: man of the Pheasant nock, tossed , oat Wilson Siegmund at second base In the Kennedy - Pheasant Softball tangle- Monday night. Siegmund was on first with Eddie . Salstrom up.iSalstrom dropped a : blooper In back of first base, which would 'ordinarily have been a hit even In HlUerland. Big Ike. r however, lammed back to pick np the twister on the first bounce . and though off balance pegged ac curately tot second to force Sieg mund. The play. Incidentally, rob bed Salstrom of his fourth con . secutlTe bingle . . . No reason: In none of the many press releases . from San Francisco is the reason revealed wh our galloping gal . LaVergne Carpentier. wasn't al ; lowed to hoof acrosa the bay bridge. Was It because bridge of ! ficials feared a traffic tangle? Oi - they didn't want to set a prece , dent? Or, mayhap, they anticipa : ted damage to the bridge from vi bration? ... It is the contention of bridge engineers that one per son walking- Across a suspension bridge can do more damage than tons and tons, of Tolling frame ! so perhaps that is the reason . . r Doesn't seem possible that 125 : pounds of femininity could dam- ; age a gigantic structure such as . the San Francisco bay bridge does it? "Buckey Brigade," would be . a wholly descriptive name ror Halem'a Legion Junior baae ballers ... 3early every moth er's son of 'em .taaes a nice stance at the dish until the ball is pitched, but from there on it's a foot In the bucket .... Fear of the dapple, both at bat and afield, in very evidently their biggest ' handicap and something that can be overcome only by experience. As big as the Bombers. ; Predominant barber shop gos sip: Silverton's semi-pro tourney especially the calibre of ball be ing played and the 100 per cent, enthusiastic support given the Silverton teams by Mr. and Mrs Joe Silverton .... Many ohs and - ahs ot appreciation ior ue nu ball park in which the tourney is being held, are also being heard from the hundreds of Salem base ball filberts who are nightly tak ing in the tourney .... Managei now: Wes Schulmerich, formei "Iron Hobs" of Beaver footbai; fame, is now manager of the Twin Falls club in the Pioneer loop. Me succeeded Ed Leisbman, who wa shifted to the managerial seat of the" Spokane Indians, replacing Bernie Devivelros ... I reak-up oi Yankees?: When the Internation al league standings revealed the Yankees' Newark club to be in the second division the other day. it was a signal for a general wlse- cracking. "There goes the Yanks!" was the cry ... Real fist: According tomeas-' arements on this desk, the fist with which Leo "The Lion" Tamer next Wednesday night hopes to lift Baddy Peterson's state middleweight crown is bne one fourth of an inch tmaller than that appended to the arm of Joe Louis, generally known as the world's heavy weight champion ; .".Turner's balled duke, believe' it or no, measures 12 H inches, while Louis boasts a 12 H -Inch wea pon. Luck of the Irish. Costly, this game of sof tball, to Walts' Manager Pete McCaffery. The fiery Irisher, who has no peer as a receiver in the local loop, has been knocked over for a couple of iron eagles by Municipal Judge Warren Jones on wagers, and lost a small flstfull of spondulicks to a tramp pitcher whom be signed and ted tor a few days . . . . Mc Caffery lost . the ' simoleons to Judge Jones in the two Waits Square Deal games, the Judge betting him he'd not be able to get a ball out - of the infield against Hurlln' Hank Singer. The same wager is on for the third battle, July 24 . . . The itinerant chncker whom McCaffery bad on bis private dole for a couple of dsys also had a family it seems, and all had to eat. . . . 'Nother fielding gem: That turned In by Second Baaemistress Barbara Kurtz of the Pade-Barricka last Friday night, snaring a fly ball while running at top speed toward the centerfielder barrier, with her back to the ball . . . Notice who won the AAU high hurdle rmce? It was the l-year-old Tuc son, Ariz., high school youth, Joe Batiste, about whom we were re cently talking. He beat a field that Included . Fred Wolcott, of Rice, who hadn't lost a high bur- die race in two years. His time. 14.1. was a new record but not ai lowed because of a following wind. ..... . ' ' - ' : Beat fight pictures yet, the Galento-Lonis films ; How , run ning at the Grand.. The "intk - mate" : dressing rooms shots, especially ? that of Two-Ton Tony, are re-a-Uy intimate, aad the slow motion stuff en the knockdowns are, as Time has it curt, clear,, concise and complete. ... Louis apparent ly was hurt much more on two other occasions than he was in that second-round knockdown Galento's face, after the fbrht. looked like the lost hori zon. . . The punch, a rigbthand -wallop, that sent the bulbous beer gmxzler sprawling to the ropes and ended the scrap in i the fourth, popped Galea to's head, back Ilka might a quick ston , at a " ston street, and brought stuff that didnt look . good spewing from his ample food auditorium. Mace Brown Beats Dodgers for Bucs - BROOKLYN. July Iz-GPV-Mace Brown. the Pittsburgh . Pirates act relief pitcher, went the routs tonight and hurled a six-alt 3 to a victory" over the Brooklyn Dod gers. Ha pinned the first def sat of the season on Whiter Wyatt, who had previously won eight straight for Brooklyn. Score: -," -. Pittsburgh Brooklyn 0 . M. Brown and Mueller; Wyatt, Skresaaell (S) aad Phelps., , (Oarr game scneatuea -10057. Feat First in Play ar Waits Pitcher Gets Good Support ,; in - Blanking Papermakers 8-0 LKAGL'fi STANDINGS W L Pet. .875 .714 .S67 .500 .143 .125 Square Deal ........ 7 Waits . ...5 Pheasants 4 Schoens ........... 3 Kennedys ...1 Paper Mill .1 1 2 2 3 S 7 Games Tonight Schoens vs. Pheasants. Kennedys vs. Papermakers No 18-inning marathon as was their tilt of a yes.- ago, but history was nevertheless manu factured as Waits and the' Paper makers met on Sweet land last night. George Roth, wita beautiful support afield, pitched the first no-hit, no-run game on record for the regular nisht season, al lowing only two ? ten to reach base as he set the Papei makers down,' 8 to 0, in seven Innings. Square Deal, behli d Ilurlin Hank Singer's four-Lit i ouad job, had previously scored a 5 tc 1 win over the Kennedy Kids For the first fire frames, and in the final inning. Roth set the 'Makers down in order, In the sixth he walked big "Dutch" Schnuelle, who then took second on Mlckenham's infield out Kenny Lenaburg, next up, hit sharply to George Scales, who fielded it perfectly. Z .ales, how ever, faked first base and threw to second in an effort to trap Schnuelle off there, the ball hit ting Schnuelle as he scampered back to the bag, and the play being charged as an error against Scales. Long Flies Scarce t But three balls were hit out of the infield on Roth, two to Jimmy Nicholson in center and cne to Tommy Drynan in right or tnree frames it was a tght hurling duel all the way around, with "Mickey" Micken ham, who set the Dealers down last week, almost matching Roth's performance. Bui in the fourth the cagey Meatmen put bunts by Drynan, Mic' olson and Scales together, along with Gribble's bingle, to tally one. In the eighth they reallv landed on "Mickey," putting six hits, two errors and a boot to gether for six runs. Grlbble poled a fluke homer In the seventh to finish the scori-. :. Gribble's clout, ticketed for rt least three bases, was partially stopped by Centerfielder Clagett, but rico cheted to the fence for the cir cuit. Homer Saves Blanking Only Lyle Cave's ninth-inning homer, a j-ousing blast down the left field foul line, saved the Kennedy Kids iron a white washing. Though they had Singer in trouble twice, be was too rood in the clinches. Ironically, Cave's homer was the only earned run of tte ball game, all of the Dealer tallies being gifts. They scored twice In the fifth on Alley's triple, an error, a passed ball and Bill Gentzkow's sacrifice fly, and three in the sixth on an error Alley's bingle, a walk, a sacri fice and D'Arcys' blooper double to center. Alley was the batting star of the tilt, collecting a double and two singles in four trips, with Hank Singer registering two singles in three appearances. In Itegnl Showed His Metal to Cop Medalist Medal Walt Cllne, Jr., shown grnsplnz the medalist hardware he won last Sunday in the seventh annual WiUam- ette Valley Golf association tournament played over the Laurelwood and Eugene Country dab courses " aiXune. OIm. lommtf UAirersitT mt Oregon aca- aad current uaembew of tine Salens Golf ebrnb, carded m one-over-par.l4A to.toy aXiM ot-XtSS golfers. .Cut courtesy Eugene i Register-Guard. Keep lp With the Silverton semi pro baseball tourney with The Statesman; dally coverage. the Waits-'Makers tilt Bucknum, the Meatmen's first sacker, took the honors. He poled a double and single in two trips, trailed by Lowell Gribble with a Lomer and single in four. Kennedy's (1) BR H AO Bennett, s . ... 3 0 1 91 Siegmund, r .... 3 0 1 0 2 Salstrom, 3 .... 4 0 0 C 3 Freeman, m .... 3 0 0 01 Cave. 1 4 1 2 0 17 Olseth, 2 4 0 0 . 4 3 Satter, 1 4 0 0 0 0 Comstock, c .... 3 0 0 1 0 Smlther, p 2 0 0 1 0 Totals 30 1 4 21 27 Square Deal (5) B R H A O D'Arcy. r, 1 5 0 1 0 2 L. Singer, c ... . 30106 W. Gentzkow, 2 . 3 0 0 2 3 R. Gentzkow, s. . 4 0 0 2 1 B. Gentzkow, 5 . . 4 1 0 1 0 Causey, I, m .... 3 0 1 0 0 Weisner, m .... 3 0 0 0 0 Alley, 1 4 2 3 0 13 H. Singer, p .... 3 2 2 4 2 McRae, r 1 0 0 0 0 Totals 33 5 8 9 27 Errors, Olseth, Salstrom, Ben nett. Four hits 1 run off Singer in 9, 8 and 5 off Smither in 9. Runs responsible for,' Singer 1. Struck out, by Singer 5. Bases on balls, off Smither 5, Singer ". Stolen base, Bennett 2, L. Singer, Alley, H. Singer, Siegmund. Home run. Cave. Two base hit, Alley, D'Arcy. Sacrifice, Siegmund, W. Gentzkow, Causey. Runs batted in. W. Gentzkow, Weisner, D'Arcy 2. Care. Left on base, Kennedy's 6, Dealers 9. Wild pitch, Smither 3. Passed ball, Comstock 5. Time of game 1 hour 15 minutes. Umpires, Girod and Weisgerber. Papermakers (0) B R H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 1 1 Dunn, s 3 0 French, 2 3 0 I, Lenaburg, 1 . . 3 0 Serdotz, 3 3 0 Kelley, 1 3 0 Clagett, m ..... 2 0 Schnuelle, c .... 1 0 Mickenham, p . . 2 0 K. Lenaburg, r . 2 0 Totals 22 0. 0 8 21 Wait's (8) .B R H AO Garbarino, 2 ... 4 1 1 2 2 Drynan, r 4 2 1 0 1 Nicholson, m ... 3 0 0 0 2 Scales. 3 2 1 1 2 1 Gribble, g .......4 1 2 2 1 Salstrom, 1 ...... 4 0 1 0 0 McCaffery, c . . . . 4 1 1 0 5 Bucknum, 1....3 12 0 0 Roth, p ... 3 11 1 0 Totals .. 31 8 10 8 21 Errors, French 2, Dunn, Scales. Ten hits 8 runs of -Miekenham in 7. 0 and 0 off Roth in 7. Runs re sponsible for, Mickenham S. Struck out, by Roth 4. Bases on balls, off Mickenham 2. Roth 1. Stolen base. Scales. Home run, Gribble. Two base hit, Bucknum. Sacrifice, Nicholson. Runs batted in; Gribble 2, Roth 2. Left on base, Papermakers 2, Wait's 4. Time of game 1 hour. Umpires Weisger ber and Girod. Mt. Angel KC Wins Softball Playoff - MT. ANGEL The Mt. Angel Knights of Columbus grabbed thi championship of the first half o the Mt. Angel league Softball play off here Tuesday night by defeat- 1, I sni'iii'mw t" : f" ' ' ' 5 ' - u ' ' ' -- ' ' , . ' , ki . ' vf y "- 7 y ''' - "" J? .::::.: . .v.-: .?.--. -r.- : :-: v.; ::' ::-:: 0 :v. : :-. . : : :-' :o.-ox ::-: x: vo: :-: . :-:-:i-: ":-: :: ; - v - y y . t - ,i I iw ' , ' ' i w : f , , " r ; I , '-' - - ' ? " ' i i , ' t ' - ' " " -, f - " : h" p s RON GEblMELL Editor Salem, Oregon, Thursday beads PITA Meet Colonel O. X. Ford, president of cra association, which next week holds its ninth annual grand Pa cific tournament over the Salem Trapshooters club's traps. Colonel Ferd is expected to arrive here rangements. 200,000 "Birds" Ready for Guns More Teams Sign up for Pacific Trapshooting I Meet Here Soon Birds hit Salem yesterday 120J000 of them. They were clay birds, 448 cartons, to be tossed skyward during the four-day Pacific In ternational Trapshooters' associa tion tournament that begins over the t Salem traps a week from today. With 80.000 birds already on hand, the additional 120,000 are expected by Salem Club Secre tary! Clarence Townsend to be just about enough." A total of 128.400 were used three years ago in the big state shoot held here. Townsend yesterday announced a warm-up merchandise shoot for-1 this Sunday, during which the I new traps that have been installed for the PITA meet will be tried out. Eight traps will be in service. I TWo Local Teams Sign Two Salem squads- have al ready posted entry to the big meet, and at least one more is expected to enter. The personnel of lone includes L. White, R. Wetty, W. D. Carter and W. H. Wolf, and the other Is made up of Gordon Hull, C. G. Hiltibrand, Clarence Townsend, C. G. Rob ing the runner-up, woodburn, to 8. The Foresters came out second by winning 10 to 2 from Needy ana; soaaiity trouncea Monitor xw to t. 1- DBTTS - mm uuuuw Morning, July 13, 1939 Here Next Week the Pacific International Trapshoot- Saturday to assist with final ar : o ertson. and Roy Oppii. Secretary Townsend also announced the receipt ot one full squad from Clatskanie. It is expected that Colonel O. N. Ford, president of the PITA, will arrive here Saturday to assist in completing arrange ments for the meet that will draw ton tournament shooters from all over the west. National League's Oldsters Win 84 Ex-American Loop Greats Defeated to Avenge All Stars' Loss BOSTON, July l-UPi-A band of National league ancients re moved some of the sting of their circuit's latest all-star setback today by 4 giving 30 former American league greats an 8-4 lacing in their oldtimers' game I at Fenway nark. ine veterans of the older cir cuit whaled such famous pitch era as Smoky Joe Wood, Walter Johnson, Cy Young, Chief Ben der and Herb Pennock for t total of 12 hits while their curlers were holding such slug gers as Tils Speaker, Harry Hooper and Duffy Lewis, the famous Red Sox outfield, la check along with the members of Connie Mack's 1100.000 in field. Stuffy Mclnnls, Eddie Col lins, Jack Barry :.nd Frank (Home-Run) Baker. "Kids" Pep Up Winners Much ot the National leaguers success could be traced to 'the tact that their canny leader, Fred- Mitchell, recent Harvard coach, inserted such "kids" as Horace Ford, Long George Kelly and Al Spohrer in vital spots in his batting order and they proved that they hare not been inac tive long enough to dim their batting eyes. Those -youngsters" were con sistent at the plate, but the bat ting feature of the game was ine Dooming homer that Joe Wood slammed over the left field wall in the eighth after he lined up one of Dr. George Gaw's offerings. The American leaguers used a pitcher an inning, but their sue cessful rivals limited themselves to four, including the immortal Grover Cleveland Alexander, who was nicked for three hits during nis two innings' turn. Apostoli Cannot Fight at Seattle NEW YORK, July 12-tfV-Lar- ry White, manager of Fred Apos toli, who la recognised in this state as world middleweight cham pion, today turned down any con sideration of a fight in Seattle be fore Apostoll's title battle with Ceferino Garcia here on Septem ber 12. White said Promoter Nate Drux- man wanted Apostoli to appear, in Seattle in an over-ths-welght match against an opponent to be selected later. Druxman, white added; also wanted to "talk over" a title boat in Seattle between Apostoli and, Al Hostak, who is recognised as the Is 0-pound king everywhere but in Hew York and California. Apostoli, however, Is tied up for the rest ot the summer and early fall, White informed Druxman. Olingers, Leslies, it on Diamond Ones .mora Olinger and Leslie Junior softball clubs broke even in a pair of games, as on the Olinger diamond yesterday Lea lie won the opener, 4 to 1, aad Olinger 1 copped the number two tussle.;! to 4. - - Leslie - .. .4 C 2 Olinger ........... i 1 2 ' Cross and Brown; Stettler aad Blanton. - ; ' .-..-.- .... ,. Leslie .4 .14 Olinger a T 2 Cross,' K. Deaeott and -Brown; Blanton and May. ..w Spl A A Homer Is the Statesman sports page; home sports news first la all ways. PAGE SEVEN Oaks Shellack Woodstock 8-0 Miller Limits Portland Team to two Singles in Silverton Tilt GAMES' TONIGHT St. Paul vs. Verboort, 7: 30. Silverton Red Sox vs. Portland Babes, 8:45. SILVERTON G. Miller, hurl ing for the Milwaukle Oaks, lim ited Woodstock to two singles as his team scored an 8 to 0 victory in the first game of Wednesday night's semi-pro tournament dou ble header. Milwaukle sewed the game up with a five-run splurge in the sixth inning, featured by a home run by C. Scboenheinz, a triple by Mize and a double by J.. Scho enheinz. Three errors had con tributed to Milwaukie's earlier scoring in the fourth. Woodstock ...0 2 Milwaukle 8 10 1 Williams, Beeson and Beeson Williams; Miller and Mize. Gty Playgrounds Teach Bow Usage Archery is taking a major role at the city playgrounds, with one- hour daily classes scheduled at both Olinger and Leslie for the re mainder ot the season. The class at Leslie, from 4 to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, is under direction of Maynard Clark, while the Olinger class, 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays through Fridays,' is in charge of Clayton Whitney. Both are WPA instructors. Playground Director Vera Gil- more yesterday said all archery enthusiasts are invited to attend the classes. If the attendance mer its, a city tournament will be de vised later In the season, he said NOW GOING STRONG fioslVfeAs tv yv ' Cri'"'1 : f f IKslt I F L ft- S D-fl E 0 M S Uofciq eluded UxTaUVaXccI Day In and day out they're Arrrica's stand ard of fin sho valu. Now at Sal prices, , with tht famous Florshtim quality Un- changed, they're the bst bargains in town! Also Several Styles to Close Out $6. See Our Great Showing of These Famous Shoes Now! Hillsboro and Woodburn Vie Two-Way ; Battle to Top Legion Innior Tourney -Set for Friday DISTRICT STANDINGS W. L. Pet, Hillsboro .4 0 Woodburn 3 1 Salem 1 3 Dallas L- 0 4 1.004 .750 .250 .000 Championship of the American Legion Junior baseball district comprising Hillsboro. Woodburn Salem and Dallas has now re solved itself Into a two-way bat tie between undefeated Hillsboro and once-beaten Woodburn. The Salem team, which meets Dallas at 4:30 p. m. on dinger today, can get nothing better than a pos sible tie for second place. The remaining schedule lists Dallas at Salem today, Woodburn at Hillsboro Friday, Salem at Woodburn Sunday and Dallas at Hillsboro Sunday. Coach Ethan Grant will proba bly send' Southpaw Don Barnick. who has one district win to bis credit, to the mound today. Oilers Hold Lead At Independence W L Pet. Standard Oil 4 0 1.000 Laundry 3 1 .750 Addison 2 1 .667 City Market 2 2 .500 Lumber Yard ......3 3 .500 Dairy 1 2 .333 Becken's 1 3 .250 Craven's 0 4 .000 INDEPENDENCE Indepen dence Laundry won from Cra ven's softball team on the Hop Bowl diamond Tuesday night to stay in second place. The Lumber Yard defeated Becken's Market by a score of 14 to 9. Thursday night's games will be Dairy vs. City Market and Addison vs. Standard Oil. Next Tuesday, July 18, the Standard Oil will play the Dairy and the Lumber Yard plays Craven's. Thursday, July 20, the Laundry will meet . Becken's and Addlsons play the City Market. YOUn FLORSHEIM STORE DP J y Asct Softball Leagues INDUSTKLIL LEAGUE Postoffice 5 S 1 UCC 8 10 0 Loppin and Thompson; Harvey and Hen. PM Machine 9 10 t PM Office 11 11 6 French and Carter; R. Matty and W. Matty. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Parker's 2 6 S Hazel Dell 6 5 K. Lenaburg and Litwiller; Moravitx and D. Gallagher. SYC & " 1 West Salem 6 ' 3 - Humphries. Allport, Gottfried and Renner; Orrey and Craig. Runyan Hard Put To Stave Defeat NEW YORK. July 12.-;P)-Paul Runyan, figbtiug tooth anc nail te avert defeat on his 31s birthday, battled his way int. the quarter-final round 1- de fense of his national PGA gol: championship today, but had tc share the day's Lonors at tht Pomonok Country club with tht man he will meet tomorrow ano two fast-moving "d: k hordes." Shooting consistent rathei than spectacular golf on a da; when birdies were as common as Japanese beetles, "Little Poi scn" beat back Ben Hogan, 26 year-old former Texan whe works at a neighboring club in White Plains. K. Y., 2 and 1. Hr thus moved iuto the bracket op posite Dick Mets of Lake Forest. 111., for the handsome westerner, runner-up to Ralph Guldahl ir the U. S. open last year, trampled cigar-smoking Billy Burke, who won the open in 1931, 6 to 4. Fighting Fox Wins Greatest Triumph BOSTON July 12. -(-William Woodward's four-year-ld Fight ing Fox gained the greatest tri umph of his career today when he led 11 high class rivals every inch of the way in the 350.000 added Massachusetts handicap at Suffolk Downs and finished that mile and an eighth test a quarter-length in. front of J. H. Lochenheim's Pom poon. HOE S STYLES mm :v M A somi III