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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1939)
.... J I The OREGON. STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Mornln&l July IS, 1933 . PAGE TEN Associated Press IPncETtiinn0 fx TP j I j! i i f: A - .-' r ' , v - " fcyd .AAA -e-K 5 A A f'-"' s ! , ' ; 1 :::::-:":i:-Ky - r X 1 2 WELCOM E A Mexican schoolboy gTeeted the president of his country, Lataro Cardenas, WINNING THE IN DIAN-His ancestors nay have the J halted atC oner, turned in their burial monads, bnt here's one Indian who liked a 1?'!" ?h'S modern sport ridin a painted pony on the merry-se-round at f",.", 2 of - Flagstaff. Ariz. He attended Indian powwow there. P onJSltr 1 rn-" AAy . 1 , it V 1 A 'V. V? ..:-x-:-:vK-. . V - !-" .--ATT' V':vv:v ::: soar - - 1. V i a . Wfc '..: I i x. : i.i- t,5v - U;: -4 sir :: t i . V ; ; ff v fc L t ; I r " t ! I i 4."f r - A i A 1 ' V 1 -w , Vis 'J Ji. 3f Wi5P,i!.P'BELLE-Th Aerielle Fraser, heiress to WUlys motor millions, to the Hon. Michael Strati, wtth whom she's shown, will link this moneyed Yankee beauty to Enr Und s top-rank nobiUty. Mr. Strutt is the son of Baron Belper and us sister is the Duchess of Norfolk, wife of Britain's premier lord. The wedding will be July 15 at Newport, R. L J-L I 1U. H 11 II MLU -r". J.--JJ.-j.JimuLUrtnruu-iwi i ,v ll.l.L.-. J. H.-lWl Wl J 'H '"1 J -1 " "Tt" " 1 " TT" I 'I I -, v " 5 wilt llttlwfr il AU;4 v1 : ".ft llTrli5?- V- ; . n-iitiriTTrTTrniiiniM.niiMmrM t ' niininiiiiinir-rir i ... BIG JOB WITH STRINGS TO IT .Under the watchful eye of Sex G. Finney, para', chute instructor at Glendale, Cat, some would-be army flyers learn how to collapse a 'chute. These men and others of group have started a three-month course to train them to pilot planes the war dc. partmeot will Bay. They'll finish air education at Randolph and Kelly fields. 1 rt4 iaU is1-!? DEBUTRAMPS' MAKE THEIR BOW-The homage of maidens is ae. knowledred by five self-styled "debutramps,'' who had 25t guests at their coming-out party In ftacine Wis. Left to rirht, the men are: John Thompson, James Hamilton Keith Toliaksen, Russell : Morgan and William Fromm. The men carried corsages whlcb they sent themselTes. R E F E R E E Dr. Carl Burck hardt (above), as League of Na tions Jiigh ' commissioner for panxlg, occupies a troubled tone between German and Polish disputants. Hitler calls him "most tactful of men"; observ ers agree that he needs to be. A ' 1 - - r .; i. 'a ! . r; ffk. - y"yy - - j v -if - X I FOR S KY PILOT I NC-5haped like an airplane hangar, this small ehnreh was recently consecrated near the French mili tary airfield at Orly, near Paris. It Is called "Notre Dame de TAIr," and Is popular with aviators and mechanics at the nearby field. Flags rippled from the steeple and the sound of plane motors was heard during the consecration ceremony. - rr.- ;va ' I S ' H I S FACE" RED ? Third ' Baseman Merrill "Pinky" 'May (left) registers amazement as the ball whizxes past him In sv ; .Phillies-Dodgers game won by the Breoklynites, 7-1. And that's the Dodgers' Mel Almada pulling up safe on 3rd. - ' 1 s X f IT- v' ' -. i .f' ; t. A A- . ... .;. ...-r..'' i..--v.t " - ,"" : ,.x A A pc .-.7 Hn"A f L "W T i if ' 1 " X r'.-t xVa fJi-:vL V" "" "iV 2 i Jit a i , ," s s TABLE THE NOTIO N When the President entertained newspapermen (that's one, on left) and friends at Hyde Park re-j cenUy, a cloth Inscribed with political catch-words covered his table. Some of phrases were: Chicken In Every Pot, Soak the Rich.' Dollar Diplomacy, Cotton Is King, Mugwumps, Socialists, Manifest De$Uny.FJ)Jt. sits Just-behind.: Liberty. Leagie.? D E N T I S T Record attend ance Is expected July IT at Mil waukee convention ef American Dental association ef which Dr, Arthur Merritt (above). N. Is the president-elect. j t '-' "' ; - "''"- - , ' t ' ' " -' " " '-"i.- ' , i i fc .,...-.:x: ; - , . " t - - - '" ;.: . J .: .v .-: . " ' ' - i !. v.w-.y " "--V- T r -4 y -A" ? - . I A , ) ; . . y.y :.. : .:;: v:a-. :.:;. ";:. . i ! V"--" ! 5 , , i , : , I : A . 1 V - - - ' 'n ; ' ': -- .; -; y- - T- r nf'Tr-TTiiTriitnl mViVii f i' slnmsmnessnnmBsminsiisn '- T?7- t n fl 0- y "- " x. U 0 ME TO ROOSTE R-amily cares weigh down this rooster who's been mothering 12 motherless chicks at the home of lira. Lucy Bugiel, Glastonbury, Conn. At day's end, the rooster, calls brood to a basket and stands guard U night. THE MEN ON THE MOUNT Al N-On the lofty brow el South Dakota's fMM-foet Mount Bushmore, a fourth faee, that ef President Theodore Roosevelt, has made Its appearance, Joining those ef Washington, Jefferson (second from left) and Lincoln (right). The facet are being carved la the granite by Sculp tor jGutson Borglum. who started monument ba August, 17. ''"."AAA w'-v A " " 'J 1 D I P LOMAT-Baikan in terests m the "power, polities' being played by European states-' men are watched by Ivan Soub betitch (above), new . Yuge Slavian minister to London.. MORE THAN HAM N ECCS-if those heaped-up picnic plates are any Indication of the menu, California's eld age pension advocates weren't limited to the "ham and eggs" once mentioned In their slogan. The occasion was a Los Angeles bar becue, attended by JS.OOt. Here the crowd listens te orators dis cuss the iJO-cvery-Thursday plan te be voted en next Nov. 7. X-