The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 14, 1939, Page 9, Image 9

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    The , OREGON STATESMAN, Salera,, Oregon, Friday I Jorning, July, 14, .1833
Local News Briefs
Seven Permit Issued One per
mit to erect a new building and
six to repair buildings were Issued
yesterday.. John Falk got a per
mit to erect a one-story dwelling
and garage at S3 5 Academy street,
to cost about 11000. Other per
mits Included: Lulu Humphrey, to
liter a; two-story dwelling, 420
South'. 20th, estimated cost ISO;
Otto Klett, to alter - a - two-story
dwelling, 444 ' Stat street, esti
mated cost $90; Ralph Eggstaff.
to repair roof on dwelling. 1995
D street, estimated cost $46; John
Caughill, to moot garage," 910
Xorway street, $25; C. L. Reasor,
to reroof dwelling, 1825 'North
Winter, $50: and Mrs. Prank
Bltgh. to alter dwelling. 820 North
Front street, $38. . - -u.
Salem's exclusive floor covering
itore. Elfstrom Humphrey 0.
Medfordites' Locate Joe " E.
Wood and family of Medford ar
rived in Salem yesterday to estab-
Ush residence and assume his new
' duties - as assistant;' purchasing
agent for ' the state., Wood suc
ceeds -Arthur . M. Compton who,
. as assistant to Dan Fry, served
' for several years. Wood, who at
one time organised the purchas-
Montana, baa been In the mercan
tile business for 35 years." He has
been active in republican activities
In , southern Oregon ' for several
years. - - -
Wallpaper specials. Elfstrom Co.
Men, remember today is the day.
... The sale of the year starts at
Bishop's lower price down stairs
store. Sensational savings are of-
lerea lor s iuniua ume oawy on
quality work clothing, shoes and
furnishings. . ' -! '
Three Burglaries Reported
Three burglaries reported to city
police- yesterday netted the thieves
but' little. The Monterey i apart
ments reported $8 taken about 11
a.m. yesterday. A feed store on
, Fairgrounds road reported thai
25 or 30 cents in nickels was tak
en when ' the store was entered
over the weekend. The residence
of G. W. Teager, 1275 North 19th
street, was broken into sometime
during the last few days and $12
in currency was taken, Mr. Yea-
ger told police. T :
.....-- - ,
. ......... J .... .
Luiz jrionsiizie m.,d. saaz
CE Carnival Set - The social
room of the 'First Presbyterian
church will be the scene -Friday,
July 21, of a carnival staged by
the Christian Endeavor societies.
A museum, fortune teller and oth
er attractions Will be among the
booths. The carnival, .which' will
open at ,7:30 p. m., will raise
funds to send delegates to the
Presbyterian conference at Silver
Creek recreational area August 6
to 13. - y. '. ; ; "
Roofing by Mathis. 178 S. Coml.
WPA Barber shop. 1084 Oak St..
haircut 25c. Every 5th haircut
. free. Eugene Prescott.Prop. .. . ..
Towasend Picnic Sunday An
All-Tbwnsend club picnic will be
held at the state fairgrounds all
day Sunday, July 16, It was an
- nouneed yesterday,. The program
will Include a performance by the
- Slayter family. Families attend
ing are to take basket 'lunches'
' and service - sets. ' Coffee will be
provided free of charge. ;
Paint Sale. Mathis, 178 S. Coml.
At Police Court Benjamin Bel-
den, West Stayton, and Eugene O
Snattuck, 2784 Brooks, avenue,
were cited yesterday for driving
without . a license. Bill Eppers,
New berg, was arrested for run
nlng a red light. Jack Cloyd, Sa
lem, charged with being drunk,
was released on $10 bail.
Men, "shop Bishop's lower price
down stairs store now for phenom
enal savings during this great
summer clearance on all work
clothing, shoe's and furnishings.
Removes Splinter The Salem
first aid car was called this morn
ing to remove a splinter from
splitting wedge , that, had lodged
- in the left arm of Orval Klnniman,
Rt. 4, while he was splitting wood
Rummage "Cooked Food sale
. Daughters Union . Vets., Fri.-Sat..
. 331 State. , -
' King - Cox Reunion Friends
and members of the King and Cox
families' will gather for the an
nual reunion at Dallas city park
Sunday, August , according to
Frank (jaspelL president. g
Sobrero To 4 Mr. and Mrs,
James M." Sobrero. 19 48 North
Commercial,- a son. Robert Aaron
born . June 30 at the Bungalow
Maternity home.:
uw r .saaBnaBBB bbbbbb aaaasa . Baaanaaa thhubi ananas bbbbsbw aBBBBBBksaaasBi aaaaBBi
The Original YeUowx Front Drug
and Candy Special Store
. Remove the Corns -Quickly
and easily by using
No Relief, No Pay
A cocoannt oil Shampoo.
" J ' For Healthy Hair '; . '
Jean Nolaa. .. .. j .
39 c
Tor Protection from the Sun
. Crisp and tasty.
flJCa .
Lb, or Mora
: 'Coming Events
July 10 Annual reunion of
William and Mary Simpson
clan, Dallas park, no-host din,
Jnly 10 Montana picnic on
Webster ranch, 2 miles aootb of
j, July la Masonic picnic, Riv
erdale park." ' t
i July 16 Kvergreea, school,
picnic reunion la : Silverton
park. - - -
July 16 Third annual re-
! union Zielinakl clan, Bnell
r park. Polk county.
July 20-23 Pacific Interna
; Uonal Trapshooter association
tourBanient. V ' : j ;
July 23 Ptcnie of ' former
residents of Waitsbnrg, Wa
Ollnger park. No-host dinner,
1 :80 p. m . ' , -'. - ' . . .
- July 23 Swrgle community
r picnic, r lab dinner at t p. m.,
l'ararii iMland.
' July. SO Caledonian club
.Scotch picnic, Dallas city park.
: , AuieuNt 6 Annual state l-n-nessee
pirnic at Dallas rlty park
Aug. Ohio -state pirnic
will be held at ') linger picnic
grounds. '
- Aug. -l2 Amerlran Lrgton,
drpurtment of Oregon, coaven
Uon. . . ,
' - Aug. 1S-20 FUx Festival at
Bit. Angel, r
' Aag. 21-20 State softball
Aug. 24-27 Hop Fiesta at
Credit Meeting The Salem
Credit , association will have its
weekly luncheon meeting this
noon at the Argo hotel. No regu
lar program is arranged but fur
ther reports on the recent national
convention at San Francisco will
be heard.
Pabco Hoofs. Elfstrom Co. Ph9221
Tax Liens Removed Notices
of discharge of t o state tax
commission liens were filed in
circuit court yesterday. One was
for $97.66 against August Ueh
linger of Idanha and the : other
for $4.34 against Everett R
Stoaks of Silver ton.
The 8th annual ice cream display
window now ready. Ton are in
vited to see it and advise again
our ice cream is made from pure
cream in an old fashioned upright
freezer. The Spa.
Business Xame Listed Busi
ness name oi veiva-iawn was
registered at the county clerk's
office yesterday by S. E. Keith
and E. T. Waring, both of
Wanted, boys., ages from 8 to 12
Inclusive, for new band class in
Master Bread Junior Band, direct
ed by Joe Hassenstab. For full
details. Ph. 5257.
DUV Meet Tonight Daughters
of Union Veterans of the Civil war
will meet tonight at 8 O'clock at
the home of Mrs. J. W. Entress
18(6 South Commercial street.-
Road Rebuilding
Is ti? Open Soon
' Reconstruction Of tlrfe miles
of Silverton road will get under
way within a short time, . County
Commissioner Jim Smith was ad
vised yesterday by the Warren
Northwest company, to whom the
contract was let by the state high
way commission. The same com
pany holds the contract for 1m
provement of the north river road
The Silverton road Job will be
gin at the northern end of the de
tour built while the Southern Pa
cific overcrossing was being con
structed north of the-city limits
and extend to " Silverton " road
proper and eastward to the sec
ond road past the Middle Grove
school. Two sharp corners will be
Forms for two bridges have
been set and excavation and fill
ng at McNary corner begun on
the north river road project.
Plan Conference
On Child Labor
Mary B. Perry, regional child
labor consultant, and Miss Bea
tricat McConnell, director- of tbe
industrial .division of children
bureau at Washington, DC, will
spend next- Tuesday and Wednes
day - in Portland ' conferring- with
persons Interested In child labor
problems, C. H. Gram, state la
bor "Commissioner, . announced
-Commissioner Gram said he had
arranged a luncheon for the visi
tors in Portland Tuesday noon.
in Salem
7:50 A JI.-0:0O P.M. Sat. 7:30 A.M.
- 4-Tnbe AC-DC
Free to the lucky winner.
. cHExrr
, A dainty personal deodorant.-
New; large size.
t OS."
Ice Cream Soda' .
A really delicious treat.
At Sehaefer Ponntala
Moses Estate
Order Entered
i - - " -
Distribution of $38,954
i Sho m by Tax Order
in Probate
Distribution to be mad of the
$33,828.54 net estate of the Ute
Joy Turner Moses of Salem was
outlined in. an inheritance tax or
der entered in probate court here
yesterday. Gross value of the es
tate was $38,954.68 and the net
nherltance tax $213.(3. ;i vfh.
The distribution ' was itemized
as follows: ,
Oregon State Music Teachers
association, $1000; ' Salem public
library, $ 4 0 0 : Oregon state li
brary $2285,66; Willamette uni
versity , $4233.35; Lenoro Prnltt,
$75; Arvilla Turner, sister-in-law,
$17,350.45; William Ptoses.
husband, $6084.08; Mt. Crest Ab
bey mausoleum trust fund,. $2,-
000; $100 each for markers for
graves of Winona S. Howell and
Clement Turner.
areoit Court
State ex rel Emmet T. Rogers
vs. state; unemployment compen
sation' commission et al; motion
of Defendant T. Morris Dunne for
order quashing recent order al
lowing plaintiff to take his depo
sition, on ground court has no
authority to grant deposition at
present stage of case. .
Doris E. Burns vs. Iran Burns;
motion for trial date.
Herbert Adams vs. Fred Baud
ry et al; motion for trial date.
Credit S e r i c e company vs.
E. C. Willis; demurrer to amend
ed complaint.
Rose Irene Sproule vs. Percy
DeWltt Sproule; complaint for
divorce and custody of five ml
nor children: married in Salem
February .28, 1926; cruel and In
human treatment alleged.
Probate Court
Anna Beer estate;-hearing set
August 14 on final account of
Christian Hofstetter, admlnlstra
tor; $625.44 received and $629
96" paid out.
Justice Court
Emily Benson Boas vs. Vincent
McDonald ; trial, restitution of
real property by defendant de
Al Costello; charge of threat
ening to kill W. F. Weddle dis
Clayton Carl Anderson; $10
fine, no track license plates.
Safety Program
Reduces Crashes
Oregon's safety program has
brought about a reduction in the
number of automobile accidents
occ vrrin g " each year, Hugh Ros
son, director of safety for Secre
tary of State Earl Snell, told the
Salem Lions club yesterday noon.
He cited specific examples of In
tersections in Portland at which
various programs , of Improving
motoring safety had been tried
and found effective.
t Rosson also praised the work
of local safety 'councils now func
tioning in 22 cities throughout
the state. v -- ; -
George A. Rhoten, first Tice
president, presided in the absence
of President Glenn Gregg, who Is
attending the Lions international
convention at Pittsburgh.
i Plans for a Lions picnie at Ha
zel Green park the night of July
27 , were outlined by Denver
Toang, chairman.
Rev. Doherty Will
Be Gervais Priest
The new pastor of Sacred Heart
church at Gervais will be the Rev.
Martin Doherty, present pastor at
Estacada Catholic church, accord
ing to word received here Wednes
day. .y-. vi-syr
Rer. Doherty will' succeed the
Rev. William Walsh at Gervais,
Rev. Walsh going to St. Lawrence
church.. Portland-The Rev. Nich
olas Dels, former assistant at St.
Joseph's church, Salem, and later
pastor at Monroe who gave np
the latter position due to illness,
win assume charge at Estacada
as soon as his health permits.
Rev. Doherty - was formerly -a
newspaperman with one of the
leading Chleag6 dailies. ; ; ;.'
: Father f Dels 4was .popularly
known here ' for - his interest in
youth organizations and promo
tion of sports and athletics gener
ally. He spent several moatbj in
New Mexico recuperating from a
long aiege of pneumonia contract
ed while pastor at Monroe.
LJ ' 135 N: Commercial . Phone 5197 . 7023
Arcuratrly Filled
- 9:40 P.M. Sub. 0:00 A.M.-:00 P.M. Holidays 9:00 AM.-9 pjd.
. -l pint 39C y
Healing, v antiseptic month
wash; pleasant taste.
Repels - mosquitoes.
A vacation' necessity.,
- '-ice'' -
' - Theatrical
Keeps yonr skla soft.
; Schaefers :
13c pint
' 25e quart
Fresh Supply Dally
Too Nice for
- - . -
t tt" ; . .. . -'
" ' -
- , - . r A ? JD ; r , - ' i
Georse Pettv. creator of those lovely streamlined girls la magaxine
: illustrations, did too good Job
ttwt Americas Lesion convention
committeemen raised an eyebrow at the trim, scantily clad drum
majorette, said "ahem" and selected a poster of more somber tone.
. The petty poster la shown.
Owner of Land on Which Meteor Fell,
If It Fell, Can Have Meteor, if It Was
Ownership of the meteor which recently fell over Ore
gon and for which a search is now being conducted would be
vested in the owner of the property on which it is found, un
der an opinion of the state supreme court handed down here
July 17, 1905.
The opinion was written by Chief Justice Wolverton in
a renliven suit brought by tne
Oregon Iron and Steel company,
Portland, against Ellis Hughes,
who found a meteor on the prop
erty of the plaintiff November 2,
1902, in Clackamas county.
Records in the suit showed that
after reaching the earth the me
teor was appropriated by Indians
who erected it on a mound and
used it as a sort of a shrine for
many years. It finally was aban
doned by the Indians.
- Justice Wolverton held that be
fore reaching the earth the meteor
belonged to the common mass and
stock of thijs, an was not the
property of (Qzone.
Hughes contended that the me
teor was abandoned by the In
dians, and that he, being the find
er, became the' owner.
I . The state supreme court af
firmed: the circuit court' The sole
question involved in this litigation
waa whether the meteor was
found upon and removed from the
land of tbe plaintiff. 1
The meteor is now owned by
the American museum of national
history of New York.
Mrs, Becker Quits
Welfare Position
Resignations of. two staff
members were accepted by the
Marion county welfare commis
sion at its monthly meeting
Tuesday afternoon,
i Mrs. Marlorie Becker, senior
worker on the staff, turned in
her resignation to be effective
August 31. She has worked at
this office since March, r937.
and' came here from the Linn
county office. .
"The resignation of Dr. Bruce
Titus, which became effective
July 7, was also accepted by the
commission. Dr. Titus was county
relief physician. i - -
Dorothy Selby Is
Queen Candidate
- 'Dorothy Selby, daughter, of
Mr. and Mrs P.' L.4, Selby; who
reside at 2131 Center street, 1
the first Salem candidate for
queen of the. ninth annual Red
head Roundup, scheduled for
August 5 and 6 at Taft. The is
a graduate of Parrlsh Junior
Agent Penslar Remedies
in Marion County
A cooling, soothing lotionfor:
sunburn and windburn."
39 c:
Panama ,'
. : EYE BATH' -:
I . - Relieves summer eye v
y ' discomfort,
Stop the Itching and Pain of
- poison oak byastng
nooD's lotion .
' Only at.Schaefers
the Legion
- . . -
when he turned out a poster for
la Chicago this fall. Executive
high school and is now a senior
at Salem high school.
Miss Selby is 18 years of age,
5 feet 8 Inches tall, has hazel-
brown eyes and a wealth of
beautiful, coppery-red hair. Fond
of all sports, she particularly
likes swimming, roller skating,
horseback riding and tennis. She
likes to dance and is an excel
lent cook. Her hobby is saving
scrapbooks on sporting events
Musically talented, she is presi
dent of the Tri-Y at Salem high
school and vice-president of her
home economics club at school
Miss Selby was one or seven
of this city's most outstanding
girls to win a pin in a national
home economics content, ,
Concert Arranged
In Park Tonight
The Marlon square municipal
band concert tonight starting at 8
o'clock will consist of 10 numbers
ranging from' popular tunes to
grand opera selections. A high
light will be the playing of the
new march "Oregon State Fair"
composed by H. N. Stoudenmeyer,
director of the band.
The program:
Novelty Concert Xarek "Ciribiribin"
rr. r Alford
Festiral Overture "Drbsas" Roberta
"Two Sleepy People".
"Alexander's JUrtime Band ' Berlin
Concert Walta "Eapana" Waldtnfel
Selection "Boa Marie" Friml
Marcfc (new) "Orecon State Fair"-
,. . Stondenmeyer
Characteristic "Junjle Dmraa"Ketelbey
"I Hare Eyet" .JtohU-B,inrer
"Toe umbrella Mao"
. 1 CaTanaorh Soee-Stoek
"Penny Serenade". Hallifax-Weersma
Grand Selection from "Carmen" Bizet
March, "World Erentm" Zamecnik
Finals, "The Star Spanfled Banner'
to Fight
.New Department
. Senator Charles L. McNary has
Joined with : the Marion County
. . . .
i upyra asaociaaon in opposing j
a bill now pending in congress
which would create a federal de
partment of education, he tele
graphed O. .K. Dewitt, secretary
of the association here i Thurs
day. The association contended that
creation of the proposed new de
partment would cost the taxpay
ers of Oregon $7,500,000 and of
this amount: only ' $1,100,000
would be spent in this state. This
would be in addition to existing
school costs, Dewitt said. . .
McNary" telegram said ' lie
would not support the bill in its
present form and added that it
probably would not come- up for
final passage at this session of
congress. ' :
Breaks Foot Bone -
Skhel . fell Sunday morning
while . banging ap curtains . and
broke a-small bone in fear foot
She was taken to a Stayton phy
sician where -her 'in juries were
treated.,-. it ,-
' We wish to express ofir thank
and appreciation for the kindness
and sympathy of our many friends
in s our time of sorrow. . Also to
those . that l hare contributed jo
generously to oar many needs.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A Biles and fanny.-
- ; ft
-v ,Z : l
CR EDIT v- . t
v j Jewrfera Optickau j,
Comity Births
Show Increase
Deaths on Decline, ' Sayi
Report of Department
The semi-annual report of the
Marion county department of
health ahowa an Increase oi
births and a decrease in . deaths
as compared with figures a year
aro. Births number ' 631 for
1939 and 694 for 1935. xnere
were 814 male pinna ana xi
female.- ToUl deaths were $51
with 433 a year ago for the
same period, tms year mere
were 203 male deaf'a and 148
female deaths.
Communicable disease deaths
for the' six month period totaled
22. Other causes were: . cancer
AS. diabetes 14, apoplexy 35,
heart disease 94, i itomoblle ac
cidents 6, other accidents 15, and
all other causes 57.
Mumps Frequent
Mumoa leads the .report for
the six-month ' period with 161
cases, chickenpox 45, influcnxa
39. measles 71, scarlet feveT 66.
tuberculosis 83, whooping cough
23, pneumonia 41. For the same
period in 1938 pneumonia led
with 100 cases, chickenpox 98
measles .47, mumps, 9, scarlet
fever 25. . tuberculosis 20 and
whooping cough 8.
The' semi-annual activities re
port shows that members of the
healtli department staff have
made 910 field visits in the in
terest of communicable disease
control. Tuberculin tests were
given to 1843 persons the past
six months. In the interest of
school hygiene 7541 inspections
were given and conducted by the
staff members, Sanitation field
visits numbered 714 with 384
visits to food handling establish
ments and 268 to dairy farms
and plants.
Teachers Advised
To Develop Ideas
Seattle Schoolman Urges
Use of Controversial
Topics in Classes
EUGENE, July 13-(rP)-Teach-
ers should meet the complexity
of the social order by. preparing
students to formulate their own
ideas. Worth McClure, Seattle su
perintendent of schools, told the
institute on educational policies
at the University of Oregon today.
He urged teachers to "make
real use oi controversial ques
tions" by giving students all
Teachers, because of the con
fllct between individual rights and
group welfare, ntust become bet
ter qualified professionally, Mc
Clure said.
C. M. Calkins, city attorney of
Eugene, opposed McClure, assert
ing teachers should keep "hands
off" controversial political ques
tions. : .at. I .,
: Dr. Charles O. Williams, direc
tor of. field service for the Na
Uonal Education association, ad
vocated an organisation patterned
after the American Medical asso
ciation, from which members
could be expelled for failure to
meet standards or ethical de
mands. -
' Dr. Frederick M. Hunter, chan
cellor of the Oregon system of
higher education, pleaded for
scientific evaluation of the eco
nomic worth of education.
Lane PUD Sought
By Pomona Grange
EUGENE, July 13-(ff)-Allen
Wheeler, Pomona grange master,
said today petitions urging forma
tion of a pubuc utility district in
the valley section of Lane countv.
including Eugene, would be cir
culated soon. ;
He said minor changes in boun
daries of the proposed district
wonid have to be made before pe-
unons were introduced.
-"- .
Gaberdine Sport
Special. . .. . .,.Ji,a J
ltln-Trcated Golfing and S )
Outing Jackets ila
Men's L . . ...
Heavy Cords.
1 Lot Fine Worsted Sport A CH
Slacks, regular $1.15 valuetj VIP
Light Grey "and Tan , "m Off
Sport Slaeku L'r.v i) V3
Special on AO Wool Plaid Fringed V
Robes. Large Size (60x80) at $3.95 '
Ramble Size at $25 Junior Size
at $1.95. r ,
. "" . . . I
Wool Suiting & Coating dose-out
Here is your chance to buy Wool -Goods
at less than Cost. Ladies Coat-
ing: Suiting and Siirting. Part
Pieces, ' Sample Pieces Oose-Octs.
Lota go on Sale Special $1.00 per
yard.' . ' ' .- . 1
. ' t i
1 11 i
" I 3
- -;-
VTA '1
Lorance Dosaett snustc director
for tbe Northwest Christian col
lege, Eugene, will appear la
concert tonight at the Salem
First Christiaa church. . Dossett
v gave two coBcerta' here, last
Hood River PUD
State Commission Plans
Hearing Here to Eye
Its Feasibility
The state hydroelectric commis
sion will hold an informal hearing
here today in connection with a
proposal to create a Hood River
county people's utility district,
excluding the city of Hood river.
Charles E. Stricklin, secretary.
said a large number of persons
from Hood River county would
argue for and against the feasibil
ity of the proposal.
At a recent election held in
Hood River county the. rural dis
tricts voted for the project while
the city of Hood River voted
againit. The majority vote was in
favor of the district.
Under the existing laws it is
permissable to hold another elec
tion involving all the territory in
cluded in the original proposal
with the exception of the city of
Hood River.
Stricklin said a number of per
sons interested in creation of the
Scappoose people's utility district
also might appear before the com
mission. The commission has not
yet completed, its final report on
this project.
Schedule Changed
For Swim Qasses
Friday's schedule for "Learn
to-Swim" campaign classes at Les
lie pool has some changes made
in it, the classes from 11 o'clock
on being rearranged. .- ':
The new schedule includes:
boys' elementary, 9 to 9:30 a. m.;
boys' advanced beginners, 9:30 to
Iff a. m.: girls' elementary, 10 to
10:30 a. m.; girls' advanced be
ginners, 10:30 to 11 a. m.; worn
en's class, 11 to 11:30; boys' and
girls' beginners 12 years and up,
11:30 to 12; swimmers all ages,
12 to 12:30.
No learn-to-swim classes will
be held Saturday or Sunday.
Popular Trio Due
At Presbyterian
The musical trio including Mrs.
A. H. Dennison, organ. Ether Ben-
ner, pianist, and Garland Hollo
well, trombonist, which has been
well received at evening services
at the, First Presbyterian church
in recent weeks will accompany
the congregational singing again
Sunday night.
Rev. W. Irvin Williams, pastor,
will speak in the morning on "The
Church and the World," and at
night services his theme will be
"The Bible on Main Street."
I Lot of Shades & Patterns that
can be worn the year around.
These are Real Worsteds and
SPECIAL.-. $17.95
An opportunity to make a nice savins
by - buying a Summer ' Suit Big
Valaes. - - .
Shirts,, A 0
. LOT l
Stitched Edge, 6 lbs.
,72x81. Special ,
2co soirra TT7ELFnl
Winslow Case
Answer 1 Filed
Incidents Before Officer f
Dismissed Are Set up 1 '"'
as Defenses " ,
Incidents leading to the dia '
missal of Frank Winslow frosa :
the Salem police force were set - 1
up as defenses in an answer filed
in circuit court by Chief Frank ?
A. Minto yesterday to the :alter-;
native writ of mandamus to- :.;
cured by Winslow in an attempt -
to regain his Job. - f
The answer alleged that in.
low arrested one Stalllngs oa'
September 18, '.1958, while tea a
latter was temporarily incapaet- ' v
tated in one arm.
Taking Stalllngs to the police
station, the Officer, the answer -J
asserted, then "without cause r ' v
provocation cursed. abue4, -struck,
assaulted, kicked and
stomped upon said Stallings, ail
of which acts were committed in .
the presence of other officers '
and citizens of the city of Sales
and which were unnecessary t '
effect the arrest or confinement irt
of said Stalllngs, which disclosed '
the plaintiff to be incompetent.
discourteous in his treatment ef
the public and unfit to occupy
the position of police officer of v
said city."
Winslow later interviewed tke
mayor and thereafter told him"
he would suspend himself from '
further duty until Chief Minto.
who was away, retn- ned to duty.1 " 1
The chief, the answer said, oa,,"1
his return investigated the case 11 '
and discharged the officer and9""
the discharge was confirmed by ' ' '
the civil service commission. '
v l
Distrfbated by Gideon StoU Co. ;
Lot Salts.' Close-ont
Mostly light shades
T00TI jj i
Sixes as. to 40., Xc
altering oa. this loi, .
Ol.u awaa a A a : V avnV ' waV a?"" : Sh i
Bay a coat now and save at least -S5.00
2 lots
Now Is the time to bay yoar wta
ter sapply of Blankets or have'
them laid away for later delivery.
We have a large stock of Virgia
Wool Paatcl shades .slightly Im
perfecta' Blankets to close .oat'
at wy low price. ' -HV -
Large Size Long Xapp Whipped
LOT 2 This Lot contains Blankets of Ex- ::
ceptional Valne. light Corors,.Silk Blnd-
rm''"t4tlbs.v:-;.. 't:yi ?-ffJ:
7txl4. Spedsr:,r;.nr '1,l.faV3)
LOT S Grey Camp.'' Good Serviceabfe
" Blankets. I lbs.' (Seconds.) j fl . f r
" Wbila they lasL Special" M. yM
LOT 4 Slightly damaged Khaki and light
Grey Single. Good Bny.v is . f
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