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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1939)
, Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single insertion, per line 10c Three Insertions per line 20e Six Insertions per line ..30e One month per line ...... U 00 Minimum charge 25c Copy for thla page accepted un'tl :3e the evening be tar puhltra lion for claiiatfiratton. Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the heading - Too Late to Classify." - -; . .. - The Statesman assumes no finan cial reaponslblllty for error whlrt may appear hi advertisements pub lished In Its columns, and In eaaee where thla paper la at fault will re print that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs, -v..; ' The Statesman reaerres the right to reject questionable advertising. It further . reaerres the right to place all advertising under the proper classification, - :. A "Blind Ad -an ad contalnlns a Statesman boa number for an ad dress Is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered ty letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge Informa tlon as to ths Identity of an adver tiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock HORSES FOR sale. Also 10 wks. old weanar plga Rayea Lablsh Farm. Brooks. Oregon. WANTED WILL pay premium on 2 lbs. alive colored fry. Tel. 122F2. Lee's Hatchery. DEAD AND worthless nor sen, cows picked up free. Ph. collect Mil Salem. Montgomery Rend. Wks. WANTED, CALF, 3298 N. JJberty HORSES - MARES - MULES LARGE ASSORTMENT well broker horses and mules. CREDIT gladly giv en No carrying charge. Get com pet I tlve prices before. you come here and see-how much lower my prices are. See them work and pull on all kinds of farm implements before you btrv Guaranteed ss represented. Free de 11 venr. H.R. Kuehne.' Carlton, Ore, C ml. E. of Carlton. 7 ml. W. of New berg in West Chehalem Valley. Hrln Wanted 839 WEEKI.T. GROW muhroom cellar, shed. We buy. 30e lb. World" largest company. FREE BOOK. Mush rooms. 2019 Second. Seattle. Wash. - TOO CAN mska ft to $5 dally st home, snare time, year around, grow ing mushrooms for us. cellar, shed Mall crop. 1 cash paid weekly Writ Western Mnshroom Co Dept. D 7S Portland. Ore. - CrrtJPnTSTVfl VTTW mushroom rais ing facts from world's largest com pany. Book FREE. United. 2S48-R Lincoln Ave.. Chicago. ' OPPORTTJ.-f ITtTM U S H R O O M Prtawn. 359 smmre feet. HALF PRICE. 2019 Second, Seattle. Help Wanted Female . HIGH TYPE. Intelligent person over '53 for permanent position. Must be well dressed and rood mixer. Financial security u quaiuieo. box - Statesman. XMAS CARDS, nationally fatn. line PAT MORE MONET. Per. cardasta.. iuaoal box assort. Prof, tip to 100 . Ext. nnnec. Sam. free. Wallace B"wn ,?:S Fifth Ave, Dept. t!SJ, New Toik. - WANTED EXPERIENCED girl foi housework : mar go horn evening. Ref. Phone 49S3 between 7 ft S p. in. Salesmen Wanted AGGRESSIVE SALESMAN-wanted . for local and nearby protected terri tory. Full time, permanent futnre with old established concern manuracrarine complete line of exclusive calendar ' and advertising : specialties for ever line of business. Modest but adeouat exDense allowance to start and Tiber ' a commissions remitted weekly. Please alva age, experience and reference. The American Art Works, Coshocton. Ohio. i Situation Wanted DRRSSMAK. MRS Adsttt Ph. 8268 SHIRTS FINISHED. 12c; Iron 25r f.r. 7X13. - i WOULD UKE to contact apartment owner who may desire experienced mgr. Write Box 142. Statesman MAN WANTS steady farm work . Box 550, Statesman. UIDDLR AGED ma a wants farm work, rnone For Sale Miseellaneons Bikes Rep. Ramsden. 143 R. Lib REBUILT AND guaranteed- wash era. All makes from tie up. Spec. May tag $15-. Hogg Broa J ADDING MACHINES, typewriters cash registers, scales, satea, rentals. re pairs, Roen Typswnter Ex, 4s tjourt CASH FOR used fum.,Ph. til. DAT OLD and started chicks, fry era Also pest moss fertiliser. Ph. 133F2 "a Hatchery. . --L., N. H. - FRTERS. aUve or greased Call 1I8F11 between I I I p. m. P.S. .;.:t' TRIED SEARS catalog order desk yet I They II have It SEARS-ROEBUCK Ca WANTED USED furniture. Ph. 9502 BABT PEN and swing. Tel. 8589. FACTORT MADE trailer honae. like new. Rt. X. Box f 31 A, Liberty. . 75 Harvard Classics. 20. 477 Court ANT OR all of 180.809 sacks. Very reasonably priced. 145 Center. ADVERTISING Westers Advertising - Representatives " " Fencer-Hall Co Ltd." - Sao Francisco. Los Angeles, ; Seattle Eastern Advertising , Representatives - 1" Bryant, Grtffltb A Branson. Inc. . Chicago. New Tors. Detroit ., Boston, b Atlanta m I, ffa tared of Ike Potteftitm at Salem .Oregon a 8cond Class "fatter. Pv lUked every morsJno except Honda BRse ttie til South Commercial ' " ' V ' :. - SUBSCRIPTION RATES; Mali Subscription Rates In Advance Within Oregon : Dally and Sunday r Mo. 60 cents: 3 Mo. $1.50: Mo. $2 it: 'I year f S.80. Elsewhere s cents per Ma r $(.0 tor 1 year In advance Per conv s eenta. Newsstands I centa By City Carrier: t cents a month: 37.20 a rear In advance la Marion suid adjacaat anunUea. ; For Sale Miscellaneous FILMS DEVELOPED. prints and 2 enlargements, 25c Coin only. Qua! Ity Picture Co.. box 3575. Portland. USED BARGAINS HOTPOINT RANGE, all porcelain calrod unit, hooka like new. Lata model Montag wood rang Coils. - . Lang ashless wood ranges Wedgewood gas range, slightly used Full automatic. Thor washer fully reconditioned. $25 Ice boxes, $1.00 and up. TEATER RUSH CQ. Westinghouse Appliances 2SS N. Liberty Next To Power Co. FILMS DEVELOPED, f I prints and hand colored enlargement. 25c. Coin Oregon Picture Co.. box 4292, Portland RED COCKER Spaniel, 2 mo. old Males, pedigree stock, small type, fit Rt I. Boa HI. Ph. 24F2. . . CLOVER HAT in shock. S ton. Ina Associated Filling- Station. Brooks. FILMS DEVELOPETJl nrtnta ah food nmHr. ? rnln TW Und Film Co.. box 4211. Portland, Ora. BABT BED for sale. 333 Water. "" " - - -"n- r iiiLrij-LLnLrLJTji..ii WATKINS PROD. 1735 Mad. 7805. Wanted-Mi-lIarieous WANTKI USED tarn Ml til -j,'-jirveTinj' O-LO WOOL ffimtt Tet. II 10 aeaaeTBasasaaabBaraai CASH FOR used furniture. Ph. 4517 WANTED - Wftfin nr Mw,t rn for siwMit TSS ff of trIA 1 ft Mr not planed. Owner Rt. 1. Box 34, Sa cm. rnoin SSB9. WTD, HOME for kittens. P. 370. WantetJ Furniture WTD, FURN. Ph. 7445, R. Forgey. Miscellaiieoas DENTAL PLATES REPAIRED TWO HOUR SERVICE DR. HARRT SEMI.ER. DENTIST Corner State A Commercial Ph. 3311 LEARN SHORTHAND IN 90 DATS. What Popular Mec-han les of Jan. 1931 page 3 says: "SlmpU fled shorthand which some educator believe may become a universal writ log method." For information. Evan Simplified Method. Box 408. Corvallis. ' l,i-ir-n'i i.rjri.rjn-rurunjnj'j'Xfi-r RADIO REPAIRING NO JOB too large or too small. Hollywood Radio A Electric Shop 1995 North Capitol Phone 4868. For Rent-Rooms RMS FOR ladlea C9C N Collate lh S(7 SLEEP. RM Priv ant Ph 5977 FINE SLEEP, room, f 18 N. Church NICE RJ4. gentle., gr. 771 N. Cot PI.EAS. RM- hskDK. prtv.. tiro lady. $3.50 wk. Close In. I'll. (197. HOTEL SALEM ENJOT HOTEL, service A conven ience. Attractive weekly or mo. rates NICE SLEEP. rm. e-pntleman : re- dec nr. state bldga. reas. 1363 Court. CLOSE IN furn. gar. rm. Ph. 8229. Room and Board APPRECIATE GOOD meals? Nice heme? See Ma Bowen, COS N. Liberty RMS.-: WITH or without board. 363 R A R 1090 N. Summer. Ph. 4 $14 NICE ROOM, twin beds, close to state bouse. 1227 Court. Ph. SSM. RXL. $2.5(1. RD, $4.75. lady. 731$ RM.. BD.. laundry free. 455 N. Cot BD. A RM.. 152 N. 13th. Ph. 5460. "NICE RM.. home cooking, garage Near capital bids. TeL 6791. For RnJ Apartments RM. NEWLY furn. Heat, water rrfrfg. bath, ndnlta 91 1 N Cottage 1 TO 4 RM. apta fnrn. or on furn.. $6 and up. Inq. 1310 South tZtb. SM. FURN. apt, 25$ S. Cottage. SEE FISHER apta. Modernised, newly decorated and roomy. You'll be delighted. Oak and S. Commercial. THE MOST homelike m Salem Hawthorne Court 1000 N. Capitol. COOL 1ST floor. 3-rm. 641 Ferry. MIR. APTS. Furn.; A on furn. $35 to $49. Royal Court. Ph 3953. NICELT FURNISHED, closa In 397 North Commercial SL 3 ROOM APT, 1st floor, private bath, one single room. 432 Marion. 3 R, $12 (I in. $13 50 193S Centet APTS- $S PER mo, 355 Rellvua. , FURN. 3 R. APT, 444 a High. 2 R. TURN, $1S. 2164 Maple. d.EAN HSKPG. rm., everythina furn. inc. gas, use of frig, elec. wash r. reaa. 791 N. Commercial. FURS. S RM. tMth. nil heat, gas lights, hot water. Ph. 8195. Adults. 3 ROOM FURN. apt. Us, water heat. prL tmth. 705 N. Liberty. 2 R, close hL wtr", $20. 639 N. Lib 1 RM. FURN. apt. dress, rm. Pull kit, bath. 666 So. Summer. t R. TURN, prk bath, I4S Court Bt. NICE 4 ROOM furnished apt, re frig, garage, adults. 17I0.N. Cottage Btreet NEW. DEC. 3 R. furn. apt, $1T Parking space. Ph. 8645. 8 R. FURN. APT. Lgts, water, $17 1350 N. Winter. MOD. 3 RM. apt. Ph. 5123. UN FURN. 3 RMS, hot wtr, gar 985 Saginaw. t R. FURN, bath, garage, 200S N. CapitoL , . 2 A 4 R. FURN, 345 Marlon. MOD. S RM. apt, 1535 State. 4443. FURN. 8 RMS, bath. 3599 State. FURX. AFX. $10. 332 Water. S AND 3-RM. apta Priv. bath, lights hot water, washer. 352 Leslie. For Rent-Houses FURN. AND UN FURN. HOUSES . JurL Ph V-4-. FOR RENT. four ; room cottage, clean and completely furnished. 1045 Shipping. 4 J':- i FURN. HSE, creek location,, close In, Ph. 4035. Ph. 4035. FURN. A UNFURN. houses. R. A. Forkner-H. T. Ueber, 1853 N. Capitol MOD. FURN. and anfurn. 8 bedroom houses. Shade trees. Tel. 4320. FURN. SMALL cottage, all con re a lences. Water, lawn servtca furnished. 837.58 Couple tally. ,831 M. Comt Money to Loan . We Lend You Money , WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO fTT TOUR INCOME No Entlorsees No Comakers Youx Signature Only BEPAT ANT, OAT TO REDUCE COST. BORROW PROM SALEM'S OLDEST AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE TOUR NEEDS RB- CEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN IS MADE. General 13$ So. Commercial SL - Lie First Door South of Ladd A Bush Bank Get SPOT CASH This "PERSONAL" Way i WHEN AT HOME: . A "Personal" Loan $2$ to $300. Easy Terms WHEN A WAT: USB A "PERSONAL" "- CREDIT CARD Good at 370 offices, Coast to Coast SIMPI40 TO QUA UP T: Coma In. GUARANTEED BT GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAOAZIN3S Aa advertised therein 1 PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor, New Bitch Bldg. $1$ State Street Salem. Oregon State License Numbers 8-133 M-ltS LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED ' MONET TO buy new or used cars. Private money at new low rates. Immediate action. No red tape. 1 TO 30 MONTHS TO PAT Roy H. Simmons 136 South Commercall Street Phone 9168 Lie. No. M-152 FHA LOANS 6. also private loans Abrams A Ellis Inc. Masonic Bldg AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 5th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-151 What is MONEY SERVICE? It is I. Friendly consultation with profea slonally trained and . experienced advisers. 2 Prompt. Courteous, and Skilled of fice employees. 1 A quiet business-like loan service free from red tape, long delaya. A confidential undemanding at all times. I Small monthly payments. $100 re payable at $6.93 per month. Othei amounts In Dronortlon. Many adjustable loan plana $30 available on furniture, iivestocs salary, co- signer, etc $500 a vs li able on cars; no age limit. IF TOU NEED MONET. SEE US FIRST. Let us explain these and other FREE services that go with each loan plan selected. People's Finance Co. Km. 201, First National Bank Bldg Salem. Oregon Phone 4446 S-213 State License M-21 $500 $1000 31200 31600 to Loai On Good Salem Homes H. P. GRANT 529 Court Street Ph. 6744-8330 Financial jm gf4 WE HAVE never paid lea S than this rate on saving easa&a fn and Investment. Insured iv to $5000. Mutual Federal Savings k Loan Asi'a Phone 4944 142 8. Liberty SL Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire st Hawkins A Roberta. WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO tian on mod Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 Interest W. H. QRABBNnfiRBT till 184 a Uberty Street Phone 46 For Rent Houses 3-RM. APT, re frig., automatic beat. $25. 355 a 14th. Also mod. 8-rm. hse, $40 and mod. 6-rm. hae, $30. DU 8632, evenings. 3364. NBWT.T "RTTII.T hnncalow. restrict ed dlst Snappy bath A klL Lease at o mo. trsrner, jisw spruce. GTLXJE'S GULCH NEAR THE heart of Silver Creek Falls state park;" where the evening- are always cool Strictly modern room.; cottages completely furnished Flam gas equipped, by day, week, or month. Plenty of overnight camping space. f 4. 1m uxiL.e;nise,KU, rnur, i. Rt, 1. Sublimity, Oregon BUNGALOW COURT, extra sen ices A conveniences. Ph. $282 or $658. FURN. MODERN T room bouse 152$ No. Capitol SL TeL 502L . , ' 4 RM. HSE. Call at 40$ N. Cottaga 2 ROOM FURNISHED cottage. - R. A. FORKNER H. T. UEBER. ' 1853 North Capitol FURN. 5 ROOM cottars. Inoulre if ( .Mission. 4ssaajassspT,t8satastlt S B. DUP, $25. 4 R. hse, $18. 711$. For Rnt OFFICE ROOMS. 311 -SUte Street laqulra room 200. TeL 8718 " ii i issfsrarn no n JiiroxAJS- SHOP SPACE, 241 Center. Wanted to Rent WANTED, 2 OR 3 R. hse. by Aug 1st. teas. Box 548, , Statesman. For Sale Real Estate " WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF TOU . want to sell . exchange lease, rent; aea Mr. Larsea with Haw Una A Roberta. -. .. TRADE CXTl property tor term homes. Opportunities In exchanges. HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC . rTt"htsj(asasTaBgata4Bas 80 ACRES OP timber. 28 miles from Saleea. Phone 5272. - EXTRA LARGE lot FHA. new. N Add. Cost $950. SeU thla week $300 paviag. Close in acreage, oak tree A stream. 8a0, 3200 down, mtg. Owner $79 N. Cottaga. 4 R. A GARAGE. UNFINISHED N. E. of town on paved highway wili sell to responsible party for - $1250 $15 down,, nothing more to pay for 8 mo., then continue with 315 per ma until paid for. 5 tat. Int. IncL In mo, pay. F. H. WEIR, 313 Ores. Bldg. Ph. $423 ' Money to Loan nee Corp. No. S-13li Phone tl$ Convenient Ground Floor Location. For Sale Real Estate 83000 BUYS 6 RM. home In N. Sa lem. New roof, good paint, basement furnace, fireplace, lovely back yara See this before buying. R. A. FORKNER-H. T. UBBElt 1863 North Capitol 8 BR. CREEK lot, closa in, only $2500, terms. 3 BR., mod., ft replace, excellent con dltlon, South CapitoL $3000, easy terms. 4 BR, new diet, NE, trade for close in acreage, $6000 value. 54 acres Glenn Creek diet, good Im provements ; trade for acreage without bldgs, $6000 value. Nice cottage, south, modern, newly decorated. $1150; terms, small down payment, balance $15 per month. Mod. 3 bdrma, 11 v. rm, din. rm. kit, all hardwood floors, fireplace. full basement, attic floored. 3 vears old. A real lvalue at $3600. Very easy terms to responsible party. Walnut Park dist. !; New modi 3 bedim, llv. rm.. kit. nook, utility rm. Immed. poaa. $2260. Terms $150 cash. baL $20 per mo Located south. New mod. 3 bedrm.. llv. rm.. kit. with large nook, lot 50x200. Shown by ap pointment only. 9I30U. Terms to sun H acre north with brand new mod. -room house. 3 bdrm.. fireplace, auto matic water system. Only $2950 with easy terms. E. M. LARS EN REAL ESTATE U. S. National Bank Bldg. Phone 37811 Evenings 6769 I FOR SALE FOLLOWING GROUP offered bt distant owner: 1. South Salem business dlst. 6 room house, small service station large lot. price 33750.! 2. 3 room house, adjoining abov property for 31475 both for $5000. 3. 5 room plastered, cement founda tion, oak floors, fireplace, good black soil. $2050. : 4. 5 rooms corner lot room for more bldga. both sta. paved and paid. Price $12001 5. 5 rooms needs painting A pa pering, has i large fruit and nut treea Price $17"5i 6. Large I house suitable for sub letting. Price $1900. All above properties offered fot 15 down balance like rent. See Mrs. Ellis with-i- CH1LDS ft MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261 SIGHTLY LOCATED 24 ACRES, 4 ROOM house, base ment, electric water system, lovely shade trees, beautiful view, good orch ard offered for short time at $2000 with terms. Call Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261 1 blk. from Safeway St. 347 Saginaw ' UNFINISHED HOUSE 4 RMS, BATH. 2 lots. Low price. Easv terma. H. P. GRANT. 529 Court 6744-8330 REAL RENT SAVER 7-RM. HOME. 100x100 lot 8 Ige. mo. will handle. Cor. lot. pavement pd. ! H. P. GRANT 529 Court St. Phone 6744-8330. UNFINISHED HOUSE 4 RMS, i BATH, 2 lots, low price. Easy terma i H. P. GRANT 529 Court !St. Ph. 6744-1 REAL RUT Fine Country Home Built l37. rany Mod. Burnt. fur nace, 3 bedrms. Ldy. trays. 3 A. excel soil. 2H mi. east $3750. Reaa Terms. 12 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Phone 5965 laundry room. 1 acre, close to school. N of town, ' $100 down, balance $2" per month Including taxes and Interest. RICH L. REIMANN 167 S. High Street Phone 8632 DANDT APARTMENT HOUSE- HAS INCOME of $90.00 per month beside own living quarters. Close In good location; reduced for quick sale for $5250 nrive terma FINE 5 R. MODERN HOME 8 R, basement furnace, flrenlace. hardwood floors, good location to both nigh schools : corner lot ; room for an other house. Priced to sell at $3500.00 31300 down. bat. easy. See -JAS. D. SEARS, 476 COURT STREET! $75 DOWN: 3 RMS. A bath. Ihrhts NEW. navlnar A walks tn. S11R0. 81575. good home on State St, living rm., dining rm, kitchen, 2 bedrms. bath, basement, paving & walks In. 230OS. hnma in mrmA vntlHnn larff living rm4 dining rm, nice kitchen. 4 neat-ma. Basement furnace, fireplace paving, $300 down. $2900, rm. modern English style home, north, good location, $500 down. MONET TO LOAN AT C PER CENT MELVIN ; JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court; Street Phone $720 FINE. T. A nf.V hnlMIti, In ft front paved street located on come of N. 18t A Grant right In the new building district Basement aliead) dug. FHA. approved. A bargain at caan. f none s-z3 Sunday 4311 week day a FOR SALE its owned bv City $125. to 800. Sea any real estate man or call 8633 1 167 & High Street In fine shape; -5 acre, price $1650 J J. Hues. 30 Salem Heights Ave, Sa lem. NEW, SNAPPT bungalow, fireplace 330 mo. ; automatic beat Owner, 1160 spruce. -1-1-.-. ir tf(i n.i n nn nnrinr IX.E1. FHA lot, $10 dn. 11M Spruce CORNER LOT 60x100. fruit and ber ries. City water and sewage close. Price 3280. $10 d month if "you build. down. baL $15 per month. INQUIRE 2475 BROADWAT $1600.00. 4 ROOMS, GARAGE. $1800.00. ft bedrooms, living v room dining A kitchen ; large lot $1750.00. s rooms, extra, large lo dose in. 5 rooms, lots of fruit chick en bouse, woodshed. $1881.25. $5600.00. convenience, 8 miles out hia-hwav. $1200.00 . 4 rooms, creek lot. P.I H. BELL, REALTOR 429 Oregon Building Phones S1Z1-3302 CAPE COD SPECIAL yra oldj perfect condition. $4250. CALL R. A. JOHNSON WITH, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 1$4 & Liberty St , Ph. 64 For Sale Real Estate For Sale Farms " s i ' tTT ' HOME ALDERBROOK FARM TmSMODKRN $ rm. borne with tt A. ON PAC. hwy, 2 mL. from . nook located near achl, la good dist. Ladkl. A Bush bank. 10 rm. beautiful Hardwood firs, throughout tlreplace colonial house, 8 baths. fJreplacea. funuure. fua cement baaent, sTsrage, automatic heat landscaped grounds, . ,TLitHi?5EV0LI crk aA sprinkler system to gardens ". dn. PERFECT HOME FOR A and Ladlno clover field: rm. modern , VrTti ... tenant bouse, bant, dryer and other i Jii . Jil!ni50L,th buildings, an unusual noma or would ! W' r?. HORSL CO;,.4 be fine for hospital, club house or sub- 134&Liberty 8t Phone 6468. division aa part or farm ia platted now. , MJ"WWM" Will consider soma trade in California TODAY'S SPECIAL or Oregon. Make us an offer. THIS LATE -BUILT T rm. homi WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR with larger sewing rm. Is offered far 477 Court Street below value. Deep lot In Englewood. i tloub. garage, hardwood firs, fireplace. MR. RANCHER if you want a good furnace, large nook, complete in every 6 S -acre Howell Prairie ranch with good ' detail. Ideal modern home for a Cam bldgs. A stock A equipment for $119 ily. 35000. TERMS. per acre, call my agent Jaa D. Seara I CALL R. A. JOHNSON WITH, at 8466 or at bis office at 476 Court W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. street A have him tell you sbout this 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6468. fine place. - 1 STRICTLY MODERN" house one . bedroom, $20 and $30. Acreage I House to sell. 8100 down. C. H. SANDERS 118 a High 5131. , ACRES, Moli 6 rm. bouse, hard wood floort taement furnacV. firt , $I600$200 DOWN $15 MO, large place, barn, fruit buU A shrubs, $2.- ! old house, close in. Lot 66x123. Tax 800. $ R. A. FORKNER-H. T. CERER $1750 $200, down $20 mo, 3 bed- 1853 North Capitol rooms, all first floor, good condition Close to school and bus. 40 A. 11 MI. FROM Albany, sn ! 33750 3500 down, win buy this 3 cult, : good well, i,- 8 rm. house, barn bedroom home, corner lot, and fine Io- chicken house. Terms, cation. 11 A. 4 mL from Ladd A Bush bank. C H. SANDERS 118 & High 5111 stumps A pasture, wonderful view $500 down. INCOME PROPERTY MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER CENT ' LARGE RESIDENCE made over In- MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR to eight. 2 A 3-room apartments. In- 725 Court Street Phone 3723 come of 3140 per mo. Located near wmwmwwwwwwwwwwnmm state bldga Price $9000. 7 OR 10 ACRES, filberts, walnuts Call G. H. GRABENHORST, JR. fruit, etc, rich land. Buildings. Price With W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., reduced. Honaker, Rt 7. Box 535 REALTORS out Garden Rd. to Sunnyvlew Ave. 134 S. Liberty Street Phone $4 $8. NEW 3-RM. hse, circulating heater I kitchen range, $1300; small down pmt, HOME BARGAINS bal. like rent $250 DOWN A $25 PER mo. will 10 A, 8-rm. hse, elec, $1400: $100 buy a 3-raom modern home located on dn, bal. $15 per mo, -will consider paved st,, near store, schools A bus some trade. line. Price $2300. Chicken ranch. 17 A, electric water $350. down A $35. per mo. will buy system, 6 A. fruit, big hae., 9 mL from this late-built modern, 5 -room ' home town, $3500. Easy terms. Will take in located in N. E. Salem in that new hae. and lot fast-growing residential district. Price RICH L. REIMANN $3350. See. this home at once, 167 a High Street Phone 8632 $500. down A $30. per mo. will buys 5 -room, modern house located near the 2 4-5 A. IN SALEM. 4 rm. bouse, new high schooL Price $3500. bath, lights, chicken house, $1375. CALL GL H. GRABENHORST. JR. " 5 A. 1 ml. east In bearing walnuts With W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. good soil. $1600. $400 down. i REALTORS 21 A. U ml. from Reiser school. 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6488. small house, barn, all cult, all vr 0, creek, family orchard, $4000 $500 REDEC: 4 R. A bath. Plast, gar., down. paved. $1400, $100 dn, $20 mo. Inc. 11 A. 4 ml. from Ladd ft B. bank. int. A taxes. New, ultra mod. home stumps A pasture, nice view, $1400, $5000. Good terma Consider lot In $500 down. trade. Hse, 4 rms. A bath, $1800. $100 MONET TO LOAN AT t PER CENT dn. New, mod. sub. 5 rms, $3950, bus MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR service. Easy to handle. 172 S. Lib 725 Court Street Phone 3722. erty St. Phone 7113. ' 10 A, CLOSE IN. part walnuts, some R-xrhjinirr Fatnlr fruit- for 800 terma , .r, , ., elec, barn. Price $1800. Terms. Trade WILL EXCHANGE mod. Cadilla f0r Saiem and assume, with exclusive radio, heater good C. H. SANDERS 118 S. High 5131. rubber, good mechanical condition, for real estate. Prefer small home. Ph. rrr . i n i r . 4035 or write Box 666. wanted Keal instate -J"- - V- I n.njnnrLnn l1rUlrU BBBBBBMBMHiBBBHaBBBBWBMaBBBBBBBBM a t,v?tS T2R SAIrM , FROM OWNER, mod. 5 room house 9 RM HOUSE- home with an In- for caah. Box 646. Statesman. come. Close in, business center will accept 5 or 6 rm. house In Salem as . ' pan. Resort Property 8 rm. bouse near college, trade for 1 WP?Ti- oFT r.,TATP s. 100x100 OCEAN FRONTAGE. Nee A. .-"-AT1; kowln. Beautiful building site Fos- 6 RM. i HSE, near state bldgs.. to tfr' Ph' 49Si' trade on 4 bdrm. mod. hse. and as- """""" "" sume. cheap hse. a lot to trade on Business Opportunities cheap acreage near Salem. 172 S. Lib- erty. Phone 7113. . ' 14 UNIT AUTO A trailer camp. Ex- f cl r ceUent location, well equipped. $5000 for Sale r arms cash to handle. - , RICH U REIMANN. 167 S. High St 120-ACRE FARM 12 miles east of n , n . . .r . PhP 8".8 . . . ., . Salem, 100 A. cult, balance tlmbei FOR RENT riJ?VjL.aA fLfiZlH RESTAURANT BLDG, groceries, . VLi "SJZPmKVR n: .nTH.T, "oft drlnka ice cream. Dada Lunch, Oregon7 U-?E5& Salem-Dalla. highway. "Ytth .tjy.3. .PP.5??!.8. 2 COMPLETELT FURNISHED --n-r-n-nj'LLy-njTJrL houses, like new, near Sr. high achooL 40 A, 87 UNDER PLOW, close Sa- Jjjjf 'or ,llbert ewafc lem. good bldgs.. sell or trade for few ,5! v dais ontor $3000 4-unlt apartment house, furnished. ch. SANDERS)-! 1 8 8. Hlgh-5131 SttltW9jL "" OW" 60 ACRES STOCKED A equipped INCOME large house, apartment la good soli, 40 A. in crop, family orch- basement. 2 new houses, well rented, ard. berrtea, 6 rm. house, barn, small '.!' 7J.lf-, nar tt buUd- Uke fed1 bv SDrlnaa Horse cows ln8- $fi09. $2000 down, chicken, land all eq'ulpment TnclXg WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR wis1 ,rinrLTJi iTh iziJSyjsLSSsi Want to 1 trade for small place north , .. . . . , ... of Salem near Oregon City or Portland. XviaqrI "l Sl J-Sa ROSTEIN A ADOLPH. INC. - 110 H i North Commercial Street For Sale Wood LOOKtNF FOR a real farm proposl- """" tion? Now ia the time and I have the BUDGET PLAN five months to farms possession this falL pay first payment In 30 days. Oak 125 A. completely equipped month- $6.00. ash $5.50. knots $5.(0, Old $5.00. ly Income more than $300.00: priced 2nd gwth, 34.00. W. L. Green. Ph. right A on terma you can handle. Will 5370. Yard 412 N. 21st St. take some trade : E. Oregon or Wash Alr 115 A, no equipt 100 A. cult gr aa CD. STR. gr. No dote, truly Fine bldga. Running water. Owner un- dry 16 In. big O. F. Ph. 8686. able to operate. Will sell to right par- -u--uaiqru-ruxnj-u- ty.7ArmJ,kt,,?nt .. , NO. 1 16 IN. old fir, $5 cd. P. 6120. 100 A. i No bldgs. Fine bottom soil. 7 vuJ1JW1JJnnjw1 mL from: Salem. Worth $100 per acre: qrx FIR. all kinda Ph. 7507. price only $65.00. You can't beat these Pisces. : SUMMER PRICES, old fir 16" at A water, near bua H mile from only $4.75 per cord. Order for now or city limits. Modern, new house. Young later deL Phone 4156. Oregon Fuel Co. fruit. The best buy In Salem at $3300. wWvmWimwswwW. Easy terma BODY OAK. 16", $6.50 J round oak. H. C. Shields, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. $902. $6. Phone 127F12. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKING WOOD. ALL kinds. Ph. 9560. ! BUY NOW MMMWWWWWWW 66-ACRES. ABOUT 25 A. cult. bal. OLD FIR, IS". $4.75. Second growth. In pasture A timber. 4 R. house, barn 16". $4.25; 4 ft, $3.75. Ph. 7043. A 2 Irg. poultry houses. On good high- way. Has electric lights ft good spring 9747, DRY 16 IN. old fir, $4.50. water. All for $1600 can't beat thla 148-acres. most all to cult. irrigat- 16 IN. OLD fir. $5; knots $4.50: ing ditch runs through place A can be 4 ft. 2nd, $2.75. Phone 9307. Irrigated 4 R. house, large bam. Just think, only $500 down, price $3000 a 400 CORD DRY old fir. 1$ and 18 real atock ranch. See Mr. Gallagher Inch ; 4-foot maple, ash, oak, limbs, II with i inch. 4 Si miles east of Sclo on Lyons JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR I highway at new cement bridge. Peter 471 Court Street Phone 8466. Ganltske. 1 Business Directory Card ta thla dtrrctorj raa Mattresses , nTfunJZlL SALEM FLUFF ROO and M.ttre Ratep SI per line per noath. tnetrny. NEW MATTRESS made to i order, old remade : carpet cleanlna. i Aitln RmLm slilng; flufl rug weevlng. & 13th ft I AUI Prattes Wilbur. Tel. 8441. OTTO F. ZWICK- ! GR. Est 191L Mlka Pa nek. 278 South Commercial ' 1 r CAPITOt BEDDING CO. Phone 1069 ,'Aoto.Lanndry Naturopathic Physician CARS WASHED. 80c Simon In " cleaned A waxeL. $8.00. 367 N. Church DR. W. H. ROCKWELL. Naturopath- , Phone 89(8. le Physician. I7e Fairgrounds Rd. 1 ' TeL 4303. Office Houre 11 e. m. to 6:80 . p m. FREE; EXAM. A CONSULTS Bicycles tion. j BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned n . r t Harry w. Scott 147 a corai. p. 451$ Painting Pa per hanging i Chimney Sweep we do all kinds painting. 3633. ! PAPERING, PNTG. Johnson, P. 5188. TELEPHONE 4460. R. BV Nortuoesa ' ' j Chiropractors I PrtnUng DR. a !U SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlet 256. N. High. TeL Raa. .8573. programa books or any kind of print- ; Ing. call The Statesman Printing De- l r . . part men t. 316 S. Commerclat Tele- I Excavating ' phone jioi. T EXCAVlATINtl OF all kinds. Psae- .'.", 1 mente dug. Dirt ha n led or moved. Dirt ' IranSieT for sale. 8!'m Rand and Gravel Co Phon - ' FOR LOCAL or distant transfer, stor 1 age,- burner oil. csll $131. Lartner 5lOrislS Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. , BrelthaupCs. 447 Court Phone 8904 INTERSTATE TRUCKING. Wash. j Ores. Pb. 33 FS. .-. i Laundries - . - , ... THS NEW SALEM LAUNDRY Wood Sawing , , THE WEZDER LAUNDRY ,, . 268 & High Tel 9136 WOOD SAW. Hilke. Ph. 8323. Wood Sawing WOOD 8AWINO. Sproed. Ph. $383 Personal LONELYT -WORTHWHILE" sweet WORLD'S FAIR Modern, private For Sale Used Cars '81 OLDS. SD, $120.00. '36 Rd. T '37 PLY. DeLUXE Tudor, radio ft -30 FORD SEDAN. 895. Clean, to FOR SALE PLYMOUTH SEDAN, good condi- . . . . iii,iir.-i-.-iri-iririn n ri rLixru SACRIFICE 1937 FORD DeLuxe FOR SALE chean. 1927 Chevrolet Sedan, motor sTood. tires excellent- Price right. Inquire 855 Marion. - Transportation DRIVING TO N. Y, Aug. 15. take 8 passengers, share expenaea. Ph. 7928. STUDENT WANTS ride to Seattle July 16 or 17. P. 1197. Share expenses DRIVING ABERDEEN, a D Julv 20. Take 2 pass. Eicholta, 8hady Rest Trailer Park, mL N. underpasa Mary Jolliff e Dies SILVERTON Friends her have learned of tha death of Mra. Mary Jolliffe of Tallent. July 3. She was 84 years old. She lived here with her son, C. M. Jolliffe, and mored to Tallent last summer. Policeman Dead in WPA Riot I fit" Violence breaks out tn tha natlon-wMa WPA strike ta Mlnneapolla with a policeman, John B. Gearty, 40, dying as a result of beating: ha received as he attempted to rescue a nontrOdna; WPA worker from a crowd of demonstrators. The violence followed s protest walkout over tha 130-hour work month ordered by congress. In cities throughout United States protest walkouts were staged. Cross Word Puzzle 12 13 15 16 19 21 23 2H 25 26 27 31 3W 3S 37 3? HO 4 HI 50 SI 3 iH HORIZONTAL 1 infant S Babylonian tjod 8 youths 12 wolf-hound IS heroine in "Uncle Tom's Cabin" 14 melody 15 cleave 15 limb 17 mother 18 nomadic Arab 20 book - 21 selenium: aymbol 22 prohibit 23 social class 27 established SI above -22 overawe S3 aound . 34 codfish (So.) 30 web-footed birds S7 human - beings 38 -Chines weight . 39 musical instruments 42 marked with lines " 47 bad ' 43 medieval ' trading; - vessel 49 extend over 60 companion 51 U. S. Indian 62 courage (slang) 63 winter vehicle 54 jutting rock 65 units of work VERTICAL 1 sharp point 2 opposed to aweather 3 a company f"S"V""1 I I 'A Herewith is the solution to Satur day's pass, ! - 7-17 tkoeef Myrna'sBack Myron L07 One of the most popular of lead tar ladies on the screen, Myrna Loy la shown in New York on re turn from a European vacation. i , i Ji 1 to II 17 2& 2? 30 33 36 3 M3 HH V6 HI S2 Z5 'A 4 within: com 22 bend . 23 a male swan 24 topas humming-bird 26 dry: said of wines 26 trod under foot 27 card gam 28 digit 29 abstract existence) '. 30 liver in Scotland 32 to be able 86 French article (pL) '38 alcoholic ' beverage 88 on sen- -- . teneed to gerntuda for Ufa ' 1 . . 39 borders 40 pertaining -,. to grand parents ' '. ,41 ceremony 42 mother of . .. Apollo . v (Gr. myth.) .... 43 actual being: 44 three banded - ' armadillo 45 flavor 46 concludes 48 hard-aheUed ' fruit bining form misrep- - resent 6 smooth 7 loiter 8 press into ' thin sheets 9 homeless , street wanderer 10 U. & coin 11 river in . Prussia 19 employ 20 100,000 . rupees . I 21 m i22 i i .