IBB NetnTOkm SAoles auxiliary -with -Jin. Aura Williams. South :Liberty street, 4 Tpan. Young Artist Successful IxiEast By TOAXtNE iBUHEN "Art Center -Notes" '.bare ap peared '.frequently am .these nages. Now we feature tArt Center Headlines:' because -a former -student at the center 'has made the headlines iin eastern papers. Of .Byron jRandall. : local boy who went "east 'to aeek 'his fortune as en artist., only 'two months ago. the "Washington ((DC) iDaily New -says "tSor Obe t-paet i month, -art circles haveibuxxed wtth tthe name of 'Byron Bandall. a wu tared to fhrt .unknown ven Uo. 'those in -the t ' it t "aw - " ' s : Trr . " en following. "If tone rgood artist fa discoTered -to tthe -com unity, it will be -worth all the work tit tha Hen tar J iDuTing an axhibitton at -hfa "work tn January at 'the Art 'Cen ter, "dear and notber Tnentbers -ot his staff hatt tio hesitation In In- know. And 'the -owner Of the dhalrmanr Richard 'Meyr.rwnyie uauery u nujting mm TMrs. -'Laban 'JStaeras. Mrs. 3acdb oi tnia .atrange .uar none i-w a - - -m -w a m sstyViW rta m ' 4tA til n aaiVl 1 1 1 n 1TS1 loitw "sait "Walter ,p m I A im a. :Mrs. iPaul it -is "only '20 anu from Dragon Jit ZZ?a7 "J., t$9, fltn. Stanley ruegr. air, all Dlaces! Threif'DahfedoT'f'lfra.aierl Trnthi The story of Byron Handall ndUrs.'JE.'Wi.'RiCbey. asounds like art -student 'and Hthat his -water-edloxa .Tanked -among 4he very bcat "odramc tlnrth tiy. , Capital tDnlt iKo. amxlltary to ttbeme of an Alger book.Ls an or- .r lire niireiKu uwatuui "win ow lumai; w kcm resented at 'the ratate Yonrentton mery. service station and was cook "In Augut ny tbe following Heie- sat the county Jail. IBut when stu xratea: 'dying at the Salem Art Center he "Mrs. "Fred Gailsdorr.TJrt. T). "E. found tthe sympathy nd -ancour-Patmateer. 'Airs. Xeon Brown. "M rs asgement 'that amall cities .-seldom Austin "Wilson. "Mrs. Harofd Ter- lhave for :young .artists. .Almost klna and .Mrs. aul leke. oT8rnight ibis talents Jjloesomed, IDelegatcenrge wlllibe :Mr. lhe 'believed he thad Jnture as;an Prank N. "Waters. Mrs. 3 jn e a aartiat so Randall went teast. Hurnbull, Mrs. 3tose Hlll, iftlrs. ?vvith introductory aetteTS he BergBViieK -'ana .Mrs. 1MT1 a . -hnwrt thU. rrrkifn-Rm miiiUm. tthen Washington. TDC. -where rtbe fowner ot the Whyte galleries Andiesen. TThe :JunIoT -auxiliary of Capital TJnlt will be represented if, mix ar- Tylewea f 4egan," jays Wbyte in "the IDally News story, "fialfhaartedly tto .look in rrouttne loahton tbut dsoon real tied that 'there waa aosse- ttettc float in the parade the ve- -ning of August "11, according 'to Jin. ?amca Tlsber, xhalnnan osf the Juniors. Uf Lltwrty and Uncle M3ara. mltn ttblng fresh tin rery Tpietwre. :a jpTQpTiateitrrotte netting, and arenutne eraonamy. mil. Otn ..tnrag competition to InnaU miiour he hadijought .Other en tl. Mrm. OTtetvar ib etnK 33 Jpaimtoas tand t jPyomd assisted tm plairaing sand ueeorat- ycomg !Bandall sn exhtbton itn ingfhellDatylln.X. J'.'HeuTr- OctobT. iByron HUndall made man, .vteebatrman. Wr. Atibrey "Whyte hU ;ol aigent. -who lrea ITaeslns-, TMts. Klony fimltb. nd Tnonthly; "stipend" which wrill nhe following :J ut i ot menltwrs: Bwrmlt 'him tto anand all ibia ttime -meiribers: 1aty Ranitdell, resl- iparattng. nedt,.3aniee,MyaTB. 'VieepTasidnt. '"Srnee 'then:" says The TNews. JTsan Myers, Jean (Rowland. IBer- '"artists .and crtttes and collectors arly JCrueger, .Eva .llopp and -Ro- who nave seen ints worR ;nave neen astonished 'by uta -rigor nana tmg finality. 'It "has Tan 'intensity -of -ps-aion add axptosive '-violence -which seemed to constitute a, protest, .7et without the 'Impossible, to live with quality. Sts emotional -pow-er tB strong enough to obliterate design , ini t: tb e design' ia -un ubu ally sound 'and always original. Its -variety seems Infinite. His , paintings dt New 'York which he ia -aeetng now for the first 'time aTe -more controlled and 'bare -an almost rn- tellectuaJ balance." ni rf.i Kioiam vnii.n That's "what Tirt critics of -the TUmsden) of Los Angeles Is vitlt- W.Vtbls.Sa.vm-bjr palnUngs, a especial exhibit ta "be ing arranged'to to pen -next "Monday. . These are .paintings owned -locally, none of the -60 pounds ttaksn east with "him. And XOjpounds 'dt watercolors are a "FEW water colors! Mrs. Charles K. Uoyeroff Oma ha Is .visiting at ithe 'borne of 'her brother, Mr. D. -I. Richards on south Highatreet. Mrs. Moysr, when associated with iter 'husband in -businan.wss to ted 'Omakaes ibest 'business wom an. inToute Mrs. .Voyar plaited da Los Angeles aand 'attended 'the world's fair -at San Trantilsco. .'Many .affairs are Jietog planned toT ?her wttile here. This is her first trip to Oregon. Hfr. nd "Mrs. S4ion, Jr., aml daughter, Judith of Portland re weekend guests :malem. . ' t '' . , "" 'V" ' It I ailsa Tfiaay Wailey asdtaxtalned irith m alumber iarty at 4he stf I khnxbarnhome cot Jtsrare&ta, ifr. I ; mud "Mia. K. aVarley, Wednesday f rilttilnronTplimrrtfo filaflTBlllier t .June 8nydr "Who .lsft Saturday ' t iwith her "arenta, Tfr; and Mrs. ' 3IalTln nydr, to reside JLn Jtert-taritt.- ' ;":': ' i i The group -enjoyed Una .party igt the Grand fhetftTe eatlier inftts 1 Terenmg. Halting up. the wrty 1 r-swre'Miss'BillhiJnne SnydaT.-Mtss : Dorothy :Boyes.TI te fteyma Ssel. ; bwTITleuelCeiidall.3hB'l)(mna Togt'wmTlissTatsy'Vmfley.' , - . jllra, C..T)ay ,liae,tuiaasfieT guest the "past week Mrs. iLotlle I Way uf Llncdln. Neb.,tTiGeoTge 3owman Of 'Redmond ami Mr.'Ga- lenHeToTBdf Seattle. ; - . 'The 'Spinsters -and honorary ; members-will enjoya -picnic attire Dallas city-park Monday night In ibe aJJy Social Redm MONMOUTH f rs. Jlea'tar Sheeon and 'Mrs. ."Flora Snfder, ; were "hostesses recently 'to 3Irs. ,:Uly 'Kerr, a successful fiction an- i -tttror of Tillamook. tMrs. 3Cerr "writes unde r 'the .pen -name otft : ;"T)anhne !Day." Accompanying; er 'here wer her 'husband. "D. 13. JKerr, and a sister, 'Mrs. "May ntel-;.-Mut. - . 'Dr. andTHrs.'B.'F.'BuUeT.'C.-TJ. , "Mnlkey, "Mr. and "Mrs. ' Marion1 Fresh and son. .Larry, all of Moa- month attended the Mdlkey fam 1 ily rreunton :iat Sunday at 'Stay ton., Luke and Ellen Mulkey crossed ttha -plains from Missouri in a '8 .7 , settled am m. (donation land .claim -fn Benton xounty. Many of their descendants later became residents of .Monmouth. m tt ; -r -vH m 1; w P w. S d- M - C m ! M -m m : . W ?:.a.U.taV - 4 ' "V - I ...jl I 3 p r f VLaty? Why he evnchoee a -eaub-nosed -girl 'beca - to kisa! ahe's (easier The-gal conserving her own energy over a lemonade is clad iin a navy sheer dress. Inside tasks form a yoke and contribute bodice 'full . ne as 'While a high waist seam gives a flat effect at the diaphragm. Right, the shirt waist makes an appearance for afternoon, in sheer black crepe. It ia casually open at the throat, with white buttons to -march the white turban and gloves. The aleeres are long and lull. ., MA CLEAT -Mrs. A. TI. Quest man and airs. J..Fi C. Takenburg were hostesses to members of the Four-M Woman 's-club .Tuesday af ternoon at .the Fuestman home. Trfrs. Qeorga ILamherson was elect ed -president. Mrs. "J. IB. -Aihby and .Un. Jl Harrison -were .received as unembers .ZEN A Mrs. Ralph H. Scott was hostess at an Informal after noon -Thursday honoring her another, 34ts. C. W. Cobb, of Tn itare, (Oalit. Mrs. Cobb, who is state director of Christian CUi ixansior WCTU of northern new CCaXLfjor.nia, -is spending the aummar -in .Oregon. She was TONUS iF A VDR iEwth 4Tfi unrtL A,TVells gave a .group Attet.thepat two weeks .ab the Mountain "rRoau" one,of the water- of vocal numbers during .the mo- 'home joIJier suter, Mrs. s. M. uar xdlors'by 3yron "RanaaU which- clal hour. DALLES Circle "A" (Of tthe First Presbyterian church was en tertained at the home of Mrs.Wal- .ter -Mulr .on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Joe Plummer presided at a business meeting. Mrs. .Joe Plummer and Mrs. Carl Swan atrom assisted the hostess tnaerv-j ilng "Mrs. A. J. fBehrendt df Chicago and Mrs. Emily Burroughs jot San; vwni Oe on exhibition her. ! (Photo Jtydiennl Willis-). tBelowiisiByroa IRandall, Batem hay whose water (colors are vm Ing aa stir: in vwaab ington, DC, aart circles. (Phdto Uy JesternJoIIlleT). "lan.d, of Xebanon. Invited to .meet. Mrs. jCobb Thursday were ,nlm IH.bi .nfe t Pattern Two Pattern Pieces Two Materials Msikel&ur&WfteelerQirflt berta Trussing. XT he ZBoelness and JPrcifessieaal vWomena club of Salem will imeet wtfh f he eldne from UdMlnnvIlle, Corvallis. .Albany -and ."Sheridan for a Joint iplcnlc at Jallas ity -park on fSueaday -at .7 ao'ctock. Those planning 'to attend are "to meet at "Mlllefa corner :at T6. Hies sRuth McAdams. phone 7279. Is faking reservations. ilng .her 'mother, Mrs. "C. J. den for a week. Rams- Chapter AC, -PKO, will enjoy a picnic at the country home of Dr. and Mrs K. K. Adams on'Tuesday. "While it Is not the policy of. the Salem Art Center to train pro fessional artists, i it is the policy to encourage serious art students and to try to see and sponsor latent. Many months ago when the Center was young. Val Clear wrote : the UJUUAXE MVLU WASH SDAYS . . . asi T ft 'I I m ibtheiwKenever,you ! tie it--a'tHU'U-ae. Severn soap less of H is needed when you hare plerriydf - hoi wafer. AnU more freewertt wasamg meant lets wear on - -liM ur:.ar:,:i.'-:"i :i . . '.LU.uu blevdatfs. tv . i 1 illogg Dies. New . rJelsssicuo 325 Court "Street ? 4 j . . Salem This old time favorite, J3atch Windmill, so easily made, fa a lordly rdlonlal pattern. iPattern 2230 contains aeeuraes .pattern -pieces; (diagram of '.block; instruc tions for .making; : yardage shaft; -and -ADDRESS. diagram rof. quilt. Send ten-eents intcoln for this pattern to The 'Oregon Statesman. Needtecreft "Dept. WHte -plainly PATTERN NUMBER, -your CNAME nmrnnDSEzcmi Osganto JIBS)195 oiuxoItetcrylrbtfTk iDWESTEVER 7KXCE an fhfa tmadel you owe it ito yonrsalf to ace ft at ornee! -A .FULL IROTART ac Jk.Ln a for .fast, amootb, -easy .sewing, Twith features un- beUerable for the imoney .. . . backward and forward atlUh.aUtch and 4anslon reg sUlator, hronae 'hearing aircaoled motor, .knee aontrol, many atthera. Orber iEemaara from tfSTJCS tto 3f OSiOO t: u ti "Mts. 7. "McKinley, Salem: Mrs X. B. 3tone. JEottland; -Mrs. atoy JBarker, .Mrs. C. M. Purvlne. airs. R, C. -Bhepard, Mra. ZLoia DraWtoxd and Mrs. :Fred Mnllsr. X. SilvertonOuls 2ksr3y for fflurk Civic Xlcganimtions Jiome ornmiUftCB 4o Carry 10390 Urograms -SILVERTON T.T.Xeonard, new -president df the Sll vert on Ro tary club has appointed -his -com mittees foT tthe: year: Alms vand object -committee. Leonard and Glenn BriedwelL Dr. C. W. WUson, Lowell Brown, Kd Banks; club service, Oe Inn Br ied well; .'fellowship, ;Dr. R. .E. tKletn-. sorge. Al Coote, George Hubbs. -. Program, S. Tarzy Rose; at tendance. R. A. Fish. 'Of lin Page, E. DeGaire; -publicity. John Jor dan; classification, Dt. R. ;M. Stewart, .Dr. P. Ji. Loar and Low ell Brown; .music, "H. W. Adams and Jonas !B'berg; Tiergeant-at- arms, 'George Bteelhammer; com munity aervtee, Dr. C. R. Wilson: civic welfare, 'Rex Albright and H. "R. "Irish; rural and urban, Er nest S tarr . W. 'E. Russell and VanC leave; 'boys' and youth work, Harold Davis, A, Welckrt,'H. Anderson, Jonas Bybera -R. B. Duncan, G. Herr ; vocational er- -v i c e -Lowell "Brown, ."Dr. : P. A. Loar -and .Dr. Stewart; interna tional service, A. Banks and Oscar Lee and"W. E. Toney. : SILVERTON "Dr. A. X. Y. Smith, .new .president of the Lions c 1 u'b , .'has appointed committees for the .year to -include: -attend- a n c e. Dale Leilar, -Joe Xioyette. Pa.u'1 Johnson; .constitution -and by-laws, Joe Gross, .'Alfred JLer fald; finance. Cliff TDlckerson: Lion? education chairman. .Alfred Leftald, Joe Gross;. .membership, George Imboden, Catl XaTgeffeld; program and "entertainment, "Rob ert McEwen, H. B. Anderson, .Sam Lore axon; "blind work, 'boyS and girls' woTk, Frank "Wray; ivic improvement, community 'better ment, Alt Nelson; health. Al Schroeder; safety. Dr. A. , L. "V. Smith. -Look lor Clues Of SWlen Goods SILVERTON A. M. Amo. 11 verton .constable, was at Scio this past week on official business. "He was accompanied by a 'Mr. Case beer, -Who worked on the Struok mefar farm in the .Rrverriew com munity about 'ft) years. The two ware looking .for lues 'to oads atolen from tae.'.Casebcer hoaeeaat rSllverton a short time .ago. 'the meeting. Members -present, were Mrs. ;R X. Chapman, Mrs. Obauneey Gettman, 'Mra. Edward , Himes, Mrs. L. 'W. Plomm.r. SUVER Ar 1 ena ,OregoTT, IMrs Joe Plnmraer, Mrs. W. L. daughter ,ot Mr. nd 'Mrs. ;E. :F. rDmwAii iin ,p f PfiAhta. Qrtgory 'Oi Weils, md rShner FAIRV1EW The flopewell ra. 'Sallie Btlnnette Mrs Carl -January 'Of Corvallis wee -quietly United Brethren Missionary .Bwanatrom, Mt. Fred Tonar, Mrs. married rToeaday ftarnooo et ciety'a July meeting and a allrer H M webb, "Mts. Dwlght Webb, -Madhoa traet .Methodist ehureh. rtea tsesa iheld at tthe :hone of Mr. itn. H. A.'Weods and rhe'hostess, iBardhl Bballhart aef forated and .Mrs. Roes Rogers Thursday. u ' i.i.' .the ceremony. .Miss Adeline Fox The awxt maeting will be held nd :Baehleln Attended Ike t the home df Ms. 'Edward J. "Mrs. Jaruiary formerly Himes. lived at Surer and attended school at "Monmouth. "Mr. January oper- 3fra. atn'.tb iHinegarttner .Of 'Mc JMinnrllle, mho was in China -with ithe IRoekefeller. foundation in 11929 wvaa the speaker. "Mrs. Dbatles iFergwson ot Grand ilsland mnd Miiss Loraine Wslling ot TWheatkuxd gave - vocal Kbloai The maxt meeting -will be at 'the ihome of "Mr. sand Mrs. J. W. Versteeg. . . . ! IHIONEER -The Pioneer Bow ling ocbib -.met with "Mrs. .Andred Thleas Thursday afternoon. Mrs. grange home economic club Tfhisas ma ass lated by Mrs. Thursday -will be a .picnic at tthe dSpeaee. - " 'community park. ates a -taxi service in Corvallts BRUSH 'COLLEGE Miss Bar- and they will make their home in tiett Cunningham of Buell, Ida., .Chat city. t 'a MILL CITY A ahower was held at the Church of Christ, Wednesday, in honor of: Miss Viv ian Sbelton .of i Gates, who will marry Mr. Ernest Miller of Port land July 3t. 'Mr. 'MRler Is .a former Mill City man. Miss. A. Armstrong .guests at the "home of -Dr. and 'Mrs. C. L. rBlodgett 'and "Mr. and Mrs. A. E.TJtley. The meeting of :Brush 'College By ANNE ADAMS Round jout your summer ward- rrobe with 'this rilimming neweom- ear. Anne . Adams' pattern Mlgo fa m shlrtwaister you'll wear from. saun-up' to sun-down. A goredfroat fcikirt gives slim up-and-down lines. There's fullness below the front :yoke for the bodice -softness you' meed. Ton may want to make Shirtwaist sleeves with "air Tooled" slashes, or have straight jsleeves with nicely shaped cuffs la m fresh white oorcbright-'ColoT Uoj imatch tthe fdeUgtttfttl, acailooeai ocollar. Mjrowuif tinyfWtbniadowni rthe watet win hreak up thatwfdth' aacross. Order this -pattern today. tboy some cool linen or sbantoag fabric and with the guidance oof fhe sewing instructor, you'll do a aspeedy job! Pattern -4185 !fa STallaUe fa w omen "a sizes 34C, 38, 49, 42, 444, 4$ and-4. Size 3 take 3 yards!39 inch fabric and yard oeontrast. rirrxcM. ccmtb tisct is eoiss tot thip Ann Idas patters. Writs plainly SIZE, NAM S. AD- oteesa style it umber. Sm filied.. raa fiiws wmmer Saps i ' a r rpntU 1 1 'Ataae U writ far Mr it alMsl 8UMMEB PATTERS BOOK aa4 Uta i yaar - hot wvatkar war4rW. ChoaM tmm m ;ialiaa ipaaaaa t gagtac. " -r a at "yeefeaK " frocks. Bvrf a4aan4 w ear . . . elaaaat sportatrra . . airy .Saaea stytaa . ..-Maaat laaja. faaart orraa aorioa. ; tiafarta at fcaia -aiotkaa. B ry ago iajrta4s from too fortiaa Uraoaa tao tveatiaa. 'toraa. foatora aaS Bvimt ""J i -aopy mmmt BOE rirrUEN CIXTS. PATTSKW FIFTEEN CEXTS. BOOK AftD PAT TERM TOGETHER. TWENTT EITE CENTS " - Utmi yoar orear to Tao Orofaa Butaaana. patr iapartatcam. -8rECCtL- Oeir aaail Wave Complete T5e Perm. Oil Pswb Wave, Bft -SO Coenpiete a Open Thurs. lEre, by App'L - Phoaa SddS .347 uat NatU. xSanx jBtox. CASTLE PERIL WAVERS- "Zr f" RcSpscialiSeltog! Vaaoyif f - . f - ..- -. ... ; White Just sthe Comfort , Shoe for Warm Days ;14I (5 a C 'asnsl , izho prefer White vnh aTan CombinatiDn in TieaS - Here YcurAre - . 1) TANS .4 ! 'In Tnnrps nd Oxfords , ,j 3LACKS',: In Pomps and Oxfords . j In Paimps end OxforSs " 3 . -r, i -'i ... - ( . ...-! i . MnIbciaSMlcB BTJSTER "BROWN. SHOE STORE . 481 sState S1 ifext do iMasonic Building