PAGE SIX Th OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning; Julj 20, 1933 Salem Folk Are Hosts to Many ' Visitors' : . New Ylsitors arrlTe etch day lit the capital and Informal dinners and gatherinca arc arranged In their honor by hostesses. Dr. and Mm. Bruce R. Baxter hare as their ruefts for aereral daya Professor and T'.n. John -Wirkler of Oberlln, Qhio, and Pro fessor . SUnley HoppeT ot New. York City." - . , Professor and Mrs. Wirkler will leare latent o d a y and en- route home will stop at Victoria, a. u.. Lake Louise and Banff. Professor Wirkler la assistant to the secre tary at Oberlin college nnd is di rector ot the men'a and women's glee clubs. Professor Hopper la on the faculty at Drew unirersity. Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Baxter were hosts for--an Informal tea at Uni versity House Wednesday after noon for the pleasure of their guests, -o - - ' : . Out-of-Town Guests Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Wallace will haTe as their guett for the remainder of the summer Misa Edna Sterling of Seattle. She will arrive today from San Francisco where she has been attending an English conference at Stanford and the Golden Gate exposition. Guests at the home of Mr. and n.mi u.iinkHit r arcs MrS. W muuv"i - Mr. McGllcbrist's brother and sister-in-law. Dr. and Mrs. Nicol McGllchrlst and son, Billy of Spo kane. Before returning to their home they will spend some time at the beaches. . v. ArrlTing today to be the guests of Mrs. Frank Snedecor are Mr, and Mrs. Bradford Merry of Knox Tllle, Tenn., and Mr. Horace Merry of Louisville, Kentucky. The Tlsltora will be in Salem for several daya before returning to their home.- Bride-Elect Will Be Honored at Luncheon o.Mim o o 1IAXINE BUREN FFoman't Editor- Recent BrideMrs. George Beech ler , (Martha McCall) who was married June 28 at the West minster i Presbyterian church In Portland. Mr. Beechler Is the son of Mrs. D. X. Beechler of Salem. The I couple will reside in Lebanon. (Cut courtesy Ore gon Journal). Free summei classes at the Art Center are even more varied than Shower to Fete Miss Riopelle This Evening : ' Mlaa'Luclle Brainard, Miss Lois Walton and Miss Katherlne Ring re entertaining with a smartly arranged party tonight' at the Wil liam Everett Anderson home on Court street In compliment to. Miss Melba Riopelle who will be come the bride ' of Mr. Rodney Winston of Seattle on July 29. ' ; The evening -will be spent in formally in the garden and at a late hour refreshments will be served by the hostesses. A crystal shower will honor Miss Riopelle during the evening. . Honoring Miss Riopelle will be Miss Ina Bennett, Miss Mary Vir ginia Nohlgren, Misa Josie Acklin, Miss Frances Batson, Miss Dor othy Lipps,Miss Gwendolyn Hunt, Misa Carolyn Hunt, Miss Char lotte Kallander, Miss Doris Un ruh. Miss Irma'Oehler, Miss Ro berta Brainard of Spokane, Mrs. Cheater Oppen, Mrs. Robert Rieder, Mrs. William Everett An - derson. Miss Lois Walton, Misa : Katherlne Ringe and Miss Lucile I Brainard. . ! - Birthday Parties Are Given for Miss Holts Miss, Mary Ross Holts, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holts, will be complimented with an in- Style, - Smiled tfutcken isuiF "wtth several new Instructor. '" party tonight at the home on the staff and growing interest by patrons to aid in furthering activities. : A creative painting class for nursery age children is listed among the classes. Classes for public school chil- of her parents on East Rural street on the occasion, of her birth day. , A dessert supper will be served with an evening of dancing following. Making up the guest list will be Miss Mary Ross Holts, Misa k,t ;, i vvw t y& Ja--a)--'iV : "aV V;. S j3 Tiny Kitchen RoomEnough For six Whipped Berries Make Cake Frosting , That whipped . frosting that makes such an Interesting cake pie green, sky blue, and. others. Such colors are always aafe for permanent backgrounds in any home. . New color panels hare a glased surface for ' cleanliness. topping er can be froze far des diert goes like this: BERRY WHIP ICING 1 cup any berries 1 egg white , cup sugar Whip all together for about 20 minutes, spread on cake and keep In a cold place. Will not keep very long. The longer the mixture la whipped the more the volume, be 'Everything was fine till she told the judge her traffic violation shouldn't count because she had no driver's license!" m , a AV . They can be wiped off with a damp sure to begin In a large enough Preparing food for the family ka-i. - ... ... . . . . . vivfci. " in a ncKL, luuiuu' kiicuca enough, and often the addition of an unexpected guest causes a few missing heartbeats on the house keeper's part. But imagine plan ning and serving meals for travel lers on a diner, jiggling along and not knowing how many will choose beef and how many chick en. ,-. One railroad company served 6,500,000 meals last year, on pas senger trains speeding at an av erage of 60 miles an hour across the continent. Efficiency in estimating sup plies is as necessary as prepara tion of food because if only half enough orders of roast beef were provided, guests might be unhap py, running out of potatoes would be impossible. The kitchen on a train, only slightly larger than that of an apartment, must accomodate half a dozen men to prepare up to 900 meals a day. A' dining car costs $100,000 and what a housewife could do with that! All supplies in a dining car Kitchen are arranged on one bide, thus waste motion is eliminated. 13 ui planning menus tor con tented diners is just as important as preparing the food, and that's where women come In. Several of the railroads employ women to supervise dining car service These experts spend most of their time mingling with tourists, eat ing and talking with them. Thus the customer's preferences and re actions are learned, and service is adjusted to suit Modern Interiors in ' ' ' N ; -.111 Mrs. cnaries dren include those of nunnetrv preside at a nMTUj D"J"" pottery and creative painting, luncheon Friday afternoon at her B1Jnd cWMren w continue In home . on North 14th sculpturing, and art that seems compliment to Miss Alice tn8a particularly adaptable to totally of Corvallis. who will become the children and tno9e Wth par bride of Mr. Stanley Wallace of Ua, T,slon Evanston, 111., on August 7. Day classes for adults are list- The guest list Includes mem- eJ fjr portMt land8cape and 8till bers of the bridal party, miss (gcheduled for dlfferent days Alice Ingalls, Miss Betty Btux- tfll peTlod) weaTlng ceramics, geon of Portland, "rs. Harwa w. 8cu,ptnre app1Ied and commercial Moe, Mrs. jvrri f! design and art appreciation. Phil Small ot Corvallis, the bride s aronmni,atc, thnB1 wll41 mother. Mrs. C. E. Ingalls, Mrs Shirley McKay, Miss Elizabeth The thing is not to be naive but to look It like the lady at left. TVatnrnl CrJnra Thu Huiinn or corvains ana Mrs. Charles A. Sprague. Summer flowers will be used in the apolntments on the lun cheon table. The afternoon hours will be spent informally. - Miss Wolfe Married in Seattle July 14 To accomodate those who work. night classes will be given in tdult puppetry, sketching from life, fi gure drawing and painting, weav ing, ceramics, sclupture and com mercial art. The office at the center is dis tributing class schedules and tak ing enrollment. ' Mian Frances E ter ot Mrs. James. Wolfe of Sa lem, became the bride of Mr. Theodore- DuFrain of . Sacramento, Calif.; on Friday, July 14 at the First Presbyterian church In Se attle :wlth Dr. Martin Matthews Writers Meet at Home of Wolf daneh- "" fucs' Mrs. Blanche Jones was hostess to members of the Writers' club at her home on Tuesday night. nn..iv..i- . .1 .i i. - ing program were Mrs. John Clif- r atsy lee ilOSteSS to rora, rroi. William E. Lawrence Anne Herrick, Miss Josephine Morse, Miss Dorothy and Miss Frances Mott, Miss Ilene Paulson, Miss Betty Cooper, Miss Peggy Reinholdt, Miss Florence and Miss Frances LUburn, Miss Pat Ryan, Miss Virginia Steed, Miss Jean Carkln, Miss Adele Say and Miss Edith Brown of Corvallis. Escorts will be Messrs. Corydon Blodgett, Stuart McElhinny, Daryl M a a o n , Bill McElhinny, Dick Stacer, Tommy Rilea, Jack Hayes, Norman Sholseth, Milton McClain, Vernon and Vinton Scott, Wally Witwer, Don Burton, Coe Roberts, Frank Herbert and Aubrey Holt Wednesday afternoon Miss Shir ley McKay was hostess for a pic nic and swimming party at River dale in compliment to Miss Holts. Honoring Miss Holts were Miss Ilene Paulson, Misa Mary Lou Mc Kay, Miss Barbara Bock of Spo kane, Miss Peggy Reinholdt, Miss Betty Cooper, Miss Betty Wirth, Miss Suzanne Wilson, Miss Dor othy Dixon, Mrs. Douglas McKay and Miss Shirley McKay. Ttirn William 17? T,wmhia. v m officiating at 4 o'clock. of Corvallis Ol J?riendS i n m reremonT was wiidcbbcu . .. . ' - . - - by members of the two families. Attending from SalenC were Mrs. James Wolfe ; and the . bride's brother and sister, Mr. Kenneth Wolfe, and Miss Florence .Wolfe. The couple was unattended. nr t n xrl ir r RVclnVe.MrrM7r ,tt 4 -Ml.. M.n4. T,li fc onugo iiariy wauuo & a av - vi ...i. ior a group or ner young ineaas. lauer, TTnn-, f -m. Henry Lee home on North Liberty was the riot t and Miss v v.w' Honors at contract -went o Mrs "vVXZz r V ' , Leone Taylor. The A wedding supper at the home ,, r V' rA'l Z scene of the party. ot the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. Z Jm nX u-r Tne sne8t 1Ist Inclndd MI" and Mrs. John. Lecbner, followed " pa!5f ;,r Rnta Overoff, Miss Grace Ellia the ceremony. The. couple left for ' Holman. Miss Helen Rose- a stay at Lake Wilderness and "fr'vSi :SWh Jl?-' brann- Ml88 Betty Hammond, will reside in Salem at the Ro- SJlJSJ m Mis Be"y Beck- Mrs- Lne Tay bert. apartments. ; . ?' i m l?r. Mrs: Robert ..Barrett. Mrs. Mrs DuFrain attenaea saiem ;-r - ' ' uoraa ainner, miss Margaret vi c t a ' auser. Miss Ruth Moore and Mrs. S. L. Minard, Mrs. Julia to vt c 1 -x m it- j uio. uuuuci oooiotcu we. icauer oi me group, ana Miss Bertha C. Price of Welling ton. Kansas. J i " The Misses Price are sisters of schools and was formerly employ ed at the secretary of state's or f ice.: Mr, - DuFrain is in business in Salem, i i Mulkey Home Scene of Outdoor Meal tained friends over the weekend at the Mulkey home in the Si 1 verton Hills.' ,, - ;A picnic lunch was served in their private park, with swimming and games in the afternoon. In are visiting. the hostess and her mother, Mrs. Henry Lee. . Mrs. F. G. Franklin, whom they kus are motoring to Portland Fri- A . dav in nttfnd a lunohunn rlnn h. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mulkey and Miss Boyle Honored Mrs- Ry K. Hunt, honoring Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Hunt enter- . CL " Harriett DeYoe Baldwin, of Po- ouuwer mona, i;anr. Mrs. Baldwin will visit in Salem as the guest of Mrs. Miss ' Virginia .Boyle was hon- Mason Bishop and Mrs. E. T. Bar ored. with a miscellaneous shower kus. Monday night by , Mrs. Ronald Cros8land, who entertained at her Miss Charlotte Evre. danehter th. j.Tn!n ninnrhu nA ChinM home Richmond avenue. Snap- of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eyre, has checkers were in play; - , dragons, gladioli, roses, sweet arrived in Salem to spend the re Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Gordon Pa" and 1nk tapers were used malnder of the summer with her of Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. .hout the rooms. i parents She has been attending Thompson of Tacbma. Miss Ruby . Guests bidden were the Misses summer school at the University Lorence of Yakima. Dr. Fred ?Tln, Vlckt, Kth"ine Boyle, of Oregon. Scellara and Dr. Fredrick Haye. Cfs Clak. Esther Mae Deyore. of Portland, Miss Myitle E. Ire- Elecaor Johnson, Carol Clark, Mr. and Sirs. Frank Shafer, land and Mrs Frances Ackley of Charlotte McKee, Mildred Rick- Miss Ida Jo Eaton and Mr. Law Salem Miss Georgia German, Mr. mn' Gtacb Jackson, Marie Baum- rence Brown have returned from and Mra W. G. Charpillon and Srtner, . Blanche Baumgartner. a fortnight's stay in San Fran daughter Dlanne. Mr. George Mra- Bertha Kephart, Mrs. Marion Cisco, the Golden Gate exposition. Thornley. Mr. and Mrs. Noah "wie ana miss v lrginia tsoyie. .aae-ianoe, ania urus. carmel Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mulkey . and sons Gene . and Llovd from . Sirs. Albert A. Sievert enter- I . iamea memoers or ner ciub at a Mrs. A. T. Wain has as her breakfast and cards Wednesday house guest for-several weeks her ai me aievert cabin on. Battle aunt. Mrs. Edith Cumminca af .Ai. and other southern points. Silverton. Mrs. Mohr to Honor Kensington Club Mrs. Harry Mohr, formerly, of Salem, hasbidden members ot the Kensington club to a 1 o'clock luncheon today at her Portland home. The afternoon will be spent Informally, C- Motoring-to the affair will be Mrs. M. Doughton, Mrs. Fred S. Anunsen, Mrs. Charles Pratt, Mrs. George King, Mrs. Charlea Hudklns, Mrj. Otto Wilson, sr., Mrs. L. E. Barrlck, Mrs. A..fC; Smith, Mrs. Frank W. Power, Mrs. T. S. Roberts and Mrs. A. A. Keene. -li.. r.. - Mrs. Henry A. Cornoyer ' and Mrs. Robert Brady entertained informally at tea. for a group of matrons Wednesday afternoon at the former's home on North San mer street in compliment to Mra. Frank Bryam ot Washington, D.C who la the house guest of Mr. and . Mrs. J. E. Law. - ' ' . , .V "v,. 4 : ---'V 'Mrs. Conrad Paulas and her sons, Peter, Larry . and Tommy, and Miss Patsy Liresley returned. from a stay at the Liresley sum mer home at -Agate Beach Wed-' nesday. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Lives ley spent the weekend at their beach home. . i I? , -' - ? ; Sirs. Harold dinger Is spend ing the remainder of the week as the fuest of Mrs. Rex Adolph and Mrs. Alden Adolf a at Neskowln. Creek. CLUB CALENDAR : Thursday, Jul) 20 I Fidelia Sunday school class of First Baptist church ; with Mrs. Don Douris, 2045 North Church, 2 p. m, - V American L e g i on auxiliary convention chairman meet at chamber of commerce, 8 p. m. Friday, July 21 , Hal Hibbard auxiliary: nd . camp and their families, pic nic 6:30 dinger park. Auxiliary to Sons of . Union Veterana meet for quilting , with Mrs. Bertha Ray. 1 p. m. j. -Degree ot Honor picnic : with . Mrs. Bertha Bergman, 1C01 1 Cebmeketa, p. m. Families in . Tited. .. - Woman's Missionary society of First Baptist church with Mrs. Walter Lottis, 2743 North Front, 1:30 p. m. . , NALC auxiliary' picnic with '.Marlon Yung. S2S N. Zlst. 6:30 - p. m. . Fidelis class of ' Jason Lee church, picnic' at Hazel Green ' 6:30. Cars leave church at 6, p.m. - ' - 4v ; '-:r,'.( ; Married Peoplea class, .First ' Baptist 'church, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schlnnan, Claxter road, (: 30 dinner.' r; , Satnrday. Jely 22 :: Rembrandt. Artists guild, at . George C. Stephens 570 North 21st, 7:30 p. in. hambra, Calif. Several informal affairs are being arranged in compliment to the visitor. ' . Married People's class of the First Baptist church will meet on Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schirman on Claxter road for a 630 dinner, . . Mr. and Mrs. Henry V. Comp ton have as their house guest for several days Mrs. Compton's brother, Mr. S. Ray Wltham of seaiue. , Mrs. Robert Needbam will leave ror r-ortiaad today to visit for several days with her mother. Mrs. w. u. Kankin. Jlr. and lira. Lyle Henderson 'and daughter. Donna, will spend me oay at umberllne lodge. In the Valley Social Realm Her demure cotton dress, in a circle print, shows a short fitted jacket over a gored-skirt. Collars and cuffs are white; the sleeves. Modern interiors that feature bracelet length. Right, beige linen makes an attractive two-piece inSula.tiiis board for warmth and waistcoat frock. Brown stripes are used diagonally for a herring- beauty have a wide ranee of nos bone effect in the skirt. The turban matches and a brown belt sible c'olor effecta Because nat- completes the costume. . ttrai coIora are the thlng for walljJ now that simplicity is the keynote beauty expert says that male beau- of modern interior decoration, this fNext time -we'll . .. jdkphone ahead Stuffed Spareribs Take ntii T-il JJlil flavor glass cones over Stuffed suarerlbs are flavored Protect noseB and. throat ffom with diil pickles and other in ty shoo patrons of the time held insulating paneling comes in such m.tnnM." ..1 1 a. their faces to cuiuio a wiiem, ay- triguing tastes. STUFFED SPARERIBS 1 cup finely chopped onions 2 tablespoons butter 2 cups soft bread cubes y cup chopped dill pickles 1 tablespoon chopped- capers 1 teaspoon salt y teaspoon pepper. 2 half-sheets spareribs cup chili sauce 1 cups water Dash of Tabasco sauce Saute onions In butter until lightly browned. Add bread cubes. pickles, capers, salt, and pepper, tossing lightly with a fork until blended. Spread evenly over one sheet of the spareribs, cover with second sheet and tie securely or fasten with skewers. Place In roaster or casserole and bake, un covered, in hot oven (450 de grees) 20 minutes, or until ribs are ' crisp and brown. Combine chili sauce, water, and Tabasco sauce, and pour around ribs. Bake, covered,' in moderate oven (375 degrees) 1 hour longer. If neces sary, add more water during cook ing. Yield: 6 portions. Fruit Cups Taste Good On Warm Days Vary the summer menus by be ginning with fruit cups of interest. Combine seasonal fruits in the morning, let them stand to blend all day, then serve chilled for dinner. Plums, peaches and bananas make an unusual combination that can be further enhanced by pine apple cubes. Grapes, banana, oranges and red berries make another combination. A dab of. lemon sherbet tastes good on top. Beautiful Clothes for Men Not new This idea of the men of the world usurping an increasing amount of fashion Interest isn't a new thing at all. Just because your husband or son sports a pair of baby-blue slacks for business wear, or a red and green sports jacket for the bridge party or even a pair ot apic-and-span white flan nels tor church, don't think too much of it, tor generations ago men were even more beauty-conscious. The gorgeous coiffures ot the 18th century were paid for in dis comfort by the beauteous men who wore them. Joan Clair, noted powder dust while having their hair whitened. Big strong men used perfume In the old days to enhance their attractiveness - and even bluff much-married Henry the Eighth carried his personal blend always. He had a container fitted in the top of his cane to hold the fluid. -SPECIAL- Our usual Wave, Complete 75c Perm. Oil Push Wave, $ .50 Complete Open Thurs. Eve. by App't. Phone 3663 307 1st Nat'l. Bank Bldg. CASTLE PERM. WAVERS THIS YEAR MORE THAN EVER it is advisable to reserve accommodations at hotels and re sorts. Telephoning ahead gives you the opportunity to make known just what you want, to discuss, and to receive con firmation. It is two-way communication. Attractive night rates are in effect be tween most points from 7 p.m. to 4:30 A. m. and all day Sundays. Calling home ward while you are away is inexpensive, convenient, pleasurable. At the GoUoi Gtte Intenutknal Expostioa you are cardUCy inritea to wee the BeB Sjrttem Exhibit THE M5IFI3 TELEPC::E A20 TELECSAPU CCMPAflY 740 State St. Telephone 3101 Today's Menu Corned beef loaf will be main dish today. The menu .Is; Fresh tomato salad ' Corned beef loaf Baked potatoes Buttered spinach Banana a la mode Select ripe banana (yellow peel flecked with brown) and peel and slice lengthwise, ; Into halves. Place cut aide up on flat dessert plate and top with one nail of vanilla Ice cream and one ot chocolate. Cover vanilla Ice cram with a tablespoon of chocolate syrup, and chocolate ice cream with tablespoon ot marsh mal low syrup. Top with, chopped nata and H-maraschino cherry. . OAK POINT Mrs. Byron Rud- CH?,?rf! '.P0!': den and Mrs. R. A. Alderson gava ?AV Te? a SSiJSi JI a shower at the Ruddell home re- , rl,JLP- " -cently complimenting Mra. Cyrus hfd t Community grove. , RpS, w m V111. 1 M1" Icfle Brainard Is enter. 1 '-cT" CoZi?cL.UI.' eet ter sister. Miss Ro- Rohert Seegar. Mrs. T. J. Primus, terta Brainard of Spokane. Mrs. La van t Pease, Mrs. Conrad ... . Beach of- Salem, Leona La Blue. , jjp. mn& mm. Chandler Brown lira. Claud Ewlnt of Portland and are enjoying a stay at the Brown ; Mrs. Reese and the hostesses. Jiome at Seal Rocks. - . vr- I . . A : is m x - v i LirVi 4:'. -V : ,i .A . 'lii 1 '1 :.v....v. ' BGJ r ?c zj Ml t i - J Let The Statesman Follow You ! While on your vacation, keep informed about your capital city, your state, and the folks at home. There's no better way to return from an enjoyable vacation well informed. v Dial 9101 ... give us the address ... we will see that The Statesman follows and at no extra cost. The Statesman will also give you travel accident protection for the small sum of $1.00 per year ... less than 2c per week. Wot? $r? nnSy . . . J L You Can Be Covered for 10,000 for loss of life in a rail road accident and $20.00 per week while injured. $1,000 for loss of life in an auto mobile or pedestrian accident $10.00 per week while injured. DONT WAIT . . . It may be too late . . . Call at the Statesman office, 215 S. Commercial St, or phone 9101 for further details. There are hundreds who have found this Statesman Accident Policy to be a dollar .wisely in vested, f- .. (Issued to 8tatemaa snberrtben r members of the family betweew the or 10 to 69.) mm By Mail $5.00 per Year By Mail 50c per Mo. By Carrier 60c per Mo. INSURANCE APPLICATION BLANK Name. Occupation Post of f ice . Age Street or R.F.D. No. Name of Beneficiary. Relationship of Benificiary.. Start The Statesman at Above Address . . . f - - . ' New Snbscriber Old Subscriber Q