PAG2 TOUIiTZmi Uissr Savage Will Harry Mr. Olson On August 4 Mrs. M. Wilson Savage enter-. tallied at a smartly arranged party last night at ber suburban home at which time the engage ment and forthcoming marriage of her daughter, Miss Edna Sav age, to Mr. Manfred Olson of Salem, son of Mr. William Olson of " Delores, - Colorado, was re vealed to a group of f rtends. The wedding will be an event of Fri day, Angast 4, at the home of the bride-elect's unele and aunt. Mr.- and Mrs. Rooert W. Craig. Miss Savage is a popular mem ber of the younger set of the capital -and is a graduate o Willamette university where she was a meat ber of Beta Chi soror ity. She took advanced work at the University of Washington. , For the past two years she has been on the faculty of the Wood burn high school. - i Mr. Olson is; a graduate of Willamette university where he was - prominently identified In athletics. He is now connected with the state highway .depart-, . xnent. . '. . Y -:-':- . !: - ; -: Bridge Supper The party was arranged tn compliment Ho Mill Savage's cousin,,. Miss Helen Dickie of Seattle, who ' Is 1 visiting ? at the .Robert .. Craig hone. Contract bridge was tn , play during the evening, followed by a late sup- -per. Mrs. Savage was assisted ln formally by her other daughter. Miss Margaret Savage.' i ' The names of the couple and the date were - written on the ices which revealed the - news to the guests-Boaqu is of pastel summer flowers - ere arranged bout,-the gnest - rooms. ". - The guests Included Miss Edna , Savage, . Miss . Helen . Dickje, Miss Melva Belle Savage, Miss ' Ju.Ua, Johnson, Miss Eleanor - Trindle, Miss Irene Gr,eenbaum.'M!ss Mar garet Doege,- ills Pauline ATlns--low, Miss Josephine Cornoyer, : Miss .- Helen Purvlne, Miss Jean McElhinny, Miss Charlotte Kal lander,' Miss Charlotte MeClary, Miss 'Margaret . Savage and Mrs. -. M. Wilson Savage. ' ..: ; Miss Eleanor Trindle, daughter of: Mr. and Mrs. William. H. Trln-r die, has returned from Sao Fran cisco where she was the gnest of Miss. Martha Fpragne and attend ed the Golden Gate exposition. " MJss ' EloiM Buck has as her house guests for several days her brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Warner Fuller of St. Louis, Mo. The Fullers are spending the summer in Eugene. .' Mr. and Mrs. Vera-Bala are fa San Francisco attending the. Na tional Education association. con vention and are also frisking the falr. Pattern By ANNE ADAMS -Gay times ahead tor the clever vonnr lasa who nrdon Pat,. I - I. B . r W I 41S2. It's "Ingenue," beguiling. nt,ertaIne Mrs. Walter romantic . : . and especially styled iST111?-116' Jr by Anne Adams for the 'teen-and- Mls" H,en Ste,n of The ' twenties world. The daytime ver- !oute o the National Lutheran slon would be sweet In a dainty , f8Be or Loxs Beach, California, flower sheer or the new rayon ler- i1.1. steln ! former Columbia sey. ; For star-studded dancin dlt,rIct President of the Luther nights, make the party - length ,el On Wednesday the Er-style- in a film of- chiffon or na entertained a .gTOup ot shee? ToUe; The neckline forms young people on their way home low oval that's graceful and de-' ? 8641110 f rm the -convention, mure. A sunburst of darts, or ga- Tney were makings enthusiastic thers below, releases soft,; pretty p,ani or post-convention rally, bodice lines.!-You can make the : , belt In matching material or of . Mr Mr8 F Burns left gay grosgraln : Tlbboa. Trias the j18 fcht from Portland, on the neck and sleeves with a froth of t Portland Rose, bound for New ruffling or lace, or sew on a bor-" Tork n the world's fair. En der of flowers in sun-drenched rotte - they - will visit : friends la colors. , - , ua & ; Washington. , DC,., and In' BalU- Fattern 4182 - Is available in more Md. On the .way back they misses' sixes 12. 14. IS, 18 and w111 stop at Niagara Falls and 20. Size 17 short dress, takes 4 other points of Interest They plan yards 39 Inch ' fabric; 1 yards t0 retnrn the latter part of July. raffling. ' . Ui FIFTXE3 CT8 (1S) la oini for this. Anna Aatat pttn. Writ pUinly SIZE. NAME, AD DRESS mm STILE NUMBER. , Bna-liU4. (va-tilM. nmmer 4tj took year prvttimtl Tim t writ tot Mr new AKNK ADAMS SDMMIB PATTERN. BOOK m4 7r . koi-WMtktr wardrab. ChooM bom arm pirads ( n 'Safinf, 'mk 1 1 yaarstV" frock i. . Surf-anamDd lilt . . ciaraia parUtcn . . . miry Aaaea . atylca ... trarel tor. 8ri aefaa , tori ex, linfari. at-hoa clothes. Ev : ry ar - inclade4 from tb fartie taroneh-tha ta-eutle. 'teeni, joaiefi , n4 tots. Or4er yoot eopr awl OOk rirTKEN CEST3. PATTERS J ltTEES CENTS. BOOK AND PAT- -TKR.S IOGKTHEB, IWESTT-frVX ' CENTS.. v 'J! .-'. ; - Sm4 yaar rder t Ta Orafaa SUIiimt,' pattra 4eparmaV -. , , r CLUB CALENDAR . Friday, July 14 ' Post Office Clerks' auxiliary, with Mrs. H. J- Thomas, dessert r luncheon at 2 pjn. ' : Saturday, July IS -Laurel Social hour club com munity picnic at Glena Adams' grove, C:30 p. m. AH In eom - munity invited. . WRC, Miller's hall, covered dish noon dinner. Officers wear white for initiation.- Visitor Incentive For Informal Gathering The home of Dr. and Mrs. Waldo Zeller waa the scene of a delightful Informal party Mon day night. The affair was ar ranged In compliment to Mr. Paul Sherwood, who is in charge of the Methodist mission "on-the Island of Maui. Hawaii. He and his wife are visiting in the states and are on a two months leave of absence. He Is a graduate of Willamette university and is en route east to attend the Inter national Lions club convention at Pittsburgh. Pa., where : Mrs. Sherwood is now visiting with Ler parents. v I " - " Other out-of-town g n o s t s present were Mr. and Mrs. John Robins of Berkeley, Calif., also Willamette- graduates. :.Mr. and Mrs. Robins are visiting t the bome of . his ; parents. . A group of old college friends were bid den to the party end at a late hoar refreshments were served. - . Letter Carriers' Wives Feted at O'Neil Home -Mrs; William O'Nell and . Mrs. Floyd .Volkel entertained mem bers of the. National Association of Letter Carriers auxiliary Thurs day afternoon .- at - the , former's home on North 19 th street. A short business meeting was held and the guests viewed the O'Nell gardens. Refreshments were served late In the afternoon by the hostesses. The next meeting will be a picnic supper for members and families Friday. July" 21, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Roy Tang. Those present- were Mrs. Gay Boyce, Mrs. Ray Crittenden,-Mrs. Millard Dbughton, Mrs. Roy Fol 11s, Mrs. Harmon Garrett, Mrs. Melvin Scott; Mrs. Dudley Taylor, Mrs. 'Robert Wagers, Mrs. George White, Mrs. - Roy Tung, Mrs. Frank Zlnn, Mrs. William O'Neal and Mrs. Floyd Volkel. Shower Compliments Mrs. Jepson '. Mrs; Phil Aspinwall ' enter tained informally Tuesday night at her home on Ma-ket street In compliment to Mrs. Dal ber t Jep son (Elizabeth Lewis) ; who was married in- Los' Angeles in June. Mr. and. Mrs. Jepson are resid ing in Salem this . summer and will go to San Diego In the fall where Mr. Jepson - 111 teach. ; A miscellaneous ' shower ton oredjkfrs. Jepson during the eve ning and refreshments followed - an informal evenlnr,- Several mu- ; sical numbers were given for the pleasure of the guests. 'Close friends and relatives of Mrs. Jep- , son . were bidden to the party. Bouquets of sweet peas and lap dragons were used about the rooms. Miss Vivian . Aspinwall . assisted her mother Informally. Visitor. Feted Sunday At Jones' Home The country nlace of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jones was the set ting for a picnic supper and swim ming party Sunday In compliment to Miss Carolyn Cannon of Lon don, England, who is visiting in Portland this summer. The guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Cannon,' Miss Ger trude Cannon, Mr. William Moo res, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Stelwer of Jefferson. Mr. Ro bert Hughes: of Oakland, Calif., Mrs." Claire Jones ,Gray, Mr. M. L. Jones. Ronald -Jones, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jones. Guests of Mrs. E. T. Barkus are Mrs. Harriet De Yoe Baldwin of Pomona, a former Salem resident, and Mrs. Barkus brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Holt of Glendale. The Calif ornians will go on to Washington. Mr. ' and Mrs. E. A. Rhoten were hosts . at a dinner party Tuesday to Mrs. Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Holt, Mrs. Nettie Kaerth, Mr. and Mrs. Mar Tin Lewis, Mrs.' Zeta Lyle, Ralph Lrte. Mrs. E. T. Barkus and Mr. and Mrs. Rhoten. Rev. aad Mrs. P. W. Eriksea :.. - Honoring Miss Jane Leedona of Portland, a group ot the younger set entertained with a no-host pie ale at - Rlverdato park; , Guests were Miss Jane Leedom, Miss Bet ty Wirth, Miss Susanne Wilson, Miss Peggy Reinholdt. Miss Shir ley McKay, and Miss Dorothy Dixon. - ' ... B1 sd! DMtfy Bridge Luncheon At Wright Home On Thursday Mrs. David Wright and Mrs. William Newmyer resided at a smartly arranged luncheon Thursday afternoon at the Wright home on Stewart ttreet in compliment to members - of their club and additional guests. Guests were seated at small tables with pastel bouquets of summer flowers forming the dec orative note. Several hours of contract bridge followed the luncheon hour. - i ' Special guests were Mrs. C. E. ' Dull of Maplewood, New Jersey, Mrs. T. W. Creech, Mrs. Roy H. Mills, Mrs. Frank G. Myers and Mrs.:. U. Scott Page. .Members present were Mrs. Mose Adams, , Mrs... R. G. Doee, Mrs. Leona ' . Johnson, Mrs. Ray Yocom, Mrs. ' Elmer Daue, Mrs. Charles v A. Sprague. Mrs. David Wright and Mrs, j William Newmyer. . Breakfast Planned for Legion Convention " One of the many activities scheduled during the state con vention of -the American Legion Auxiliary, August 10, to 12 will be the secretary's - breakfast to be held at the Argo Friday. In charge of the details Is Mrs. Nota Henderson, past secretary of Capital Unit and at present de partment vice chairman of publl-. city. She will .be assisted by Mrs. Fred . Gahlsdorf. vice-chairman and Mrs. Pearl Victor. Mrs. J. H. Tnrnbull, Mrs. Brazier Small, Mrs. L. IV. Benson, Mrs. T. L. Kuhns, Mrs. Austin Wilson, Miss Helen White and Miss Nova Bates. Units In Marlon county who have been asked to assist in the preparations are Mt. Angel, Woodburn, Aurora, Silverton and Stayton. Reservations are limited to past and present secretarys and treas urers only. Over 200 are expected to attend the breakfast with de partment officers as guests. . The annual affair is looked for ward to with great enthusiasm as it is highlight of the day. "'""' Miss Berry Luncheon Hostess Wednesday Miss Winnogene Berry entertain ed a group of friends at luncheon In the gardens of Mrs. C. W. Jor- fnin -WeririAHilav afturnnnn Tho hostess was assisted by her moth- er, Mrs. J. E. Duncan. The guest list Included Miss Jean Hoffert, Miss LaVell Cross, Miss Frankle Lou Williams, Miss Juanlta Cross, Mrs. Grace Fill more, Mrs. J. E. Duncan, , Mrs. C. W. Jorgenson and Miss Wlnno gene Berry. ' . j e Waters' Home Scene of Picnic Supper ;w Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waters were hosts for a delightful pic- nic supper in their gardens Wed- nesday night at their home on East Nob Hill. The evening was spent in playing Chinese Checkers. In the group were Dr. and Mrs. Carl Emmons, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. George Rho- ten, Mr. and Mrs. BJarne Erick- sen, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Knapp and Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waters, Mr. and Sirs. J. E. Law re en tertaining as their house guest, Mr. Law's aunt, Mrs. Frank By ram of Washington, D. C. In com pliment to her guest Mrs. Law In vited a group of matrons to an In formal tea Thursday afternoon at her Center street home. " t Miss Grace Elizabeth Holman entertained with an informal par ty and miscellaneous shower last night at her North Summer street home In compliment to Miss Betty Hammond who will become the brlde of Mr. Joseph Cronin on August 21. KL0SM 10m tOUtUIU. SLT.MTS .if c- mrviSPlt FCJ FIE Jeup rosar , 2 5 u. mxt, arated I ItSs, bsatea tenou Bi vxur van. aoa raw BiBaaMa CCS wW I awderat , . m rJltred trad- w J. rtanins It Tfca OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Mm o o MAXINE BUREN (1 ' jiPlli Sasga M o if Aw -n MA W I ' M AL-.. ..r., , "My husband says he thinks he knows bow dust storm victims feel since he's beea home during week-end cleanups!" But one bright note on cleaning , neat uttie cotton print dress. The flared tunic is bordered; in rick--rack over a brief, flared skirt. Right, the linen coat dress In two .'shades of blue has a dressmaker quality. Its dark yoke runs into a sawtooth panel which continues down the front. Collar and belt' . are light blue. ' . '- , Rebekahs Install new Officers at Meeting - Salem Rebekah lodge met at the IOOF hall Monday to install the new officers for the next six months. Ida Hochstetler, district deputy president, waa installing officer, assisted by Elsie Town send, grand marshall; Leonore Kreisel, rand warden Wilda Siegmund, grand inside guardian; Edith McElroy, grand recording secretary; Cora Van Pelt, grand treasurer; Evelyn Naderman, grand .musician; Cora McNeill, grand outside guardian. They were assisted by Charlotte - Versteeg, Christina Cladek, Yvonne Smith and Myrtle McClay as guards. The new officers installed were Helen Briethaupt, - past noble grand: Hannah Beard. noble srrand: Helen Pierce, vice grand: Bessie Edwards, recording secre- tary; Helen McElroy, treasurer; Blanche Scheelar; chaplain, Lu- ella Engstrom; inside guardian, Myrtle Walker; outside guardian, Elsie Cornfort; musician, Verda Olmsted; warden, Violette Gile; conductor, Ruth Lear, and Eu gena Morse and Lora Graves. Mrs. Pearl Nichols will be Installed next Monday as left supporter to the vice grand. During installation Miss Allene M. "t1"" ie' Financial committee was ap pointed with Goldia Kyle, chair man, and Victoria Stiff ler and El sie Papenfus assisting. The retiring officers were: Yvonne Smith, past noble grand; Helen Breithaupt, noble grand; Hannah Beard, vice grand, and Cora Van; Pelt, Anna Hunsaker, Josephine- Erixsen, Helen Pierce, Alberta Walker, Alfreda Bullis, Blanche Scheelar, Pearl Swanson, Lucille Mosher, Frances Kyle. After Installation . R n t h y n Thomas played two selections on the violin accompanied by Mrs. - -jt asBBBhnuBaataaa 1 IKe f1--1 t mm m sl. avat i a. ZJ--'Zl&' blVWWW kail hMukVV I V - ' .., 1 "" gl FBST Taader (mat that mouth! It isn't luck when yon get It with new Criaco. It's Criaco's new; ereaminess you have tothamTlnewmiIIion- doHar ' GTro-Chnra now makes Criaco a marvel of. ereaminess. Makes CrisecT blend faster-easier. ; I ..'" . ' Brides yea, even expert eaeed eooka girt big help from new Gyro-Churned Criseov -' See if new.Crisco (JoemT give you fins eoolring eaaierl I Wlica 733 teachers 1 I ia pablk scboola I : ) wereaetoad ' okf 10 aaid I -"- UM9 awed Cfiaoo I . V:.. ;. .la their.-.- ; I Oregon, Friday lion-Jar, July IFomeVa Editor- -4 day her husband will approve Is her' Zena Thomas. Laura Noyes gave a reading. A special table which was dec orated with a profusion of sum mer flowers was arranged by the July birthday committee for the installing and new officers. The committee consisted - of Verda Olmsted, Jenny Knight, Charlotte. Versteeg, Elsie Papenf us, ' Alice Adams, Myrtle Walker, Hattle Cameron and Carrie Rlngo. ' . There will be a Three Link club meeting at the IOOF hall tonight at o'clock when a covered-dish dinner for the men and families will be served. All Rebekahs are invited. FL girls are planning to go to Nelscott June 20. Lucille Mosher at (334 is taking reservations up to noon today. '. Willamette Couple Married in June Friends in Salem have re ceived word ot the marriage of Miss Charissina Rieden of Baker to Mr. Orville Ragsdale ot Baker on June 26 in Caldwell, Idaho. The couple will spend the sum mer in Baker. Both Mr. and Mrs. Ragsdale are Willamette university .stu dents. She was a freshman last year and a pledge of Delta Phi member' ot the VreVhman basket mavavOw u PaaHniA ' vrsisi si ball team and a member of Kappa Gamma RLo fraternity. Mr. Ragsdale will continue his studies at Willamette In the fall. Sirs. Walter Denton has re turned from Santa Cruz, Calif., where she attended the Music Teacher's convention and later visited in Burllngame, San Fran- dgco and the Golden Gate exposi- tlon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bier are enjoying a two week's sojourn in San Francisco and are viewing mcJtz b -rmrr ' Proeeaa v. ' . - y 1 FBST CX0HZl f "Mmw Crck- 1 'cakes aad pita aad fries so -1 I twawtiraDy - 1 V ..hhnUlif, J, 14, IK? lllfe Doffn H7i'i; l? i'iiO.i 051. ww Honor Guest at Party Tonight Miss Helen , Board man. Miss Marcelle DeMytt and Mrs. John Cattrall bare Invited a group of friends to an Informal party to Bight at the former's home on . North 15 th street in compliment ' to Mrs. Wayne J. Pase of Dallas. - Contract bridge ' ill be n play . during the i evening with a late " annner ' followinc. Touauets - of .- summer blooms will grace the '- guest rooms. : " T. . ;," ;.. -- Bidden ' to honor Mrtt i.Page are Miss Dorbthy , Page tf Dallas, Miss Mildred . S t.v e n s , Mrs. ueorge rieicner,, a f. - Kay Lai ,ky Mrs. Iwrenjie j white decorative H1 'H-.A''W'1-;-V.toaema- was used in the .flower ginia Bird, Miss Helen Way, Miss arrangements. ; ' Helen Boardman, Miss Marcelle DeMytt . and Mrs. John Cattrall.: 1 ' Mr. and Mrs. Edward Siegmund . and' children, Thomas Allan and . Shirley Ann, of Eugene, are the -' guests this week! of their' parents, . Mr. and Mrs. Loais . Ashliman and vMf. and Mrs; C. E. Siegmund. , " Mrs. Homer B. Smith. Jr. and daughter, Jean; are leaving today wood, New Jersey.. The Dulls are Wednesday, with a luncheon, eei-v- for Gearhart to visit for a week on a tour of the .northwest' and ed on the lawn, with Mr. s,nd Mrs, George Swaf-V several-short trips are being ar- The-brief business session, con ford of Oregon City. . ranged .in their honor. . (Continued on page 16) BaV M aar HI i I You9 U 1. r. . fx aT V- " - ., v. r a nllU A TOWEL FOR 17"x20" white terry towels with colored borders, or gay multicolor stripes. An un usual bargala! a'.;to.J m ST T 1TW vd. T. 'l . - -""ZL. T r a' Jr ' bf- .alawaa' - V a I sr l r IH uea? CtV . c vU vtH. eitrtj ..c CANNON, PART LINEN, HAND PRINTED TEA TOWELS .. ... 1 Jgc Gladstone A Jamba value bath towel I Men ! A genuine leather '-bag in v bijr roomy 24" size. Strong steel framed Divider, shirt fold, two pockets and i n s I d e straps. A rare buy 15 omen's Group Meet At Bergman's The Woman's Foreign Mission ary society of the -First Meth odist church held Its monthly meetina Wednesday evening in the gardens of Mrs. E. E. Berg- man - on Chemeketa street. The occasion was the annual picnic ot the society,, ' ; Miss Rnby Skelton, a mission ary of the Salvation Army to Canton, China, who recently, re turned to Salem, gave an inter esting account of the bombing: of : Canton by : the ' Japanese. She told of experiences and her own narrow escapes while ' assisting In the relief of refugees. Special guests, were the new pastor. Dr. -Harrison his ' wife ai.T: sen. Sirs. Barker Honors . - Qub VMembeTS V. . MrsO Kenneth Barker enter- tained - with a brtdae tea Thurs- day afternoon at ,her hone, in - - hoj.or , of - members cf her club. Guests were Mrs. unariei Green, Jr Mrs. Franklin Kucera, Mrs, Morse Stewart, ?Irs. Walter Martin, Mrs. Normal - Edwards, Mrs. Elvin Thomas, Mrs. Melvin Propp. and Mrs. Herbert Misson. Goveraor and Mrs. Charles, A. Sprague have - as their house guests 'for the- remainder of the week, Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Dull and Miss Mary Louise Dull of Maple- want to stock up at this thrifty price! T WEILS! EVERY USE A PRICE FOR EVERY PURSE E0Q Thick, soft terry la big lT'iSd size. Solid colors, checks or colored border whites. Boys' Pants r White duck. Reduced to.. Work Straws Wide or nar . rowbrnns Dress Straws Asst. styles. Showerproof 69c 25c 90C Men's Pa jamas New patterns - i - and colors. 90c Jjj the Valley . , J social neaim INDEPENDENCE In the glow, of the outside fireplace in the gar dens of Mrs. Lena Jones, members and guests of the Independence Garden club met last Monday with Mrs. Irvin Baun and Mrs. Oscar Moore sharing hostess honors. Mrs. Frank Hennagin presided and introduced Mr. Penner from Dallas, who gave a talk on soil re vltlllzlng and spraying. Mrs. J. A. Reynolds gave a re port of work done in landscaping the Fred Meyer estate near Mt. Hood. , Those pre3ent yere Mrs. Frank Hennigan, Mr9. Clarence Charbor- san Xlr IT IP ltKmn XCi. l J. O'Donnell, Mrs. James Robbie, Mrs. W. F. McBee, Mrs. F. G. Hewett, Mrs. A. L. Thomas, Mrs. C. G. Irvine, Mrs. Swanson, Mrs. Paul Sterling, Mrs. T. D. Pomeroy, Mrs. Ben Johnson, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. C. 0. Sloper, Mrs; J. A. Reyn- ords, Mrs. Glen Smith, Mrs. Grover Mattison, Mrs. Nick Versteeg, Mrs. Stella Fluke, Mrs. W. F. Camp- oeii and Mrs. Ed w under, .Mrs. Harding and Mrs. Ralph Kletzing as guests. ' ZEXA - Mrs. Charles M. Ptir vine, Mrs.; Ralph Scott, Mm. Ralph C. Saepard, - Mrs. . Roy E. Barker, and Miss Margaret Pur vine . entertained ' the women of the Salem -Presbyterian mission ary society, at the former's home mm Oar feature this. week! An exception al value just at a time when yon need so many extra towels. Extra large extra heavy and extra absorb ent! A joy to nse and easy, to laun der, too. Boy plenty now! WMl A Jumbo value btah towel I Colored borders, solid col ors or plaids. Soft! Absorb ent I Save now . Women's Slacks Shrunk. Also Farmerettes 98C Swinr Sails Women's 1 wool and Lastex..:l:.i 2.98 Men's Trunks All wool - with support 98c Skirt V Short i t Sets for women.. 1.9S "I 1 ' it