PAGE FIVE. The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning:, July 20, 1939 Local Hews Briefs Jailed for 'Box-car Entry Ow en Hall of Portland and John Ma toslck, Cleveland, Ohio, were booked on charges of entering a freight , car at 11:35 yesterday morning. They will be brought to trial today. Other prowls report ed Include G. W." Yeager, 1275 North 19th, 12 from a pane and a . fountain pen; Glen - Lengren. 915 North Winter, loss of a dia mond stickpin; Frank Stoddard, 1320 Broadway,- strong, box Jim mied hat with no loss: John Whlt aker and Prank Dorscheimer, du plex house. 245 Lincoln.' both apartments entered; and Edwin L. Baker, 215 East Lincoln, revolver lost while owner on vacation. Fancy Yakima iaprlcota 79c bu. M A F Grocery,, 1073 S. Com'L Division Director Visit Miss Gladys Everett of Portland, direc tor of the division of profession and service projects of the WPA for Oregon, was a visitor in Sa lem for a few hours yesterday. She paid her monthly visit to the ' Salem -Art Center after .bringing a WPA library truck as far as - Salem. She returned by auto to Portland, the truck was sent on to Engene. Sale of Le Gant foundations at Tit 1 1 1..'. ; - I 5 Wallpaper specials. Elfstrom Co. Beam to Capital State Public Utilities Ormond It. Bean will leave Sunday for Washington, DC, where he will attend the continued hearing on petroleum shipments Into eastern Oregon which 'was recently held In Port land before Commissioner Clyde B. Altchlson. The hearing Is set for July 27. Bean will return a few days after the hearing. Roofing by Mathls. 178 S. Coml. Hawkeye Picnic Set Sunday July 30, at the city park in uor vallia is the time and place set for this year's annual Iowa picnic, ac , cording to a notice from W. R. Elam, secretary. Former residents of the Hawkeye state are invited to bring picnic lunches. Coffee will be furnished. A program will fol low. t Group of spring ft summer dresses $5 at Senator Dress Shop. ....Negotiates With Weeks Coun ty Engineer Hubbs negotiated sue cessfully yesterday for a settle ment with Wilbur H. Weeks, Eth el Weeks, and Lloyd E. Weeks in the matter of straightening three curves in the Wheatland road which lie adjacent to their pro perty. Salem's exclusive floor covering store. Elfstrom-Humphrey Co. July Clearance Sale. Dresses at 35. Senator Dress Shop. High St. Candy Kitchen Closes After 1 1 years of business in Salem, the Anderson Candy Kitchen at 135 North High street, has closed oat its business. Mrs. Mabel Anderson, who has snecessfuUy operated the business for the past, four years, will retain her residence here. Atty. O. W, Emmons has returned from Chicago and' his law office at 130 N. Coml. is again open. . Coming Eventt - ' . Jaly 20-23 Tacific Interna tional TrapshMtrrs association tournament. July 23 Picnic of former residents of Waltsburg, Wo, dinger park. No-host dinner, l:SO p. m.' . July SSSwrgle community picnic, club dinner at 1 p. m.. Paradise Island. July 23 Xorth and Sooth Dakota all-state picnic, Dallas park 1 p-m. Basket 'dinner. j sly SO Jlarion county Po mona Grange picnic, Champoeg Park. July 30 Caledonian c I a b Scotch picnic, Dallas city park. July 30 Colorado . state pic nic. Hazel Green. August S Marion C o a t y Veterans' association, SUverton. August 0 -Annnal atate Ten nemtee plmic at Dallas city park. - Aog. 6 Ohio state picnic will be held at ' linger picnic grounds. , August 0 Carolina state picnic, Bryant park; Albany. Aug. O-ia Auit-rk-an L-gk. department of Oregon, 'conven tion. - Ang. 1S-20 Has Festival at alu Angel. Aug. 20 Salem anion labor annual picnic at Pat's Acres park. ' Aug. 21-26 State aoftball .tournament. Ang. 24-27 Hop Fiesta at Independence. Unpaid Street Continue Neutrality Bill Fight Ores on Money Wanted Total Relief Expenditures July relief expenditures as filed in the county clerk's office indicate that total paid to dependent children amounted to 35,987, of which the county paid $1,859.60; old age assistance, total,' 331,486.37, county's share, $6,504.21; blind assistance, total. $779.50, coun ty's share, $152.30. j Sale of dreses at Miller's Jerseymen to meet M a r i o n County Jersey club will meet at the M. G. Gunderson farm, on the Silverton-Mt. Angel, road, I next Sunday with a basket dinner at 1 'clock. All interested are invited to attend. Paint Sale. Mathls, 178 S. Coml. Yonth Townsend Picnic A pic nic tonight at 6:30 in the Hazel Green park will be sponsored by Youth Townsend club No. 7. Those desiring transportation may be at 459 Union street before the picnic hour. All day park., 10c. 266 N. Church. Files Petition Nels Johnson, route, 3, Dallas, has filed petition In hanlrrtintfv in Portland- stat ing debts at $1230.66, and assets puni i iuouio uu mm 1098.80. ; Belle Sharmeer stockings better.' Miller's . ; Webfoot 12.95! swim suits I at Miller's Runs Nail in Foot The Salem first aid car made one run yester day to 1112 Mill street where Billy Fry, aged 8, was treated for a wound caused by a nail which had run through his foot He was taken to a physician for treat ment. . i; : Fancy Yakima apricots 79c bu. M ft F Grocffjr, 1073 S. Com'l. . V Lutz Florist. 1276 N. Lib. 9592 .Barnyard Golfers Invited Horseshoe pitchers are Invited to visit Silver Falls on Saturday, July 22, State Park Supt. Board man having given permission for construction of a horseshoe court. All pitchers are urged to be on hand and bring tools. New slipover sweaters at Miller's $1.00 , Now! .24 hour service- Union Oil Station, State ft Church Sts. West Salem Club West Salem Townsend club No. 1 will meet to night at 8 o'clock in the Ford Me mortal church building, corner Gerth and Third streets.. Pabco Roofa. Eltstrocn Co. Ph922r Obituaries City File A Seven . Suits 1 for Judgments Upon Cases in Court The city of Salem yesterday filed seven complaints for Judg ment for unpaid' street improve ment assessment in cases in the county court. Amounts .asked ranged to $816.84. : The suits as filed C o 1 1 o 1 Against Gertrude J. M. Page, and j Marion county. Judgment for lien i of $123.55 and interest and $50 attorney's fees; George w, John son, Jr., and Verda B. Johnson, Marion county and Biancn A. ko eers. Judgment for liens - on dif ferent properties, $811.84, plus interest and $100 attorney's fees; Charles R. Lee and Margaretta Lee, lien of $183.93 and Interest.! plus attorney's fee; R, E. Taylor and Jane Doe Taylor, M a r i o n I county. Capital Securities corpora tion, and Fischer Flouring Mills, and others, lien for 3759.59 plus interest on different properties; Nellie C. Williams, Marlon coun ty, and State Financing company, . $378.32 and interest; O. M. Ed wards and B. E. Edwards, and Marion county $49.04 and inter est: and against W. McGarvieand! Mae Minnie McGarvie. for a lien of $86.93 and Interest. Circuit Court Hattie Barker vs. J. P. Barker; answer and cross complaint filed by defendant asking divorce and custody of two minor children, and alleging "mental Buffering" at the hands of the plaintiff. Eena company vs. Walter H. Zo- sel, John W. Huggard, Louis Neu- man, Bert Tomkins, and Gabriel Powder and Supply Co.; notice of appeal by plaintiff and W. H. Zo- sel, defendant, from Judgment of July 5 against Walter H. Zosel for $2405.00. Undertaking on appeal filed, signed by Grace R. Zosel. ' Madeline Harvey vs. Lloyd D. Harvey; divorce granted July 19, maiden name of Madeline McLer- rin restored to plaintiff, together with award of $50 Judgment. Ruth Z. Harbaugh'vi. Glenn L. Harhaugh; order filed directing county treasurer to pay from the trust fund provided $15 to Ruth Z. Hornaday, formerly Ruth Z. Harbaugh, and further payments as provided in the decree. State Finance company vs. Frankie Beard and others; decree quieting title to property In the former townsite of Fairfield. Fred E. Roberta vs. E. Beatrice Bollier and others; amended com- & acaaiuav N i Jefferson Crash Eastern Injures Several Juice Rate Cut Driver Hospitalized After 7000 Customers of Firm Three Way Accident Wednesday Noon JEFFERSON One person was in the hospital and several oth ers were recovering from minor injuries as a result of an automo tive acidents shortly before noon Wednesday two miles south of Jefferson. -Senators Key Plttman, left, and Alben Barkley Although suffering a defeat when the senate foreign relations com mittee voted 12-11 for postponing action on the neutrality bill, the Roosevelt administration continues its fight for immediate action 7U a new bill which would repeal the existing law's embargo on ship ments of arms to belligerents. Photo shows two of the administration- leaders, both members of the committee who voted against postponement, as they departed from the office of Secretary of State Cordell Hull following the adverse vote. At the left is Senator Key Plttman of Nevada, and right. Senator Alben Barkley of Kentucky State Is Extolled For WUdlife Care National Federation Man Speaks to Rotarians, Praises Research Oregon leads the nation in pro- cipal judgment of $2650.01 andlmoting research in connection $350 attorney fee has been filed, with wiiowre conservation, ana is wear Eda Hoover vs. Sam Hoover, a I second in numper 01 restoration I t-tA wo. hart I nrolecta . members of the Salem VVU l-O U4 V S W .WkVv'ft ww a I wr j veatorriav hw Jnden Lewelllnz. Re-I Rotary club were advised by Carl Salem Heights Preacher Rev. interest In two hon Shoemaker, secretary of the Na- Earl Cotton will fill the pulpit at J rancne8 near Independence have I tional Wildlife Federation, at the Salem Heights 1 community ! K ,1j iltlMt-n their luncheon .Wednesday noon. A. Coolidge and company vs. State college, game commission Roy Fitigerald and others; order and.Je0draA1 fnnd the nount permitting filing of amended com- 0 1M00 annually are being .i..., ..ii spent, in employing technical and , John O. Cage ts. Edward Stortx . and others; motion tiled to set emphMixed the Frank Winslow vs. Frank Min- If. f, Mm Kir. to chief of police of Salem; reply - rZ order to increase making general denial to allega- tne,r number rather than reduc. "ou " '"u tag bag limits and open seasons, tiff In mandamus proceedings. H. Aia.nKaa lns-th the nppes- Alton D. Hurley doing business 8,t fo. education in these mat- as the Capitol Dairies vs. the Ore- tergj and pointed out that other Ira Darby Files For Water Chief Manager of Water Office Reveals He Seeks to Head City System church Sunday, preaching at the 11 a.m. services. Rev. Reedy Going To Estacada Post ! Rev. John Jeremiah Reedy, as-fl sistant pastor at St. Joseph's Cath- olic church in Salem since his or dination in 1935,! will leave Aug- a a. a 1 UJ lt iZJl whet he gon milk contro1 board: order of conservation interests were coop sius church at Estacada where he hntnnrtinn riurinp nondmrr of the k k-I o i ciawuj icludo uicaauiCD ucuc- suit nas neen inea ny juage iasw- fitting wildlife restoration are elling. beneficial in other respects. Probate Court has been appointed pastor, it was announced yesterday. ' He will be succeeded here by Rev. Michael Raleigh, present assistant at the Milwaukie parish While in Salem Father Reedy was chaplain at state institutions and also promoted athletic sports in CYO. He returned .Tuesday from the CMTC encampment at Vancouver. Wash., where he served as chaplain. He is a second lieutneant in the US army reserve corps. Estate of Nina McNary: order rimrph ClnrVa set for August WL. Estate of Gideon Stoltz; order for final settlement filed and hear- 1 ing set for August 21. Estate of John M. Lichty-; or der appointing Hulda Lichty ad ministratrix of estate estimated at $4000 real property and $500 per sonal property has been filed. In Estacada Father Reedy sue-; Jonn steelhammer, Alec Lichty ceeds Rey. Martin Doherty, who has been assigned to Sacred Heart church in Gervais. Parole Publicity Willi Be Limited and Jaspar King have been named appraisers by the court. Estate of B. J. Grim; final de cree has been granted to Walter C. Grim as administrator. Estate of George A. Spencer; claim has been filed against the estate for $959.98 by M. A. Hol- Meeting Set Here The. Church of God's Willam ette Valley District convention will be held in Salem this year starting Friday, July 21, through Sunday, July 23. The sessions will be held at the Salem Church of God, 940 South 22nd street. All interested are welcome to attend the services Friday at 8 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday at 10 a.m., 2 and 8 p.m. J. C. Kimmel is pastor of the local church. The new, state parole board, meeting here Wednesday, went on to Save $30,000 per Year on Power Effective August 1, the Eastern Oregon Light and Power company will pass on to 7000 customers a I savings total of almost $30,000 annually. New rates filed with the state utilities commissioner's of- Mrs. F. A. Trumph of Berkeley, rices here will effect residential. Calif., driving a south-bound car commercUI lighting and water vvvuyicu vj ucr aiusuouu aju. oci" i eral others, lost control of the car beating schedules. when it got into loose gravel. In I This Information was given out attempting to get back onto the Wednesday bv. Utilities Commis nigaway, iae siruca me ironi i gioner Bean following conference end of a Hudson sedan driven by I with LeRov A. Grettum. vice- Mrs. Nelson Bossing of Minne apolis, Minn. In trying to avoid the other car, Mrs. Bossing put on the brakes of her car sudden ly and caused a Greyhound bus traveling behind to hit the rear end of the car, 'Mrs. Trumph sustained internal injuries and was taken to the Al bany hospital. Mrs. Bossing re ceived a sprained ankle. In the Bossing car were Miss Shuett, statistician from Chicago, and Mrs. Karl On thank of Eugene. Miss Shuett received cuts and bruises, but Mrs. Onthank was uninjured. Mrs. Bossing, formerly of En gene, wnere her Husband was professor of education at the Uni versity of Oregon, Is visiting in Oregon while her sons are at Camp Lucky Boy, Boy Scout camp on tne MacKenzie river, president and general manager of the company. These reductions are in line with' the announcement last week that the Idaho Power company is reducing rates to Ontario, Nyssa and other points - in far eastern Oregon and western Idaho. The Eastern Oregon company's head quarters are in Baker. Grettnm stated that as practically every customer of the , company is a residential customer, this reduc tion msy be said to effect every user on the system. Hope to Increase Use " "The reductions,", said Gret tum, "are objective in. character and are made in the hope of building load rather) than the standpoint of present earnings of the company." The savings snnounced as ef fective August 7 are j the result of. many conferences between the commissioner's offices and the company officials. Two years ago the concern re- . duced its rates in the residential, commercial and power brackets by $22,700 annually. So with the coming reduction it will have made savings to its customers of $52,300 annually In the past two years. The company paid taxes In 1938 of $100,891 or 15.8 per cent of its gross revenues, j Taxes this year have increase" approximate ly $14,000, a 14 per cent increase over last year. This increase totals alone almost $1.50 per year for every meter In the I company's service, said Grettum. j The Eastern Oregon Light & Power company serves 15 citiea and communities in Baker, Union and Grant counties. '3 Ira L. Darby, present office manager of the Salem municipal water department, revealed yester day that he had tiled a formal ap plication with the city water com mission for the position of man ager of the department formerly occupied by the late Cuyler Van Patten. Darby's formal application does not chaage the lineup of 13 appli cants for the post already indicat ed by Water Commissioner Chair man I. M. Doughton. Along with the other 12, his candidacy will probably receive the consideration of the water commission at its regular meeting Friday night, though it is under stood that no appointment to the post is to be expected before the end of the month. Other business which the commission will trans act will be of a routine character, according to Chairman Doughton. A request by the city schools for block reading of water meters will be one item for the consideration of the commission. Salem Dramatist In Bard's Roles ASHLAND, Ore., July 18.-Mar garet Burroughs, Salem high school drama instructor, has been awarded two Important parts in the Oregon Shakespearean festi val. Mias Burroughs will play Queen Gertrude in "Hamlet" Gertrude, Hamlet's mother, Is one of the most difficult and beautiful characterisations in the play. In "Comedy of Errors" Miss Burroughs plays Amelia, a light er type of1 character but of equal interest to her Gertrude. The festival opens In Ashland on August 4. Four plays are to be presented at the sixth annual showing. "Hamlet," "Comedy of Errors," "As Ton Like It" and Tamlnr of the Shrew" will be presented. "The Shrew" was pro duced twice at the San Francisco fair, with a radio version being released by the Oregon players in a coast to coast network. In Salem Miss Burroughs has established a drama course in the high school, featuring design. makeup, and play analysis It Will Pay You to Look at the "Good Used Can" at Loder Bros. 445 Center Salem, Oregon Graham and Oldsmobile NEW CAR DEALERS Open Evenings Till P. M. An nouncing Prompt, Low Cost, F. F. A. . - i KIoEfle IFmasichifj i For Building or Buying Candland's F.H.A. Home Financ ing Service makes it easy for you to build or buy we prepare all pa pers, provide construction funds at low cost, arrange long-time financ ing at small monthly payments. You are relieved of all red tape" and worry. Helpful planning serv ice. Direct Company office to save you time and expense. ! Tbe Candland Company - John Wymetalek, Jr. Salem Manager ( Graduate In Architect from Massa chusetts Institute of Technology) 137 New Bligh Building Salem, Oregon Telephone 3611 Marriage Licenses Stanlev T. Sean in. 23. laborer comD, aamuusiraior oi me Marion Rt Salem, and Elizabeth Kubn couniy puduc weuare commission i housekeeper. Gervais. for moneys allegedly paid under Ellsworth Morlev. 22. fireman old age pension provisions. 510 n. 17th. and Helen Rodgers Estate of Mabel A. Martin;! 21. dental assistant. Rt. 2. both of recora aiscouraging puoucauon 1 oner orotners nave iuea a peu- I Salem or names of penitentiary inmates rtion for a hearing as to why they paroled for minor offenses. - should not apply for an order to Tbe argument was advanced I sell real property of the estate. that publication of these names The applicants say they are as- would lessen the chances of eon- signees of claims against the es- victs obtaining employment after tate of W. T. Rlgdon Co., and Dr. leaving the institution. Tbe board J. H. Garnjobst which total announced that no more applica- 1615.50. tlons were being received in con-i Justice Court nection with the appointment of case of A. D. Lortz, charged four field parole officers. Approxl- with assault and battery, has been . jmately 250 applications were re-1 ordered continued indefinitely and 1 ' ceived for these four Jobs. . the defendant released on his own The board will meet at the state! recognizance. James Cannon, fined $10 and costs, operating a motor truck without license plates. William Haskins; case contin ued to today at 1:30 p.m. Peter R. Burke, plead not guil ty to passing on curve, and trial set for August 2 at 2 p.m. Re- State Automobile , Insurance Signed Dooly & Company, Portland. representing the United ' States Guaranty company, Wednesday received the contract for provid ing insurance covering Oregon's fleet of approximately 2000 pieces of automotive equipment. Awarding of the contract was announced by the state board of control. The premium totals approxi mately $22,651.68 a year and was based on approximately 313.98 per motor vehicle. The insurance covers $10,000 to $40,000 public liability and $5000 property damage. ' RosscU In this city. July 18. Ralph Rus sell, late' resident of Springfield, Ore. Funeral announcements later by W. T. Rigdon company, s ' " Gilmer i Ira Wlsner Gilmer, at the real' dence, 332 North 19th street, Jnly 18. Survived by daughters, Mrs r?nv TAmnVlna VTra - Trihn Tnrnbnll. Mrs. Leslie Morris. Mrs. I Emery Feller, aU of Salem; sons. penitentiary today when, a number Ray W. of Independence, aui 01,01 prison cases win do coosiuereu THE WAY TO BEAUTIFUL HOMES t i W Yesterday - 'Net?' Today Eureka, Utah, John W., Earl and Lloyd, all of Salem; sisters, Mrs. Emma Young of Hiladale, Mich., and Mrs. , Minnie Frey, Battle Creek, Mich. Funeral services will bt held from the Cloueh-Barrick chapel Thursday, July 20, at 2 1 ? The Eastern Oregon Light and leased on $25 bail p.m. Rev. P. W. Eriksen will Power company, eriecuve august officiate. Interment Jason Lee 1, will pass on to 7000 customers Eastern Oregon's . Power Rates Cut cemetery. IB Why Suffei Any aiwaayvae wheh;othe8 rAttf.iwi CKS3 tot 50Cayr" i CHiNA. natirr with ht iloirt- jww r AFFUCTEI disorders. -otitis, brrt. lane, .liver, kidnty. ttomif K. f . rontiptton, olctri, 4iabeti rhUn. bladder. fer. '. ifta U torn- . plaint .. . Charlie Chan Chinese Herb Co. ' B. font, a yw a nrtira ' ia : China. Office baart 9 to 6 p.- m. except Saa day and Wednesday. t 10 . am. inn. Com'l at. Saleaa. Ore ta savine of approximately w i 000 annually. Ormond R. .. Bean, "state utilities i commissioner an- fnonnced Wednesday. 1 hl. Till ffpft rest- dentlai. commercial, ngnung uu '-water heating schedules. The com- e .nil riT.. nanv serves t t miinitiea in Baker. Union and Grant counties. ; : HOME LOANS 7 Long Terinsjy ; Easy Payments .w-;'.Hj.uK Also F. E A, Loans HAVKHIS tt ROBERTS, Inc. Guardian Bldg. Phone 410S 1 1 1 V ia.. '-:-:" I. T, 1-am. B. D. . Chan, M. D. Herbal remedies for ailments of stomach, liver, kidney, skin, blood glands & urinary sys tem of men & women.- It yeara In service. Naturopathic Physi cians, t Ask your Neighbors 1 bout CHAN LAM. . DR. CHAII LAI.1 CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 393 H Court St., Corner Liber ty. Office open Thuesday it Sat urday only. 10 A.M. to 1 P.M., 6 to 7 P.M. Consultation, blood pressure tt arine testa are free of charge.' It will be fun to go places in the 'ole bus" after you doll it up with a shiny new coat of Dutch Boy Auto EnameirThis high gloss, durable finish will quickly and easily renew the life of your car body and fenders. And for color there are 10 popular shades to choose from I Dutch Boy Auto Ena) Regular Shades Pt$1.07 Qt. 01.92 el B O O F iN G FREE SIDING & ROOFING ESTIMATES 178 S. COSTL. PR. 4642 51 Qomplet C rMko nf5 i IEMVIEIL(DIPIE Buy Oregon made envelopes, manufae tured from Salem made paper. Cooasmercial and Official Envelope Standard sad special sisc envelopes far every need In eaalitiea and colon of paper atock. TVIndaw Envelopes Vith solid seal glasaine or the new Cryatalite '(eeQopaanX windows in either standard or aperial poaitiont to it yotar eeda. Catalag, Oasp, and Danker Flap Catalog aod banker's flap envelope for heavy mailings, Fn niahed in many weight and color of paper atock and in taanf DnaineM Reply and Statement Envelope Soecial renlv and atatement envelopea printed to yonri order peed up collection. Cala and Seed Envelopes Specially roattrurted for hard bm( in many stock sisea and) atyle. Alr-Mall Envelopes Prmted in regular red and blue ink border with your trtom. Two atandard stse. Eeonomall (Improved Pootaje Saver)' For mailing third elao advertising maner. Flap eal typf wik the apecial gum apot, wltn 01 tnou wiaaow. Drag, Theatre Tlehet, Pay, Flerlst and many other. t SpeeUl Envelopes of All Kinds. Buy Ypur MAIL WELL Envelopes From V: vim Complete PRINTING Service 215 South Commercial Street Phone 9101