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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1939)
PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN; Salens Oregon, Tuesday Morning, Ju 11, lttt llliss Rederick Is , Harried Monday At Home Rites Salem' folk are Interested to learn of the marriage of Miss Margaret. Louise Rederick, daugh ter of Dr. and Mri."T J, Rederick of Vancouver, Wish., to Pr, George McShatko, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McShatko, Jr.. of Port land, which was solemnised at the home of the bride's parents last Bight at So'.clock. Mrs, Rederick . Is a former Salem woman and she and her family hare often Tisited In the capital. - :; ; Following the , w edd I n g the couple left for Fort Meade, Sooth Dakota, where Dr. McShatko will be stationed as first lieutenant in the U. S. medical corps. ' Mrs. McShatko J attended- the University of Oregon where she was a member of Gamma Phi Beta sorority. She was a member of the state tuberculosis hospital staff in Salem seTeral years ago and has recently been connected with the office of the state medi- cal board in Portland. ' Dr. McShatko attended the Unl- . t. T,. ate of the University of Oregon medical -. school. He received his InterneshlD at St. Vincent's hos- - ,, . - - - - Jiirff11-. ... w vw.. M SSSlSSSJSSi Josephine Corn oyer and Mr. Thome Hammond. ' Former Willamette Man Married in Portland Of Interest to the university set is the marriage of Miss Mary Elizabeth Bright, daughter S' J.nLl'AGTl ttl Bright of Portland, to Dr. Robert 5frrey.?nJef fC?iVfS whfh 111 XlwSJS frhiS n7rht JW S i ot thf Trini J 6. in -the chapel of the Trinity MP'H0..!1.11 isnop aenjamm wgweu oiwc-t- The bride's sister. Miss Doro- thv Brieht snd Miss Eleanor Brixht. were bridesmaids. Mr. n.i.w " T.u tJ. John Ross, fraternity brother of the groom, was best naan. A re- ception at the bride's home fol- lowed the wedding. The couple left Tor a wedding irip io renaar tiroor near n- couver, B. C. Dr. and Mrs. Jeff- cott will make their home in Portland. Dr. Jeffcott attended Willamette university and is a member of Sigma Tan fraternity, it . j H..I tr He is a graduate of North Pa- ciflc Dental college. Delta Phi Mothers Are Feted at Black Home The Delta Phi' Mothers club mat nt Black on South Liberty street will return to the Se ton- home 'm'tn nm.un " c' 'f C?t; Monday afternoon." The group 'or an evening of bridge.1 nominating, Miss Helen Breit will meet regularly during the Members of the Salem Delta fhaupt; program, Miss Julia Web summer months and are mak- Zeta alumnae chapter are: Mrster; Publicity, Mrs. Maude Rain ing plans for the fall baxaar. Floyd Bowers, Mrs. B. L. Brad- pyer md Mrs. Charlotte Possehl; Assisting hostesses were Mrs leT Mrs- Edmond Carleton, Mrs. Pnblic relations, Dr. Gussie Niles; rinn ntitnim m A , rt n - Ward Davln. Mrs Rnrra . Vnii - research. Miss Juana Holmes: James. Bouquets of 111 lies were arranged about the guest rooms and refreshments were served late In the afternoon. Those present were Miss He- len Johnson, a special guest, Mrs. Marguerite DeVore, Mrs. lor, Mrs. Frank Lilburn, Mrs. ' E. M. McKee, Mrs. C. R. Lester. Mrs. James McCilcbrist, Mrs, Stuart Johnson, Mrs. Paul H. causer, Mrs. L. S. Covert, Mrs. A. M. Chapman. Mrs. Don iTn- John, Mrs. C. R. James and Mrs. - Gordon Black. Mrs. Neiger Honored at . Auxiliary Party .. Klngwood American L e g i o n auxiliary honored Mrs. Kasper neiger witn a snower at the home of Mrs Gene Diets Fridav after ui airs, uene Uieil rrmay after- llOflB All Intomtinr n,iiHim ... ni T. .k-k ? . v . a ""ao or' wneeier or and Mrs. c. D. Mayfield. Mrs. m.n bospital chair- Stockton, California, their great- Drynan will attend a council man, Mrs. Iva Mobley. grandchild. Jane arrived all meeting of Beta Sigma Phi to- Guests present were Mrs. G. A. alone on Sunday night after night to mike final plans for Barness, Mrs. Warren Baker,; Mrs. having spent some 15 hours on the convention td be held in r, afl,or ' A' W' Vcrnon. the train. She will remain Portland In August. Mrs. Dry Mrs. William Swarx, Mrs. Albert through the summer. nan is the state president. ouuweur, rs. unaries Adams, : Mrs. Kenneth Abbott, Mrs. Ella . England, ' Mrs. Emmett Dickson. Mrs. Margaret Nicodemus, Mrs. Ray Lacey, Mrs. James Fisher, Mrs. Floyd .White, Mrs. Ted ; Lengle, Mrs. Esther Oliver,? Mrss Karl Mobley, Mrs. Kasper Neiger, ; Mrs. Lillian Williams, Mrs. Gene - Diets, Miss ' Cecelia ' Swars . and Miss Dorothy Bouffleur. T e Woman' Foreign Mis- j sionary "society o the First Me- ; thodist church will meet for Its -y annual no-host dinner Wednes-r day night at six o'clock in th gardens of Mrs. E. E. Bergman on Chemeketa street. The af fair Is for members, families and friends. Miss Ruby Skalton. mis sionary? from China, will spak a: 7 o'clocq. Members are asked ' to meet at 5 o'clock for a busi- . Hess meeting. . Guests of Miss Elisabeth Lord this weekend were her cousins. " . Miss Janet Stockbrldge, Mr. Franklin and Mr. David Stork bridge .of Baltimore, Md. They were accompanied by Miss Mary v De Windt of Great Barrington. Mass., and Mr. Edward Hunt of Pittsburgh, Pa. . . ,j - , . Mrs. O. S. Gooding; ' of BlW lings, Mont., and her sister, Mrs. R- F. Owings of Temp o City, .Cal., are visiting their parents, -' Mr. and Mrs. R. V. - Myers and their brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Myers near Brnnk's Corner. , -. ' . ... : -Mrs. Thomas Rilea baa Invited a group of friends to" luncheon tand bridge thU afternoon at Lcr i home . on - South High street to ' say an revoir to Mrs. homas Everett May who , Is leaving this . w e e k e n d ' for San . Francisco fc where they will , reside at ' the Presidio. .., , .... : ,v :' f r tj : , s., . : ; - i Mr. rndvlrv W. :?B."' Whatea ' week at mile-high TimberUne lodge. ' The ladies of ' the-' Moosef lodge will have a social and business meeting tonight at 8 o'clock at fTStnaasi CLUB CALENDAR: Wednesday, July 12 Ladles of GAR. business) meeting 2 p.m. Armory ; Woman's Foreign - Mission ary society of First Methodist ; church no-host dinner, C p.m. in E. E. Bergman gardens. Thursday, July IS ? Woman's Missionary; society . of United Brethren, meet at church 2:30 p.m. .' NALC auxiliary with Mrs. Edna O'Neil, 1700 North 19, 2 p.m. Women's Benefit association WCTU 8 p.m. Maccabee Tent Hive 84D dance fraternal temple 8, p.m. Friends invited. ffncfCCPC IP "tyatcrddCdX cccr 1ivitf.r Z)t r LUl Dnfftt I tjr Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Reilly and cnildren ot Pasadena, Texas who ar u8ts 111 capital wr emi oays are oeing idea at numerous affairs. The Reillys are former - residents and Mrs Reilly was director of the Sa . iK tn lem Woman's club trio. Mrs. " 1nltw a n ho K 1 r.n I I 1 spena tne summer monins visit- with relative, . in and near Seattle. 0 -V-lTJSXSi X Mrfc Jonn Jelderkg emertained with an informal party at the former's home on South Church street Monday afternoon for the board members and standing pleasure of Mrs. Reilly. Te t was committee chairmen of the Busi served late in the afternoon and ness and Professional Women's summer flowers were arranged aooui me guesi rooms. In the evening the women lfera lOfned hv their bllR K nH and enioved a awin at the is- Pool followed oy an Informal evening and refreshments at the RLten nome' , Honoring Mrs Reilly were Ir8' F,l0yd Mlller.MIf- Ear Gregg, Mrs. James Hardie, Mrs. Vernon A. Douglas, Mrs. Carl Emmons, Mrs. Stephen Merg. ler. Mrs. Edward A. Brown Mrs. Horace J Thomas Mrs Virrll t.i' ?.mM- Y1 V I"""'""""' -,lia- .uyy, Mar'Bf Mrg Webster Ross Mrs Ruskin Blatcbford Mrs W D woodrow Mrs Keith rown Mrs Jac'k 'MInto Mrs Georee nhoten Mr r.nrra Bnrl,j . ' " .w-.Ai- and Mrs. John Jelderks. Delta Zeta Picnic IS c1 , - rp . . olated lor lomgnt An interesting affair for Tues day evening is the swimming DenI zetl a?iC.Pi'i fr ueita Zeta alumnae. The groun will meet t the iuv. Virgil Sexton, 1860 South High street. After a swim at the Les- " Pool, followed by a plcnli soDDcr in th nark tti vrn..n las, Mrs. BJarne Erickson, Mrs. c- F. Feike. Miss Oara Mielke Miss Maxine Paulsen, Miss 3race Rucker, Miss Anne Marie Tet- low Miss Ruth Ward, Mrs. W. H- Williams and Mrs. Virgil Sex- ton- Mr. and Mrs. John Bagley, Jr.. spent an interosting weekend with the Wayne X. Bagleys of Portland. They went to Timber- line lodge Saturday and staved u'"aj "uu "" siwar nivni wvswaa -va anil, j down the PnlnmMa nn tin Avante," new sloop belonging to the Wayne Bagleys. Mr. and Mrs. joun iiagiey wm nave as their guests this week Mrs. John xjagiejr, sr., or .romana w no will remain in the capital until the first of August. R ' Town have an their meat nlne-vou. . . , . 1 ev ; (. &?mm 1 S I - ; -rim i - . a- f . ;: iA v :. . : ...... . Never be apart about a man ItreakJac his promlse--Hell trladlv rive . - ,-'. you another. ' One man's promise seems Just like uiiicrcuce in ciomes; ner DiacK and White suit has a character all Mrs. Donald; Field and two ehll iU own. Beneath the bolero a wide girdle buttons trimly down the' dren. Patsy and Bruce of Calgary, front, concealing the ends of her black and white striped scarf. Her Alberta, Canada. Mrs. Lolo Alter pert bat matches her flaring skirt. Demare and cool looking is the! and Jacqueline' ot Salem; Hisses grey and white dress at right with extremelr full circular skirt Pauline and Aletha Stewart, Jean Ruffle! ccUat &fti tdrJL lb pasqne jackal. UcClellan. : , Miss Rickman to Be' Honored At Tea Miss Bernice Rickman of Chi cago, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rickman, is spending the week in Salem as the guest of her parents. She is studying Tolee In Chicago and has several radio engagements. Friday afternoon the women of the Jason Lee Memorial church will entertain informally at tea in compliment to . Miss Rickman at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Tin Johnson ' on Court street. All friends of Miss Rickman are in- vited to call between the hours of 3 and 5 o'clock. Miss Rickman is a graduate of Willamette uniTersity and a mem- Der of Alpha Phi Alpha sorority. A group of the Alpha Phi Alpha alumnae will assist in the serving. While on the campus Miss Rick man was popular in musical circles She has studied with Thomas MacBumey in Chicago. - . Cl Conunittees Will Be Named A special meeting of executive club has been called by the new president, miss josepnine Evans, for tonight at 7:30 o'clock at the ..liomHA,. r9 rm ma.nn A vtM mmm n'r , w-,i ous committees will be selected, and the work of the club will be outlined for the coming year. officers and committee chair- men for the Salem club are as foiiow.. - New f fleer. ' are: resident. . T . tm " n tb. T 7 7, OB "econd vice-president, Miss Caro- i,n. wilaon- recnrdin? npcretarv. " " ----- - C - - j Mi8S Lttella Kaighln; correspond- lng 8ecretarT' Miss Dorothy Cor- neliuB; treasurer, Mrs. Lydia Wooten: directors, Miss Jo Gray, Miss Merle Dimick and Mrs. Effie . . . . ,, . t A r e h a r t , and parliamentarian, Mrs. LaMoine Clark. Standing committee chairmen are: art, Mrs. Ida M. Andrews; bulletin. Miss Helen Fletcher; cheer and contact, Miss Ola Clark; education, Miss Phebe Mc Adams; emblem. Miss Lois Steinke; fi nance, Mrs. Ilda Bingenhelmer; ea1 d recreation, Mrs. Maud . craan, noBpiiainy, jars, wn- Ifr.r " ..-T erine C. Varley; International re- , Ds"' S2SS.Jfi"- DgEL,JJieTSS memMrslilp. Mrs. VoTothy Lln- transportation. Miss Leila Park nd reservations, Miss Ruth Mc- Adams, MarsrifipM fnniVlp Marsmieid couple Married Friday Anderson and Mr Earle iivtac- .t-!"0-n,a.n.M5;, ar g The marriage of Mrs. Helen ""let t tv ZZ 'J.- -iJm?" iSeL;?gf:." MlemnJ ""V... ' ,couV ,2 nn FHHav Mr t.t,oM j awmwa conPle- m .JJe,25L cketI d"".Sf """- hat, wore a corsage of gar- . ocslub uRle reside in Marshfield. . Mrs. Thomas D r y n a n and children. Bobbv and Tommv. left yesterday for Portland to spend tti& lfv ..,... "i tiwcuu, oil. an oilier but the lady knows the o o UAXLNE BUREN 0 TV '."f f K 2 S 1 1 HARRIED IN SOUTH Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Morris (Grace Helen Day) who were married at the Wilshlre Presbyter ian church in Los Angeles June 30. The couple will reside at Lake Oswego. Mrs. Morris Is the niece of Mrs. Lawrence Hofer and Dr. Morris is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Henry E. Morris of Salem. (Photo by Lansdowne, Hollywood). On the art center radio pro gram this afternoon at 2 o'clock over KSLM, Isaac Watkins, staff lecturer, will talk about the ex hibitions now on view in the gal leries. He will discuss the work of Clifford Gleason ot Salem, stu dent at tne art center' wnlca n" given rise to some controversy be- cause of its extremely modern and abstract character; the work of Magdalene Jackman, aged 14, whose life work is shown under the title "The Development of a Child Artist"; and water colors and oils by WUliam Sommer of Ohio and i Anseles Ohio and Arnold Englander The Spinsters were entertain ed at the home of Miss Virginia rrnaa la at nio-ht nnA fHs rivtnn .arprised mTss France. Johnstoi ..f. . . Tug a SnOWer. U188 JQUUSIOO will be married Sunday to Mr. William Dick. Dr. and Mrs. Estill Brunk have as their house guests Mrs. Brnnk's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Johnston ofKIamath Falls. Sunday the Brunks and their guests enjoyed the day at Ncs kowin. Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Hunting ton and children, Kay and Crys tal, returned Sunday from a stay In San . Francisco where they viewed the Golden Gate fair. . .Mrs. H. R. Crawford and her daughter. Miss Harriet Craw ford, are leaving today for a two weeks visit in Halifax, Wn., and Lewlston, Idaho. , Mrs. Margaret LeFnrgy and Mrs. Homer H. Smith, sr., are motoring to Portland today to be the luncheon guests of Mrs Oskie Rotan. ' Mrs. Clinton Standixh, . Mrs. Joseph F e 1 1 o n. Mrs. Delbert Schwabbauer, Miss Jessie Coo per and Miss Julia Query spent the weekend at Newport. Mr. " and Mrs. Robert J ndson (Hazel Johnson) and their ' young . son; Randolph of Port land were gnests in the capital ,rn Sunday. . . - - Mrs. ' ' Kenneth Mnrdock and her children are ; spending the month of- July at Powers at the home of her parents. .. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wood regret to learn that they .have moved to Portland to take up their residence. . Mrs.' Ira Jorgenson and Mr. Clo Johnson are domiciled at the' Surf Tides this week." . ' Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pratt have returned from a stay in Seattle. - r - WEST STATTON -Gnests for dinner Friday la honor of Truman McClellan's eighth birthday were Grant Hatfield of Salem, Mr. and RflnDsfle o o JFcmi' Editor- ? Major General and Mrs. Geo. A. White are spending several days at Fort Lewis, wash, P Site sastflfefl 0 GteQcE GS&M I JUST $5 DOWN PUTS IT IN YOUR HOMEI ; j EgOwl' if 1 Monthly Payments, Carrying Charge -1 ySalf j 1 Easily a $190 Value! Beautiful Dulux Exterior Finish! One-Piece Porcelain Interior I Two 2-way Adjustable Shelves I Super Powered, Silent Unit! Good news for thrifty housewives I Not only do you make big savings by buying now at tbis reduced price, but- youll be amazed at the savings in food N. . in time and energy! Youll be delighted . with the many Deluxe conveniences Plieat Froster dish keeps meat prime-fresh in any kind of weather ! Big, beautiful interior, (with matching. Blue and Ivory appointments) has loads of storage room . . . 14.03 sq. ft. shelf area I There are 3 sliding shelves t gallon beverage jug 1 Interior, light ! Big Speedy Freezer makes 74 ice cubes, 8 lbs. per freezing t Automatic releases on all trays I Super Powered unit uses no more' current than an ordinary 155 Jf. XJBERIT IFaDcDxfii "Strictly Fresh" Eggs Found In Market Summertime is an excellent season to learn more about eggs partly beeanse they are simple to-cook affairs, and partly be cause their storage might be a problem. "Strictly fresh," means no thing tothe bnyer of eggs, be eanse nobody knows what this ague descriptive phrase means. Theoretically It means that the eggs are fresh from me nen, but it might not mean a thing, for even if the grocer bought ,011 UUWIJ TCI UlUIUUIg there's - no assurance that the owner of the hen hasn't been "tJLJ...'' weeks before marketing his pro duce. It Is very possible that one can purchase much fresher eggs .irqm me maraei m a arg cuy than from the farmer himself, because freshnesa. of eggs is a matter of handling rather than time. If eggs are gathered soon after laying and stored undpr ; refrigeration Immediately, they may be kept for a long time and . be much better to eat than if , allowed to remain too long In the nest and marketed only the day after. Modern markets usual ; ly store eggs in the refrigera tor, at least not in a sunny win clow. The top of the refrigerator at home is no place to store eggs for warmth goes up, and this spot Is a particularly warm one. So watch your purchases, buy ing from a deoler you know handles his eggs carefully after . f . l T A ..It . . r. . . how long the farmer keeps them but you can know that the dea- ier stores them In a cold place, and yon can do much to keep ii e receireH mem. iuu rail i ten tlrem good arter bringing tnem home. Twenty-four small cakes are made from this eggy recipe for: ORAXGE QUEEN'S cup butter 1 cup sugar 4 eggs 1 cup sifted flour 2 tablespoons baking powder 1 tablespoon lemon Juice Grated rind 1 lemon Cream the butter. Add the sugar. Beat well. Add eggs on a at a --time, beating after each egg is added. Add sifted flour and baking powcer. Add lemon rind and juice. Beat well Fill muffin pans not over one-third fn. Bake in a moderate oven (3&0 degrees .) about za mi- light bulb I lgi Today's Menu " Cabbage slaw will begin the wlt Cabbare slaw Mlnate steaks Fresh peaa Boiled potatoes with onions Applesauce Ginger cookies MOTHER'S EAST GIXGER COOKIES 1 cup shortening 1 cup brown sugar 1 1 cup mplasses 4 cup warm water 2 teaspoons each soda and ginger 1 teaspoon vanilla 4 teaspoon lemon extract 4 cups flour hi teaspoon salt Cream shortening and sugar, add egg aod untn fluffy stir in molasses and warm water in t.i-1. a 1 Jt i t I ..... .i . ,i ..u d ginger and add gradually to T T., the creamed mixture until smooth dough is formed. Pnt in refrigera- t0r Jnt" j;?ady ', btk The5 plncn off bitSf ron la hands and . wlth f-.w nnk- 9Kft egree Makes about 5 doz V;, w.u C LarrotS Wltn Sauce On Menus Summer carrots will gain va riety when served in some sim ple but less usual way. Here are two interesting recipes. CARROTS FLEMISH STYLE Blanch carrots five minutes to rAmore akins. Cook in cup water 2 tablespoons butter, teaspoon sugar, for Z0 mi- they need th exercise, or be nutes. When soft add 1- egg cause they want to see the conn yolk beaten in 1 cup cream, add try In a truly inexpensive and ft teaspoon chopped parsley, thorough way. Soon we'll know cook until egg thickens the all the bi-roads in our counts m '"' roasted MINTED CARROTS Blanch young carrots by cook- Jng 5 minutes, rub off skins and cut in iong Bhreds; lay in skil- iet witn butter, sprinkle with fronli or drv mint leaves, spa- son. and cook covered until ten- der (about 15 i jiinutes). makes 24 s m a 1 uutes cakes This ORANGE FROSTING M cup orange Juice ' 1 tablespoon grated orange rind 1 teaspoon lemon juice 2 tablespoons melted butter 2 eggs yolks 2 cups powdered sugar Add orange and lemon juice,, rind and butter to beaten yolks, Beat in sugar. Beat thoroughly, Spread over bottom and sides or inverted orange queens. Old Sport Again In Vogue With ' J r Younger Set tune m wiusi sensible, and one I of the most IKI...I. - . I M mm Vab ta Ira fiMtiAMiidail fvtlAAtfrkna 1 a that Rental shops were greatly re- A . ..n.. ,.r.. lu. - uui uv vviKia f i. now to own their own vehicles. U is said that 25 per cent of bicycles bought in the past few years were purchased by women. In larger cities, railroad com- l-anie are encourkging the sport Dy aeiauing special trams is carry the wheels and their ri- derto and from t ?. 8. -no Irom 1 he center of the traffic. Salem of course is one of the lioneer cities in regulating bi cycle traffic and many larger ci ties have found it necessary to license and require permits to pedal, because the bike-auto problem has become an impor tant one. New bicycles have made it an even greater pleasure to go rid ing, and let's hope that this form of simple pleasure-con tin - ea tn ath t. . outdoors people, either because a 1 niiu iieiuava see me more dodu- lated centers of eastern Unite States T Atti Ttantful " - - Ladv and Shi Ts A famous Broadway theatrical 1 lfldy, who now looks back at tnirty years or years of stage stardom. offers this tip to women. Once each day, preferably in the mor , ning, stand In front of your mir ror, raise your chin, pull back your shoulders, and proudly in form your reflection. "I am beautiful." It may not be quite true, but in the privacy of your boudoir you will be allowed the slight white lie, if it serves to bolster your new day, improve your posture and brighten your outlook, all component parts of the woman Of charm. fta Mftu mm return of the popular, inexpen sive and sensible sport of bky cling. The revival of bicycle rid ing as a sport began back la 1933 and is gaining momentum especially in cities. The develop-, xnent of the Youth Hostel, whlc is also gaining ground in this country, encourages the cross country blrycllng, such as done in Europe., New York City recently plan ned 50 miles of additional last for bieycles, to be looped around in the city parks. Chicago has 65 miles of cycle paths in the forest' preserves which skirt the city. PHONE 3194