The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 23, 1939, Page 10, Image 10

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Beacfc46untains Chosen
Vacationists to
Spend Holidays
Numerous ' Salem folk and their house guests are so
Journinj: to the beaches these warm summer days; others
T ? are leaving on ' vacation trips in the south, mountains and
. - scenic points in the north -Visitors continue to arrive each
day m the capital for. short tays and are the incentive for,
'"'AmucK''entertaminir. .. , -Vi-.V.
i A; visitor in the capital for a month is M4 Ray- R. Ren
shaw of Monrovia, Calif., whq is, visiting at -the homes of
j Mrs. Curtis B. Cross and Mr. and Mrs.' Prank Durbin. The
v past week she has been with the Durbins "at their Neskowin
; summer home; She will spend part .of the time while in the
'v. north with Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Pearson of Portland.
"'.Vv Mrs. Charles Sherman and her younger son, Gene, are
spending the month at Neskowin where they have taken a
cottage. Miss Emillita Erickson, seven year, old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. FrankM. Erickson, jr.; of Denver, left by plane
Wednesday for Oakland, Calif., where she will be met by her
'mother. She has been the guest of her grandparents, Dr.
and Mrs. Frank Erickson, for the past five weeks. ;
v .Mr. and Mrs. William McGilchrist, jr,' are guests this
weekend of Mr and Mrs. Don McKinnonat their cabin at
Blue River on the McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Halley
are enjoying a ten days' sojourn at San Francisco and are
viewing the Golden Gate exposition. On their return to Salem
they will spend a week at Seaside. ; :
- . ? .Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moulton Gatke and their-children,
Mr. Edward Warren and his children of Santa Cruz, Calif.,
are en joying a stay at their summer home at' Nelscott
- . Mr. and Mrs. ;T. Harold Tomlinson. are leaving today
for Olympiai to meet Mr. LaRaut Lewis. Together the three
will leave for Bellingham where they will, take a cruise to
Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, and sail around the San Juan
islands for a week.
-f'V ' , ; Leave For
: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Campbell left Saturday by motor to
San Francisco for a week's stay and will visit the fair. Mr.
and Mrs. George Otten and Miss Patty Otten are at Nelscott
today and Miss Otten will remain for the week as the guest of
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Ralston. Mrs. William
Ralston of Portland will be in Salem for several days this
week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Otten.
Dr. and Mrs. Wolcott Buren and children, Nancy and
Dick, are leaving today for a two weeks' camping trip to
interesting points in eastern Oregon. Miss Marcelle DeMytt,
Miss Jean DeMytt and Mr. Warren DeMytt have left for a
week's sojourn at Clear Lake. !
. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Crawford are leaving Thursday for
a month's trip to Alaska. They will visit in Victoria the latter
part of the week and will sail Saturday from Vancouver, B. C.
They will visit in Juneau and will enjoy fishing trips and
plan to take an airplane trip inland.
I Out-of-Town Guests Feted
: A large group oi the younger set are at Neskowin today
enjoying a picnic at the Frank Spears cottage. The honor
guests are Mr. and Mrs. Phil E. Gilbert of Evanston, HI., Mr.
James Dietrich Heldt of Scotts Bluff, Neb., and Mr. Robert
Braucher of Long Island. The men were all classmates of
Mr. Frank Spears, jr., at the Harvard Law school.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sampson of Fort Dodge, Iowa, is
visiting for several weeks at the home of Miss Amanda
Schwabbauer. Miss Ruth Moore and her house guest, Miss
Marjory Barr of Petaluma, Calif., are enjoying the day at
Lake Oswego as the guests of .Mr. and Mrs. George A. Mo
FauL A swimming party followed by a picnic lunch will be
served during the afternoon.- -
Miss Margaret Dfcege, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. G.
Doege, has been enjoying a stay in San Francsco as the guest
of friends and viewing the Golden Gate exposition.
The Salem Women's Press clnb
will meet on Tuesday at the home
of Mrs. Martin Lizberg. ISC East
Rural arenue for a dessert lunch
eon on Tuesday at 1:30 o'clock.
- "-" . f -
r Mrs. D. P. Dimeler and grand
sons, Robert and David Suing, are
enjoying a two weeks' stay in San
Francisco and attending the fair.
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MRS. WILLIAM DICK, the former Frances Johnston, who :
was married on July II at SL Paul's Episcopal church. The couple
wU reside In Salem. (Jeiten-Mlller photo). -
At .
San Francisco
: Mr. and Mrs. Herman ETstes
(Alice Speck) of Camas, Wash.,
are visiting in Salem this weekend
as the guests of the latter's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Speck.
, Weekend visitors In the capital
are Mrs. C. E. .Weston and her
daughter, Miss Rosamund Weston,
of Grants Pass.
rr w" ; ;
jm& m win! mnm. ' f ,
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Annual Garden
Will Be
August 2
One of the outstanding events
of the mid-summer season will be
the annual garden benefit for
which members of the Junior
GuUd of St. Paul s Episcopal
church will be hostess in the gar-
dens of Mr. and Mrs. Homer H.
Smith, sr., on North Summer
street The affair will be an event
of Wednesday, August 2 with
contract in play beginning at two
Proceeds from the benefit will
be nsed for social service work
which the guild has as a project
during the year. Tea will be serv-
ed at fonr o'clock and those not
wishing to play bridge are Invited
to call at the tea hour. Mrs. Geo.
H. Bwlft and Urt. Rriw&rri rnff
presldent of the guild? have been Mrs. Charles Bier, Helen Brelt- garden . . . Josephine McGilchrist
Invited to preside at the serving haupt and Win Jenks viewing the in a dashing print of blue with
table. Oregon exhibit .... Mrs. Gwen sea shells of varied colors . . . .
Mrs. Varney E. Kuhn is general Gallaher MeCullough and Helen with it she wore a navy straw
chairman of the event and Mrs. Carlson, Delta Phi sorority sisters with fuchsia ' ribbon trim . . . .
Harry Wledmar Is the co-chair- .... Winifred and Carroll Gard- Mrs. Carl Collins in a blue and
man. Mrs. Clifton Irwin and Mrs. ner, former Willamette students, white print with white pique eol
Willlam H. Burghardt are In had Margaret for dinner at their lars and cuffs and white hat.
charge of reservations and the home In Oakland and among, the SEEN -THIS WEEK . . . .Mrs.
ticket committee. Anyone wishing
to reserve tables are asked to
can either Mrs. Irwin of Mrs.
Burghardt. '
Assisting on the ticket commit-
tee are Mrs. Jesse C. Campbell,
Mrs. T. H. Galloway and" Mrs. 8.
M. Graham. Mrs. Sydney Kromer
is arranging the tea table. Assist-
lng with other arrangements are
Mrs. John Beakey, Mrs. Henry V.
uompton and Mrs. Robert Bren-
. Anne Jamison Sings at
Stadium Monday
' Lovely Anne Jamison, lyric so-
prano sUr of radio, concert and
opera, will be the Stadium Phil-
harmonic's guest soloist - for; its
iecond concert scheduled for next
Monday night in Portland's civic
Btadlum. Miss Jamison burst into
fame in this country when she was
chosen to aucceed Gladys Swarth-
outn a's-erie, of br7adctsTnd
. then on the Hollywood Hotel iro-
gram. Her thousands of radio
admirer, throughout the nprth- f Mrs Robert M. Gatke at Nelscoti! ZnTSrR
t i P 80n When "he dice wd pink ribbon bow in her Li ? ' an,d edHnS- Mrs. Minneman will
appears Monday. haIr . , , fmeanor was wearing a gl J$2L S wear na lu Prtnt silk frock
Miss Jamison will sing two pa8tel print silk A charming 80n1. Rr' aAJLrB-JP'1: and corsage of gardenias.
groups of songs with the orches- yiaitor at the Johnson home is ' . 5 Mrs. Earl The couple will leave for a trip
tra, including the lovely "Depuis Amarette Barnes of McMlnnville an,da,Mr?: slte J. on the Washington and Oregon
le Jour" from "Louise" and the who teaches at Beaverton where ?S"kfr Ef88' coast- For Celling the bride
Gavotte from "Manon." Her voice Julia has been teaching .... Am- !wP?J.- TSSS'mT ALv,4 Mo" ha" cao8e drk grey wool tai
ls remarkably sweet with a bell- arette. leaves Monday for the Uni- f 71' e - ' ?Jr' lored ult with white lace blouse
like clarity that makes listening versity to attend the post-summer fv" P Mls Dorothy Mc- and white accessories,
to her a red-letter event. session .... The tea table was jt. Waew ! MIas Morr graduate ot
Conductor Paul Lemay has lovely with a large bowl of roses J. -t- S0 WlUamette university and a mem-
again chosen a well-balanced nro- In the background, small vase's of 5 y""' Mr Mr?! ?T 9- ber of Beta Chi sorority. Mr. Min-
gram, especially suited to the re-
laxation of a summer evening out-
of-doors. The numbers will In-
'elude Brahma' " kcaAnmi vati.
val" overture the two movements
of Schubert's "Unfinished Sym-
phony;" -the Bacchanale from
"Samson and DeUlah;" three
British folk music settings by
Percy Grainger: "Country Gar-
dena," "Irish Tunes from County
wttj ana -snepneras aey,"
and the; ever-loved "Poet and
The concert Monday night will
commence promptly at 8: JO. but
to accommodate the crowds, the
stadium gates and box offices will
wo uyeuea at f. ine DODUiar
priced scrip tickets are still
avanaoie ior ue concerts.
- - - - -
, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sears were
hosts on Thursday night at a din-
ner at their home on West Wash-
ington street Invited were Mr.
and Mrs. George Hurley of Al-
bany. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vleako.
Miss Maxine Hartley and Major
van Swaverud and Mr. Frank
Troeh of Portland.
- " sight seeing trips and one evening return, stopping at San Francisco cent Lewis ot Cottage Grove and
The Spinster 'patronesses are tne Worthingtons gave a dinner and Tosemits park., Mrs. A. N. Ward of San Francisco,
arrlnglnr a benefit card party for or Carlona at the Union dub are guests at the home of Mr. and
Thursday afternoon at the home V Dominion Day was observed Mrs. W. Conner in South Salem,
of Mrs, Curtis B. Cross. The f. rfJ'P''Un.mUnm'Alkmmmdaattt:
- proceeds -will go to the Spinsters rne.,,llg,lU e ment Haxel ot Petaluma, Calif., are . Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lachmond
- who will use It In buying murals "tS,1"1 mre"B otl were houseguests ot Mrs. Addle Curtis were hosts for a smartly appoint
for the children's ward at the 8a. P6"".11 VA Tn? .raTi,,u .V111 ard will leave for Pendleton on ed dinner party at 'their home on
lem General hospital.
aa Mm lxyal Heewon
-left last night-for a week's trin
through southern Oregon and their Canadian friends. r v i The Anaericam War Mothers - . ; V v
'northern California and will visit A SUMMER WEDDING weekr"11 n Tuesday afternoon for a - MrmT
the Oregon caves, Crater and Dla- ago when Frances Johnstons be- eovered dish lunch and social at- Harriet Hawkins are the weekend
i mond lakes and Bend. They will came the bride of William Dick I ternoon. at the heme ot Mrs. B; P, guests of Mr. and Mrs. ,T. A. Rob
take the coast route part of the at 8L Paul's Episcopal church Taylor. A large group of the Moth- erts at their summer home at Nes-way-and
cross McKenzie pass, i, Frances was sweet bride In her ers and guests were entertained, kowln.
Seen and Heard
-mamm vniniAnii vro.i.
.11 .v. ...n.,. v..j0j .tv
all of the traveners headed south
thU year stop at the Golden Gate
ezposiuon .... saargarei una
arrived Thursday from the south .
and reported a grand time ....
She was accompanied south by
her mother, Mrs. J. Nunn, and
ner oromer, unanes .... or se-
Teral years Margaret has been fa-
shion accessories copy writer at
the Bon Marche in Seattle ....
She will take over her new po-
sltlon as copy writer for the home
furnishings department at the
same store Monaay . . . wnne in
San Francisco she saw Helen
Hayes and Herbert Marshall in
"Ladies and Gentlemen" and said
It was excellent . . . . She saw the
Ice Follies of 1939, Helen Mor-
fan, and Sally Rand's show in
downtown San Francisco ....
At tha fair she xlimDsed Mr. and
guests were . Ionian potter ana
.Margaret rurvine, saiem gins.
Eleanor Trindle has recently
returned from a stay In San Fran-
Cisco and the fair where she was
the guest of Martha Sprague ...
She reported seeing Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Pierce (Anne Van Scoy)
wbo went south tor their wed-
ding trip .... and Beryl Holt
wnen enjoyed a visit in the bay re-
gion alter atenaing tne aauvv
convention in Denver.
HONOR GUEST at the late af-
ternoon tea on Friday for which
Julia Johnson and Eleanor Trin-
dle were -hostesses was Edna Sa-
vage, bride-elect of Manfred 01-
on . Rnpt evclahnffii over
the beautiful arrangements of
flowers about the rooms ....
several tall vases filled with var-
led colorful gladioli with the sal-
mu and peach shades predominl-
mating .... a bowl of poppy tree,
yer7 effective ..... between the
two m a gorgeous arrange-
OI oiue nyarangeiw . .
""Jx l i"f"Z" "L ""S
tock at each side and a bride
and groom on a mirror in the
center . ... pink tapers flanked
the arrangement . . . . Amour
those assisting . . . . Helen Pur-
Ti?e Jn ?aTT Pleatetf
"iri wno 18 ome irom-MUis xor
1h-5ammT1r ', i M"- Kenneth
S80" i11 wbo U
",tC ' "It. "
wilUam P EUwho tkli. luf;
danchter Mr. Ken.tii P.7rn.
Frances' ElllT) who now llvlnr
the ho t"' w'ear of "aoutT and
wfihes she could be In Oregon .
Jean McElhinny In a blue and
white print with her mother, Mrs.
unrie MrH.ihinn in
Lucille Brainard chic in a navy
ana wnue cnecxea skirt, navy bo-
"ce trunmea m tne check mater-
ial. - r
B. C. recenUy were Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Carton (Lois Rlggs)
They were guests ot the city and
wer registered at the Empress
hotel . ... At Victoria they were
areeted by John Worthington,
city aiaerman, a friend of Mr.
Carton s .... They were taken on
pi" " Z Virl
cv...i... .1,... (,.!.. ..4
dimming w6re enjoyed . . .
gown of pink taffeta . ... She
carried the d raver' book belonrlnr
to Mrs. Carl Ccllina . ... The
outoMoira e. and clo8e
friends attended the teceptlon
which was held in the gardens
at the Johnston homo .... Un
George Alexander was among
those pouring and wore a smart
jiary bine frock with dusty rose
straw hat and accessories ...
Mrs. John i CottreU (Margaret
jean Cooper) of Portland and a
recent bride, greeted the guests
at the door and looked chic In a
brown silk frock . . . A few
of those assisting . . . Mrs. Ruth
neid Mlmnaugh attractive In all
white with navy accessories and
large white picture hat . . . with
her was her darling son, David,
also in white .... Marie Paton
wore a charming blue and white
printed silk frock with navy chif-
fon redlngote and a white turban
.... Chattlnr with neat in th
varies sanora witn ner daugb.
ter, Mrs. Frank S.
(Marjorie Safford)
Barlow ir
or eeaside
who has been visitinr w thia
week .... Marjorie Is very fond
of Seaside and Is having a grand
time at the beach enjoying ' the
ocean, dances and the promenade
.... She looked very smart wear-
ing a navy wool suit with match-
ing straw hat with veil and fu-
cnsia purse.
Mrs. David Lewis j talking It
over with a group of friends . .
She looked very dashing in a blue
and white checked dress with self
covered buttons down the front
and a full length black fitted coat
allehtlv flarui mafA ii.
sleeves .... with it she wore a
tricky black straw.
Faculty Picnif Fridav
J " uaj
At NeiSCOtt
Members of the Willamette uni-
ve7sUylacul V and ttVhUdr
enjoyed , an all-day picnic on Fri-'
H9 at th. hsn f-h hnma M a n A
aav at tne neacn nnmo nf Mr nni
.!' V J 8iB- Laugh-
"u .
ui VAUh MAf.Ana hk
ter of Mrs. W. G. Morehouse, has
returned from Tacoma where she
was the guest of honor at a party
for whIch Miss Helen Baisch was
hostess at her home. At the af-
fair Miss Baisch announced her
nagement Miss Baisch and Miss
orenouse are Kappa Kappa Gam-
ma "orority sisters at Washington
State college.
Dr. and Mrs. C A. Downs were
hosts for a family picnic in the
gardens of their South High street
home Saturday night. Their guests
wer "a am. nuitara j.
Jones, Mr. and ' Mrs Lestle J,
Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Panek and their childen.
county picnic at the Dallas city
Mrs. Bernard Hobald of Los park today. Former residents of
Angeles (Lucille Lee) is a visitor Umatilla county are invited to at
in Salem for a fortnight at the tend. - 4 , '
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Liee. Mrs. Le wui accom
pany her to Los Angeles on her
Wednesday to visit with Mrs. Al-
len's son and daughter-in-law,
Dr- an4 Mr.
, .
Stanley Allen;
; ' . -
' l 'V-.. ' '
, . .' ' - . t -
for these Salem girls when
, they enjoy a swim In the pool
at the Arch Jerman country
home. From left to right are
Helen Langille, Wilda Jer
man. Sybil Spears, Betty Sim
mons and Mary Jane Sim
mons. On the diring board are
Patty Otten and Lorraine
Brace. (Kennell - Ellis
, . -wra-i
flViiivH Ko
VJ-ll Ul Lll TV 11 A UC
Setting ior
Th Christ Lutheran church
06 the Bcena of lTely wed-
ding today at IX: IS o'clock when
M1 E11 MaT Morris, daughter
of Mr- Qd Mrs. George J. Morris
Medford, becomes the bride of
Mr. Edwin E. Minneman, son of
Rev. and Mrs. Amos E. Mlnne-
man of Salem.
Rev. Minneman will perform
the double ring ceremony before
the atar banked with white and
pink gladioli. Miss Glena Bauer s
fleld will sing, "Because" and
"Passing By" with Miss BeUe
Brown playing the aeompaniment
and wedding marches.
The bride will be given in mar-
riage by her father and will wear
" wut v4 wuiw bovhcub
fashioned with a short train ex
tending from a full length skirt,
blrred bodice and puffed sleeves.
Her fu!1 IenKth tulle veil Is ar-
raned in three tiers and will fall
rom a coronet of orange blos-
,omB- she crry a shower
DOn1uet ' Pink T and lllies-
Mlss stella Minneman, sister of
tne a0 and Miss Ellse Sharp
of Everett, Wash., will be the
brldemaids. They will wear iden-
tlcal f1"008 ot shell pink lace fa-
Bn,oned wlt&' ut bodices, full
skirts, and puffed sleeves. They
wil1 wear pInk TelTet Juliet caps
and carry colonial bouquets of
P"a res ana wnue sweet peas
Mr. John voss will serve as
best man for Mr. Minneman. Ush
ers will be Mr. John and Mr.
Amos Minneman, brothers of the
To Reside in Yakima
bers of thT timily a tSeTrg?"
tel Wil, FoUow the ceremonr. Mrs.
.... m
, ... . . .
neman U also a graduate of Wll-
iametteand a member of Theta
Alpha Phi, Blue Key and Tan
Kappa Alpha. He took advanced
?50at "a.rvard la?1 winter. Mr.
"WSl J8-A.w, branch mana-
' "f, '
JJe ' CUPle re"
' .
Enjoying an extensive gallery
tour at tne art center Friday were
Mrs. S. D. Jones, Mrs. T. H. Gafio-
way, Mrs. Frank U. Brown, Mrs.
Frank Myers and Mrs. Jesse
Campbell. They visited as a group
and were shown the current art
exhibitions and all of tbS class
studios, examlnfnr atnrfAnta' wm-v
In weaving, painting, ceramica and
A number of Salem folk are
planning to attend the Umatilla
Mrs.' Sadie Lewis of Cottage
Grove and daughters. Miss Milll-
Gaiety Hill Friday night. Covers
kere placed for sixteen guests. The
evening hours were spent lnfor-
mally . ( , .. c-;
' Mr. mmA Mr. Waldos B. Byer Th BaslaeM ud FrofeMloMl
and children Waldon BrockweU women'i clnb of Salem, McltlniH
and llartsn BopMa. wlM r be to -me comVUM, Albany and Slerl-
STSS ..SEfflyffttr ' -:
fitter family at St. Stephen's Dallas city park Tuesday night at
cathedral at high noon. The By- f o'clock. Salem memberg will
S'Slldren wUl be bapUxed and meet at MUler'a corner at 6:15 o'
the other children to be christened clock. A board meeting will be
it this time are the small dangh- held before the dinner honr and
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Brockweli C. stnnU and enterUlnment wUl be
SUtter. Victoria Bryham. and giTen by the carlons club mem
Junes Edward and Charles Mich- bers. Reservations should be made
ael Grelle. sons of Df. and Mrs. by calling Mtos Buth McAdams,
James H. OreUe-'?'.-:-.;':;- '
..' . : - :
: "TJ" I ,"
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rrTrumn-' 'T ' " '-i'"-' ifVrfri riMiriiiftTwiM
Mountain Girls
At Dance
One of Portland's most popu
lar entertaining groups, the
Mountain Jennies have been en
gaged to give entertainment at
the Beaux Arts ball which Is be
ing given for the benefit of the
Salem Art Center on August 4,
at the armory.
The entertainers include five
women who give a hilarious 20
minute act of songs and nonsense.
The Mountain Jennies recently
appeared before the Lion's club
and were enthusiastically recom
mended by that group.
The dance will be strictly a
sports affair, summer flannela
and sports prints will be in favor
for dancers.
Tommy SeRine and his orches
tra have been engaged to furnish,
music. Tommie Hozie is in gen
eral charge ot the ball and Bar
ter Hoster, lstructor in applied
commercial arts at the Center is
In charge of decorations. An ac
complished artist Foster has a
wide range of experience, and un
der his direction the decorations
are expected to be a special fea
ture of the dance. Assisting will
be Miss Barbara Scott and Miss
Doris Taylor and some 40 mem
bers of the high school and col
lege set.
A hint on- decorations revealed
by the committee was that, there
will be a running mural around
the balcony, one of the sensation
al features.
Tickets are on sale at Stevens
Brown and will be placed in other
stores this week. Wayne Perdue
Is ticket sales chairman.
Reunion to Be Held at
Bynon Home Tuesday
Members of the 1914 graduat
ing class of the Salem high school
will hold a reunion and picnic at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Bynon, 11811 S. W. Riverside
Drive, Portland on Tuesday night
begining at five o'clock.
The honor guest at the affair
will be Dr. F. Cudworth Flint, a
member of the Dartmouth col
lege faculty and a member of the
1914 class. Salem folk planning
to atend the affair are asked to
call Mrs. Mary Schultz Duncan or
Mrs. Homer Egan by Monday
noon. .
U ( . A I
C LV p. V.7.
the , former Doris . Lnndeen,
who was married on July 1
at a garden wedding. (Pho-
- to by Jesten-Mlller).' : :
"W -B
I J J, '
I j v " '
11 ; .... j.: i;.
Former Salem
Girl to Wed
In South
Of interest to her many friends
in the capital is the approaching
marriage of Miss Marguerite Es
tudillo of Salem, to Mr. Owen
Hanson of Los Angeles.
The ceremony will be perform
ed on August 12 at St. Vincent's
Cathedral in Los Angeles at four
o'clock in the afternoon.
Miss Ramona Estudillo of Los
Angeles, formerly of Salem, will
be her sister's maid of honor.
Bridesmaids will be Miss Evelyn
Shields of Los Angeles, formerly
ot Salem, Mrs. Kenneth Leithold
and Mrs. Archie Nowland all of
Los Angelei.
Mr. George Roberts of Los An
geles will -serve as best man for
Mr. Hanson.
Mrs. Estudillo has already left
for the south to attend her
daughter's wedding. Miss Estudil
lo visited in Salem the first part
of July.
Miss Estudillo Is a graduate of
University of Southern California
and attended Willamette universi
ty and Oregon Normal school. Mr.
Hanson is also a graduate of the
University of Southern California
and was a member of the Trojan
football team. He Is a member of
Sigma Chi fraternity and was
president of the Varsity club.
Picnic Supper at Yung
Home on Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Rpy Tung and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Develin enter
tained members of the letter car
riers and their families at a pic
nic supper at the former's home on
North 21st street Friday nigtit.
Japanese lanterns lighted the gar
den. During the evening, bridge,
pinochle and Chinese checkers
, were in play.
Attending the affair were Mr.
and Mrs. George White, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Welch, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Wagers, Mr. and Mrs. E.
J. Frick, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley
Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Scott,
Mr. and Mrs. William O'Niell, Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Jory, Mr. and Mrs.
Harmon Garret, Mr. and Mrs. Ro
bert Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. John
French, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Critten
den, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Boyce, Mr.
and Mrs.' Roy Tung and Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Develin.
Miss Boyle Honor Guest
At Picnic Friday
Miss Eleanor Johnson and Miss
Charlotte McKee were hostesses
tor a swimming party and plcnio
at Rtverdale park Friday night in
compliment to Miss Virginia Boyle
' who will become the bride of Mr,
Lawrence Bradford, on August 6.
Honoring Miss Boyle were Miss
Mildred Rickman, Miss Esther
Mae Devore, Miss Helen Johnswi,
Miss Hallie Chamberlain, Miss
Jane Patton, Miss Beulah Patton.
"Miss La Von Gardner,. Mrs. Ronald
' Crossland, Mrs. Leonard Kephart,
Miss Boyle, Miss 'Eleanor Johnson
and Miss Charlotte McKee.
Dr. and Mrs. Brace White, for
mer Willamette students, were in
Salem for 'a few hours on Satur
day. Dr. White has been head of
the education department at the
University of Hawaii for the past
three years, and this summer has
been on the faculty at Oregon
State college.
The Veterans' of Foreign Wars
auxiliary will meet on Tuesday
night at S o'clock at the home of
Mrs. Ward Wolfe at 651 Thomp
son street. 'Reports of the con
vention delegates will be given. .
lira. Fannie Skinner of Xaklma
, was the houseguest of Mrs. Addle
Curtis tor the week" and is going,
to 'California before returning to'
her home' in Yakima. ,
. .-r. .-.r-r,ji ". ,"
' " : Mrs. Richard Smart and Miss
Gertrude Roenlcke will entertain
the alumnae of Alpha Phi Alpha
sorority at the former's apartment
at the Royal Court Tuesday night