" r?" it'r i . I V I . If,---. 7 II , I I I 1 J . It w I... rfv : -Hello there, old fellow." might hare said OU?er Huston, manager of the Salem Legion Juniors, ad he unearthed an eight-year-old baseball Wednesday while prepar ing for the Dallas-Salem game. ... Or, rather, he "untrunked" It, for the old, cork center horse hide agate had been reposing in trunk at his home still in' its orlglnalfjinopened box. since the 1131 Legion season. . . . Baseball Crar Laodis might accuse Huston of hording. . . . The ball was still lively, as will testify Hube Aspin wall, for the burly first baseman. whose tongue is distinctly tinged with a bit of -old Alabama," parked it orer the Pallas center fielder's head for a home ran. . . . No less a Judge of he wet than Dorothy Sarong" La moor, the singing cinemasistcr, has a ballot for aa all-American team la the nation-wide poll to .. select an eleven to play the ' New York Giants, champs of the National professional foot ball league, in the sixth annual tilt at Soldiers' field, Chicago, August SO. ... Why I'm mentioning it is a mystery to me. but here it is: Coughlan of Santa Clara and par to shreds In overwhelming Brown of Notre Dame, - ends; E. J. (Dutch) Harrison, the lean Wolff of Santa Clara and Zagar Ing tower of Oak Park, 111., by Wf Stanford tavit.' Pfotffpr nf nine and eight. Picard, proving Ucla and Tonella of USC, guards; tfvn iTsr- nir- n nsn quarterback; Bottari of California and Htrnhmt nf TTcla. halfbacks: and Anderson of California, full back. .... : Miss Lamour must have read the Instructions wrong she nom inated an all-California team in stead of an ail-American. . - . But then, it is rumored some Cali fornians go clear through life laboring under the illusion that California Is America. ... "Could you tell me, please, Mr., if THAT la the new capltol i building?" asked a motorist ' who had Just stepped out of a tar bearing an Oregon license plate, of Cliff Parker, local sporting goods maestro. ... The seeker of information was look ing at the State street side of tbe joint, so 'tis probable he t bought it might possibly be a crematorium. O Sox Eye Finals. Silverton's snazzy Red Sox now hare but one more tilt to get over I before going into the finals of the state semi-pro tourney, but what a tough one that is likely to be. . . The Sox, who have scored 17 runs to 2 for three op- I ponents and who have committed I but one error In 27 frames oil toueh tournament slay, will meet th( winner of tonight's Albany- Toledo game in Sunday night's nightcap. ... That game, by theizstn to ciose u out way. will probably once more It was no such walkaway for kr..k th attendance record in i McGinnla park; be the opponent thr Tolada or Albany. ... !-. iih. -riti on. port unity to ace their favorite i la action next Monday and i Teesday, as both State Middle weight Champion Baddy Peter son and bis challenger, Lea The 14onM Toraer; witt stage public workouts in the armory ring. . They'll, be- la action there at T:8l Monday night and for a brjef workoat at 2:8 p. m. Tuesday, the day before the battle. . . . There will be no charge for the exhibitions, which will merely be staged for the benefit of the betting boys and the sideline curious. . . , A lot of northwest Interest in the scrap, by the way, as Peter- made n i up by banging a 20-foot son has a nice following even as putt into the cup for a winning far north as Seattle, where Pro- birdie 3 at the 21st hole. When it moter Nate Druxman is mightily plunked in the can, there seemet interested in the Independence to be a new lift in Dick's stride, boy. . . . Druxman, overshadowed He'd missed a lot that were short in the promotional end of cauli- er in the morning, flower canal in this country only But Picard got a break on the hr New York's czarish Mike next hole, a 235-yard one-sholter. Jacobs, has offered to take Peter- son under his wing. Although Kennedy Shortstop Bunny Bennett bandied four more chances Thursday night without error, making a total of 26 chances handled at that position with but one boot, lie was outshone by the amazing play of Papermaker Third Base man Nick Serdotz. ... Not in two years of ogling Sweetland nortball have we seen a niftier night's fielding exhibition than , that turned In by Serdotz la masterfully handling eight ground balls which came into ' bis territory from almost every conceivable angle. . . . Cops Coaching Job. i - - - . . vtr.iit John buck Bucxnum, wsna .lick fielding first barman ha. coppea a nice ewemu, ' V in Phoenix. Arizona, J1D mmm a three-year contract with 8t. Mary'a high there, to coach has- ketball and baseball and assist Headman Jimmy Robinson with football. . . . The school, a boys' institution of around a 600 n- rollment, is Just completing a 120,000 stadium. ... Bucknum, who has been al St- Paul for the past two years, pulled down the Job through his acquaintanceship with Robinson, former Gonzaga man under whom he worked at St. Paul two years ago. . . . Robinson was for aeTea years athletic maestro at the now de funct Brophy college la Phoe nix, bat came back to coach at licarertoa and BL Paul when the school went nndcr. . . . St. Mary's high to Phoenix is in a fast prep school league that la rind en f oar Los Angeles and two EI Paso, Texas, high schools. ... Two Salem drivers will be push lag stock cars in the Portland speedway classic Sunday.. . Claude Walling and Jimmy Tum bleson will be throttling Fords in the 25 o-mile. rrlnd that includes entries from Oregon, Washington and California. . . . No "stripping of the cars allowed this year, the drivers beinc allowed to take off windshields and headlights only. 'Doc HasletV the gypsy angler who demonstrated ; fly eastlag on the courthouse Lawn Thursday aft, thinks all fisber saea should keep track of the amber, of trises" they get la a day's cast bag. . . . To him' "rises' and strikes are far the most Important phases of fish ing. Up at Breitenbush Wednes day he tallied 76 "rises' ia bookiag but six fish. L y-Lyu Ly u w LMU Umm . LL VALAU1U MM Nelson Whips links to Bits Shoots Another 65 as He Defeats Harrison by Nine and Eight By BILL BONI NEW YORK, July 14.-(4VBy-ron Nelson and Henry Plcard. the two best professionals of the year in the record book, backed up tbe book in convincing fashion today as they went into the title round of the National PGA golf cham plon ships. They got there by contrasting routes, but each was equally con vincing in his victory. Nelson, the US open champion, continued to rip the Pomonok Country club's himself a fighter in a match with in equaiiy siuoDom ukiuvw. nosed out Dick Metz of Lake For 111., x uji Tomorrow they will play 3 b holes or less for the champion ship gained last year by Paul Runyan. The winner will take the lead in the Vardon trophy stand ing (the pros' batting average) in which they're now tied for first clace, and if Picard comes out on hft'll automatical!? win a Dlace on the US Ryder cup team Nelson, due to his victory in the open, already is on it. Nelson Takes Lead Lord Byron, who was afraid of H a r r i s o n's putter before the match started, apparently decid ed to beat his man to the punch He started off by winning the first hole of the morning round with a birdie 3; was biougbt back on even terms when Harrison pitched stiff for a 3 on tbe pat second, but went out front to stay with birdies on the fourth and fifth Nelson, who shot a practically unbelievable 65, seven under par in the morning yesterday, did It again today on an outgoing 31 and home-coming 34. and was six up. They could have wrapped up the match right there, for Harris- on definitely was on the ropes But just to make sure there'd be no sups. Nelson camea on wuu e three-under par 32 when the ait- ernoon round got started to be 9 up with 9 to go, and halved the Picard. though it looked It wnen Metz scrambled all over the course for the first nine holes to finish with a 39 and 5 down. The sun bronzed Chlcagoan. winner yes terday over Defending Champion Runyan. stayed In there sing ging, but never quite was able to make no that margin "That's the way those thing hannen." said Dick. "Twelve times I played that front nine in 34. orbetter,.and that had to he tbe-one 'time t couldn't do-t-"-, If there was any later turning point, however, it came through the third, fourth, fifth and sixth holes in the afternoon. Metz Bangs Birdie Metz, who had won four boles en the back nine in the morning to brine Picsrd don to 3 up. Henry's tee shot bounced off and over the back of the green Into long grass, and looked to be out of bounds. To make it safe, he played a provisional second, but the original shot proved to le in side the stakes and Henry came out of the grass 5 feet from the cup to save a half. The par 5, 22nd really was, the heart-breaker. Picard played his approach first, and dropped his pitch on ten feet away. Then Metz lofted one up that stopped dead 4 feet away. The pressure had shifted to "Pic's" shoulders He got it off in a hurry, though by ramming his putt right into the can for a 4 while Metz, seem ing to choke np "babied" the ball inches short. From there Picard went 4 up on the 23rd. , .1.1. A. kta IiaIa 1f t Lff short, but he ran I down that IS footer and made It 5 up with a deuce at the 24th, whefe hll tftft ghot gtuck g feet fjom the f Ug . He banged in a 25-tooter at the 6tn and 17-footer at the 27tb Q bring It, back to 3 down, and ci,n. o Picard like a leech through tbe back nine. Each won two of the first four holes, the zind was haired, and Metz won the i3rd with a birdie on ah ap- nroach 18 Inches from the cup. still 2 down with only t to go. Dick halved the 34th and won the 35th with a 15-footer for a deuce. r But his approacn pu irom 1 feet on the 3 8 th went sliding a foot and a half over the cup. and Picard's rolled up dead from 10 feet, and the match was over. TXnrKTRIAL LEAGUE Pnatoffice 1 1 Montgomery Ward 5 2 shodeck and Thompson: Beard- sley and Beaver. Pohle-SUver .C .5 S Fepco r.iibert and Brinkley: Ritchie and Pugb. . COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Parkers 2 11 Kelson Bros. . 0 , 3 J. Welsnef. K. Lenaburg and Lltwtller; Applegate and L. Fergu son. : JV' .-'c ", t - I West Salem and Pete's Service Station called at 9 Innings due to darkness. Score to 1. Leagu Reds Defeated 4 4-1 by Giants Margin Between two Clubs Cat to Five and Half Games by Win" NEW YORK. July 14-(P)-Bat- tllng to check the Cincinnati Reds' romp through the National league. the New York Giants turned back the Rhlnelanders 4 to 1 today on a pair of home runs by Bill Jur- ges and Frank Demaree. each with a man on base in the sixth. The victory cut the margin be tween the two clubs to 5 games. Cincinnati 1 7 1 New York 4 7 9 Derringer. Davis (7). Johnson (8), and Lombard!, Hershberger (8). Lohrman, Hubbell (8) and Danning. Pirates Sunk BROOKLYN, July 14-p)-Belt ing four Pittsburgh pitchers for 17 hits, the Brooklyn Dodgers sank the Pirates 1 4 to 4 today to climb back into the first division of the National league. Catcher Blimp Phelps was hit by a foul tip in the fourth and had to leave the game. Pittsburgh 4 10 1 Brooklyn 14 17 .1 Bowman, Sewell (2). Bauers (7), Clemensen (8), and Mueller,) iJerres (8). Hamlin and Phelps. Todd (4). Bees Bite Browns BOSTON. July 14-;P)-A six run burst in the opening inning against three St. Louis pitchers was expanded to a 10-4 victory to day by the Boston Bees, despite Johnny Mize's 18th homer of the season. St. Louis 4 7.2 Boston 10 15 0 McGee, Dean (1), Shoun (1), and Padgett. Fette, Lanning (1) and Lopez. Grappling Outlaw Due Here Tuesday Dopey Dean of Arizona to Pit His Brutality on Clever Ed Roberts A new heathen handler of men and disdsiner of rasslin rules and regulations, be there such, moves into Salem's armory' arena Tues day night in the main event of a three-bout card that has balance as Its theme. He answers to the name of Do pey Dean, hails from Phoenix, Ari zona, and is said to be about the toughest hombre ever reared in that cowpoke state. Itll be smooth Eddie Roberts, the clever Okla- homan, whom he'll pit his brutal ity against in the one-hour top struggle. Straight - from - the - shoulder grappling is the menu in the mid die attraction, with Marshall Car ter and Don Hill the principals. while a hectic meanie tussle is an ticipated in the opener when huge Babe Small and George Kitzmiller come to grips. Fans will get a picture of how the heavies do it in that opener, for both Small and Kitzmiller. who are 200-pounders, like it rough and ready. 3rd Round Starts In Semi-Pro Play SILVERTON The third round of semi-pro tournament play will wind up Saturday night with two feature games as the Silver ton Bees tangle with the "lugging Sell wood club at 7:30 and the two strong State league clubs. Albany and Toledo, battle it out in the nightcap. The Albany Oaks qualified by beating Scap- poose 14 to 1 and squeezing out i Mo J win orer seiiwooa. To ledo won Its first game 7 to from Mllwaukie and got an awful scare in its second win when the Silverton Bees had the Lions on the run for 7 innings. The Silverton Bees won their first game 4 to 1 beating the youthful Woodstock team behind the four hit pitching of Frank Gehrig Touched , von Gehrig breaks down aa he speaks ever microphone Deeply moved by a gigantic ovation given him by 60,000 fans hv New York, Lou Gehrig, the "Iron Horse' of baseball, weeps as ha talks over a public address system. It was "Gehrig Day" and the veteran Yankee player received many gifts from fans, friends and club officials. Keep Up With the Silvertoa semi pro baseball tourney with Tbe Statesman; dally coverage. 1938 Semi-Pro Champs i : Action in As Emma Lou East, (across the fk-nit return), to cala the finals grounds city tennis tournament. Grueling Battles Had as City Court Tourney Wends Way Toward Wind up, Expected to Come During Next Week Grueling battles predominated yesterday in The States- man-Parker's-Playgrounds city tennis tourney, expected to conclude late next week with all four championship matches to be scheduled at one time. Emma Lou East won her will meet Defending Girls' Champ Jean Carkin, by measur- Red Ruffing Ends Yank Losing Spell Eight Hit Pitching Job Beats Tigers 6 to 3 to End Losses DETROIT, July 1 -(De pendable Red Ruffing snapped the world champion New York Yan kees out of a six-game losing streak today with an eight-hit pitching Job which enabled them to beat the Tigera C to 3. Ruffing, in recording his 12th victory against three defeats, xave only four hits and was on his way to a shutout until the eighth, when four hits climaxed by Hank Green berg's double gave Detroit three runs. New York - 8 0 Detroit 3 8 4 Ruffing and Dickey; Rowe, Coffman and York. Senators Wla ST. LOUIS, July 14.-;P)-Atter two were out in the ninth today, the Washington Senators scored six runs and defeated the St. Louis Browns, 11 to 9. Washington 11 10 0 St. Louis 13 2 : Leonard, Haynes, Kelley and Ferrell; Mills, Whitehead and Glenn. CHICAGO. July 14.--The Philadelphia Athletics pulled the White Sox back into third place tie with the idle Cleveland Indians today by beating Chicago for a second straight time, 7 to 3, on home runs by Frank Hayes and Sam Chapman. Philadelphia 7 12 Chicago 3 7 1 : Ross and F. Hayes; Knott. Mar cum and Tresh. Kendall. Sellwood qualified for the 2nd round by upsetting Hills Creek 5 to 4. : Southpaw Glen Elliott of the Mllwaukie Oaks has worked eleven innings in tournament I play, allowing hits and has not been responsible for a single run. besides striking out 25 batters. by Fans? Honor i .- 2 " f I - . j V- v. 1 - 'A' IP (D) RON GEUMEUs Editor Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning:, July 15, 1939 City Tennis Matches act), yesterday defeated Donna Spence, (seen here going after a dif of the girls' division of tbe second Miss East will meet Defending way into the finals, where she Oins Donna spence in a nip-ana- tuck battle. The girls at one time had to take time out to cool blis tered hand, and at another while Miss East recovered from a slight Illness, before the three-set match was orer. Miss East took the sec ond and third seta, f-4, C-3, after dropping the first, 2-C. - In the boys division Austin Wilson bested William Elerick, 5-7, C-0, -4, In a torrid tussle that saw one game reach 30 points before decided. The victory took Wilson into the finals, where his opponent will be John Crockett Fentriss Hill succumbed to John Foster, 6-4, 2-6, -2, in tbe men's division the win placing Foster in the semi-finals where he wUI meet the winner of the bracket containing Defending Champion Bob Weller, who yes terday Won his first-round match by eliminating Jim Arens, f-1. 6-0. Thursday Norman Winslow scored a two-set victory over Ken Lavars, by socres of 6-1, 6-1, to gain the semi-finals. He will meet Gene Beall. Local Lasses Win Over Colin Outfit Extra Base Blows Bring Scoring Dividends for Salem Although outhit, the P a d e - Barricks bunched theirs to defeat Cohn Bros, in the Sweetland field preliminary, 6 to 4, last night. Cohn Bros, substituted for. the East Side Dairy club that couldn't appear. Timely extra base hitting brought victory to the local' las sies. They scored once in the first on singles by Ruth Yocom and Patty Carson and a passed ball; thrice in the second on Morgan's single, Moore's triple and an er ror; once in the fifth on Morgan's double and two errors; and once in the fifth on Ruth Yocom's single, a stolen base and Moe's blngle. The Invading gals collected one tally in the first on Catcher Hoski's ' lusty borne run, : and scored one in each of the third, fifth and sixth innings. Pade-Barrlck 6 7 1 Cohn Bros i 4 t 3 Rae Yocom and Moe; Johanson and Hoski. COAST LEAGUE (Before Night Games) ;, w L . t Pet. !.6S4 .581 .600 '.490 .486 .481 .442 .413 Los Angeles 63 43 44 61 62 61 66 53 67 Seattle .61 San Francisco J..51 San Diego ,,' 60 Sacramento - 48 Oakland . SI Hollywood Portland ;46 41 AMERICAN LEAGUE W L New York .54 23 Boston mi 44 25 Chicago 40 35 Cleveland , , , , 40 35 Detroit 35 37 Washington , - 33 47 Philadelphia 30 4C St, Louis 22 , 54 Pet. .701 .638 .533 .533 .513 .413 .35 .289 NATIONAL LEAGUE . W Is Pet .626 .547 .519 .514 .507 .506 .466 .309 Cincinnati 45 New York - , 41 Chicago . 40 Brooklyn' 36 St. LouU 37 Pltubnrgh 35 Boston ,,, . .,;. 34 Philadelphia. .21 League Baseball r wi r " 'T Jm& mm mm a m-wmpm mmrm y YLPiM r DB'TT'S Yesterday sfsW annual Statesman-Parker's-Play. Champion Jeaa Carkln for the title. Legion Playoff Is Knotted up Hillsboro and Woodburn Tied for District Championship DISTRICT STANDINGS W. L. Pet. Hillsboro 4 1 .800 Woodburn 4 1 .100 Salem 1 3 .250 Dallas 0 4 .000 Remaining games: Hillsboro. Saturday; Dallas Salem Woodburn, Sunday; Hillsboro at Woodburn, Sunday, (if neces sary). WOODBURN Scoring a 10 to 6 victory over the Hillsboro Jun iors at Hillsboro Friday. Wood burn's Legion lads not only even ed the score with them but tied them tor the district leadership. Saturday Dallas plays at Hills boro, and Sunday Salem comes to Woodburn. Should Hillsboro de feat Dallas, and Woodburn defeat Salem, Woodburn and Hillsboro would still be. tied. Forseeing sueh and knowing the district cham pionship has to be decided by Sun day, league officials have arrang ed to have Hillsboro here ready to play Woodburn as soon as the lo cals have finished with Salem Sunday. Hanau8ka, chuckln for Wood burn, scattered the 11 hits he al lowed Hillsboro. while the locals put together three big innings to defeat Mclrvin despite his eight hit. 12-strikeout pitching. Woodburn 10 8 4 Hillsboro , 11 4 Hanauska and Pavlicke, Gross miller; Mclrvin and Krieger. Salem Manager, Oliver Huston announced last night the Salem team would meet at Marion Square at 11 o'clock Sunday in stead of 12:30, as originally an nounced, so as to be at Woodburn for the 1 o'clock game. Roughness Taboo In Softball Loop Intentional Rough Stuff to Bring Suspensions, Leaders Warn Intentional roughness on the part of any player in the Salem Softball association wilL bring In definite suspension, it was de cided In an association neeting at the Golden Pheasant restau rant yesterday : noon, with um pires7 to be Instructed to oust any player for nnecessary' rough ness. , . Team mansgers and sponsors were instructed . to warn - theix playefs against roughness and to make use of tho slide' when g o ing into bases. Association Manager Gnrnee Flesh er told managers the rule requiring run ners to run outside of first base line would ' be rigidly enforced Runners are required to run out side of first base line' from point 15 feet from the base on. ., Further action on the number of entries to ' the state tourna ment from the Salem association was deferred until after definite word is heard from the State association. - Next Wednesday night's games. Square Deal tb. Pheasants and K e n n e d ys ts. Schoens. ' were moved hp to" Tuesday night , at the request - of ' the Veterans :' of Foreign Wars, who are Wednes day night sponsoring a prize fight at the armory. :- A American Legion , Devil's Lake Post No. 114, at I Ocean Lake Pavfllkm TONITE Masle by Woody Hlte and His Royal Gaardsanea A Homer' Is tbe Statesman sports page; borne sports news comes first la all ways. PAGE SEVEN Are out Edwards Gets Second Defeat Jack and Jill Is Winner 5 to 3 in Game Which Tied up Twice GAMES TOX1GHT Sell wood vs. Silvertoa Bees, 7:30 Albany vs. Toledo, 8:45 SILVERTON Edwards Furni ture, the defending champion, dropped clear out of the annual semi-pro baseball tournament here Friday night when it was de feated, 5 to 3, by Jack and Jill in a game which was tied up twice. Both are Portland teams. Jack and Jill scored in the first when Curly Lonlnger tripled and came In on Kellenberger's ground ball. Edwards tied it up in the fourth when Don Messenger doubled and came home on Faust's single. The Mother Goose boys went ahead in their half of the sixth when Cliff Barker tripled and scored on Kennelly's single, but they bunched three of their five errors in the last half of that Inning and Art Parker tallied to tie it up again. Jack and Jill salted the game away with three runs on three hits and an error in the first of the seventh. Ed wards got one in its half. Jack and Jill 5 10 5 Edwards 3 7 1 Rough and Barker; Sierer and Messenger. Petersons Turner To Hold Workouts Softball Moguls Switch Dates to Leave Fight Night Clear Interest in the State middle weight boxing championship bout between Buddy Peterson and Leo Turner, that was already at the eager-eyed stage, heightened still greater yesterday when it was announced by tha Veterans of Foreign scraps that both boys would hold public workouts In the Armory ring Monday and Tuesday of next week. Each will appear in a full workout Monday night, begin ning at 7:30, while Tuesday af ternoon at 2:30 both will make brief ring appearances. Tickets More Fast S I m ultaneous with the an nouncement that the Salem Soft ball association had moved its Wednesday night schedule to Tuesday night in order to clear the way for attendance to the fight, it was. revealed by the Vets' management that ticket reservation requests have already far outnumbered any previous armory event. This despite the fact that today is the first day tickets have been reserved. Yesterday Peterson sparred six heats in a Portland ring with Powder Proctor, the Portland "wonder boy" who is a stable mate of Turner's, while Turner worked tour rounds against Kid T h o r n 1 ey and three against speedy little Curley Hopper. Brass Ducks Sock Out 28-5 Victory MONMOUTH Salem's Gold en Pheasant Softball flock held batting practice over this way Fri day night scattering 32. (thirty two) hits that included home runs by Eisimlnger, Serdots and An ton, in all directions to wallop In dependence's Chsrley's Cafe club, 23 to 5. And. it was a Salem battery they pounded, for Chuck Meyer and Bernie Larson of Schoen's were pitching and catching for the lo cals. Pheasants - 28 32 3 Charley's 5 8 11 Serdotr, Applegate and For gard; iieyer and Larson. . Sundays Holes 5CC ALL." DAY Sat'days Holes 5Cc ALL DAY -75s fl.C3: SsnOemin OnabDfr Oanlb YOU ARE Waits Humble Blue Bells 2-1 Infield Play Sparkling as Roth Keeps Spud Team in Check Scintillating infield play pre-, dominated at Sweetland last night as Waits, in their first time out against "foreigners," scored a 2 to 1 victory over the Blue Bell Spud Chip outfit of Portland. Though eight errors were com mitted they tailed to mar the game one lota, as both inner de fenses came np with miraculous stops when the pressure waa on. A looping bingle to center by Third Baseman George Scales scored both the Waits' tallies in tbe third, after Gsrbarino had walked, Drynan had doubled to left and Nicholson had been -passed. That waa the only oppor tunity the locals had, for a nifty double killing spoiled a bit of a chance in the opening frame. Roth Makes 'em Pop Two pretty double plays and some spectacular fielding by Sec ond Sacker Ernie Garbarino pulled Pitcher George Rotfi out of some tight holes, but in the main Roth had tbe Portlanders popping his rise ball in the air. It wasn't until the last of 'the ninth that the Blue Bells tallied, accomplishing it with the aid of an error. Pitcher Ed Bllveu sin gled, but was forced out at second by Michael. Mancuso then hit to Cribble at short, who muffed it, allowing Michael to take third. Ti tus then blngied him home, but with tbe tying and winning runs on base and two awav. Roth forced Larkins tb ground out to Scales at third. Blue BeU (1) B It H A tt 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 3 9 A 5 0 0 5 8 0 0 2 O 1 0 25 15 0 Larkins, 1 5 McMurray, m ..4 Fleskes. s 4 Edgar. 1 4 Danielson, c 4 Bilyeu. p 4 Michael, 2 4 Mancuso, r 4 l 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 Titus, 3 3 Totals 36 Waits (2) B Garbarino, 2 3 0 2 1 7 R H 1 0 Drynan, r ...... 3 1 2 Nicholson, m 3 0 0 Scales, 3 4 0 2 Gribble, s 3 0 0 Salstrom. 1 4 0 0 McCaffery, c 3 0 0 Bucknum, 1 3 0 0 Roth, p 3 0 0 Totals 29 2 4 15 27 Errors. Gribble 3, Garbarino. Michael. Edgar, Scales, Nicholson. 4 hits 2 runs off Bilyeu in 8. 7 and 1 off Roth in 9. Runs re sponsible for, Bilyeu 2. Struck out, by Bilyeu 5. Bases on balls, oft Bilyeu 4, Roth 1. Stolen base, Gribble. Two base hit, Drynan, Scales, Titus. Runs batted in. Scales 2, Titus. Double play, Michael to Fleskes to Edgar, Gribble to Garbarino to Bucknum, Gribble to Garbarino. Lett on bases, Walts 7. Blue Bell 9. Passed ball McCaffery. Time of game 1 hour 15 minutes. Umpires Glrod and Oravec. . Sweet Home Near Winning Cascade Four Teams Have Chances of Getting Into Loop Title Playoff CASCADE LEAGUE W L Sweet Home 6 2 Stayton 6 3 Pet .750 .667 .500 Sublimity 4 4 Aumsville ' 3 Scio 2 V .375 7 .222 Results last week: Turner 7, Stayton 5; Sublimity 14. ScioO; Sweet Home 14, A Aumsville 7. Games Sunday: Sweet Home at Sublimity, Aumsville at Tur ner. With but five more games left in the Cascade loop, and with four of the six teams still having a mathematical chance of get ting into tho three-team playoff, play will Intensify this Snnday. Sweet Home, playing at Sub limity, can' cinch cue of the berths with a win Sunday, while should Sublimity and Turner both be victorious, either might still gain entrance into the champion ship playoff. A full set of three gsme. will Sunday, July 23, .rind up the regular season. Top among these will be the Sweet Home-Start on tilt, which more than like will settle the league leadetthlp. Aumsville will be n Sublimity and Turner at Scio. WELCOME?' i raw I it uaiu DAYS ALL DAT I Site