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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1939)
PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, July 18, 1939 Will 'Se Complimented At Shower: Miss Melva Belle Savage and . Miss Charlotte Kallander are ar . ranging a delightful picnic sup per tonight in compliment to I Miss Edna garage, popular sum- mer bride-elect, . who will be- . come the bride of Mr. Manfred Olson , on August 4. '," The affair will be held in ' the Cal Patton gardens on South High street.' Guests will be seat V ed at Individual Ubles around the fireplace and the evening " hours will be spent informally. A kitchen shower will honor the bride-to-be. ' . - Bidden 'to honor Miss Savage are Miss Eleanor and Miss Helen Trlndle, Miss Julia Johpson, Miss Mar caret Doere. Miss Inna Oeh- ler. Miss Helen Purvine, Miss Margaret savaxe. . mim -i J Greenbaum, Miss Jean McElhin- ny. Miss Lucille Brainard, Miss Charlotte : McClary. Miss Pauline Vwinslow. ! Miss Jmephine Cor- l nover. Miss Jermaine Goodrich ef Oakland, Cal., Mrs. John Ad- lard, Mrs. Ralph Nohlgren, Mrs. Robert W. Craig, Mrs. M. WllBon ' Savage, Mrs. Cal Patton, Mrs. Charles - Jory, M i 8 s Charlotte Kallendar i and Miss Melva Belie Savage. t i ' New Minister Greeted By Congregation Jason Lee folk "joyed an in- M u Salem wag ,n,. formal evening Suaday and wei- tUted to he g corned the new minister, Rev. J S. The w, meet OQ Thar. Raynor Smith, Mrs. and d the . fairground building f?n8'wRaJ.n(r,r- "Afnili to do sewing for a family burn Mr. B. E. Thomas announced ed t recetly MrB. A11e Tnr. the program which induded: in- department president from strumental duet. Donna Starr u Grande was a visitor on Sa and George Frum; address 0f turd and attended th t. welcome, R. A. Forknr; re- . , ' irpiSiSr Ottrin the meetin the fol-- S&i. w.r- n t.fV lowln o"1"" re introduced: Farlane, Warren Biggerstaff and M Turner, department presi- Floyd Baumgartnor with jaccom- dnt M era leland, de panist. Miss Evelyn Zahradnik; m , vlce-pre.ident, response. Mrs Smith; readings, M F1lorence Shl past del '"iw-LIuMrt" Wrtment president; Mrs. Helen fiHin!. P Southwick. past department se- JlSl TlC?.mA..n "lor vice-president; Mrs. Luella association by the president, r "?5 ttapiisi cnucrn; prayer, nr. m T AKart a 4U iuiv to "nHJ !.' fi,mp.( k;, During the refreshment hour PP Vhta 1 r";tFrtht Ode. Mrs. Bertha Ray. depart PJhlPf " ,W"6 ,5 toent president Sons of Union ing were mesdames .Mark? - Wil bur, Gall Jones, Robert Klemple, Herman R e h f n s s,' Frederick Klaus, Viva Kitzmiller. Bernlce Brewster, Marie Putnam, J. H. Lof Keefer and Miss Frances Gra- ham. The serving table was lovely with pastel colored carnations and sweet peas and baby breath In a low white bowl guarded by tall candles of pastel colors. Used about the large fireplace room hydrangea, gladioli, shasta daisy and snapdragons and roses Miss Curry, Sets Date For Marriage Miss Carmen Curry of Port land, popular bride-elect of Mr. Robert Goodfellow, has announc- ber forthcoming mariag. The eeremony will take place at the First Presbyterian church In Portland with Dr. Perry C. Hop- per officiating. i,,Ml8",,C2,rnr l8fcthC dauSht ot Jorti MrUrroSdS u Portland and Mr. Goodfellow is ? OI ua wrs. josepn Coodfellow of Salem. -A . - . Three Link Club Meets For Dinner Friday The Three Link club met at the IOOF hall Friday night, for a no- host dinner. Clara Roberts, chair- man of the refreshment commit- tee, was assisted by Addle Mills and Luella Engstrom.. . Present were Mr. and Mrs. uotso iiauct mau, mr. ana inrs. Lachelle.Mr. and Mrs. Car! Eng. Fit0l day Whe mem,btr8 of strom, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wright. ? !,hk"P"L,tBdy f,ub had Mr. and Mrs. Howafd Hunsaker C0tC8t- The contest was Howard Hunsaker. Jr.. Iforrii . k w 5. annour long, Ilnnsaker, Leonore Kriesel, Gol- ut nobody could spell the others dla Kyle, .Laura Noyes. Carrie ??w? 'od U fmal,y endcd in a Riago, Clara Shields. Mrs. Chan- . " between Margaret Louise Hay dler, Mrs. George Scott, Jlddie Jyce Edgell. The quia was Mills, Dorothy Jeannette. Clara on "The Tempest," "Romeo and Roberta, William McCartney and Juliet," "Midsummer Night's Frances Kyle. Dream," "As Yoo Like It" and "A .. -. Winter's Tale." Bruce Moorhead - Mrs. J. Harry Moraaarcompa President, Robert Paulus, vice nied by Mrs. George Simon and preMent, and Grace Widdows, Mrs. Frank Owens of Eugene and secretary, -of the club. ' Mrs. Glenn Searcy of The Dalles ? ;." are leaving this morning for a , i , v ' six months' tour of the United ' llr;.IlIcfrld 5lc7' 8011 of Mr' State land eastern Canada, Mrs nd M' v,ph Cooley. and Mr. Moran will visit her cousin. Pro- ,nB,h,nrf: OD of Mr- Qd feasor Sidney Dietch of New York Mrs' crl JtBahll)U1rK' le" Sunday city. , The travelers will attend "l,010?' w e e 8 trfP both the worid'a fair and the . lch w"! take them to. Yellow Golden Gate exposition. stone national park, Chicago, New , . York City, the world's fair, Massa Mrs. Doaald McCarsar lwrnt 'fW Atlant,c City. Key West, south to, San Francisco last week l0,la,. nd the. southern states, to attend the marriage of Mri. J11 w,llv rcturn Cali James Henry Ames and Mr. Will- 'ornia; tbe San Francisco fair, lam N. Russell ot Eugene which, Grand canyon and Yosemite. was aelemnlsed Saturday at the r home of Dr. and Mra. J S. Mc- ; Mrs. Richanl H. Slote, jr, .Cool. The couple wUl make their (Marjall Hennessey), formeriy of Sfp? if;S?!J- "k" S1 nonored at a lea for rJfI-5 Pr,Uand' who ,baa often which Miss Don a Mote was host visited in Salem, was aslo present e88 at Ph, Gamma hon for the ceremony. ; In corrallis last week. Mr. and " , . . " Mrs. Mote, are residing In Cor- Mls. VlvlM Chaadlcr hshrn Tallls this summer but will go to S5w ' 'Sfm witl,,her Portland in September to make mother, Mrs. William -Chandler. tjjejr h0me pf Dayton, Wash. Miss Chandler - ' ... for a several weeks' stay in San .CV . fJSfto.a.? ?iJMJn0Ltn2 At .i Z r, tj . ' will view the Golden Gate ex position. , - f TUl ,faT0 national at the convention. ; t today for a several days' stay in . . - im TACC,mpaY,IaCer Barbara., of Spokane, Mrs. Ralph JL vriTPhin!e" Campbell, Mrs. L. V. Benson and harne, Mra. F. H. Dickie and MlaivMrg. Kart Heinlein are motorinp Helea Ii e k i e jvho have, been to Deiak today t be the-geesu guests at theR.W. Craig home. of Mrs. Kenneth Bell and Miss . : Barbara Bell for luncheon. v r Mrs. Joseph Albert has left for , , , - j Keskowin where ahe- will spend Mr. and 3Irs' William Conscll the remainder of the month as Dyer, Mr. William and Mr. Clay the guest of her son-in-law and bourne Dyer," Miss Lois Walton daughter. Mr. and Mrs. - Brace ' and Miss Margaret Bell were the Spaulding. who have taken the guests this weekend of Jtfr. and Swindell cottage for July. Mra. Roy B. Keese at Neekowln. CLUB CALENDAR - " 'Tuesday, July 18 r - North- Salem WCTU, pleaie supper Ollnser Meld, :S0 p. m. Council of Church Women with Mrs. H. E. Bosell. rout IV noon. - - ' 4 War mothers guest day. No-, host luncheon at noon -with Mrs. B. P. Taylor, 209 State street. ; ' i MsCormlck class of 1st ME, church, dessert luncheon 1:30 p.m. with Mrs. Clark Irwin, 1545 D street Wedneaday, July 10 Men and Women's bible class of the First Methodist church, no-host picnic at din ger park, C p.m. Friday, July 21 .7 . Hal Hibbard auxiliary nd camp and their families, pic nic. t:3G Olinger park. , WRC Members Change . , , . Their Membership r Members of the Woman's Re- nef Corns met at Miller's hall on Saturday for a noon dinner j0 honor members of the Sil- verton corps who transfered their membership to the Salem gronp. The cors in Silverton gave up its charter recently.' Transfered members Include Mesdames Josephine Hartman, Frances Gourlie, Llda Usher, El la Eggleston, Ella Tabert, Ber tha DeSart, Elsie Simeral, Ge neva Hubbard, Sophia Norgard Engstrom, past department cha Past department treasurer: Mrs ,..,,. -rjrt,ir r,,.f H.nor.nt ' w '" kUJ u PatrioticMrs. Goldia Kyle, past , on, , ..ti.n.i Veterans auxiliary. x r xrr j j " t Lebanon Wedding IS fit Tnt TT.r KJL "ierebl O.CXC 0f interest t Salem foJk , th marriage of Mlgg MarJorie Cnrtia f Lebanon, daughter of. Mr and M j CJ t, Mr; George Amos of Lebanoa which wa6s BOjemnlzed Sunday afternoon at three o'clock at the Lebanon Presbyterian church. Miss Charlotte Curtis and Mrs. Dale Curtis sang during the wedding ceremony and the bride's mother and Miss Ca therine Lyon played the accom paniments and wedding march. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a pink .hif- ion iioor lenstn gown and a Mtlon, P and car- Ml8s- Florence Curtis, sister ot tne brlde, as the maid of honor attendant. She wore a pale bjue tr0f:K Mr Wa A os was best man for his brother A.JeePtlon at the bride', home followed the ceremony. Mr, Amo, attpn(,pH TJKan high school and Capital Bfsi ness college. Mr. Amos is a gra duate of Salem high school. The conple will resido in Lebanon. Mrs. 0. EHogue and Mrs. Wal ter Alvin attended the wedding from Salem. . cu 1 c i naKespearean btudy Plnri TTnc OmJt uun nas yuiz There was much excitement in - .i a , after attending the convention of Zonta InternaUonal at White Sul phur Springs, Va., and, the world's fair, in New York. Dr. Pearce was Miss Hill man to Be Married on August 19 Mrs. D. F. Hillman of Silver ton enteruined Friday evening at an Informal party at which time the date of the forthcom ing . marriage of her daughter, Miss Margery Hillman of Sa lem, to Mr. John Goplerud, Jr., of Silverton was revealed to a 'group ot friends. The wedding will be an event of August 19, Games were played during the evening followed by a late sup per. Mrs. Hillman was assisted in serying by Mrs. Clarence Col lias of Salem and Miss Laura Bull of Auburn. Wash. ., The names of the couple and the date were written on small scrolls, concealed in rosebuds placed at each plate. Boquets ot pastel summer flowers were ar ranged about the rooms. Miss Hillman is employed at the state tax con-mission. Mr. Goplerud is connected with the state division of audits. The guests Included Misa Margery Hillman Miss Ruth Fnnrue. Mrs. Homer Stiffler, Miss Patricia Fitzpatrick, Miss Lucille Mosier, Miss Inga Gople rud, Mrs. John C. Goplerud, Miss Tillie Albers, Mrs. Gladys Schmidt, Miss Lucille Roth, Miss Opal Bolme, Miss Laura Bull, Miss Maria Froelich, Mrs. Clar ence Colins and Mrs. D. F. Hill man. Willamette Graduates to Be Honored at Picnic A group of Willamette uni versity graduates are arranging a picnic luncheon for Sunday, July 23, at the Leslie play ground. The affair will honor Dr. and Mrs. Bruce White ot Hawaii and Dr. and Mrs. El mer Strevey of Evanston, 111., all Willamette graduates. Dr. White is head of the edu cation department of the Uni versity of Honolulu and is on tbe summer school faculty at Oregon State college. Dr. Stre vey is head of the history de partment at Northwestern and is in Eugene for the summer where he is a member of the summer school faculty. . The picnic will be held at one o'clock and all friends of the honor guests are invited to attend. If the weather is not favorable the picnic will be held at the Vern Bain home on West Superior. Further details may be obtained by calling Mrs. Bain at 6234. .... Class Spends Sunday At Beach Members of the Come-Join-Us el as 8. of the First Christian church spent Sunday at Nelscott. Those enjoying the trip were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Morris and son, Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Ver nile Hindman nd Donra Dee, Mr. and Mrs. Clark and Harold Lane and Alice, Frances and Doris, Harold Hindman, Ellen Kleeman, DeVouia Kleeman, Ka le tta KJeeman, Martha, Peggy and Raymond Bechtel, Mr. and Mrs. Shuman Smith, Shirley and Jean Smith. Don Mann, Gladys and Dona Jean Mann. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Losh, Murna Losh, Ellaree Morton and Albert Wil liams. Ratcliffs Return to Salem Home Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Rat cliff arrived in Salem recently after wintering in California where Mrs. Ratcliff has been a teacher in the Modesto high Bchool. They are at home to their friends at 170 Ratcliff drive. Mrs. Ratcliff is a former pre sident of the American Associa tion of University Women, Stan islaus branch, a member of the Eastern Star and belongs to Chemeketa chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. ffho flaofi sip aa doHeSoao 8n flhio Flavor of iced TREE TEA is lasting because its ttst Darjeeling leaves resists flavor-dilution M Ml on o o UAXINE BUBEN '"k&'rv7 ,rvlV ' iff Md v lrs J I - XSWM i h ,?&r , 1 W J Even If you could introduce harmony Into married! life you'd find two-thirds of the people unprepared ifor it!" et..... t Vu mniMim f.nm n,li like an angel in that lovely white gown. It's covered with ruffles, all except the mid section. Which features the; new longer, molded torso. Bustles give the floral printed organdy a . glamorous sil- houette. The shoulder straps are velvet and d black velvet ribbon ties at the waist, with long streamers fallingldown to the hem. 3J! , 4 Garden Is Scene Of Ceremony On Sunday At a lovely ceremony Sunday afternoon Miss Neva Jean Thomp son of Salem, daughter of Mrs. Clara V. Thompson of Washing ton, D. C, became the bride of Mrs. Robert S. Bateman of Tole do, nephew of Mr. Leo Bateman of Toledo. The wedding was sol emnized in the gardens of the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Vaughan, on North 14th street. Rev. H. C. Stover of the Knight Memorial church per formed the ceremony at 1 o'clock in the presence of a group of inti mate friends. Miss Aliens Moored sang "Be cause" and "At Dawning" before the wedding; Miss Gladys Edgar played the accompaniments and wedding march. The bride, who was given away in marriage by her mother, wore a gown of white net over white water-spotted taffeta. She wore a coronet of bouvardia and sweet peas in her hair and carried a shower bouquet of sweetpeas. Mrs. Sally Michael of Portland was the matron of honor and wore a gown of green net over green water-spotted taffeta. She carried a. oouquEi 01 paiei eweeipeaa. ir. Max Doan of Toledo was best man for Mr. Bateman. The couple wil enjoy a wed ding trip to Wareneck, Virginia, to be the guests of friends and rel atives. Mrs. Bateman received her education in Salem and Indepen dence. Mr. Bateman is in business with his uncle in Toledo. a Mrs. A. T. Bartlett entertained members of the Berean Sunday school class of the Presbyterian cnurcn baturaay afternoon at her home on Chemeketa street. The atfair was in honor of Mrs. Bart- lett's mystery friend, Mrs. O. E. Holt, on the occasion of her birthday. as ItEio $C2d. & Iced Trt9 Tea rives vou the true. rrlfi' Ta If ; '.,: V - . ,. j i . 1 first sip to the bit Blended with tart Darjeeling leaves that are slowly matured high in India's Himalavaa, Tr Tm -Orange Pekoe, has a special quality of resisting loss of flavor by ice dilution. This means that Tret Tta gives you a satisfy ing, delicious iced tea co tbe last flavorful sip. j TREE TEA HOLDS ITS FLAVOR - o o Women't Editf- an a n pel or J invhOW. She looks Patronesses Will Arrange Benefit For July 27 The Spinsters and the patron esses are arranging a series of small benefit! parties this sum mer as part of their philanthro pic work. Th,e Spinsters recent ly decorated the children's ward at the Salem eGneral hospital and this winter plan to buy mu rals for the walls of the ward. Miss Dorothy Alexander heads the Spinster i group. Each Spinster wUl entertain with a table of bridge during July and August. The patroneses are arranging a large benefit card party for Thursday, July 27 at the home of Mrs. Curtis B. Cross on Fairmpunt hill. Nine tables will b In play -during th9 afternoon. Hostesses will be Mrs. Cross, Mrs. Frank H. Spears, Mrs. Wil liam McGilchrist, jr., Mrs. Ho mer H. Smith, sr., Mrs. Margaret LeFurgy, Mrs. George A. "White, Mrs. Homer ! Goolet, sr , Mrs. C. S. Hamilton and Miss Beryl Holt. J0 Ann Bbver Honored J On Birthday Ja Ann Boyer was the honor ed guest at a: party given Thurs day by her mother, Mrs. Charles Boyer on her fourth birthday. Colored balloons, lollypops, pa per hats and (horns provided de corations. Guests were Lepra Beach, Ro ger Tucker, Betty; Marie Zahara, Gary Lewis, Roberta Rae Boyer, Melvin P r o p p, jr., Jacqueline Berkey, Jerry Gillespie, Janet Lee Boyer, Jerry Lee Propp, Janice Gillespie and Keith Bo- yer. Mrs. Ed.: Zahara, Mrs. Har old Gillespie,! Mrs. William Le- wia Mrs. Bertj Berkey, Mrs. Dean Tucker, Mrs. Harold Beach, Mrs. Melvin Propp, Mrs. Fred Boyer and Mrs. Alice Thompson. rich. Us flavor from the ill i 4" Dr. Leland Chapin Is Married in London Word has reached Salem of the marriage on Friday In London, England, ot Dr. Leland T. Chapin of Stanford university, formerly of Portland and the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Chapin, to Misa Lillian Macpherson of - Edinburgh, Scotland, daughter of Sir Norman Macgregor Macpher son. . Tke ceremony was read at Christ church, Mayfair. "by Dr. Farren, rector of the church, and was followed by a reception' at Dartmouth house. Mrs. Croumbje Macpherson, the bride's sister-in-law, was her only attendant. Mr. Macpherson acted i as beet man for Dr. Chapin. Ush ers were Adrian L. MacLaughlin and Ralph : W. Barnes, both of London, the latter formerly of Sa lem. , The bride wore address of pale gold lame, with small gold tur ban and shoulder veil and carried an all-white nosegay. Dr. and Mrs. Chapin will re main in England this winter, but will return to Stanford university - in January, where Dr. Chapin is on the staff of the Hoover library. Dr. Chapin is a graduate of Wil lamette university and a former member of the faculty. His broth er is Stanley D. Chapin of Port land. A joint .meeting: of the Wom an's Missionary society and the Young People's Missionary circle of the First Evangelical church will meet tonight in the assembly room of the church at 7:30 o'clock. The young people will give the play, "Missions at Mid night." Mrs. John Rudin who has been in Boston will tell of her ex periences in settlement work. Mrs. Will Branson will lead the devo- tionS. Professor Md M xemum w vf&J? w.riJt rM'"V lTaian Bn0n1er'Mis08 Violet Carter and Miss Haie Snyder are enjoying a two weeks' sojourn In San Francisco and are attending the fair. Miss Jessie Cooper, Miss Julia Query, Mrs. Joseph Felton and Mrs. Clinton Standish were among those attending the stadium con cert featuring Donald Novis last night in Portland Miss Catherln Headriok and Miss Alene, Fairclough of Port land have left for a sojourn in San Francisco and will attend the fair. Miss Margaret Gillette is in Portland for the next week as the guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Gillette. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. McMechan and Bobby were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Rob erts at their summer home at Neskowin. Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Safford have as their guest for several days their daughter, Mrs. Frank S. Barlow, jr. (Marjorie Safford) of Seaside. r 1 Tir rM in I Compare these p.n.turPM A 9zZ k l00i 'AissSr'.'T V v W :' 'l fit - w- 1 - - ..iM.Kmmj mmxiaimummmmmKai'.m una inH m j mi Egg Whipping Modernized By Expert fiamethlnr new In egg whipping was revealed this summer by Ka- thryn Belle Nilea ot the worid'a poultry congress kitchen, who finds that egg yolks whip .better and lighter when slightly warm, warm water and whip. This is es- Mrs. Oliver Gunderson is he pecially true when sugar is being Lebanon Garden club's most, en added as it dissolves so much bet- thuslastic herb raiser and fur ter. nlshed most of the two dozen or Mrs. Niles bakes sponge cakes so used at thetea Sh$ knows th In a loose bottom tin with nn- 0re Cf this fascinating class of greased paper in the bottom. She piant that has known cultivation bakes them at S60 degrees for an 8ince old Testament times and uuur uiu wucu uuuo iis7 ui.v. u, the pan and lets stand, until eool. A special sponge cake that takes a bavarian filling, has the center (four or five inches across)' scooped out and the chilled bavar- fan cream poured in. It's ready aner a siege in me rerngeraior. Here Is Mrs. Niles' favorite YOLK SPONGE CAKE S cups flour S teaspoons baking powder 12 egg yolks (1 cup) 1 teaspoon salt teaspoons lemon extract or 1 temon x ieaBpoon vamiia 2 cupa sugar 1 cup hot water Sift Hour and baking powder together four times. Add salt and flavoring to yolks and beat with rotary beater until lemon colored. Add alternately sugar and hot wa- ter, beating after each addition, Add flour mixture, about of It at a time. Beat well after each ad- dition. Turn into ungreased paper lined pan and bake according to directions given here. ORANGE BAVARIAN - 2 tablespoons granulated gela tine cup cold water H cup boiling water 1 cup sugar Vi cup ice water ' 1 Vt cups orange juice Grated rind one orange hi cup lemon juice 2-3 egg whites Soak gelatine in cold water un til soft. Add to boiling water and stir until dissolved. Add sugar and stir until dissolved. Add remain ing water (ice), orange juice, lemon juice and grated rind. Pour into bowl to chill in refrigerator. When jelly begins to congeal, whip until light and fold in stiffly beaten whites. Turn into center of sponge cake when nearly stiff and place in refrigerator to finish chilling. The cake which is removed to make the hole may be spread with a jam, frosting or whipped cream to make a jelly roll to slice for an other dessert. Miss Germaine Goodrich of Oakland, Calif., is visiting in the capital for several weeks as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. T Jory and Mr. and Mrs. Cal Patton. a Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Standifth and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Felton enjoyed a trip to Timberline Lodge and Bonneville dam on Sunday. a a a The meeting of tike Salem roan cil of Church Women which is to be held today will be at the Oliu ger field at noon. Mrs. A. M. Taylor of Albany was the weekend guest of sister, Mrs. J. T. Whittig. elsewhere for hose you can Pet for only and tp.p. fnr coats you fe SAVE know that they real Vakief ., Sipping Herbs In Tea, Good Amusement Seventy-five miles is a long way to drive for a cup of mint tea, but 16 Salem women did it on Friday, and CO others journeyed from varying distances, to Lebanon to sip their favorite combination of gave a snuri imi during ine aiier- noon, telling some of the fascinat- jng facta about herbs, Guests at the tea were confront- ea long table, centered with flowers .which are classed wjtb herbs, a row, of the various herbs used for tea were arranged along the front of the table. An almost ritualistic procedure ac companies the selection and sip ping of tea. The guest places la her cup herbs or combinations she wanta tn na Rnllins- for la atit- ed ud 8ugar or none- M desired. A mtle steeping and braising of herbs with the spoon, produces a pungently pleasant tea which the gue8t .lp, wlth ,weet cake8. For instance, black mint and bergamot produced a likeable tea, a Uttle horehound added gives a gDod flavor; silver thyme and black peppermint have quite a dif- ferent teste; punch with a lemon hnu make a mnH hvornra spiced up with borage leaves, spearmint and burnet (which has a cucumber flavor), and if the blue borage flowers are floated in the punch as in older days, there's attractiveness as well as interest ing flavor. Herbs shown, which would make excellent variety in cooking at any home were: yarrow, sage, bergamot, sweet basil, orange spearmint, spearmint, sweetmary or costmary, sweet marjoram, summer savory, rosemary, borage, tansy, horehound, catnip, parsley, southernwood or old-man or lad's love, hyssop, lemon balm, yerba buena (Oregon tea), silver thyme, lemon thyme, and burnet. Today's Menu Cabbage will be the featured dish today on a menu that in cludes: Fresh fruit cup Cabbage Rumanian style Baked Iamb chops Parsley potatoes Deep-dish peach pla. CABBAGE RUMANIAN STYLE 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 4 teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper i teaspoon dry mustard 1 cup top milk 4 cup cheese 1 pimientog chopped 2 Vi cups cooked shredded cab bage, drained Vt, cup chopped sweet pickles. Melt butter in sauce pan. Stir. ln "our Bat. Pepper, and mus- tard, and stir until smooth. Add milk and cheese and cook until, thickened and smooth, stirring constantly. Add pimiento and cab bage, and re-heat. Add pickles her just before serving. Yield: 6 por $ 1 at WARDS vnursp.lff Wards Hose at 79c are actually better in many ways than a fa mous nationally advertised brand Check their kOOKSI Test their WEAR! You will recognize Wards Superior quality that 21c A PAIR! Why not loin the thousands of thrifry women from Main 'to California who have been wearing these' 79c wonders . .women who can depend on Wards for i