?Ui itfWOUEGON CTAT1MAN em;toegott 1939 3 -PAGE THIRTEEN 7 SMartiri Kiiiken Is; Called at Age 78 FOX VALLEY Funeral serv - Ice tor Martin Kaiken, 78. were bell at the Stayton chapel Wed nesday forenoon with burial in Uie family plot at Fox Valley, Mr. Hulked, is survived aby J large family ot children ' and grandchil dren." His wite'dled a, few yearn ago. ; - Mrs. Orlo Humphreys, of Union Hill and Mrs. Clair Humphreys and children, Betty and Lei and of Salem, were Sunday visitors at the J. H. Johnston home. " Recent arrivals here are Mr. and . Mrs. Harvey Vann and six thlldren of BaaersjfteJd, (Jallfc The vann: family is spending this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Manlel McCarley. Mrs. Vann is Mrs. McCarley's sister. Mr. Vann obtained employment Monday at the Crawford and Shaw lumber mill above Mehama and the family will move to- the mill, this week end. ; A house had to be finished before they could get a place to lire, i 11 ' .-ft.' - nayesviiiecoiit Meet Interesting HAYESVILLE - The hoys ot scout troop 20 bad an enjoyable meeting Tuesday night. Rer. Irving Fox ot Salem save a humorous and instructive- talk on the laws jf the scouts: t j .-At'the cl'dse of the meeting the mothers treated the boys to a sur prise luncheon.. Scoutmaster Harrisqn Hartzel and his asslstantVernon Greig, were sent through the "spats." aa their birthdays were within a few days ot the meeting. . COLORADOAXK VISITING ' tTNIONVALE MT. and Mrs. A. A. Baxter of Denary Colo., art rlred by automobile Tuesday night tor a two weeks' Visit at the home ot their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter. Deibel. BIOLOGY TEACHER SILVERTON Miss Agnes Steward will teach biology In the Silverton schools. Willard Stew ard is on a year's leaTe ot absence. Higlway ; Worker Injured by Auto DALLAS W. O. Frack, who Is employed on the state - highway maintenance crew, was, hit by an automobile reported to have been driven by Irma Snere Tuesday afternoon while working on the highway about 2 miles west of BuelU He Suffered a broken -leg and foot Injury, it was reported. ARKAXSAX9 MAT STAY HUBBARD Mr. jmd Mrg. IL E. Boatwright of Searcy. Ark.,' are guests at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wolfer. Mrs. Wolter and Mrs. Boatwright were c o lit g chums. The Boatwrlgbts are plan ning on locating in the valley. Worth $730 ModemAU Steel Bed Styled in moulded steel with rich walnnt chip-proof enamel .finish! Decorated panels! . . mm Guest Chain 5 88 A BIG chair with a high, form fit back, deep "No-Sag" spring filled seat, rayon velvet cover! Unpointed v Chests I Fin Hardwood 1 488 Each August Sale-priced ! These con venient 5-drawer chests fit any room! Paint them ' yourself I 7-Way Floor Lampl Regular 4 Jlz.VS value i Adjustable to 7 degrees of soft, healthful light! LE.S. specifica tions! Pleated silk shade! Sin fcauv Save 20561 Feather Pillows I 98 Pr. Compare $7.50 99-Coil . Springs 544 " !,V"T $i 59 Value I Q Chenille 5 Pc Walnut Dinette, Water roll Stylel 28 All white leathers in a durable striped feather-proof tick! !4 duck and chicken feathers! . 99 big coils instead of the usual 90! Firm wire border no sag ging! Heavy enamel finishl Everything you want in a bath or bedroom rug! Reversible! Washable! Fast colors! Save! Worth 945! Walnut veneered table seats six! 4 chairs imita tion leather seats and backs! 7X& A -r- vv h UJ wWAyyiyil di v!(Ll)ti!jJii Is Wdilv IP m F J N.WV-' W W VP 1 in I mil w-f -:i : -1-7 :(- : 1" "Vs. IX r n , Save 5! Get theE s:a -y ihest Mattress Sold Under$15! Woven Stripe Ticking! Premier Wire Coils! Heavy Si sol Pads! (J (DXD) All Standard Sizes Available H 3 Here's one of the most sensational mat tress offers Wards have ever made ! This restful mattress has a beautiful woven stripe ticking twige as durable as the covers on most mattresses at this LOW $ricet The' 180 restful comfort coils are of Premier wire the finest made! Deep layers of sanitary felted cotton linters and thick sisal pads cushion your sleep ! Screened wire ventilators keep the inside clean! A TYPICAL WARD VALUE! Comforfabe, Mohair Pieces Sensationally Low Priced! 1 v m-jmtT jPirtfori r- TO '"tiWM'i'J-',ir"vrt-'i-',nu"i'n m Vlf "i- " YrnVr'- ir T Reduced from SI. 49 1 Inlaid Linoleum Put permanent floor beauty into your home at this low price r These bright colors can't wear out they're in laid through to a burlap back ! . New tiles, marble effects! -.r i . I V" 80-Inch DAVENPORT $7 A MONTH Down Payment, Carrying Charge MIEYSW You'll know this is the suite you've always wanted'the moment you see . the graceful sweep of the finely proportioned back and the restful, deep channeled arms the soft cushions, reversible for long wear the luxurious, Surable rayon-moJiair cover usually found only on very expensive suites and the richly carved wood base and panels! Get these big, attractive pieces for your home now, while Wards sensa tional low price sates you $20 1 fine Rayon Velvet Cover 2 Pc. Liv ing Room S488 Construction and style both prove that this, big suite is worth $20 more! Base and arm panels have richly carved wood trim! SAVE! b A MONTH. Dm ftqmtiit, Cjrrjrinf Clurft 4&a3ii3k&sess Sale I You Save $15 3 Pc. Walnut Bedroom ,43)88 A Ward Sale Scoop sensa tionally LOW priced! Rich walnut veneers on fine hard wood! Plate glass mirror 1 Get bed; chest; vanity! S3 A U8MTH.-.Dw ftomnt,. ; Carrytnf Chat j Equals $39.50 Quality! Sale! Bed Davenport cm8 Examine every feature and youll see how Wards price saves you $111 Convenient drop back opening makes double bed! Tapestry cover! S3 A MMTN, Dam PwMrt. ' Cjrryini Ctarft 6D Mb r Eiffl TO 4 .2.03 This sale . gives you BIG savings' on ; Wards own regular prices but your sav ings, are even BIGGER on prices any where else I You get a tough baked-on ' enamel surface that wipes clean with a damp mopt Bright,, durable colors in Tiles, Florals and beautiful new Marble ized designs! Buy now and save money! Del. 33c Wcrdcleca Ycrd Gccds . Rave gleaming; easy-to-clean floors wall-to-waU ia Wardo-' letnnl Wide choice of patterns! and 9 ft. widths! SAVE! luu'uiwi.miui) ju.. luuiimiiiiuJiiiiiM ill i juii.i i j II v jigwii ... i . .11 jiu..n,j. .. iii Prices Cut 3 on Frnesf Standard Weight Felt Base 7 mm How On New, Seamless, Ail-Wool Pile Rugs! , V W4 JL-L MONTH Even at $32.50 you'd search far to match this fine Axminster in clear, unfading color, long wearing wool pile and soft weave 1 And you couldn't get these beautiful patterns anywhere else because they are exclusive with Wards! Choose from copies of authen tic old Hooked rug designs, or modern Tex tures and Floral-Leaf patterns! Make your choice NOW at Wards low sale prices! Down Payment, Carrying Charge - -(mm mi mm 15s NO. LIBERTY TELEPHONE 3194