The OREGON STATESMAN,' Salem, Oregon, Thnnj Morning, July 13, 1939 PAGE FIVE Local News Brief s Station : Permit Gite a The permit tor the J 16,2 9 8 East Sa lem fire station was . written yes terday, in the name of the City of Salem, by the tlty building inspector. Other permits were tor Crville Bowers, to alter a wood shed and garage at &5 South tfth, $30; P. R. Robertson, to repair and alter a duplex at 129 1 North, Fourth, $400; Lucille Baker Laws, to alter an apart ment house at 590 Union, $50; George J. Wilbur, to erect a pri vate garage at 1770 Broadway. $40r Willamette Cherry Growers association, to alter a warehouse at 1500 Hall, $100. Pa bco Roof a Elf strom Co. Ph92Zl SO-SO Club Installs William DePeW was installed as new pre sident of the Salem 20-30 club last night at a meeting at the ..Quelle at which Dr. Daniel H. Schulze, dean of men at Willam ette university, presided. Other officers InsUlled were Vice Pre sident Ernest Kunney, Second Vice Treasurer George Herberger and Sergeant-at-Arms Carlton Roth. The board ot directors Includes .William Bush, Marvin . Beyers, Milton Meyers and Pat Emmona. Roofing by Mathls. 178 S. Com'l. . v.-.- ia- Ot Licenses Harris L. Hoevet .V":,rttr--';r,:: Salem route 7. and V. Evangeline -7k- ,k -r- Johns, Salem route 3. and Fell mmrib nibto to walk. hfi M. E. R.und and Grace M. Sledge, t..ntw rmmt school Sn ..erin- " l cio, nave oeen lssueu tendent Agnes C. Booth, said marriage licenses from the Van- yesterday. Herbert was riding couver, wasn.. Dureau one horse and leading the other, s&em. exclusive floor covering an animai very tuna ui mm, when the latter kicked at the hcrse on which he was mounted. The kick landed on his leg. No bones were broken. Coming Eventt July 16 Montana picnic on .Webster ranch, 2 miles south of Fringle. July 16 .Masonic picnic. Riv- J erdaie park. July 10 Evergreen school picnic reunion in Silvertost park. : July 20-23 Pacific Interna tional Trapshooters association tournament. ' j : July 23 Picnic of former residents of WaHabnrfj. Wn Olinger park. No-host dinner, 1 :30 p. m. July 23 S wrgle commanlty picnic, club dinner it 1 p. m- Paradie InImdcL July 30 Caledonian dob Scotch picnic, ftallaa city park. August ft Annual state Ten nexNre plraic at Dallas rity park Aug. 6 Ohio state picnic will be held at ' 'linger picnic grounds. . Aug. tt-1 2 American Legion, department of Oregon conven tion. Aag. 18-20 Flas Festival at Kit. Angel. Aug. 21-28 SUt soft baH vsBjsrsmamanaer n Aug. 24-27 Hop Fiesta at Independence. Five acres just outside city limits on pavement.east, modern 4 rm. can be had for $3250. Ideal for vlted subdivision, a real bargain. Phone 7906 or call at 328 Oregon Bldg. store. Elfstrom-Humphrey Co. 1 Townsend Club Swegle Town send club No. 15 meeting at the schoolhouse auditorium t night at 8 o'clock. Fiancis Manley will report on national conven tion meeting. The public is in i.vrt-t? Grows Freak Carrot Latest contribution to vegetable freaks was brought into The Statesman office yesterday morning by W. D. Underwood. This freak, one car rot with three separate tops and Salem Patrons Arc Given mree roots, was giuwu uj " Coast Air Mail Service Speeded derwood in his back yard garden at his home at 1725 South High street. Wallpaper specials. Eifstrom Co. Old Vehicles Found One an cient carriage of-the type desired j Three Fast Schedules to California Under new summer air trans port services linking all major Pa cific coast cities, air mail patrons of Salem are given the choice of Durham Given Short Parole Assault ' Charce Settled: Other Cases Continue . -in Circuit Court Four criminal cases were placed before Circuit Judge L. H. McMa han yesterday and one fpf . them permanently disposed of.) Warren Durham, under Indict ment for beating his daughter, Mae Durham', more severely than the law allows, pleaded guilty to assault and battery and was pa roled to Harry Thacker from a 90- day jail sentence. I The case of Thomas McKInney, an appeal from a Salem justice court " conviction for drunken driving, was continued to Septem ber I. . Floyd Anderson was granted a continuance on a non-support charge with the provision he pay $7,50 a month beginning August Oreg01l clty branch of Hogg Howard maintenance of a minor . . . ... cjiH - Brother! furniture and hardware ' Continuance also was granted stores were recent guests ot Mr. Walter Carr, on the same charge and Mrs. Otto T. Hogg. Mr. and on condition he pay JH a month Mr, Carl w Hogg and Mr. and beginning July 17 for support of " . a parent. Mrs. Oscar B. Hogg at their Circuit Court lodge on Paulina lake for a Frank W. Mogan vs. W. Webb three-day vacation. A program Ramage; default judgment tor J wa- arranged including enter- s77.63 on note and $16.50 tainment. contests ; ad fishing. Atmorone vs. Martin Bros.. 0ne 01 th highlight! of the Inc.; defense motion overruled. picnic ; was the barbecue banquet I Robert F. Budrow vs. George the final day at which Carl Hogg r Vl,,i a ' Pf, was toastmaster. Special guests for $211.55 and $60, representing claims for labor and services. Present wer Henry Townsend. W. J. D'Arcy, administrator of district forest ranger of the Teresa D'Arcy estate, vs. Earl Deschutes national forest; Doug- aneil and waiter Pearson; su- laa BBrell of tne 8tate ame de nfAm rnn rr mannra rncorcin I in.r cnurt miinr an nrnvMin partment; Mr. and Mrs. Ray . o . r c i o,l. state does not have to refund in heritance tax. Margaret Steinberger vs. John H. Steinberger; order for pay ments being made by defendant to clerk to be paid by treasurer directly to plaintiff. Probate Court Roswell C. Davis estate; net in heritance tax fixed at $537.60 on j were. 3&Z.Z77.7Z estate wnicn is to De distributed as follows: $336.17 to First Presbyterian church of Salem; $150 to Presbyteiian Scene ot Hogg Employes? Outing ta.- Camp Kwitcbci wotilea, am Paulina lake, beautiful resort of Hogg Brothers who operate furniture and hardware stores In Salem and Oregon City. The camp was the scene of a three-day on ting for employes of both stores daring the Fourth of Jnly holidays. O Outing Is Enjoyed By Hogg Employes Salem, Oregon City Store Staffs at Paulina Lake, Holidays All employes of the Salem and by a Portland firm for a parade i ,K,M vi. r.itrnn,i. aepicuug pioneer iiuicb, uas irecu reported to the Salem chamber ot commerce through which the in quiry was made, by Ed Jory. Clif ford Harold said he knew of an other such vehicle and was check ing on Its condition. Rummage - Cooked Food sale Daughters Union Vets., FrL-Sat., 331 State. according to a bulletin released yesterday by Postmaster H. R. Crawford. Air mail reaching the local post office not later than 6:30 p.m.. will be flown from Portland to California overnight, reaching ci ties as far south as San Diego in time for morning delivery. Air mail deposited at the postof fice by 5 a.m., will arrive in San Fran- Hewitts to Meet Descendants cisco at 1:49 p.m., and San Diego ot Henry and. Eiiabetn Hewitt i at 6:10 p.m. On a third schedule, will meet this year in the city I air mail delivered to the post- park at Dallas mis baiuruay office not later than l:l p.m.. This park Is about Blx miles wm reach San Francisco at 8:43 north of the donation land claim p.m., and Los Angeles at 10:55 taken up. by the Hewitts in 1843 after they , bad made a six-month ox team Journey from; Piatt county, Mo. r . Paint Sale, Mathls, 178 S. Com'l. Exams Tonight Examin. tlons will be given more than io "older I respondence. boys who will move into the Silver Falls Y MCA recreational camp . Sunday, as tLe ; younger ktoud mevea out. at the Y to night. Salem physicians will su pervise the : physical examina tiona. . - . ; p.m. - The postmaster pointed out that, in the case ot the two day light trips down the coast, special delivery can be used in conjunc tion with air mall postage to in sure "same day" receipt ot cor- Governor Praises Golden Gate Fair G'offriers R e t u r n Dr. and The world's fair, at San Fran Mrs. A. F. Oof frier and son Rob-fcisco is deserving of the support oi every citizen oi uregon. .uor- ernor Sprague declared uf i his has been taking a post graduate I return from there. Wednesuay. ert returned h o to. e v yesterday from Seattle where Dr. Oof frier course at the university. En route here they Stopped at Rai nier' national park and Yakima, liulz Florist 1276 N. Lib. 9592 McLaughlan FUes Name A. B. McLaughlan yesterday regis tered the assumed business name of the Salem .Pumping & Engi neering company at County Clerk U. G. Boyer's office. "The Oregon exhibit is out standing," Governor Sprague de clared, "and Is being viewed by thousands of persons from all arts of the United States." Ha said the wild life section 'f the exhibit particularly was of inter est to easterners. . ; Governor Sprague praised the world's fair management for the manner in which ' they received Oregonians on "Oregon day." The governor returned here by way of Klamath Falls and stayed Stinson of the Maytag 'orth west company; Mike Mayfield, Lapine, and Mrs. Anna Marie Gauter of Chicago, 111. Included in the many contests was the Maytag washing contest for men and women. Stinson awarded the prizes lit this event Winners Listed Winners of the various events Non-Resident Car Registration High Ashland Station Bursest Entry Point; Earlier Totals Exceeded The City ot Ashland topped the state in non-resident motor ve hicle registrations for the month of June with 3618 out-of-state cars, Secretary of State Earl Snell reported Wednesday. Ashland has registered ' 12.420 i non-resident cars so far this year. Other important registration stations reporting included Care City 3096, Brookings 2081. Grants Pass 1323, Medford 1040. Umatil la 1021, Klamath Falls 943, Bend 877, Arlington 756 and Gold Beach 673. Portland reported 646 registra tions for June. Registrations for- the entire state in June totaled 21,918, au increase of 693 over the total of 21,325 reported In June last year. This year's total is 53,014. California cars registering in Oregon this year totaled 10,205. There were 4257 from Washing ton, 755 from Idaho, 599 from Canada and 468 from Illinois cngiana sent tnree cars witn a similar number from Mexico and the West Indies. One car regis tered from the Dutch West Indies. aLeara-to45wim? Drive Draws 636 Leslie Pool Schedule Is Changed Due to big Class Attendance "Learn-to-S wim" campaign classes yesterday totaled 636, ap proaching the 750 all-time nigh, set in the first year of their exist ence, 1934, and necessitated a shift in their aechedale at the Les lie pooL While the Olinger pool schedule will remain unchanged today, the Leslie schedule beginning today will be: Boys' elementary, 9 to 9:30 a.m.; boys' advanced begin ners, 9:30 to 10 a.m.; girls' ele mentary, 10 to 10:30 a.m. ; girls advanced beginners, 10:30 to 11 a.m.; adult swimmers and begin ners. 11 to 11:30 a.m.; boys' and girls' swimmers, 11:30 to 12 a.m. A change at Olinger will prob ably be necessary beginning Fri day, Playground Director Vern Gilmore said, and warned swim mers to watch for an announcement. Girls' beginners classes topped attendance marks at both pools yesterday, the Olinger pool regis tering 138 and Leslie 125. Olinger totaled 392, nearly one hundred more than the first day, while Les lie's total of 244 was about on a par. Maytag contest Women's di vision. Mrs. A. Voelsch, firs' Mrs. B. Cooley, second; men's riivininn R rnnlar fi rat R l VW Jackson, second. . , t, , I Horseshoe pitching Women's .u. w uu "c'.cu division. Vera Salquist, first; Al iayis uoraon, aaugniers; uie m- hfn- p-tUt,.,. BO-oni. Hi. tin T ft 1 EE 0 l I 1 " " W,,V r A. 1 "sipn, Verdi Sederstrom, first; r- " .7 o ' '" I Art voelsch, second uiueuien upuii w uiu. Women', rowinr Mr R u. u. ui u n nwie, uiaciUR rnnlo, flraf . .i - a . I - t 11 EE .. " "J.wu -o.o.ou, a w a -M . a t 1 " a. w. AULtisuu comic, ycuuuu Prow Salon. Kn f l..t l of Mattie Anderson, executrix, for ,.. wi.u. authority to sell Portland General en., dlTl8lon. Double rowers, Ore Electric company stock appraised gQn CIty pa,r (Charle8 Peckover " 7 v., and Rose Fandrich). August 15 on final account of Lena Manning, executrix; S1185.- 62 received and paid out. William H. Balch estate; clos ing order, Almoo G. Balch, administrator. Joseph H. Albert estate: Ladd Salem Art Center Funds Held Safe Swimming B o b Sederstrom. first; Ted True, second. Prize waits Mr. and Mrs. By ron Jackson, first. Many Attend Present were Cy Nadon, man ager stove department. Salem: Oscar Sederstrom,' manager col- Bh Tu'4 company, executor, Ucilon department, Salem; Bruce authorised to sell personal prop erty. , . Marriage Licenses Fay M. Farley, 20, laborer, and Mildred Irene Willhite, 18, house keeper, both of Silverton. Cyril R. Zuber, 25, laborer, and Cooiey, manager appliance de partment, Salem: Free Carsten- son, manager serviee depart ment, Salem; June Dunn, office manager, Salem: Ray Stinson. district sales manager, Maytar nonawest company; o. E. Bach Returns to Job Mrs.' Rose Brinkley, secretary In the Salem chamber ot commerce office, has I at Bend Tuesday night. returned to work following her annual vacation. . Births ' Watanabe To Mr. and Mrs. Shlgenobu Watanabe, 1555 B j street, a son, James Kenji, bora Julv 4 at the Deaconess hospital. Martin To Mr. and Mrs. Luther J. Martin. 1731 Broadway, a Harrison Speaker For Rotary Meet Notable careers inspired by examples of faith and tolerance were cited by Dr. J. C. Harrison, ttaw Mitn, nf tim Wlrat Mpth- daughter, Sharon Adair, born July cnurch. In an address t 5 at tne saiem uenerai aosyiiai- i the Salem Rotary club luncheon Dietrich -To Mr. and Mrs. I Wednesday. Frans E. Dietrich, Midland, r a i --America's greatest need la daughter, Georgia Marlene, born I faith and confidence in the ln Jaly 4 at the Deaconess hospital. I dividual and In society," with the EnmoM To Mr. and Mrs. Uiar- i elimination of fear and intoler ance 8. Emmons, Salem, a son. i ance," Dr. Harrison said. Ha wm Patrick James, horn July 4 at the l formerly president et the Rotary Salem General hospital. Idub at Bellingham, Wash. . Groves To Mr. and Mrs. Maur-1 Mary Elisabeth Kella, Caugh- fce K. Groves, Rt. 2 Salem, alter of Mr. and Mrs. q. A. Kelts, daughter, Maureen Ann, born July I sang several numbers with Ruth S at the Salem General Hospital. ueaiora accompanist. Cleveland Colored Singers Coming Marion A. Follis, 18, domestic, holz. sales manager. Oregon 1 il . ootn oi auDiimuy. Justice Court - Charles L. Jlowrd. originally charged with burglary not in dwelling; preliminary nearing bound over to grand jury on crime of receiving, concealing and hav ing In possession stolen property: bail reduced to $1500, but not furnished Arthur Rossiter, entered plea of guilty on charge of burglary not in dwelling; bound over to grand jury; committed to jail on failure to furnish 82500 bail. Marion w. Donaldson, over length load; case j continued for sentence until July 15 Harvey W. Wilson, overlength City; L. A. Taves, manager hard ware department, Oregon City; Carl Newton, manager crasher department, Oregon City; J. B roster, manager collection de partment. Oregon City; Vrthur frnehn, manager shipping de partment, Oregon City; Mrs. Ar-, thur Kuehn, office manager Oregon City, and Mrs. Cy Nadon, Mrs. Oscar Sederstrom. - Mr. and Mrs. Nick Klein, Mr. and Mrs Arthur Voelsch, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Randall, Mrs. Bruce Cooley, Mrs. Isham, Lea Sebern, Leona Digby, Darlene Robertson, Verdi Sederstrom, Uob "eder- strom, Mrs. Ray stinson, Ruth stinson. Mr. and Mrs. E. E load; case continued for sentence I Dunn. Vera Salquist, Anna Marie until July 15. Ray Faschlng; nst check charged dismissed on motion of district attorney. Municipal Court W. O. Smith, drunk; fined 810. committed to serve. Asa Fitzgerald, drunk: a 10- day jail sentence suspended to leave town. Patrick J. O'Neil. drunk; a 10- day Jail sentence suspended to leave town. Ganter. Pauline Opp, George K-napke. Mrs. O. E. Buchholz, Mr. ; and Mrs. Frank Aldrich Mrs. L. A. Taves and son Billie Mr. and Mrs. George Taves, Rose Fandrich. Lawrence M a r r g I Charles Peckover. Clifford Cha- pln, Albina Pavlinac. William Loser, Mrs. Carl Newton, Mr and i Mrs. Earl Zak. Mrs. 1. B Foster, Joan and Tommy Foster, Curtis Halbert. Marlyn Aldrich Junior Buchhols, Jlmmie Buch holz. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hogg. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hogg, Jackie Hogg and Ivan Loetfelbein. Passage of the WPA appropri ation bill - by the senate and House will have little or no ef feet on the Salem Art Center, Val Clear, director of the Center told a Statesman reporter yesterday 'A letter from Congressman James. W. Mott regarding the et feet of the bill on removing fed eral sponsorship on such Art Pro- eets, to Otto K. Paulus, stated that there would be no difficulty in arranging for an appropria tion. Mott quoted Thomas A. Parker, national director of the Federal Art Project as assuring him that neither the character nor the score of the Art Center, nor the amount of federal money to be contributed to the local Center will be materially affected The bill provides that 25 per cent ot money used must be by local subscription, and Salem's Polk Fairgrounds Project to Start Grandstand and Buildings to Be Erected There in Major Program A ft'PA project of major im portance will be started today at the Polk county fairgrounds at Monmouth, where a grand stand, exhibit building and Email stock t building are to be built and improvements to the ath letic field are to be made. About 30 men will be trans ferred from other work to the fairgrounds project. WPA is put ting up $10,042 for the work, while Monmouth, the sponsor, has pledged $3,161. The grandstand will be 160 feet by 40 feet and will hare a seating capacity of approxi mately; 2000. Exhibit rooms will be constructed under the grand stand. The new main exhibit build ing will be 60 feet by 163 feet, whll the stock building is to be 64 feet by 30 feet. Lyle P. Bar tholomew, Salem architect, has charge ot the plans. The work will not be com pleted in time for the county fair, as about three months will be required to complete it, WPA officials in Salem said yester day. , 1 n is jnly Clearance at SALLY'S Pies ses V VaL to 125 2.87 5.77 7.77 All Must Go Below Cost $5 $7 $9 . Dressmaker and ; Mannish... While they last 5.77 7.77 9.77 Millinery Val. to 3.95 Cotton Wash Fioclcs Hundreds to- choose from ... Now Others 2 for 1.00 ALL SPORT TOGS REDUCED Special Group of SKIRTS and SWEATERS 1.59 Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With Mar Comfort quota has been above that figure. (tor. FAST KITH, s plMtant alkaiuM ( fccit) ow4r, fcoMs falaa tMtk arar firmly.- To rat. talk sd Uach with crest' r security sat U ttroia tht worry sna diteoaifort at lippisf, rockiag, wsbbliag UIm teeth spriakl rumr pUM with FAS- TEETH. No rammjr, gooey, pasty taato or feeling. Doe aot eonr. - Checks ' plate Uet FASTEETH at say arag Gloves 100BV)D- Pmiffses Honse Coats waw Val to 1.95 v9t0 87c 1 Special JA- Group at JVC Others 1.87 SUPS I Slopes VaL to 1.49 VaL to 2.95 Others 87c, 17 SALLY'S The Store for Thriftj Ladies 357 Comt Big Neon Sign I snanaanmanannnanBnann Costly Gas Buggy 'nV T ' Vf "V a a ror i-enuiticials Salem Man Wins Opposed by SneU Court Remodeling T-EHSUE1 ?f .l.rR.l?:d " Contract for remodeUna the tiar. mLJi XZnZ,l Z 8Ut Prcme court bufldlng was SuXo?sSlStl awrded the board of control nSl -?t t Tterday to Erwln Batterman of control Wednesday. TW1 KM. rmy,,,nm "Why the sudden change in the to zetooo. -- - V : 1 if aaaaaannnaananananaaaaaaaasasl The lemons Cleveland colored quintet of gospel singers who wQ Jbe r featured over the weekend at the Cbarch of the Kaaarene, 15t a ad Center streets. Satnrday night at 7:80 they win pat s Tbe ' iw. mnA Ev Ontdoor Cams Meeting Instde ana will appear at the Sunday school howr, 0:S aw a. Sunday; ; In the afternoon at 2:45 fat a special sonic festival and at the 7:45 Soday -niirht aerricea. Uonday night at 7:0 the aervieea will be at Les v .fie JunJor high aafiltorlain, where a conceit wfll be pat oa wtm o admission chares demand ot prison officials from ! light to heavy cars?" Snell asked. The supreme court will take over the space formerly occupied "V" l .T,yJfu"7. by the sute library, bow housed In mim t t.r.. - tb library building. State Purchasing Agent Fry said he was advised that the pen itentiary" officials desired a car capable of carrying six or seven persons. - : SneU also voiced opposition to too many automatic electrical gadgets in the statehouse setup. MInatead of saving, man-power, some of these gadgets have proved the reverse," SneU said. ' - r " ' nOLELOUIS Long Terms v -.: ICasy Paymenta '- oavkiiis a ROBERTS, Inc.' GsmrrZlaa Edj. rhoae 4109 X4. T. Laa. M. Sw O. Caaa. M. Dw Herbal remedies' for; ailments of stomach, Uver, kidney, skin, blood,- glands, urinary Sys tem of men ft women.' 22 years in service. Naturopathic Physi cians. Ask your Neighbors about CHAN LAM. ------ DIL CIIAIJ LAT.I n CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 393 H Court St. Corner Liber ty. Office open Thuesday Sat urday only. 10 A.M. to 1 P.1L, C to 7 P.M. ConsulUtion, blood pressure ft urine tests are tree of charge. e n V 1 A7 LnJ o &li:iiij ma Cool comfort on warm summer days ... when you wear a pair of these styled-right white shoes. Why not come in today and try on a pair at these sensational savings you'll probably want a second pair besides! . JL 3SX 0 i Bacilli ni m- "i Ti m VJT. , i'- - t Ok , Want to save cn smartly styled white handbags? 'I 7 ( O (C: Here's your. opportunity !: Shop Sears for. these sen- . ': rr 7 'r iSSlWf'?-' - " I ' . - ,'.' 1 mi m 484 STATE ST. SALEle ORE. i- -4