the OREGON STATESMAN; Salem, Oregon, Sunday Mominar Jur 1 19 PAGE FIVE Local News Brief s V Utility Hearings Here Five ; hearings bare been ''scheduled at the galem offices of Ormond R. Bean, public utilities commission er, for the next two weeks. They are as follow; July 22, Kills Standley, Tillamook, and E. R. Boge, Tillamook, both at 10 a. m.; July 28, L. C. Dunn, Portland, and W. C. Weidemann, Portland, 10 a. m.; July 29, Ralph R. Dent, Salem, 10 a. m. The commissioner will conduct a hearing at Rose burg July 24 on construction of a trade crossing oyer the South ern Pacific railway right-of-way at Oakland. : j " .Wallpaper specials. Elfstrom Co. Turner Road' Deeded j- The Ight-tenths mile section of Turn er road' running into Mission street was signed orer to the city of Salem by deed by the; county eourt yesterday to close a deal whereby, the county oil-surfaced the strip and the city agreed to take It back and maintain It. Be cause the section lay within the elty, the county left It unsurfaced ' when It oiled the remainder of Turner road and considerable dickering back and forth With the elty followed before the final agreement was arrived at. . Visitors Leave Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Wilson of Guthrie Cen- ter, Iowa, and granddaughters ' Violet and Agnes Wilson of Casey, Iowa, who hare been visiting In Polk county- at the home of Mr. Wilson's twin brother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, will leave this week for the San Francisco ex position and Mexico. They were entertained at a farewell dinner last Sunday at Nelscott. I Thirty- five relatives attended. ; Tour favorite old-time orchestra, Chuck Whitehead, Wed., July 19, Prr tl Hardfnn Tvn fin at twn oanas, z.c. , i: ' Bet Crossing Hear ins Hear ing In connection with construc tion of a grade crossing ever the tracks and right of way of the Southern Pacific company; at Oak land, Ore., will be held m Rose- burg July 24, State Utilities Com missloner Ormond R. Bean an nounced Saturday. Several other less Important hearings were set by the commissioner for the per iod July 21 to July 22. : F i Luts Florist 1276 N. LibL 9692 Judd Doe Back Harlan Judd, deputy county clerk in charge of circuit court matters, is! due to return to his office this week active duty with the US army re serve : officers, quartermaster corps, at Ft Lewis, Wash. Mrs. . Judd - accompanied her husband north and spent the two weeks visiting her mother at Tgcoma. Non-High Board Meets The Marion county non - high school board held a routine meeting at the office of County Superintend ent Agnes C. Booth yesterday, Principal business was checking the non-high school district's books with state auditors who will report later. : j . -- .j. . . - i Wanted, boys, ages from i to 12 inclusive, for new band class in Master Bread Junior Band, direct ed by Joe Hassenstab. For full details, Ph. 6257. To Choose Play Selection of a play as a vehicle for the Com munity Playhouse's next I produc tion will be made at the third general meeting of the organiza tion Monday night at 8 I o'clock litrrr uouner, director, an nounces, i Visits Here W. J. Phillips ar rived In the city last night to visit his wife and daughter who are guests at the home of Mrs. B. L. oicctcb. iui. ruiuiys is oruige in spect OT for Southern Pacific. World Famous! AKRON TRUSSES Correctly Fitted 1 We Guarantee' Comfort and Security 1 1 ; : CAPITAL DRUG STORE ; 405 State, Cor. Llbery Replacement of broken lenses within one year (framelesi glasses ex-1 eepted). ' ' ! PLEASE NOTE! The Semler Optical Dept. adjoins .the den tal ofXicei on the 2nd floor of the Adolph Bldg. If desirable one account can be opened for bota lerrlces. . OPEN Sundays and Evenings, Br Aroolnlment ' ' 1 naJaLL5L1J1 ii iu m tit PsikUT-JTcxzca Let Frcst & Coming Events July 10 Annual reunion of William and Mary Simpson clan, Dallas park, no-host din ner. ' 5' - - 'Jnly 10 -Montana picnio on Webster ranch, 8 miles south of Pringle. - - : : July 10 Masonic picnic, RJv erdale park. - ' July 10 Evergreen school picnio : reunion in Silverton park. ' f . July 10 Third annnal re- union ZJellnaki clan, Buell park. Polk county. v. j Jnly 10 All-Townsend dab picnic, all day, State fair groonds. July 20-23 Pacific Interna tional Trapshooters association tournament. . s . - July 23 Picnic ! of former residents of Waitsborg,- Wa4 dinger park. -No-host dinner, 1:80 p. m. Jnly 23 Swegle community picnic, club dinner at 1 p. m-, Paradise Island. ! r Jnly 80 Marion county Po mona Grange picnic, Champoeg Park. . J . July 80 Caledonian lnb Scotch picnic, Dallas city park. August O Annnal state Ten nessee picnic at Dallas city park - Aug. 6 Ohio 1 state picnic will be held at OllngeT picnic grounds. August 6 Carolina state picnic, Bryant park, Albany. - Aug. 0-12 American Legion, department of Oregon, conven tion. Ang. 18-20 Flax Festival at Mt. AngeL Ang. 21-20 State Softball tournament. Aug. 24-27 Hop Fiesta at Independence. Court Grants Permits Permits Issued by the county eourt yester day for moving farm machinery over eounty roads Included: Ramp A Manning, tractor; Fred War nock, Raleigh Welty, C. A. John son, Fred Hersch, W. A. Heater, C. C. Keller and J. D. Schackman, combines; Alfred J. Zlelinskl, Adam Hersch and Oak Ridge Threshing company, threshing machines. Pabco Roofs. Elfstrom Co. Ph9221 Burglary Arrest Made P oik County Sheriff T. B. Hooker yes terday took into custody Alfred A. Smith, 1930 Howard, who faces a specific charge of having burgla rized the George Bowman resl dence In Valsetz of two guns, 1 hunting knife, flashlight and other articles. Smith was arrested by Salem Officer Lou Burgess for Sheriff Hooker. Goes to Ft. Lewis Rex Mur- cell, of the Salem office of the state employment service, leaves today for a. two weeks' vacation which he will spend at Fort Lewis. He Is a reserve officer in the US army and will be on duty at Fort Lewis. All day park., 10c. 16 1 N. Church At Perry dale Miss Lunelle Chapin, graduate of Willamette university, is with her brother, Ross' Chapin, and wife at Perry- dale. She Is employed In the H. J. Elliott feed mill office there but plans to teach in the Elmlra school this fall. I wish to notify my customers I will not be in business after Aug. 31. Please call for your yarn be fore Aug. 15. Elva Simon Fret well. Hollywood Picnic Speeches on the probability of sponsoring a peoples utility district movement in this territory will feature the Hollywood club picnic scheduled for Champoeg park tomorrow. The affair will be a basket social event. For watch and clock repairing H. T. Love, 141 S. Liberty. Permits to Re ro of Building permits yesterday were to D. O. Lear, to reroof a shed at 2091 North 'Commercial, $10, and Otto Beehel, to reroof a : dwelling at 1815 North Fifth, S1I0. ( ) 1 tl J it ; V 1 j lt)j I .:,:, ' L017 PQDEGG Vespers Arranged Rev. W. Ir- rin Williams Of Salem'e First Presbyterian ehuxeh will speak at the first In a series of overlook vesper services which has been arranged for Sunday, July 21, by Lincoln county ministers In eon- junction with the Oregon Council of Churches. The vespers will be held at Otter Crest In a natural amphitheatre along the oeaaa and will begin at 1:10 p. m. Rev. L George Nace of Portland will eon duct the worship and the Toledo Methodist church will lead the singing. This is the third summer of union services in the open along the north Lincoln coast. Oldenburg Promised Tunnel Louis Oldenburg was formally notified, by the county court yes terday that a fire-foot eulvert tunnel would be set below the new North River road grade to serve as a cattle undercrosslng Joining the two sections of his farm that will be separated by the road when pending improvements are com pleted. The underpass and 1750 were the consideration Oldenburg was promised for .83 acre of his land required tor new road right-of-way. The improvement is being conducted under supervision of the state highway department. ;v - -j - Paint Sale, Mathls, 178 8. Coral. Bean Lions Speaker Meaning of the public utilities commission er a office to Oregon citliens will be discussed by Commissioner Or mond R. Bean in an address be fore the Salem Lions club at the Marion hotel Thursday noon of this week. This will be Bean's first service club appearance slnoe his recent appointment. He was a Portland elty commissioner for many years before becoming head of the public utilities department. Bodgers Creek Favored The county court believes Rodgers creek should be the official name of a small stream in the Bunny side district, it has advised Lewis McArthur, secretary of the Oregon geographic board, who asked for the court's opinion recently. That la the original name of the stream but in recent rears it had been called Taylor ereek. Salem's exclusive floor covering store. Elfstrom-Humphrey Co. Helps in Rush George Bellonl, of the Salem office of the state employment service, haa been shifted temporarily to the Eugene office to help in the rush there resulting from the applications for work in the moving picture, "Abe Lineoln in Illinois," which will be filmed near Eugene In August Mr. Bellonl will remain in Eugene about 10 days. Franklins Hosts Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Franklin will be hosts at the art center this afternoon from to s. Dr. Franklin is one of the founders of the center and was secretary of the board of directors last year. The center is open reg ularly on Sundays during the sum mer months and members of the board receive visitors on those days. WPA Barber shop. 1044 Oak St. haircut 25s. Every 6th haircut free. Eugene Prescott, Prop. File Water Applications The city of Astoria has filed applica tions with the state engineer here to store 11,000,000 gallons of water from Smith's lake for the irrigation of 25 acres of land in Clatsop county. Clarence 8. Miller, Frenchglen, would store 20,000 acre feet of water from Rock creek in Harney eounty. Cooler Kiwanis Speaker Ralph Cooley, a member, will be the speaker at Tuesday's luncheon of the Salem Kiwanis club, report ing on his recent trip east and at tendance at the Boston conven tloru Roofing by Mathls. 178 S. ComT. Has Operation Miss Marjorie Reeves, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jay Reeves, underwent an appen dectomy at the Deaconess hospital Friday morning and is reported as getting along nicely. She will be able to receive visitors the first of the week. Meeting Slated Ladies of the Grand Army will meet Wednes day afternoon at X o'clock at 622 North 17th street. At Dp. Octnlcx?9G SALEM OPTICAL DEPT. In Charge of Dr. Fred Pageler : and Dr. W. W. Frazee, ' - Registered Optometrists Dr. Semler's Optical Department offers you a complete and correct : optometries! service at Low Prices Within Tear Means. In addition, we gladly extend credit without ( penny additional cost.? Why ueiayr ; . r At tihe first sign of eye-strain, headache, or nervousness, take advtnUfe of Dr. Sem krsi free optical examination. All Work Fallsr Hcjardlesg of how little yon pay, we do not -; .-, testitate to fully ffoanntee all oar - worst.' " ' lp : fi f ftfi j hf il Cczrt Cis. VI ; ' I To'AXBurk Two Year Sentence Given in McMahan a Court I rrv.--- I A two-year penitentiary sen- j tence and parole to Sheriff A. C. J Burk were Imposed on Ellsworth Don 8mlth when he appeared be fore Circuit Judge L. H. McMahan yesterday on a charge of forgery The sheriff's office said a con dition of the parole was that Smith pay up about $40 in bad checks issued ini Salem and Albany. Smith pleaded guilty to the charge several weeks ago but ob tained a I continuance of his case until yesterday. Circuit Court Ella and P. J. Welsh vs. Evert and Mlntha Schroder; motion for decree strictly foreclosing real property I contract on which de fendants i have allegedly failed to make $1778.28 within the 40 days allowed by the court. ' 8. J. McKee ve. Capitol Dairies et el; motion to make complaint more definite. A. O. f Wherry and Loren E. Worlstad vs. Pacific Surety com pany et al; answer of defendant Marlon county asking that $63.12 in taxes against property be de clared a lien. Arl Jeff era vs. City of Salem plaintiffs memorandum on mo tion to strike. Margaret Seethoff vs. Earl J. Anderson et al; complaint for 81899.96 principal. 3860.68 in taxes paid. $200 attorney fee and foreclosure of mortgage. Gladva Starr vs. Clarence 8. Starr; complaint tor divorce, cus tody of a minor daughter and 110 a month for her support; married in Silverton September 35, 1983 cruel and inhuman treatment al leged, i Federal Farm Mortaage corpor ation vs. Joseph LeBrun et al; de murrer of defendant Marlon coun ty to complaint. Atmosone vs. Martin Bros., inc., et al; demurrer to complaint. , Waters vs. Good; motions sus tained, i Probate Court Eugenia Gllllngham estate; final account of H. N. Gllllngham, executors $18,171.00 received and $13,817.37 paid out. Reka 8. Green estate; final ac count approved; distribution of $573.30 each to Dorr v., uari v. and Howard Henry Green ordered. Lillian B. Randall-, estate; Jo seph B. Feltoh, administrator, au thorised I to sell, certain stock to pay funeral and other expenses. R. O. Parrent guardianship; ci tation on petition of Greta Par rent, guardian, for authority to sell 87.8-acre property. Robert Poinsett estate; order authorising Ladd Bush Trust company; administrator, to 1 as sign judgment against David D. and Anna E. Sooolofsky to Ka- ana Anna m. Boeoioiszy to tional Surety corporation, to pay heirs certain sum and assign them judgment against George B. and Ida 8. Garland. Augusta Walter estate; confir mation, sale of real property to Oliver m McClure for $2150. Xarl Ward estate; Ross M. lin- negan named administrator. Harold; Solie estate; closing or der, Lawrence Solie, administra tor. ; i John Bayne estate; approval, semi-annual account of Agnes C. Fruit Stand Robbed Gus Hart reported j to city police that his ! fruit stand, at 2100 Fairgrounds road, had been broken into Fri day ' nirht. Two eases of soft drinks, oranges and other artioles were reported missing. Obtain licensee Melton V. I Beckett and Verla S. Hill, both j of Salem, and Cecil G. Powell. Portland; and Joan C. Dickson, Independence, have been issued marriage! licenses from Vancou ver, Wash Drives Red light Pauline Deckhart, Newberg, was booked by a city officer yesterday for al legedly driving through a red traffic light. . . Gas Theft Reported L e 1 a n d Smith, 2041 South Church, re ported the theft of 15 gallons of gasoline from his ear to city po lice yesterday. : Writers to Meet The Salem Writers' club will meet Tuesday, July 18, at 7:80 at the home of Mrs. Blanche Jones. There will be no picnlcL however. . : Visits Barents Otto Eevcik is visiting this week with his par ents, Mr; and Mrs. Frank Eevcik of SalemL He is radio operator in the TJS army air forces, March field, Riverside, Calif., " Files for Bankruptcy Anna Vlekers, j1 Salem housewife, has filed a petition la bankruptcy in Portland, listing debts $9770 and assets 11060. ; ! ; Debtor's Petition Filed Louis W. Montgomery, Aumsville farm er, has tiled a debtor's petition in Portland, listing debts at $1310.78 and assets at $4446. .'-.,-..:. :; Obituaries : ' : i:: - Picken : : F Elisabeth p. Pickens, at Oregon City July 13. She leaves two sons, Charles J. Pickens of Salem and Lewis S. Pickens of Portland, and six grandchildren;. Graveside serv ices at Claggett cemetery Sunday, July 16,! at 2 p. aw in charge ot Holman A . Hanking mortuary. ; ' f ' Krnggel :J t. " : nug o, Ailliv J age Passed awav at a local hoanitsi Saturday, July leM Survived by nusband Relnhart r. . KruggeL The body was forwarded to the Perl Funeral parlors at - Medf ord for services and Interment by the laough-BamcK co. FIQWERS Bayne, adnjlnlstratrix. : Joseph X. Albert estates Ladd Bush Trust company, executor, authorized to file supplemental in ventory on property held by en tirety. da extens,0- of time for ming In. ventory granted. A. J. Anderson estate; Mattie Anderson, administratrix, author- lied to sell certain Portland Gen- era! Electric company stock. Sarah W, MannesUte; D. M. Bmith, executor, authorlced to resell five-acre property to Clar ence 8. and Bessie O. Peterson for $2100 and Klamath Falls lot to Loc House for $1500. Marriaee Licenses Gene Loren Dagenhardt, 18, farmer, 448 Center street, Salem, and Hazle Jeanette Rlvett, 19, cannery worker, Salem route one. Justice Court Elton H. New; $1 tine, no op erator's license. ' Municipal Court . DiekT Harling, drunk 10 days! suspended. Bob Schaeffer, drunk; fined $10, committed to Jail to serve out the fine. Tickets limited For GOP Banquet Governor and Mrs. Spragne to Be Honor Gneets at Affair Warning that tickets must be "ce for the .dinner AVh??ueiL9VWed-Urd nesday night, July 19, in honor of Marlon IE. Martin, assistant chairman of the republican na tional committee, was given yes terday by the committee in charge. Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead is general chairman. ' Only 113 tickets will be avail able and sales are- already being made, the chairman said. Tickets may be obtained at the Senatt hotel. Hannah Martin Serves State Representative 1 Hannah Martin of Salem will serve as toastmistress at the dinner and among the honor guests will be Governor and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague and Secretary of State Xarl Snell and Mrs. Snell. Gladys Mclntyre Thomas will smg. The party's assistant chairman is a state representative in Maine, a graduate of the University of Maine and a law student. She is reputed to be lucid, interesting speaker on party problems. Miss Martin will be accompan ied to Salem from Portland , by Mrs. Florence Runyan, national republican oommitteewoman from Oregon. They will confer with party leaders and state officials and Inspect the new eapitol Wed nesday afternoon. 1 -w- iw , , tn ileal HiState IVXam Here Set July 27 First examinations for real es tate brokers' licensee, is required by a new law, will bo held this month, the real estate commission announced. - Examinations will be held at Hedford, July 26, in the armory! at La Grande, July 26, at the elty hall; at Salem, July IT, at the eapitol and Portland, July II, in the Oregon building. Scout Camp News Letter CAMP PIONEER, July 15 Be sides the regular camp program of swimming, boating, and scout craft, the boys have engaged fn a number of rousing games during the past week. Last Thursday the hoys chose sides and played "Jewels of Mus tapah." In this game "Mustapah" tries . to bring the "jewels" through without the bandits cap turing him. Points are scored for getting "jewels" through; for the bandits capturing the "Musta pah"; and for capturing individual members of either gang. Relin quishing a handkerchief is a sign of haying been eaptured. The bandits, with Dave Putnam as leader, won the game after many skirmishes and one major conflict that involved all of the men on both sides. The heaviest fighting took place in a valley be hind the headquarters tent Jess Sohn, an Independence scout, got In the way of the "Muatapah" and went into the lake.- Ray Tal bert led the "Mustapahs." -' i YOUR DOCTOR'S J APraOVAl- We aim to win your ceatfldeaee ', by . .s-ala-talninf pharmacy stan , dards of which your phyatde-i wUl certain ly, approve! Ask him -about our reputatlos. SCIIAEFER'S DRUGSTORE 1SI9-19I9 '- ' ; 7".' PrescrtpUcis' "v i" "Accurately Filled 1235. '.Phones Coml. - 8107-TC-3 i School Committee Changes Are Made Tnrnidge and Gooding Are Named to Take Places - of Keber, Finlay Two changes in membership of the new Marlon county achool re organization committee were wnaarVak . eiw an Virlnf si Ast4 m f 4ttsn courthouse yesterday. D. E. Turn- idge of Talbot and William Good ing of Aurora were named members in lieu of Eugene Fin lay of Jefferson and Joseph J. Ke ber of Mt. Angel, previous appoin tees who were unable to serve. Fihlay's appointment was with drawn when it was learned he was no longer a member of a local achool board and Keber asked to be relieved from the assignment because of ill health. The committee has ahead the task of preparing a compresensive plan of reorganizing local school districts,,! making tentative con solidations if deemed advisable, with the goal of Improving effi ciency and equalizing school taxes, as provided by a 1939 state law. The committee's final plan will be submitted to a state reorganiza tion commission for approval and then will be put into effect un less local districts call for elec tions and reject the proposed changes. Kelso Youth Held On Knife Charges tlu, f&ce were ittitamed by Rich- Parmentler of Salem in a Portland robbery last week, alleg edly inflicted by a panhandler who attacked him with a pocket knife . after Parmentier's refusal to accompany him to a hotel room. Portland police arrested Virgil Bridges, 36, Kelso, and Jailed him oh an assault and robbery charge following an investigation of the affair in which it was also revealed that another man,' J. W. Bullen of Portland, bad been wounded In the neck: and robbed. v nr: U RAN SPARE ..they bring yon the Beautiful, Pink Color of natural gums If you have postponed buying den tal plates because you fear detec tion, don't fail to see the new Transparent Dental Plates. They are so Natural in Appearance, Cur closest friends will never ow you are wearing them. PURCHASE THEM ON DR. SEMLER'S LIBERAL CREDIT TERMS Because you do not have the ready eash is no need to feel you can not afford to have dental plates made from 'the new Transparent Material. Investigate Dr. Semler's Easy Payment Plan, which enables you to spread the payments over any reasonable length of time. No Interest or any extra charge. . ENYO Y WEARING YOUR PLATES WHILE PAYING Portland Office: Allsky Eldg. J 3rd & Uorrlson XtreetJi . T The Safety Valve Letters From Statesman Readers Continued' from Page 4 But, after all, who . pays the taxes We who drive automobiles know that we pay the gasoline tax, and the oil companies know It too, and, therefore, say nothing about it. Just as surely the beer drinker pays the beer tax, bat the brewers take all the glory to themselves. They say nothing about the added burden of relief because father spends for beer what should buy bread, nor the great increase in the number of patients admitted to the state hospital because of al coholism, nor the heavy financial loss caused by auto accidents in which alcohol was at least a con tributing factor. Add these up and their $623,483.(7 leaves them de cidedly in the red as public bene factors. C. C. HA WORTH, 410 W. Rural. Oregonians Own More Motor Cars 349,844 Registered Here at End of Half Year Increase Over '38 Motor v e h 1 e 1 e s registered in Oregon June SO totaled 849,844, an increase of 9206 over the num ber registered at the same time last year. Secretary of State Earl Snell reported Saturday. Total fees paid were $2,388, 280.08, or an Increase of $80,457. 48. Passenger cars totaled 288,279 with fees of $1,441,393. Last year there were 281,573 passenger cars with fees amounting to $1,407, 86$. , There were 18.748 light deliv ery trucks and 81,716 trucks. In cluding; operator transactions and miscellaneous fees and payments, a grand total of $2,750,013.88 was collected by the state tor the period January 1 to June 80 of this year,' an increase of $256, 317.92 over the corresponding pe riod in 1988. a v The new Transparent Dental Plates now being offered bj the dental profession are something new and different, and Dr. Semler, alonjr with other dentists, Is. proud to offer his patients this amazinff achievement These new Transparent Dental Plates accentuate Natural Appearance, be cause they bring you the Beautiful, Pink Color of natural gums. Truly, words fail to describe their amazing beauty, so don't fail to see the sam ples at your dentist, or go to Dr. Semler's Salem office. The new Transparent Dental Plates are taste less and odorless. They are extremely light-' weight, yet almost unbreakable, and durable enough to serve the hardest biters. They will not warp or shrink, assuring you of a last ing replacement of your natural teeth. The new Transparent Dental Plates are excep-. tionally sanitary, guard against offensive denture breath. Easy to . Arrange for Credit at Dr. Semler's . no finance company to deal with. il Or. Semler gladly extends credit pa all branches of dental work without one penny additional cost. - Tour case completed IMMEDIATE!. Y i pay later; weekly or monthly,- at ' jour convenience. Same service as If for cash, and X mean every word of ; it when X say, 'Make ysnsv own terms for payment, within reason of course.' ; - v 2nd Floor -Adolph Bids, j : - btatc end iComoccid! . Open DaOy 8 A. .U. to 6 P. 11 Dial 8311 ? ; Soxtdaya and Everiiags by Appontment -v 4-H Canning Qub Exhibits Outlined Members Slay Show Fruits' in Only One Division, Letter States Requirements tor exhibits at the 4 If canning club fair to be held late In August were outlined yesterday In a letter sent out to club members by Wayne D. Hard ing, county club agent. The various exhibit groupings include: Division 1 Two iars of frn It- two varieties and record book. . Division 2 (1) Two 1ar of fruit, two varieties, (2) one con- tamer 01 Jam, (3) one container of fruit butter, conserve, or mar malade and record book. Division 3 (1) One jar of fruit, (2) one container of lam. marma lade, or conserve. (Z two lar. two varieties of vegetables, (4) two containers, two varieties of pickles or relish and record book. Division 4 (1) One Jar of fruit, (2). one container of Jam, butter, marmalade, or conserve, (3) one jar of vegetables, (4) one container of pickles or relish, (5) two Jars of meat, fish, or fowl, two varieties, (3) two containers of -Jelly, two varieties and record book. Canning club members may ex hibit in only one of the ibare di visions at the county fair but may enter exhibits in any of the three commercially-sponsored specials, details of which may be obtained from Harding's office. It Will Pay You to Look at the . Good Used Cars" at Loder Bros. . 445 Center Salem, Oregon Graham and Oldsmobile NEW CAR DEALERS Open Evenings Till P. M. alleDQEi N 7T yCi ' r 2r